Ma Ze Ha-Shtuyot Ha-Ele (2005–…): Season 5, Episode 6 - Mashber Gil Ha'arbaim - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What's this midlife crisis nonsense?

Turning 40
is an opportunity to take stock

and evaluate your life.

You think, really?

This is my wife?

This is my job?

This is all the money I made?

This is my voice?

That's it, that's the crisis.

Men react by
denying their age,

going to techno parties,

going wild.

I mean, seriously...

You don't have enough cartilage for that.

You can barely stand up
to pray.

A lot of people go crazy.

They get tattoos at 40,

but not the dumb tattoos
people get in their 20's,

of gnomes and mushrooms.

More like family members' names,
which is convenient,

because you can't remember them anymore.

You don't look as good
when you're 40,

and what makes it worse

is the tragic combination

of looking less good

and seeing less well.

So you can't see that
you don't look good.

Honey, I'm going to kill you.
What is this?

A surprise.

I told you, it's your 40th,

I'm giving you something...

I hope it's not too elaborate.

I told you I didn't want
to make a big deal out of it.

-It's not too big, it's perfect.

Promise it's nothing big?


Do you smell it?

What is it?

I'm dying,
is it Gaston and Gershon?

C'mon, you'll love it.

Just keep an open mind.
You'll be fine.

I'm already saying thank you.

Good morning.

Who is this?

Happy birthday.




I'm dying!


How was it?

How was it?

Is this what you give
your wife for her birthday?

Hey, but...

This your plan for my 40th?
-I thought you'd love it.

I'm going to kill you and then myself!

I thought you'd like it.
-What have you done?!

-No, but...

This is your gift?

Two months before my 40th birthday,

I was overwhelmed
by existential questions:

should I celebrate?

Should I throw a huge party

and invite 300 people I never speak to

or 15 people I'm sick of?

I was entering a crisis

and to get over it

I headed to the best
event planner in Israel,

Irit Rahamim.

What do you think?
What should I do?

"What should I do?"

I'm going to make the
whole country celebrate you.


Turning 40 is the new turning 30.


I'll make you a shake first.


Is this a post-workout shake?

Did you work out,
or is this your outfit?

Of course, I worked out.

I just worked out.

I think, first of all,
of how I'll start my day.

Who's got the time?

I'm busy being a mother
and with my career.

Who'll take care of me
if not me?

Once you turn 40

you must take advantage of every day.

I don't know what a crisis means.

I'm happy,
I'm optimistic,

I'm hopeful,
I have a vision.

Turning 40 is an opportunity
to reinvent ourselves.

Is she a real person

or a guru?

I suddenly realized things.

After 40, you start
taking care of yourself.

You're about to be reborn.

At 40, I decided- that's it.

I'm not married.

It's my time to break barriers.

I need to write this down.
Do you have a pen?

At 40, you're either confused
and take workshops

or you're confused and offer workshops.

These workshops are all the same.

Let the past go,
accept your present self,

because it won't
get better in the future.

Accept that you're a loser.

Love your inner loser.

It's easy to love losers.

Losers are cuddly.

They have metaphors for everything

to help explain the mind.

"Life is like a fist, you see?"

"We are like airplanes -

we must know when to take flight

and when to land."


Empty words.

Then, your friend returns
from one of these workshops,

"I had so many realizations.

I realized that me being broke

is because I haven't worked for 6 years.

Crazy, isn't it?

Mind-blowing, right?"

It's amazing.

Sometimes, meeting a coacher or guru

can turn your whole life around.

You meet the coacher,
and he identifies

that you could be an
amazing coacher yourself

and that you must study
at the same school he went to,

which happens to be his school.

There was something fishy about it.

It was suspicious that
the workshop was at the Fogel Institute,

run by David Fogel,

winner of the Fogel prize for Fogel practices,

a practice that does
wonders for David Fogel.

He's quite happy about it.

Adi, we have to throw a party for you.

Let me do it.

With birthdays,

I think it's...

People want to celebrate,
but no one shares their excitement.


it's embarrassing to
throw a big party for myself.

I'm embarrassed for
people to know I'm turning 40.

I want to celebrate my 38th.

You're resisting.

Don't be scared.
Let me take care of it.

I'll let you enjoy the party.

Maybe I'm into it?

I never threw a big party for myself.

