Make It or Break It (2009–2012): Season 2, Episode 2 - All or Nothing - full transcript

The Rock team travels to France Invitational Gymnastics to represent the USA.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I would like to be petitioned
onto the National Team.

you're not ready.

- You'll only get one shot.
- I'll be ready.

Do you really think Ellen Beals
wants to hurt the girls?

I think she wants
to control them.

OK. I want Sasha Belov out.

- Of The Rock?
- Of the sport.

You don't love me anymore?

I think we're better as friends.

Is there something
you're not telling me?

There's something
you didn't get.

You didn't get Carter.

I did.

This is for you, Emily.

Guess you really are
letting me go.

He's gonna think I didn't
care enough to say goodbye.

Damon's in Europe.
Maybe you'll get to see him.

I'm going to France
to compete.

And only to compete.

Sweetie, the only French I know

I picked up from
a talking candlestick
in Beauty And The Beast.

English, please.

I was saying, "I'm not going
all the way to France
to be an alternate!"

Yes. You are. And you will kiss
Ellen Beals'... derriere,

to let her know
how grateful you are.

How's that for French?

Let me get this straight.

If Paris is like Denver...

Oh, wow. I cannot wait
to see where this is going.

- And Calais is like Boulder...
- Not remotely, but OK.

- And even though Damon's gonna
be performing in Denver...
- Paris.

- And you're going
to be competing in Boulder...
- Calais.

You're still not gonna
try to see him?

Mom, Ellen Beals
went out on a limb

to get me a sponsorship.

I'm not gonna
risk losing it.

I know. You're right.

But, it's Paris.
How romantic would that be?

Hi, Mr. Tanner.

Hey, Kaylie.

Uh, is there something
going on with you two?

She gets
one stupid magazine cover

and thinks she doesn't need
her old friends anymore.

Yeah, well, friends can be
overrated. And time consuming.

It wouldn't hurt you
to focus a little more
on your gymnastics anyway.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means Kaylie's number
one in the country.

You can't even beat Emily
for number two here at The Rock.

Hey, Bob... can I get your input
on something? You got a minute?

Alternate or Olympic contender?

It's up to you, Lauren.

She's walking with death

I know it's eight hours later
in France, but call me.

As soon as you know anything.

I don't care what time it is.

OK, I will.

We all want the same thing
for our kids,

the opportunity to win
an Olympic medal. Am I right?

- It's the only
reason we're here.
- I've got some ideas.

But this isn't
the time or place.

I'm having a little

We can nosh...
watch the girls on TV....

Look. I'm sorry I
told you about Carter that way.

I was upset. I know you're
mad, but I really hope we can...

I'm not mad. I'm relieved.

I can finally focus
on what's really important,

winning the all-around
Olympic Gold Medal in 2012.

You should know,
we're having sex.

Great. Maybe now you'll
get a magazine cover.

I heard about
the viewing party.

Just wanted you
to know we'll be there.

Perfect, but keep it on
the down low. It's just
for the A-listers.

- You're having a party?
- It's more... business.

- Well, did I
make the A-list?
- Of course.

Emily's the number two girl
at the gym.

You're more like
an A-plus.

Em, sit with me.
Number one and two
have to stick together.

Oh, my gosh! Green Day
is going to be in Paris!

Damon's gonna be less
than an hour from Calais!

- Emily are you
going to see him?!
- No.

Emily understands that boys
are a distraction

if you want to stay
focused on gymnastics.

Right, Em?

I think Emily understands
you can have gold medals
and true love.

Itineraries and contacts
for the girls.

Oh, thank you.

You know, I'm so happy that
you're back at The Rock.

You know, I really missed it.

Oh, I was thinking I might
throw a viewing party

for the girls at my house,
to watch them on TV.

- What do you think?
- Can't. Sorry. Working.

- Sorry.
- You?

Uh... No.
Me, too. Sorry.


Payson? Are you certain
you want to do this?

The committee will
only give you one shot.

- I'll work with you.
In a couple months...
- I'm ready now.

Kaylie thinks just because
we have boyfriends,

we can't be as good as her.

But we'll prove
her wrong, right?

We girls with boyfriends
need to stick together.

Since when do you
have a boyfriend?

You mean Kaylie didn't tell you
Carter and I are together now?

