Max Steel (2013–2015): Season 1, Episode 10 - Live by the Sword - full transcript

One of Dredd's henchmen is searching the flee market for a mythical sword, which gives its wearer superpowers and becomes inseparable. The Asian guardian hides it in unsuspecting Kirby's backpack. Max makes him dump it as presumably illegal weapon, but he can't resist trying it out. Even Max Steel finds it a formidable adversary, and Dredd's men find their trail too, while the old guardian explains its cursed origin.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Ah, is there anything better
than the first day of summer?

- For real!
- Nothing I can think of...

Whoa, except maybe this!

Is this not the coolest
thing you've ever seen?!

- Ugh.
- [laughs]

Guess they didn't have one
size fits all back then.




- [ugh!!!!!]
- [giggles]

Didn't I tell ya, steel?

Flea markets are the best!

Yes, people selling
their garbage

Instead of throwing it away.

Quite a spectacle.

Hey, this stuff
isn't garbage!

There is hidden treasures
all over the place.

Yeah, priceless.

For the last time, I know ya
got it so hand it over!

I don't know what
you're talking about!

Quit playing dumb.

The sword.

What sword?
I don't anything
about a sword.

And besides, the legend
is not even true!

You don't know about
the sword

But you know about
the legend?



This is the mother load
of cool!

How tough do I look!

Yah, tetanus is quite
the deterrent.

hey! Watch it!

Whoa! Whoops, sorry!

Once ya get one of these
things going,

It's hard to stop.

[fighting shouts]

Urgh . . .

Beat it.
All a' ya.

This booth's closed.

Dude! Terrible
customer service, man.

Check it out!

Antique silverware!

Ah, old metal things people
have stuck in their mouths.

The treasure hunting

Now then,
where were we?

Please listen.

You must not trifle
with the sword,

It is very powerful.

No kiddin',
that's why I want it.

And that's why I'm gonna
do whatever I have to,

To get it!

Let's... Go turbo!

I'm max mcgrath.

Here's my buddy steel.

Yeah, he's an alien.

I generate the power,

Steel has the alien
tech to control it.

Together, we combine
into awesome turbo modes...

... Take on the bad guys...

Save the world.

You know, hero stuff.

We are...
Max steel.

Were you able
to retrieve it?

No. But...

I'm sure dredd will be happy
with this haul.

Dredd? I told you...

This does not concern dredd!

He has his ambitions
and I have mine!

Sorry, mr. Naught.

You keep the weapons then.

Better than some sword
if ya ask me.

It's not just some sword!

It's the cursed sword
of murakami!

It has great power!


Go find it!

And be ready for anything...

Because whoever
has that sword

Will be a force to be
reckoned with.

[scared yelp!]

Heh. Someone oughta really
sharpen those things.

Hey, kirbs, you having fun?

Oh yea!

I've won tons of carnival
prizes so far.

Ah! Sweet!

I wanna see.

Oh, uh, well, I gave
most of them away.

Ya know, to various

Guess they passed
on this one?

Wait, that's not mine.

Well I'm pretty sure
the pier has a

'no deadly weapons' policy.

You might wanna get
rid of it.

Like, pronto, kirb.

[nervous] ugh
yeah...Good point.



[pretend fighting cries]



[struggling grunts]

What in the--?!



Hey, this is our spot!

Yeah, no trash allowed.

But...There's trash
all around here.

This is a dumpster.

Shut it!

Now get lost or get pounded--


[fighting cries]





[panic cries]


[fighting cries]


[ninja cries]

Is that... Kirby?

What's going on out there?

Uh I dunno.

But uh, I just remembered,

I've got a dentist
appointment today!

Hope no cavities!

Hmm, something's up.

Guess, he decided to keep
the sword.

Go turbo flight!

Let's go, let's go!

[ninja cry]

[traffic sounds]

Foul-tempered beast!

Be silenced!



Drop the weapon
and get on the--

Uh, carry on...

[fighting grunts]


Alright, kirb--er,d-er
whoever you are!

Drop the sword!

No one will stop me
from my mission...

His mission?

Not even a flying whelp
like you!

Hey, buddy!

Take it easy would ya?



Something tells me
this is not just kirby

We're dealing with.

Then we'd better find out
what we are dealing with

Before the entire
city's destroyed!

I found 'im, mr. Naught.


Initiate offensive maneuver
z-5- alpha-2-0.

Otherwise known as
phase 2.




We gotta stop him
before he hurts someone!

Yes, including himself!


- The sword, max!
- Whoa!

- I think it's what's
behind all this!
- Why?

Because it's emitting some
kinda hi-brainwashing tone?

Or oozing some trance
inducing chemical?

Because it's glowing!

Uh, yeah,
that's what I meant.


C'mon, let's take it
off his hands!

[fighting grunts]


That's not how I saw
that happening.

You again?

Look, I don't wanna
hurt ya.

Don't worry.
You won't.

[fighting grunts]

Hey! Cut it out!

That's not cool!

You're telling me!

That sword is seriously testing
the integrity of the steelsuit!

- Hmm-hmm!
- Then it's time to quit
messin' around.

It's time for turbo strength!


What sorcery is this?!

The kind that's gonna
leave you empty-handed!

Come on, let go!

Give it up man!
I'll getcha another one!

[struggling grunts]

Could this be anymore



Uh, sorry, kirb!

You okay, buddy?

- Yah!
- Ow!

I'll take that as a yes.

That answers the
'humiliating' question.

- He's gone.
- What now?

Does someone wanna tell me
why there's a pint-sized ninja

Destroying downtown
copper canyon?!


Now, my guess is
we report to n-tek.

We're coming to you.

Magic sword?

You've got to be
kidding me.

This from the guy
who spends his days

With fire monsters
and spaceships.

