MacGyver (1985–1992): Season 1, Episode 11 - Nightmares - full transcript

MacGyver is kidnapped by enemy agents to retrieve sensitive information he stole from them. To get him to talk, they inject MacGyver with a hallucinogenic drug that will kill him in six hours, unless an antidote they have is admin...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
MacGYVER: It's a known fact

that 80 decibels
of rushing water

is one of the most pleasing
sounds known to mankind.

On the other hand,

10 and a half days at sea
is enough water for anybody.

Thornton is here
to make the pickup...


And after waltzing my way
out from behind the Iron Curtain,

San Pedro harbor looked

like a little piece
of paradise...

but not for everybody.

You know,

seaweed's generally
not considered

to be the best lure for fishin'.

Yeah, I know,

but good lures
cost a lot of money.

What you need is
somethin' that reflects.

Like a gum wrapper.

Come on.

You know, my
grandfather used to say,

"You just gotta
think like a fish."

Yeah, but does it work?


ultimately it's up
to the fish, I think.

Not many girls your
age are into sport fishin'.

Yeah, well, I
don't fish for sport.

I fish for food.


I mean, you know,
I can't pay you.

Just catch somethin'.

Thank you.

All right!


Tell your grandfather it works.


Hello, Pete!

So, this is MacGyver's
homecoming at last.

I'll get the men in position.




I pay for efficiency.

Impress me, Mr. Barrett.

Don't worry. He's good.

I always worry.

And MacGyver is quite elusive.

Good to see you.

You, too.

And your cargo?

Yeah, got all the names

and the plans of the terrorists.

There ought to be a
promotion in it for ya, Pete.

Save it for the car, okay?

Expecting trouble?

Well, you never can tell.

The East Germans are just
a little bit hot over this one.

Nice to know my
work is appreciated.


They yours?


Which one you want?


You get that list out of here.

You sure?

Now! Move!

♪ ♪

I don't believe it!

You are an officer of the law.

I can tell.

What can I do for ya?

Well, I'm being
pursued by ter...

Well done.

Get him out of here.

That's him.

No question about it.

Kurt Neilson, East
German Intelligence,

rank of colonel.

Huh. Boy's been
around. All right.

Make copies,
circulate. Get word out

on the streets right away!

Yes, sir. I'll get
on it right away.

Search him... thoroughly.

The list's not on him.

Care to tell me where
it is hidden, MacGyver?

You know, I just don't
seem to remember.

You see, Barrett,

Mr. MacGyver is
a genuine patriot.

They can be remarkably stubborn.

But even a stubborn patriot

like you can be, uh,

persuaded to speak.

There are many
methods I could use

to get the information...

but this is my favorite.

Hey, look, guys...

I got this thing about needles.

Here's an idea.

Why don't you just try
drippin' water on my forehead?

The old rubber hose
and bright light trick.

The list.

Hypnotism? It's
been known to work.

The KGB uses it all the time.
They got it down to a science.

Whatta you say?

You have good veins.

Thank you.

Come on.

That burning sensation
will disappear shortly.

The serum was specifically
designed for you, MacGyver.

You are probably wondering

about the effects
of the injection.

The initial effect
is disorientation,

double vision, hallucinations.

I was kinda hopin'
that's what this was.

When your mind clears,
in roughly three hours,

the pain will
become excruciating.

And if that does not
convince you to cooperate,

this injection
has a side effect;

it will kill you.

Of course, it can all be stopped

with this antidote.


if you don't take the
antidote within six hours,

give or take a few moments,

the serum is irreversible.

Six hours, and you begin to die.

Begin counting.

It's your choice, MacGyver...

to live...

or to die.

MacGYVER: Being told
when you're gonna die

kinda puts a little
pressure on you.

Don't try anything funny.


All right, think,
MacGyver, think.

Think, think...

Not too much to
work with in here.

And my arm's throbbing
pretty good from that shot.

Come on, Mac, time's a-wasting.

I am sure this is a secure line.

Yes, Herr Kommandant,

we have possession of
the international courier.


We'll have it very shortly.

One time when I was a kid,

I built a slingshot

out of a couple of
broken hockey sticks

and an old inner tube.

And, you know, no matter
how hard I practiced,

I just could never miss...

my neighbor's window.

Problem with this slingshot
is, I only get one shot.