- What? When did this happen...?
- Can we drop it?

I'm going to France
as the number one gymnast
in the country

and that is better
than any boyfriend.

Now, can we stay focused
on what we need to do?

Unless, of course,
you're an alternate,

in which case, you won't
be doing much of anything.

I can't believe it.
We're really in France.

Oui. Tres fantastique.

- That means...
- We all know what that means.

Loose translation: "I'm
a pretentious show-off."

Kaylie, may I have
your autograph?

Yeah, sure.

Must be tough.
It used to be you, right?

Do you want my autograph?
I'm on the US National team.

No. Merci.

They're French.
They can be so rude.

Austin Tucker?

Didn't he say he won Worlds with
the worst hangover of his life?

No. I'm pretty sure that
was his Olympic gold medal.

Does it even matter? He treats
gymnastics like a joke.

All he cares about
is partying and hanging
out with celebrities.

...over till it's over

You've got to be kidding me.

Wow, we are staying in the same
hotel as Austin Tucker.

- We should say hi.
- You know him?

We're on the National Team.
I think he knows who we are.

Hi, Austin? Hi...

Um... We haven't met, but...

- Where do you want me to sign?

- How about right here?
- Oh, no. I'm not a fan.

Maybe we can
do something about that.

See, I've got this thing
tonight. Maybe you want
to come along?

- No... Well, I just...

I have plans.

- That was priceless.
- Wow! Wow!

Addic7ed And iSubs Present:

make it or break it
season 2, episode 2

There you are. Welcome, girls.
Good flight, I hope.

- Yes, Ms. Beals.
- Good. I've already checked you in.

Why don't you go up to your
rooms and try to get some sleep?

We slept on the plane.
We thought we'd do
a little sight-seeing.

Absolutely not.
You will not leave your rooms.

Let's not forget
why we're here: To compete.

To represent our country.
Kaylie, as team captain,

I'm counting on you
to make sure everyone
follows the rules.

Sleep well. I expect to see
you all looking sharp at
practice in the morning.

Shouldn't we check in
with Marty?

Oh, you didn't hear?

Marty's on a leave of absence.
Pending committee review.

Oh, so who's gonna be our....?

I'll be supervising your
very capable assistant coaches,

allowing me a chance to get
to know you all so much better.

Aren't we all glad
we're on her good side now?

You're welcome.

I'm starting
to get a complex.

I've asked a dozen parents
to come to my house on Sunday

and watch the meet
and all of them are busy.

- All of them.
- Well, you didn't ask me.

Well, um, Summer, would you
like to come to my house

- on Sunday and watch the meet?
- Sorry. I have plans.

- Seriously.
Sasha's working Sunday.

I have to be here.
Why don't you watch with us?

Maybe I will.

I have to admit, it's
so good to be working again.

It makes me feel connected.

You know, you could be even
more connected, if you wanted.

The Parents Board. They're
electing a new president.

No. It's way
too political for me.

Besides, isn't Alex
running again?

Actually, no.
And you'd be great.

You're sweet,
but the answer's still no.

I'd like to keep
these parents as my friends.

- Bye.
- See ya.

I still can't believe
that jerk acted like
he didn't know me... us.

Austin Tucker... undercover.

I'm pretty sure
he wasn't acting.

I still can't believe
we're stuck in this hotel.

No, it's good. Like Beals said,
we need to stay focused.

And we only have
one day to practice.

Fine. But I don't need
to be locked up to focus.

If I was at home
I'd be working,

or hanging with Brian,
or something.

I feel like I'm going
to hyperventilate.

We could all go to Paris.

There's trains leaving
every hour.

You do know that Ellen Beals
is gonna be coming around
for a bed check, right?

She's gonna be watching
our every move.

I don't mean now.
We can go tomorrow night.

We could all go see
Damon and Green Day.

And Emily, you'd love Paris.

The night before a competition?
Are you crazy?

We wouldn't have
to stay out late.

So go. You're an alternate.

- You won't be missed.
- Enough, OK? No more sniping.

Does France have something
against cold beverages?

- I'll get ice.
- Thanks.

Do you think Damon's gonna be
mad you didn't come to see him?

He doesn't even know
I'm here.

Well, I guess there's really
no point in seeing him.

