Payitaht Abdülhamid (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Istanbul A week ago

It's time!

Yildiz Palace

It's been 20 years now.

You remember the first day he ascended the throne, general?

Of course, I do.

He was a prince who nobody thought he would be the sovereign.

The history..

..gave him the sultanate ring.

Then he got so powerful.

He got powerful by waging wars.

He improved the country so much in 20 years.

I wish he would stay for another 20 years.

If he stayed..

If he stayed..

Sultan Abdulhamid Khan!

Victorious forever!

May god help him!

Have good luck and bright future, my sovereign!

Long live with your country!

Enjoy the 20th anniversary of your reign, my sovereign!

As God wishes!

Don't get proud, my sovereign! God is mightier than you!

Time to rest, my sovereign!

Long live with your country!

In the presence of the sovereign,

..let the ceremony begin!

Move away, girls.

Your husband seem very excited, Seniha Sultan.

Serving the sovereign has always made my husband happy.

As the wife of our sovereign,

..I thought you would be happy for that.

But you seem anxious.


Do they still make them kiss the flag?

It's better, senior.

Ottoman sultans used to make foreign ambassadors..

..kiss their feet.

He kissed the sultanate flag for the last time.


Time to stand, my sovereign!

Long live with your country!

The ruler of the believers!

The patron of the people who believe in God!

The servant of Mecca and Medina!

The khalifa of God on the Earth!

Sultan like his father!

The mighty 2nd Abdulhamid!

God strengthen your caliphate!

God make your country everlasting!



-I'm here to see Mr.Herzl. -Yeah.

I'm his wife. What do you want?

-Isn't he home? -No.

Who knows where he is?

Listen, Israel.

Adonai is our god. Adonia is unique.

Our god's words will always show us the right way.


I took my first step to make my dream come true.

Not only mine,

..but also all the Jews' dreams will come true.

They'll have a homeland too.

They will attain the fertile soil of Jerusalem,

..wild waters of Nile,

..and the great blessing of the Euphrates.

The Messiah will show up..

..and Solomon will build the shrine again.

I set such a game up..

..that the rail way in which the sovereign will go to Mecca..

..will carry all the Jews to their homeland.

My servants will..

..capture the railway in a few days.

I wish you would be with me.

I wish you believed your son who loves you so much.

Your mother and I had a fight many times.

You know why?

Because I didn't believe you were my son.

Such an unbeliever like you..

..could never be my son.

You are the unbeliever.

You betrayed our ideals and God.

I didn't believe in a God..

..who speaks when you like,

..who threatens however you like,

..who allows the Jews to shed people's blood..

..for his salvation.

I believe in Jehovah.

The God I believe in is merciful.

He tells you to respect your parents.

He tells you not to kill.

Don't run away, Theodor.

The state of Israel isn't the God's promise.

Yildiz Palace


Come in.

My sultan.

Sorry for disturbance.

I'm listening, general.

The British company sent a telegram.

They got ready for the auction as you ordered.

That paper need to be signed..

..and sent to the British company in the morning.

Imagine, general Tahsin.

A Muslim who takes the train in Sarajevo,

..will go through Istanbul, to Mecca and Medina in a train,

..and will be a pilgrim.

A 6-month road with horses..

..will take only a week.

That's my dream.

Let Muslims' land be heaven to them.

Amen, my sovereign.

In the name of God.

Look at me.

You seem new. That plate is redundant.

The sultan hates wasting. Put it away.

Come on.

Good morning.

Our everlasting country, my sovereign.

-Good morning, daddy. -My pretty daughter.

In the name of God.

Is Abdulkadir not here?

They say you banned..

....another newspaper in the palace, daddy.

What's the harm in this papers?

Say "in the name of God" at first.

In the name of God.

You know who supports this papers, dear prince?

I don't have to know, mom.

I suppose the people who don't agree with our sovereign.


Oh my rebel-minded son.

The question isn't they attack me.

The question is..

..they attack our country and caliphate authority.

Give it to me.

Some news.

News from the newspaper of "Meşveret".

"Caliphate authority isn't valid anymore."

Smoothly, the Indian Muslims.. their religion freely..

..under the rule of Britain.

And there is a picture.

Even an ignorant Muslim..

..knows that you can't get in mosques with shoes.

I won't let them confuse people with fake pictures.

Did you see the news, Sabahattin?

Which one?

The British.

They're having a mosque built in India.

They give freedom of religion to everyone.

And Abdulhamid doesn't like them.

Of course, he doesn't.

According to his idea,

..only the khalifa can build a mosque.

There would be no order of caliphate then.

Empty words.

We should have the idea that the world is our homeland..

..and all the people are our nation.

But we still follow a family..

..with khalifas and sultans.

What's wrong with that family, Sabahattin?

Sabahattin didn't want to say so, my sultan.

The Ottoman dynasty has always been good.

Your ancestors have ruled this nation for 6 centuries.

Especially your brother Abdulhamid Khan.

He is a genius, uniquely.

Sabahattin didn't want to say so.

Don't get angry, mommy. But..

Would I talk smack about the family which I belong to?

What's that word mommy?

Call me mother. (Anne, valide)


Dear mother.

Why don't look at the West?


Look at yourself, first. Eat something. Come on.

I'm sorry, mother.

My sultan.

Oh Mahmud!

Get to the point quickly.

What do you want from my brother?

Shame on you.

Shame on you, Seniha.

What can I want from your brother?

Except giving my service.

