Make It or Break It (2009–2012): Season 1, Episode 2 - Where's Marty - full transcript

With Marty gone, The Rock begins to fall apart. Kaylie and Paysen decide to go to Denver and confront Marty and Lauren, both, for leaving. Emily and Becca decide to go with them.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Make It Or Break It

I'm gonna load that National team with Rock girls.

The top three will go as our top flight.

We've top three the past three years.

That's Emily Kmetko,

American gymnastics scholarship kid.

There's absolutely no dating.

Catch you with a boy, and you're out.

- OK, tomorrow we have... - Mom!

- National trials are tomorrow. - "Tomorrow" tomorrow?

This is the biggest shot I'll have.

We haven't gotten the security deposit check back.

I'm on it. I called the Pizza Shack

And I'm gonna go pick up my uniform.

- What are you into? - Just living.

She has a shot at the top three.

This is my shot.

- I want my second vault. - What?

I can't believe this.

I've been in the top three for two whole years.

This is my life.

- It'll be fine. - Kaylie's seeing Carter.

- Don't. - Where were you yesterday, Kaylie.

She was with me.

I hired a PI.

- What is it you want? - The Denver club,

They are very interested in your coaching services.

- You'll take Lauren. - Now you're left with no coach.

Right before Nationals. Good luck!

What do we do now?

Where are my resumes?

I mean, I know I had them in here.

What would I do with them?

You mean the ones that are practically glowing in the dark?

Mom, you're going to get a job. Today's the day.

I know. I know it. It's just...

You know what?

Maybe I should wear something with a little more...

...pow. Don't you think? Yeah. Right? Right.

OK, hang on.

Look, honey, I just wanna say I'm sorry

I've been so stressed lately.

It's just that there's only five more salons to try.

And one of them's

The new home of Chloe Kmetko, nail wizard.

You're right. You know what?

Everything's gonna be fine. I'll get a job,

- You have your scholarship. - I hope so.

What do you mean?

Marty dealt with all the scholarship stuff.

- Now that he's gone... - Oh, no, no.

Please don't say that this is gonna be a problem.

I hope not. I'm gonna take care of it though. Don't worry.

- Good luck today. - OK.

How do I look?


- Bye. - Bye.

Hey! Can we get a spotter here?

Got it?

When can I c u?


- Are we off early again today? - I guess so.

This place is nuts without Marty.

Tanner could drive his Hummer

Through the loopholes in Marty's contract.

Well, maybe it's for the best.

How can it possibly be for the best?

Nationals are around the corner, we're minus a head coach

And the list of people as good as Marty is this long.

I never figured Marty for a guy that could be bought.

Everyone has their price.

You think he left for the money?

Honestly, Alex,

You think anybody with an Olympic medal is so virtuous?

Marty was just a man.

With weaknesses just like any other man.

I gotta get ready for

This bash you're making us throw tonight.

It's a meeting, and it's important.

We've already lost ten girls and their dues.

We can't afford to lose any more.

No. You're not squaring your hips.

- Let's focus, Payson. - Hey, what are you doing here?

Thought I'd check in. How's it going?

Let's just say the big boat has hit the iceberg,

And now we're slowly sinking.

By the way, Alex called a parents meeting for later.

He wants to talk to us about the board. Right?

For two years,

We couldn't get anyone to tell us what was going on.

Now we're good enough for the great Rock board?

Times are tough all over.

You did it again.

Do you remember Jim and Helen Bates?

From the gym in Houston?

Of course. As I recall,

She had a little thing for me.

Yeah, all 300 pounds of her.

Listen. They called this morning.

They heard a rumor that Marty left.

They want Payson in Houston.

- What did you say? - I told them I had to talk to you.

And it's not like we can pick up and move.

You've already taken a big enough pay break to come here.


What about Payson?

Well, you know how she loves change.


- Square your hips! - Are you Marty?

Do you have three Olympic gold medals?

Then leave me the hell alone.

- Payson. - I'm so sorry.

Make it or Break it S01E02

Hey. Hey, Pay. Come on. What's wrong?

What's wrong? Everything is wrong!

Nationals are almost here and the gym is falling apart.

- I know. It's insane. - I don't understand.

I trained with him for almost two years.

- You trained with him for four years. - I know.

What did he say? "We're like a family here."

Yeah, the family Daddy bails on.

I just... I don't understand.

- Why would Marty leave us? - To coach Lauren?

Has anyone talked to him?

Dad says he's not returning anyone's calls.

