Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 11 - Here I Go Again - full transcript

Zari finds her place on the team when she gets caught in a time loop that results in the Waverider blowing up over and over again.

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Previously on Legends of Tomorrow...

Sara may not know it,

but the demon's power
that lives inside of her,

when she succumbs to it,
you're gonna need that gun.

Come with us.

What would you rather do?

Hide from A.R.G.U.S. your
whole life or time travel?

What do you think the captain would
think about you re-engineering time?

Well, I'm no hero,

and I'm not a member of any team.

Are you sure about this, Ms. Tomaz?

Captain Lance did not give you

authorization to initialize this program.

That's because I didn't
ask for authorization.

Now fire up the auxiliary generator.

Even with the reserve
power, I don't believe

my system can run your
simulation software.

Gideon, trust me.

Trust is something that grows

over time between friends.

As far as I'm concerned,

we are still acquaintances.

Question, Gideon.

Who's ready to have 1.12 terawatts

of power diverted straight into her CPU?

I'm not sure if your calculations

accurately stabilize the surge.

We should talk about
this before proceeding.

No time.

We have to run this program
before the team gets back.

In that case, I suggest you hurry.

The team has just returned on
the jumpship from their mission.

Okay. Screw it.

Gideon, what's happening?

I was gonna ask the same question.

I thought you were fixing the ship.

Yeah, that... the maintenance check

took longer than expected.
The ship's a mess.

I had to re-initialize
Gideon's alpha drives.

So how'd it go out there? Good mish?

I pried this cassette
from Shorty's fingers.

- He means Napoleon Bonaparte.
- "Waterloo."

Who writes a song about losing a war?


It was really great.

Even though half our band

missed the cue for our big encore.

Yeah, where were you guys?

It was my fault.

I was just not used to walking
in these go-go boots.

It won't happen again, Captain.

Right. Gideon, let's check
the historical records,

see if everything is back to normal.

According to the historical record,

the battle of Waterloo is back on track.

Napoleon did surrender...

And the French forces withdrew...

Gideon? Where did she go?

The ship's functions
are still operational,

but it looks as though Gideon's
neural core has been fried.

I asked you to perform a
routine maintenance check.

I did run a maintenance check.

And maybe something else?

Something you want to tell us about?

Maybe show us?

Oh, do not make me move you.

You should just
tell her what it is.

Last thing we want to do is get Sara mad.

Why is that?


High blood pressure. It
takes years off your life.

Okay, fine. You win.

I uploaded a synchronous, multi-model

simulation program to
Gideon's neural core.

A simulation program for what?

To see if there are any
other loopholes in history

that we could exploit.


You mean you can exploit.

You're trying to hack history?

What exactly are you
trying to change in 2042?

Oh, I don't know, Ray.

Maybe I'm trying to figure
out how to stop my home

from becoming a dystopian nightmare?

Look, Zari, I let the
Helen of Troy thing pass.

I even let it slide

when you tried to prevent Martin's death,

but you need to understand

we are in the "fixing
anachronisms" business,

not the "hacking history" business.

Now please go fix Gideon.

Hey, maybe if you would stop
bossing me around for a second,

you would see this is a good idea.

I said "please."

And even if I didn't,

bossing you around is part
of my job as captain.

Yeah, and it's really easy

to take you seriously in that outfit.

You know this whole
apathetic cool girl thing,

it's not as cute as you think.

If you want to be a
member of this team...


This was always a temporary arrangement.

I was never planning on
sticking around for long.

Then so long as you are on this ship,

I am your captain, and
if you don't like it,

you can stop sticking around.

Aye, aye.

- I'm gonna kill her.
- Wait!

Sara... no!

Just fix the ship.

"Just fix the ship." Yes, Captain.

Of course, Captain.

Could I kiss your ass, Captain?

Damn it.

Of course. Of course!

All right, Gideon. You back online?



Well, as long as you are on this ship,

I'm your captain, and
if you don't like it,

you can stop sticking around.

Are you gonna say something?


What the...

What is wrong with you?

Nothing, I think.

Didn't we just have this conversation?

Yeah, 'cause you keep
making me repeat myself.

