Ma Ze Ha-Shtuyot Ha-Ele (2005–…): Season 5, Episode 5 - Kenes Mah'zor - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What's this class reunion nonsense?

It's a chance to meet

everyone who doubted you
as a teenager

and show them that you made it.

"We started a company
and it might be bought out,

but we're not talking about yet

because it's only in my imagination,

so don't mention it to anyone."

The nice thing about these events

is meeting people who are
in a different place in life,

they've come a long way.

Like the class skank,

who's now married with 3 kids.

Her daughter is 16

and pregnant.

A whole new phase.

At the reunion, you walk around

and tell people,
"wow, you haven't changed."

"Wow, you haven't changed."

Saying "you haven't changed"
at a class reunion

is like saying "may you never know sorrow"
at a shiva.

It's just something to say,

but you know
how tragic it really is.

I'm here, outside the club.

I see you.

Hi mom.

What's wrong?

Singer slapped me.

Why did he slap you?

Because I slapped him first.

Steiner and her friends

were laughing at my Moses dress.

It's a Cleopatra dress.

No, mom, it's a Moses dress.

I hate them.

I never want to see them again.

I can't wait to join the army.
I can't wait.

I felt so fat.


Come here, enough.

Everything is okay.

You're not fat.

Let's go home,
we'll stop on the way

and eat a cheese Fatoot.

Nostalgia is nice and all,
but high school sucked.

At prom,
I wore a Moses dress,

told knock-knock jokes,

and was slapped by the class hunk.

Still, when I was invited to
my high school reunion

I drove to Galit Steiner's home,

the class queen,

who would never invite me over

back in school.

I can't believe it!

You haven't changed at all.


Hi, Guy.
-How are you? -Wow.

How's it going?
-How are you?

I'm shocked.


I'm shocked.

I'm getting flashbacks to senior year.

I flipped out when I was invited.

I thought to myself...

I was surprised I was even invited.

Oh, come on.
-No way.

Thinking back to our high school days,

not inviting me

would've been a likely scenario.

-Because. -No, not true.

You were cool in high school.
-That's what I remember.


C'mon, sis,
you were so funny...

This, that...

That's not cool.
-It is cool.

You're imitating a loser.
-Some people liked that.

Some people liked that?

Those people didn't
go to our high school.

I remember being cute in high school,


but at our gathering,
Steiner claimed

that I was...

I don't get it, Galit,

was that meant as a compliment?

Since becoming famous,
every time I meet someone,

I feel like they avoid me

and don't want to chat.

Including people who tell me

they were at my shows.

I ask them,

"why didn't you come say hi?"

But sis, I told you I was at your show,

you spoke to me
and I didn't tell you it was me.

Oh, that was you.
I was sure...

That was me.

Galit Steiner,

she was the coolest girl in class,

and always with the boys.

My sexual education was
based on observing her walk.

This photo of Steiner and Badusa.


Wow, Galit, show me.
-Where did you find this?

I found these photos, but...

Michal Gershon,

Steiner and I.

Steiner, do you know
why I saved this photo?


I was so unpopular,
and you hugged me in this photo

because it was Purim

and you probably didn't
recognize me in my costume.

Those years in high school

weren't easy at all.

They weren't glamorous,

I spent most of middle school

being in love with Sharon Feirstein.

He's here in the audience.

Talk about closure.

After we broke up,

I kept chasing him,

and I'm telling you...

Back then, I didn't have this
mysterious sex appeal,

I used persistence instead.

I didn't know back then

that men aren't into stalkers.

What had happened was

that after we broke up

I'd call him everyday

at exactly 5 pm.

He'd answer the phone
and say, "hello?"

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello? Who is this?
I'll kill you. Who is this?"

And then I'd hang up.


Who knows.

Sharon, did you
know I was calling?

-Really? You knew it was me?

Oh no.

That's awkward.

No, don't read mine!
-Read it!

Adi and her hair.

With her curls.

Read it.

"Night drapes over the city
and all its residents.