With all his fans
and groupies...

- I'm sure he's moved on.

- Party's gonna
be great.

Hey, don't I know you?


No, I think we have
very clearly established

that you do not know me.

I knew it. We met
in front of the hotel.

Where we also established that
you are not a fan of mine.

But, we didn't establish why.

Seriously? Did you hit
your head on a dismount?

A lot, actually.

Why? What am I missing?

I'm Kaylie Cruz!
The Women's National Champion.

That's it! You're
one of the Rock Rebels!

- So you do know us.
- Know you? I love you!

That thing against China?
Very cool.

Oh, well... Thank you.

Let me make it up to you.
Come to a party with us?

Party? Your coach doesn't
care if you go out?

The better question
is... do I? And I don't.

Rules are for people
with no self-discipline.

Well, I can't. I'm...

- I'm busy.
- Of course you are.

That's why
I don't date gymnasts.

Tomorrow, you'll share this venue

with teams from France,
Germany and Romania.

But for the next 90 minutes,
it's all yours.

So use your practice time

If it's all ours,
what is he doing here?

Distracted much?


OK, let's go, people!

Before they push you out

I guess it's automatic

It's definitely dramatic

Do you really love it?

Do you really love?

Do you really love it?

Do you really love?

Do you really love it?

Do you really love

Good. Very good, Lauren.

And I never miss it.

You know, I was thinking.

Maybe one of the other girls
can go as an alternate...

It's too late for that, Lauren.

You only compete
if someone gets hurt.

- Or breaks the rules.
- I suppose there is that.

And all encircled
for 80s melody

New shoes all a-glowin'

Onto the catwalk

But tell me all about it

If you lose a few pounds,
that'll be easier for you,

Do you really love?
Do you really love it?

- Got it.
- Do you really love?

Do you really love it?

Do you really love?
Do you really love it?

Payson, I haven't
seen your double pike yet.

- It's not compulsory.
- I'm afraid it is.

They added it.
Is that gonna be a problem?

No. No problem. I can do it.


Watch your hand positions.

Check this out.
I pulled it off the Internet.

Damon and some girl.

Probably just a fan.

It must be like that
every place he goes...

Girls just throwing
themselves at him and...

I wouldn't know.

Fingertips are fumbling...

Guess you can't really blame
him if he hooks up with anyone.

It's not like he
ever heard from you.

As far as he knows,
you just blew him off.

Do you really love it?

- It's OK.

Do you really love?

Do you really love it?

Do you really love?

I'm sorry.
I'll try that again.

No do-overs tomorrow, Emily.

We need your focus here.

Whatever's distracting you...
deal with it.

We need you at your
very best tomorrow.

- What do you want?
- Uh, Subway Club.

I need lean meat and complex
carbs for tomorrow.

You think that will help
your layout lay out?

Veggie Delite on whole wheat.

My last five.

- Where is Payson?
- She's still practicing
her double pike.

- Hey, guys.
- Hi, Nastia.

- Hey, Champ.
Nice work in Boston.
- Thanks.

Just trying to follow
in your footsteps.

Tell Payson I said hello.
I heard she's petitioning.

Yeah. She looks
really great, too.

- It'll be good
to have her back.
- Yeah.

Well, stay focused and
keep eating right. Work hard.

That's how I won
my gold medal.

- Thanks.
- Bye.

Wow! Nastia Luikin.

- She's so cool!
- Yeah, she's a great girl.

She won the gold medal.

Because she works harder
than anyone I know.

True. What about Lindsey Vonn?

She doesn't just have a
boyfriend, she has a husband.

And a gold medal.

Did it ever occur to you
that the love and support

from a boyfriend might
actually make you better?

- No.
- Well, I know I wouldn't
have survived Nationals

if it weren't for Damon.
He brought Brian,

and walked me
through my freak out.

Having him there...

He's the reason
I made the National Team.

You don't seriously
believe that?

Not only that,
he wrote a song for you.

He dedicated it
to you on the radio.

And you never even said goodbye.
No wonder you're distracted.

Emily is choosing to focus
on what matters most:

her gymnastics.

Why can't I choose both?

I could leave for Paris this
afternoon and be back by curfew.

All I would do here is go crazy
in my hotel room for 15 hours.