No. That's not what I meant.

Sara, don't get mad. I'm
sure Zari could fix...

Just fix the ship.

Yeah, okay. Sure.

Deep breaths.

No one's going crazy.

It's probably just something I ate.

- I'm busy.
- Right.

You've done a lot of time travelling.

Have you ever had déjà vu?

What's that?

Oh, it's... French for already seen.

I hate the French!

I'm mortified, Nathaniel.

I mean, we could've permanently
derailed the history of France.

- For what?
- For what?

Have you not seen your outfit?

It totally would have been
worth it, and I'm a historian!

We never should've given
into the temptation.

But we did.

And now, I can't stop thinking about you.

We can't put the team at risk. All right?

Until we can figure out a way
to behave professionally,

we'll have to forget it ever happened.

I can't.

Just try.


Yeah... Amaya and I
were just comparing notes

on the last mission.

Did you notice anything weird
happen a few minutes ago?

No, not really.

Nothing with the ship?

Well, let me think about it.


Nothing out of the ordinary.

Hey, aren't you supposed
to be in the engine room?

Sara told you to fix Gideon.

The last thing we want to do is...

Make Sara mad.

Yeah. You know what they say.

"Happy captain, happy ship."

No one says that, but whatever.

"Happy captain, happy ship!"


All right, Gideon. You there?

Mamma mia.

Here I go again.

So long as you are on this ship,

I'm your captain.

And if you don't like it,

you can stop sticking around.

Okay, something really
bizarre is happening.

You're not even listening to me.

No, Sara, wait!

There's no need for violence!

I'm sorry, old habits.

Ray, take Zari to the MedBay.

This way.

What has gotten into you?

I don't know how to explain this,

but I've died twice.

Have you gotten into Nate's
psychedelic root stash?

No, I'm serious, Ray,
please, I need your help.

Fine, whatever.

I guess I have to figure
this out on my own.

- What's that?
- It's a mild sedative.

While you heal up,

I don't want you hurting yourself,

or anybody else.


So long as you are on this ship...

- Sara, I need you to shut up.
- What?

Emergency! Everyone back
on the bridge, right now.

What are you doing?

Okay, let's all just calm down.

No, I will not calm down,
and watch your step, Ray.

What do you mean?

I thought the mission was over.

- Why are we still here?
- Yeah, what's going on?

Okay, I know... I know
this is gonna sound crazy,

but we are all in imminent danger.

In an hour, this ship
is going to explode.

How do you know?

Let's... let's... let's
say I had a dream.

But we need to check the ship,

and go over every inch,

because if we don't stop this explosion,

we're going to die!



Guys, I'm telling the truth!

What's up with her?

Working theory: cabin fever.

Working theory: space madness.

Acute entropic dementia.

Too many donuts.

I mean, it could be anything.

Must've developed
a sedative tolerance.

What's the plan, Z?

First, you piss off Sara,

now you're sneaking out of the MedBay.

Yeah, I don't have a plan,

because nothing I do matters anyway.

Sara always yells at me,
nobody believes what I say,

and Ray always trips on his platforms.

I have no idea why I'm
stuck in this time loop.

Time loop, you mean
like "Groundhog Day?"

You don't know "Groundhog"...

All right, it's a movie about this guy

who lives the same day over
and over and over again

until he learns to be a better person.

I know it sounds totally hacky.

However, it's very well executed.

What's that noise?

Oh, that noise just means
that we're all about to die.

All right, if what
you're saying is true,

and you find yourself in the loop again,

find me, and say the
words "Groundhog Day."

Just do it!

Well, as long as you are on
this ship, I'm your captain,

and if you don't like it,

- you can stop sticking...
- Stop sticking around.

- Yeah.
- Around.

Oh, and watch out, Ray.

Watch out for...


How did she know that?

Nate... Nate...


We can't put the rest of
the team at risk, all right?

Until we can figure out a way
to behave professionally,

we just have to forget
that this ever happened.

- I can't.
- Just try.


Amaya and I were just, you
know, working on our harmonies,

in case we have to impersonate...

Yeah, yeah, whatever.