I don't want a big event, anyway.

It has to be small.

People are in the midst
of an existential crisis

and their friends will come up
and ask:

"so, how are you celebrating?"

"Should we throw you a big party
for your 40th?"

"Should we make a movie
that sums up your life

and memorializes you,
just as you are now,

at your oldest?

Does that sound fun?"

They don't know what to get you,
so they ask,

What do you want?

No, but what do you need?

Seriously, what do you want?

A jet ski.

So they all collect money,

Yossi and Hagit, Danny and Ranit,
Ami and Hezi,

and they buy you a hat.

A married man who turns 40
wants only one thing,

not a party, not a greeting, not a gift.

He wants a threesome,

but most men won't admit it

because they want to remain alive.

And if you dared to admit it,
the wife is instantly offended.

"Don't act like you want a threesome,

you want to have sex with another woman,
so you're suggesting a threesome."

He'll say, "no way,

what would I do without you

having sex with a 26-year-old?

Just me and her perfect breasts?

Without any emotions?"

Alright, let's go for it.

A party, with friends, at my place.

Cheese quiches, yes?

What else?

Let's invite 150 guests?

150? Maybe 15...

15-20 of my best friends.

But let's not have the
party it at your house.

How about going abroad?

Or not abroad,

maybe a hotel or a spa.

Or group singing

followed by dancing,

we'll play a video of all your friends,

and the end of the video
will reveal the next surprise.

Every guest will receive a letter, and...

Who will write these letters?


And then we'll plan the program.

They'll make you a video

of all your friends
wishing you a happy birthday

and the friend who made it
puts in so much effort,

time, and energy.

Too bad he didn't invest
in a good mic or lighting

to make the movie watchable,

that would be nice.

To make dad a birthday slideshow,

you take a photo from the day he enlisted

and a photo of him napping
on the sofa last week.

What happened in between?

Not much.

People don't like inviting
their parents to their party.

They think, why should I?

Why should you?

You live one floor above them,

work in your dad's business,

and your mom made
the food for the party.

Very independent.

Why would you?

On the other hand, you worry.

It's risky to invite your mom

because her toast will
take up the entire party,

and they love acrostics.


A 40th birthday celebration.


Because you're turning 40 today.


Couldn't be prouder.


During this celebration of your birthday.


Excited for your 40th.

I'll call one of my producers.
She's good.

She's a strategic advisor.

You'll love her.

How's it going?

The party planning geared up,

and 2 producers attacked me

Everyone should wear white.

White fabrics.

By the water,
togas by the water. -Togas?

Togas and Greek music.

Dressed in white, but maybe in a caftan...

Like a bride.

A day gone be will never return.

Irit, you taught me a lot today.

Why do people make
a big deal of your 40th?

They always say it's
"a once in a lifetime birthday."

No, seriously,

I celebrated my 36th birthday twice.

Irit shifted my perspective.

I realized I can't focus on nonsense,

like how the party will look,

and focus on important matters instead,

like how I'll look at the party.

I decided to start running,

but not alone,

because I'm a pro.

I joined a running team.

6 am, ugly sweatpants,

Hayarkon Park.

Good morning.
-Good morning.

I actually warmed up at home.

Let's warm up some more.
-I didn't want to be mocked.

Let's go.

It's so cold.

C'mon, Adi,
let's keep going.

See, I'm already combining...

Let's go.

Let's start slowly.

How many kilometers
will we be running, Avi?

3-4 km.

When did you start going running?


Not you, Avi.


When did you start running,

the slower ones.

Sorry to say.

They aren't slow at all.
-3 months.

Only 3 months?


Did you lose weight or
did you start out thin?


The worst enemies of
the joggers in the park

are the walkers in the park.

They used to be so admired,

"good for them, doing all that walking."

Now, when the runners go by,

they look like they're in slow motion.

It downgraded them.

The walkers aren't serious enough, anyway.

They always return with a bag

of fruits they picked,

a package from the post office,

running errands.


What's up?
-Hi, Adi.

What are you doing here?

It turns out that Park Hayarkon at 6 am

is a great opportunity

to meet friends who didn't
want to go running with you.

Why didn't you want me to go running
with you?

We're an advanced group.

We run marathons.


I wouldn't have guessed.