One final echo,

the star rehearses his lines,

and we do too,
discretely and openly."

"Discretely and openly."

What is this?

Who am I?

Evgenia Dodina?

Enough of these awful memories.
We have an event to plan.

Let's get back to work.

97 people RSVP'ed on Facebook.

14 others are a "maybe".

Everyone who isn't attending,

I can call personally.
-Me too.

I'll call, too.

Give me some phone numbers.

Is Dalit Kaplan attending?

Yes, she's coming.
-I met her.

Is she still beautiful?

She's gorgeous.

She gained weight, though?


Back in the '90s,
I was so dumb.

My friends and I were very... Virginal.

Girls who were more developed

would shock us.

We were like the Mormon church.

"Did you see how
she folded her jeans?"

"Like a slut."

"Did you see how
she wrapped her notebook?"

"Like a slut."

We would...

We'd go to Dabush beach

and lean on a boat

in our bathing suits,

overly decorated
Brazilian bikinis,

and awkwardly show off our bodies

and tell each other:

"fix that."

"It's slipping out."

"Pull it up."

"Tie my back."

"Tie my back."

"What a slut."

So, what's planned for the event?

What's planned so far?

"Good evening, thanks for coming."

We'll write a text.

After that, I suppose,

2-3 minutes

to mention everyone who couldn't make it.

Ok, talking about the dead,
what's next?

Then we'll dance, I guess.

No, no.

There's something missing
to make it fun.

We'll have a short video
of Naftali and Bracha.

The teachers we all hated?

Ok, next?

Oh, he added me to the
BRZ organizing committee.

Is that your sense of humor?

What's BRZ?

Bracha, Rivka, Zeiden.

The gathering was so funny.

We remembered our
class nickname was BRZ.

Do you realize what BRZ is?

It's the initials of our counselors,

Bracha, Rivka, and Zeiden.

Well, it's...

It's funnier to people
who grew up in Nordau

by the intersection,

near the taxi station,

in apartment #7.

The gathering was exciting.

There was a good atmosphere,

but little was planned.

About the party,

I'm worried.


Because there's no plan.

You know,

I didn't want to say anything,

but he's been planning
the reunion for 18 months,

and all he has is a contact list?


I think you should consider

doing a short stand-up set.

Just 10 minutes,

and connect it to Itay's speech.

To be honest,
I'm too embarrassed.

I'll think about it.

But we need a wow factor,

and it shouldn't be me, but...

Why should I perform?

It's like being invited to a Bris

you weren't even planning to attend,

and you're suddenly told
you're the godfather.

I'm getting the feeling,

and don't mention it to the others,

I feel like it's going too slowly,

it's taking too long
to find ideas,

and all these lists and photos...

Steiner, to make this happen,

we need, you know...

We need driven people.

I took responsibility for the reunion

and there's no way back now.

As soon as I woke up,
I started making calls,

early in the morning,
while people are still sleeping.

As the organizer,

I took control

of planning this event,

and it's also taking me on a journey

back to the '90s.

Eran Kalev, Hustik, Singer, and...

Convincing people to attend

feels like marketing
a pyramid scheme.

You call them all excited,

"Sure, there's a date,
but it's still unknown,

a beautiful hall
we haven't booked yet,

and many people are attending,

if they ever answer our calls."

Are you...

Are you coming to the reunion?

I'm not sure yet.

Ronen, why aren't you
coming to the reunion?

I might be in New York.


0 of 2. Done!


We have a reunion....

We're trying to bring as many people...


This is Adi Ashkenazi,
from high school.

Why don't I know you,
Adi Ashkenazi?

How did you find me?

I got your number.

I'm organizing the reunion.
Will you come?


There are 2 types of people
in these events.

The organizers

and the 460 people
who don't want to come.

Organizing this sort of event

is like opening a mall.

You need the big names
to draw in the smaller names.

If you convince Rami Levi and Stimatzky
to open stores,

Bahadunes and Batia's Fashion
will come, too.

Husnik, Singer, Schweiger-

will they show up?

