Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 4, Episode 8 - Legends of To-Meow-Meow - full transcript

After Constantine breaks the cardinal rule, he, Charlie and Zari try deal with the ramifications without telling anyone else.

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Previously on
"Legends of Tomorrow"...

I couldn't send Neron
into hell

without sending Dez
down with him.

I killed the man I loved,
and for what?

John, you have to stop this.

If Desmond isn't dragged
to hell

and you don't join
the Legends,

the effects could be

History be bloody damned.

I really care about you.

This thing between us,
it isn't real.

It never was.

- Uh...
- What's that?

I think John just broke time.

Oy, see, check this out.

I got my powers back.


Constantine did it.

He changed the timeline
back in New Orleans.

He saved old Dez.

Oh! Unfortunately,
I have no idea why you're a cat, Z.

Oh, quit your whinging.

I know it's a pretty raw deal
for you.

Especially 'cause...

Well, who knows what they put
in cat food.

On the plus side
you are cute as hell.

Z, it has been an experience.

Now, I'm gonna set
the autopilot

to take you back to
the "Waverider,"

but first we're gonna drop me
off somewhere fabulous.

Season 04 Episode 08

Episode Title: "Legends of To-Meow-Meow"

Synchronized by srjanapala

Hope y'all are thirsty
for champagne.

Because I'm feeling
a little bubbly.


Hello, Red.

Ms. Monroe.
How's lady luck treating you?

Ooh. Ooh.

Red, it's me. Charlie.

Cheers to Saint Patrick.

What are you doing here?

I haven't seen you since
we escaped from that prison.

Hey listen, mate.

You got to stop doing
your leprechaun magic

so out in the open like this,
all right?

I do this all the time.

These humans,
they don't notice anything.


Lucky 11. Winner!

Quit doing that.

But I'm just having
a little fun.

What's got you so worried?

The Magic Police?

They're called the Legends
and I'm just trying

to stay off their radar
for a little while.

Sounds to me like
you're scared.

What, of them?

No, no, no,
they're not dangerous.

They're just... annoying little
boy scouts, you know?

Reach for the sky,
you filthy animals.

Pretty please.

He asked nicely.

Greetings, gentlemen.

Ah, the leprechaun.

You fellas play?

- Ahh...
- No.

Oh, my God.
Why did you do that?

Marilyn Monroe.

I am killing it at
historical figure bingo.

All right, everyone,
calm down.

We just saved your butts

from a very dangerous
magical creature.

Who are you guys?

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Hi, Nate Heywood.
Monster hunter.

Just wanted you ladies to know
you're in good hands.

Man, Garima is gonna flip

when she hears we met
Marilyn Monroe.

Do you think a murderous
alien queen

that sprang to life from Mick's
fantasies is into Marilyn?



What is up with these guys?

Gideon, any messages
while we were gone?

You missed calls
from Barry Allen,

Oliver Queen, and Kara Zor-El.

Sounds like the annual

Yeah, that's gonna be
a hard pass.

Did I tell you
Oliver owes me money?

I bet this year
they'll swap costumes.

Oh, Zari.
Well, I'm glad to see

that you made it back to
the ship okay.

Oh, okay, I hear you.
You're still mad at me.

Listen, I really need
your help.

All right, yeah,
I can see that being a cat

is your main concern right now,

but I still don't know
why you're a cat.

Ms. Tomaz was turned
into a cat

during the team's encounter
with a Fairy Godmother.

Whoa, Gideon, your latest
upgrade, smoking.

Thank you, Miss Jiwe.

Amaya Jiwe, yup,
that's me.

And may I say
your new upgrade and accent

are also smoking.

- Oh, yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

You know, I'm just trying
something out.

Yeah, okay,
one last question.

Why are the Legends homicidal
wankers now?

If you're referring to the
Custodians of the Chronology,

their policy towards
magical creatures

has been shoot on sight

since their disastrous
encounter at Woodstock.

Thanks, Gideon.

Must be fallout from

altering the timeline.

Right, this zero tolerance
bollocks ends now.

