Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 4, Episode 9 - Lucha de Apuestas - full transcript

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Previously on
"Legends of Tomorrow"...

- Hello, John.
- You opened the door, love.

And Mallus wasn't
the only thing that got out.

- Now there's magic.
- The damage that these

supernatural fugitives
can cause is unfathomable.

- How much money do you need?
- 4.2 billion a year.

Done. I'm going to
green-light additional funding

to fast-track the completion
of your containment facility.

Hi, I'm your magical caretaker.

Your creature-handler,
she's great.

- Mona.
- Konane.

Did someone hurt you?

These creatures
are controllable.

Project Hades is go.

Stop! Where are you
taking him?

- Oh, thank God you're back.
- What is going on?

Long story,
lots of twists and turns.

Some dramatic irony.
Cliff notes, Gary.

- The Kaupe is out.
- Director Sharpe!

Gary, take him down to lockup.

Aw, what an adorable
little puppet.

Eat my fuzzy dung, you dick!

Well, well, well...

Look who finally decided
to show up for work.

Nice of you to grace us with
your presence, Director Sharpe.

One of your employees
let a creature loose

and then, not surprisingly,
got attacked by it.

Wait, Mona let him out?
Why would she...

I want that wolfman
back in his cell,

or you're done.

And fire that girl.

Of all the days
this could happen...

All right, everyone.

Screen all calls
to Animal Control and 911.

Pull CCTV from every corner
in a ten-mile radius.

Let's go!
Yes, ma'am.

- Don't listen to him
- Sara, he's right.

I never should have left Mona
in charge of those Fugitives.

I should have been here,

and instead I was off
gallivanting like a...

Like a Legend?

Look, we are on this.

That Kaupe doesn't
stand a chance.

I will fix this.

Our potty-mouthed puppet
is locked up.

Wonderful, because I've got
another job for you, Gary.

But you're not going to like it.


Mom, Dad?
What's going on?

You were in a cycling accident.

I wasn't on a bike.
I was scratched by...

Konane, no!

Oh, no.
He's out there alone.

- Who?
- I-I can't talk about it.

It's work-related, top secret.

We have failed as parents!
It's all your fault!

Gary, oh, my God.
I'm happy to see you.

My parents won't believe
what I really do for work.

Oh, you mean betraying the
people that gave you a chance?

Ava believed in you,
and you let her down.

You let us all down.

Gary, what are you
talking about?

You released a dangerous beast,

and now he's out there
running free!

Wait, you think
I let the Kaupe out?

It was the Men in Black!
Didn't you see the bodies?

No, there was only
footage of you

letting Hairy Hunkman out.

And now there's me
telling you...

you're fired.

You can't fire me.
I swear, there were two men

who came for Konane,
but he killed them.

I'm sorry, Mona.
I really liked you, you know?

And I know it hurts now,
but in a few seconds,

you won't remember a thing.
Don't you dare.

I need my mind!
Hey, let go!

You do not have clearance
to handle this device!

You can't take my memories!

Uh, what was I doing here?

You're here to
give me your jacket.

Right, right, right.

And also, you were going to
give me your Time Courier.

Oh, yeah.

Now take my place.
It's almost lunchtime.


Ooh, Jello!

Synced & corrected by MaxPayne
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I know you're there.

Stop following me, or I'll turn
your brain into pudding!


You're alive!

I was so worried
they'd find you.

Don't worry about that.

I know you didn't mean
to hurt me.

It's them!

I won't let them get you.

I'll close this behind you so
they won't be able to follow.

- Mona.
- I have to keep you safe, go!

Mona! Mona!
You're safe.

We're the good guys.
Oh, yeah, who sent you?

Was it the Bureau
or the Men in Black?

- Where is the wolfman?
- He's gone, it's too late.

You'll never find him,
because I don't even

know where he went,
so grill me all you want.


What kind of gun is this?

Did you just try to
shoot her shoot her?

- Any hits?
- I tried to isolate the portal

from today's Courier activity,
but so far, no dice.

It would help if I had
the actual Courier.

Sure, here you go.

Okay, never mind.

So we have a vicious monster
on the loose

and no idea where it
might have disappeared to.

He's not a vicious monster.

People just assume that
because of the way he looks.