I have something to tell you.

Hedgehog Day!

Damn it, you told me if
I said "Hedgehog Day"

you would know what I was talking about.

Do you mean "Groundhog Day"?

Why would I tell you to tell
me about a Bill Murray movie?

I don't know, all I know is

I'm stuck in this time loop.

Like "Groundhog Day"!
Okay, got it, okay.

You do?

And you'll help me figure
out what's going on?

Yeah, that's what friends are for.

- We're friends?
- Of course!

So lay it on me. What's
happening? All right.

How about instead of trying to
stop the ship from exploding,

we all get on the jumpship and escape?

Yeah, while you guys were out,

I was running my own little side mission,

which crashed Gideon, and with her down,

the jumpship's locked
into the docking bay.

So we need to talk to Sara.

No, I already tried.
She never listens to me.

Probably too pissed off.

You know, thinking about the
vibration pattern of the blast,

I don't think we were
attacked from the outside.

The explosion was caused
by someone on the ship.

I seriously doubt anybody would blow up

the ship on purpose.
So where do we start?

I mean, you've all been
acting a little suspicious

since you got back from your mission.

Mick doing laundry.

Now, that's suspicious.

Yeah. Very.


I can't get this damn
song out of my head.

Which one? "Waterloo"?

Don't mention it!

- Did it work?
- Did what work?

Why am I holding the thingy in my hand?

I'll look after it, Mick.

Okay. Good!

I gotta get my undies in the dryer

before Haircut does!

Why would Amaya want
the memory flasher?

It could have something
to do with Kuasa.

She does want to help her.

What if Kuasa somehow convinced her

to blow up the ship?

Take it easy on the conspiracy juice.

- I'll find out what's going on.
- All right.


I... I thought Sara told
you to fix the ship.

Yeah, like she always does.

Yeah, look, I know Sara can be tough,

especially when you make her mad.

Hey, why are you so worried
about Sara's temper?

No, I just... you know the saying.

Happy Captain...

- Happy ship.
- Happy ship. Yeah.

Well, I guess... I guess my catchphrase

is catching on in the future.

Yeah, yeah... everyone
is saying it where I'm from.

That's cool.

Come on, Nate, we're
running out of time.

What are you doing in there?

The truth is, when it comes to you,

I'm not as strong as I'd like to be.

With this, we can both
forget it happened.

Yeah, you're right.

With everything going
on with Mallus, Kuasa,

and Zari mentioned
something about the ship,

we should be clear-headed.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

But, since we're gonna
flash ourselves anyway...

I mean, it's not like we'd remember.


Thank God.

Come here, Tiger.

Kill me now.


Oh, hey... Amaya and I were just...

"Groundhog Day!" One
hour, ship explodes!

You're stuck in a time loop,

and we have to stop the
ship from exploding?

Exactly, and I think that someone...

- Is triggering the explosion.
- It's probably an accident,

but we have to investigate everyone

to figure out who's causing it.

There's a lot of secrets on this ship.

- Let's start with Amaya.
- Why? So you can sex with her?

- That's crazy.
- No.

You two flashing each other
afterwards in order to forget,

that's crazy!

Why would we flash each
other after having sex?

- Focus, Nate!
- Right, ship exploding.

- Got it.
- Let's go find Rory.

Right, she probably wants
to forget how awesome it was.

Or how short.

So I've timed out a schedule.

He always leaves right about now.


Come on.

Suspicious looking box!

Careful, for all we know,

it could be the cause of the explosion.

We just gotta take it nice and...

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Oh, nice save.

Can you imagine if I tripped that?

Yeah, I don't have to imagine it.

Oh, God. Okay.

Here we go.

Damn it!

So you got all the traps?

I don't know. I've never
gotten this far before.


Why would Mick rig all these
traps for a damn typewriter?

Maybe it's his criminal manifesto.

Let me see this.

This says "bosom" far too
many times to be a manifesto.

"As the twin suns of
Dartayus set on the horizon,

"her heaving bosom undulated

"like the soothing waves of the bay.

Buck swept her into his musky embrace."

Mick's writing a sci-fi romance novel.