We're the ones that should talk to him.

We're the ones that had the real relationship with him.

- I know. - I just wish I could see him.

I could get this all straightened out.

You know who I wanna straighten out? Lauren.

They both have some explaining to do, big time.

For sure.

- Why don't we? - Why don't we what?

Why don't we go to Denver?

Talk to them ourselves. We deserve some answers.

- Our parents would freak out. - They don't have to know.

- Pay, nobody has to know. - Payson?

- Can I speak to you for a minute? - Be right there.

I'm about to get a lecture.

Pay, what do you think?

I know you're frustrated,

But you can't take it out on other people.

- I know. - Why don't you go in there and apologize?

Come on, kiddo.

What if everything doesn't work out?

Is going to Houston such a crazy idea?

Geez, the last move was brutal. Don't you remember?

We couldn't find a house. Becca cried for a month.

My mom still asks on Sundays when we're coming home.

Do you want to go through that all over again?

I just don't want to have gone through all this for nothing.

- Kaylie's brother is here! - Hey, Leo!

- How's college treating you? - Collegially.

- How's the slave ship treating you? - Pretty brutal.

- You remember. - Which is why I jumped ship.

I'm not half as tough as you girls.

And I don't look a tenth as good in a leotard.

Hi, Leo.

So you don't have any copies?

No, Marty did all the scholarship stuff.

I know there is some weekly letter.

Oh, God. This is all we need.

I'm sorry, Emily. It's OK.

We're just a little buried right now.

Let me go check in storage.

- And here's another one. - Another one what?

Don't mind me, i've got run- off-at-the-mouth disease.

You're new, right?

Yeah, I just came in from Fresno.

Oh, Fresno.

Didn't you know? It's the gymnastics capital of the world.

- So have you seen my dad? - Your dad...?

Yay high, shaved head, a little wired.

But it's just to distract you

From his tender, cry-at-sad-movies side?

Mr. Cruz cries at movies?

He's like a baby.

- There he is. - Hey, Pops.

Emily, this is Kaylie's brother, Leo.

Don't hold it against me.

OK, the good thing is I found your scholarship file.

American Gymnastics was very generous.

The bad thing is they all need Marty's signature.

- But how...? - The new coach will sign them.

In the meantime,

Give 'em some hard-luck story to buy some time.

Scholarship people love that.

I'm grabbing Kaylie. We gotta fly.

Nice to meet you.

- I need this money. - Just hang tight.

If I don't get it, I can't stay at The Rock.

No worries, Emily. We'll have a new coach in no time.

Everything is gonna be just fine.

Good. Way to stick it! Nice! Nice!

Make sure you stay hydrated. We're going late tonight,

And every Tuesday and Thursday before Nationals.

She just needs to get her confidence back.

Move on to your next event.

That's nice.


- Nice. - Man, is she good.

Yeah, but I hear she's a bitch.

That was perfect, honey.

You are still the best beamer in the country.

Just amazing, Lauren.

Don't you guys get sick of each other?

I mean, poor Summer needs a life.

So I think I can, uh, sneak away for dinner tonight.

I'm starting to feel like your mistress.

We're not doing anything wrong,

We shouldn't have to sneak around.

I know. It's just... You know Lauren, she's...

Your daughter, not your wife.

Unless there's some other reason

You don't want people knowing about us?

- What are you talking about? - Are you embarrassed?

Or am I just some sort of fling?

You know that's not true.

Do I?


- i'll tell Lauren tonight. - Thank you.

- That means a lot to me. - All right.

Incoming call: HOME.

- Mom? - No, it's me.

Are you here? Where are you?

In the laundry room.

By the way, who puts a phone in the laundry room?

- Your family is nuts. - No, you're nuts.

Is this your idea of playing it cool for a while?

I came here to say hey to Leo and... See your beautiful face.

No. I think my dad's home by now.

Come on, Kaylie.

Just for a sec.


Mind if I take a run?


Where's my dad?

So are we OK?


Oh, please. You're banging your secretary?

Executive assistant.

And I'm not, you know, "banging" anybody.

Summer and I have discovered we have...

...Real feelings for each other.

When? When did you discover these "feelings?"

- Six months ago. - Ugh. Could you be more of a clich?

And you?

I had you pegged for a gold digger back on the Cabo trip.

Way to take notes in a tankini.

Now that's enough.

Lauren, we wanted...

Save it. You'll be out of our lives

In ten minutes.

Just like all the rest of them.