He's a demigod.
He used to be a king!

Hey, what are you doing?

I'm seeing if this thing
works on her mouth.

Or how about we just
give our guest the dignity

of hearing her story first?

I'm telling you,

the Men in Black
are behind all of this.

They're framing me so they can

keep hurting
the magical creatures.

- Hurting them how?
- I don't know.

But Konane was terrified
when they came for him.

I was just trying to help him.

We saw the security footage,
and there were no Men in Black.

Just you.

Well, they must have
altered the footage

to hide the truth.

I'm like Mulder, and those guys

are the shadow government
covering their tracks!

It's a conspiracy!
The truth is out there!

Okay, okay, Fox, okay, Fox.
Take a breath.

We... we believe you.
Right, Sara?

Yes, we do.

And we are going to get to
the bottom of this, but first,

we need to find the Kaupe
before he hurts himself.

Can you help us do that?

So I'll head to the Bureau
and do some digging?


I need you on the hunt
for the monster.

- But you said...
- Exactly what I needed to say.

That girl is clearly bonkers,

but the Kaupe trusts her
and we need her as bait.

What if she's not crazy?

What if there really is
a cover-up at the Bureau?

Then Ava would know about it,
and she wouldn't allow it.

Captain, I have found a lead
on our missing Kaupe.

In Mexico City, 1961,
an unidentified

drug cartel member
was found dead,

apparently the work
of a wild animal

non-indigenous to the region.
That must be him.

All right, fine.
Do some digging

through the footage,
but keep your head down.

We don't want to raise
any red flags.

- Got it.
- Gideon, rally the troops.

We are going to Mexico.

I'm picking up
a magical signature this way.

As far as hiding places go,
smack bang in the center

of a major city
would not be my top choice.

What is this place?

Oh, it sounds like a real party.

- As long as there's beer.
- The detector must be wrong.

There's no way Konane could
hide in a place like this.

Are you sure about that?

El Lobo.

The Kaupe isn't hiding.
He's the main event.

- Oh,
- Blimey.

How'd our hairy friend
end up with that lot?

It doesn't surprise me
in the slightest.

Lucha Libre wrestling is all
about character and charisma...

A modern-day morality play.

Good versus evil.
The people versus the man.

Well, according to
the altered historical record,

El Lobo arrived on the scene
six months ago

and quickly rose to the top.

The mystery surrounding
his true identity

inspired novels, movies,
and TV shows.

Aw, bollocks.

This is the one
that I get sidelined for?

All right, let's split up.

Ray, Charlie, stay on the comms.

John and I will cover the arena.

You guys watch from the stands.

señoras and señores!

Tonight you will witness
a spectacular match.

One that you will
tell your grandchildren of

in vivid detail.

- Dos cervezas, por favor.
- Hey, we're working.

We can't afford
any screw-ups on this one.

We got to bag this guy quick.

Got to stay Sharpe, you mean?

Los Dos Demonios!

Oh, chillax, love.
El Lobo ain't going nowhere.

It's true, he's impossible
to get rid of.

I tried over and over.
He won't go away.

Hold the bloody phone.
Are you El Cura?

- Oh, you know this guy?
- Anyone who knows anything

about Mexican culture
knows El Cura,

the legendary luchador
and movie star.

- No.
- You know, I loved

your monster movies, mate.

Whoever wrote those gems
had a better handle on magic

than any of those toss-bots
up in Hollywood.

I haven't been
in any movies, mi amigo.

What... what... what's all this?

You're the warrior
of piety and goodness.

You don't drink...
Not that I'm one to judge.

I didn't, until this hairy tonto

showed up and
stole everything from me!

And finally, the man...
No, the legend

you have all come here to see.
You mean the thief!

The undefeated champion,
the hero of the people,

El Lobo!

Viva, Mexico, señores!

Lobo, Lobo, Lobo!

Viva Mexico!

We don't have eyes on the Kaupe.

He's laying low.
I need this wrapped up

before tonight, Nathaniel.

I can't have it hanging over
my head during the benefit.

It's going to be fine.
You guys have been throwing

this fundraiser since the first
Bush administration.

- Oh, is that Nathaniel?
- Yes, dear.

But this is a work matter...
Yes, I need... Please.

Thank you, thank you.
Hello, sweetie.