What kind of service?



..have thought about the railway issue day and night.

I worked hard.

If your brother Abdulhamid Khan.. me the railway mission,

..our country will benefit much.

What's your interest in this?

I don't have any interest.

I just want the future generations.. pray for me. -Understood.

-Is the fire okay? -I built it, father.

You built the fire.

Your work is done. Time go for you.

A train will come to Sirkeci.

There may be potential customers.

See you.

Ömer. Son.

-Take these gloves. -No, mom.

I can't hold the halter. My hand can slip.

Sweet girl knitted it with care. Come here.

Thank you, Zeynep.

-You bothered for me. -Do not mention it.

You've always taken me and my brother under your wings.

Come on, move!

-Don't close the storefront! -See you.


Don't get involved in fights.

Don't advise him in vain, Lady Asiye.

Your son acts in his own way.

Who does he take after?

The customer is waiting for soup. Shall I?

Stop! You hefty!

Is it easy to escape from the apprenticeship?


My sovereign.

The document you signed about the railway..

..reached to the British company.


Besides, Seniha Sultan desires to see you.

Let her in.

Open it, boy.

Welcome, my Seniha.

How are you? How is general Mahmud?

For our peace,

..we both pray for your health, my sovereign.

I have a request.

Go on.

Mahmut has been bored..

..since he left his job in the courthouse.

When he gets bored, we get bored.

Does he make troubles?

No way.

On the contrary, he's very kind to me.


He wants a mission from you.

I think there is railway issue.

He's working on it these days.

He's calculating the budgets.

He's reading journals to learn.. it's made in Europe and the USA.

If possible..

Is he here?

Of course, he is.

General Tahsin.

Let general Mahmud in.

Are you happy now?

Let us alone to talk about business.

Thanks, my sovereign.

Come in, general.

My sovereign.

Thank you for accepting me in your presence.

Have a seat, general.

You obviously have ideas about the railway.


I worked hard, my sovereign.

There is a distance of 1300 km..

..between Istanbul and Hejaz.

To be able to connect these two destinations,

We need to.. approximately 2500 stone bridges in all dimensions.

As you accept, it's heavy work.

The USA solved this with negro slaves.

The negro slaves who worked for 18 hours with very little food..

..managed that work.

I think it's great productivity.

But we don't have negro slaves.

-General Mahmud. -I'm telling that..

General Mahmud!

Yes, my sovereign.

The ink of "Meşveret" is on your finger.

Thank you.

Don't be afraid. I'm not having you monitored at home.

But that "Meşveret" papers..

..has gone too far about the opposition.

So far that..

..the letters in the printing house has got bigger.

Only they have..

..the kufic typeface of the ink on your hand.

My sovereign.

I read all the newspapers.

As you advised.

I also read that one.

It's very inglorious, fabricator and dishonest..

That railway issue is very significant, general.

Of course.

If we're able to build it as we like,

We'll break the hands of European countries..

..on our homeland.

Seeing someone from family in the head of that job..

..will give me trust.

Analyze the British's offer properly.

Check its suitability for our project.

We'll see then.

I appreciate, my sovereign.

My sovereign.

Can I think I've got the mission?

God give you a long life, my sovereign.

General Mahmud.

Yes, my sovereign.

Before I read the newspapers,

..I make it ironed to prevent the ink on my hand.

Do the same.

Otherwise, god forbid..

It can be on your hand, face..

..and the mind.

Of course, my sovereign.

Of course.

Come, Abdulkadir.

Forget about the palace.

This is banned even in Istanbul.

I shouldn't touch the treasures of the devils.

Even the devils can't fight the freedom.

One day..

This will be a free city like Paris.

Even the devils will celebrate their freedom playing mandolins.

Read these for now.

I'll bring the new journals when they arrive.

Be careful.

If father sees these,

..he will hire devil detectives for us.

We've forgotten "Nas" and "Felak" (Verses about devils in Quran.)

Come on.

I'll wait for you in the evening.

Have a seat, general Mahmud.


I'm busy.

Our sovereign gave me the mission of railway.

I was unemployed for long.

How so?


We expect that general Mehmed will take the mission.


..were even working together.

You keep working.

It's about our country, after all.

The head doesn't matter. Me or..

..the general of wife.

You can't call me the general of wife!

Why did you get into the rage, general?

When I called you the general of wife,

I implied the brotherhood between you and the sovereign.

I didn't have bad intention.

Our sovereign made me general.

If you have a problem, talk to him!

With your excuse.

I had to deal with the telegram, anyway.

By the way,

I'll come on the way back..

..and check your works.

My sovereign.

We had these regions checked.

Turkmenian population mostly.

Alright. Build stations there too.

My sovereign.

We also consulted the shaykh al-islam.

He desires mosques on some locations.

Around the stations in Amman and Tabuk.



General Tahsin.

You heard grand Vizier Halil.

Mark them on the map before the auction.

Yes, my sovereign.

Two things to defend this railway, generals.

The crescent of Islam..

..and the star of Turks.

Sirkeci Train Station.

Your passport, signorina. Welcome to the capital.

The coachman!

You know cafe Lemon?

Of course, madam.

Here you are.

Come on, my lion! Don't embarrass me this time.

You call your horse a lion?

It doesn't walk unless you compliment.


-How are you? -Hello, thanks. You?

Thank you. Have a good day.

It's just he right size.

-This must be a little below. -I brought it.


The telegram, we were waiting from general Mahmud, has arrived.

