Make It or Break It (2009–2012): Season 2, Episode 1 - Friends Close, Enemies Closer - full transcript

The girls question Sasha's decision to take on the National Committee.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm scared of gymnastics.

I'm glad I'm here to see you cancel
this little ego trip of yours.

Girls would've been decimated, anyway.

- Trust.
- You can do this.

The Rock stuns the gymnastics
world by winning five medals today.

These girls clearly should've
been taken to Beijing.

- Anything you want to say?
- It's not over, Belov. Far from it.

You're leaving for a six-month
European tour tonight.

This is for you, Emily.

Guess you really are letting me go.

He's gonna think I didn't
care enough to say goodbye.

I love you. Let's just put the stupid
stuff behind us and be together.

I want you to come to my room
tonight. I'll be waiting for you.

All right, Emily, show
me who's in control!

Awesome! Awesome.ce, keep.

All right, come on, Emily!

Bring it! Give me power. Show me power.

Emily, that was smokin' hot.

Lauren, show me what you got!

Burn up that beam!

Nice, Lauren! Let's have a strong finish.

That was sick!

All right, Kaylie, Take it home.


That was off the hook!

Now all together in front of the
green screen for the cover shot.

ok, ladies, lots of attitude.

You're the "Rock Rebels
," fierce and fabulous!

- How's it going?
- Good.

The Tsuk Arabian is one of my
best vaults. I'll get it back.

Lots of attitude now. You're
daring, dangerous divas!

Must be kind of hard to
concentrate with the circus in town.

Hope you don't feel left out.

I'll get plenty of attention
when I win Worlds this year.

- Worlds.
- That's right.

Oh, ok. Well, I guess
they better watch out.

The most dangerous diva of all is back.

We're both back.

I'm really glad you're
managing The Rock again.

Well, co-managing, with Summer.

- I'm glad, too.
- Here we go.

- Come on.
- One more.

I wish I could see the look on
Ellen Beals' face when she picks up

the number one gymnastics
magazine in the country

and sees the "Rock Rebels" on the cover.

- What do you think of us now...
- Biatch.

That's it, own it, ladies.

I'll just be happy if they
reinstate my scholarship.

- When they reinstate it.
- Emily, chill.

You won two medals against China.

You don't have to play "poor little girl

from the other side
of the tracks" anymore.

She's right. You are ranked
number two at The Rock now.

- Hold it right there! Gorgeous!

Only because I hurt my ankle
before the last rotation.

I'll blow you away in France.

- Hey, Summer.
- Oh, I am so glad you're back.

We are swamped with all the kids that
want to train at the "Rebel Rock."

Oh, have you seen the latest?

"Rock Rebels Rule Gymnastics."

- Pretty cool!
- Oh, yeah.

Listen, I hate to rain on the fun parade

but has anyone actually heard
from the National Committee?

The French Invitational is next week.

Normally we would've heard about
travel arrangements way before now.

Sasha's not worried.

We proved they took
the wrong girls to China

and they're not gonna
make that mistake again.

Don't be so sure.

We embarrassed them.

And there are some people over at
the NGO who can be very vengeful.

I can't believe we're going to France.

I've never even been out of the country.

- I don't even have a passport.
- Who doesn't have a passport?

About 90 percent of the world.

Hey, Emily, isn't Damon touring
with Green Day in Europe?

What if your boyfriend
is in France when we are?

He's not my boyfriend. And
I have no idea where he is.

Don't you at least want him to
know you tried to say goodbye?

If he thinks you blew him
off, he might give up on you.

For good.

Carter still hasn't called you back?

- You called Carter?
- I don't want to talk about it.

Hey, focus, ladies!

Ah, the sweet smell of success.

Let's not get too intoxicated.
It's time to practice.

Coach Belov, can I just get
one shot of you with the girls?

Um... No, thank you. They
deserve all the limelight.

Oh, come on! We wouldn't be
the Rebel Rock without you!

She's right. You're
responsible for all of this.

He was just doing his
job. We did the hard part.

Come and enjoy the
spoils of victory with us!

Let's go a little wider.

- Excuse me.
- All right. Give it to me!


Loving it! Nice.

- Can you stop?
- You wish.

- Um, you guys?
- Emily?

More attitude! Like you
just flipped the bird

to the gymnastics establishment snobs.