Well, that's the last thing I
thought I'd see before I die.

Oh, funny you should say that.

So you're saying Rory and
Amaya are in the clear.

Which is why we're gonna go visit Ray.

He's been acting twitchy.

Well, let's go spy on my best friend!

Oh, wow, that's boring.

I think we can cross him
off our suspect list.


Have you seen Zari?

I just checked the engine
room, she's not there.

No, I haven't.

I'm sick and tired of playing mom.

She's really starting to piss me off.

Well, in the meantime,
how about some tea?

It's my signature blend of
chamomile, lavender, and rose.

Very relaxing!

If you see Zari, tell
her I'm looking for her.


- Ray.
- Holy Toledo!

Where'd you guys come from?
Were you spying on me?

Of course you were, I
shouldn't say anything.

Okay, I'll tell you everything!

Constantine told me to kill Sara

if Mallus ever takes
control of her again.

Wow, dude, that's... that's heavy.

Wait, maybe Sara Malluses
out and blows up the ship!

What do you mean she blows up the ship?

Zari's caught in a time loop

and the ship explodes every hour.

- Oh, like "Cause and Effect"
- What?

"Star Trek: Next Generation"

- It's "Groundhog Day."
- Fair enough.

But "Star Trek"...

Wait, the ship explodes in an hour?

Yeah, actually, 24 minutes.

And I think someone
onboard is causing it.

- Mick.
- He's clean.

Unlike his literary erotica.

Excuse me, what?

Long story, like
literally a long story.

- So weird.
- 1,000 pages long.

There was blue.

Anyway, the captain's the only one

we haven't checked out.

For that, we need your help, Ray.

What is she doing going
into the jumpship?

With Gideon down, it's not
like she can go anywhere.

Wait, is there a way she
could cause the explosion

from the jumpship?

Could be any number of ways.

And with Mallus, who knows
what he's capable of?

I'm worried about what
we're gonna find in there.

I hope I don't have to use this.

You ready?

Yeah, let's shrink, Ray.

You sure she can't see us?

No, not when we're in stealth mode,

which really just means library
voices and no sudden movements.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What are you up to?

Oh, you know, crossword puzzles.

You look tired.

Thanks, jerk.

No, no, I didn't...

I mean, you always look good, I just...

Did you have a long day, or...

You have no idea.

There's this person on my team,

and she is reckless!

She doesn't take orders.

And it's like I want to tell her

how important she is to this team.

Because she is, but...

Sometimes, I tell you.

She does not make it easy.

What'd she do?

Well, she hijacked Gideon,
crashed our entire system

testing out some simulation software

that finds loopholes in history.

That is definitely against regulations.

Not that I haven't been
tempted to change the past.

It's just... I don't even want
to start looking for loopholes,

because then I'm gonna
start looking for ways

to save my sister,

and then I'm gonna drive myself crazy.

Yes, you will. So don't.

I'm just tired of always
being the bad cop, you know?

Believe me, I understand.

I've lost count of how many
times I've had to yell at

cadets for screwing up or bust
them for breaking protocol.

Yeah, I don't know, I feel
like you might like that.

You seem to get a kick out
of ordering people around.

Maybe, just a little bit.

Where are you calling me from?

I don't recognize that
part of the Waverider.

Welcome to the jumpship.

Are you hiding, Ms. Lance?


I am simply looking for some privacy.

Well, maybe I should come over.

Yeah, yeah, but like, I mean,

I'm sure that you are super, super busy.

It's the perks of being the boss.

I can just tell Gary I have a meeting.

Yeah, boss, speaking
of, I should probably go

check on the rest of the team,

make sure nobody's gonna
blow up the ship.


Well, yeah, if you... if
you change your mind, or...


Does Sara not realize

how hard that woman's crushing on her?

Maybe she's got no finish.

No, the Captain knows how to close.

This is something different.

Hey. She's gonna hear us.

Okay, do you hear that?
Cause I've been hearing

this high-pitched buzzing sound.

It sounds like there's
a fly in the jumpship.

Did you say a fly? You have to kill it.

You have no idea what year it's from.