I spend every waking minute

Thinking of ways we can be together.

You're getting very creative. I was thinking, um,

We could make out in the back of my car

As it goes through the car wash.

You're making fun of me.

I'm not, I'm not.

I think you're cute.

Did you hear that?

No. You're being paranoid.

Right. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I can't.

My dad's been ready to blow ever since Marty left.

And if he catches us in here together, we're dead.

How many excuses do you have

Not to spend time with me?


- Are you kidding me? - Relax.

We're fine.

- Kaylie! - Oh, crap!

Where are you?

- What's up? - Kaylie.

- What are you doing? - Uh, I was just doing laundry.


Not once in your entire life have I ever seen you do laundry.

Excuse me.

Whatever. Look, Kaylie, it's crunch time here.

We got to nail down endorsement deals

Before anyone gets wind of our little coaching issue.

Carter. What's up?

Not much.

- How's college? - Great. How's my sister?

Scratch that, I don't want to know.


Sausage-mushroom-onion and a small salad.

Thank you.

There's always this thing looming around, right?

Finally, I got it.

I knew it wouldn't work

When she picked "invisible". No way.

The love of your life picked being invisible

Over being able to fly?

- Right? - Well, being invisible could be useful.

You could rob a bank, for example,

And nobody would know.

Or sneak into Brad and Angelina's house

And see if they actually spend time

- With all those kids. - That's an excellent point.

But, I mean, come on, who wouldn't

Rather be able to fly? It's just...

I'm with ya.

So the point is, I thought I was madly in love.

Granted, I was only 15.

You're only 17 now.

Yeah, but so much more mature.

So how are you liking Boulder?

I like it.

What have you been up to?

You know, just... Getting settled.

Mystery woman over here.

You got some big old secret life nobody knows about?

What are you, a spy?

You must be a rock star that only comes out at night, right?

Some, like, Indie,

Aging Hannah Montana type?

- I'm getting close, aren't I? - Uh, no.

But I do keep myself busy.

I'm, um, I'm in training, actually.

To be a ninja? Is that it?

No, wait. Foot model. Special forces op?

No. Racing jockey?


Mom! What's wrong?

Oh, my gosh. There's a big meeting.

- What are you talking about? - At the Cruz's house.

An emergency meeting. Alex Cruz called me.

We have to go!

Mom, I'm working.

- Cute boy. Hi. - Mom!

Oh! We have to go!

Go. I'll cover for you. I got it.

OK, Mom. I'll see you in the car.

Um, yes, you will see me in the car.

I'm sorry. Thank you. I owe you.

I may be collecting on that.

You should probably go.

I think your mom is

Going into the drive-thru the wrong way.

In reverse.

- Peace. - Bye.

Holy crap. Where are Blake and Krystle?

I told you it was nice.

Nice? I've failed you as a husband.

Pshht. We have a stackable washer and dryer.

Ronnie, nice digs.

How can it be possible that you guys haven't here before?

Because you've never invited us?

I don't remember saying anything about inviting children.

I only bought so much shrimp dip.

Come here. Look.

This is Marty when he won the silver. Wasn't he cute?

- He was amazing. - Who's that with the gold?

Sasha Belov. He was the only person to ever beat Marty.

- Whatever happened to him? - I don't know.

He kind of disappeared.

So... Are we gonna go to Denver?

- I thought you might chicken out. - No way.

- Are you chickening out? - No way. Let's go.

So this fan made this sign that said "Cruz In Control."

And every time I saw it, I would go streaky with the bat.

What does "streaky" mean? Run around naked?

He batted his butt off. He was hot.

- Not temperature-wise. - I know what "hot" means.


- The Rock. - The Rock.

The Rock.

We're looking at a spot

On the board open with Tanner gone,

And I was wondering if you know anybody with money.

We're feeling a little pinched.

Honey, why are you wearing your brother's jacket?

Hiding my Pizza Shack shirt.

No one knows I have a job.

Oh. Speaking of jobs, today was a flop.

I think people are intimidated by me. My nails are so good.

Like Lady Gaga good.

And my book is flawless.

Ronnie! Hi. Thank you so much for having us in your home.

Or should I say mansion.

You should be on MTV Cribs.

Thank you. And I see you brought Emily.

We're going to Java Rama. See you.

Oh, good. Bring Emily with you. And where's the little one?

- Bring her too. - This is gonna be so much fun.

We're gonna make new friends today!

What can I get instead of whipped cream on my cocoa?

I know its full of fat. How about low-fat milk?