Ellen Beals is here.

Miss Beals? So glad you're here.

We've been training very hard
for the French Invitational.

I can see that.

I hope you're here about
the travel arrangements.

I told my gym manager not to
worry but she likes to plan ahead.

You're right, she shouldn't worry.

Because the girls aren't going to France.

In fact, you're all suspended from
the National Team until further notice.

make it or break it Season 2

You can't suspend us!

You chose to compete in a
non-sanctioned international event.

- It was a club meet.
- Against the Chinese National Team.

Technically, they
breached their contracts.

But surely you knew that,
Belov. I tried to warn you.

But you ignored my advice
and chose to trust your coach

and these are the
consequences. I'm sorry, girls.

Belov, I'll let you get
back to your photo shoot.

And you could use a little
powder. I think you're sweating.

I can't believe this!

- What are we gonna do?
- Call their bluff.

You think they're bluffing?

You girls are going to France.
They're just trying to make you sweat.

- Why?
- Because you stood up to them

when you went through with the
China meet in spite of their threats.

And by out-medaling the
girls they took to China,

you proved you're the best. But
they don't want you empowered,

they want you intimidated so they can
make or break your careers as they see fit.

But I say, it's not up to them
to decide who gets to win or lose.

It's up to you. And if you work
the hardest and you're the best

then you should get the
opportunities to win.

ok. So what do we do?

Nothing. They're going to back down

and they're going to take you to France.

And as long as we don't panic
and go begging for forgiveness

you'll go there with all
the respect you've earned

and your fate in your own hands.

- Trust me.
- We do.

But we must stand strong
and all stand together.

- Agreed?
- Yes, Sasha.

All right, then. Everyone in France
is going to be looking at you.

Everyone's gonna be afraid of
you and we don't wanna disappoint.

So get changed and let's
get back to practice.

Sasha! I'm just wondering
about my scholarship.

If they're bluffing, do you
think they'll still reinstate it?

I hope not.

The whole point of this
is so they don't own you.

Which is why I've been trying to
find you an independent scholarship.

I still have to work at Pizza Shack then.

- Is that a problem?
- Not for the time being.

You just hang tight, ok?

Are we sure Sasha's right?

Of course he is. He hasn't been wrong yet.

We can't miss this meet in France.

- It's probably the biggest meet before Worlds.
- Trust Sasha.

You're going to France and you're
going to Worlds. We all are.

Payson, you need to be on the
National Team to go to Worlds.

That's why I'm asking to be petitioned on.

Petitioned on the National Team?

They've made exceptions a few times

for top ranked gymnasts
who've come back from injuries

between national competitions.

- What does that take?
- Well, if they agree to consider my petition,

I just have to perform in front
of the entire National Committee

and then they vote on whether
or not to put me on the team.

Wow. I think that's great, Pay.

And Sasha's right. We have
everything to gain and nothing to lose

as long as we don't cave. ok?

Before we call it a wrap, uh,
can I just get a few more shots?

- Sure.
- Just of Kaylie, sweetheart.

Come on, Kaylie, you are
the best gymnast in America.

Let me see you own it!

- Can you believe that?
- She is the National Champion.

- Until I beat her next year.
- Or I beat her.

Kaylie doesn't always get everything.

Do you really think Payson's ready to
be petitioned back on the National Team?

I mean, I've been watching her practice
and she's definitely lost some skills.

I wouldn't underestimate Payson Keeler.

They said she'd never do
gymnastics again and look at her.

Well, aren't you worried she might
beat you at Nationals next year?

And what about you, Emily?

There's only 12 spots on the team.

And if Payson gets petitioned back on,

that means somebody's getting booted off.

And you did come in last at Nationals.

So, I mean, I'm guessing
that would be you.

So, what should we do? Hit her
in the knees with a baseball bat?

Where is my mother?

She's supposed to be picking
me up. I have to work tonight.

With Carter?

Why? What's going on?

The night of the China meet, after
you told me that Carter loved me

and I should forgive him, I left him
a message saying I wanted him back

and to come over...

... but he never showed up and
he's been avoiding me ever since.

I mean, if he doesn't love me anymore
why can't he just say it to my face?

Maybe he does still love you.

Or maybe he doesn't but he
doesn't want to hurt your feelings.

