Make It or Break It (2009–2012): Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot - full transcript

Payson Keeler, Lauren Tanner, and Kaylie Cruz have been the top three for years at Rocky Mountain Gymnastic Training Center and are expected to compete at the Nationals in Boston. But then Emily Kmetko arrives and blows the tryouts away. Lauren begins to fear that Emily will knock one of them out of the top three, most likely, herself.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Crap! Go sweetie...

This is not a day for you to be late.

There you go!

- Hey, Lauren
- Hey.

That's Payson.

Can I have your autograph
for show and tell?

What? Oh sure.

Thank you.

- How's your back today?
- Feels good today.

I'm not gonna push it till Boston though.

- We're gonna dominate in Boston.
- We have to.

It's our last Nationals.

- You can squeeze another one out.
- I don't think my body can handle it.

I hear that.


I'm gonna be soakin' up deals
and showing off my medals.

You know, waving in parades,
sleeping in, eating whatever I want.

Parades? That's so cheesy.

Oh yeah? What are you gonna
do after the Olympics, huh?

I'm gonna blow off from Boulder so fast.

Move to France. Go all jet set,
like the Beckhams.

- How about you Pay?
- I'm gonna focus on winning in Boston.

It's so weird

all this work and it can all be
over in just one weekend.

- The board happy Tanner?
- The board very happy.

"The Rock" is rolling and go,
we've got the strongest club

possible heading to Nationals.

And Sports Illustrated is talking
a cover on our triple threat.

As long as the girls stay focused.

Not to mention we're gonna
have the coach of the year.

- One day at the time, Tanner.
- Lauren!

Pointed toes!

Listen up.

This is your last full practice before
you all leaving for Boston.

We're gonna load that National team
with Rock girls

and for the fun of it,
show it down to the Denver club.

After tomorrow, team order will be locked,
and you all know how important that is.

The Top 3 will go as tough flight.

I'm sorry Cake,
I mean I need to get Brian settled.

- Ok. See you at 3.
- Bye.

For God sakes, we're the Top 3 in
the past 3 years. 1, 2, 3.

We actually, the 2, 3, 1
and 3, 2, 1.

Whatever, I'm just saying...

Let's face it, Payson's been n°1
for the most years.

Yeah whatever, I'm just saying
we've always been the top 3.

Who the hell is that?

Make It Or Break It
Episode 01- "Pilot"

- Marty...
- Yes.

That's Emily Kmetko.
She's an American Gymnastic scholarship kid.

That's the girl you were telling me about?
The one they found on a playground?

Yup. You know what?

I think "The Rock" is
the club to be in Nationals.

What the hell is that girl wearing?

- Dude she's hot!
- Yeah.


That one blindman.
The one flipping across the gym.

Hey, that was some two and half punch front.

Thanks. You're Payson Keeler, right?

- Yeah.
- I saw you at the Northern Open.

On TV, I mean.

Emily. I didn't think you're gonna make it.

- Yeah, my mom... the thing.
- Let's not waste times,

the trials for Nationals is tomorrow.

You gotta be good as close as you could.

She's training here?

Yeah, Lauren. She's training here.

Why don't you workout
with these ladies today?

- I'm Kaylie, this is... Lauren.
- Hey.

- So, where you from?
- We just came from Fresno.

Fresno? What kind of gyms are in Fresno?

Actually, I was working out at the YMCA.

So you were at the public gym and
now you're training at "The Rock"?

I see you don't have any endorsement yet.

For clothes.

Or anything.

Not yet. Maybe after Nationals.

Someone's pretty cocky.

Drill it, Payson.

Nice Pay. What your chin.
You drop it and you're disbanded.


Gorgeous. Lauren.

Yeah, she's number 1 on the beam.

Don't let her psych you out.

She's a little... intense.

It’s ok, I get it.

It really screws off your electrolytes,
you know?

Sorry. I'm addicted to breakfast biscuits.

Alright. I look like a butterball.
I'm turning into Mary freakin' ***.

Will you stop?
I'm bigger than you.

Yeah, but you're all muscle.

What are we gonna do with her?

That girl can knock any one
of us out of the Top 3.

You can't waste your mental energy thinking
about anyone else low, it will kill you.

Easy for you to say. With your new
floor team and you'll locked.

You just smile and flip your hair,
and they pull it out of your ass.

Jeez, I don't know what we can do.

We've been through a lot together, us three.

And that girl just showed up.

You better figure out.

Use this time to work on your problem areas.

This is it people.
Tomorrow, it's for real.

Can I mark it?

- Yeah.
- 2'3" exactly.