We're not going to Java Rama

And you guys can't come with us.

- Sorry, Emily. - Hey, it wasn't my idea.

- Something we gotta do. - Go for it.

What? What are you guys doing?

See you mana.

- Tell me or I'm telling Mom and Dad. - You're such a pain...

- We're going to Denver. - Denver?

- Yeah. To see Marty. - Marty?

Mom and Dad won't like this.

Mom and Dad aren't gonna know.

- I coming too then. - Emily, you barely knew him.

And it's really important.

I've got scholarship stuff that he has to sign.

It's really important. To me.

- So who's driving? - I call shotgun!

- Becca, get back. - Great.

I would kiss Nick Jonas,

I'd marry Joe Jonas

And I'd kill Kelly Parker.

Why? Why would you kill Kelly Parker?

Because she's better than you on vault.

Why don't you just let Payson beat her?

That's way more fun.

- And less prison time. - Who would you kiss, Payson?

- Nobody. - Come on. Who would you marry then?

I... I don't know, Becca. Barack Obama.

- He's married. - I give up then, Becca.

How about you, Kaylie? Who would you kiss?

Uh, I don't know, Becca.

Would you kiss that guy Carter from the gym?

He's cute, isn't he? Don't you think he's cute, Kaylie?

Yeah, yeah, he's real cute, Becca.

But, you know, lots of boys are cute.

I still can't get over Lauren accusing you

Of seeing Carter. How low can you go?

- Pretty low. - I can't wait to see you tell her off.

So, are we almost there yet?

We still got a while.

You know who else is cute? Kaylie's brother Leo.

I'd marry him. He's rich.

And super smart. Isn't he, Kaylie?

- He knows it. - What's he studying now, rocket science?

Or something. I don't even know how to describe it.

Some save-the-world thing.

He was a pretty good gymnast.

Leo was a gymnast?

- And he said he met you today. - Really?

You guys are lame. You won't kiss anyone,

You won't marry anyone.

- Who would you kill? - Lauren.

My goodness. Ronnie, what is this? This isn't even English.

- I think it's German. - Wow! You guys speak German?

Actually, no. The books aren't for reading.

They're just... They're for decor.

We're gonna get started.

Wait, wait! What is this?

Zip Up My Heart? That's my favorite song.

Zip up my heart

Wash your hands and walk a-way-way

- How did you get that? - I earned it.

By... Singing it.

You sang "Zip up my heart,

Wash your hands and walk a-way-way?"

Oh... When did that come out? Like, the '70s?

Oh, so was I. Wow.

That's a real platinum record.

Of course it's real. Why else would it be there?

For the decor, of course.

All right, everyone. We should get going.

Can you believe the nerve of that guy?

"Do we know anyone who has money?"

We have the best girl in the gym.

That counts for something.

Don't you dare get into a big man contest with Alex Cruz.

Big man? He's not such a big man.

And FYI, his baseball career wasn't all that.

Ronnie is just as condescending with me,

But we promised we wouldn't be stage parents.

We're just gonna have to let this roll off our backs.

And I don't think we should tell them

That the Houston gym called and wants Payson.

Remember, we're just here to listen.

What's it like being the Buddha, anyway?

So you have a scholarship? How does that work?

I don't know, exactly. I've never had one before.

But, um, the American Committee

Gives us a little bit of money each week,

You know, for dues and stuff.

Wait, you get paid to do gymnastics? Wow.

My parents won't let me take any sponsorship money.

It's not exactly sponsorship money. It's, um...

- We need it. - So are you guys, like, poor?

- Becca! - It's OK.

I'm sorry. It's just

I don't think we've had a scholarship girl

At The Rock before.

Yeah, you know, good for you.

Hey, we're here.


So the bad news is we can't get Marty back.

But the good news is we've got me.

Since I'm the only one who was a professional athlete,

I think it's pretty obvious I should manage The Rock

And handle the PR spin.

As we all know, gymnastics is a sport of perception.

The Rock needs to continue to be

Maintained as an elite facility,

Or else all of our girls scores, they're gonna suffer.

So let's just keep everything on the DL,

And funnel all communication through me.

'Cause so far, no one knows that Marty's been lost.

Houston knows.

They want Payson.

Payson's already being recruited?

Yeah. And even though we're not professional athletes,

I think we know what's best for our kids.

And the last thing we need

Is another Steve Tanner.

- No offense, Alex. - Yeah, OK.

Nice work, Buddha.

