MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 1, Episode 12 - Deathlock - full transcript

After returning from a dangerous mission in East Germany, MacGyver is sent to a safe house by his friend Pete Thornton. Unknown to the two men, an agent who is after MacGyver knows about their hiding place and will stop at nothing to finish the two of them off.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
There are
some places in this world

that are a lot
easier to get into

Than out of...

Like east Berlin, for instance.

I mean, look at me.

I'm dying to leave.

So far, so good.

But the next part's where
it could get a little touchy.

My grief-stricken mourners
here to lend a helping hand.

Getting a little warm in here.


Jawohl! Jawohl!

Uh-oh. Sounds of trouble.

I guess this makes
me about the first guy

who ever attended
his own funeral

And lived to tell about it.

We have
reviewed your proposal.

Yes, sir.

It is correct in every detail.

We have had assurances like this

from you in the past, quayle,

particularly where
they concern MacGyver.

MacGyver is the only blemish
on my records, gentlemen.

I have never failed
you in anything except...

We know that
dreary story, quayle.

He made a fool of you.

Of us.

He was lucky.

Extremely lucky.

And I admit I
underestimated him.

But this time,
I'm ready for him.

I can guarantee you success.

You guarantee to
neutralize the information

he took from us in east Berlin?


Promises, always promises.

We must have results.

We must prevent that information

From reaching
American intelligence.

Consider it done.

And suppose you fail again?

I won't.

I see you remember
what happened to you

after your last failure.

Yes, sir.

I remember.

Then let that memory
be an inspiration, quayle.

Let it guide you
in your efforts.

What he means, quayle,

is this is your chance
for redemption.

And it is definitely
your last chance.

I understand.

Thank you, sir.

Good. It is the
decision of this tribunal

To authorize your operation...

Based on your
personal guarantee.

Thank you, sir. Thank you!

You won't regret it.

I appreciate the opportunity
to redeem myself in your eyes,

to reestablish my
value in the cause...

Better get started, quayle.

Our sources have traced
MacGyver halfway around the world.

He's about to return home.

I'll be waiting.


You look terrific!

Boy, is it good to see you!

What a sight!

Especially with
the three heavies

That are setting
you up for a hit.

Peter Thornton sent me.

How's the general?

Generally good, except
Thornton is a colonel.

And he asked me to remind
you that he owes you a camel.

And you've came all
the way down here

just to tell me that?

Oh, sweet lulubelle.

I love this girl!

I love her!

She's great!

I love, I love her!

You'd love her, too.

Let's go, lulubelle.

Name's Karen Blake.

Look more like
a lulubelle to me.

So, how's Peter?

Waiting for you.

So, hold on, lover.

Aren't we going
to Pete's office?

No, he set up a
special safe house.

You been with
the company long?


Well, I thought I knew

all the pretty
girls in the office.

Business must be good.

Since when do safe
houses look like this?

Look, I was just told

To bring you here for
a high-level debriefing.

High level

lives in high places.

I've just got one question.

Hey, I'm only a courier.

I'm only hungry. When do we eat?

Good to see you
again... MacGyver.


We thought so.


All right!

Good to see you!

And I thought all secret
agents were cold and heartless.

No, Pete and I go way back
to some pretty funny places.

Is that what the
camel was about?

Well, the first
time I met this fella,

he pulled me out
of the quicksand

in the wadi nefud.

Deep desert.

Then he put me on a camel,

and he gave it
this gigantic SWAT.


What happened?

Oh, we just rode on out.

Yeah, for six days.

I couldn't sit easy for a week.

Anyway, it's good to see you.

And congratulations.

You had some problems

getting out of east Berlin.

Uh, yeah.

Had some real
unfriendlies waitin' for me.

I sort of had to cut
and run for the border.

Turned a coffin into a jet ski.

Yeah, that part was fun.

I had a real good time.

Me and, uh, junior here.

That is very
important, so, thanks.

You're welcome.

And congratulations
yourself. I heard.

Deputy chief of the department.

Big deal.

You can call me sir.

Yeah, I noticed.

This place?

Yeah, it's been out
of use for quite a while.

Off the list and unofficial,

which is exactly what we need.

It seems we have
a very large hole

In departmental security.

Oh? What leaked?

Your name.

And what you brought back.


So, I'm handling it personally

from here on.

Here, now, and quietly.

My own office doesn't
even know we're here.

No one does.

It's perfect.

Yes, it is.

Right in here.


Thought you'd appreciate it.