So don't forget,
the benefit is tonight.

Mom, I don't know
if I'm gonna make it this year.

I have a work emergency.
Work can wait.

Right, Hank?

Yeah, your father's nodding.
Okay, darling.

See you here at 7:00.
Mwah. Bye.

I... No.

The lilies...

- Damn, he's good.
- He's too good.

In Lucha Libre,
every match tells a story.

Sometimes you win,

sometimes you lose
so you can rise again.

But there are rules.
There is a plan.

With this guy, there's
no rules, there's no plan.

He just wins every time.

Oh, so that's why
you're here, eh?

Drowning your sorrows,
rather than being

up there where you belong?

Listen, mate.
I have had my fair share

of defeats these past days,

but lying on your ass is
no way to get your mojo back.

Uno, dos, tres!

Look at him.

This is what
he's always wanted...

To be worshipped and admired
like the demigod he is,

not feared and shunned
like some monster.

Well, he'd better
make the most if it.

The second he gets backstage,
it's lights out

and back to the Time Bureau.

That wasn't the plan.

He can't go back
to the Time Bureau.

It's not safe.

Not my call, don't care.

Oh, good, it's just you.

What are you doing here?

I was digging.

Mona claims the footage
you saw earlier was doctored,

that there's a cover-up
around the creature's escape.

And you believe
this tiny cuckoo?

Maybe you should, too.

According to these
deleted access logs,

security footage
was removed and replaced

early this morning
from a wireless device.

Now all I have to do
is figure out

who that phone number
belongs to.

You don't have to.
I know the number.

It belongs to my dad.

El Lobo triumphs again!

Okay, Mona, make sure he sees
you as he leaving the ring.

Then bring him backstage,
and we'll meet you there.



You thief, you cheat!

You have disgraced this ring.

You have stolen victories
from too many of us,

and I'm going to
put a stop to it.

I challenge you
to a lucha de apuestas!

The loser will take off
his mask in forfeit

and never set foot
in the ring ever again!

You heard it here,
ladies and gentleman.

The gauntlet has been thrown!

Do you accept this match
and its conditions, señor?

Then the fight is on!

Tomorrow night,
same time, same place.

This will be one
for the history books.

Get your tickets now!

So he's back on track,
historically speaking.

Now, how's that
for a bang-up job, Lance-y?

- Excuse me. Coming through.
- Hey, get back here!

What is going on?

Out of my way, fanboys.
Get out!

Damn it, Mona's going to
get herself trampled.

You can say what you will,
but that Kaupe,

he's a real gent in my book.

So this is where
you've been living.


I like what
you've done with the place.

It's, um... it's homey.

It's like you're back
on the island.

You miss Hawaii, don't you?


You miss home?

Mona home?

Do I miss home?
Eh, you know...

Guilt-tripping parents,
lack of a job,

no one who understands me.

Wow, that's beautiful.


There has to be a logical reason

why Hank replaced the footage.

So let's think about it.

Look, I get that you
and your dad

are in a good place
for the first time in a while,

but we just can't ignore
that this is happening.

But can we please
reserve judgment

till we see the footage?

The original footage
can only be restored

from the device used
to delete it.

- You mean my dad's phone?
- Yeah.

We got to go for it tonight.
He's gonna be distracted.

He'll be boozing and schmoozing
at the benefit gala.

I have a plus-one. Are you in?

Uh, yeah, okay.

Uh, you know, as long
as we have to do that thing

where we act like we're dating.

You and I dating
would be totally weird.

Totally weird, yeah.

Um, text me the details,
and I will meet you there.



I must be really hungry,

because that actually
looks kind of good.

What is it?

Where is he, Mona?

He's gone.
You scared him off.

We just want to make sure
he doesn't hurt anyone, love.

He isn't like that.
He's sweet, and gentle.

He won't hurt any...

Eat this, you furball!

Konane, stop!

You got one messed-up
definition of "sweet."

Hey, Gideon said you...
Wow. You got a date?

No, it's not a date.

I am dressed like this

because the footage you saw
at the Bureau earlier

was definitely altered...
by Hank.

Okay, wait. Before I do
the math on this, are you sure?

Yeah, Mona was telling
the truth.

There is a cover-up
at the Bureau.