So now that we're here, um,

What are we gonna say exactly?

We're gonna go in and give them a piece of our mind.

They can't pull this disappearing act on us.

Not that, you know, Lauren's any loss.

That's right. You said it.

We don't need her. She wasn't our friend.

She thinks she's gonna bury us in Boston?

We are gonna bury her.

There's a reason she came in third.

She's a great beamer...

But she sucked on bars.

- Holy crap. - Damn, her bars look good.

Is that Payson Keeler? What is she doing here?

- A little tighter next time. - Wait here.

- Payson. - I think I deserve some answers!

- Calm down. - Calm down? Really? Are you kidding?

Get back to work!

Marty, we are going to have this conversation.

We'll do it in private. Let's go.

What are you doing here, Kaylie? And why'd you bring her?

Come on, Lo. We've been friends for ten years.

We've done everything.

- Doesn't that mean anything to you? - What about you?

Doesn't our friendship mean anything to you?

Why didn't you tell me about you and Carter?

Because it's just not true.

And even if it was,

You don't rat out a friend. Ever.

What are you looking at? This has nothing to do with you.

Oh, wait. I guess it does.

You're the reason The Rock doesn't have a coach.

What is your problem with me, anyway?

Besides the fact that I beat you.

You only beat me because I beat myself.

And that will never happen again, I promise.

Why? Why did you do it?

Payson, some things are... Hard to explain.

Like why you left me right before Nationals?

- I know you're upset... - Upset?

Marty, The Rock was my whole life!

I gave you my entire life!

- And you're gonna be fine. - Really?

Because I... I don't feel fine.

I don't even wanna go to the gym anymore.

I don't even know what the hell I'm doing!

It was never me.

It was never me. It was always you.

Then why can't I do it right anymore?

Why can't I do it without you?

Nationals are coming up. And...

...I just don't think I can do it.

Do you...?

Do you really want to know why I left?

I left because it was a better move for me.

- What? - Yeah, that's right.

A better move. It's not always about you, Payson.

I have my career to think about and this, right here,

- This is a better club. - That's what you think?

Yeah. It's not personal, just business.

- These girls are better than you. - These girls?

Know what I think? I think you're wrong!

I know that I'm better than them.

And I am going to kick the ass of every single girl in here!

I'm gonna be ten times better without you

Than I ever was with you!

Do what you have to do.

Know what? I don't even know why I came here.

I don't need to see you ever again.

You know what? I will see you one more time.

From the top of the gold medal podium.

You go, Payson.

You're delusional to think nobody's

Gonna find out about you and Carter.

- You're a back-stabbing bi... - Come on, Kaylie.

These people are dead to us.

One more thing.

Fix Emily's scholarship. Make it right.

She shouldn't have to chase after

What you promised her.

I'll take care of it.

Then all three of us can kick your ass at Nationals.

- Kaylie... - See you in Boston.

We'll talk tomorrow,

And we'll make some decisions democratically.

I appreciate you hearing us out, Alex.

Though we were just here to listen.

- Oh. So the girls aren't back? - Oh. They're on their way.

I'm sure your girls will be there by the time you get there.

Hey, Mark, you want to hit a Rockies game?

I got a box.

Hey, you guys. Thank you for such a wonderful evening.

Maybe we can do it again soon!

- Yes, we will. - Well, you know,

I'm a little crazy still getting settled and everything,

But maybe we could do lunch.

That would be great. Yeah.

But there's no rush. So take your time.

You know, it's... I'm still trying to find a job.

- I've checked every salon... - Salons?

That's Ronnie's whole life. She can totally get you a job.

Right, babe? Your friend Margo,

Doesn't she own a salon? Or three?

Yeah. That's no problem.

Oh, my God! Are you kidding me?! Thank you so much!

Then we can be together all the time!

Zip up my heart. Wash your hands and walk a-way-way

Button up your love...

- Lauren, can we talk? - I have nothing to say to you.

OK, I'll do the talking then. I feel terrible

You found out about your dad and me that way.

Could have been worse. You could have been naked.

- Look, I really care about your... - Dad's money?

What is he, ten years older than you?

I'm really a nice person.

If you actually got to know me, you might like me.

I doubt it. But why waste my time?

You think I buy your act? You're a fake,

And when my dad's done with you, he'll throw you away.

Look, I wouldn't underestimate me.

Or your father's feelings.

I'd like it if we could be friends, Lauren,

But whether you accept me or not, I'm not going anywhere.