You want try one?

Check it out.

She's afraid of the vault.

Maybe she's just finding her groove.

Hey! Why are getting all cuddly with her?

You and I are the vulnerables around here.

Payson hasn't wobble for months.

Well, maybe well should
works as hard as Payson.

I mean let's face it, when was the last time

you and I stayed late?

Maybe we should cover our asses?

She just got here.

We're badder than her, we're not
deserve to goes top 3.

Well let's not take any chances.

I say we make it as
comfortable for her as we can.

Eyes her out.
We're gonna be friends with her later.

See? I told ya.

- So sad.
- Hey.

You guys wanna work in?
Because I can...


Very nice work today, Emily.
Did your mom got the scholarship money?

Yeah, she'd be here but...

I know you're trying to get organized, but

as you can see we're a community here.

"The Rock" is like a small town.

For anyone to be successful, we find

the entire family has to be involved.

You home schooling,
you gotta pass your grade exams,

and there's absolutely no
dating during final trainings.

We catch you with a boy, and you're out.

We all work way too hard on your behalf
so don't toss it away, you understand?

Your mom, she gotta put her time in gym.

- Does she in parent's contract?
- Not yet, but she will.

Ok. Just make sure she brings it,
when you come tomorrow.

And make you sure you get a goodnight rest.
Trial's at 8 AM sharp.

Great news,
I get reps from Juicy Burger

and that breakfast bar coming tomorrow.

when I promised 'em a big day.
So do yourself a favor,

play them a little flash on that smile,

and we'll get the bidding one start
before Nationals.

- Okay I think I'm gonna stay a couple hours.
- Good idea. Work your technique.

Don't fatigues your muscles too much.

And don't forget we're shooting with
Denver Style this weekend.

Hey Alex! Board meeting Thursday, right?

So I shot your elements,

we'll go though it tonight frame by frame.

Daddy, are they gonna let
that girl compete tomorrow?

She's only been here one day.

- Hey girl, what's up?
- My dad will right out.

Hey you excited about
the big contest tomorrow?

It's not a contest, it's a competition.

- Daddy, your secretary here.
- Executive Assistant.

- Whatever.
- Thanks. Perfect.

Hey, nice bling by the way...

Oh, thank you. My boyfriend gave it to me.

I thought Jesus was your boyfriend.

You really need to tell her about us.

After tomorrow. I promise.

- You really like it?
- I absolutely love it!

And there's more where that came from.

I'm not just after your money.

You must be crazier than I thought.

So, how it go today Payson?

Your floor looked gorgeous.

Mom? Do you mind? I don't wanna
be mean, but I've really gotta focus.

I'll catch you with you after tomorrow.

When Payson makes a million
dollars or whatever

can we get a new car?

I suppose that's up to Payson.
But don't bother her now...

she's focusing.

Listen. You can chill out all the way home,

and you'll do chores and you'll help with dinner.
And you'll communicate with your family and

something other than
tribal grunting language.

Hi honey, can we give you a lift?

- No, it's okay. My mom will be here in a sec.
- Okay.

- God, I miss you this weekend.
- I miss you too.

Oh, jeez I forgot the pick you up.
I'm so sorry honey.

We just got home and
I totally lost track of time.

Hey, Supergirl. How'd go?

Been in a gym for a week, great.

- How's the new school?
- Different dog, same poop.

I got it. I deserved it.
I'm gonna cook dinner.

Tell me when you're gonna speak to me again.

And they only main string
one day a week

which is I remind him is
probably against the law in this state.

- How's the day in Erin Brockovich's go over?
- It was love connection.

Yeah, mom, I'm sure
he really appreciate it that,

coming from someone
who'd been on Colorado...

all of 24 hours, mom?

Yes, apparently not that much
because then he asked me

- if he could speak with my husband.
- Oh no he didn't.

He walks right into it.

And yeah, if he thought
I was a pain in the river before

he hasn't seen anything yet.

Alright, sit down.

Okay so tomorrow we
have the social services interview,

and then we have to finish all the school paperwork in...
- Mom!

Nationals trials are tomorrow.

Tomorrow, tomorrow?

Yeah, and you have to be there...

This is the biggest shot
I'm ever gonna have.

I'm training at "The Rock" now,

that automatically puts me in
contention for everything.

Right, right crap!

I'm sorry, it's just that...
I thought it was Friday.

Ok, deep breath.

It's gonna be okay. We're just gonna
have to move some stuffs around.

It's fine.

We just haven't got our security

deposit check back and...

the end of the month is coming.

I know, I'm on it.