♪ ♪

Can't you do anything
without eating?

I'm listening.

I'll hear him when he starts

seeing things and
yelling about them.

I had running water

and an electrical socket nearby.

It could be a heck
of a combination

if I put them together right.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

What's that?

I don't know.

Sounds like water.

MacGyver! Neilson
said he might try

something like this.

Come on.

He broke my nose!

He broke my damn nose!



Take him alive!

Find him!

He couldn't have gotten far!

Watch where you're
going, you dumb drunk!

I think we lost him.

He can't go far. Keep searching.

He doesn't have
to go any farther

than the first phone to
call the police. He won't!

By now, his mind is scrambled,

confused for at least
three more hours.

So you'd better find MacGyver.


So you're gonna tell me

you caught that
fish all by yourself?

I caught this fish, man.

I think you bought
it at the market.

I did not buy this fish.

Come on, Lisa, I
can't even catch a fish.

Big fish, all right?

This is gonna be dinner for me.

This is a beautiful fish.

You should see it. I
mean, it's gorgeous.

I caught it by myself, okay?

Hey, look at that dude, man.

He's drunk! Check him out.

Yeah, that's him! Huh?

Who? That's him. I know him.

You're kidding.
What do you mean?

I've never seen that guy before.

From the pier.
No, with the fish.

A dude looking like
him is nobody to know.

No, no, he's okay.

He's a drunk.

He did me a favor. No strings.

Lisa, that dude is messed up.

Look at him.

I owe him.

Hey, wait a minute.

Come on, you got
enough trouble, Lisa.

Don't even get involved.

You're a runaway, remember?

Come on, let's go.

I gotta.

Lisa, don't do it.

I-I just gotta.

Lisa, come on.

Hey, hey, you okay?

Let's go.

Get rid of him, man. Not ours.

It's me.

Remember, from the
docks this morning?



Fish. Brain food.

You're one sick guy.

There's a policeman, but, uh,

the last thing I need is a cop.

But I guess in your case...


No police.


I'm gonna regret this.

I know I'm going to regret this.

Okay, up.



Soon he will have
incidence of very acute pain,

but there will be fewer
hallucinatory episodes.

And a better chance of him
remembering to call his people.

Not yet.

This way.

His memory will remain
groggy for a while longer.

But as MacGyver approaches
death, his mind will clear.

He will gradually
begin to remember.

He will realize
that I hold his life.

I hold him as on a leash.

MacGyver cannot escape.

Each second that ticks
away cuts him like a knife.


He must come back to me

This is it. If he is to live.

I want you to put one leg
through this window here.

Come on.

Okay. Okay.

There you go. There you go.

My burglar alarm.

Come on.

Here we go.

Okay, you all right?

You're getting better, okay.

Now there's stairs here.

One step at a time.

Here we go.

He's out there.

Someone has seen him.

Find that someone.

Okay, in here.

Stay right there.

Okay, come here.

Right here.

It's not much, but it's mine.

You made it real nice.

I did the best with what I got.

You gonna be okay?


Even got electricity. See?

Got it out of an old
car in a wrecking yard.

My name's Lisa.


And you know me?

What, have you got a
screw loose or something?

We met this morning.

You made me that
great lure, remember?

I caught a fish with
your gum wrapper.

I don't seem to remember
much of anything at the moment.

Mm. Well, maybe some food

will help.

You hungry?

Yeah. I could eat a...



let's see if you can, uh,

take the bones out of
this while I start the stove.

Hey, you're like me... You
make do with what you got.

Yeah, I guess I do.

You in some kind
of trouble, Lisa?

You mean, what's
a nice kid like me

doing in a rat hole like this?

It is a long, dull story.

I'd like to hear it.


I figure my dad, uh,

you know, when he was a kid,

he never had a punching
bag, so he married one.

And you got caught
in the middle?

Of the target.

So when they both started on me,

I split.

The first two times
I went to the cops.

They, uh, dumped me in some

juvenile lockup.

It smelled like what those fish

are gonna smell like in a week.

Nobody listened?

Oh, uh...

this social worker
checked out my story.

So the judge tells my
parents to get their act together

and take me home,
because the hall

is not a good place for
a vulnerable adolescent.

Home is better.

Home sweet home.

I think I get the picture.