The sovereign is on the Queen's train.

Send me the route.

He did it. He got the mission.

Tell the men in Istanbul to send the real maps to general Mahmud.

It's been already done, Herzl.

You read the telegram before me again, right?

What's wrong, Mehmed? Won't you say anything, brother?

Our sovereign, our ruler..

..gave the railway mission to general Mahmud.


While we were sleeping,

Seniha Sultan got the job for his husband.

I'm so-called the brother of the most powerful woman in the harem.

Wait a second.

Let us fugire it out first.

Nothing to figure out. What happened happened.

He mocked me in front of general İzzet.


I will request for the dismissal of my general authority.

No way!

I worked hard for you..

..and won't sacrifice you for Seniha!

I'll talk to our sovereign in the breakfast tomorrow.

Really, my sister?

It's so important. Please, sister.

Alright, Mehmed. Don't worry.

I can't stand seeing Seniha in this palace.

What a beautiful girl.

She is made of moonlight.

Here you are, sir.

-It looks delicious. -Bon appetit.

Mr.Herzl says hello and a gift.

He's waiting for good news.

Take the case.

Our dreams are in that case, Sabahattin.

When we give the railway tender to the British,

We will gain their firm confidence.

That's when the doors of the capital's freedom will be open for us.

I don't understand why the British wants the railway so much.

They want to hold all the ways.. the countries to be founded after the Ottoman.

Empires definitely collapses sooner or later.

Don't confuse my mind, Sabahattin.

Grab the case and take it to Abdulkadir's room.

By the way,

Don't forget to entertain our prince.

He must be bored now.

He sometimes bores me too much, father.

I walk around him like a teacher.

That's prince's sense of fun raised by Abdulhamid..

..who perceive the loud-reading of Quran as the entertainment.

Go now.


I'll introduce you to our prince soon.

I can't wait.




-Welcome. -How are you?

I'm fine. Come on, sit.

Come in!

My sovereign.

News came from London with the great seal.

The captain Celal took a duty in Queen's kitchen finally.

Thank god.

We're starting, general Tahsin.

The British oak.. very stiff, Tahsin.

In the name of god.

Two years ago.

Celal. There is a kitchen at the entrance.

You'll enter there first.

Buckingham Palace.

The last door of that kitchen in the south..

..opens to a hall.

Counting 4 doors on the right,'ll enter through the fifth door.

The stairs are not polished well. They creak.

You'll walk on your tiptoes.

They're sure that nobody can enter there..

So you will see no guards.

You'll see three different colored doors.

Taking the key of the door on the right,'ll open the black door.

After going through it, you'll reach the library.

At the straight ahead of you, there will be a old bookshelf.

On the fourth shelf of the eighth line,

..there is leather bible.

When you pull it, a secret door will open.

That's all I know, boy.

I know no more.

It's the secret room of the royal family.

The plans of war and exploitation are in that room.

The British's new world order secrets are hidden in that room.

How did you get so much information, my sovereign?

Each man saw each room.

When I combine what they said,

..It was like I walked in Queen's palace.

My boy,

We've had many martyrs so far.

One of those doors may open to the martyrdom.

If you want to give up,

-You're tired, my sovereign. -General!

I wish there weren't these walls.

I wish I were the son of a farmer, not a sultan.

Then I would fight and die for this country.

I feel sad, general.

When I see the people who sacrifice themselves for our country,

I feel sad.

I wish I were just Hamid, not sultan Hamid.

I would have a close combat with ones trying to sink our crescent.

I was waiting for you. You're late.

Remember the journalist who I told you about?

-Yeah? -I met him.

He is such an idealist.

You should listen to his ideas about the freedom.

You said such a word.

What's that?

We were sitting. He stood up.

He opened his arms in front of everyone.

If the dictator is a fact,

Revolution is our mission.

He said.

Big words.

Even publicly.

Brave one.

When will we meet him?

Tomorrow, I hope. My prince.

If you..

..are able to get out of the palace.

Sabahattin, freedom is..

..the rarest food of the world.

If someone tries to fill his stomach with it,

everyone else will starve.

If my father thinks freedoms belongs only to him,

..he's terribly wrong.

There is another way out of this palace.

Don't worry.


My mother.

You're my Israel.

If I'm Israel, Jews will burn.


I barely stand, son. I can die anytime.

You're gonna live much longer. Don't think so.

It's been a year now.

A year of what?

It's been a year since your father got lost.

Alive or dead?

He left us suddenly.

Forget about that man, mom.

He left us.

He betrayed our god and turned his back to Israel.

He almost misled the sons of Moses.

He said jews don't need a country..

..and they should only live their religion.


I wonder what you are talking to your dotard mother for hours.

She'll hear. Please quiet.

Let her hear.

I'm sick of it. You understand?

You can take here anywhere but here.

You can leave her to your ex-wife.

She said she loved her more.

I can't stand anymore.

Stand beside your father, please.

I fight the mighty Ottoman sovereign. Why?

For all the Jews' sake.

When we found Israel soon,

I'll have huge house built for you.

Your and mom's rooms will be three-day distance by train.

A train will pass through our house?

I can't stand that noise, Benjamin.

Congratulations, general Mahmud.

You took the railway job from the sovereign.

Lord Richard.

I told you you could trust me.

-What do you want now? -Ottoman harbors.

The control of them was given to British companies.. the former sovereigns.

Of course.

But Abdulhamid is trying to find a chance to break the agreement.

