Otonari no tenshi-sama ni itsu no ma ni ka dame-ningen ni sareteita ken (2023–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - A Gift from the Angel - full transcript

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And so...

I want to ask you something.

You know the big day in February, right?

Do you mean the final exam?

How can a high school guy in the best part
of his life always think about exams?

I don't know if this is
the best part of my life.

But it's normal to think of
exams as a student.

Any high school guy enjoying
his youth would think of Valentine's Day.

I'm not enjoying it, so I wouldn't know.

Stop it.


What is it you wanted to ask?

I'm wondering what kind of
chocolate to give to Itsuki.

In middle school, I just melted the
chocolate and hardened it again.

But as a high schooler, I should
do something a little fancy.

Why don't you just ask Shiina about it?

I will ask her too.

But you are a guy after all.

I want your opinion on this.

What do you mean after all?
I am a guy, obviously.

I think a real guy would try to
flirt with a girl when they are alone.

That can only happen
when the girl feels comfortable.

And we are not even in
that kind of relationship.

I guess you are well brought up, Amane.

You understand healthy boundaries.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't
have any feelings toward Mahiru.

But still...

I'm not so stupid as to act on them.

I don't want to make her cry or hate me.

Because those are the feelings
she's bound to have.

I'll remember to give you
some chocolate as well.

What kind do you like?

I don't really care for sweet stuff.

Just don't make it too sweet.

Not too sweet?

Got it.

I'll add different things inside.

Don't add anything strange in it.

Don't worry, it's all edible.


Who will you give chocolate to, Mahiru?

To some of my girlfriends in class.

Not to any guy?

There would be unnecessary
commotion if I did.

I will give you one too.

You are the best!

I'll give you some too.

I'll give you proper chocolate,
unlike what I'll give Amane.


I'm just kidding.

I'll make sure yours is edible too.

Being edible is completely
different from being delicious.

Look forward to it.

This is for you, Kadowaki.

Please accept my chocolate.

I made these for you too.


These are for you as well.

Thank you.

Taste mine first.

-No, have mine first.
-I was here first.

Isn't that amazing?

He's the popular one.

The other guys are gritting
their teeth as we speak.

It's not easy for a popular guy.

It'll take lots of effort to
bring those back home.

This has always been the case
since middle school.

It's amazing that he never gains weight.

He's in the track team after all.

I would never have to worry about
gaining weight from chocolate.

Chi has made your chocolate.

Be prepared.

What do you mean prepared?

Russian roulette.

What did she put in it?

One chocolate with habanero,
wasabi, and pepper.

One with umeboshi extracts jelly.

And all the rest are normal.

What is she doing?

By the way,
will you get chocolate from that girl?

I don't know.

I haven't seen any sign of it yet.


Amane, this is for you.

Thank you.

Itsuki must have told you.

But look forward to what's inside.

I don't really like spicy stuff.

There are some super sweet
and super bitter one's as well.

Thank you for telling me in advance.

Chi, don't you think it's too...

It's fine.

There are some
palate cleansers in there too.

Palate cleansers?

We are going then, bye.

Good luck.

Hurry up, Itsuki.


Fujimiya, what is it?

Nothing much.


That's what I use for shopping.

Isn't it what you were looking for?

No, you are right...

I see.

It must be tough. Good luck.

Did you hit the jackpot?

I've been trying to finish them
over the last few days.

Look at me now.

Sorry to hear that.

But if you've seen hell already,
all the rest is heaven.

Here, drink this to wash it down.


Similar stuff.

This is chocolat chaud...

So basically, hot chocolate.

You saved me.

It's good.

I'm glad to hear.

I didn't know you can
make hot chocolate though.

You usually make hot milk, right?

Yeah... I guess.

Did you make this for Valentine's Day?


Thanks. You are my savior.

It's really good.

What's wrong?

Well... I...

I'm going home.

What did I do?

This is my gesture of gratitude
for being in your care all this time.

It seems you dislike sweet food.

So I made something easy to eat.

These are called orangettes,
and I hope they suit your tastes.

I don't really care for sweet stuff.

Just don't make it too sweet.


So delicious.




Kadowaki and Fujimiya?

Why are they together?

That's rare to see.

I thought Fujimiya only
ever talked to Akasawa.

Thanks for the help yesterday.

No worries.

It must have been tough for you.

It's fine.

Anyway, you helped me out.

I just wanted to say thank you.

Don't worry about it.

We should help each other
out when we are in trouble.

Don't worry.


I'm going to swoon!


Did you help Yuta with something?

He was overwhelmed by the amount of
chocolate he received.

So I gave him my shopping bag.

I guess he received more than he expected.
How naive.

So you have shopping bags
with you at all times?

Looks like you're raising a household.

I guess I'm being influenced
by a certain somebody.

It's great to have a partner
that can take care of the house.