People who claim they're "sports addicts",

"I'm a sports addict",

what are you actually saying?

That you can't quit?

Here, have a seat.

You're a recovered addict now.

Do you want a pastry?

When your wife returns from a run,
she starts driving you crazy.

Check this out, touch my muscle,

look at this.

Touch it, go on.

15 minutes later,

she falls asleep.

What do you want?

Why tease?

Some women are into netball.

It's very popular.

It may seem like a cute sport,

but it's actually quite dangerous.

She starts playing netball,

then stops shaving her armpits,

next, she moves in with her female coach.

It's dangerous. It tears families apart.

Or this new SAP trend.

Your wife goes to the beach at 4 am,
in the middle of a storm,

and calls you 3 hours later.

It's scary.

She'll say, "I'm fine, I just got swept away.

Can you come pick me up from Gaza?"


I'll overtake you later.

Let's go,
lift up those feet, Sharon.

Back straight.


This run is a chance to
speak to older folks

who have been through a lot in life,

people who are already 41,

like Shmulik.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning.

How long have you been running?

Three months.

I used to smoke,

I quit.

You did?

And I eat healthier.

I live a healthier lifestyle now.
-All at once? -All at once.

At 40, you pause.

You recalibrate.

You realize

that you've got to

take care of yourself.

There are people who
started working out

and suddenly, they're very skinny.

0% fat,

protruding cheekbones.

When you look at them

you can't tell if they're
training for a marathon

or recovering from chemotherapy.

You need to develop a new strategy,

and start thinking of...

Did you get a divorce?

It did cross my mind.

It did.

You admit it.

When one of the partners
starts running,

it usually disturbs the family routine,

either in the morning,
or when the kids go to bed,

or on Saturdays.

And they always lie that
it'll only be an hour.

Only an hour.

Sure, only an hour on Saturday morning.

Then, it's 3 more hours

in a cafe to drink a spirulina shake,

and they keep their running clothes on,

because it doesn't smell,

it's a quick-dry outfit.

Sure, it dries quickly, but where?

On the table.

There are people
who return from a workout

and don't want to shower.

You just ran a full marathon,

you had enough energy for that.

But standing still
under warm water

is too tiring.


it's also because they
lost the group energy.

If they entered the house
and showered with that energy,

they'd have more drive.

The energy drops.

At some point,
the training goes so well,

that running in Israel isn't enough,

and they have to go running abroad.

The Tokyo Marathon.

The Paris Marathon.

As if they were personally invited.

The crowds on the Champs-Élysées

are dying to see your tights.

"How did you assemble this look?"
They're dying to know.

You're my favorite mentor,

my role model.

I'm going to lose 8 kg
in 3 months.

I'm changing my mindset, too.

I see your potential

and I think you can compete
in the 5k race.

Really? -Definitely.

That's great...

That's great to hear from my coach.

This is no small matter.

I'd like to thank Avi

who coached us and...

I didn't really need
Avi's encouragement

to prove that I was the best
runner on his team.


Here we go.

Very good.

One day, mom has a race.

You wait with the kids at the finish line

with a sign that says
"we're proud of you, mom!"

It's very exciting,

until, strangely,

mom never arrives.

Not with the pros,

not with the amateurs,

and not with the kids.

You start to worry,
maybe something happened.

Then she arrives with the
wounded army vets,

sitting on a disabled man in a wheelchair.

I signed up with the team
for the marathon.

because running is life.

The best part about running?

It gives you time to reflect
on supposedly deep thoughts,

but actually you're just confused,

like, "why shouldn't I just start over,

leave the city, and change professions?"

Hey, Chanan.

I heard you took your midlife crisis

and turned it around,

starting over in life

to produce yogurt?

Not exactly,

but I'll run with it.

Don't lie,
do you have cheese?

One of the things
you consider at 40

is leaving the city
and moving to a moshav.

You visit a friend in a moshav

and on the way there, you think,
"I'd live here."

On your way home, you think,

"I'd never live here."

A career change

is a Western privilege for rich people.

You'd never see a farmer in Bangladesh say

"I'm tired of picking bananas,

I want to do something
spiritually fulfilling,

I'm going to pick papayas."

That doesn't happen.

It's very common

for people at a certain age
to say, "I'm sick of my job

and of the benefits and bonuses,

I'm going to make eggplant beer.