Calls and more calls,

and many people confirmed

but I only care about
convincing one person,

Itay Singer.

I fell in love with him in the hotel,

the were groups of teens
hanging out together.

There was a girl from Ramat Hasharon.

and I was in a romantic relationship.

he exchanged
phone numbers with me,

and we returned...

Itay Singer,

09 dial area's hottest guy,

who crushed my heart
when I was most insecure,

influencing my future relationships
until the age of 35.

I need closure.

The rest of high school,

from the 9th grade,

he chose to ignore me,

and if he said anything it was...

"Shut up."

"Adi Ashkenazi, what an idiot."

At prom, I came up to him.

"Itay Singer,

this is for all these years."

And bam, I slap his face.

He slaps me back,

knocks me to the floor.

I was lying on the floor,
like this,

and he just walked away.

I haven't seen him since.


Itay, what do you think?

Give me an update, let's go.


Is Badusa attending?
-He better.

Badusa is coming!

What about Dudi?

He's not sure yet.

Not sure?

People are traumatized by high school


Some people told me they're
afraid they won't know anyone.

Me too, actually,

I'm not sure if I'm attending yet...

People are never sure if
they'll attend a reunion,

especially if they're single.

As a parent, it's easier,

you make up a lie,

"My kid's tonsils swelled up,

his testicles dropped,"
or something.

But what excuse can
a single person use?

"I need to stay home,

to make sure the
TV records my shows"?

That's nice.

It's very '80s.
-It's nice.

I thought of going on stage,
taking the mic,

and then quietly starting with:

BRZ is 40...

BRZ is 40...
-No, no, no.

BRZ is 40...
-No, no, no.

BRZ is 40...

Itay Dayan initiated this whole event.

He's in charge of the content,
production, and budget.

In high school,
he was already a responsible type,

but back then,

I was more into
surfers with bad grammar.

I missed my chance.

Itay, get your act together.

That's all I can say.

That's what I told you
back in high school

and I'll tell you now:

get your act together.
-Got it.

For this reunion,
I'm Itay's subordinate,

so I'm carrying
out the mission I was sent on

to record a greeting from our teachers,

but I'm also working on
bringing the wow factor

and finding our class photo.

So stressful.



How are you?

I'm well,
do we know each other?

Do you remember me?

I don't, actually.

Were you working here in '92-'93?

I started working here in '91.

I can't believe it.


I'm sorry I can't remember you.
-That's okay.

I'm sorry, I'm getting old.

As a...
-What's that?

I can't believe it?

There she is.

Look at her.

-Hey, honey.

You haven't changed at all.

The same blond hair?

With the line?

Here's Rachel.

Rachel Zeiden!


What a lovely teacher.

Wow, you still have
the turquoise eyeshadow

with the red hair and stone earings?

No, no.

This is only for you.
-The same styling.

You know what
I remember about you?

You used to say:

"I don't have favorites."

They say a good teacher
is a teacher for life.

It's true, sometimes
something they say

remains with you for life,

like when the chemistry teacher told me:

"it's because of students like you

that I'm retiring early."

I remember it well.

Or the physics teacher in junior year,

this is true,

he told me:

"The retest would be
you and me

in a dark room."

Zeiden, you taught me for years.

Right? You were my
homeroom teacher for 3 years.


I was a weirdo, right?

No, you were...

-you were...

Not necessarily cool.

Not cool, true,

but I do remember your curls.

Where did they...

Where did the curls go?
-They're gone.

They disappeared after childbirth.

And do you remember, up there...

You don't remember me
being funny at all?

The class clown?
-Not at all.

Making jokes?
-Not at all.

Or hanging out with boys?
-No, no.

I didn't have sex in high school.
-No, no.

I barely had a kiss.

I was such a loser.

I tell my granddaughters about you.

"You too...

Hadas was a late bloomer too,
that's okay.

You mean,

I'm your example for someone
who started out as a loser?

Not a loser.
-And still made it...

Someone who wasn't at their peak,
and now they're successful.

Rachel Zeiden was my
homeroom teacher for 3 years.

