MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 5, Episode 17 - Deep Cover - full transcript

A female scientist designs an innovative sonar detection system for the Phoenix Foundation. The shady owner of a submarine company wants to sell her system to a drug-smuggling cartel.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Bow plane, 12 degrees.

Response to surface
controls, good.

All right, activate the sonar.

Sonar engaged.

Let's set up for the test.

Right. Patch in e.R.M.A.

Yes, ma'am. Right away.

We just have to make
one final adjustment.

There we are.

E.r.m.a. Standing by.

the operations disc.

Operations disc engaged.

Is the sonar reading?

Picking up the
sub loud and clear.

I'm ready to run the test, Pete.

Where's that drug
enforcement agent of yours?

Oh, boy, I don't know.

He was supposed to
be here an hour ago.

Hey, Pete Thornton.

Dan, how are you?

I'm sorry I'm late. I
got stuck in traffic.

- Yeah, sure you did.
- Traffic's rough.

Come on, don't start.

Uh, Gwen carpenter,
this is, uh, Dan stringer,

drug enforcement agency.

Pleased to meet you, Dan.

I've heard a lot about your
submarine interdiction program.

Yeah. Well, uh,
it was going great

until the cartel came up with
their own program, and, uh,

They equipped a fleet
of drug boats with sonar.

You know, even
though I know it's true,

I can't believe that they can
afford that kind of technology.

Nothing the cartel does
anymore surprises me, Pete.

They outgun us, out-budget us.

They've got 10
times the technology.

Their chump change is worth more
than the assets of most governments.

Well, let's hope e.R.M.A.
Can turn all that around, huh?

E.r.m.a., uh, echo regeneration
module active, right?

You got it.

Pete says you wanted an
overview before we run the test.

Yeah, great.

Ok. Well,

As you can see, the model
sub is equipped with transmitters.

Now they simulate depth,

water temperature,
and surrounding terrain.

The boat on the surface

is equipped with a
miniature sonar unit.

E.r.m.a.'s sensors detect

that the sub is being
scanned by sonar,

its processor is designed
to assimilate the signals,

and send back a false image
that makes the sonar think

That it's reading
the ocean floor.

And we're here to see
if it finally works, right?

And it should

if the calculations
I made last night

are in sync with MacGyver's
sensor adjustments.

Let's give it a try, huh?

Cross your fingers.

Ok, e.R.M.A. Activated.

submarine is gone.

I think we did it.

This is fantastic!
Congratulations, all of you.

Well, thank Gwen
here. This is her baby.

This whole project wouldn't
have happened without her.

Come on, Pete, I'm
just one of the team.

Oh, no, Dr. Carpenter, I think
you're a lot more than that.

You may have just changed
the course of the war on drugs.

And this is our
remote control model.

She'll carry up to 1,200
pounds of cocaine,

with a range of 200 miles

And at a cruising
depth of 100 to 200 feet.

And the weight
you save by eliminating the pilot

Allows you to carry that much
more coke on a single run.

We're hoping it'll
be our biggest seller.

Senor landis,

when the d.E.A. Created their submarine
surveillance blockade in the Caribbean,

we stopped them cold with sonar.

They can still do
the same with us.

This business
proposition of yours

does not deal with reality.

Mr. Sanchez, we've known
each other for 5 years now.

You know I study
the marketplace.

I'll tell you about
the marketplace.

We've lost 6 loads

off the Florida coast
in the last month.

Awacs surveillance flights,

and half the Navy fleets
are crawling all over us.

I know. I know.

And they've seized at
least 20% of your product

At a revenue loss
of $100 million.

$120 million, senor.

With our subs, you can
cut that loss to less than 5%.

- Impossible.
- No, sir, it's not.

The d.E.A. Tried to use submarines
against you, you responded with sonar.

Well, now it's time for
you to use submarines.

Mine. And we can
equip every one of them

so they are completely
undetectable to sonar.

Would you have this
kind of stealth technology?

I wouldn't waste your
time if I didn't, Mr. Sanchez.

As soon as I start delivering these
submarines, you start winning the war.

Well, this is all
very impressive.

But, uh, I won't believe
it until I see it work.

I think that can be arranged.

How about tomorrow afternoon?