But we'll create strong connections with you.. connecting the harbors to the railways.

Abdulhamid will certainly check the routes.

By his order, the routes will be towards..

.. the inner regions where Muslims live.

You're the one who will change it.

Mr.Herzl will be glad for that.

Lord Richard.

I threw my all life to a very strong wind called Abdulhamid.

Be strong with me so that..

..that wind can't blow both of us away.

Don't worry, general Mahmud.

We won't make your name get involved in this.

Yildiz Palace

Good morning.

Our everlasting country, my sovereign.


That table can feed all the capital.

Good morning to everyone.

What a beautiful table.

I feel like a prince now.

I wanted to lay a delicious table for our sovereign.

I want to talk to you about something.

In the name of god.

Have a seat.

These tables exist for that.

I'm listening, my sultan.

That railway business..

We touch general Mahmud, the noise comes from general Mehmed.

But your brother-in-law worked hard for that business.

Do you grudge him that duty for your and country's sake?


If your sister Seniha Sultan.. more precious than me.

My deceased father Abdulmecid.

He got wretched..

because he made his wives get involved in politics.

Don't expect me repeat his mistakes.

If your brother wants to deal with the rail way,

I can appoint him as the governor of Hejaz.

He can check whether the railway reaches there or not.

I crossed the line, sorry.

My intention wasn't interfere with your business.

I just acted with my sisterhood feelings.

You know general Mehmed and I..

..want nothing but your and country's good.

I know, my sultan.

Dear father!

My beautiful daughter, the crown of my joy.

You angry because I'm late for the breakfast?

Of course not. Have a seat.

Aren't you angry?

I'm not.

What if..

I want to go to Çırağan Palace and meet Hatice Sultan?

My beautiful daughter.

You know my precautions about Çırağan.

Call Hatice Sultan here if you want much.

-That's better. -That would be okay too.

You can start.

Çırağan Palace

I'm glad you came, aunt. I missed you so much.

I missed you too. My beauties.

God bless you.

If we didn't have you..

-How is your brother, Hatice? -Unfortunately.

My father is the same.

He didn't show interest no matter what.

He sometimes doesn't get out of his room for days.

Sometimes, he just plays the piano.

If he was healthy,

..he would be the sovereign today.

We wouldn't have to meet secretly like this.

Hatice. It's the fate.

Please don't upset yourself thinking about it.

I live with the dream of getting out of this palace.

But I see it's not possible.

Nobody except you knows about our situation.

No way, Fehime.

Your uncle Abdulhamid always asks about you.

But you also know.

He can't come to you in case of unrest in the country.

So aunt. What will happen to us?

For example, who can we marry?

Nobody knows that we exist, so can't like us.

Whoa! I understand your trouble, my beauties.

I have a solution.


Mating the daughters of the former sovereign.. the duty of the new sovereign.

It's the palace rule.

Can we escape here if we marry?

Of course.

But you can't come here again.

You may not see your father again.

The rules.

My sultan.

Naime Sultan sent a message, inviting you to Yildiz Palace.

Look, sister. We can get out by invitation at least.

Yeah. We get out.

By permission, though.

With guards.

Over the bridge, connecting here with Yildiz.

It means we go nowhere.


Don't let Yildiz know that I come here and go.

Don't let Bidar gossip.

Don't worry.

Nobody will learn.


It's done to the this phase.


I suppose..


With a tiny change..

If we do it behind the hill instead of over it,

We can get rid of these two stone bridges.

-Do it, boy. -Wait a second.

I'm glad you care about the cost.

But we have to care for the military precautions.

Vizier general Rıza. You've been there. Your idea?

I was on duty there to quell the Armenian riots.

Grand Vizier general Halil.

We we make the railway behind the hill,

..we'll stay away from the Muslim people there.

It means military weakness.

After two recent changes,

..the route is quite good.

The locations of station are also good.

It's okay like this for me.

-I also think so. -It's okay.

Then. Tell the engineers..

..process it with these changes.


-My sultan. -My sovereign.

How is it?

Is it as we desire?

Our sovereign.

Our engineers did a great job.

The plan of our engineers.. exactly the same as the British's.

Bridges and stations.

All of them are perfect.

In fact, we've made some changes in the map of British's.

It's appropriate now, actually.


Yes, sovereign.

What about the loan issue of the British banks?

Our company already came with the money to build the railway.

We have no problem.

If you give our company the tender,

..we're ready.


I'll give my decision tomorrow.

Thank you, my sovereign.

Your effort will be appreciated and not forgotten.

This job is so important, generals.

The British makes plays in plays.

They know that railway will strengthen the caliphate..

..and make strong connections between Muslims.

-I hope they can't stop it, My sovereign. -I hope, my sovereign.

But they want it to be built under their control.

These routes and stations.

These will determine the interest fields of ours and theirs.

Of course.


I request..

Don't arrange..

..a tiny route for their benefit.

-Of course, my sovereign. -Our purpose is this.

My sovereign. We already know..

..the importance of this issue.


-General Mahmud. -My sovereign.

Put that map in a case and give it to general Tahsin.

General Tahsin. Put away it to the bookshelf in my harem.

The tender will be signed on this map.

Making changes after the signature..

..will disrepute our country.

Care for it.

-Of course. -Yes, my sovereign.

Put all these maps in this case. Okay?

Go work now.

Your brother general Mehmed is here, my sultan.

Let him in.

My father's dagger.

I sometimes think..

Could we be happier in the Caucasian mountains?