I already called the Pizza Shack and I'm gonna
go pick up my uniform stuff tonight.

Already, honey?

Well, once I get Brian settled,
I'll find a job.

I know you will.

You are gonna be
the acrylic nails queen of Boulder.

And not a moment too soon!

Have you two seen the paws in
the some of these mountain women

and apparently waxing, is a foreign concept.


I think after Nationals,

I should talk to your father.

- Man to man.
- No, forget it.

Kaylie, I'm 18.

We've been together for a year,
we have plans for the future...

You're not listening.
If he finds out about us,

dad will kill you.

No, no. Really.

Like bloods, and cops and teddy bears
and candles on the sidewalk...

kill you.

I'm not afraid of him.

he doesn't own you, you know.

Will you do it for me?

Just lay low, a little while longer...
for me.

- Please, I'm under so much pressure now...
- It's okay, it's okay...

I just hate sneaking around...

I just want us to be real.

This is real.

It's the realest thing in my life.


Hey, Kaylie!

Hey, Lauren...

What are you doing here?

I came to see you.

What do you guys up to?

Oh, we're just...
- J'imagine qu'il te tenait compagnie.

Well he's just giving me a ride, Lauren.

Thanks for the lift.

No worries.

- Is your brother here?
- Yeah, inside.

Good luck next week on Men's final, Carter.

Yeah, good luck tomorrow.

I didn't mean to****

watch your butt.

Marty will *** if he catches what you do.

He was just giving me a ride, Lauren.

That's all.

Right. Check this out!

Daddy got it for me.

- It's beautiful.
- Isn't it?

- Yeah.
- And I have better news.

Dad says, he's gonna take care of Emily.

- What do you mean, take care of her?
- I don't know.

He said, there has to be
something on her, and he's gonna find it.

And you know Marty and his rules.


Let's go inside. It's getting kinda cold in here.

Actually, this is just a drive-by.

Ok, just to be safe,

we're still giving that girl the chill.

I've already warned everyone.

I really can't start tonight.

- I just came to pick up my uniform...
- It's just a few hours.

I cannot believe that you worked
Pizza Shack, Phoenix and Fresno.


Do you want the job?

I'm gonna need a couple of ***



I want a calzone.

Sausages, mushrooms, onions.

There's like a million...

kajillion carbs in that.



Can I...

Let me think.

Ok, make that an open face calzone!

That'll be a pizza.


Hey, how you holdin' up ?

I haven't killed anyone yet.

- The night is still young.
- Not for me.

I was supposed to be off by 10.

Where is Susi?

See, there's good stuff

and there's a bad stuff about
having a meth head for a manager.

The plus side,

tons of freedom.

Downside... chaos.

It's going the same thing, though...
if you think about it.

Perfect. Sounds like the rest of my life.

Yeah, mine too.

It's been great tonight.

Seriously, you rock the Shack.

Gee, thanks.

You too.

I know it's sounds kinda stupid, but I actually
appreciate someone who comes here to work.


I've *** if you gotta be here

your mind as well be here, right?

Show up, do it.

So, what you into?

You like music?


You know, just live in.

You haven't quite figure it
your thing yet, huh?

Not yet.


duel singing myself..

Emo. Do you like Emo?


There's this open mike thing tonight
if you wanna come

Just friends.
Just hanging out.

I think you're cool, that's all...

I know you new in town,
I thought I could maybe

introduce you with some my peeps...

You know, I'm gonna have to get going.

I've got a lot of stuffs
to do in the morning.


But I'm working Saturday.

Nice. Me too.

I will see you then...


Does your boss okay?

Yeah, I got a butload vacation days.

Girls! Come on!

How's Payson?

Oh well, you know Payson.

Tottaly control, tottaly focus.

Becca totally unfocus.

I know we said, we'd stop asking...

And we never stop this.

Do you still wonder if we did the right
thing, by making this our whole life?

- Is it fair to Becca?
- All the time.

Sometimes I wonder if it's fair for Payson.

I thought the big drama with
our kid will be things like the prom.

- Remember our prom?
- Yeah.

I think that's how we got the kid.

I'm still thinking you had bootycall
Bruce Jenner you're not telling me about.

Are you ready? Pay?

She can't hear you. She's visualizing.

- Focus.
- Yeah, right.

Mom! It's 7:15!

Honey, you're up late.
I thought you could get some sleep.

Are you kidding me? We're not gonna make it!

Oh, come that's a little dramatic!
- Dramatic!

- This is the biggest day of my life!
- I was doing you a favor!

Honey, you just go go go,
somebody needs to take care of you.