What are the chances
that Ava's wrapped up in this?

Honestly, I don't know yet,
but if she's not a part of it,

then she's probably
in a lot of danger.


Close that hospital gown,
or I will report you to HR!

Where the hell
have you been all day?

I don't know who I am.

I don't know
why anything is things.

I don't know
where my nipple went.

Where's my nipple?
Where's my nipple?


He was so scared.

I had to do something
to stop them.

- Where were they taking him?
- Somewhere terrible.

That's why he can't go back
to the Bureau.

The Men in Black are going to
hurt him again, or worse.

Well, he can't stay in Mexico.

So take him back home...

Back to ancient Hawaii,
to his old kingdom.

You saw him in the arena.
He's meant to be a king.

- Mona, it is not that simple.
- Why?

Captain, you are being
hailed by Director Sharpe.

That is why.

Gideon, I'll take it
on the bridge.

I'm afraid she's overridden
my security protocols.

Wow, look at you.

You look great.
Yeah, thanks, but listen.

Sara, the situation with the
Kaupe has gotten much worse.

He now has an accomplice,
Mona Wu.

Now, she may not look it, but
she is extremely dangerous.

She completely
wiped Gary's mind.


Wait, you've had Mona in custody

this whole time,
and you didn't...

It's a long story, but I need
to explain it to you in person.

This line might not be secure.
The line isn't secure?

Sara, what are you...

You have the Kaupe, too?

Look, I ju...
I can't explain right now.

Okay, then I'm sending
an extraction team.

Gideon, mask our location.

Sara, you need to
bring in that Fugitive now.

I'm sorry.

Don't you dare hang up on...

Whoa, did you just hang up
on your girlfriend?

Mona, you better not
be wrong about this.

I need to go to that benefit

so I can talk
to Ava face-to-face.

Before you leave,
I have a petition

to become interim captain

of the "Waverider"
in your absence.

I have a John Hancock from
every Legend except you.

It looks like you crossed out
part of Rory's signature.

Oh, r-really?

The team is to keep
a low profile.

Radio silence,
and absolutely no time travel.

Captain Palmer's got it covered.

Interim captain.

After your recent unfortunate
misadventures in time travel,

I created a team-building
card game to help you learn

the dos and don'ts
of our prior missions.

I'm calling it
Cards to Save the Timeline!

Fun way to learn
from your mistakes, right?

Oh, you've got to be joking.
Vandal Savage.

That's a real name?
And here's me, thinking

that Damien Darhk's moniker
was a touch on the nose.

Sorry to interrupt,
but I'm detecting

a disturbance in the timeline.

- Oh, thank God.
- Yes.

In the wake of El Lobo's
sudden disappearance

from the Lucha Libre scene,
rumors spread

of government censorship.

Countrywide protests erupted,

and dozens were killed
in the ensuing riots.

I'm sure we can figure
something out

once Sara gets back.

In the meantime, it's game time!

- Aw, come off it.
- Ah... yeah

I mean, weren't you
just nattering on

about team-building experiences?

Well, let's go out there
and actually fix something.

Well, yeah,
but Sara said to stay put.

Oh, come on, Raymondo.

This isn't just important for
some dusty old history book.

This is important
for the people of Mexico.

All we have to do is make sure
the luchas de apuestas fight

goes on and make sure
that El Cura comes out on top.

- A grand finale.
- Yeah.

- Aw, come on, Rayge.
- Come on, Rayge.

Let's give the people
what they want.

Let's give them what they need.

Ah... let's prepare ourselves
to wrestle!

Or we could just go.

Why throw
such a big fancy party

if you're only going to have
tiny little treats?

- Nathaniel, darling.
- Hello.


What... is this
your new girlfriend?

- Um, yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

This is Zari.

Zari... what a beautiful name
for a beautiful woman

with excellent
child-bearing hips.

Not to put a clock
on it or anything, but...

Mm, grandchildren
would be so lovely.

- Mm-hmm.
- Anywho, I'd better go

make sure everything's good
with your father's speech.

Oh, my God.
That went well.

Are you... are you blushing
right now?

No. Shut up.

Take my toothpick.
Stay on task.

We're here to get
your dad's phone, that's it.

You better have a damn good
reason for hanging up on me.