All right, Dan. 0700 hours.

Got it. See you then.

Dr. Carpenter, just sign here

and we'll get e.R.M.A.
Packaged for transport.

Good. Ok, take it away.

Stringer has the Navy set
for the full open water test

First thing tomorrow morning.

Why don't we meet
here, about, uh, 6:30 A.M.

And I'll arrange transport
to take us over to the base.

Great. Let's call
it a day, then.

I have a major, somewhat
intimate gourmet dinner to prepare.

Oh? Uh,

actually, Gwen, I was hoping
that you would be able to stay

And finish up the
final project report.

You know, so we'd have
everything nice and tidy

for the d.E.A. Brass
in the morning.

Get someone else,
Pete. This lady's busy.

Good night, MacGyver.

Good night, Gwen.

Do you believe that?

6 months ago, I would have
had to pry her out of here.

Yeah, well, 6 months ago

she wasn't fixing "major, somewhat
intimate, gourmet dinners" either.

I think the lady's in love.

It's kind of nice, isn't it?


Sure does affect productivity.

- MacGyver, about that report, you know, I think...
- No.

- But listen...
- No. Good night.


- I really shouldn't,

Come on.

I have a big day with
the test tomorrow.

I thought you said the project
was a complete success.

Well, yeah, it was.

But, uh,

the d.E.A. Wants to
check it in open water.

After this is over,

I'll have a lot more
free time on my hands.

For us.

Then let's celebrate something more
important than your precious e.R.M.A.

Happy 6-month
anniversary, honey.

Bubbles tickle my nose.

This has been the most
incredible 6 months of my life.

I remember the first day
that we met on the beach.

I always knew a morning jog was
supposed to be good for me, but, uh...

I never dreamed it would
change my entire life.

When Larry died,

it was like I died with him.

I never thought I'd ever be
able to love someone again.

mornin', Mr. Thornton.

Chuck, are you a part of
the e.R.M.A. Transport unit?

Yes, sir. Got her in the back.

Good. Go ahead and
load e.R.M.A. On the sub.

I'll be there with the
technical team in half an hour.

Yes, sir.

Heads up, Donnelly. The Phoenix
Van just passed my location.

They should be in the strike
zone in approximately 8 minutes.

I'm ready to rock 'n roll.

No way they're
gonna get past me.

Good morning, MacGyver.

Hi, Gwen. How was
dinner last night?

Oh, dinner was ok.

But the evening was perfect.

Really perfect.

Yeah, I'm looking forward
to meeting this guy.

Oh, you'll like him.
He's something special.

Hey, MacGyver.

On time! This is
a big day for you.

Well, if e.R.M.A.'S field test
goes the way we think it will,

this dope cop is on
his way back to sea.


I just spoke with security.

The transport team never
made it to the naval base.

What happened?

They were hijacked.

The e.R.M.A. Unit
has been stolen.

Oh, my god!

Here it
is. The e.R.M.A. Unit.

Way to go! We're in business.

Not exactly.


Where's banniker?

Everything went
just like we planned.

We took out the Van, we
loaded up without a hitch...

What happened to banniker?

Highway patrol car spotted us.

He led 'em off down a side
road so I could get away.

They shot the bike
out from under him.

- He's dead?
- Worse.

He's in jail.

Hi, this is Nick landis.

I'm out. Leave a message. I'll
get back to you as soon as I can.

Nick, where are you? Please.

I've called everywhere. I must
talk to you. I'm at the Phoenix lab.

Dug up some
interesting background

On that, uh, motorcycle
bandit they captured.

Name's Joe banniker.

He's a white-collar
computer hacker.

One of the best.

Made a killing a few years back

intercepting modem transactions

headed for the
consolidated bank of Zurich.

Yeah, and then he used the money
to make a big drug buy in Miami.

The guy should have
quit while he was ahead.

Yeah. Well, that's where
our guys nailed him.

He did 3 years in the
federal pen in Tallahassee.

You question him yet?

No, we never got the chance.

His lawyers beat us
to the police station.

Boy, this group
is wired into everything.

Well, at least they didn't get
their hands on the operations disc.

What are you talking about?

Oh, it's a routine
security precaution.

E.r.m.a. Is useless without it.