As Team Captain, I can't even
let you consider that.

As Team Captain, you
have to help bring out
the best in everyone.

Emily needs closure with Damon.

It's no different than you
cutting off Carter at Nationals.

You said it yourself.

Saying goodbye to Carter
is practically how you won.

You're going to say goodbye?

And you think this will help?

- To Paris.
And from Paris.
- Merci.

One round-trip ticket.

- Is Emily still upstairs,
getting ready?
- Yeah.

Well, tell your new BFF not to
miss the 7:00 train from Paris.

That should give her plenty
of time for curfew.

Why are you being nice?

Because I believe in love.

I'm still not sure...

Stop. You need Emily
to bring her "A" game.

We both know how inconsistent
she can get when
she's distracted.

And this will focus her.

All alone

We'll make a place

Where we can die together

Where the miles between us

They fall apart

No matter what you're doing

No matter where we are

We can see the same
stars in the sky

And never be


I must be dreaming.

- You sounded...

God, I don't want to wake up.

So, why are you suddenly
becoming more social?

Because I've decided to run for
President of the Parents Board.

That means I need the support
of parents with influence.

Parents, like you and me, who
have genuine Olympic contenders.

I thought maybe it was for us.

To get more involved
in the community together.

About that.

I think we should downplay
the "us." For now.

If people know we're together,

they'll spend so much time
talking about us,

they won't listen to us.

Let's keep this special...
between us.

You're an insider now.

Playing the politics
comes with the territory.

If we have a secret alliance,

we'll get everything our way
and no one's the wiser.

A secret alliance.

Of insiders.

I like it.

I'm so proud of you.

You did exactly what
you said you would do.

And you did it your way.
Without selling out.

And look at you,

competing in France,
ranked third.

Where have you been?
Why haven't I heard from you?

I tried. I mean,
I got your note late.

When I heard you on the radio,
I ran to the studio

to say goodbye,
but you were already gone.

OK... And after that?

I called. I did.

Your cell doesn't work
in Europe.

And after that, I started about
1,000 e-mails that I never sent.

Why not?

It just felt lame to say
goodbye in an e-mail.

And then I realized that...

...I just didn't
want to say goodbye.

- Then don't.
- Come on, Damon.

We have to say goodbye.
You know that.

That's why we're here.

- No...
- Look...

I have to be completely
committed to my
training schedule

until the 2012 Olympics.

Yeah, well, I don't.

I can be there for you,
I can support you.

Part of this whole dream
coming true for you is
the whole experience, you know?

I want you to have that.

I want you to have it all.

I can't let you stay holed up
for two years waiting for me.

That is not fair.

For you to really
have your dream,

and for me to really
have my dream...

...we have to say goodbye.

Say it.

Say it first.

Come on, for me.
I can't do it.

Goodbye... Emily Kmetko.

Goodbye, Damon Young.

Hey, how did it go?

Did you nail the double pike?


So that's good.
You're ready for tomorrow.

Where's Emily?


It's romantic and
has great pastries

and it rhymes with Ferris.

No she didn't! She did not
go see Damon in Paris?!

- She had to.
- Had to?

To say goodbye.
To get him out of her head.

She doesn't have
our focus, Payson.

We were just trying to make
the best of a bad situation.

A bad situation?

That's what you're gonna
call this? What kind
of leader are you?

How could you let her do this?

What if her train is late?

Or Ellen Beals catches her?
She could get suspended!

Let's just pray that
doesn't happen.

- One way.
- No, no. Round trip. Calais.

No, mademoiselle. One way.

You must buy a ticket
for Calais.

But I don't have
any money. Please?

Where are you?
This is ridiculous.

I'm going to my room and
I'm going to sleep.

I don't know about
the rest of you, but I have
a really big day tomorrow.

This is why you don't run around
the night before a meet.

It's not
Kaylie's fault.

It's Emily's. We planned it so
she'd be back in plenty of time.

She probably stayed
too long with Damon.

Would everyone just chill?

She'll be here.

- Who is it?

Ellen Beals.
May I come in?

Just a minute!
We have to cover for Emily.

We? I didn't tell her to go.

Shouldn't you two
be in your own room?

- We were just leaving. Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

Everything OK here, Lauren?