She's not my partner.

How's Chitose with household chores?



If she doesn't act on
any strange impulses,

I guess she probably can manage it.

You mean she's capable of
not doing anything crazy?

That's what makes her cute though.

Don't look away.

She said she'll get her act together
when we get married.

God knows how long it'll
take for your dad to approve.

It's rare nowadays to see parents
who are so strict about dating.

He was displeased to know that
we plan to get married in the future.

I'll try to convince him
when I'm an adult.

I know you're not going to
give up until he gives up.

Do your best.

You too.

For what?

You and her, right?

We are not in that sort of relationship.


I'm back.

Welcome home.

Thanks for yesterday.
It was really tasty.

That's good.

What do you want in return?

I didn't give you that for a return gift.

I know.

I would like to repay your kindness.

It's embarrassing for a guy
not to give anything back.

I have received lots from you.

Actually, you've done so much for me.

You cook for me all the time.

You're always taking care of me.

I do it because I like it.

You probably don't realize
what you've done for me.

But I felt it. So that's sufficient.

But that's a different story.

Well, I'll think of
something you'll like.


Don't get your hopes too high though.


I'll cherish whatever you give me.

Don't exaggerate...

I cherish that teddy bear.

Teddy bear...

I'm glad.

Speaking of gifts, I don't know
when your birthday is.

My birthday?

It's November 8th.


We had already
known each other by then, right?


So why didn't you tell me?

You didn't ask.

You never told me your birthday too.

I only found out from your student ID.

Anyway, we weren't as
close as we are now.

It would've been strange
if I mentioned my birthday then...

Well then...

I'll celebrate your birthday this year.

Are you promising
to stay with me until then?

I don't... dislike you...

I feel comfortable being with you.

I see. Thanks.

I don't mean anything by it.

Of course, I know that.

May I help you?

I'm looking for something appropriate
to gift for White Day.

I'm all ears.

She's not a girlfriend.
But we are rather close.

Do people appreciate receiving jewelry
from someone other than their lover?

I think it'll be alright
if you are close friends.

May I recommend you
a few popular items among the ladies?

Yes, please.

Why did you change your hairstyle?

Today is White Day after all.

Did I make it too formal?

I thought I should dress up a bit.

Did I mess it up?

I can change it back if you don't like it.


It's okay. I was just a little shocked.

I see.

I should change it back
if it makes you uncomfortable.

No, just keep it like that.

It's just...

It's just that you look
unnecessarily handsome.


Your usual style makes me more relieved.

I feel nervous seeing you like this...

I'll go change it then.

No, just keep it.

This is my return gift.

Don't have too much hope though.

Thank you.

Can I open it now?



You don't like it?

Yes, I do like it.

It's lovely.

That's good.

I chose this one because
I thought it'd suit you.

Thank you.

What's this?

Ah, that?

I thought a bracelet wouldn't be enough.

I've been in your care all this while.

The least I can do is grant your wish.

I'll do anything you want coupon.

Did you draw this yourself?

Shut up.

I know I'm bad at it, okay?

It's very you.

Can I use the coupon now?

What would you like?

Please help me put this on.

I'll do it even without
the coupon though.

Leave it to me.

It suits you well.

Thank you very much.


Was she happy?

I guess.

Your reaction means it went well.

I guess you caught her fancy
and saw her adorable smile.

See? You two are becoming closer.

I'm pretty happy about it.

Seems like the god of love
has finally come to you.

It's not like that.

But it's possible
that she like you, right?

It's not possible.

As your friend, I'll make a prediction.


You'll change someday.

Actually, you are showing
signs of it already.

All that's left is for you
to take the next step.

You talk like you know me.

How many years have we been friends?

Not even a year.


you are always saying
you're not a match for her.

But your words and attitude

basically mean that you
have feelings for her.

Shut up or I'll shove
the fries up your nose.


You came home late today.

Are you some newlywed wife?

I went to have fries with Itsuki.

But it's dinner time.

Don't worry. I'll finish everything.

You are not worried about getting fat?


It might be better for you to gain
some weight since you are so thin.

You are the one who
should gain some flesh.

I'm worried about you.

I'm stronger than I look.

Are you sure?

Look. That's how thin you are.


You must hate people
touching you like that.


I don't hate it if it's you.

Not that I want you to touch me.

I just don't want other guys to touch me.

Oh, by the way...

You aren't wearing the bracelet?

No, I'm not demanding that you do.

It's a bit inconvenient to
wear it while doing housework

and it will get damaged easily that way.

I want to treasure it and
only wear it on rest days.

I see.

If you like it, I'm glad.

I do and I will cherish it.

The teddy bear, the key pouch,
and the bracelet.

I have been using the
hand cream a lot though.

I'll go get changed.


I'll be waiting, Amane.

She's really like a newlywed wife.