You could reintroduce the plague

and have a whole other
crisis on your hands.

Look out!

"Groundhog Day," exploding ship,

personal hell.

We're stuck in a time loop!

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

It was only a matter of time
before we did one of these.

Damn, girl, you look wrecked.

How many times have we done this?

How many times have you asked me

how many times have we done this,

or how many times have
we all been blown up?

So you've been stuck in
this loop for a while?

Yeah, like forever.

It's okay.

Maybe you could use a break.

Have some fun?


I blow up every hour.


No consequences.



Not bad, Mr. Rory, not at all.

You're such an idiot.

If you wash your clothes inside out,

it keeps them looking newer longer.

Try it.

Oh, I never see you wear this.

Stop touching my clothes.

I'm just saying it's a nice color.


Hey... Amaya and I were just...

Feeling bad that you two had sex

and almost screwed up a
mission, don't care.

"Groundhog Day," ship explodes.

Wait, you're caught in a time loop?

- That's awesome!
- I can't do this anymore.

- I'm losing my mind.
- Wait, did you do the...

- Fun montage?
- Yeah.

Yeah, thanks for that.
You're a good friend.

Nothing's fun anymore.

That's not good.

Hey, take it easy!

This is the only
option I haven't tried.

Maybe it'll stop the loop.

Hey! What the hell's going on?

Don't come closer.



It's okay, let's talk this one through.

It doesn't matter,
you won't believe me.

Try me.

I keep reliving the same
hour over and over again,

and no matter what I
do, the ship explodes

and kills us all.

And I'm totally alone in it,

because for some reason, I'm the only one

that's even aware that it's happening.

And I try so hard,

but I can never save any of you.

Okay, I want to help.

Wait, you believe me?

Yeah, how much time do we have left?

All right, people, for reasons
that are too complicated

to explain right now, we
have to search the ship.

Zari says that there's a bomb,

and it's gonna explode in 30 minutes.

We have to find out why.

Okay, well, the galley is clear.

Right, and I checked
the sleeping quarters.

You went in our rooms?


The library...

What did you see in the library?

Something I can never un-see.

Guys, I think I looked
everywhere, there's nothing.

You didn't check the trash compacter.

I didn't even know there
was a trash compacter.

Well, it's not really part of the tour.


Ah, the time dweeb!

What the hell are you doing here?

Thank God you found me!

What are you doing down there?

I... I tried to portal onto the bridge,

but didn't account for drift
in the temporal zone.

My landing was hot and my
time courier broke on impact.

That's how I got stuck in here.

Not the plan, but I adapted!

Yeah, but why are you on the ship?

What the hell you got in here?

- A bomb?
- No!

No! That was our
only chance of surviving.

What do you mean?

He just destroyed the chrono-repeater

I used to initiate a time loop
in order to save you guys.

- What?
- I always wanted to die young.

Okay, nobody is going to die.

Well... actually, I got
an alert that the Waverider

exploded at precisely 4:20
temporal standard time.

- What?
- 4:20!

Get to the point, Gary.

I took matters into my own hands,

but because of my little portal mishap,

I couldn't warn you about the bomb!

But I could operate the chrono-repeater,

which is programmed to
start a one hour loop

prior to the explosion,

and I had hoped that would
give you enough time

to diffuse the bomb yourselves.

So now that this is destroyed...

There are no more time loops.

So once there's an explosion, that's it.


All right, so what you're
saying is we have five minutes

to find this bomb before we all die.


All right, people,
we've got five minutes

to find this bomb before it explodes.

We gotta think fast.

Before I portaled onto the ship,

I traced the temporal
signature of the bomb.

It originated in 1975.

So the bomb must be something
from your last mission.

It could be hidden in the heel
of one of the platform shoes.

What about that stupid song?


The one place I didn't look.

Why the hell would someone put a bomb

inside of an anachronism?

Damien Darhk must've planted it there,

knowing you'd bring it onboard.

Well, then let's get it offboard.

No, we have to diffuse it!

We can't open the doors without Gideon.

- Burn it!
- That'll make it explode.

You know, for a guy who loves fire,

you really have no idea how it works.

