MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 5, Episode 16 - Jenny's Chance - full transcript

A jockey refuses to have any part on a horse race fixed by his employer, a wealthy man called Mr. Henderson. The jockey threatens to go to the police, so Mr. Henderson throws him in a stall with a horse and activates a device which makes the horse crazy. The jockey is stomped to death by the horse. The jockey's daughter Jenny arrives to find his body. The police investigate his death and conclude that it was an accident but Jenny has found evidence that makes her believe it was not, so she calls Jack Dalton and MacGyver to investigate what has happened.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I'm finished,
Henderson. Through.

You're not through until
I tell you you're through.

- I own you.

I'm not fixing another race.

Hey, careful.

I worked 9 months
on this, you jerk.

This jerk is going
to the police.

You're not going anywhere.

Give me that.

Hey, that's enough.

Hey, turn it off.

Let go!

You killed him.

Would you rather be in jail?


Dad, are you ok?

What's goin' on?

Let's get out of here.

Hey, dad?




Oh, my gosh.

Oh, dear god.

You are a
nightmare, you know that.

First you blow off
a week of my life

huntin' up cheap pottery in every
tourist trap from tampico to Tijuana,

then you just
about get us killed.

I can't believe it.

I can't believe
you would dump

my entire life savings
all over the Sierra madre.

I had to dump the cargo

Or we'd have ended up
scattered all over Mexico.

Oh, come on, Mac,

it was just a little downdraft.

We weren't that
close to the trees.

I had the situation
completely under control.

Hey, Jack, it's
Morris. Remember me?

I have one thing to say to you.

It's my money or
your head. Get it?

Sorry, Morris. My
entire investment

is on top of a mountain
in a million pieces!

I could have made a killing with
those pots. Yuppies eat that stuff up.

Jack, it's Jenny.

Hey Mac, it's Jenny Larson.

I've been trying to reach
you and MacGyver for days.

There's no answer
at his place either.

Jack, dad's been killed.

Kyle's dead.

The police said it
was an accident.

But, I don't know,
I'm not convinced.

I found something I
want MacGyver to see.

I don't know what it is.

Oh, I hope you hear this.

Please, I really need your help.

I can't believe it. Kyle!

Let's go.

Oh, am I glad to see you guys.

We just got the message.
Sorry it wasn't sooner.

Hi, hon.

You ok?

I know
I'm still in shock,

I mean, I can't
believe he's gone.

What happened?

He got kicked in
the head by a horse.

The police said it
was a freak accident.

But I know there's
got to be more to it.

I mean, all the horses
were goin' crazy that night.

All right, take it easy, Jen.

You said on the phone you had
something you wanted me to see?

Oh, yeah, when I was
mucking out the stall,

I found this.

Looks like
part of a crystal radio.

Does that mean anything to you?

Well, not yet.

You wanna show me
where you found it?


When I got
here and found dad,

the stalls were
banged up like this.

I just had this deep feeling
somebody was with him.

Who'd want Kyle dead?

Henderson, that's who.

That scum started
ruining our lives

the minute dad got
involved with him.

How did Kyle hook up with him?

Oh, the bank was
threatening to foreclose.

So dad went to
Henderson for money,

Which he lent him.

Before we knew what happened,

he had us backed into a corner.

As of tomorrow, he takes
possession of smoke creek farm.

The land, the stock, everything.

Can he do that?

You bet he can.

He bought our mortgage from the bank
and used that as leverage against dad

to make him do
whatever he wanted.

I've talked to every
lawyer in town

and they said there's
nothing I can do to stop him.

Uh, Jenny, back up a second.

What did Henderson want
your dad to do for him?


Ever since dad got
mixed up with Henderson,

I started seeing a
big change in him.

I mean, he began drinking.
He became irritable.


So I confronted him, and

He told me he had fixed a
couple of races for Henderson.

Hey, I couldn't
believe it either.

So we talked it out.

And then he started to cry.

I'd never seen
my dad cry before,

Not even when mom died.

So he promised me that he
would deal with Henderson.

Put a stop to it and
turn him in to the police.

Did he?

