Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 3, Episode 10 - Daddy Darhkest - full transcript

John Constantine pays the Legends a visit; they agree to accompany him to a present-day psychiatric hospital and are surprised to discover who Constantine is trying to help; Amaya and Nate once again come face-to-face with Kuasa.

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Previously on "Legends of
Tomorrow" and "Arrow"...

Kuasa is my granddaughter.

Darhk and his daughter
are just too powerful.

They have magic that
we don't understand.

John Constantine.

What, you've never seen magic before?

The last time we met, I saved your soul.

Now there's the demon over
there possessing a little girl.

He knows your name.

- Sara Lance.
- Who's there?

I am Mallus.


Visiting hours are over.

You never saw me and, uh,
everything is perfectly normal.

Perfectly normal.


Hey, sweetheart.

It's me again.


I didn't think you'd find me

after they locked me up in here.

His voice, it's so loud.

He says I can't fight him.

Well, let's prove the
nasty git wrong, shall we?

Come on, let's get you up.

All right, love. This,
uh, might sting a bit.

Exorcizamus te...

Omnis immundus spiritus,

omnis satanica potestas,

omnis incursio infernalis,

et virtute Domini Nostri!

Go back to the place
from whence thou come!

I cast thee out!

You cannot save this one, Constantine.

You've already failed her,

just as you failed Astra.

Omnis legio, omnis legio,

omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.

This vessel is mine.

Even now, her soul slips into the dark

to be joined by another,

a friend of yours.




How do you know Sara?

Tell me! Tell me!


I don't know how you got in here,

but I have contacted the authorities

and will press charges.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, love.

I can explain.

And don't get your pearls in a twist.

If you'll just look at this here coin...

I will do nothing of the...

Sara Lance.

What the bloody hell have
you gotten yourself into?

We'll get to your demon,
but how did you even find me?

Oh, simple, that. I
attuned a dowsing dagger

to your specific energy,
I followed it from there.

And I thought time travel was weird.

Well, you are not
wrong about that, love.


Whoo, this is one hell of
a jam jar you've got here.

I thought we gave the
Englishman to the Time Pigs.

That was Rip. This is John Constantine.

Skinny Brit in a trench coat.

Same thing.

Oh, doubtful, mate.

You see, I am an accomplished warlock,

an expert of the occult,
and a master of exorcism.

I'm also a Taurus, for
those of you taking notes.

The Anansi Totem.

- That belongs to...
- Her granddaughter.

Same totem, different
Vixen. She's from 1942.

You were saying about
that "warlock" thing?

Accomplished warlock, mate.

Well, I am charmed

to know another who
bears the family name.

It's an honor.

So, what's your story then, handsome?

I'm from another Earth,
and I'm spoken for.

Yeah, his girlfriend's a guy.

Anyway, this is too much for me.

I'm gonna watch TV.

I've nearly finished

assembling our new Nanite pistol.

Soon, it's gonna be,
"Look out, Darhks."

One blast of this baby,

and Damien's gonna wish he'd
never come back from the dead.

Well, that is, once the code's finished.

- It's not a race, Ray.
- No, of course not.

We're all winners here.

Just, you know, some winners

are faster than other winners.

This code will replicate
the combustive effects of

a Heat and Cold gun crossing
streams using nanotech,

the only thing that's
made them flinch so far.

You really wanna rush me?

No, no, no, no.

Besides, the last explosion in this lab

caused a "Freaky Friday" Firestorm.

I miss them, too.

I broke into the loony
bin to perform an exorcism.

And while I was at it,
that demon called your name.

Said you'd soon be
slipping into the dark.

And I figured if Emily's demon
knows you on a first name basis

you might know something that
can help me save you both.

I don't need saving.

And I am done fighting demons.

You think this has something to do

with the demon we're fighting?

I was speaking of them
metaphorically, but

yes, I did recently
visit the spirit world.

It's a long story, but it's probably how

the demon knows my name.

And the demon's name is Mallus.



Very handy, demon names.

Just what I need to cast
this Mallus wanker out.

Now, I don't know what you and your, uh,

dishy lot have gotten yourselves into,

but I suggest you
leave it to the experts.