What about you, Zari? Come on.

This whole time that
you've been on the ship,

did you learn anything that could help?

Right. Let me think.


Sorry, Captain.

My beer is in there!

What the hell are you doing?

Look, the force field's
not strong enough

to contain the explosion!

No, but it'll keep you
guys out long enough

for me to say what I need to say.



You don't have to hide what you love.

Follow your heart, and keep writing.

Zari, we don't have time for this!

Nate and Amaya,

I'm so lucky to call you guys my friends.

Zari, the bomb!

What you guys have is so special.

I mean, the way you look at each other

honestly makes me want to
puke, but don't fight it.

You're crazy about each other.

Just don't have sex on missions.

Z, what are you doing?

What you would do, Ray.

You know, when I first came on board,

you were so nice and polite to me

that I wanted to punch you.

But I realize now the world
would be a better place

if we were all a little more like you.

But being nice and polite's
only gonna get you so far,

so do me a favor, and tell Sara
why you're so afraid of her.

Okay, sure.

But first, I'm gonna figure out

how to shut down the force field

so we can deal with the bomb.

I am dealing with the bomb.

Zari, look, you need to listen to me.

Sara, you are an infuriating,
stubborn pain in my ass.

Because you have to be.

You're not just the captain of this ship,

you are its soul.

You are so fierce and unflinching.

But why not apply some
of that fearlessness

to your own life and just
ask poor Eva out already.

Did you have a
meaningful message for me?

Not now, Gary!

Zari, let us in! We
can do this together!


I have spent so much time with you guys.

You're my family now.

You deserve to be happy, and if...

If I can be a small part
of making that happen,

then this will be worth it.

- Zari.
- Look. That won't work!

You won't be able to
contain the explosion.

Zari, you don't have to do this!

Zari, as your captain, I am
ordering you to stand down!

You should know by now I'm
not good at following orders.

You just told me what
a good captain I am,

and now you're not gonna listen to me?

Yeah, but this time, I'm
not doing it for myself,

I'm doing it for you.

I love you guys.


Who the hell are you?

You know who I am, Zari.

Even though you may have
never seen my face.


- You're real?
- Of course I'm real.

Just because I'm an
artificial intelligence

doesn't mean I don't exist.

What's happening?

If you tell me I've been
dreaming this whole time,

I'm gonna kill you, real or not.

You're not dreaming,
but you're not awake.

In real life, you're
actually in the MedBay.

Unconscious and healing.

What happened to me?

After your fight with Sara,

you went into the engine
room to make repairs,

and there was an accident.

Right, I was hit with that time sludge.

This sludge, as you call it,

is a highly volatile substance,

which helps power the ship through time.

You're lucky to be alive.

So if my body's in the MedBay,

then where is my mind?

Your mind is in here,
with me in my matrix.

I was able to upload your subconscious

via the neuro-monitor.

Well, so none of this is real?

Not in the way you're used to.

Why did you bring me here?

When you posed the question
about changing 2042,

your simulator went into overdrive

searching for an answer.

And a sampling of those
trillions of possible answers

showed me that there was one constant:


In order to save 2042, to
find your so-called loophole,

you must work with the Legends.

Hold up.

You're saying my simulator works?

Did my program predict
that I'd bail on the team?

In almost every variation
of the timeline,

your fight with Captain Lance

precipitated your leaving the ship.

So your goal was to get me to choose

to stay with the Legends.

I put you into your own program,

and devised a scenario where the only way

to successfully complete the simulation

was to grow closer to the team

and develop a bond.

What about the bomb?

It was just a plot
device I incorporated.

A problem to solve.

But the real problem was you.

If you stayed angry after
your fight with Sara,

you would've left the team.

And without you and your totem,
there would've been no chance

in the coming days to
defeat Mallus or save 2042.

So, the interactions,

the things I learned about the team,

they... they were all fake?

Everything you experienced
was extrapolated

from my current knowledge of the Legends.

While not real, what you saw was true.

It doesn't take a supercomputer
to predict that those two

would wind up dinky-tickling

once Amaya returned to the team.

This one seemed less plausible.

