Malory Towers (2020–…): Season 3, Episode 3 - The Surprise Picnic - full transcript

Miss Johnson.

What are you doing out here?

Do you have permission?

Sorry. I just wanted to take
Thunder out for a ride.

That's an order mark.

Return him to his stall
and get back inside.


Don't worry.

Nothing and no-one
can keep me from seeing you.

Argh, ow.

What's the matter, Irene?

My hands are always
pretty sore after lacrosse.

I don't know what to do.
They just seem to be getting worse.

Ouch, um...

Don't worry. We'll ask Matron -
see what she can suggest.

Bill, hurry up and get changed

before Miss Johnson sees you.

She already has -

and she gave me an order mark.


She caught me out on Thunder.

What else am I supposed to do?
I can't just abandon him.

Oh, come on, you know you need
permission out of regular hours.

Yes, but it's only granted
if I complete extra prep.

How much prep
does she expect us to do?

As much as it takes
to keep us out of trouble,

I have a lot to catch up on too.

Look, I know it all
seems a bit strange to you,

but I promise it will get easier.

I miss the stables at home...

..and all our other horses.



Miss Muffet.




All shared with Thunder.

Um, Gwen, you're off
the reserves bench.


Because Irene can't play
because of her sore hands,

so you will have to take her place
on the team.


Since when did sore hands
become an excuse?

I'm sore all over
after I play lacrosse.

You don't catch me complaining.

Um, it's all right, I'll play.

No, Irene.

I thought you liked
being on the team.

Well, yes, but had I known
it required so much training,

then maybe I'd have thought

Stand tall.

Clear your throat.


Relax your muscles.

Good. Hop on one foot.

I'm pulling your leg. Sorry.

OK, from the top.

QUIETLY: # Are you going
to Scarborough Fair?

# Parsley, sage,
rosemary and thyme. #

Don't be shy.
You can go higher than that.

Listen to me.

STRONGLY: # Are you going
to Scarborough Fair?

# Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme

# Remember me
to one who lives there

# For she once was
a true love of mine. #

Your voice is so beautiful.

Thank you.
It's not bad, but it's nothing

compared to some of the singers
I've heard at the Conservatoire.

Yes, it's a music school.

Is that where you trained?

I wish! I'm auditioning
for a summer place.

I'm preparing a piece, but I badly
need to find a decent accompanist.

The girl I practise with
is a good sort,

but she cannot keep time for toffee.

I'm sure you'll get in,
whoever plays with you.

And I'll tell everyone
that I was taught

by the most amazing Mavis Allyson.

Don't forget me when you're famous.

Now you're just being silly.

Come on, let's focus.

From the top.

# Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

BOTH: # Parsley, sage,
rosemary and thyme

# Remember me
to one who lives there

# For she once was
a true love of mine. #

Bill got an order mark?
That girl is a loose cannon.

If she's not careful,
we're all for it.

She just needs some time
getting used to everything.

We can show how much fun it is
to be at a boarding school.

How about we gather our tuck

and throw her a midnight picnic
in the stables?

Yes, what a marvellous idea!

A midnight picnic outside?

As if we haven't already
got enough order marks.

Well, we can be careful.

I think it's a jolly good idea.

And there's a governors' meeting
today - we all know what that means.

ALL: Leftovers!


Goodness, Irene, all this fuss
over some little blisters!

You'll soon recover.

Come on, Gwen, it's a great
opportunity for you to play.

Yes, and nothing is more boring
than being on the reserves bench

the entire term.

Here she is.

Good morning, girls.

ALL: Good morning, Mavis.

Lucky for us,
Mr Young is off sick today.

I'd rather have Mavis
take music any day.

Me too. Her voice is divine.

Did you know that she's looking for
an accompanist for her audition?


Irene, will you take this for me?

Of course.

There you go. Thank you.

You should offer to do it.

Do what? Goodness, Irene -
play the piano for Mavis.

Go on, ask her.

I couldn't possibly. She'll want
a sixth-former like her.

Is everything all right, girls?



This will cheer Bill right up.

Cheese straws...

..ginger snaps.


Someone's coming. Quick, hide.