I'm going to make cheese
from my wife's breastmilk.

I need to do something for myself."

Is that a professional set?
-Of course.

Everything has to be clean.

The primary task in a creamery is...

You just made up a word.
-No, no.

It's called a cheesery.

No, it's a creamery.

Cut it out.
-like a brewery.

Remove your shoes, no exceptions.

I look terrible in Crocs,

I can't wear them.

Did you wear Crocs before the cheesery?

No. The creamery.
-The creamery.

I realized

that first, I'm hungry
and could try some cheese. -Yes?

And second, that it's so clean here.

Shall we change our plans?

Do you know why it's so clean?

I told you,

we keep it clean.

Let's start by disinfecting.

You dip it.

How did you end up doing this?

What were you doing before?

I was in the candy industry.

How long were you doing that?

6 years.

One day, I saw a recipe,

while I was at home with my daughter,

a Tzfat cheese recipe.

We made the cheese,
it tasted good,

and I fell in love with the process.

I went to cheese-making school,
here in Israel.

I realized I had to make a change.

The pressure...

You took a risk.

I took a huge risk.

Often, around the age of 40,

you turn your passion
into a second career,

like writing a book
or making jam,

only you never had the means
before to make it happen,

and now, you're well-established,

you no longer throwing
away your future,

you're throwing your children's
future away instead.

It's a different story.

He told me

that he began producing cheese

after making cheese with
his daughter.

It's very sweet.

I do things with my kids, too,

but I'm not about to open
a business for shouting

"get in the shower!"

Tell me, did your wife

go along with this,

or did she already leave you?

If I didn't have my wife's support,

I wouldn't be able to do any of this.

Of course, she...

What do you mean, her support?

She's working 6 jobs to
support your hobby.

She's not working 6 jobs.

Well, you're doing better now,

do you have a cow yet,

or are you still milking your wife?

Or your wife's parents?

Or do you have a cow?

Is the cow yours?

People in their second careers

love to control the entire process,

the whole production.

If they produce wine,

they'll plant the vineyard,

stomp on the grapes,
bottle the wine,

throw a big launch party,

and sell all 12 bottles.

All of them.

The people who hurt these
entrepreneurs the most

are their friends

who try too
hard to be supportive.

"Wow, Ronen, this cheese...

Oh, it's hummus?

It's great."

Here we go.

Check it out.


On Gidi and Aharoni's show,
now would be the time

to take a wheel of cheese,

carve out a slice,

and have a taste.

No, no, no...


I'm hungry.

The cheese business

could be a good fit

for me, personally.

It's a very flexible practice.

If it turns out sour,

you call it yogurt.

If it stinks,

you call it French cheese.

if it turns out lumpy,

it's cottage cheese.

It's like contemporary dance.

Whether you danced well
or tripped on stage,

it's all part of duping the audience.

I love cheese,

but I realized
I'd rather be eating it

than churning it.

That took me back to
my crisis while running

and the questions it brought up,

most of which are about Eitan's gift-

will there be one or not?

Based on past experience,

probably not.

Unfortunately, I have to take care of myself.

I'm a grown woman.


Can I help you?

I'm just looking around.
-Of course.

Please do.

I'm looking for...

A gift for a woman who's turning 40.

A pretty woman,

a successful woman,

people didn't believe in her initially,

but she still made it.

Something that
will bring out the best in her,

but reflecting her modesty, too,

she's a very humble woman,

but she has a presence.

You're looking for...

I think she may like diamonds, yes.

This diamond here,

1 karat.

1 karat sounds good.

It's lovely.

This one is 65,000 shekels.

65,000 shekels?


Oh, wow.

Très jolie, très jolie.

It looks good on me, huh?
-Very good.

It fits perfectly...

Expensive things
always look good on me,

I always say that

and no one


It's commonly thought that diamonds
are nature's strongest element

but that's wrong.

There's one thing that's stronger:

a woman's desire for diamonds.

Nothing can cut through that.

Why are we obsessed with diamonds?

It started in our childhood,

when our mothers gave
us our first diamond

and said,
"one day, you'll make jewelry with this."

It was folded into a piece of print paper,

and you kept unfolding

and couldn't find anything,
because there was nothing in there.

It fell out.

It was a rhinestone, a dot,

a flea, a tick.

What ring can it be used for?