Oh yes, Ms. Beals.

Emily's in the shower.
She says it relaxes her.

Oh, that's all right.
I'll check back later.


Merci. Merci. Merci.

Hey, aren't you one
of the Rock Rebels?

Um... Yeah. Emily.

Thought so. Any idea where
the train to Calais boards?

- Over there.
- Cool, thanks.

Wait! Please don't leave.

Um... I need money for a ticket.

I'll pay you back. I promise.

Sorry, but my mom taught me,
"Neither a borrower nor
a lender be."

Oh, what the hell?

One Euro? No,
you don't understand.

I need to get to Calais now.

I'm late. And in
really big trouble.

Sorry, but a flip and a tuck
is worth a Euro.

Now a full twist...
That could get you a ticket.

OK. Fine.

One ticket to Calais.

Thank you.

So what are you
doing in Paris?

- Green Day concert.
- Really?

Did you see the opening act?

Damon Young?
Yeah, he was awesome.

I know him. He's my...

- Was...
- You know him?

Is he always that intense?
He could not stop talking

or singing about
some chick Emily...

Emily. You're Emily.

He was upset?

A bit of a train wreck.
The girls went nuts for it.

So what did you do to him?

Come on, you know as well as
I do that we can't win gold

unless we're totally dedicated.
We have to give it 100 percent.

I don't know that at all.
Loving life, living large...

All that makes
my gymnastics better.

I did the right thing,
saying goodbye to Damon.

Gymnastics is my priority.
It's my life.

You gotta go with your gut.

So, that means you're single,

Thanks again. I swear
I'll pay you back.

I'll take a hug as collateral.

Hello, Emily. Austin.

Two of you having a nice night?

You're ready
for this, Pay.

You've done the work.
You're strong. You're focused.

Now, just go out there
and let it rip.

Thanks, Kaylie.

I just wanted
to say good luck.

There's no way the Committee can
keep you off the National Team.

You're gonna do great.

Payson, the Committee
is ready to see you now.

And Kaylie, as team captain,
you should know,

Lauren will be taking
Emily's place today.

Whenever you're ready, Payson.

These next two years
are do-or-die.

We need someone running
that board who's dedicated

to making sure everything,
and that includes our coach,

favors our girls' chances
of being on that Olympic Team.

Excuse me one sec.

Honey, I...

I want you to relax
and enjoy yourself.

- You're a guest.
- OK.

- Where's the powder room?
- Oh, oh... I know!

It's right around...
I just think it's over there.

- I'm just assuming.
I've never been here before.

Hey, everybody,
grab a seat. It's on!

to Calais, France.

There's Lauren!

Where's Emily?
I don't see Emily.

...all-around Gold medalist,
Nastia Liukin.

Nastia, I understand you've
already got some news for us.

Yes. There's been a
substitution on the US Team

- Lauren Tanner will be competing today...
- Yes!

- place of Emily Kmetko.
- Big changes for the USA.

She probably just tweaked
her ankle or something.

It happens all the time.
Don't worry.

She went all the way
to France, and she doesn't
even get to compete...

I really appreciate
your tip last night.

- You did the right thing.
- I was worried about her...

She's never been to Paris. No
telling what could've happened.

Between you and me,

I don't know if she's capable
of sticking to the rules.

It's not her.
It's the way she was raised.


The eyes of the world
are upon you.

This is your chance to show
them what you're capable of.

Your chance to make
your country proud.

USA! U-S-A! Whoo!

How'd Payson do?

I think she felt good.

When will they make
the announcement?

Right after the competition.

Too bad about Emily.

Yeah, interesting how
the alternate got in.

What are you saying?

You were the big cheerleader
of getting Emily to Paris.

Was that your plan all along?

To get her benched so
you could take her spot?

You know what really hurts?

That we've been friends
since we were eight years old
and you think so little of me.

I can't believe you'd think
I'm that conniving.

I just wanted Emily
to see Damon because

I know what it's like
to be in love.


And today, I will prove to you

that I can have a boyfriend
who absolutely adores me

and still beat you.

We're competing
as a team, remember?

Doesn't mean I can't out-score
you for the all-around.

You are so on.

- Beat that.
- Just watch me.

It's on.
This is a serious competition.

Why did you come back?