Everything went down

On Tuesday No one heard a sound

Who do you think will be our new coach?

It doesn't matter.

I just can't believe it's really over with Marty.

Believe it.

Things are never gonna be the same.

Crap. I'm out of gas.

There's a gas station over there.


Wait downtown

I'll be there.

Kaylie, I'm gonna ask where the freeway is.

I'm coming. I have to pee.

Of course you do.

Yeah, that's it.

- Check that. - Kaylie.

Check out that pretty princess in her fancy car.

That pretty princess would probably just snap, man.

Be easy to get those sexy kicks off

That sexy little body that way.

Oh! More pretty princesses.

Like a pretty princess party, right?

- Becca, get in the car. - Where you all goin' so fast?

Come on, jackasses. Back off.

What are you gonna do if we don't, huh?

- What you gonna do? - Follow me.

Crazy! Off the hook!

I'm sick of taking people's crap.

Me too.

That was some superhero action, yo!

Where the hell have you been?

I was about to send your brother out to look for you girls.

Oh, is the meeting over already?

It's been over for two hours. I'll take you girls home.

- Your parents probably worried. - I can take them.

- Awesome! - See you guys later.

Honey, where were you? We were getting worried.

Doing something fun? I won't tell your father.

We went to Denver, Mom, to see Marty.

Marty? What did he say?

He says he's not coming back.

There you two are. We just called Alex about you.

Where have you been?

We went to a movie and no one had their phone on them.

Well, you should have called.

At least you guys were having some fun.

How was the movie?


I learned a lot.

No fun.

We went through it all.

Little league, of course,

Pop Warner football, tennis.

I was good at all of 'em, but I was never great.

And to be Alex Cruz's kid,

You had to be great.

Wow. That sounds like some pressure.

Are you kidding? It was perfect.

Because Kaylie was great.

And I got to fly under the radar and just have fun.

I love baseball, I love tennis.

I still do gymnastics, just for the workout.

Well, thanks for the lift.

- I knew it. - What?

Calluses. You don't wrap your hands.

I never wrapped mine either.

Still have the scars to prove it.

You gotta feel your hands on the bar to fly, right?

- It's a good feeling. - The best.

When I'm flying through the air like that, I feel like

Everything else in my life completely disappears.

It's like I'm in this safe, magical zone.

I know that feeling.

- Should I walk you in? - It's OK.

Good night, Emily.

- Cute boy. Who is he? - Just Kaylie's brother.

- Kaylie's rich, hot brother! - Mom!

OK. Speaking of the Cruz's,

- Ronnie thinks she can get me a job. - Really?

Yes! Isn't that exciting? She and I just kind of clicked.

I think i've made my first real friend here.

And what about you?

How are the girls? What happened?

I think I got my scholarship worked out.

Are you kidding me? OK. We have to celebrate.

How about I go and get some ice cream.

I will be back in a flash.

I bet you ten bucks she'll get lost.

Do I look like a sucker?

OK. It's 8:15.

I say she'll be back in 45, minus the ice cream.

I say 50 minutes and five bucks.

- You're wrong. - We'll see.

Hey. I, uh...

...thought we said we wouldn't...

Kaylie told me that they came by to see you today.

- You wanna...? - Yeah. No.

We can't... Do this anymore.

It's... It's over. I just...

I wanted to come by and thank you

For not letting Tanner expose our...

- ...Relationship. - I wanted to protect you.

- And Kaylie, so... - I know. I know.

I just... It's not fair for you to have to

Suffer all the consequences.

I don't want you living under Tanner's thumb.

Do what you have to do,

And if Steve outs us, then, uh,

I'll take care of my side of the street.

Thanks, Ronnie.

Goodbye, Marty.

Life, hurry now

I'm running out of time

And I'm growing weak

As are these dreams that are mine

Though the days are long

I'm still running strong

I keep looking up

So I can hold on

For now, I'll choose

This life I live

And for now, I'll choose

To take my hits

'Cause at the end of the day

All we have is who

At the end of the day

All we have is who we are

At the end of the day

All we have is who we are


Our little game is over, Steve.

- What game would that be, Marty? - Me as your monkey.

I'm not gonna be at your beck and call.

I'm gonna do what I want to do from now on.

- What the hell has gotten into you? - Some sense.

Oh, come on.

You're not as hot a commodity

As you seem to think you are.

I found you, pal.

I can find another Marty Walsh.

Well, do what you have to do.

Do you know what you're saying?

I can ruin the sport for you.

You already did that.