He planned on telling
Henderson where to go

the night that he was killed.

Did Kyle tell you how
they fixed the races?


But I think it had something
to do with Jenny's chance.

Henderson tried
to buy him from me

and I told him to get lost.

And then he showed
up at dad's funeral

With the foreclosure papers.

I mean, can you believe it?

This guy's a real vulture.


the night Kyle was killed,

did you see or hear anything

That might have
spooked all these guys?

No, I heard the
horses goin' crazy.

And... and by the time I got down
to the barn, they were all calm.

And dad was dead.

Well, from the
looks of the stalls,

I'd say all the
horses went crazy.

Except this one.

Well, big fella, did you miss
out on all the action, huh?

No, Jenny's chance was here.

He just doesn't spook as
easy as the other horses.

Why is that?

He's deaf.

He has been since he was
a Colt from an ear infection.

That might explain it.


Well, this thing looks like
some kind of micro speaker.

From the size of it, I'd say it put
out a pretty high-pitched sound.

Let's see what happens.

It's got to be an
ultrasonic signal.

You mean like a dog whistle?


Well, if a jockey carried
something like that into a race,

he could throw off
the other horses.

Or use it to drive
them wild in a stable.

That's it.

Henderson did it, he killed him.

It's possible.

But it's gonna be
kind of tough to prove.

What now, compadre?

Well, we find out everything
we can about George Henderson.

What's the good news,
Mick? You get it fixed yet?

know in a minute.

it's close. I got 30,000
cycles per second,

but only 20 decibels.
We need 80.

Well, let's get it done.

I still got $1 million worth of
lucky Charlie's money to launder.

All right, George. But
it takes time, you know.

We're all out of time.

The next race is Saturday.

And I take over the farm
and the horse tomorrow.

- I want this thing workin'.
- Right.

As soon as I fed the name George
Henderson into the f.B.I. Computer,

All the bells and
whistles went off.

He's wanted?

No, not yet, but his
file is red-flagged.

Wiretap evidence from an
f.B.I. Sting operation indicates

that he's been hired
to launder $1.5 million,

by a Cuban drug lord who
calls himself lucky Charlie.


Ah, Collin. Come on in.

Uh, MacGyver, Dalton,
Collin yarborough, f.B.I.

Hi. Sorry about your friend.



Pete was tellin' us about
the money connection

Between Henderson
and lucky Charlie.

Yeah, some of the marked
money we've been looking for

has turned up at
several racetracks.

When Pete told me you'd tied
Henderson to a race-fixing scam,

I got real interested.

Why was the money marked?

It was part of a flash fund we used in a
sting operation on lucky Charlie in Miami.

Only we were the
ones who got stung.

Ouch. $1.5 million of
uncle Sam's money,

I'd hate to be the g-man
in charge of that fiasco.

You're lookin' at him.

And if I don't recover it soon,

I'm gonna be sweeping
out the file room.

Well, there has got to be some way
to slam the lid on both these guys.

How does a drug dealer from
Florida wind up playin' footsie

With a California loan
shark like Henderson?

From what we can
tell, they've never met.

Charlie keeps a
very low profile.

He layers himself
behind middlemen.

They set up a deal with
Henderson on the phone

and they smuggle the
money to him somehow.

Did you happen to record

Charlie's voice on that wiretap?

Yeah, sure. Why?

Well, you want lucky
Charlie and your money back

And we want proof that
Henderson killed Kyle.

You have a plan, Mac.
Where do we start?

Voice lessons, Jack.

I am looking for
George Henderson.

You found him.

- Oh, how do you do,

I understand you are
the new owner here.

Uh, my name is
boyle, Harry boyle.

- What can I do for you?

Well, I'm in the
market for a horse.

One horse in particular.

Jenny's chance.

Oh, is that right?

Yes, sir.

I saw that horse run at
hacienda downs last month,

and I just dearly loved the way

that horse cut right
on through the pack.

Like he'd had somewhere to go.

That horse could be a
valuable asset to my business.

What business is that?


Show him, Jules.



On the nose, you might say.

You know, my
father always told me

Never sell to an anxious buyer.