Hey, people!

I have an announcement
to make.

Please, gather around.

Come listen.

So I know our shoot-first,
ask-questions-never policy

has lead to some interesting

but it's time to change.

From now on we are going to
capture the magical creatures

and bring them to the Bureau
like we are supposed to.

Why are you looking
at me weird?

Well, just seems like a shame
to change our policy now.

Considering we're so close
to capturing our white whale.

That's a "Moby Dick"

what is your white whale?

The only creature we haven't
been able to capture

because it's quite elusive.

Maybe because
it has the ability to change shape.


How dare you step on
this ship

and pretend to be
our dead captain.


Wait, Sara's dead?

Yeah, that's why we know
you're not Sara.

Is that why you guys
are like this?

Like what?

Hunting down magical
creatures like it's a...


Damn it, Garima.

I called dibs on killing
shapeshifter last week.

You know what?
He did.

You remember when
we were roasting

that little baby Gryphon,

which was delicious,
by the way,

but you guys got
into an argument

about who actually killed it,
so then Ray got upset

and he was like, "Hey,
I wanna kill the shapeshifter."

Oh, it heals itself
and turns into Amaya.

This is not good.
Kill her again!

I get to kill her this time.

After her!


Oh, bollocks.

- Go, go!
- Come on, Ray!

Check the library!

Make sure she doesn't
steal anything!

They've become maniacs.

Okay, this is bad.

What, Constantine?
Yes, this is his fault.

He needs to help us fix this,
but where is he?

Nice work, Zari cat.

I can't very well walk
around here looking like this.

Oh, hush, it's still me

despite the insane grin
on my face.

I don't remember there being
a memorial here.

Sara Lance struck down
by unicorn.


Gary, you're late.

Uh, sorry, Mr. Heywood,

Um, my cat-sitter
quit on me, so...

This place is going to hell
in a hand basket.

Yeah, it's my bad, sir.

Look, the
Custodians of the Chronology

just destroyed
a freaking leprechaun.

All right, you know what?
If you see them,

tell them they're getting
a scream-down from me.

Oh, one more thing,
Mr. Heywood.

Have you seen
John Constantine around?

Is that a joke?

He's been in confinement
for months.

You put him there.

- Idiots.
- Right.

This isn't the when
when I'm supposed to be.


No, the truth is not
the truth!

All right, this is not
the when

when I'm supposed to be.

You should go.

So what's real, Johnny?

Reality is fractured,
but the pieces,

they speak to each other
like light

between broken mirrors.

John Constantine.

Confined for becoming
dangerously unstable

after suspected time crimes.

Are you real?

Do you exist? Because it's
really hard to tell these days.

Yup, bloke's gone cuckoo.


I sense a familiar face.

Who is that?

Z? Z, Is that you?

Why the transmogrification?
Let's get this sorted out.


Yeah, all right, I'm sorry,
but this is the only way

that you will know
your true self.

Oh, finally.


Because of you dicks,
I have been a cat for so long.

Do you know
where this tongue has been?


I wasn't sure that reversal
was gonna work

because I've been feeling
a little, you know,

insane lately.

Yeah, well, you only have
yourself to blame.

Wait, what?

You created a time wave

when you changed your past
with Desmond.

Because you're the epicenter,

your experience of
this timeline and that one

both exist in your brain.

Just give me a break here.

All right, what you're trying
to say is that I... broke time?

back in New Orleans.

Sure, you don't have to live

with the guilt
of damning Desmond,

but you also never joined
the Legends.

Without John's help with
the unicorn at Woodstock,

Sara died, which made
the Legends into killers.

Well, there's only one way
to fix this.

We go to back to Woodstock
and we save Sara.

- Yeah.
- No!

Guys, you're not listening
to me.

You have to go to New Orleans
and set history back on track.

Whoa, whoa, Z.

You're suggesting a total reset
of the timeline.

What we need is
a surgical strike.

Now, if we save Sara,

then the Custodians
of the Chronology never exist.