Where's all the...?

Those greedy governors.




Come on, let's hide everything
in the stables.

No, I'll do it.

You need to get your prep ready
for Miss Johnson.

# I'll be the sunshine

# If you say you'll be mine


# Sunshine...

# If you say you'll be mine

# And we'll spend our days together

# In any kind of weather

# That we dreamed of. #

This is impossible.

Oh, you're pressing too tautly
on the E.

Excuse me?

Um, relax your hands
and try to use your middle finger,

or you'll never reach the next note.

Here, let me show you.

Very well.

I'm assuming you can read music.

Maybe if you play well enough,
you can accompany me at my audition.

This isn't your audition piece?

Oh, no, this piece is far too jazzy
for the Conservatoire.

It's just good practice
for my voice.

# I'll be the sunshine
if you'll say you'll be mine

# And we'll spend our days
together... #


# In any kind of weather... #

Oops. Sorry.


Silly me.

Ow. Oh, your hands.

They look so painful.

They're just bit sore because
of lacrosse. They'll be all right.

Oh, so sweet of you
to offer to help,

but you should really
rest your hands.

But you need an accompanist.

Oh, it will be all right.

I'll muddle through the best I can.

Bill! What are you doing here?

I was quickly going to see Thunder.

Don't worry. I won't take him out.

We have to leave
before someone sees you.

Just five more minutes, please.

What are you doing?

FOOTSTEPS APPROACH Somebody's coming. Hide!

Come on, quick.


What did I tell you this morning
about permission?

And Ellen! Surely,
YOU should know better.

I'm afraid that's another
order mark. But it's our break.

And I don't have time in the evening
with all my prep.

It seems you have an answer for
everything, don't you, young lady?

When will you understand that
your education comes first?

But what's the harm
if it is just a visit?

She's happier
and she works better after.

Did I ask your opinion, Ellen?

You should be focusing
on your studies too.

I'm trying to do everything
I can to help you girls,

and you just don't appreciate it.

Wilhelmina, come and see me
after school with your prep,

and tell Darrell to be there too.
I need to check her work as well.

Something the matter, Ellen?

No, Miss Johnson.

You should have come to me
earlier, silly girl.

Do not do that.

Picking the blisters
makes them worse.

No wonder they aren't healing.

Here, rub some of this

onto your hands throughout the day.

Will this mean I can play the piano?

I don't see why not.

But put some gloves on
when you play lacrosse, please.

Keep the blisters covered.
Thank you, Matron.



Thought we'd end up spending
the night in there.

Make sure you complete
the rest of your prep

before my lesson tomorrow.

Yes, Miss Johnson.


Darrell, may I have a word?

I'm worried about Wilhelmina.

She doesn't take her work
seriously enough.

Her mind is constantly
in the stables.

As her class fellow, you should help
her to stay away from that horse

and focus on her prep.

I have tried, Miss Johnson.

Well, try harder.

I don't like doing this, but if she
continues to break the rules,

well, I will have no choice

but to hand the entire class
a detention.

That will be so unfair!

No, Darrell, it will be justice.

I am kindly giving you and
the other girls a last chance

to make her understand.

But, Miss Johnson, I...
Goodnight, Darrell.

Oh! A wizard! Yes.

Isn't it clever? It's just
a simple chemical reaction.

Irene, here...

You can borrow my gloves
for practice.

They're extra oily, so
they should protect your hands.

Thanks, Gwen, that's so kind.

Anything to get out
of playing lacrosse.

I'm just trying to help.

Bill, you have to finish your prep.

Don't worry. I'll do it later.

No, you must take the rules

Miss Johnson said if you don't
focus, then we all get detention.


What exactly is detention?

It means we'll have to stay back
for an hour after lessons -

time you'd rather spend
with Thunder, no doubt.

She can't do that. Yes, she can.

Does this mean the midnight
picnic's off too?

The what?


We were planning to surprise you
with a midnight picnic

in the stables.

A midnight picnic? In the stables?

Oh, please, can we?

Well, it's too much of a risk now.

Darrell's right -
you mustn't sneak out again.

I'd feel so awful
for ruining it for everyone.