Where is the Kaupe, and why
isn't he in Bureau custody?

What are you doing?

Making sure we're not overheard.

By who?

Sara, my ass
is already on the line.

Feeling me up
in front of my boss

is not a good idea right now.

They didn't plant
anything on you.

- What?
- That's good.

Please tell me that nutcase
Mona hasn't gotten to you.

Just dance.

I think Mona was onto something

about secret agents trying to
infiltrate the Bureau.

That is insane.

Just listen to me.

The security footage
was altered,

and I think Mona was framed.

Even if that was true,
which I doubt,

you are still harboring
a Fugitive.

- Ava...
- Ah! Hand him over now.

We can deal with
the rest of this later.

You know I can't do that.

Then this conversation is over.

Hey, could you
help me out, amigo?

I think I might be stuck.

Oh, it's time to whip you

back into fighting shape,
eh, mate?

Yeah, you need to
shake off that ring rust

by tomorrow night
so that you can win.

What the hell is he doing here?

Whoa! Be nice!
Be nice.

Look, just as you're here
to practice winning,

he's here to practice losing,
all right?

I don't trust him.
He's never done choreography.

For the people to accept me
as their hero again,

my victory must be absolute.

Well, you'd better get
to work, then, hadn't you?

Gentle, El Lobo, gentle.

- Yeah!
- Yes!

That's what I'm
talking about, El Cura.


You think he can still
pull off his finishing move?

I'm sure all
the muscle memory will kick in.


You can't train the mutt.


I know you don't like losing,

but it doesn't make you
any less of a king.

In fact, it makes you a hero...

like Buck in my
favorite Rebecca Silver book.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Where Buck crash lands
on Garima's home planet

and then is forced
into mortal combat?

That one?
Yeah, you read it?

Heard of it.

Konane, e'owili.

Buck loved Garima, and he
didn't want to hurt her sister,

so he threw the contest,

and the two star-crossed lovers
escaped into the night.

If you lose tomorrow,
me and you can escape, too.

I'll take you back to Hawaii.
We can make a life together.

Just like Buck and Garima.

Let's clear out.


Where are you going?

Mexico City, 1961.

What, you didn't think
I'd find out?

The Bureau's running
just fine, Sara.

And we will catch
that damn Kaupe.

On behalf of the
American Hemophilia Foundation,

I am honored to introduce
tonight's recipient

of the Altruistic Angel Award...
Henry Heywood.

Hey, uh, Pops, Pops, Pops.

How about a quick pic?
You know, for "Facebooks"

or whatever you old people
over-share on.

Come on, Mom.

Okay, say "grand-babies."

Damn it, Ray, what happened
to keeping a low profile?

It's a long story,
but this fight must happen

in order to protect history,
so just trust us, okay?

All right, so entering through

the north and south wings
is the best chance

of catching
the Legends off-guard.

- Oh.
- If you...

Uh, should I transfer it
to your private line

in case it's, you know,

Gary, move.

Ava, I know you're mad,
but can we please

just talk about this like adults

before doing something rash?

I will put a stop to that fight.

Sara, now is not the time

for one of your crazy, "fly by
the seat of your pants" plans!

Hand over the Fugitive
before someone gets hurt.

I know this sounds crazy,
but there is no way around it.

Letting the Kaupe wrestle is
important to Mexico's history.

No, allowing an escaped
Fugitive to fight

is endangering all of history.

Extraction team, move out.

Introducing the fallen hero.

Once beloved, now disgraced,

a man clawing for a comeback...

El Cura!

Yo soy el campeón!

El Cura, El Cura,
El Cura, El Cura.

Ah, fair-weather fans, mate.

Don't worry.
We'll prove them wrong.

And now the man
you're all here to see,

the undefeated champion
of the people...

El Lobo!

Viva Mexico!

Lobo! Lobo! Lobo! Lobo!

Bring it in, gentlemen.

Now, I want a good, clean fight.

No biting, no scratching,
nothing below the belt.

All right, to your corners.

The strongest of us
will never know

what it's like to live
with this disorder,

and that's why I call my work...

Okay, moment of truth.

Because victory is possible.

In fact, it's inevitable.

I don't accept
this Altruistic Angel Award

for myself as some
pat on the back.

I receive it as a call to arms.