- Did he tell you that?
- No. I haven't spoken to Carter

since he moved out of
our garage apartment.

I wonder why he can't
just tell me what's up?

It's driving me crazy.

Suspended?! For how long?

Indefinitely. Which means I
can kiss my scholarship goodbye.

- Is that a new dress?
- Yeah, do you like it?

Mom, we're a week behind on
rent. What are you doing shopping?

It's not for me, it's
for Mr. Steve Tanner.

And when he sees me in it I
think he'll be more than happy

to help us pay the rent this month.

We are not taking money from Steve Tanner!

Honey, your scholarship
was half of our income.

And we'll find another
way to get by. I'm serious.

I don't want Steve Tanner
or the National Committee

or anyone else thinking they own us.

Don't you want him to respect you?

He does respect me, Emily.

He won't if he thinks he can buy you.

Let's face it, you've
been there and done that

and look where it got you.


I don't think that I'm nowhere, Emily.

But don't you worry. We won't
take any money from the Tanners.

Have you seen my
stilettos? Where are they?

- Oh, there's one.
- Promise me.

I don't want to be humiliated in front
of Lauren and everyone else at the gym.

- Found them!
- Mom.

I promise, Emily.

So, what's the deal?

I know you got my message. Why
didn't you ever call me back?

Look, I just need to
know. What's going on?

Look, I know I've pushed
and pulled you back and forth

and I can understand why you didn't
come running when I called, but...

... I know what I want now and I can
forgive you for sleeping with Lauren...

- Kaylie...
- If you could just give us another chance...

- It's too late.
- Why? Why is it too late?

- You don't love me anymore?
- I'll always love you, it's just...

- I think we're better as friends.
- We were always friends...

Just friends.

Is, um... is there something
you're not telling me?


All I know to tell you
right now is that it's over.



If that's how you feel.

Excuse me, I need to use the ladies' room.

Pizza Shack, how can I
service your hunger attack?

You can turn around.


God! What are you doing?!

- I'm seducing you, Mr. Anderson.
- Well, don't!

I thought you'd like it.

I do. I would. But...

... Kaylie's here.

- What is she doing here?
- Uh...

- She wants to know why I've been avoiding her.
- Why have you been?

I mean, why haven't you
just told her it's over?

- I just did.
- You did?

You didn't tell her why, did you?

That I'm sleeping with you? No.

But she asked if there was
something I'm not telling her.

If you tell her, she'll hate
me and I'll lose my best friend.

She's not your best friend
if you're lying to her.

We both know secrets
hurt more than the truth.

So, you need to make a decision:

either your friendship with Kaylie
or your relationship with me.

Why can't I have both?

Because I still care about Kaylie

and I don't want to lie to her.

You've gotta go before she sees you.

- Will I see you tonight?
- Yes!

ok. Wait a second.

Toss this in the Dumpster, would you?

- Can someone take our order?
- Sorry, be right there.


- Kaylie...
- At least you were honest.

Oh, hey. I was just driving
by and I saw your car.

Can we get some service, please?

Yeah, coming.

Why are you wearing a
trench coat? Is it raining?

No, I was chilly. Are
you ok? What did he say?

It's really over.

Honey, I'm so sorry.

Is everything ok?

She talked to Carter and he's over her.

Oh, Kaylie, I'm so sorry.

I feel like an idiot. I just gotta go.

I'll call you later, sweetie.

- Is it supposed to rain?
- How should I know?

So, thanks for giving my dad
permission to date your mom.

I was under the impression you
thought he wasn't good enough for her.

It doesn't matter what
I think of your father.

If my mom likes him for some reason,
then that's none of my business.

Oh, I know the "reason." Ka-ching!

Did you hear that? It's
the sound of my father

slipping his money into
your mother's g-string.

It'll be a cold day in hell before my
family takes as much as a postage stamp

from your father.

Well, with all this climate
change, anywhere could freeze over.

ok, ok. I'm going!

Whoo! This place is a
little spendy, isn't it?

Well, I'm paying, so
you don't have to worry.

No, I know, I just feel a little funny

eating at such an
expensive restaurant when...

- When what?
- Nothing.

Are you having some financial problems?

Oh, honey, we're always
having financial problems.

Especially since Emily
lost her scholarship.

- But we'll be fine.
- You know, I'd be happy to help you out.