A lovely ring that has

the gem inlayed

and a microscope above it.


Then, one day, you say,
"to hell with it.

I'm not waiting for anyone,
I'll buy one myself.

I'm 40."

So you go to a jeweler
and look at diamonds.

The jeweler makes you feel
like it's out of your budget,

and you should hand it
to the Russian woman next to you.

But you insist

and try it on anyway.

You don't pick up on the hint

until she tells you, "it costs 80k shekels".

So, you must find an excuse to back out.

You tell her, "oh,

so you don't have 2 of those?

Because I like having on for each hand.
It looks better.

No? You don't?

It'll only arrive at 4 pm?


I have to catch the bus
in 15 minutes.

I won't make it, no."

Realizing that I'll never
have that much money

and that divorce is the hottest trend
among people in their 40's

made me call in divorce lawyer Inbar Lev.

Nice to meet you, Inbar Lev.

She's already separated a few of my friends
from their husbands

and separated some husbands

from their money.


Look, I'm...

I need you to understand,

I'm not meeting you to discuss divorce,


when I'm older,

the happiness will fade away,

how to I maintain the wealth?

If you know what I mean.

I'm not sure I do,
but let's start simple.

is he a good father?
-He's a good father.

Don't answer so quickly.

Does he wake up with the kids?

-No, he doesn't.

Does he pick them up from kindergarten?

Not every day...
-Not at all.

-Almost never.

You're forced to do everything.

It's not easy.
-No, it's not easy.

Annoying people say
it's not about who you marry,

it's about who you divorce.

What's this nonsense?

Who to divorce?

The jerk you're married to, obviously.


Can I divorce a billionaire?

I'll do it.

I divorced my husband.

I was married before, and we divorced.

It wasn't fun.

Divorcing without kids is especially sad.

Why did we have to fight about?

We were young and healthy.
What could we fight about?

Not closing the soda
cap all the way?

Why do divorce laws in Israel
use old language?

Why be so pretentious?

Why use ancient Hebrew

and Aramaic terms?

Are you a lawyer

or the Sanhedrin?

Divorce always seemed awful

it seemed like

the worst possible scenario.

Divorcing with kids,

Divorced people
always looked miserable to me.

That's not the case, Adi.

It's changed?

Don't you want to go on vacation?

Go shopping?

Wow, that's amazing.

You don't have to wake up
on Saturdays with the kids.

That would be amazing.

You can sleep whenever you want,

visit friends on the weekend,

no one will tell you "hang up,

you're talking too much."

How will he survive if
I'm spending all his money?

He'll live with his mom.

Wow, you're bad.

Money makes divorce ugly.

The wife suddenly demands half the business.

"So what if I stayed home?

Who was home while he was at work?

Who let the nanny in?

Who let the nanny out?

Who went to the beach

to give the nanny some space?

I deserve half."

You're the New Adi.

the New Adi.

An Adi that cares for herself,

an Adi who buys herself a diamond ring

because she deserves it.

I should buy one right now?

Of course.

Listen, Adi, at 40,

both men and women...

Wow, this is stunning.


This should be a gift from him.

He doesn't...

He doesn't buy diamonds.

Women can't not be
disappointed by a gift.


even H. Stern's wife

gets disappointed.

She'll say, "again something from work?

He gave me something from the store."

He needs to get used to the idea,

so if you "separate",

he'll know Adi's expenses aren't 2k a month,

they're 12k a month.


She goes to the salon

at least twice a week.

I dye my hair myself.

No way.

I won't do that anymore.

Twice a week.
-You must.

I have many cases

in which men come to
after 10 years of marriage.


It's rare that they don't cheat.

No, don't...

What do you mean, "it's rare"?

85% cheat and 15% don't.

85% cheat... Which age group?

After a decade of marriage?

Wake up, honey.

Wake up.


Open your eyes,

check his phone.

Record everything,

and we'll catch him in the act.

If I catch him in the act....

I can't hear those words,

"in the act."

Give me that. Thank you.

A lot of couples have the Overseas Rule,

if the husband is abroad,
he can do it,

and if the wife is abroad,

the husband can do it back home.
Do you know that rule?

Many couples won't admit
they separated over infidelity.

So they come up with cliches.

"We changed," "we grew apart."

sure, you grew apart.