And in a way, it fits.

We are hunting big game.

Dangerous game.

You know Mrs. Chung?

By reputation.

It's a pleasure.

How do you do?

The best crypt analyst alive.

Oh, Peter, stop it!

He's a politician.

I solve puzzles.

And, uh, I understand you
have brought us one today.

Oh, yes, ma'am.

Should I be here, sir?

Oh yes. We're all
staying right here

until Mrs. Chung decodes

the microfilm.

Thank you. This computer

is fully programmed
for us, Mr. MacGyver.

Well, that's fine with me.

I just came for lunch.

I have not activated it!

What in hell is this?

A joke, Peter.

Trick or treat.

It's April fool's.

Peter! Peter!


Don't touch that door!


Hello, MacGyver.

Long time no see.

Make the lady comfortable

And don't worry
about her, MacGyver.

She's not dead, only sedated.

He knows you.

Who is he?

Used the name quayle.

Sold the British
out to the Russians.

Double-crossed the
Russians for the ayatollah.

Those dear fun days.

I ran into him
movin' a planeload

of stolen military computers.

What happened?

Uh, I stole the plane back.

Your people weren't too
happy with you, huh, quayle?

No, they punished me

Because of you.

But now, this is my game,

My board, my rules.

Security leak a little
bigger than you thought?

As big as a house.

For this?

No, no, no, no. No!

I was commissioned to destroy it

And deal with you.


Frightened, Karen?

All in a day's work.

And in your case, with
great pleasure, MacGyver.

Peter Thornton here.

Don't be stupid!

But do be adventurous!

Try to escape.

Try to find me, please!

Don't touch anything, Peter.

What do you mean?

Ah, he's got the
whole place rigged.

To kill us?

Yep, sooner or later.

But first the man wants

to have some fun.

MacGyver, that's crazy!

So is quayle.

His gears don't mesh.

Let's see

if we can get out of here.

Maybe he's missed
a trick or two.

I don't want to leave Mrs.
Chung back there very long.

Well, the best thing
we can do for her is

To get to Karen's car
and get some help.

Oh, no.

Where's my car?

Damn! It's gone!

Well, that's scary stuff.

The door has got
to be booby-trapped.


Let's see if we
can figure out how.

It's not electrified.

I don't believe it.

I don't, either.

Gonna run a test, huh?


A hit, MacGyver!

A palpable hit!

You always did like to
talk, didn't you, quayle?

give me that sheet.

It's kind of a
weakness of yours.


Always had to say
how great you were,

didn't you, quayle?

Afraid maybe people
wouldn't notice.

You'll be the last one to die.

That's what I figure, too.

Of old age, hopefully.

Well, here it is.

Why here?

You can find lots of
handy stuff in the kitchen.

Let's look around.

Still with us, big guy?

You certainly are
talented, quayle.

I mean, this guy has got it.

Got us, you mean.

Like pigeons in a Coop.

Like rats in a trap.

I have never

been nailed down so
tight in my entire life.

Your appreciation is
not wasted, MacGyver.


take your bows, gent.

It's not every day I
run into pure perfection.

Let's just say you are
my perfect challenge.

Yeah, you certainly
have met that challenge.

He is definitely back
at the top of his form.

A new chess game
with a new master, MacGyver.

You got that straight.

Brilliance, quayle.

Pure brilliance.


but you aren't going to
give up so easily, are you?

What's that fidgeting
you're up to?

Messing around with pots
and pans won't help you.

So why don't you just
put away the tinker toys

and play the game?



Let the games begin.

Quayle was listening
on a radio frequency,

so I figured by using every
electronic gadget around,

I could heterodyne
his frequency,

Give the man
an earful of static.


You built an electronic jammer.

Yup. Quayle's gonna
get nothin' but white noise.

So we got a little
privacy in here.

All right,

I figure if we split up

and keep movin'
around this house,

I can find a way to bust
out while he's not lookin'.

Keep him busy
tracking the three of us?

My radiophone...

It's in the library in my case.

If I can get to it without
quayle watching...

Nice touch.

Okay, here we go.

One at a time.

Keep him guessing.

Stay low, move
fast, think smart.

And if you go,

take company along.

Get out of here.

You know, MacGyver,
when I was little,

I used to play
international spy.

I think we all did, didn't we?

Oh, I'd be wearing
a designer gown

and going to some great
party at Buckingham Palace,

meeting a Russian ambassador.

And I would get him
to tell me all his secrets.