I appreciate that, Steve.
But I want you to respect me.

- I do.
- Emily doesn't think that you do,

or will, if we take any money
from you. And she's right.

Look at my past. Every man I've
ever dated has either lent me money

or stolen it from me and where
has that gotten me? Nowhere.

- I don't think you're nowhere.
- Well, Emily does.

And to be honest...

... I really want my
daughter to respect me, too.

So, Steve, I would appreciate it

if you kept your money in your pocket.

ok. I will keep my money in my pocket.

There is one thing you
can help me with, though.

I'm not exactly sure how to navigate

all the politics of this sport, so...

Do you think they're really
serious when they say they're gonna

suspend the girls from the National Team?

- What are you talking about?
- Oh.

Lauren didn't tell you.

- Damn it!
- What are you doing here this late?

I have to train harder if I'm going
to petition onto the National Team.

- Wh... When?
- As soon as possible.

If I'm not on the National
Team I can't go to Worlds,

which are in just a few months.

And no one's ever won the
Olympics without going to Worlds.

- Payson, you're not ready.
- What are you saying?

I competed against China.
I'm back. Of course I'm ready.

Come with me. I want
to show you something.

- You're weighing me?
- I'm measuring you.

- Why?
- Just step on, please.

ok... now read that for me.

Five-four. That's not
right. I'm five-three.

You used to be five-three. After your
injury, all that time you weren't training,

- you had a growth spurt.
- That's... That's impossible.

You lost muscle mass and
gained normal body fat

which triggered puberty. You know this
can happen in a gymnast when they're out.

And you were out for a long time.

But I'm back training again.

- You can't make yourself shorter.
- I can't be growing!

I'll lose some of my skills.
This can't be happening!

We can deal with this.
You need to be patient

and accept that your body is changing.

You're going to have to
make some adjustments.

This is exactly why it's too
soon for you to even think

about petitioning on the National Team.

No! I'm the same as I was before. Better.

No, Payson, you're not.

You're wrong.

I'll show you. You're wrong!

Let me see those hands.


I thought so. You lost some of your
calluses when you weren't training.

Sasha called you, didn't he?

Growing taller is
nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm not a fashion model,
I'm an elite gymnast

and height is a serious handicap.

There isn't a Chinese
gymnast over five feet tall

and at five-three I was
already at a disadvantage.

Well, you can't fight
Mother Nature. And...

... in case you haven't noticed,
your breasts have grown, too.

What? You're becoming a
woman. It's an amazing thing.

I don't want you to hate
that, I want you to love that.

I want you to embrace that.

If I train harder, I can shut it down.

Oh... Training harder so
that you can stop your body

from developing, well, that's not healthy.

Neither are these bruises
and blisters or the fact

that I broke my back but it's
just a reality of the sport.

Maybe it's time that changed.

You're 16 years old.

You shouldn't have to have the body
of a nine-year-old to be competitive.

Then why did you let me have that surgery?

And train since I was four
years old to go the Olympics?

You know what it takes to
win just as much as I do.

Are you saying I should quit
just to fill out a bigger bra?

I am so close.

The Olympics is less than two years away,

I have the rest of my life to be a woman

but right now all I want
to do is be is a gymnast.

Mom, I need you to believe
that I'm coming back,

and that I'm going all the way.

You... You do believe that, don't you?

Of course I do.


I should get back to my place.

I don't know why you don't
just move back in here.

It's got to be awful living with
four guys in a one bedroom apartment.

- It's not awful, just smelly.
- Ew.

And you know why I can't live here.

It's inappropriate now
that we're, what, dating?

Hanging out? Hooking up?

Do we have to label it?

Are you really over Kaylie?

- I picked you, didn't I?
- Why did you pick me?

Was it because you thought
Kaylie didn't want you?

I picked you because...

... because you were there
for me when I needed someone.

You took care of me and no one's
done that since my mother died.

Is that the only reason?

Because I brought you
food and did your laundry?

No. I also think you're funny and sexy.

- And gorgeous.
- And conceited.

- Hey.
- And gorgeous and sweet when you want to be.

- I'm always sweet.
- No, you're not.

- You're competitive.
- If I wasn't, I wouldn't be a very good gymnast.

Except you're more competitive
off the mats than you are on them.

It's like you're afraid if
someone else gets something,

there won't be anything left for you.