I thought she noticed my potential,

but she barely remembered me,

she remembered Hadas,
who sat next to me.

Despite your teenage insecurities,

you always fantasize that
you left a mark,

that you're remembered.

Why would a teacher remember you?

She taught 2000 other students.

Of course,
you're the one she'll remember.

"Sure, you wore the school uniform

and looked like everyone else. Of course.

You left quite a mark.

Unforgettable, sure."

It's true,

I was never a leader.

Even in the
great AC protest of '91

I was in the back,

and while everyone
was smoking and making out,

I was in the back,

neither smoking nor making out.

What was I doing instead?

You were an excellent student.

That's true.
-A great student.

you weren't the center of attention.

You remember me as someone
who didn't stand out.




-Always. -Yes.

Insignificant, always.

It's getting more and more fun.

Do kids burn the garbage?



Not any more.

There's no smokers' hideout?

So, they smoke in the classroom?

Not at all.

Why should they smoke?

The school faculty is very sensitive.

Always making a fuss about nonsense,

gathering the students

so the principle can yell at them:

"the janitor,

Mr. Elmaz,

spends all day
maintaining the school,

and yesterday, hooligans invaded the school

and destroyed 3 pieces of chalk,

very expensive chalk."

This is our archive.


I'm interested in my school records,

and the records of my classmates.

Where can I find...

(The Jewish year of) 5762?


That's 2002.
And 5770?





Just Bracha Moskovitch's A to Z.

-I'm taking care of it.


No way, Assaf Aviri. I can't believe it.

You can't read that.

Just let me see Ashkenazi.

Just yours.
-Hold on.


Hand it over, please.

Why can't I see it?

Who cares about these files?

Nobody will notice it's missing.

No, there are...


I need the principle's approval,

so, please.

For years, you worry about
getting in trouble at school

because they warn you

that it'll go on your record.

As if you'll be at a job interview

and the employer will say:

"I see on your school record

that you swallowed a strawberry-flavored
eraser in junior year.

Can you explain that,

or should I move on
to the next candidate?"

Hi, you're the principle, right?

Are those diplomas?
-You can't film that.

These are graduation diplomas.

I can show you your file from a distance,

if you're interested.

I can't believe it, Kobi Seet!

I can show you a few documents.

Your acceptence letter.

Your middle school grades.

B, B, B, B, all B's.

sometimes a C.

I can't believe it.

Is that my personal file?
Does it include medical records?

How ugly. Oh no.

That's a photo from
my first day at school.

Let me show you.
-No, wait a minute.

You don't need to reveal that.

Let me view it discretely.

It's a photo of her as a freshman.

Why do ID photos always look bad?

Because the person taking the photo

obtained the rights
from the Interior Ministry,

even though he was actually trying
to open a cafeteria.

I already had wrinkles in the 7th grade.

Can we photoshop this
to remove the mustache?

We were such idiots in the '90s.

Our school uniforms

were Fruit of the Loom t-shirts.

remember those?
With the vegetable logo?

And shorts or boxers with patterns.

We'd wear boxers as pants.

I mean, fine,

go ahead and wear underwear as pants,

but if those are your pants,

shouldn't you wear
underwear, too?

We were so dumb back in the '90s.

Crazy years.

Being vegetarian wasn't a thing.

There was one vegetarian
in the entire class,

and even he wasn't
really a vegetarian.

He'd eat hotdogs at BBQs.

Being gay wasn't a thing.

I mean, there were gay guys,

but nobody wanted to offend them,

so they weren't called "gay".

They were "excited".

"My friend is so excited."

"How excited is my friend?"

You know, Yona,
walking through these halls,

I really want to find the...

The class photos used to be hung up.
-The photo?

I'll ask Moshe where they put it.

Who's Moshe? The custodian?

There was a Moshe back then, too.

Not Moshe Yamin?

Moshe Yamin.

Moshe Yamin still works here?

Are you alright?
Of course he does.

Are you alright?
Yona, I can't believe it.

