Max Steel (2013–2015): Season 1, Episode 9 - Extroyer Unleashed - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Hey, lew!
Who do you like Tuesday?

Mah, my money's on the hogs
to go all the way...

You kiddin'?

No way they make
the playoffs.

Not with russell at center.

You gotta admit, the kid's got
some pep in his step, ah!

- [slurp]
- and cotton between
his ears.

[crash sounds]


Probably those sewer rats

They're almost as messy
as you!

If only the boss'd pony up
for an exterminator...

I don't wanna see the rat
that did that!

[deep growl]







If you value your puny life,


- [terrified screams]
- [roars]

[running cries]

I am vengeance!

I am destruction!

I am extroyer!

Let's go turbo!

I'm max mcgrath.

Here's my buddy steel.

Yeah, he's an alien.

I generate the power,

Steel has the alien
tech to control it.

Together, we combine
into awesome turbo modes.

Take on the bad guys.

Save the world.

You know, hero stuff.

We are max steel.

Its eyes...

I'll never forget

Those eyes...

Like a demon's...

Tell me again how some
rinkadink break-in

Is any of n-tek's business?

When the break-in's prime
suspect looks like this...

What is that thing?

Whoa, what a mess!

A bit like your room.

Minus the smelly tube socks.

What is it?

I'm not sure.

It's not human...

But not animal either.

I can't match it to any living
specimen in my data files.

Whatever it was,
it was trying to get in here.

And completely clean it out.

Not completely.


It's a next-gen

This bad boy was in
development at thi

Back when dredd was
running the place

But it was never put
into production.

So, how did it end up
in a vault across town?

I can answer that.

Turns out dredd set up a bunch
of shell corporations

To hide thi's assets.

This lab, paragon research,
was one of these shells.

I'm sending you a list of
the others I've found so far.

But what was dredd building
in these labs?

That part's not so clear--

Whoa, check it out!

Most of these places have been
hit in the past few weeks!

By the same thing that
raided the paragon labs?

Uh, lemme just hack into
the police digi-files...

And how.

So someone's coordinating these
break-ins against dredd.

Whatever dredd was developing,
he went to a lot of trouble

To keep it secret.

Which means it's bad news.

It could mean even worse news

If it winds up
in the wrong hands.

So what's the game plan?

We hunt down these
monster beasts?

Launch an all-out offensive?

Go turbo on
their furry behinds?

No, we stake out the remaining
labs and...



We watch.


We watch?

It's not all blasting
lasers and kicking butt

In this job, kid.


Kale chips, check.

Nori crackers, check.

Roasted red pepper hummus,

Ah! You thoroughly
disgusting me, check.

what? I've seen the movies!

This is what ya do
on stakeouts.

No, what you do is stay quiet
and keep a low profile.

- So shush!
- Sheesh, fine, alright.

[shivers] can I at least
turn on the heat?

It's kinda chilly in here--

[alarm wailing]

whoa! Da! Not the heat! Oops!

No! Turn it off!

All better.

That gets us back to being
perfectly miserable.

Man, what crawled up
your sprockets?

Sorry, it's just...

Looking out here
at the stars...

I can't stop thinking
about that spacecraft

Water elementaur
was building ...

And his ultralink.

How am I connected?

Look, steel, I know
it can't be easy

Not knowing where
you came from.

Growing up like I did,

I had a lot of
questions too--

- Quiet!
- Hey, I'm just trying
to relate here!

No, I heard something.

Is this our guy?

That's not the creature
from the security footage.

Hey! You!



I would advise not
to interfere with me!

Have we met?




What is he doing?


That is our man!

And I use the word "man"
quite loosely.

Just another reason to...
Always neuter your pets.



Whoa! Looks like someone
skipped lunch!


Save the wisecracks...

Before we get cracked!

[fighting grunts]

Shall we?

Thought you'd never ask!

Go turbo.


[fighting grunts]

[fighting grunts]

[alarm wailing]


No lying down on the job!

Who is this guy?


Troy winter?!
And the ultralink!

Go turbo flight!


Dredd's a hard guy
to get a bead on.

But his tech sure isn't.

Since I can't find him,

I'll just wait 'til he comes
looking for me...

Then make him pay
for what he did!


You got another tip for me?

Yeah, 'nother one
of dredd's labs.

On canal street.

He's gonna be taking delivery
on some fancy new tech stuff

At midnight tonight.

I'll be there.

I hope whatever
mr. Winter paid you

To turn on us was worth it...

But then again, is anything
worth your life?


[panic cries]

No need to answer now.

You'll have a long,
long time to think it over.

So, you're saying
that troy winter

Has been behind all
these break-ins?

That's right.

But not the troy winter
we've come to know and love.

A new, gnarled up version
of him!

He had what looked to be an
ultralink embedded in his body.

My guess - it's the device
he stole from you.


But all that surveillance
footage we saw...

Right, that creature...

Yeah, well apparently
the new troy winter has a--

Way with animals.

A way to become one.

To harness their strength
and savagery.

- But how is he doing it?
- We don't know.

I wouldn't have believed it
myself unless I'd seen it.

And felt it.

Well. Umm,

The important thing
is you're okay.

Uh, no, the important thing is
that we get this guy, right?

Right, and find out exactly
what's going on here--

You two have had a long day.

You're shaken up.

Why don't you get some rest.

I get the distinct feeling
there's something

- They're not telling us.
- Same as it ever was.

We know where he's going
next, mr. Dredd.

Hmm, excellent.

And this time,
we'll be ready.