And even
if they did have it,

They would still need a
password to get into the system.

Well, with banniker's
computer background,

he could very well be the guy they
were counting on to crack it for 'em.

Is there a chance

of banniker not
making bail for a while?

his priors? Yeah.

I could get the d.A. To
give him some grief. Why?

Well, with their hacker in jail,

They might be lookin'
for a replacement.

Do you have somebody in mind?

Remember Dexter?

Hey, I'm claustrophobic.

I don't want to be
in here too long.

It's creepy in here.

And where are my shoelaces?


You Dexter filmore, the
guy in the paper here?


To think yesterday
I was a nobody.

Hey, you pull a job like this,

and people are gonna notice.

Uh, Joe banniker's the name.


Joe banniker?

I've heard that name before.

I have been recognized
for my talents as well.

Yeah! Sure!

You're the guy that gave that
Swiss bank the fiduciary flu

a few years back, huh?

Same one.

Wow! Yeah.

Th-that's great!

You know, you're my...

Well, uh, you know
what I mean. I mean...

I got a lot of inspiration
from those stories about you.

Well, so it seems.

Yeah, well...

Wow! Joe banniker.

Who'd have thought?

Hey, you guys, Joe banniker!

There it is. It's our
ticket to millions.

Might as well be a toaster
without that operations disc.

So what's the problem with
our lawyer getting banniker bail?

D.a.'s kicking up a major
storm about his previous record.

So do we tell
Sanchez the deal is off?


Nothing is off, not yet.

What about the woman you
conned down at Phoenix?

It's just a matter of time till
she puts 2 and 2 together.

Gwen's been leaving
me messages all day.

My guess is she has
already put it together.

She just can't bring
herself to believe it.

Now, that might
not last too long.

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna get us
our operations disc.

Research, Dr. Carpenter.

Gwen, it's Nick.


I've been trying to
reach you all day.

Look, I'm in
trouble, honey. Big trouble.

I can't talk on the
phone right now,

You got to come down
to the factory right away.

What's wrong?

I'll explain everything when you
get down here. Please, Gwen.

It's a matter of life and death.

Of course
the real challenge was

getting by their multi-layer
security program.

It's one of the
best I ever cracked.

Says in here it was foolproof.

Yeah. Well, I'm nobody's fool.

Yeah, when I took
out that bank in Zurich,

I hacked the callback system,
slipped in a trojan horse.

Gave me the bypass
number and all the passwords.

No wonder you
got past it so easy.

Is it close in here,
or is it just me?


You know, it took me 7
months to crack that code.

Well, better luck
next time, huh?

Where is that guy?


The public defender.

I got to get out of
here before I freak.

- You waiting for him, too?
- Are you kidding?

My lawyer would have had
me out of here hours ago

If the d.A. Hadn't made such a
federal case out of my record.

How come you're
stuck with a p.D.?

- I hadn't planned on getting caught.
- Hmm.

That, and I'm broke.

Flat broke.

I'm never gonna make bail.

I'm never gonna get out of here!

- Cool it, cool it.

Sit down, sit down. Listen.

I've got an idea, um,

Why don't you let me
give my lawyer a call?

I mean, you got no priors, and he
could pop you out of here like that.

You'd do that for me?

Think of it as a trade-off.

What kind of trade-off?

Well, I have some
associates on the outside

who could use
your expertise in, uh,

cracking security codes.


Call your lawyer,
tell him I'm available.

Just get me out of here.


Over here, Gwen.

Don't come any closer.


Gwen, we gotta talk.

I need your help.

The e.R.M.A.
Unit. You did take it!

I need a minute alone with her.


Try anything, and
you're both dead.

What is going on?

Sweetheart, please,
just let me try to explain.

How could you?

When Pete told me
it was an inside job,

I tried to tell
myself it wasn't you.

You used me!

At first, yes.

But the more time I spent
with you, the more I fell in love.

Gwen! Gwen, I tried
to back out of this,

but I was in too deep.
They threatened to kill me.

They? Who are they?

The cartel.

The drug cartel?


It was no... no accident that
we met that day on the beach.

I knew all about
the e.R.M.A. Project.

I knew about your part in it.

I owed them a lot of money.