What's the old saying?

Magic's just science
we don't understand yet?

Well, maybe that's
what we're dealing with.

This was the sword's
rightful owner.

It took some work,
but I track him down

And told him what was up.

His family history helped me
to discover the secret of. .

The cursed sword
of murakami.

This slicer has a serious
back story.

Long ago,

There was a great
and powerful ninja

Who wished to rule the world.

He was known as murakami.

This ninja's thirst for
destruction was so great,

Even his weapons
couldn't keep up.

So he soon sought
out a sorcerer

And ordered him to forge a sword
that would be more powerful

Than any weapon on earth.

The sorcerer did
as he was told,

But also placed a curse
on the weapon

So that whoever handled it,

Would be sealed in
its blade forever.

The ninja soon came
for the sword.

He picked it up and...

He became trapped inside
the blade.

The sorcerer warned
that if anyone else

Gripped the sword's handle,

The ninja would once again
be released

And be free to wreak
havoc again.

Whoa, that's one
spooky bedtime story!

It's no story.

The ninja's inside kirby!

He mentioned something
about a mission.

Do you know what it is?

Yah, I think it's
pretty obvious -

To pick up where he left off.

To conquer the world!

Oh, is that all?

We have to stop him!

We have to save him!

That's my friend
under that mask!

So how do we reverse
the curse?!

I dunno.
That part's not so clear.

Well first we have
to find him.


Turns out a ninja slicing and
dicing everything in sight

Draws a little attention!

- Get in closer.
- Roger that, commander--

What in the blazes?!

We're taking fire!

From who?!

[evil laughter]

Take that
n-tek stooges.

The sword is mine.

All mine!


What manner of beast is this?!

No matter.
It shall soon be no more! Ya!

Come to papa!

Follow that ship, jefferson!


That blast knocked our
navigation system offline!

[evil laughter]

We're back up!

That ship's halfway
to the horizon!


[evil laughter]

Job well done,
mr. Naught.

Of course it was.

I did it.

Take the controls.

I have some business
to attend to.

Seems the stasis pen is
mightier than the sword, huh?

Now then, to relieve you
of this...Uh, curse.

A 1000 volt jolt
should loosen your grip...


Though it may leave you a bit
on the uh, crispy side.

[ninja grunts]




- Whoa!
- You dare try to stop me?

Prepare to meet
your end!


I don't think so.

[evil laughter]

[ninja grunts]

Enemy craft in sight,

Don't shoot it down!

Kirby's on board!

Right...This'll be tricky.

Berto, you figure out how
to break this so called curse.

We'll come up with a way
to save this kid from naught.

Get in closer!

And get a bead
on naught!

[fighting grunts]

You've ripped the whole
ship apart!

We're going down!

[fighting grunts]

- Where'd they go?
- I dunno!

I lost 'em!

Ah, don't tell me...


[fight grunts]

They just slashed
the main power drive!

We gotta ditch!

But you don't!

It's up to you now,



Sheesh, these two sure
don't stay put very long.


Game's up, naught,
I'm shutting you down!



[fighting grunts]


[fighting grunts]


But your turbo touch doesn't
pack the same charge it use to.

At least not on me,
I've made upgrades!



So even max steel
wants to harness the power

Of the sword of murakami.


You dope!

The power of the sword
can't be harnessed.

It harnesses you!


Hey! I'm on your side!

[battle cry]

[fighting grunts]

Let it be, naught, before
ya get hurt!

Now perish!

Mind if I crash this party?


Time to take matters
into my own

[crying out]

That mech suit of his can
fly, right?


I'm thinking no.

Bring on all your greatest

I will destroy them all!

[ninja cries]


Go turbo . . .



Say, berto, you didn't have
any luck with that whole

Breaking the curse thing?

Did ya?

Hey, I didn't just
stop by to say 'hi'!

Uh, pretty sure I'm not
gonna win a sword fight

Against super ninja here!

[ninja cry]

That's not just
any sword.

That's a turbo sword or it
will be once steel links in!

And this is gonna work,

Remember the story?

The sorcerer forged a sword
that was more powerful

Than anything on earth.

[nina grunts]

Steel isn't from earth!

You break the sword.

You break its hold
on your friend.

[ninja attacks]

No offense, berto,
but I don't think

This thing's winning
in a game a' mercy...


It will once steel plugs
into it!

Then you can turbofy
the sword.

Wait, so the plan is to
bash me against

That razor sharp blade?!

Hey, we don't call ya steel
for nothin'!

The things I do...

[fighting grunts]

Oh ...


Is it half time yet?

Just a little more,
it's working!

[fighting grunts]

One more strike
should do it!

- No!!!
- Huh?

That sword is mine!!!





[ninja grunt]


[fighting grunts]

- [groan]
- kirby?

D-er, er, I mean,

You okay?

He is fine.


We have been making sure
that sword did not get

Into the wrong hands
for generations.

Ever since my great,
great grandfather forged it!


I just had the most
awesome dream!

Hey, what happened
to my room?

Whoa, max steel!


Big huge robot guy!


The vendor from
the flea market!!

We should get
outta here.

Looks like naught
already did.

[siren wailing]

So, you still got those
nunchaku for sale?

Uh, how about
this foam bo staff.

Ah, you can have it
free of charge, my friend.

Uh, for your troubles.



But...Wait what

Just tell me it's
not cursed.

Watch this.

I think it's safe to say,
that the only thing cursed

Is kirby's technique.


You, uh, wanted to see me,

Indeed I did, mr. Naught.

My loyal lackey.

It seems you have
not been...

So loyal.

They made me tell him,
mr. Naught!

Wait, I can explain!

I know how it looks--



It seems you two need
a refresher course

In why you serve only me...

One you will not
soon forget!