So they got me home, and my dad

got his act together, all right.

On my face.


So you split? For good?

For me.

And I'm hanging in there.

Look it, I got schoolbooks.

I'm gonna get a diploma.

I'm gonna make
something of myself.

I don't know exactly what.

How about a success?

Oh, yeah, right.

Yeah. Right.

No, we're not gonna hassle Lisa.

We just want that
guy she was with.

I think we got something.

Yeah. A straight
line to MacGyver.


no excuses this time.


It's me.

What's the matter?

It was a nightmare, I guess.

Are you all right?

Watch where you're
going, you dumb drunk!

What is it?

What can I do for you?

My name's MacGyver.

I got back in the
country this morning.

I, uh...

I stashed the list.

The list? What-what list?

They grabbed me.


I don't have much time.

You have less
time than you think.

I came to tell you that

there are three guys
outside snooping around.

What's that?

My burglar alarm.

What do they want?


Check for another entrance.


do you have a small
transistor radio?

Yeah, I think so.


We're gonna buy some time.

What're you doing
with that TV tube?

Cooking up a surprise.

Hand me those
jumper cables, will you?

Remember, we want him alive.

What's going on?

I'm trying to get
us a running start,

away from those guys.

How are you gonna do that?

Well, when these
jumper cables touch,

an electrical surge
is gonna hit that tube

and cause an overload.


All right, let's see that radio.

This ought to get
'em up here in a hurry.

Let's go.

Hear it?


Come on, Lisa. Come on.

What happened? I don't
know, some kind of a blast.

Oh, no.

No, not me.

It's the only way out.

I hope you know
what you're doing.

Me, too.

They're gone.

Hold it.


What're we gonna tell Neilson?

Like the magician said,

a little misdirection
never hurt.

Hold it.

You're sick. I'm not
gonna leave you alone.

Lisa, the best way you
could help me right now

is to call Peter Thornton
at the Federal Building.

Ask for the DXS.

Tell him MacGyver's
at the old warehouse on,

on, um, Tucker Street.

You got that? Yeah.

Tell him if I'm not around
when he gets there,

that the list is hidden

in the base of
the light standard

where we met this morning.


The light pole? The list?

What does this mean?

I-I did a job... for
the government.

Oh, man, does this sound wild!

It's important...
real important, Lisa.

Will you do it for me?

Yeah, I'll do it.

Where are you gonna be?

I'll be at the warehouse.

Hopefully I've got enough time

to find a cure for
all my troubles.

Get outta here, will ya?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Time is about up.

So it appears you lose.

The list is still hidden.

Only MacGyver knows
where, and he is dying.

My superiors will have
to accept the best result

we could obtain.

Here is your payment, Barrett.

Count it.

right, MacGyver, think.


a smoke alarm...

sheets of plywood.

Yeah, it just might work.

No, this is not a joke.

This is an emergency!

Look, just tell Peter Thornton
that MacGyver needs help.

Look, I can't come in.

I just told you where he was.

Just get the message
through, all right?

MacGYVER: The idea of a smoke
alarm is to get people's attention.

Better hope it'll work
on these guys, too.

♪ ♪

What do you mean,

the operator just got around

to forwarding the message?

There was no
emergency code on it.

Well, there is now... Code 101!

I want every damned
man we've got

moving on that
warehouse, right now.

It's really only
MacGyver who loses.


A remarkable man.

What is that?

Sounds like a smoke alarm.

Check it.

Hi, guys.

Listen, uh,

I'm not feelin' too good.

You win.

I need the antidote.

Come down from there.

You bet.



Those sirens are for you.

They sound like a dirge.

With the antidote gone,

we can say...
good-bye, MacGyver.

I win.

You don't even
have the strength left.


What was he talking about?

An antidote?

It's something I need

if I want to live
through the day.

You've been poisoned?

Is that what this is all about?

What are you doing?

The impact causes temporary
molecular structural alignment

in iron.

All of the ions run
to the other end.


I just made myself a magnet.

Come on.

Stay... stay.

Come on.

♪ ♪


That's it?

That's it.

I'm not even gonna
ask what's in it.

Well, I'll tell ya.

It's a bargaining chip...

worth a lot to
a lot of people...

including you.

I'm gonna talk to Pete
Thornton about arranging

a government scholarship.

That's great!

It's great!