I keep my powers,
Dez is de-demoned,

Bob's your uncle.

I'm sorry, guys.

I have to stop you before you
before you make this any worse.


All right, then.

I'm sorry, love.

Until you can learn
to stay out of my way,

then you...

are a cat.

In the mood
for a prison break?

Oh, yes I am.

Is the coast clear?

How much of that
did you hear?

Uh... ha, ha!
Nothing at all.

Nothing about breaking out
or hacking history.

Please don't turn me into
a cat.

Well, I didn't turn her
into cat.

I returned her to being a cat,

which is considerably easier,
believe me.

But if you gotta,
maybe a Calico and real fluffy.

Okay, I'm ready.
Do it.

- Oh! What are we gonna do with her?
- I have no idea.

You don't have to do anything.
I wanna help.

You do?

The Custodians of the
Chronology must be stopped.

They turned my Kaupe friend
into a rug.

So if you're trying
to defeat them,

I want in.

Oy, watch the bumps, yeah?

- Oy!
- Shh, someone might hear you.

Red Alert,
the "Waverider" is landing.

Red Alert.

Oh, man,
the Custodians are here.

Could things get any worse?

Wait, stop right there.

Are you me?


- From the future.
- Ha!

Do I ever find love,
or at least my sunglasses?

- They might be in my other pants.
- Yes, Gary,

all that and more.

- It's the Custodians!
- Notify, Mr...

But right now, I need you
to delay the Custodians.

Oh, but be careful.

There's been reports of
a shapeshifter on the loose.

Yeah, I know that already.

Because I'm you
from the future, dummy.

Secure the prisoners.

Lockdown protocols
have been activated. Hurry!


Come on.

We gotta find
a place to hide.

Knock, knock, anybody home?

Come on, hurry up!
Let me out of this thing.

Oh, God.

Where are we?

This is Ava's office,

but she's gone.

Gone, gone?

I'm right here, you idiots.

we tracked a shapeshifter here,

so we're gonna need you
to stand down

and let us our job
and bag it for you.

Your job, son,
is to bring the creatures

back to the Bureau alive.

Not leave their insides
strewn through history.

It's called payback for what
they did to Sara,

and don't get in our way.

What happened to you?

I'm allowed to grieve
in my own way.

Why the hell are you out of
your cell?

Well, plans change, luv.

Are you sure you're okay,
Director Sharpe?

I'm fine!

I'm just taking some time
to get my head together

after Sara was unicorned.

I'm really sorry about that.

Things are not as they seem.

- Amaya?
- No.

Well, it's a long story,
but time is...

Well, broken.

What are you talking about?

Well, you see,
you're living in a timeline

that doesn't exist,
and we are from a timeline

where your hair
is still blonde.

Okay, I don't have time
for this timey-wimey crap.

No, no, this is the truth.

Now, listen.
The Custodians of the Chronology

are actually
the Legends of Tomorrow

and they're the good guys,

Yeah, and the kicker is
Sara is supposed to be alive.

Did you say Sara's alive?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I knew it!

I knew something was wrong.

I mean,
I like the Indigo Girls,

but they should not
be a way of life.

Then let's help them
set things right.

What do you guys need
from me?

Well, well, well, look who's
helping our magical fugitive.

Take position.

We were looking for you.

Got eyes on suspects.

Thought you might want
to have some fun.

I got 12 gauges of fun
right here.

That's it.

I'm placing you all
under arrest.

Shut your mouth, pops.


Take cover!

Get 'em out of here!

I'll cover you.
Go save Sara.

Did they really all
just kill each other?

Don't think about it.

And we'll go back in time
and we'll fix things.

We have to.

Target ahead.

Arming the weapons now.

Is that what I think it is?

Twilight Sparkle come to life.

We didn't screw things up
for the better this year.

We screwed things up
for the more magical.

- Yes!
- Nice shot!

Who the hell's in
the jump ship?

Who cares?
Mission accomplished.

And you guys thought
we needed Constantine.

Yeah, we saved Sara's life.
Now that should fix everything.