You guys are crazy.
-I like you.

This place is like the
Electric Corporation,

nobody ever leaves.

I can't believe it.


Moshe Yamin,
the mythological custodian.

I remember him
being professional and humble,

and never looking down on anyone.

Do you remember me?

You used to hang out
in the smokers' corner?


I wouldn't smoke, but I'd hang out there.

There's no smokers' corner, Yona.

There's no smokers' corner.

Moshe, we need to find
the photo of the class of '93.

Let's try. I'm not sure we'll find it.

Perhaps in the library or storage.

Wow, nice storage.

Can I take this?

Another one?

Did he force you to...

It's really...

There's another one,
if you need it.

I want to thank the class of BRZ
for attending.

Now, I'd like to invite

our custodian, Moshe Yamin.

Please welcome Moshe.
Then, you go on stage.

Action, Moshe.

Good luck in the army, everyone.

"Good luck in the army"?
They're done with the army.

Are they not joining the army?

I'll be honest,

this school brings up
bad childhood memories,

a lot of kids didn't like me.

I was more of a... Nice girl.

I was very nice.

Do you know the type?
-Nice or... Nice?

More of that, yes.

Both types.

Kind of nice, but also... Nice.

Can I take this sign?

The principal needs to approve it.

Here we go.

Bye, Moshe, thank you.

I have the sign,
but that's not enough.

A yellow banner doesn't say "wow".

Right before falling
into an abyss of despair,

it suddenly hit me.

I'll make a few calls,
and have the wow factor.

Hello, Max?



Hi, this is Adi Ashkenazi.

I'm calling you

about a class reunion we're planning,

at Rishonim High School.

You went to Rishonim too, right?


What could be better than...

A performance,

I'm excited to even
suggest this,

a Shfiut Zmanit reunion concert

at our class reunion?



Every high school has
that one famous person

who modeled or performed somewhere.

Our school had
the band Shfiut Zmanit.

We were very proud of them.

I'd mention it all the time.

A cop once pulled me over,
and told me:

"do you realize you
ran through a red light?"

I replied:

"did you realize Shfiut Zmanit
went to my high school?"

We thought it'd be
great to have

a Shfiut Zmanit reunion concert.

It might be fun to see everyone.

...And you'd be the live act.

That's so nostalgic.


In anticipation of the Shfiut Zmanit show,

I woke up very excited,

driving through Herzliya
with no AC,

on my way to the Pesek Zman club,

where time stood still since '91.

This is so cool.

I stole this sign from the school.


Don't be excited about the sign.
Be excited about the car.

It's a '93 Fiat Uno.

I wouldn't pay 2,000 shekels
for this piece of trash.


So amazing!

Don't scratch the rooftop.

Here we go.

Three, two...


More, more.

Keep driving.

Keep going.
-That's it.


Great job.

This is my dream.



I can't believe this.

Who's coming?

Pirchit Yechezkel Chai.

No way.

I'm telling you.

"Hi, I'll be attending after all.

See you soon,

She didn't even know about the reunion.

Itay, I blame you for that.


Another one of my surprises.


The party wouldn't be complete
without the food we used to eat,

and we usually ate Yemenite food.

a lot of Hookah,

and Ziva.
-I brought Ziva.

The '80s in Israel were dominated
by two culinary trends,

Yemenite and Chinese cuisine.

We loved any place
that offered dough

that you could dip
in poisonous red liquid.

We loved Chinese restaurants back then.

There was a gong at the entrance,
and servers would bow,

they used tongs and hot towels,

we didn't know what was going on.

We wondered whether
it was a dinner

or a theater play.

Most of all, we were in awe
of the little candles

that kept the monosodium warm.

I brought bags.

Frozen juice,

We don't have much,
so I don't want to waste it.

It's delicious.

Where's it from?

The sauce is awful.
Oh, one more thing.

We need to peel the eggs and
cut them into slices,

no one will eat a whole egg

and they won't want to peel them.

Before a class reunion

you always want to lose weight,

so you avoid carbs for 2 weeks.