Maybe I'm more competitive because
I don't get everything the easy way.

- Like Kaylie.
- There's one thing you have she doesn't.



Do I? Really have you?

- Yes.
- All right, then.

I pick you, too.

We'll tell Kaylie. But
after the meet in France.

I can't travel all that
way with her hating me.

All right. I want to tell her myself.

She needs to hear it from me, ok?

- ok.
- ok.

Did you see that? It wasn't
perfect, but it will be.

Then I'll start working on my Yurchenko.

A perfectly executed
Tsuk Arabian is worth more

than a sloppy Yurchenko one and a half.

But a perfect 'Chenko one
and a half is worth more

than a perfect Tsuk Arabian.

I'm getting my skills back. You'll see.


Excuse me.

Another five minutes,
then get to work, ok?

What's that all about?

My dad found out about the suspension.

- Didn't you tell him?
- I was going to, but your mother beat me to it.

As she was sucking down
another $200 dinner, no doubt.

- He looks mad.
- He thinks this is all about Sasha's ego

and not about what's in our best interest.

- What does your dad think?
- I haven't told him.

He's out of town but I'm
pretty sure he'd go ballistic.

Well, both of our dads have
spent a lot of time in this sport.

Mine thinks Sasha is wrong.
And I think yours would, too.

- All that matters is what we think.
- And what do we think?

- Could Sasha be wrong?
- He isn't always right.

I thought you were the
one who said to trust him.

It's not a matter of trust.

Sasha means well but
nobody's right all the time.

And if he is wrong, you could be
iced out of the team permanently.

And that would make it a lot easier for
you to get petitioned on, wouldn't it?

Look, Sasha's definitely
right about one thing.

We have to stand together.

The meet isn't until next week, so
there's still time to play this out.

The important thing
is that we don't panic.

- What's that?
- It's a tweet from Kelly Parker

informing us there was a National
Team practice today without us.

Oh, my God.

We're really off the team.

It might be time to panic.

I thought we weren't gonna panic?

All the National Team had
practice today in Denver.

- Without us.
- Still think they're bluffing?

It seems like they picked the girls
who were going to France today.

- And they're not us.
- Well, is it too late to do something?

- Like what?
- Like go to Beals and say we're sorry?

I have to go to France.

When I got hurt against China, some
people might have gotten the idea

that I was third around here. I'm not.

- Would we tell Sasha?
- He'd just try to talk us out of it.

- He doesn't have to know.
- Isn't that like throwing him under the bus?

It has nothing to do with
Sasha. These are our careers

and if the goal is not to
be under anyone's thumb,

then doesn't that include our coach?

What if he finds out? Won't he be mad?

We're just doing what he told us
to do. Controlling our own fate.

Let's face it, to get on the Olympic
Team, you have to be on the National Team.

And even then, they
still only pick six girls.

You think it's gonna be the
six girls who follow the rules,

or the rebellious girls that
they're not sure they can count on?

I guess.

At the end of the day, it's about
whether we make the Olympic Team.

And that road doesn't go through Sasha.

It goes through Ellen Beals.

I say it's time we kissed
the asses that matter.

And hopefully Sasha never finds out.

- Let's vote.
- ok, but...

... we need to stick together,
so this has to be unanimous.

All in favor of going to Ellen Beals?

Does Syou' ker

No. Um, we love Sasha but we realize

he may have led us astray when he forced
us to compete against China at The Rock.

He didn't force us.

I think what we're trying to say is The
Rock girls do respect the National Committee

and we didn't mean to violate any
rules and we won't let it happen again.

I'm glad to hear that, Payson.
Unfortunately, you're not on the National Team

so you didn't violate any rules.

But I would like to hear
from the girls who did.

What exactly do you want to hear?

That your loyalty is to the National
Gymnastics Organization of America.

Because after all, you are
competing for your country.

And that is an honor and a
pledge I take very seriously.

So, what I'm asking, going forward, is
who do you pledge your allegiance to?

Your club coach or your National Team?

I pledge my allegiance to my country
and the National Gymnastics Organization.

The National Committee will be
very pleased to hear that, Lauren.

- I do, too.
- I would like to hear you say it.

I pledge my allegiance to the
National Gymnastics Organization.

And Emily?

I pledge my allegiance to the
National Gymnastics Organization.