We'll have to ask Mr. Rory.

I am terrified and
in awe of you, Gideon.

Who knew you were such an evil genius?

And a bit of a perv.

You never bothered to ask.

It's an impressive piece
of software you designed,

Ms. Tomaz.

Is that compliment, Gideon?

Don't let it go to your head.

Are you ready to wake up now?

One last question.

Gary... why even have
him in the time loop,

if he was just gonna be stuck

in the trash compacter the whole time?

Thought it'd be funny.

Hey, rise and shine.

How are you feeling?

Oh, like my head is made of cement.

You were exposed to the
ship's Bosonic hyper-fluid

in the engine room.

Knocked you out for hours.

Oh, man, I have such a Gideon hangover.

What do you mean?

While I was out,

Gideon transported
my consciousness into a matrix.


I think you dreamt that.

No, it wasn't a dream, it was real.

Right, Gideon?

Unfortunately, I don't know
what you're talking about, Ms. Tomaz.

Oh, that is cold, Gideon.

After all that, we're still not friends?

Zari, are you sure you're okay?

Gideon trapped me in my own simulator,

so I was stuck on the Waverider
reliving the same hour

over and over again.

Needless to say, I got to know
you all really, really well.


Could be caused by the sedative dosage.

- I could look into it later.
- Yeah.

I'm telling the truth. You
know what, I'll prove it.

Sara, ask Ray what Constantine
told him about you.


Ray, what did Constantine
tell you about me?

How did you know that?

Okay, he warned me that if you
were possessed by Mallus again

and lost control, that
I... I should kill you.

Oh, such a relief to
get that off my chest.

Well, he's right.

You should kill me if
Mallus takes over again,

and you are going to need a lot of help.

Well, let's just hope it
doesn't come down to that.

Hey, you wanna get a coffee?


Aren't you wondering what
I learned about you?

Do I want to know?

You're afraid of historical loopholes

because you'd be tempted
to save your sister.

Well, not a day goes by
that I don't think about her.

I'm sorry I fried Gideon,

but I had to know if there was
a way to save my brother.

And what did the simulation say?

It said I can't do it alone.

Sounds like you're gonna need a team.

You mean it?

I've been thinking about
it, saving your brother,

and technically, it isn't a loophole.

It would be changing your past,
but your past is my future,

and as far as I'm concerned,

well, the future's an open road.

And besides, I'll probably need
your help fighting Mallus.

Hey, listen, it's none
of my business, but...

You should ask Eva out.

My relationships have
a way of ending badly.

You know, it turns out

at the end of the day,
love is worth the risk.

None of us can do this alone.


So you're saying it's
like "Groundhog Day."

That's what I was told... by you.

It's good to know matrix-me
is still a Bill Murray fan.

So, you said you wanted
to tell us something.

Yeah, you guys used
the flasher to forget

you almost blew the mission
by sneaking off to have sex.


I think we'd remember doing that.

Nathaniel, that is the whole
point of a memory eraser,

is that we don't remember.

Guys, bashing yourselves
is a temporary solution.

You need to work your stuff out.


Ray must have used a
strong sedative on her,

because there is no way we
would ever use the flash gun,

that's crazy.

It's not so crazy.


I saw Rory using it to get
that song out of his head,

and I thought that is a brilliant idea.

But Zari's probably right.

- Totally, no flash guns.
- Yeah.

We should talk about our feelings.

Yes, yes.

We'll just... we'll leave it here.

Just in case.

Not that we would ever use it.

- Who uses those things?
- Who does?

I'm busy!

You should be, you have
a lot of writing to do.

I know you're writing a
novel, and it's really good.

But that ending needs a rewrite.

I mean, Buck is such a
misfit, that at the end,

we just want to see him
embrace his new family.

Just a thought.

I wonder.

"Buck wrapped his glistening biceps

"around his busty alien queen.

"He'd lost his planet,

but found his home."

Not bad.


I am calm, I am present.

I am centered.

Wally West.

You're not an easy man to find.

No, that's the point of meditation.

Who are you?

My name is Rip Hunter.

I am trying to save the universe...

And I need your help.