He visits his "friend" in Caesarea
3 times a week

while living with you and the kids
in Rishon Letzion.

Naturally, you'll grow apart.

The concept of
cheating in the office,

I have a rule about it.

I'll never cheat at work

unless the guy is really hot.
No way.

I won't do it.

The infidelity issue,

it shook me.

What's this?

This is our most expensive set.


It's heavy, it's... Wow.

It's something you'd
buy for a mistress, right?


Are you married?


-Twice divorced.

Did you clean them out?
-Of course.

All of it.
-Are you happier since the divorce?

-You are?

Is this your store?

Yes, the divorce
allowed me to open it.

The first or second divorce?


A store from each?
-I took all I could.

Is he alive?


He isn't alive.

He died after we divorced.

But you're not connected to it.

I don't think so.

Because of the divorce.

Sometimes divorced couples
get back together

after the husband comes back
and says he misses you

and the children,

and doesn't like sleeping
on the handbrake in the car.

It's great.

Divorce is like
armpit laser hair removal-

it may hurt,

but your only regret is

not doing it earlier.

The race and my birthday are next week

and I'm getting stressed.

I needed quick results.

So I ran to Hava Zingboim's
cosmetics palace.

Hi, nice to meet you.

Hi, I'm Hava's husband, Motti.

A pleasure to meet you.

Great to have you.

It's my first time here.

My first time in a place like this.

I can't wait to meet Hava.
-Why did you come?

To see what can be done.

Look, I'm no longer young,

although I look younger than I am.

I wanted to see what could be done,

you know, to improve.
Anyone can improve.

For all that,

Hava is your person.

But you're in the field, too,
you work with her.

I'm in the money-counting business.

So you didn't get any...

For example...


It may seem unprofessional,

but I don't know enough about it.


Perhaps you don't know enough,

but you don't mind admitting
that it seems




When women of our age use cosmetics,
the husbands freak out.

It's not the products
we used when we were young,

like a simple eyeliner or lipstick.

Now, it's entire plots of land,

makeup that covers the entire face,

blended with the neck

and the shoulders

and neglige

and back

and behind.

Makeup brushes won't do,

you need paint brushes, rollers...

It's not pretty.

Men who don't want their
wives to get injections

have various reasons.

Financial reasons,

monetary reasons,

and costs.

Hi, Hava.

This is obviously Hava.

So beautiful.

Thank you.

How are you?
-I'm wonderful.

I'm glad you're visiting,
I'm excited

like a little girl.

Good to have you here.



I came to give myself a gift.

I mean, I...

I'm turning 40 soon.
-Sometime soon.

In a month.


Usually, makeup artists who work with me

say I don't need much work.

That's what they say?

Do I need work?

Of course you do.

But using creams,

external skin care.

External skin care isn't my field.

I have solutions and technologies.

I require technology?

Nobody goes there
to get major work done.

They all want small changes,

fixing a small wrinkle

that bothers them.

But then, the aesthetician examines you

and diagnoses you with sarcopenia,


skin collapse.

And you trust her.

It doesn't seem like she
has any financial interests.

Not at all,
she's actually

part of Doctors Without Borders.

An eyebrow lift or new lashes?

Not, not new lashes,

just... Relaxing your face.


Your face should look relaxed
and not worried.

I'd like to show you a photo of me

in the newspaper,

so extra.

It doesn't look like me.

Not at all.

Any connection between this and reality...

I mean, come on.

Don't exaggerate. It looks like me.

Are we kidding ourselves?

No, I'm serious.

They retouched me
way too much,

it doesn't look like me at all.

That's what I
want you to do for me.

If possible,

in small touches

and without needles.

Women who've had work done

lack micro-expressions.

They can't express different kinds of laughter,

a giggle, a laugh, a smile.

Only the big, crazy, laugh,


They lost the elasticity
for the smaller laughs.

It's their only way to release air now.

As much as science has advanced,

women who've gotten botox
still only have 2 expressions-

parking lights

and headlights.

After examining your skin,

I can tell you

it's quite neglected.

You have wrinkles,

you lack a glow,

and it's in a state of atrophy.

You see, girls,

the state of this woman,

including her mental state,
isn't great.

She doesn't seem to accept

that she's already 40,

a mother,

and I can see all this in her skin.

A minor catastrophe.