And I always
listen to my father.

Jenny's chance is
not for sale, Mr. Boyle.

You will find, sir,
that I am a man

Who gets what he wants.

Whatever it takes.

My offer is good for 24 hours.

You can reach me at a new
little cafe on west 5th street

called the derby grill.

Now I suggest that
you think on my offer.

Real hard.

You have yourself
a nice day now.

Who was that?

- Some high roller by the name of Harry boyle.
- Yeah?

He tried to buy Jenny's
chance for $200,000, in cash.

You're kidding. That's
twice what he's worth.

I want you to tail him,
see what he's up to.

He's probably
headed for this place

called the derby
grill, on west 5th.

All right.

I think they took the bait.

Come on.

I can't wait to get
my shot at this guy.

You'll get it. Wait for my cue.



well, all right.

The place looks great. Good.

I'll see how the crew's
doing in the cash room.


Positions, everybody.

We have a live one coming.

You ready for this?

You bet I am.

It's way too big, Dexter.

The track stewards would
spot that thing a mile away.

Look, you may know
horses but I know electronics.

I'm telling you
it can't be done.

Look, I am
not payin' you two to argue.

Tell that to your
so-called expert.

Look lady,

the device you're talkin'
about is impossible.



To generate enough power
for an ultrasonic signal,

you need a power source
the size of a shoebox.

I'm tellin' you,
technically it's impossible.

Now you listen to me, Dexter.

And you get this through

if I don't have that gizmo
by race time on Saturday,

I stand to lose a
client worth $6 million!

And that would
make me very angry.

Now you don't want
to make me angry,

do you, Dexter?

No, sir.

Even if he comes up with it,
we still need Jenny's chance.

Now, lookie here, little girl,

you take care of the ridin',

And I will take care
of gettin' the horse, ok?

First of all, I am
not your little girl,

and 2nd, you wouldn't
have even heard of this deal

if I hadn't handed it to
you on a silver platter.

Don't you talk to me like that.

Ok, ok, you guys.

Come on, it's almost post time
at hialeah. Let's go downstairs.


Henderson, it's Mick.

Listen, you aren't
gonna believe this.

I tailed boyle to this diner.

Uh, it looks like a
front for something.

And, uh, you wanna
guess who's here with him?

Jenny Larson.


What's she doin' with boyle?

She's made some
kind of deal with him.

Her old man must
have told her everything.

You mean they know we fix races?

Well, they have to.

Boyle's even got some geek

Tryin' to build an
ultrasonic signal generator.

Keep an eye on the
place. I'll be right over.

Yeah. I'm... I'm parked
in the lot across the street.

I'll meet you there.

The hook is in.

Hola, it's me.

You're on, Jack.

Si, senor.

You idiot!

I'm gettin' ready to leave
and you park behind me.

- Who do you think you are?

do you think I am, senor Henderson?

How many cubanos are you
laundering $1.5 million for?

Charlie? Lucky Charlie?

Not so lucky no more. I've
been on the run for a week.

The police, they chase
me all across the country.

I have to have you launder
the rest of my money fast.

I have to have
it Saturday night.

That's tomorrow.

Look... look, I, uh,
cleaned $500,000 so far.

And like I told
you on the phone,

I'm gonna need at
least another 6 weeks

to launder the other million

without tippin' off the feds.

No good. I sail for
Brazil on Sunday.

I want my money.

I'll have it for you
here in the mornin'.

But you're not gonna
get far with dirty cash.

Do you think you
are the only one

who can clean
dirty money, amigo?

Maybe you are not the hotshot
you think you are, Henderson.

A man should know
his competition.

If you no can do the job, I
know someone who can do it.

I will be back manana.

You will have my money,
or I will have your head.


The big fish himself
is headed for the net.

I just got a surprise
visit from lucky Charlie.

Lucky Charlie, here?
What does he want?

His money, what do you think?

He's acting like somebody can
do the job for him better than me.

So what do we do next?

I'd say right about now they're
trying to figure out what to do next.

Oh, what they
need is information.

And be careful.

We got to find out exactly
what this Harry boyle is up to.