Let's all come together
and end this fight.


All right, take it easy,

Go on, shake it off, mate.
Shake it off.

Look, I know you feel like
throwing in the towel

right now, but trust me.

There's nothing people like more

than a good comeback.
Now go.

Yeah, come on!

You're losing so good.
Keep it up.

Play dead, furball.


Ladies and gentlemen, this
is an emergency evacuation.

Please exit the building
in an orderly fashion.

We, uh, have some
uninvited guests here, Sara.

Give them hell.
That's an order.

No outside interference!
Finally, a real fight!

These dudes
are trying to censor us!

But we ain't gonna stand
for that, are we?

On your left, mate.

Nice one, Raymondo.

Now, El Cura and his mates,
they fight for the people!

The people!

Now, this is what I call
a bloody good show.

- Now, he didn't abandon you.
- Have a towel, mate.

So don't you dare abandon him.

Come on!



Yeah, yeah!

Cura! Cura! Cura!

Cura! Cura! Cura!

Cura! Cura! Cura! Cura!

Cura! Cura! Cura! Cura!

Well, I reckon we should
team-build like this

more often, Legends.

Well, looks like you've
saved history again.

Congratulations, Sara.
Ava, just let me explain.

No need.
It's all very clear to me.

Ava, please, don't hang up...

On me.

Some night, huh?
We just raised over $500,000.

Roaring success.

I saw the footage, Hank...

the real footage.

Nathaniel, it was you

who convinced me
to fund the Bureau.

Please don't remind me.

- I went out on a limb for you.
- Mm.

I need you to trust me on this.

There's a purpose
to what you saw.

Of course I trust you.

I just need you to bring me in
on these sort of things.

In due time, son.

I got to take this.


You cloned all the data
off that phone, right?

- Uh-huh.
- Good.

Keep digging.

I want to know everything.

What do you mean
you couldn't capture the asset?

Blame it on your son's
time-traveling pals, sir.

How would you like us
to proceed?

Kid, come here.

There's something about Buck
and Garima you should know.

They didn't live
happily ever after.

They came
from two different worlds...

Worlds that needed them.

They didn't belong together.

But they loved one another...
a lot.

How do you know?

The next book in the series
hasn't even been published yet.

I just do!


Don't do anything stupid.

I got to take a leak.

I brought snickerdoodles.

I'll just, uh, put them here.

Ava, look, I'm sorry.
I didn't come here to fight.


I know things got ugly
between us today, but...

I just want to put it behind us.

I needed one thing
from you today, Sara...

For you to be in my corner.

That's all I asked.

- Well, I'm here now.
- Well, that's great.

Just in time
for my meeting with Hank,

where I'll probably be fired,
thanks to you.

Ava, Hank is
the real problem here.

I mean, he's been torturing
prisoners off-site.

Who cares?
A few weeks ago,

the Legends were
sending them to hell.

I mean, since when is
protecting magical creatures,

things that shouldn't even be
in our world

in the first place, more
important than protecting me?

When have you become so callous

about the prisoners
in your care?

My priority
is to protect history, Sara...

Human history.

If Hank has to experiment
on a few creatures

to try to find a better way
to fight them, then so be it.

Ava, you do not believe that.

Come on, I know you.

You're not like Hank.

This is your Bureau,

and he's doing something
twisted with it.

You don't understand
how any of this works.

No, Hank is the reason
that this Bureau is here.

If we piss him off,
it all goes away.

Think of how many people,
how many human people

would get hurt if that happened.

- Well, he can't shut us down.
- Oh, my God, Sara.

Everything is not about you.
Do you understand?

You're asking me
to risk everything... for what?

For some conspiracy theory?
For a bunch of monsters?


For me.

Well, I've already given you

everything I have to give, so...

Today I asked you for one thing.

- Ava, don't do this.
- Just go.

I'm done.

Well, Konane, it's time
for our new adventure.

Konane, I, um...

I can't.

I want to live in your world.

I mean, look at it.

It's beautiful.

But I don't belong there.

If I went, I'd just be
running away from my world,

and that's not the right reason
to leave everything behind.

You murdered him.

Step away
from the creature, miss.

- No.
- I said step away.

You murdered him!

What the...

You were right.

There's no such thing
as happily ever after.