Well, maybe we can still have
the treats.

I can sneak out and get them
once everyone is asleep.

I'll come and show you
where I put them.

No, absolutely not.

Gwen's right. I'm head of form.
I'm responsible for you all.

What if you both get caught?
We won't. I promise.



Thank you.
I'll make a start now.


Build up an appetite
for the treats.


Oh, Mary-Lou!



Oh, it's so dark.

We should have bought a torch.
Stay close.


Is there someone in the stables?

Can't be Bill.
We only just left her.

What if Ron is right
about the horse thieves?



WHISPERS: Miss Johnson. Do you think
she's saw us leaving?

Maybe she heard the noises too.


Is anyone there?




Goodness, that was close.

Quick. Ellen, let's go back in.

Where are the treats?

We couldn't get them.

We heard noises next to the stables,
owl hoots,

and the horses were restless.

Restless? Really?
Well, guess what, Darrell!

Horses live in stables
and owls tend to hoot at night.

Yes, Gwen,
but we heard footsteps too.

Yes, it was all so strange.

The hoots didn't sound like
any owls I've heard before.

It sounded like a person
made those noises.

But why would someone
make owl noises?

Father said they used owl hoots
as code during the war.

How exciting.

You scary.

Did you see who it was?

No. Miss Johnson came. Miss Johnson?

Don't worry. She didn't see us, but
she came to investigate the noise -

which is why, Bill,
you cannot go back there.

She might still be there.

What if Ron was right and someone
does try and take Thunder?

Don't listen to them.
They're just silly little girls.

Your horse is going to be fine.

We're not silly.
We know what we heard. Shh.

If Miss Johnson's out and about,
she's bound to check on us.

Everyone into bed, quick.

Irene, how are your hands?

Much better.
This stuff is miraculous.

Well, isn't that just marvellous?


Where's Bill?

Uh! Please don't tell me
she sneaked off again.

So much for her being sorry. I doubt
she's finished her prep either.

Drat that girl.

Well, now we're ALL going
to get a detention for certain.

I'll check the stables.

I'll start with the common room.








Sorry, I was just testing my hands.

How did you learn to play
that tune so quickly?

If I hear something,
I can just play it.

It's just the way I am.


Bill! I'm supposed to be
looking for Bill.

Bill! But the mus... Bill!







DARRELL: Mary-Lou, any luck?
I can't find her.

She's not in the common room.

MAVIS: Irene!

You ran off.
You didn't let me finish.

Finish what?

You are absolutely wizard at piano.

If you can remember that song and
play so well without any music,

why, then...

..I would love for you
to play for me at my audition.


Oh, Mavis, th-thank you. I...

That's amazing news!

Keep your lunchtimes free
for practice.

I will, yeah. Good.

Now, you'd best get to class.


Well done!

Any luck?

No. Sorry, Darrell.

Did you find her?


What are we going to tell
Miss Johnson?

Good morning, girls.

ALL: Good morning, Miss Johnson.


Where's Wilhelmina?

Jean, as head of form,
it's your responsibility

to keep the girls in order.

Answer me now, or I shall give
the whole form detention

and extra prep.

She will be here soon, I'm sure.
That's not what I asked.

Where is she?

Miss Johnson, I promise... I...

I'm awfully sorry, Miss Johnson.

I was completing my prep
and lost track of time.

I've been in the common room
all morning.

Really? I didn't see...


Let's see, then.

Well done.

I'm glad to see that my words
have finally sunk in.

But I will still have to hand you
a detention for being late.

The rest of you are off
the hook - for now.

Right. Let's get started.

So, are you going to tell me
where you really were?

It's a surprise.

Books out, please, everyone.


You went back to the stables?

To get the treats back for you.

But I didn't see you.

I was hiding in Thunder's stall.

I finished my prep there too.

I know it sounds silly, but being
near Thunder helps me concentrate.

You're a stubborn sort, aren't you?

I'm sorry for all the order marks.

I will try really hard from now on,
I promise.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Go on, then, dig in.

Oh. Oh, delicious.

Ginger snaps.

Thunder loves a ginger snap.

Jolly good. Really lovely.