You arrive starved to the reunion.

The only person you end up meeting

is the guy making the focaccias.

We're almost ready.

Oh, I still need to tell
them about the surprise.


The Shfiut Znamint performance.

I've got good news,

and I've got bad news.

I organized a reunion,

of Shfiut Zmanit.

No way!

This is their song.
-These guys...

This is their hit,
and they haven't met in 22 years.

I spoke to all of them.

They were very into it,

but it won't be happening.

Why not?

It won't be happening.

In terms of budget,
we had to choose between

frozen juice and Zivas,

or the show, including
the musicians, rehearsals, and equipment.

Of course.

If you're feeling spontaneous,

let's go on stage

and perform the song ourselves.

I'm in.
-So am I. -Me too.

You are?
-Yes, let's do it. -Let's go, then.

This is my last summer with you...

Okay, bad idea.

Every party you throw
has that moment of anxiety,

when you aren't sure if anyone
will show up

or if it'll be fun,

so you start drinking out of stress,

and once the party's over,

you don't even know if anyone came,

or if it was fun.

You're clueless.

Adi, do you read?

The bar's ready.

The bartender is hot.

Good luck to us all.
Let's go, BRZ.

Three months of dreams and anxieties

condense into a single moment.

People hired a babysitter,
got dressed up,

and came to Pesek Zman,
to be 18 again.


How are you?


I want to go back in time.

Is Yossi in the 2nd grade?
Mine too.

She's so cute.
How are you?

You have kids?

-3 of them.

You had 3 kids and
still look this good? -Yes.

You were a bit more...

And now you're really...

This is wild.



How are you?

How long has it been, Eli?

18 years.

You have no idea how
often I talk about you.

-All the time.

You're such a character.


What did Badusa mean to us?
-A lot. He's the best.

Eli Badusa went to school with me.

We were in the same class
since the first grade.

We were good friends
and haven't seen each other in years,

I always thought he was sweet

and that we liked each other.

Then, we met at the reunion

and I asked him:
"what was I like in high school?"



You'd always invited yourself.

All the time.

I always invited myself.

But you're aren't hurt by me, right?

I'm not hurt,

but it sucks.


it does hurt.



He told me: "you'd always invite yourself."

I mean,

maybe I was draining. Maybe.

Maybe I was a suck-up, or a kiss-ass.

But saying I invited myself?

Steiner, don't applaud.
Be on my side for once.

I realized I wasn't the only one

with unfinished buisness
from those years.

Everyone took a hit.

I told her: "who does
Galit Steiner think she is?"

5 minutes later...

And the whole school had her back.

What did you say?

We struggled socially.

Herzliya was integrated in the '80s,

mixing Young Herzliya and Green Herzliya,

and billionaires were forced
to learn with millionaires.

It didn't work.

That hurt...

Then, I had a comforting talk
with Dalit Kaplan,

the class princess.

The prettiest, the best,

and somehow,
she was also friends with me.

Listen, everyone's arriving so charged.

I'm hearing things...

"High school was awful".
-They aren't holding back.

You enjoyed high school, though.

You didn't hate high school, though.

I hated high school, Dalit Kaplan.

I was a loser, a wallflower.

Eli Badusa put it well,

"you constantly invited yourself,

all the time."
-No way.

Is that wrong?
-Totally wrong.

I wasn't always inviting myself?

It really hurt when he said that,

but maybe he was right

and I did always invite myself.

It isn't true.

It isn't?
-No way.

You were popular.

From my perspective.

From your perspective.

That's the thing.

Dalit was always a good friend.

We haven't spoken in 20 years,
and she wants to apologize now.

They didn't talk in 20 years

because she told her:

"I can't come, I'm sick."

So she stopped speaking to her,
20 years ago.

Now, they just made amends.

If this party was good for anything,
it's that.

The reunion was in the club
we'd go to as teenagers,

the same club,
Pesek Zman in Ramat Hasharon,

and it all came back to me
while I was there.

Do you know how
we'd dance back then?