The Custodians should be back
to being the Legends,

and Zari should no longer
be a cat.

All right, this might be
a crossed wired thing

in my brain,
but that is still

a cat sitting there,
isn't it?

Killing the unicorn didn't
solve the problem.

No, Zari, we're not going
back to New Orleans.

We need to find out what's
wrong with this timeline

and fix it.

All right,
we go back to the Bureau,

figure out our next step.

Charlie, come on.
Talk to me, luv.

What's happening?
Is everything normal?


In fact, things are
pretty far from normal.

No reason to panic.
We still got this.

Right, we'll find out how the
boys died in this timeline,

then we'll go back
and save them,

and hopefully
when they return

they won't be magical creature

Right, sounds so simple.

Hey, watch it.

Out of the way, suckers.

Make way for S.O.S.

What the hell is S.O.S.?

Good morning, Sirens.

- Good morning, Hank.
- Good morning, Hank.

Well, I hope you're ready to
go to work today

because we have one hell of
a case on our hands.

If anyone knows what happened
to the guys,

it'll be them.
Hang tight on the ship.

Looks like I'm joining
the S.O.S.

All right, ladies.
Weapons check.

Way ahead of you, babe.

My pistol's hot and ready.

Hey, girls.
Save some fun for me.

what are you doing here?

We thought you went back
to 1942.

I did, but then I heard about
your monster problem,

and, well,
I couldn't stay away.

It's perfect timing.

We are up to our peaches
with magical creatures

and about to kick
some ass.

I'm in.

just be honest with me.

This thing between us,
it isn't real.

It never was.
It doesn't exist.

Get it together, John.

Come on.
Get your head together.

Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah,

I know what you're thinking.

You want me to put things back
the way they were,

but that's not gonna bloody

No, I'm not all right
to be honest.

So what kind of fun costumes

are we gonna need
for this mission?

We don't do costumes anymore.

Yeah, we stopped so we could
streamline missions.

Yeah, why get all dressed up
if we're just wasting

these magical creatures
straight away.

I mean, please tell me you
don't keep

a trophy room of their skulls.

What do we look like?

- No, we just toss them.
- You what?

Yeah, ever since that
Fairy Godmother killed

Nate, Ray, and Rory
we just...

..waste any magical creature
that comes in our path.

No questions asked.

Well, they can't all be bad.

We haven't met a good one.

Hey, how is Zambesi?

- Hmm?
- Who?

Where you're from.

It's great.

Yeah, it's, like, chill.

Super chill.

If I do what you ask,

I'd be sending
Desmond to hell.

Yeah, I know, maybe
I deserve this insanity.

Oh, you're all soft.

Oy, wake up, losers.
I know how to fix it.

Right, we got to take care of
the Fairy Godmother in Salem.

Fire up the ship.
I'm heading up there now.

Cor blimey.

No more tea and crumpets
for this dodgy doppelganger.

Hard Drive here knew you
weren't really Amaya all along.

I'm equipped to detect
shapeshifter pheromones.

How fortunate our white whale
swam right into our net.

What is with you guys
and white whales?

Oh, you really think
you three can take me?

Oh, I can take you alone.

Damn it.
Get back here!

Oh, hey. How were
the Sirens in Space-Time?

Well, they're not
the Custodians.

They may actually
be worse.

Now, let's go save the lads.

The three of you have been so
rude with your nasty attitude.

♪ It will be ever so sublime ♪

♪ To slowly choke
you up with vines ♪

Whatever you're gonna do,

you better make it fast.

I got this.

♪ A peach or a cherry ♪

♪ Any good thing to make
us so merry ♪


Fairy Godmother,
are you finished?

That was fast.

Yes, and I was thinking,

if I'm to be
your Fairy Godmother,

you must start behaving
like a proper young lady.

How do you mean?

Oh, nothing dreadful
or out of the ordinary.

Just chores, daily baths,

church service each morning,

and you must
start eating broccoli.

But I don't want all that.

Well, until our bond
is severed,

I'm afraid that's
the way it must be.