Listen, if you really wanna do me a favor,

just let me take care of
me next time, ok?

Come on!

Trials for "The Rock" Nationals
team will begin shortly.

Senior women, should now be signed in.

I don't see her.

Welll it's weird for her just not show up.

She probably figures out
this isn't her kinda place.

I mean, let's get real.
She isn't a Rock girl.

Good luck.

Is that hooker her mother?

Elle s'entraine seulement maintenant?

Excuse me.


Kaylie Cruz kicks off the competition for
the senior women on the uneven bars.

Kaylie placed 8th in the
USA Nationals last year.

Oui! Bien!

After our first event,
the club order is holding.

The new arrival, Emily Kmet'ko,
debut solidly in fourth.

Stay focus.
Stay focus.

After year then ground, Payson Keeler,

Kaylie Cruz and Lauren Tanner stay
in one, two and three.

That's Becca Keeler landing up the****.

- Becca, you rock.
- Did you see it? I'm so pysched!

- Honey, look, you're on 20th.
- I am?

- You're going to Nationals.
- I have to 18th!

Oh well honey, focus.

That's Payson thing.
I think I'll just have fun.


She's something else.

"The Rock" star beamer, Lauren Tanner.

Lauren's up on the beam.

Is she as good as they say?

No one should be able to do it
she can do on 4 inches wood.

Emily Kmetko is next on beam.

I can't believe Lauren
vient de tomber à la poutre.

Holy shizzle! She has a shot at the top 3.

She deserves a shot!

Do it Emily!

Come on Emily, get it!

Come Emily! Do it!

- Dad!
- It's okay, Lauren.

It its not okay. It is so not okay!

- She apparently can vault.
- You don't get it!

If she manages to beat me, I'm out!

What're you gonna do?

I don't know what I'm gonna do...

but you need to go out there and
have the vault for your damn of your life!

With the first of her 2 vaults,
Payson Keeler.

Payson Keeler: 2'6"

This is the hardest vault we will see today.

In fact, it's never been
landed in competition before.

This might be a preview of the next gold Olympic vault.

We can say you saw it first at "The Rock".

Here is, Lauren Tanner with her first vault.

- Okay, Lauren!
- You got it, girl!

Emily Kmetko with her first two vault.

This event will determine who goes
to Nationals from "The Rock" as our top 3.

Call an ambulance!
Don't move, don't touch her! Emily!

- Emily, can you hear me?
- Emily!

No ambulance.

We're not done.

- Can you feel this or does it hurt?
- Yes hurt.

Hurt? hurt better no hurt.
Hurt a hell lot better.

- How about this?
- Hurt.

What can you move?

Let me see your feet.
Can you move it, good. That's great.

Let's put her on a stretcher,
and wait for the medics, okay?

Hold her head. On my count, 1, 2, 3.

No ambulance.

No discussion. You're gonna be fine, Emily.

I guess she does has vault issues.

We're going to move on now,
with the 2nd vault for the senior ladies.

The best of the two scores will stand.

And the 2nd vault for Kaylie Cruz.

- Good luck, Lo!
- Thanks!

Looks like we're
the triple threat box again.


Look, just relax.
We're get you to the hospital.

You might meet cute doctors.

I don't want to go to hospital.

I wanna go to Nationals.

Sweety, I'm so sorry.

- We'll just get you better for next year.
- What's the point?

It's never gonna get better next year.

I'm not like them.

I don't belong here.

I don't belong anywhere.

Honey, you just got a bad break.
Bad breaks happen.

Have you wondered
why they keep happening to us?

It's not your fault.

You've been so good. So good...

But this was kinda a long shot, wasn't it?

I mean, it's a wonderful dream...

but not everybody can be in the Olympian
here. It's a lot of pressure.

Maybe it's just time you have
some fun, how does it sound?

You know, you can go to real school again.

Are you saying, I should give up?

I don't know what to say right now, Emily.
I'm throwing everything I got.

You're always telling Brian not too quit.
You're always telling him he should keep going.

You're such a strong woman, Emily.
Brian needs me.

But maybe you need me too.

Would that be so bad?

I know I'm not gonna be mom of the year,
but you know how much I love you right?

And here's Lauren Tanner
final vault, the final skill of the day.

So I'm here for you now.

Tell me what you need from me. Right now.

This is my shot.

Telll me I can do this.

Are you kidding?
You can do anything you want.

But it's the vault, you hurt already.

Emily, the ambulance is here.

Are you okay?

Tell me the truth.


You can do this.

Now go get them, Emily.

No, Emily, don't.
Emily, sit dow. Emily, sit down!