That's the geek
I told you about.

He's as good a
place to start as any.

- Take the wheel.
- All right.

Let's talk.

That's a gun.

And that's a car. Move it.

quicker you cooperate,

The easier it's gonna be on you.

Now get in here.

Quit it, quit it.

Hey, no, leave
that alone. It's mine!


What kind of scheme

is your boss cookin'
up with Jenny Larson?

I don't know what
you're talking about.


boyle comes to me and he
tries to buy Jenny's chance,

and all of a sudden he's very
chummy with Jenny Larson.

And you, he gets you workin'
on some ultrasonic gizmo.

Like this?


That's it?

Well, how'd you miniaturize
the power source to get it...

Never mind.

Come on, come on, come on.

No way. You can't make me.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah. Ow!

Quit it!

Get in there.

Come on, you guys.

I'm allergic. I got hay fever.

Get me out of here.

Tell me what boyle's up to.

No. Now get me out of here.

Quit it!

Quit it!

Talk to me, Dexter.

Harry will kill
me if I talk to you.

I'll kill you if you don't.

Ok, ok, ok, ok.

Get me out of here!


All right, what's the deal between
Jenny Larson and your boss?

All I know is they need a
miniaturized ultrasonic device

to fix horse races, ok?

Only you couldn't pull it off.

So maybe I'm not into
audio electronics, all right?

I'm strictly into
mainframe systems,

program development.

What kind of
program development?


I designed the computer systems

For Mr. Boyle's gambling joint.


Harry boyle's a bookie?


Calling Harry boyle a bookie is like calling
Las Vegas a truck stop in the desert.

So what's this system?

Ok, ok, ok, ok.

My computer's patched into
a pari-mutuel satellite network

that's linked to over
1,000 bookie joints

from Vegas to Atlantic city.

You wouldn't believe
the action Harry handles.

It's... it's phenomenal.

Where is this place?

It's in the basement
of the derby grill.

I wanna see this place myself.

Let's pay Harry boyle a visit.

All right, ok, but tell me you're
not going to tell Harry I told you.

Don't. Quit it!

Ok, they're back.
Let's go. Look alive.

- All right people, let's go.
- All right.

Take your places, everybody.

- All set in here?
- You bet.


All right?


Wait a minute, what
about screen number 3?

Is that malfunctioning or what?

We're workin' on it.

Well, come on, let's go.

Screen number 3,
check it out, guys.

- Roll the tape.
- Yeah.

they streak for the stretch...


- Jenny.
- Has been there since the start.

It's time for you
to get out of sight.

You'll be able to see everything
quite clearly through the mirror.

Oh, I can't wait to see the
look on Henderson's face.

Let's go.

Now they're inside
the final 16th of a mile,

And cugee is crawling
away from the field.

You better make
this good, Dalton.

No hay problema, hombre.

I've got
that gringo eating out of my hand, man.


is right alongside there

stride for stride.

Chocaholic on the outside,

gilly's hope on the inside.

Take your pick, it's chocaholic
now in front by a head,

And gilly's hope on the rail.

Now it's chocaholic,
pulling away.

And the winner is chocaholic.

So, as you can see, Charles,

I have taken bettin'
out of the stone age.


That is the wave of the future.

I'm impressed.



What in the hell is goin' on?

It wasn't my idea.

They made me bring 'em.

I don't like to have my
business interrupted, Henderson.

This is my business.

You already made a deal with me.

Harry boyle say he
have a better deal.

He not just launder my money,

He turn into millions more.

Harry boyle is all
talk, without my horse.

His horse?

What do horse
have to do with this?


Henderson does
have a special horse,

That he can use to fix races.

But he does not have a system

to launder your money overnight.

Let's all take a look
at this system of yours.



Show him.


You're lookin' at over
a gigabyte of memory

With 6 parallel processors
for systems monitoring.

And what's your c.P.U. Speed?

Up to a 150 million operations

Per second.

All the fancy hardware
in the world isn't gonna

let you bet $1 million
on a single race

without blowin' the odds.

- Mine does.