Now, eat the broccoli.

Fairy Godmother,
I relinquish you.

That's cool.

♪ I alone may
become satiated ♪

♪ When you're all asphyxiated ♪

My bond with Prudence
has been severed.

Oh, fiddlesticks.

You know,
I hate to jinx us,

but I really think
we nailed it this time.

I just hope you guys
are right.

What's wrong?
What are you looking at?

There something on my nose?


- Anything yet?
- Don't rush me, luv.

Who knows what surprises wait
for us in here.

Looks like there's reptilians
in the Renaissance.

Sounds like a team meeting.

I'll just pop in
and say hello, shall I?

So put on your
period-appropriate boots

because we are going
lizard stomping.

Oh, hey, everybody, look.

It's our good friend,
John Constantine.

- Yay.
- Yay.

What the...

- ♪ Flying through history ♪
- ♪ Flying through history ♪

- ♪ Solving some mysteries ♪
- ♪ Solving some mysteries ♪

- ♪ We give bad guys the boot ♪
- ♪ We give bad guys the boot ♪

- ♪ In super hero suits ♪
- ♪ In super hero suits ♪

- ♪ We'll win our victory ♪
- ♪ We'll win our victory ♪

- ♪ By stopping witchery ♪
- ♪ By stopping witchery ♪

- ♪ So they've got magic ♪
- ♪ So they've got magic ♪

- ♪ Well we've got heart and fabric ♪
- ♪ Well we've got heart and fabric ♪

- ♪ Puppets of Tomorrow ♪
- ♪ Puppets of Tomorrow ♪

- ♪ Puppets of Tomorrow today ♪
- ♪ Puppets of Tomorrow today ♪

Welcome to
"DC's Puppets of Tomorrow."

"Fraggle Rock"
is going on here?

Well, today we learned about
the importance of cooperating.

And about the number three.

And about a famous man
from history named Napoleon.

- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

I think I need a drink.

Ooh, we can help.

♪ When you're thirsty
for a drink ♪

♪ And you just can't reach
a sink ♪

- ♪ You gotta ask for a help ♪
- ♪ You gotta ask for a help ♪

No, stop.
All right, please, please.

No more singing.

Just tell me,
why are you puppets?

Because Rory called us
a bunch of Time Bureau puppets.

Yeah, and then he ran off
with his new partner in crime.

So did you figure out
how I turned into a damn puppet?

Yeah, it's worse
than I thought.

After we managed to separate

the Fairy Godmother
from Prudence,

she somehow
glommed onto Rory.

You can probably
figure out the rest.

Well, we're just gonna have
to keep fixing what's broken

- until we get it right.
- Yeah.

Damn it.



No plaques.

No plaques.
No plaques.

We did it.
I'm shocked to bits.

Everyone's alive,
Zari's human again,

and I still have my powers.

Ah, that's smashing
news, luv.

Yeah. I mean,
sure, it's got a few cracks,

but fixed the timeline.

- See that, Zari.
- John, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah, it's...
Never better.

John. John.

What happened?

Passed out, mate.

He didn't just pass out.

His brain can't handle this

wad of bandages
you call a timeline.

I can take the pain, luv.

What if you can't?

What if you die, John?

What happens to all the people

who need you alive
and Constantine-y?

Yeah, well, you can leave
that to the real heroes,

all right, because I'm done
giving a damn.

Oh, I see.

This is isn't about saving
Desmond anymore.

It's an excuse for you
to give up on yourself.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
just leave him alone, will you?

You think because there's
no plaques the world is fixed?

I promise you, it's just
as messed up out there

as it is in John's brain.

I know you don't want
to send Desmond to hell,

but that doesn't have to be
the end of the story.

You of all people can find
a way to keep fighting for him.

Go to New Orleans
and set things right.

Don't listen to her.

Come on, John.
It's you and me.

We can make this timeline work.

No, Charlie.

We've tried over,
and over, and over

to get what we wanted
and it hasn't worked.

Zari's right.