It makes me very happy
to see you girls this way.

You know, you girls can trust me.

I was an elite gymnast,
too, back in the day.

My goal was also to go to the Olympics

but even though I followed all the rules
and worked harder than any other girl I knew,

I still didn't make the Olympic Team.

It was the biggest
disappointment of my life.

But, the consolation is
now I'm in the position

to make other girls' dreams come true.

No one loves this sport more than I do.

Look at me. I'm getting teary-eyed.

I'm just so relieved to see you girls

taking charge and making the right move.

- So, are we still suspended?
- And what about France?

It's a really big meet.
We want to be there.

I will plead your case to my
colleagues and see what I can do.

Miss Beals, when you
speak to the committee,

can you talk to them about my scholarship?

I'm sorry, Emily, you broke
the rules by having a job,

and now, it's beyond my control.

Well, girls, I'll be in touch.

- May I have a word with you?
- Of course.

I would like to be petitioned
onto the National Team.

You've only been back training for a
few weeks. Do you think you're ready?

- You only get one chance.
- I'm ready.

And Sasha? What does he think?

I know my own body and I
know what I'm capable of.

I see. Well, I'll certainly
bring it up with the committee.

Thank you. You won't regret it.

I am back and better than ever.

Why do I feel sick to my stomach?

For the same reason I do.

Every time I see Sasha, I
feel like we betrayed him.

What if he was right?

What if Ellen Beals was just
trying to get us to cave and we did?

I really liked the idea of
having control of our own fate.

Which is what we did by going to
Beals and taking care of it ourselves.

I just hope if and when he
finds out he doesn't hate us.

- Here to chew me out some more?
- I'm here to keep an eye on you.

Something I should have
been doing all along.

You brought me here to take the
girls and gym to the next level.

- I've done that.
- But at what cost?

- I don't trust you anymore.
- The girls trust me and that's all that matters.

Hey. You've all been
distracted today and I know why.

You heard about the National Team practice
yesterday in Denver and you're nervous.

Don't be. It was a desperate move
to get you to cave, but you didn't.

And I am so sure they're taking
you all to France that, Emily...

... I expedited your passport.

Oh, my gosh. I've never
had a passport before.

Well, pretty soon it's going to be filled
with visa stamps from all over the world.

I'm so proud of you, girls.

We've stood together and we've
stood strong and I promise you,

your trust in me is going to pay off.

Maybe right now, in fact.

- Miss Beals, back so soon?
- Sooner than I thought.

I have good news. The committee
has lifted the girls' suspension.

And I'm here to announce the rankings
for the upcoming tournament in France.

I am happy to announce,
for the first time,

that Kaylie Cruz will
be ranked number one,

and will be going to
France as the team captain.

Beth Atchinson is second, and Emily
Kmetko is officially ranked number three.

- I'm ranked third?
- What about Kelly Parker?

Kelly unfortunately suffered a wrist
sprain today and won't be going to France.

- What about me?
- You didn't make the top six this time, Lauren.

- I'm sorry.
- I got a bronze medal against the Chinese here at The Rock.

But you choked against them in China.

This is ridiculous!

Nobody else had the guts
to come to you to apologize

until I talked them into it!

I'm the reason we came
to see you this morning

and I'm the reason we all pledged
our allegiance to you and the NGO. Me.

We appreciate your loyalty, Lauren,

but there will be other meets.

Someone will call you today
to make travel arrangements.

Oh, and Payson, we've agreed
to consider your petition.

You'll be coming to France to
perform for the committee as a whole.

I think that's everything.
See you girls in France.


... we're so sorry.

No, um... there's
nothing to be sorry about.

You're all going to France and
that was the whole point, right?

Look, um, if you're gonna win,

you should get back to training.

So, I guess they don't trust you
as much as you thought they did.

- I want to go to France.
- What can I do about it?

I don't know. But I am not
staying home, so figure it out!


Look, um...

I know you don't want
to hear this right now,

but you'll only get one shot to
petition onto the National Team,

- and you're not ready.
- I've got two weeks, I'll be ready.

- Are you ok?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Your feelings aren't just a little hurt?

My feelings are irrelevant.

I encouraged the girls to take their
fate into their own hands and they did.

Unfortunately, they then put it
in the hands of the wrong person.