Maybe that's why

I went to work for
the department.

Deputy chief Peter Thornton.

Red. Red.

Repeat, red, red.


But I already know
the details, Peter.

Now I guess it's my turn to
go out and distract quayle.


It's gonna be all right.

We're gonna make it.

Thanks, I needed that.

Come on, let's get out of here.

What do you say?

Quayle was a
thorough kind of guy,

so it figured he had all
the windows and doors

either booby-trapped or
covered by the guns outside.

But maybe I could make myself

a set of wheels
that'd draw his fire

and get me out of
this homemade prison.

I'm listening to your
symphony, MacGyver.

Or is it a requiem?

When I was a kid,

I used to build model planes
with rubber band motors.

Then I discovered batteries.

It sure did increase
the mileage.

Ah, my dear Karen.

Welcome to my fortress.

It's going rather
well, don't you think?

Well, quayle, i-i
really didn't expect

all this to be happening.

I mean, you said this was
going to be over quickly.

Well, it will be.

But you mustn't deny me
my brief moment of fun.

"Fun"? I'm shaking!

Are you afraid they
might find you out?

Who could suspect

such a darling innocent?

But this MacGyver
is-is very smart.

And Thornton is no dummy either.

Yes, that's what makes you
my, um, what shall I call you?

My little mole.

No, that's far too unflattering.

My perfect collaborator

In this... delicious charade.

I'm telling you,
quayle, I'm scared...

Of them and of you.

You said that we were just going

to do a simple job without hurt.

I'm just teasing.

Just toying with them.

- But Mrs. Chung is down...
- She's a stranger.

There's someone
much closer to you

That you ought to be
worried about, isn't there?

All right.

I'll do what you say, but...

Perfect. Now, what is
MacGyver doing in the kitchen?

When I left him, he was taking
the motor out of a blender.

Ah, yes, that's the
handyman side of MacGyver.

He likes to make clever
little things out of odd bits.

But I must have more details.

I must know exactly
what he is doing!

I'll go see.

Yes, you do that, my dear.

No time to waste.

The sooner we
deal with MacGyver,

the sooner this'll be over.

There's my perfect collaborator.

Stay in touch.

What sort of a fantasy
is MacGyver indulging?

Answer me, Karen.

Are you there?

Yes. He's at the, uh, rear

kitchen door, and he's built
some kind of wheeled cart

with a piece of the
suit of armor on top.

It's the position I care about.

He'll be coming out
of the back door...

And I'll be waiting for him.

Very good, Karen.

What are you going to do?

My dear... sweet Karen,

I only intend to
embarrass them painfully...

Even MacGyver.

Especially MacGyver.


obviously the guns are targeted
to shoot at a given height,

at anything that moves.

But they can't shoot

in two directions at once,

so if I can get them
aiming down there...


I think he's gotten clear.

Not to worry.

I'll get him back, Karen.

MacGyver, come back!

I've got Thornton!

If you want to
see Thornton alive,

now is the time.

He's waiting for you
in the trophy room.

I've turned my guns off
so you can come back.

The game is not over... yet.

He's coming back to us, Karen.

But did I detect a note
of concern for MacGyver?

We can't afford a major incident

like a multiple-v.I.P. Murder.

Look, my orders are to
retrieve a piece of intelligence,

not to carry out your
damned blood feud.

I give the orders, my girl.

And I'm ordering you
to the trophy room.

You can get the roll of
film from Thornton there.

Now, get going before
MacGyver gets there!

Thornton's not
going to give it to me.

He won't object.

I've given him the
shock of his life.

Now, go on, girl!


He's dead. Electrocuted.

He's not dead.

Oh, my god. I thought...

She's still the same.

They'll both be all right if
we get them help in time.

Yeah. MacGyver,

I know you would
have gotten away.

It's all right.

I changed my mind, anyway.

If I get away, quayle gets away.

And I want him.

Let's go somewhere where
we can't be seen or heard.

Quayle's got the house
rigged electronically

through the main power line

Which is probably
in the basement.

I saw some vinegar here.


Now, if we can cut or
control that power line,

quayle goes deaf,
dumb and blind.

He loses his edge.

MacGyver, what the
hell are we doing?

Making some preparations.


Thank you.

Now, you want to tell me
if quayle hired you locally,

or were you assigned to him?

It was an assignment.

How did you know?

Well, first of all, you were
a little too quick and cool

getting me out of that hit.

And the hit men
didn't even try to follow.