Now that you think about the past,

Our sovereign thinks his sister's words are more valuable than his wife's.


The sovereign made an offer in the railway for you.

My dear sister. My sultan.

You took a real duty for me?

I did.

I can't thank you enough.

What did our sovereign order?

Our sovereign said..

He could appoint you as the governor of Hejaz, you could check whether the rail way reached there or not.


I got involved in state affairs..

..and got a scolding because of you, Mehmed.


None of my business.

General Mahmud works for the railway auction instead of me.

His wife Seniha talks to someone in Çırağan Palace.

Everyone plays the tricks.

But we sit.

What did you just say?


Did she enter Çırağan Palace?

I've got pigeons!

I've got tumbler pigeons! They never stop!

I sell heaven birds for 10 pennies.

One money buys 4 horseshoes. Let your horse fly!

No shoes for you! Others earn much money.

I just wander around here.


-What's going on? -Give the money, priest.

That's church's money. You can't take it.

Take my money.

Leave the church's money though.

You raise again.

The sunday is working for you, anyway.

The eastern dogs! Give the poor man his money.

Not his, but god's money.

We're also servants of god.


-Give me a big one. -Alright.

Make the horse eat it, man.

I've come!

You're late, Ömer.

I was already gonna come to you.

What about drinking coffee?

Let's stir them up first.

Ömer. Is your head okay?

It's okay. But my hands hurt.


Take this.

Take this too.

Any news from Celal?

Unfortunately, my sovereign.

We were supposed to meet in Salonika.

-I hope nothing happened. -Shh.

Don't give your tongue negative words.

What sustained your father Gazi Osman Pasha in Pleven..

..was his hope and belief.

He resisted and didn't surrender.

We have to take everything into notice, of course.

Celal went.. taking the chance of martyrdom.

If he doesn't return,

he can be a martyr at the end of this road.

-You.. -I..

I'm ready for the duty, my sovereign.

I can go anytime you like.

Thank you, son.

But the way is too long.

You'll go to the Britain.

You'll be accepted there.

You'll go to Queen's palace.

You'll change your identity.

Years may pass.

My sovereign.

I have only a father and mother to leave crying behind me.

I have nobody else.

If I know my parents as my homeland, will get easier.

Thank you, son.

I hope Celal will return and we won't need that.

You can go out.

General Tahsin.

-I need a new coat. -Why?


I won't wash that one.

Here you are, Ömer.

My coffee is delicious.

Thanks, Ferman Agha.

You bothered.

Who did we fight?

The dogs of Armenian gang.

They wanted money from the poor priest.

You saved a priest from Armenians then?

Thanks to you.

If you weren't there, they would beat me.

I just accelerated the inevitable final.

Thank you, my lad.

Look around you, Ömer.

People from 72 nations live here.

This is the capital.



The Kurdish, The Bosnian,

The Albanian,

Jews, Greeks,


No matter what langue, religion or nation they have,

We are all brothers in homeland.

Everyone will learn how to respect each other, beautifully.

You can't do it with bullying, threatening and violence.

You're right.

-Where is Yusuf? -In the dungeon.

Because of his debt.

-Rooster fight again? -Damn right.

An addiction.

His rooster died fighting recently. I felt sorry for the poor animal.

It got saved, though.

We'll see. He swore he would never do it again.

-How much? Whoa! -20 golds.

We'll handle it somehow.

The income is not good recently, though.

Take this. 5 golds here.

I didn't say that to ask money.

I'm not giving it to you.

Why don't you accept? For Yusuf.

Take it, come on.

What can I say?

Thank you.


What's wrong?

I forgot the horse in the market. Thanks.

Come on. Run!

Did it eat all of them?

Yeah, it finished them all.

Shameless boy! You finished all his apples!

Which of you will pay?

What's up?

I have a business outside tonight.

What about guards? Do they know?

No, mom.

I'll be alone.

I want to be free.

I don't want to feel father's breath on my neck out there, at least..


Your father take these measures for you.

Some people don't like him! Remember that.

Please, mom.

No discussion.

I'll get out and return secretly.

Now that you act so sensitively,

I think you don't want to say where you are going.

Where are you going?

We'll meet a friend of Sabahattin.

To talk baout politics.

Who knows..

I can get the sultanate one day.

You don't want your son to be not prepared, right?

I must be a absolute sultan when I ascend the throne.


Okay. Get out.

But don't let your father know.

There isn't only one way out of this palace.

As I said, get out and return secretly.

What's that, son?

It must be Sabahattin's. I think he forgot.

Care for him. I don't like him at all.

Her mother also goes to Çırağan secretly.

Mom. Please.


The neckline is a little open? Should we close it?

That's a trend this year. You decide.

-Welcome girls. -How beautiful you are!

Thank you.

I had it sewed especially. The work of a new fashion house.

So Naime.

For whom?

For nobody.

It's enough. You can move away.

Will you wear it? Shall I help you undress?

I'll keep it.

What's up, Naime?

What's the reason of your excitement and smiles?

You all will learn when the time comes.

I think you can't keep away from this palace, Seniha Sultan.

You're right, Lady Bidar.

Even you who joined our dynasty later..

..attached to it.

Think about the real owners of the dynasty.

But it seems you can't keep away from Çırağan, either.

My nieces.

-I went for my nieces. I didn't see my brother Murad.

Okay. Don't get so afraid.

If you tell your husband to work together with my brother,


-Are you threatening me? -Not threatening.

Just an offer.