I feed the wagers into
the pari-mutuel network

one nanosecond
before betting closes.

That way the odds don't
change and nobody is the wiser.

Meanwhile, we
send our dirty cash

To a central
depository in Chicago.

Within 24 hours,
it will be distributed

in payoffs all over the country,

While we rake in nice,
clean cash from the losers.

That's not gonna work
unless you can guarantee

that Jenny's chance
wins the race tomorrow.

And you can't do
that without me.

What do you think the
morning line on this horse,

Jenny's chance, going to be?

At least 6 to 1.

That means my million becomes...

$6 million overnight.


Put the other $500,000
you cleaned already.

Make the bet $1.5 million.

That'll make your total
winnings $9 million.

And that's not gonna
work without my horse

and my ridin' prop.

Well, have you found
a crooked jockey

Who will use that thing yet?

I'll find one in plenty of time.

Well, I have one already.

Jenny Larson.

And she will only ride for me.

Without me,

She's not gonna
have a horse to ride.

Oh, lookie here now.

Are you suggestin'
a partnership?

Either that or

We all walk away from
here with empty pockets.

Well, we don't have
much choice then, do we?

All right, Henderson,
you are in.

We will split the fee,


See you tomorrow,

post time.

Just remember, amigos.

If you double-cross me,

there will be no place
you can hide. Comprende?

So Henderson's falling
for it, hook, line, and sinker.

I love it. What a team.

Well, they're not
in the bag yet.

Not until we get a confession
and that money back.

Well, how will you know
it's the marked money?

Well, I rigged an ultraviolet
scanner into the money counter.

It should feed the serial
numbers into the computer.

So once we have that,
then we just have to trick him

Into confessing
he killed dad, right?

Bad news, people.

We got trouble.

Big trouble.

What do
you mean? What trouble?

- It's all over the news.
- ...Of a dramatic...

It happened too fast
for us to put a lid on it.

North of Chinatown, where
police have cordoned off

a 16-block radius
in the city's core.

The incident began
less than an hour ago

when infamous drug lord Carlos
Rodriguez and his lieutenant

Were surrounded by police
and federal agents at the airport...

They caught the
real lucky Charlie?

Wrong. He got away.

Oh, no.

We caught his man, valdez, at
the airport, but he's not talking.

A public parking lot when
Rodriguez fled in a stolen vehicle.

Police pursued in
a high-speed chase,

which ended in a fiery crash.

Rodriguez, known in the
underworld as lucky Charlie,

Lived up to his name, as he fled
on foot, though apparently wounded.

Oh, it'll be in all the papers.

Henderson's bound to see this.

We can't blow it
now, we're so close.

What can we do to
keep them on the hook?

That's a good question.

Well, we can't give up.

It'll be a major risk to
stay with the plan now.

Well, we've taken bigger risks.

Haven't we?

You heard the news?

The feds nailed me at the
airport when I met valdez.

We've got to move fast.

I figured you'd say that.

- You got my money?
- It's all here.

What's goin' on here?

That is a question we
would all like answered.


Who is this guy?

My name is Carlos Rodriguez.

Sometimes I am
called lucky Charlie.

You have some
explaining to do, senor.

Let's hear it, Charlie.

Let's start with your real name.

Are you loco? You
think this clown is me?

This clown will cut
the truth out of you.

Ok, ok, ok, you got me. Just
no stabbing, or... or shooting,

Nothin'... nothin' that hurts.

Boyle put you up
to this, didn't he?

Boyle, are you
kiddin'? He's my Mark.

I just needed your
cash to set him up.

If you are lying, I will
see you begging for death.

It's the truth. I'm
flyin' solo, honest.

We will see if this boyle
is your partner or not.

But first, you die.

You can't kill me.

Oh, really.

Boyle thinks I'm the one
and only original lucky Charlie.

You show up with this Rodriguez
guy alone, he'll be spooked.

You'll never get
through his security.

You need me to get to boyle.

He could be right.

Want me to get out to the
track with the riding crop?

Just in case?


I'll call you from the
bookie joint, if it's ok.

On my way.

Tie his hands. We
take him with us.