Do you really think Ellen
Beals wants to hurt the girls?

I think she wants to control them.

She doesn't care about their
ambitions unless they further her own.

And if the girls fail to do that, then
she'll use her power on the National Committee

to kill their dreams by keeping
them off the Olympic Team.

- But that's not fair.
- Well, that's the sport.

But I can't change
that. Only the girls can.

And they almost did.

How do you think Sasha's really feeling?

He's got to be hurt.

But he did say the whole
point was to go to France.

Hello? Doesn't anyone care that
I'm totally getting screwed here?

We're sorry, Lo, but you got
to go to China and we didn't.

Oh, so tit for tat...
Is that how it works?

I can't believe this.
I have to go to France.

- I'm looking for Kaylie Cruz.
- That's me.

I'm from Gymnastics Now magazine.

- We need your photo approval for the cover shot.
- I'll take that.

We all get photo approval.

What's this?

We're all supposed to be on the cover.

Lauren! Wait!

Look, I'm sorry! I didn't know it
was just gonna be me on the cover.

Of course you didn't, because
the universe just opens up

and gives Kaylie Cruz
whatever her heart desires!

- That's not true.
- You're right! There's something you didn't get.

You didn't get Carter. I did.

And the night you called, he didn't
answer because he was with me.

Sleeping with me. He picked me.

Someone finally picked me!

Oh! Hey, honey!

I was just gonna grab a
quick bite to eat with Steve.

- Is that ok?
- Two nights this week? Is it getting serious?

Oh, not really. I just don't
think he likes to eat alone.

- So, how was your day?
- Well...

They lifted the suspension
and I'm going to France!

What?! Oh, my gosh, that's so exciting!

Oh, my God! Damon's in Europe.

Do you know where he'll be?
Maybe you'll get to see him!

I have no idea where Damon is

and I'm going to France to compete.

- And only to compete.
- ok.

Although I'm going to miss a
week of work at the Pizza Shack

and we need that money for the rent.

Don't worry about it. It'll get paid.

Something will fall in
our laps. It always does.

Just as long as it doesn't fall
out of Steve Tanner's wallet.

It won't.

In fact, I told Steve that we
wanted his respect, not his money,

so you don't have to worry about
him or anyone else owning us.

- Thanks, Mom.
- You're welcome.

- Hi.
- Mr. Tanner, your date is waiting. Right this way.

- You look lovely.
- Thank you.

We're just having drinks.

Look, I have a date, so
let's cut to the chase.

What do you want, Ellen, and how
do you want me to help you get it?

And here I thought I was your date.

- ok. I want Sasha Belov out.
- Of The Rock?

Of the sport, but I'll
start with The Rock.

Why? You got want you wanted.
The girls kissed your ring.

They know where their
loyalties have to lie.

Look, we have a chance at engineering

one of the best U.S. Women's
Olympic Teams in history.

But not with girls thinking for themselves

or being empowered by some renegade coach.

Obedience and respect for authority
are what makes a great gymnast.

And one bad apple can spoil everything.

So if I help you get rid of Belov,
what's in it for me and my daughter?

You get control of The Rock again

and Lauren gets her spot on
the National Team, guaranteed.

- She wants to go to France.
- Fine, we'll take her as an alternate.

There's one more thing I want.

Reinstate Emily Kmetko's scholarship.

No can do. Why do you
care about Emily Kmetko?

To tell you the truth, no one on the
committee is certain she's for real.

Fine. But say someone wanted
to sponsor her, anonymously,

could you arrange for a private sports
endowment group to fund a new scholarship?

- I don't see why not.
- No one can ever know it's me.

I understand. Do we have an alliance?

And now, if you'll excuse me...

You have a date, yes, I know.
Give my best to Mrs. Kmetko.

Just between us girls,

you were gonna take them to
France anyway, weren't you?

- Hello?
- Emily, it's Ellen Beals.

I felt so bad about you losing your
scholarship that I pulled some strings

and I've convinced a private
sports endowment group

to sponsor you, beginning right away.

Oh, my gosh, that's great.

And they're going to cover all your
expenses so you won't have to work

- at that pizza place anymore.
- Wow.

I told you you could trust me.

- I hope this proves it.
- It does. Thank you.

Just make sure you follow
the rules this time.

- I will. Thank you so much.
- ok. I'll See you.