Look, steel,
I want answers, too.

And I know it's gotta stink
not knowing

Where you came from
or what you are but...

- [zaps]
- whoa!

Is shorting out the
trash-bin really the answer?

It's making me feel better.

Okay, but isn't there
something more...

Constructive you could do?

You know, write down
your thoughts.

Or paint how you feel.

[awkward laugh]

I'm here to help, man.
Just tell me what I can do.



I don't mind letting
you do the driving

But could ya at least tell
me where we're going?

Certainly. Just as soon
as we get there.

But wh-ooaaaa!



You'd think dredd would have
better security.

Been waiting for you,


The name is extroyer!

I'd remember it
if I were you!


[fighting grunts]

You're nothin' but
an overgrown pussycat!

[fighting grunts]

Work for dredd,
pay the price...

[fighting cry]

Most impressive...


I've been hoping to catch
your attention.

You thought blasting that
ultralink would destroy me

But you were wrong.

It only made me
more powerful!

And now I'm gonna use that
power to make you suffer!


You know nothing of true
power, mr. Winter.

But allow me to give
you a taste.


I could destroy you as easily
as I could swat a fly,

But I have bigger plans
for you, mr. Winter.


That will fetch me max steel.


Enough, steel,

If you're not going to
tell me where we're going,

I'm taking back control!

Relax, we're almost there!


Where's there?!

Troy winter's compound.

And you know this,

I stuck a tracking bug
on his butt

During our earlier encounter.

Okay, first of all, eww.

And second of all ...

- Gah...
- Whoops!



Are you nuts?


This must be troy winters'
secret bunker.

This must be where
he was hiding

When we were here with n-tek.

I need answers, max.

If I can get my hands on
the ultralink winter stole,

I just might get some.

Besides, I ran a scan
of the property.

Troy's not here.

A gyro stabilizer,
industrial diamonds,

Sub-zero insulators...

This must be what winter
stole from dredd.

- What's it all for?
- These components could make up

The inner workings
of a missile.

I didn't do it!

Hmm, this transponder
must be part of

The telemetric
navigation system.

The whole system must've
just been activated.

Missile? Activated?

Steel, these aren't
good words.

If I can tune into
its subfrequency,

I might be able to triangulate
where it's located...

Got it!

Go turbo flight!

Hey, that's my line!

Whatever - let's fly!


Huh. Looks like some
kinda test site.

And troy winter's
running the test!

Stop right there,

- Huh?
- [fighting grunt]


Uh, not that I have any idea
what you're doing...

Max steel.

You have an annoying habit of
interfering with my plans.

Being annoying
is my specialty.

- I can vouch for that.
- Hey steel.

Not in front of
the super villains.

Go turbo.

Mr. Winter, we have
unfinished business.

So let's finish it.

[painful grunts]

- [fighting grunts]
- bad breath.

How many lives does a cat have?

Nine, and I say we try and
take them all out, right now!

Go turbo!



[fighting grunts]

And then along came a spider.

That's how he does it!

[painful grunts]

He extracts
the creatures' abilities,

Adding those properties
to his arsenal.

In essence, ex-stroying it.

- Did you just create
a verb, steel?
- Look out!






Steel, where are you?
Are you okay?

Max, over here.

[evil laughter]


Would you hurry up already?!

A little caught up at
the moment.

This stuff is tougher
than it looks.

You look like you
could use some extra muscle.

Go turbo.


[fighting grunts]


Let's see if he can
ex-troy this!

Hey! That's my verb!

[evil laughter]


Say what?

He means I needed a
jolt of turbo energy

To power my little
project and why waste

My limited reserves when
you have so much to give.

You didn't really think you
found me by accident?

I activated that transponder

As soon as I saw you break
into my compound.

But...You were stealing
from dredd.

That's before I understood
the bigger picture.

What are you talking about?

And what about
the ultralink?

And that spacecraft?!

And why is your breath
so bad?

So many questions.

I need to find out
just how powerful

This turbo-nuclear
missile head is.

- Go turbo--
- I got it!

Go turbo flight!

Don't just stand there!

Get him!

With pleasure.

We gotta stop this thing!

This thing must have a guidance
system or something.

Whoa, it looks like we've
got a tagalong.

I wouldn't do that
if I were you!


[struggling grunt]

Come into my den said
the spider to the fly.


[laser fire]



Time to wrap this up!


This should put
a stop to your squirming.

Not if I stop you first!



That guy was really starting
to bug me.

I get the pun, but spiders
are arachnids, not bugs.

[grunts] thanks for
the science lesson.

Now let's stop this missile
and get me out of here.

Primitive, but effective.

[straining grunts]


Uh, whoa!


Seems it's back to
the drawing board...

No. We've learned the megaton
force of the turbo explosion.

It will serve
its purpose well.
Build the rest of them.

Uh, what about troy winter,
the so-called extroyer?

Hm, not as useful
as I'd hoped.

Oh well.

Good riddance
to bad rubbish.

What were you two

Going after winter
without backup?!

Things could've ended up
much differently, max.

You put all of copper canyon
in jeopardy.

We're supposed to be a team!

We're supposed to be able
to trust each other--

Yes, forge, we are supposed
to trust each other.

Just who do you think
you are?!

Whoa, hey-hey, he's right.
That's why we went after winter.

To get answers.

Because you wouldn't
give us any.


It's my life.
Just give me something.

What am I?
Where do I come from?

How many more like me
are there?




Seems like the more
we look for answers,

The more questions we find.

But hey, at least we solved
the extroyer problem, right?