I couldn't pay them back.

They told me if i... if I got the
e.R.M.A. Technology for them,

then they'd let me live.

I didn't count on
falling in love with you.

Every night I prayed that some
day I could ask you to marry me.

- Oh.
- Now...

Now, I have to beg
you to save my life.

Save your life? How?

Let's cut through it, huh?

Now, my people need
the operations disc,

and you're gonna help us get it.

You got one hour.

Or lover-boy here is
gonna be floating face down.

Gwen, listen. If we give
them what they want,

they'll go away.

I'll make it up to you
somehow, I swear.

Please, just don't
let them kill me.

Mr. Thornton,
call for you on line 3.

Pete Thornton here.


Oh, yeah, we had to stop by here

to check on some
d.E.A. Personnel records.

So what's happening?

Did banniker go for it?

His lawyer just bailed me out.

Well, did you find out
who he's working for?

I'm workin' on it.

The driver's
supposed to pick me up

and take me to his
boss any minute now.

No, no, no, forget it, MacGyver.

You were supposed to pump
him for information, and that's all.

I don't want you leaving
that jail without a back-up,

You understand?

Uh, you bet, babycakes.

I'd like to do that, too.

Listen, I got to
go. My ride's here.

I love you, too, creampuff.

Babycakes? Creampuff? MacGyver!

That's my steady girlfriend.

We're in love.

I'm happy for you, Romeo.

Now let's go.

You got a steady girlfriend?

Pete, uh, Gwen
carpenter is the leak.

How do you know that?

Your security just
notified headquarters.

She used her clearance card
to enter the security locker.

She took the operations disc.

Oh, no!


You know where she lives?

Yeah, sure.

I'll get a warrant.



Mr. Landis,

this is the guy that
banniker called about.

This is Dexter filmore.

I hear you're good.


Yeah, poor, too.

You do the job, I'll
make it worth your while.


Come on.

Thanks, you guys.

call all the airlines.

All of 'em, yeah.


Dr. Gwen carpenter.

You got it?

All right, I'll call you back.

I still can't believe it.

Who's this guy? Her husband?

No, he died 6 years ago.

This has got to be the
new boyfriend, Nick.

Yeah, well, let's start diggin'.


If you cracked the
pacific east bank,

this should be a piece of cake.

Hey, that code took
3 weeks to break, ok?

This is not a matter
of random selection.

It takes research, Patience,

and time.

Well, you don't have 3
weeks, you have 2 hours.

The demonstration's
at 4:00 this afternoon.

As I see it, fellas, we
got 2 problems here.

First, or "a,"

we need this key code disc.

And 2nd, or "b,"

I'll need to write a program that'll
select sequential letter combinations

To hit the right password.

And how long will that take?

Oh, most words in the English language
don't get much longer than 12 letters.

There are 26 letters
in the alphabet.

So that's 26 to the 12th power.

That brings us to...

9.5 quadrillion possible
letter combinations.

That'll take days.

No, approximately 3
months, 2 weeks and 4 days.

If you can do it in 2 hours,

I'll pay you $200,000.

I know shortcuts.

Now you're talking, Dexter.

You're my man.

We're gonna have this
thing wrapped up in no time.

I like this guy.

Just might pull
this off after all.


What are you doing?

Your life is not threatened.

Why? Why?

You used me!

I mean, look at this.



Your friend from the
Phoenix foundation?

No. He, just looks like him.

I think the lady made a mistake.

I think you both made a mistake.

A big one.

I never should have trusted you.

You lied to me all along.

- How could you do that?
- Shut up!

The game is over, Gwen.

I'm sorry, MacGyver.


They threw a plant in
with him and he bought it!

So did you.

Leave him alone!

We're not finished yet, Gwen,
I still need that password.

And you're gonna
give it to me, right now.

I wouldn't help you if
my life depended on it.

How about his?
You care about him?

Take him outside.

You too.

Yeah? Well, if he does check in,

call me here right
away, will you?

No word from MacGyver?


And I found this pile of cards
and letters. All from this Nick.

The good doctor's
really stuck on this guy.

Oh, you've got that right.

All right, I'm gonna run his picture
downtown and see what turns up.

Do we have a last name on him?