Secondly, you took one look
at Pete from across the room,

And assessed that he
had been electrocuted.

You're very quick, MacGyver.

Not quick enough to save
Pete from a pretty good jolt.

You could have
killed him, you know.

I was told no killing.

Only that we would...
Get the film back.

Why draw the line at murder?

Quayle doesn't.

I didn't know that.

I've never worked
with him before.

I told you, they assigned me.

For how much?

How much money they giving you

To betray your country, huh?

Money? It's not...

I wouldn't do it for money!

Look, I have never done
anything like this before.

Oh, please, don't tell me

you're one of
those political mal...

They've got my brother!

He works for Mr. Thornton, too.

For the company.

But he was on assignment
in czechoslovakia,

and he got caught.

And they said they
would kill him unless...

Unless you cooperated.

Worked for them.

There's another way, Karen.

You don't have to give
in to their blackmail.

But my brother...
He's my only family.

Help me catch quayle.

We'll use him as
a bargaining chip.

Trade quayle for your brother.

What if they won't?

Then I'll go in and
get him... Personally.

You would do that for
me after... everything?

Will you help me?

What do you want me to do?

Well, I think we should start

by forcing quayle out
of his electronic fortress.


By unplugging all his gadgets.

We've got to get to the
power room in the basement.

Let's go.

He could be anywhere.

Or everywhere.

You thought I couldn't
track you, MacGyver.

Well, we all make mistakes.

This one is, I'm afraid, fatal.


Good-bye, Karen.

I'll try to arrange a
posthumous medal.

Watch the moving dot.

Whatever it touches, it kills.


Closer and closer.

I could hit you at any time.

These are your last moments.

So, enjoy them.

My daddy used to say

You can't hit
what you can't see.

A smokescreen.

That won't save you.

Now we're invisible.


Follow me.

Come on.

The back stairs,

where quayle
can't see or hear us.

Damn it!

MacGyver! Karen!

There really is no escape.


I know where quayle is.

He's down that
corridor to the right.

His control room
is down at the end.

The door is steel.

He's got a lot of
security and weapons.

All right.

Maybe it's time for him
to come out and play.


I've got an idea.

Let's make an early
warning system.

It'll let us know when
quayle's on the way.

What makes you so sure

quayle's gonna leave
his control room?

It's the only way to get

To the power room, right?


Well, if we can cut
off his electricity,

he's bound to
come looking for us.


What are you gonna do?

Invite the man to a party.

Rusted junk
machinery... I don't get it.

Line it up, Karen.

Sort of casual clutter.

What are you doing?

Those wires look like spaghetti.

Well, I traced all the heavy
wiring into quayle's fortress.


I'm gonna punch his lights out.

Keep stacking that junk.

When quayle comes in here,

he's gotta walk
forward only one way.

How's this?

Primrose path.

Pull that cabinet
over, too, will you?

You know, I sure
could use a mirror.

Think you could find me one?

Yeah, just what I want to do
is look in a mirror right now.

Okay, okay, I'll
go find a mirror.

That's perfect. It's
just what we need.

So now we've got a mirror.

Yeah, sort of. Come here.

Stand right here.

Don't move.

Oh, I see.

So you're making a periscope

so we can see quayle, right?

Yeah, that's right.

Without being seen.


Because he'd
probably blow us away.

Where are you?

You can't escape. I'll find you.

And we've got a mirror.

And a kind of water Cannon.

I don't want to lose pressure.

The problem we're
gonna have, though,

is getting him in and
standing right there.

Yeah, yeah, I get it.

Where are they?

Nothing! Nothing!

Why aren't I finding them?

We'll keep the lights on

In here and in the corridor.

And so...

This must be his power.

Power failure?

Auxiliary generator.

Your handy work, I
suppose, MacGyver.

Damn it!

All right, MacGyver.

No more games.


That was...

Just in case.

Nice thought.

Out in clear sight now.


Thank god you found us.

MacGyver was setting a trap.

I thought I could trust you.

We're on the same
side, right, quayle?

I'm a geometric rarity, my dear.

There's only one side.


Gosh, quayle, and all this time

I thought you were just... scum.

This one's free of charge.


You took a big
chance trusting me.

That's what it's all about.

All right, let's wrap
him up and see how

the rest are doing, all right?


Yes, I think we've
plugged the leak.


That's right.

I'm sorry.

Now... where were we?

Oh, yes,

solving a puzzle.

That's okay, Mrs. Chung.

I think we just
took care of that.