By the way, keep your son Sabahattin away from my prince.

-What is this place, Sabahattin. -Come here, my prince.

Let's have some fun.

My prince. The man I told you about.


Samir. Abdulkadir.

A pleasure to meet you.

On one hand, me seeking for freedom in the streets..

On the other hand, the son of a man..

..who imprisoned the freedom in his palace.

Too early to talk about politics.

Guys. Let's have fun.

Come on!


Not that much.

The prince seems religious.

He can't stand even seeing it.

If you a lover of freedom,'ll free your mind at first.

Look at my brother!


You can't stand here without tobacco.

-How you doing? -Just working.

Look. Ferman gave 5 golds for your debt.

God bless him.

-Good man. -He is good, but..

You should stop rooster fight.

I already did.

I see my deceased rooster Kazım in my dreams.

He says he will call me to account in afterlife.

Bullshit! How did he speak without a mouth?

Just a dream, man.

I can't talk seriously to you.

I carried a girl, today.

From Sirkeci to Lebon.

You should have seen her.

The beginning of the beauty.

If I had a beauty calendar, I would write her name on everyday.

-What are you saying? -Beautiful to see.

Devil to love.

Her voice..

..composed by Itri with the bird singing.

And she has good manners.

Like a carpet woven in the manner desk.

Oh man! You're in love.

Let me go now.

By the way,

Zeynep knitted them, wear those gloves.


My sister cares for me.


Say hello Zeynep, Asiye and Asım.

-Thanks. -I'll get you out.

People become free when living and death is the same.

Religions, laws and countries hold people by fear.

We'll become free when we take the risk of dying.

They'll die against who?

Your father, for example.

What are you saying?

Don't get me wrong. Your father is just an example.

It's not your or your family's fault.

It's people's fault.

Unless they want more freedom,

Nobody will give them freedom.


Don't talk about that now.


Is the woman at back looking at you?

Are you looking at our table?

-Who are you? -Let me show.

Where are you going, Mahmud?

I'm gonna sit with the British.

I work to serve the country day and night.

You do good then.



Can you include Bidar's brother Mehmed into the job?

He may help you.

You didn't used to like Bidar and her brother?

-What happened? -I still don't.

I don't. But just..

Tell me. What happened?

Bidar knows I went to Çırağan.

She threatened you to tell the sovereign.

You had to accept, right?

I just don't want any unrest.

Don't worry.

Your husband..

..will be so powerful soon that..

Both Bidar and her brother..

..will have to get an appointment to see you personally.

Who is responsible for this?

Aren't you ashamed of disturbing the peace?

I want to speak with your permission.


On your ear.

I'm the husband of British Queen.

He says to be son of the sovereign.

What would he do in such inappropriate places?

Take him.

Teach him some manners.

-Welcome, general. -Sit down.

A misunderstanding. Our nephew didn't get involved in this.

Your nephew?

My prince.

You should have told me.

I told you, officer!

My prince.

If I hear anything about this somewhere, will find yourself showing ways to the camels in Fezzan deserts.

Of course, general.

My prince.

Coachman! Go to Yildiz.

Thank you, uncle.

Sabahattin got disappeared.

You know.

He came to me, when things got messed.

I'm glad he did.

Otherwise, this would be a scandal in the morning all over Istanbul.

No way, uncle.

Tell nobody about this.

If father knows, he'll burn me.

He'll burn terribly, my prince.


We have to get in the palace secretly.

I got that. I know a way.

You leave me to the garden walls of the palace.

No way. I have to protect you tonight.

I'll escort you to your room.

Thank you.

Your friend sir Doyle sent us a coopy of his last book.

IS that so?

The last adventure of Sherlock Holmes?

Not in the market yet.


With all my respect to the owner of the capital...

Signature Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Have it translated quickly.

Yes, my sovereign.

Generals are waiting for you.


It's like a maze.

Even if you know they exist, you can't enter here easily.

Because if you get lost, you will never see the sunlight again.

You know them very well, my prince.

That's normal, uncle.

I've spent my life..

..using this maze to run away from the father.

Don't be so cruel.

Our sovereign does everything for our sake.






Berlin, Paris.


Then the new continent America.

It'll connect them all.

If we build the railway,

All the trade in the world will follow this old Silkroad.

My sovereign.

If we finish it,

The British's geographic discoveries and the world's exploitation order..

..will lose their significance.

An item produced in India..

..without need for British ships,

..will get in the world market by train.


Sometimes religious men,

..sometimes soldiers,

Sometimes tradesmen..

..ruled the world.

The Vatican during the crusaders.

My grandfather Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror ended their reign.

The Ottoman ruled the world for 4 centuries.

Actually, those times passed.

The tradesmen..

..will rule the world now.

For this reason,

..the railway is significant.

Who is there?

My father's order.

The guards yell "who is there" every half an hour.

So my father knows they are on duty or not.

My god.

A stranger would run away, if he heard it, of course.

My prince.

Even I don't know his secrets even though I'm his general for years.

Even my mother doesn't know all my father's secrets.

Thank you for everything, uncle.

I won't forget that.

I hope you find your way.

I think you won't sleep here.


I'll get out, my prince.

I'm waiting for the silence.

Is this Sabahattin's case?

Yes. He came and forgot.

Let me take it.

Why should you at this hour?

You can take it later.

He was looking for it.

If you let me, my prince.

Can I take it now?

Good night, my sovereign. God rest you.

My sovereign.