There's still hope for Desmond,

and maybe there's still hope
for your powers too.


My powers aren't some
magic trick.

They're who I am.

I'm not gonna just sit around

and hope that they come back.

I'll fight for them.

This ain't over.

Not by a long shot.

Ava, I wasn't expecting
to see you here.

Yeah, the Bureau got
an emergency alert

about a magical presence
in New Orleans, 2018.

I thought maybe we could check
it out together.

Let's get to work.



I didn't live this specific
moment, but I remember it.

It's all part of jumbled,
bloody memory.

By the way, only about
10% of what you're saying

makes any sense,
but by all means continue.

Right, so the earliest me
just left for the market.

The other one is upstairs
breaking up with Dez right now,

and when Dez leaves upset,
I stop him.

Put things back to normal.

All right, good luck.

Blimey, that's a lot of ammo.

- Blimey?
- Huh?

Oh, I meant wow.

All right, boys,
orders are shoot to kill.

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Shouldn't we discuss
what kind of creature

we're dealing with here?
We can't just go in guns a-blazing.

What if whatever's causing this is
just a little misguided?

It's a magical fugitive.

We kill those.

You two head out.
Stay on the comms.

I killed the man I loved,
and for what?

To buy New Orleans
a little more time?

Neron needs souls...

Okay, right, I think...
I think that

something should be landing
right here any second now.

I work alone.

Got it.

All right, Gideon,
what are we looking at?

I've located multiple
targets on the ground

each one with a substantial
magical signature.

Do we have a visual yet?

Coming up now.

that's John Constantine,

and there's more
than one of him.

Looks like our shapeshifter
has a shapeshifter friend.

Wait a second,
how do you know that

that's not really Constantine
out there?

Because it's
John Constantine.

He doesn't time travel.

Believe me.
I tried to recruit him.

Okay, so why don't we capture
all three of them

so we can find out if any of
them are the real John?

What is wrong with you?
You feeling okay?

I'm fine. I'm just a firm
believer in taking precautions.

Good one.

Ray, Rory, what's your status?

All right, we're in position,

with our sights
on the shapeshifter.

When do we get to shoot?

All right, on my mark,
open fire.

Sara, don't.

Damn it, Ava, why not?

'Cause I'm the shapeshifter.

Guys, stand down, we have
a code blue on the ship.

What the hell's a code blue?

Just don't shoot yet.

There's something going on
in your life.

Just be honest with me.

Yeah, do you know what?
This thing between us?

It isn't real.
It never was.

It doesn't exist.

You should go.

Yeah, you're right.
I should.

But this,
this was real, Johnny.

Hey, you... you dropped this.

My phone.

How did you get down here?
You were just upstairs.

Yeah, never mind about that
right now.

I have something
really important to tell you.

You know what?
I think you've said

- quite enough today already...
- No, no, Dez, please.

Give me a minute,
all right?

So you're the shapeshifter.

Why do you look like Amaya?

It is complicated,
but this is how you know me.

What's happened to the Legends
to make you like this?

What do you mean?

You guys are so intent
on killing magical creatures.

Can't you see that
this is wrong?

Not really.

Look, now I know
this sounds crazy,

but the me that you were just
speaking to upstairs

is my past.

So you break up with me
out of the blue,

act like a total ass,
and suddenly

that's in the past,
just like that?

Listen, literally,
that is me from ages ago,

but the person who's standing
in front of you right now

is a little bit older
and he's a little bit wiser.

Still playing games, clearly.


I thought this was real.

Yeah, it is real, Dez,
and that's why

I moved heaven and earth
so that I could save you

from a lifetime
and eternity of anguish,

anguish that I caused.


I guess what I'm trying
to say is

I'm sorry
you ever even met me.

Don't be sorry.

Only a fool would fall in love
in John Constantine

and not expect it to be rocky.

I knew the risks

and I took 'em anyway
for you.

I'm still pissed at you.

Why can't we just go back
to the ways things were?

That's exactly
what I was thinking.

What is that?

Know one thing, Desmond.

I'm not quitting
on you.