We'd come to a party,

dance in a circle,

and someone would go to the middle
and dance like an idiot.

Then, he'd dance towards someone else,

gesturing him

to replace him as the dancing idiot.

In the mouth!

In the ass!

In the mouth?

How dumb were we?

And that was the highlight of the party.

If a party didn't include it,

the night was a flop.

I remember standing there,
yelling with everyone,

"In the mouth! In the ass!"

And I always wondered,
the mouth, the ass,

what about them?

Not many people were dancing

and it felt like the energy was dipping.

Then, to pick things up,

Itay steered the ship.

BRZ is 40.

And almost sunk it.

BRZ is 40. Hey!

I was afraid people would leave
before I found Singer,

so I got on stage

to make sure no one goes home

before Miss Invites Herself
gets her closure.

So great to meet here at Pesek Zman

after 22 years.

Once in a while, I randomly
run into some of you,

and it's always heartwarming.

For example, I met Boaz Schweiger

and we both

acted like we don't see each other
on Dizengoff Street.

It's not that I didn't want to.

I have a romantic history
with many of the people here,

like Sharon Feirstein,

like Rashkes.

I know many of you are wondering,

"did she actually date them?"

Including the guys I just named.

I remember I would
invite the three of you,

and act out your voices.

Other things I found in my diary.

Okay, I have their attention.

It's now or never.

Itay Singer, are you here?

I can't hear you.

You can't hear me?
How cute.

You didn't hear me
back then, either.

I'd talk to you, and you wouldn't answer.

One day,
at the party at Zeze,

when I showed up in that dress
that you probably remember.

Right? You remember the dress?

You don't?

Of course.

It was an unforgettable dress.

So, I came up to you

and out of nowhere,

I slapped him.

Out of the blue. I told him,

"this is for high school!"

And I slapped him.

Your reaction,
it was so charming

because you're always
such a gentleman,

he immediately

slapped me back.

Sorry, Singer.

I just wanted to apologize.

What are you sure of?

I'm sure I deserved the slap.

You think you deserved the slap?

I'm sure.

But I deserved a kiss from you,

didn't I?

Didn't this girl deserve it?

Alright, let's have fun or something.

I felt like it landed,

especially among my co-organizers,

So I took advantage of the situation
and went over to talk.

I'm going to try talking to Singer.

So, did you...

Did you remember that?

You didn't?

You didn't remember the slap?

I was trying to figure out why I slapped you.

I was telling her we were friends before...


Before high school.

We were friends back then, yes.

We dated.

I mean...

We didn't kiss or anything.

We didn't kiss, but we dated.

That's true, yes.

As soon as we got to high school...

That might be why I slapped you.


You forgot about me
as soon as we got to high school.

You didn't even say hi to me anymore.

That can't be true.

You were...



I always say I'm shy.

I got my closure.

He remembered that we dated,

he even has good memories of me.

He wasn't a snob at all,
he was shy.

Which means

I can forgive and forget.

Class reunions are exciting,

but they can be awkward, too.

I stood there with a bunch of people

and had nothing to talk about.

I struggled to make conversation.

"Did you see Yaki?"

"Yes, he's by the bar."

"Oh, you saw him already?"

"Yes, I saw him."

"Yes, he's by the bar."
"Yes, I saw him."

"What about your parents?"


"Wow, did you get a haircut?"

"Yes, I got a haircut.

It's been 20 years,

I got married, I got divorced,

I moved to Belgium,

and at some point, I got a haircut, yes,

that happened, too."

But seriously,

why do we need
high school reunions?

You already saw on Facebook
that the popular guy is rich

and that he has a gorgeous wife.

Do you really want
to see that in person?

Do you want to smell
the fumes of his BMW?

Just stay home
in front of your computer,

look at his photos,

scrolling and cursing,

scrolling and cursing.

It's simple.

Thank you.


How annoying.

Damn it.

Why did Singer slap you?

Because I slapped him first.

Ow! Why are you slapping me?

Singer slapped you?

Why did he slap you?

Because I slapped him first.