That part. Mosul, Kirkuk and Jarabulus.

Afşin and Hatay.

That part's population is so mixed.

Arabs, Armenians,

..Turks and Kurds live together.

If the route comes over here.. will be a field for foreign spies.

They can provoke people.

Any military precaution?

Not military,

..but social precautions.

Of course, we'll place our soldiers around.

We'll open schools and mosques.

We'll refresh the trust of tribes and local people.

I apologize, my sovereign.

Captain Celal has arrived who is missing for 2 years.

He wants to see you.


Sultan Hamid.

After you sign, you will get a shock.

The mission was carried out, my sovereign.

Welcome, boy.

Let me hug you.


You opened a new door in London.

I'll open a new door for you in this palace.

Come with me.

-Who are you? -My general.

Please don't tell anyone.

They will fire me if they learn I ate sausages.

I felt hungry and I couldn't help myself.

My general?

Do you know me?

If I say I saw you in the kitchen,'ll get fired.

But if you say you saw me in the kitchen,

..I'll die.

Come here!

My general.

Please don't.

With the outline you drew,

..I entered the politics room of the royalty.

Even though I couldn't check everything,

I saw the British's snake intentions about our country.

-What did you see? -I understood that..

The biggest purpose of the royalty is you and your caliphate.

My sovereign. We're in 1896.

But the date of the map was 1901.

And it's written on top "the world of the new century."


A new Israel on Palestine.

Bulgaria borders start from Yeşilköy.

The Greeks is here. They own all the islands.

Including Crete and Izmir.

A new Macedonian state.

And The Great Serbia.

The Bosnian Muslims are in this country.


Cyprus directly belong to the Queen.

A new country in Syria.


Tunisia. Colonies.


Ağrı, Van, Bitlis and Batum.

My sovereign.

On Hejaz, Mecca and Medina,

..a British soldier was drawn holding the caliphate flag.

And Istanbul.

The capital.

Another country is there. With an Orthodox cross.

To us. Here as Turkey.

From Bilecik to Amasya.

From Ankara to Trabzon.

That's all.

My sovereign. I understood..

The Britihs's only purpose is to capture the caliphate flag..

..and ruin our country.

And we're alone.

It's the war between void and god.

The void has never won it.

Let the war begin.

It's a big day.

When the sultan signs those papers,

..the history will change our fate.

Your service will never got forgotten, general.



The lord of land and sea!

The caliphate on the Earth!

Abdulhamid Khan!

Victorious forever!

It's a significant day for our country.

It's the miracle day..

A muslim will set out from Medina smelling the prophet..

..will give that smell to Damascus and Baghdad,

..and will bring it to Istanbul.

Then to Skopje.

..then to the heritage of my conqueror grandfather, Bosnian Palace.

May god not make us ashamed.

-Amen. -Amen.

My sovereign.

If you let me,

Our British friends will present you a gift..

..before the signature.

When the railway construction finishes,

They will give us..

..two locomotives and ten wagons.

It seems the Queen knows how to please Ottomans.

Let's sign.

Yeah. Another one here.


My sovereign.

General Tahsin.

Bring the maps to sign.

-Have a seat. -Come over here, boy.

Here you are, my sovereign.


Here you are.

Here you are.

What's that, general?

Pardon me, my sovereign.

General! Are you sleeping?

The route's changed.

The station in Palestine.. on the harbor, not in Jerusalem.

What's that?

These aren't our maps, my sovereign.

I have good news for the Queen.

She doesn't have to..

..give two locomotives and ten wagons to the Ottomans.

No way. I don't accept.

We agreed with your generals.

The money is ready. We announced the signature to the market.

You'll pay a heavy price for that, sovereign.

A heavy price!

Your mouth needs to be shut.

Get out! Get out of here!

What's that?

These aren't our maps, my sovereign.

I have good news for the Queen.

She doesn't have to..

..give two locomotives and ten wagons to the Ottomans.

No way. I don't accept.

We agreed with your generals.

The money is ready. We announced the signature to the market.

You'll pay a heavy price for that, sovereign.

A heavy price!

Your mouth needs to be shut.

Get out! Get out of here!

You stay general Mahmud!

Here you are.

There is a shop more suitable over there, damsel.

Take a look there, if you like.

I'm telling you.

These aren't suitable for you.

I decide what is suitable for me.

Wrap them up.

I see you like these dresses.

But they are expensive.

I want this too.

This one was sewed for her owner.

-I pay more. -Not possible.

How would you find that money?

Don't worry about that.

How did you find these golds?

-Will you get me in trouble? -You know who..

My sultan sent me here.

-She gave me these golds. -Which sultan?

What's her name?

Please, no more questions.


Don't share this anyone.. she will keep buying from you.

She shouldn't worry.

I want this too.

I seek forgiveness, my sovereign.

How can I say?

They played with us.

Not us, general. They played with you.

I don't know how to express my embarrassment.

I know I couldn't give the necessary importance..


Enough, general.

God bless you, my sovereign.

My sovereign. With your excuse, did you realize that?

The last journal..

..caused me to look at maps more carefully.


My sovereign.

Your reaction to Lord Richard.

Don't you think it was an overreaction?

That English wrench won't say that to anyone because of his shame.

You also know, general.

When they get slapped by us,

..they will never get better.

Stop the car.

Be careful, man.

Pardon us, madam.

The coachman didn't realize the hole.

What kind of rudeness is that? You should have driven..

..more carefully?

You're right.

Let me take you where you go.