Sara, crazy-looking

just memory-flashed a civilian.

Can we shoot him yet?

Wait for my signal.

I'm dealing with a situation
on the ship.

Constantine might be...


Hold on a second, Ray.

Where did you get that?

Look, I don't know
who you are,

or why you are on my ship,

but you're never leaving.

Oh, hello, handsome.

What are you doing standing
in the middle of the street?

I was um...

You... you went to the market.

I did.

Next thing I know
I was standing in the street.

I don't-I don't know.

Wait, Sara, please.

Just tell me why

you're so intent
on killing magical creatures.

Because that's how
we stay alive.

Stop doing that!

- Don't you remember London?
- No.

When you and I first met

and I helped you see the truth
about magical creatures.

And how did you do that?

By being me?

By showing you that
I'm not here to hurt humans.

That not all monsters need
to be put down.

That's cute,
but never happened.


How can you not remember?

Oh! Bollocks.

Because of Constantine,
you and I never met

and... you never changed.

I'm the missing ingredient

in every one of these
botched timelines.

I'm sorry,

but all I see is a threat
that needs to be taken out.

Ray, fire when ready.

- You got eggs.
- I got the eggs.

I got the bread.
Got everything we need.


Soufflé, but first
things first, eh.

You need to be
a part of the team.

Your shapeshifting days
are over, sweetheart.

- No!
- I know who's coming for you.

But choosing
a life of magic,

it never leads
to a happy ending.

That's the thing about
time travel,

there's always a way.

I'm sorry, Dez.

John, you okay?

Yeah, well,

my mind is no longer
split in two,

but... can't say the same about
my heart though.


Well, lost my powers.
Back to being mortal.

Sorry, guys.
It had to be done.

Well, let's go on and
find the Legends, shall we?

Yeah, see if all this
was worth it.


Well, everything seems
pretty normal so far.

This isn't over,
you dingalings.

You better watch your knees,
Sara Lance.

Oh, no, is everyone
a puppet again?


- What are you talking about?
- I'll kill you all!

I got an anti-magic
isolation chamber

with your name on it,
Mike the Spike.

Ah, the usual insanity that
passes for normal around here.

What is this?

Why are you being so weird?

Well, I...

I do have a little bit of
a tale to tell, to be honest.

You fancy a drink?

Hmm, one of those stories.

Let's go.

Hey, Zari, I wanted to say
that I'm sorry.

For what?
For stuffing me into a bag

or almost destroying
all of history?

Well, yeah, that too,
but what I'm really sorry about

is that we got off
on the wrong foot.

You're a shapeshifter.

Your whole deal
is tricking people.

Yeah, but now
I'm being honest with you.

You know,
I could have been anyone

when I got my powers back.

Do you know why I kept coming
back to this form?

Because Amaya is very hot?

It's because
this is the form I was

when I joined the Legends.

Now, I have been
a part of many crews,

and you guys...

Well, you're not rubbish.

Listen, destroying history
for personal gain,

it's happened to almost
everyone here.

Rite of passage.

So you think I'm hot then?

I made snicker doodles
with your recipe.

Not bad.


I'm reading your novel.
I'm on the last chapter.

Your females characters
are shallow, libidinous,

and so much fun to read.

Hmm. Thanks.

Yeah, good job, um,
Rebecca Silver?

Nom de plume.

Got it.

So let me get this straight.

They're making love on
the surface of the sun?

It's a metaphor.

Got it.

And the worst part?

It didn't even make
a bloody difference.

I was a fool thinking
I could outrun this fight

flying around with you lot.

Yeah, we tend to fly
directly into fights.

But we do it together,

and we have your back.

Well, as long as you know what
you're getting yourself into

because a demon like Neron,
he doesn't just want to win.

He wants to win in
the cruelest possible way.


The Kaupe escaped?

Here's what I want you to do.

Track him down and
recapture him, or else.

Ahm. Um, there's been a setback,
but we'll make it right.

Oh, you'd better.

Synchronized by srjanapala

Greg, move your head.