Because neither of us
want to say goodbye.

So then, damn it, why did we?

So I could have
this great dream of mine.

This dream that makes me feel so
happy and gives me so much joy.

So come on, now.

You know, I could just quit.

Then we could be together.

Listen, you don't mean that.

I'm sick of the rules and
the training and the sacrifices.

And for what?
To get benched because I
snuck out to see a friend?

I'm sick of being told
what I can't do.

What I can't have
and who I can't have.

When does my life
get to be mine?!

When do I get control?

Listen, you have control now.

You don't have to do gymnastics,
it's your passion,

it's who you are,
you can't not do it.

And all the hard work
and sacrifices you've made

will be worth it
when you are standing

on that Olympic podium in 2012.

You have...
You'll have your dream.

But I won't have you.

Who says?

Listen. I have an idea.

In two years, we meet here,

in Paris,
under the Eiffel Tower.

- I'm totally serious. It's
two years. It's not that long.

After the Olympics,
we meet here...

...and then we'll decide
if it's goodbye.

Is it a date?


And you'd better
be wearing Gold.

This is not goodbye,
Emily, OK?

This is...

This is not goodbye.

Well, Kaylie Cruz and
Lauren Tanner

are going neck and neck
for the gold.

Something seems to be
fueling these two and
making them better.

Here's Lauren Tanner on beam.

- Yes! All right!

So she's not hurt?

Well, I guess we'll
find out what happened
when they get back.

Keep me posted
if you hear anything.

Thanks, Sasha.

Well, I guess now
I can see now why

everyone was too busy
to watch at my house.

Everyone's been asking where
you were. Weren't they, Steve?

I wasn't sure
if you were coming

because you never RSVP'd
to my voicemail.

I wonder if I have
the wrong number...

Well, it's OK, because
I had to work, anyway.

That's why I'm here. Work.

We need your signatures
on these. For Lauren.

Sure, sure.

I know I wasn't invited,
so you can cut the crap.

I really don't care,
but I am curious, why?

You know how it is. I'm running
for the Parents' Board

and this little gathering
is for Rock parents
who have a stake in...

You don't think
Payson's coming back.

So I don't have stake.

I don't have any money,
which would make me
valuable at The Rock.

Or a daughter who's number
one anymore, so I don't count?

I'm nothing to you.
Is that it?

- No, not nothing...
- I got news for you.

Payson is coming back.

She's going to be petitioned
on the National Team.

And then she's gonna go
to Worlds and the Olympics.

And I'm so confident
my daughter

will be number one
at The Rock again,

I've decided to run
for President of the
Parent Board, too.

Wait. Don't you need
me to sign these,

so you can take 'em
back to The Rock?

Take 'em yourself.

Kim! Kim! They're
talking about Payson!

...of Payson Keeler's petition
to be on the National Team.

And here is the word
from the National Committee.

Unfortunately, Payson's
petition has been denied.

She will not be joining
the National Team this year.

- Excuse me.
- Kim...

No offense,
but this party sucks.

The judges' final scores
are being tabulated...

I'm happy for every
single crappy thing
you've ever done to me.

Because it's only made
me a better gymnast.

- I was better than you today.
- Hmm. We'll see about that.

With the
all-around gold...

...from the United States
of America,

- US National Champ,
Kaylie Cruz!
- Yes!


And now, taking Silver...

...from Romania, Asta Cochov!

And winning the bronze...

...from the United States
of America,

Lauren Tanner!

You've gotta be used to looking
up by now, huh, Lauren?

It's a shame Payson Keeler
was so unprepared.

I know. I told her
to delay her petition,
but Sasha Belov insisted.

If that man's not stopped,
he will ruin these girls.

And team gold
goes to Romania!

And the USA
close behind in second.

We might have won the Gold,

if you hadn't
let your team down.

I hope he was worth it.

Ready or not

My words grow loud

Can you hear? Can you tell?

I'm making sound

Ready or not

My heart starts to pound

Can you hear? Can you tell?

I'm making sound

She's gonna need her coach.

She's gonna need her mom.

It's important you keep
the dream alive... For her.

I see north
I see brightly

Good job, girls!

All right!

Can I fall and
still break free?

Can I sound
to you perfectly?

Can I fall and
still break free?