You guys are gonna come out of
this millionaires. There's no harm done.

Ok, ok, ok.

Get in the car.

Remember, this
one is for the money.

And the confession.


Just give the signal as soon as
you've confirmed all the serial numbers.

So the bet goes in

just before the cutoff.

That way the odds
don't get all screwed up.

It sounds very
good. If it is for real.

It is, believe me. With your
$1.5 million, you'll make a killing.

So to speak.

Mr. Boyle's expecting us.

Go right on down, gents.

This is it.

Listen, just sit tight. Everything
is completely under control.

Henderson, what is
this? What is goin' on?

That's what we
came here to find out.

Who's this?

I am lucky Charlie.

The real lucky Charlie.

Well, then, who is he?

An excellent question.

As I was explaining
to these gentlemen...

He claims he'd
been connin' all of us

to snatch Charlie's money.


Can't blame a guy for tryin'.

That hurt.

Take this garbage over there.

I will deal with him later.

You come in here less than
an hour before post time,

and expect me to
swallow a switch like this?

I have no time for your games.

Get out of here.

And take your dirty
money with you.

UN momento, senor boyle.

It's true, you can
really take a bet

of this size?

I can cover your action, sir.

The question is, why should I?

better question is,

Why walk away from your
percentage of over $9 million?


Let's just count it first.

No hay problema.
Be my guest, senor.


Count this.

Yes. We've got him.

spread feature.

Good field of sprinters

at 3 quarters of a mile,

Post time is just
seconds away...

And they'll be ready for
a start, any second now.

Last chance to place your wagers
for lansdown park feature race...

This place is
almost too perfect.

Relax, Charlie, relax.

In the last 24 hours, I have been
chased, shot, and impersonated.

I'm in no mood to relax.

yellow angel in 3rd

and they're flying
on the front end,

Racing by the first quarter
in 21 and three-fifth seconds.

It's Jack's fortune
on top, by a length.

Snow miss is gaining 2nd.

Now coming right
back down the rail,

Jack's fortune
leads by just a neck.

Snow miss is right
on the inside in 2nd,

and those two have
opened up a 5-length gap

On yellow angel running in 3rd.

This race

is coming from
lansdown park in Florida?

That's right.

It's our live satellite feed,

direct from Miami.

Pretty nifty, huh?

I live in Miami.

I have a box at lansdown park.

I saw this race last week!


Well, I don't understand that.

Uh, maybe our satellite is
pickin' up the wrong feed.

Oh. Or maybe you have
picked the wrong man to cheat.

What is this?

You walked me right into a trap.

You mean this is all a set-up?

It's the Larson girl.

She's supposed
to be at the track.

What kind of a stunt is this?

You, get over here right now.

Ok. Don't shoot.

Who is the girl?

She's supposed to
be riding my horse.

- Don't, please.
- Henderson, let her go.

- No!


You... you killed him.

You dragged me
right into a trap.

I didn't know.
She set it all up.

You killed my father.

I hire you to clean my money,

to take the heat off me.

Now you are killing people.
What are you doing to me?

I had to kill her old man.

He was gonna go to the police.

Well, that should do it.

You bet.

You get that, Steve?

Got it.

Who's that? Got what?

Your confession. To the
murder of Kyle Larson.

Think of it as a surprise party.

And you're the guest of honor.

I shot you. You were dead.

Premature assumption
on your part.

You were shootin'
blanks, Henderson.

I switched guns when you
handed it to me back at the farm.

And the real lucky
Charlie was arrested

one hour after that
shootout last night.

But we kept that
story off the news.

Your pal Underwood
is already in custody.

You can't pin a thing on me.


Try extortion, kidnapping,
money laundering,

possession of stolen property.

And the murder of my father.

Roll it, Steve.

I hire you
to clean my money,

to take the heat off me.

Now you are killing people.
What are you doing to me?

I had to kill her old man.

He was gonna go to the police.

I know my rights.
I want my lawyer.

Well, great job,
everybody. Congratulations!

Thank you.

Thank you all so much.

As my good friend
lucky Charlie would say...

No hay problema.