Get out of my way, or you're gonna
have to deal with my mother.

Now get out of your way.

Because of the unfortunate
scratch of Emily Kmetko,

it looks like the top flight...
- All right, yeah, yeah!

Payson Keeler, Kaylie Cruz et Lauren Tanner.

- Hey! What are you doing?
- I want my 2nd vault!

- What?
- I want my vault.

Look! See I'm fine!

I want my vault.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

I can't endorses, but I can't it from you either.

This is your career.

I'm gonna do it.

- Let her vault.
- What?!

I'm gonna set the board myself this time.

That's my girl.

Marty, what the... what just...

- how could this happen?
- Save it. Calm down.

No one, I mean no one seen that coming.

You di great, you're so good!

I can't believe this! I've been
training at this gym for 5 years!

Lauren, it's competition, you know that.

I've been in top 3
for 2 whole years, this is my life.

And then you'll go 4th, it'll be fine.

Who knows, a lot gonna happen
between now and Nationals.

And what about our contract in fraction?

What do you talking about?

- Kaylie's seeingCarter.
- No! Don't!

- Kaylie, is that true?
- No.

- No, it's not.
- Ask them where they were yesterday?

Ask the coaches if they were
here like they said they were.

- I... we...
- See?

Where were you Kaylie?
Where were you and Carter?

She was with me.

- She was not, she doesn't even like you!
- She was with me.

She's help me my school stuff.

And then Carter came and asked us both if we
want a ride, but I was waiting for my mom.


Yeah, I was just giving
her my test and stuff.

Lauren, I know you dissapointed...

but frankly, I'm dissapointed in you.

The order set.

I'll send the order to the Nationals.

I guess, it's us 3.


I guess.


I'm gonna take care of it.

All right top five, gimme the love!

- I feel great today!
- Oh, my god.

- Nice work, Kaylie
- Thanks!

So you're sure you don't belong?

You must be pretty dissapointed, huh

You could say that.

It's not the end of the world go fourth.

- Lauren will...
- Cut the crap, Marty!

After all my family has put in this gym...

making it a success, making you a success.

And we're grateful.

Sometimes things just don't
work out, the way we expected.


Funny thing, I wasn't sure
about this Kmetko girl.

I hired a PI.

You hired a PI to trail a little girl.

Tha's pretty desperate, Steve.

Ce ne sont pas des gamines, ce sont les
grandes promesses de demain.

- Tu le sais aussi.
- Pour I'amour de Dieu..

I'm a lawyer, I use PI all the time.

Anyway, when I...

when I told my guy about
the gym... whatever.

he seemed to know who you were.

What are you talking about?

What is it that you want?


I just got off the phone
with the Denver club.

They are very interested
in your coaching services.

And you won't be alone,
you'll be taking Lauren.

plus your 4th through 7th rank girls.

I've already talked to their parents,
they think it's a wonderful opportunity.

That oughta put a nice dent in the old Rock,
this place will sink without us.

Oh and Marty...

at Denver, could you
be sure Lauren goes in top 3?

Thanks, pal.

Mark Keeler? KSQT Boulder.

Your daughter is our big Olympic hope,
can we talk to her?

Oh I have a feeling things
gonna really change around here.

Not if I get help. Thank you, see you!

one more question...

Hey, what's going on?

- You're not gonna believe it.
- Marty left the club.

Right before Nationals.

- Marty would never leave us.
- Not just him.

The Tanners, the
Morgan girls, and Maddie Welles.

Yeah, this is a gutting.
Our whole second flight is gone.

- Our 4th through 7th.
- That son of a bitch!

Well looks like you're going to
Nationals, honey, you're 17th.


- Oh, sweetie...
- Hey!

Steve! What the hell you're doing?
Put those down!

Just taking the files that
belong to Marty, Alex.

Good luck, folks.

This is low, Steve, even for you.


Wait a minute, wait a damn minute!

- Payson?
- I did everything right!

Everything! I didn't even have
my weekend my whole childhood!

And now my coach just leaves? Now?

- Hey, it's gonna be okay.
- No, it's not okay, mom.

What the hell is happening?
I did everything, right!

Hey, so what?

- This is goodbye?
- Don't look at me!

If the rules were enforced it should've
been me at the top 3 and not you!

Congratulations, Emily. One lucky day
and you blew our gym in pieces.

I'm sure everyone just loving you now.

You might have all these people
fooled, but I got your number.

And you have no concistency.

I'm gonna make sure
you get buried in Boston.

Oh come on!

Save it.

Now you're all left without coach,

right before Nationals.

Good luck.

So, what do we do now?