No, I don't recall
it if she ever said it.

Wait a minute, there's got to be
an envelope around here someplace

with his return address, maybe.


Don't even think about it.

What are you going to do to him?

It's entirely up to you, Gwen.

That ought to hold him.

All right, lower it!

Hold it.

That old sub leaks like a sieve.

If you don't tell us
how e.R.M.A. Operates,

Your friend drowns.
It's that simple.

You can't do this.

Put it on the bottom.


That sub's gonna fill
up pretty fast, doctor.

Now, you better
make up your mind.


All right, stop it.

Hold it, Crocker.

Get him out of there, Nick.

- Please!
- I'll let him out.

After you demonstrate
e.R.M.A. To our buyers.

- That's my girl.

Put her in the car.
I'll get e.R.M.A.

Pete! I got it.
Her address book.

Nick landis.

And look at this.

He's into submarines.

That's got to be the connection.

Landis, landis, Nick,
Nick, here we go.

He's got an apartment on wilcox.

All right, you check
out the home address.

- I'll take the business.
- Right.

Drown him. Meet
us down at the pier.

Oh, no.


What are you doing in there?

The backstroke, Pete.

here's something.

"Pier 9."

A boat called
windward isle. 4:00.

Suppose that could
be where they went?

We don't have
time for it not to be.

There's at least 4 of them.

Yeah, it looks like they're
getting ready to pull out.

Why don't you call
for some backup?

I'll see if I can slow 'em down.


Never mind.

I know you'll
think of something.

We should be in position for the
demonstration in about an hour.

Dr. Carpenter will answer any questions
you have about the e.R.M.A. Unit.

So, Dr. Carpenter...

Is this machine as
amazing as landis tells us?

Dr. Carpenter?

Yes. Yes, it is.

Uh, it hasn't been
tested in open water yet.

But landis told me it was ready.

Well, it's ready, more or less.

There are just plenty of
bugs to be worked out.

When this is over, what
do you plan to do to her?

Let's put it this way.

Gwen doesn't have
a round-trip ticket.

How soon can we cast off?

Won't be long.

But it looks like we've got some
heavy weather coming down on us.

Oh, great. All right,
let's get it in gear.

I wanna get out there
and back before dark.

And you should have seen
e.R.M.A. When we first tested it.

It actually made it easier
for sonar to find the target.

But that has been fixed, right?

Well, sort of.

It hasn't been tested
below 100 feet yet.

But landis never told us this.

He probably didn't
want to worry you.

We'll let the engines
warm up a bit.

Then we'll cast off.


Coming from Colombia,

I guess you fellas really
know a good cup of coffee.

This isn't very good, is it?

Cream and sugar?

Mr. Landis would
like to see you.

He wants you boys
to have a look at this.

Thank god you're all right!

Ok, she's cast off.

So let's shove off.

Soon as this traffic clears.

All clear.

We should be at
the test site by 5:00.

Back in by 6:30, at the latest.

Something's hangin' us up.

Probably missed
one of the lines.

I'll get it.

Crocker! Crocker!



Hey, what are you doing?

Hey! Whoa! Whoa!


Landis! Get me down from here!

Landis, where are you?

Get out here! Get
me down from here!

Let me down! Hey!


that ought to do it.

Ernie, do me a
favor and check for me, will you?

Yeah, I'll hold on.

Sorry to hang you guys
up. I got stuck in traffic.


Oh, all right, great.

Good. Thanks a lot, Ernie.

Well, that was
the d.A.'S office.

In the interests of justice,

The judge has dropped
all charges against Gwen.

And what about her job?

Well that's another story.

The board has voted no.

And I have to agree with them.

But her only real crime
was in being too trusting.

Oh, she'll be fine.

She's a fighter.

Well, I'm gonna see to it she gets
full credit for e.R.M.A.'S first bust.


You mean, e.R.M.A.
Has paid off already?

You bet.

Our first Navy sub
patrol in the Caribbean

detected that they were
being scanned by sonar.

So they flipped on e.R.M.A.

She worked like a charm.

And we nailed 'em. Right here.

How big was the load?

250 pounds of pure cocaine.

Street value over $42 million.

Well, it looks like we
won the first battle.


Now if we could
just win the war.