Girls, don't write that down.

A catastrophe?



Hava, is her sagging neck
genetically predisposed?

The sagging neck you see here

is the result of an accident...

Something is burning.

Yes, it's your skin.

It smells like a cat

whose tail is on fire.

Now I'll apply the golden mask.

Gold is a supplement
that women love.

She'll do anything
to sell her products.

She describes the different
active ingredients in the cream,

gold, alligator fat,

but actually, the most important
active ingredient

is your studpidity.

When your eyes are closed
during a facial,

you start guessing,

what is she touching me with?

Are those gloves?

Is that a sponge?

Are those her hands?

Is that her husband's elbow?

What is that?

Then she'll wear those stupid goggles,
like a welder,

and pull out a useless gadget

that looks like a barcode reader,

it doesn't cut, or peel, or remove anything.

It's like pointing a TV remote
at your face

and trying to change channels.

The creams mostly made my skin wet.

Hava and the girls said
I could get a total makeover

so I went for it.


It's a little uncomfortable. That's it.

Oh, that's nothing.

Isn't it?

She must've fainted.

Women with botox,

you'll never know how old they are.

They'll go:
"how old do I look?"

She's not fishing for a compliment,

she genuinely doesn't remember

after all the toxins injected into her

she's a little blurry.

It's hard to remember if you're 48,

or if you were born in '48.


Hard to recall.

When you talk to women
who are full of botox,

it's hard to concentrate.

You're not sure what to look at.

It seems like she's missing a cheek,

something isn't right.

So, I was there,

and I wanted to get something done.


As you can see,
I did do something,

they injected me with something.

I wanted something gentle.

She offered a million
different treatments

for my face,

and I chose the most subtle option,

a tiny issue that bothers me.

So, she told me,
"no problem,

but we're keeping the bulldog?"

I said, "excuse me?"

So, she said,
"those 2 lines you have,

when you entered I wondered,
"why is this old lady crying?"

You want to leave that?"

I'm pinching on purpose,
you'll feel some discomfort.

That's it.


Hava, tell me I'm going to look pretty.

You'll look gorgeous,
you'll look incredible.

God willing.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

I'm not...

I have time.
-Of course, not yet.

When it arrives.

You have a pact with your best friend

that if you start getting work done

and go too far,
she'll let you know.

Then you do go too far,
and she says something,

but not to you.

To another friend.

And to your husband, and her husband.

And actually,
everybody's talking about you,

but only you're like this...

Welcome to the Tel Aviv Marathon.

2 months of training have
led here, exactly on my 40th birthday.

On the starting line
of the rest of my life

I realized that life is like a marathon-

you start off strong,

and pick up speed
toward the end.

I'm running a race at 40.

Who would've believed it?

A dream come true.

Adi, you're doing great!

Damn it.

I ended up having
a great birthday,

even though I was a cliche.

I celebrated with my closest friends
in a boutique hotel,

they made a video clip for me,

and I received a gift from Eitan.

And I was disappointed by it...

The classic experience,
like any woman.

Actually, he gave me a lovely gift,

this ring.

Yes, I got this.

Still, I was disappointed.

I was disappointed, honestly,

I was disappointed by the ring

because I was clear with him.
I don't know how he got it wrong.

It was my 40th birthday,

that's 41 gifts

on a bed of rose petals,
is that so complicated?

Oh well.

Make it up to me
on my next birthday.


I'm telling you now - it's 150.

I'm expecting 150 gifts.

After entering your 40's,

there are many great moments,

of satisfaction,

of deep realizations,

but also many moments

of standing in your underwear
in the garage, thinking,

"what did I come here for?"

"What did I need?"

There's some wear and tear by 40,

whether it's your back, your hearing,

or other aspects.

For example,

when a woman over 40 sneezes,

she'll always pee a bit, too.

When you were younger

you were always trying out
new and exciting things,

now that you've tried it all,

not much is new to you,

so you do the same old things,

but act more excited.

"This is some great air."

"Wow, Rivka,

what's in this tea?

Is that brown sugar?

It's great. Not too sweet.

It's great."

Thank you.

How was it?

Wasn't it fun?

Are you crazy?

How was it?

It was a surprise.

I worked on it all morning.

All morning.
-Come here.

What happened?

It's peeling.
-It's okay.

It's fine.