No need.

Please, go to your car. I'll handle it.

Please, madam.

They say diamond is diamond in the mud.

It's true.

Look at my luck.

I wonder who he is.

A 100-year wine. From Porto grapes.

The best for the celebration.

You will need to get drunk instead of the celebration, Herzl.

A telegram's come.

You know. I don't drink too much because of my belief.

Your belief can't you balance this time.

You'll see the bottom of bottle.

What do you mean?

-The sovereign realized the changed maps. -How?

It doesn't matter how, Herzl.

He just did.

100-year wine.

Don't fall in a heap. You're gonna get in the war yourself soon.

-Bon appetit. -I'm fine, Celal Agha. Welcome.


Welcome, boy.

What brings you here?

I missed your soup.

Have a seat.

Where have you been, dude?

Oh my brother.

I was in Europe for a duty.

They'll think it's Paris.

It must be Skopje.

No way, Ömer.

Our sovereign must have sent Celal for deep cover.


The sovereign should send officers to Balat firs.

Then he can take care of Europe.

Your old man couldn't like the sovereign.

-Where is Yusuf? -In prison.

-Again? -Yeah, again.

He has a big debt this time. I work with his coach.

-I couldn't save the one fifth of the money. -He won't smarten up.

Nothing to do. He is my half brother.

My lad!

What's going on, sister?

I told you we would be the most beautiful girls of the dynasty.


I bought you this. Don't you want to try it?

They are magnificent, sister.

Where did you find them?

From the biggest fashion house in Beyoglu.


I got out of the palace and went to Beyoglu.


The dresses didn't come out of nowhere.

Are you aware of the dangers of this?

If they learn you got out of the palace,

God forbid.

I got out like nobody could recognize me.

Your fearlessness worries me.

Don't spoil our joy, Fehime.

Look at that dress. Isn't it amazing_

It suits you very well.

What happened to it?

Like a fate's joke.

On the way back,

A horseman spattered mud on me.

As soon as I started grumbling, A handsome man got out of the coach.

I think he was a high-rank general.

-What did you do? -What could I?

I wished the ground would swallow me up.

I looked for a hole with cheap clothes.

And he offered me to take me where I would go.

-I said no and turned my back. -Oh my sister.

I wish he could see me with this dress.

Even a sack would be nice on you, my sultan.

Cheap clothes can't cover your beauty.

-Thanks, Dilber. -What's this, sister?

A man's kerchief.

He gave me.

To wipe the mud on me.

He seems so kind.

He was.

You used to find here dirty, my sultan.

Something strong must have brought you here.

I suppose you wanted to celebrate that you were proved right.

It's not about being right, my sultan.

I don't want you to get sad.

General Mahmud and his family upset you enough, already.

They say he messed up everything.

I don't think general Mahmud is guilty in the railway issue.

If you imply that.

I sense something, though.

Call it a woman sense..

..or whatever you want.

But I want to protect you.

How differently can I show my love to you?

Your peace is my peace.

Your joy is my joy.

Your grief is my grief.

My source of happiness. My soul.

My precious. The joy of my heart.

My sultan.

I hold your compliment..

..smell and bury them in my heart.

But I have a problem.

I'm listening.

M y sovereign.

I didn't told you not to disturb your peace.

But I can't hide it anymore.

They saw your sister Seniha Sultan in Çırağan.

They even say that she frequently goes there.

I know.

I let her.

Don't keep yourself busy with such things.

Come in.

Yes, general.

They're here, my sovereign.

Whenever I approach a woman with my soul,

I crash the accounts in their minds, eventually.

The creation or character?

The creation. Women's creation, my sultan.

In the palace or the woman milking the cow in the village.

The education is needed to understand their minds.

But I've never seen a man who graduated from that school.

My god.

Something happened in this palace last night.

The map changed.

While we thought the railway would go to Hejaz,

-It almost went to London. -What does the British want from us?

To capture the caliphate flag.

They want to extinguish our crescent.

If they have a plan, God also does.

Kemalettin, my boy.

Celal brought the locations of armories..

..and the cruical headquarters.

He took their military plans.

In this map,

..the locations of British headquarters in India are marked.

If there is no peace for Muslims,

..the Queen won't sleep well.

It's your duty, boy.

Send the Muslim brothers in India..

..the locations of crucial British headquarters.

In the name of god.

Tell them to wave the caliphate flag in the battlefield.

..and to know that their caliphate is with them.

Yes, my sovereign.

General Tahsin.

Advertise in the European newspapers.

A company in Istanbul started to sell..

..the medicine produced to heal..

..the insomnia of the royal family.

Yes, my sovereign.

Murder, my sultan. Murder.

Don't tell anyone about this.

I will tell the sovereign.

What will you say?

Lady Bidar.

One of our girls, Makbule was murdered.

We're the servants of god and will return to him.

I didn't want our girls to even get slightly hurt.

We're afraid of getting punished by god..

..when a wolf eats a sheep on the Euphrates bank.

A girl under your responsibility was murder.

Shame on you.

Lady Bidar.

If she has, take her relatives in the palace.

Give salary to them.

They're also our relatives now.



Wake up. Abdulkadir.


Which way did you use to enter the palace last night?

What's going on?

Which way did you use?

I used the cellar.


One of the servant girls was founded dead in the cellar.


Stabbed. Was anyone with you?

Were you alone?

I was alone.

My sovereign.

Speak, boy.

The brothers in India..

..will move tonight.


For God!