So nice one for the tip.
I've got a girl to save.

Oh, not so fast. You said it yourself.

This is not just any demon,

and we've been fighting it
before you even knew its name.

And if this girl's connected to Mallus,

she might be able to
help us destroy him.

You wanna tag along for an exorcism?


That's out of the bloody question, love.

Well, we gave you its
name. So you owe us.

Well, I gave you your soul.

So you owe me indefinitely.

Hmm, all the more reason
for me to help you.

If we're lucky, Mallus hasn't cemented

his control over the girl yet.

Well, if you're looking for luck,

you're on the wrong time ship.

How's about a light, then?

Ask Mick, if you want
your face burned off.

I'm doomed either way.

We're receiving a transmission

from the Time Bureau.

It's Agent Sharpe. Or
should I call her Ava?

Just put her on, Gideon.

Ava, hi.

Any progress with Rip?

Ugh, not yet.

I just wanted to let you know that

I'm still waiting to meet
with Director Bennett.

Unfortunately no one
here believes that Rip

was right about Mallus being real.

I've even been barred from visiting him

while he's incarcerated.

It's a whole mess of red tape.

Well, if anyone can get
through it, it's you.

Thanks, I could use a
little encouragement.

Well, I think what we could both use

is a glass of wine.


Uh, well, I... I'd better go.

So I will let you know
how things progress.




First, I apologize for interrupting.

Second, that woman
clearly has a crush on you.

- Just don't.
- Come, come, Captain.

She called you for absolutely no reason.

It was just an excuse to talk to you.


Gideon, play back that last bit, please.

Gideon, don't.


Head down, eyes up, cheeks flushed.

Classic courtship signals.

Even if it was... And it is not...

We're completely different people.

I don't know, you're both strong women.

You're both obsessed
with repairing time.

You're both super hot.

Gay, not blind.

Look, Ava's the kind of girl

that you take home to your parents,

and I am the kind you
take to an exorcism.

All right, we've landed.
Where did they move her?

Can't find anyone named Emily
in the admissions record.

Guys, be careful.

You're in an asylum with a demon.

It's a twofer of terror.

Give her an additional 4
milligrams of thiopental,

and prep her for another session.

That's her.

Oh, there she is.

Thank you, I can take it from here.

I mean, her from here.

I'm sorry, who are you?

I'm Doctor...

Yeah, I'm not doing this.

Ah, nice one, love.

I'll make sure no one
else gets in our way.

Find a place for her,
and we'll rendezvous.

All right, now, uh, where
to perform an exorcism?

There's a vacant room in the east wing,

room 237.

237. Allons-y, Alonzo.

It's Kuasa.

I'll hold her off.


I don't wanna fight you.

- I just wanna talk.
- There is no time for talk.

I must protect the
moment she became his.

Emily, Emily, I need you to speak to me.


that's not my name.

Uh, guys?

That girl you're trying to save...

is Nora friggin' Darhk.

This is Damien Darhk's daughter?

How is that even possible?

They changed her name.

Looks like after Darhk was
killed by the Green Arrow,

Nora was place in Child
Protective Services.

Demons prey on the most
vulnerable of souls.

This one, she lost her name, her family.

Okay, so if we exorcise Mallus,

we can stop the family
business before it takes off.

We need her alert for an exorcism.

Nora. Nora, love.

Ah, they've got her knocked out cold.

You guys, go hit up the pharmacy.

See if you can find some adrenaline.

Screw it.

I'm gonna help Amaya. You get the drugs.

Nate, take it.

- How do I use it?
- You pull the trigger.

Leo, we really need...

Yes, drugs, pronto. On it.

Nice one.

Oh, and uh,

see if you can find me a light, yeah?

Got it!


Oh, that is a sensitive trigger.

Nate, don't!

What did you do to her?

She was gonna kill you, Amaya.

Let's get your granddaughter
back on the ship

before she thaws out.

I got the adrenaline, and what is this?

It's the Triangle of Solomon

with some elder runes
and Enochian script.

It's a trap of my own design.

Mallus will have no
chance of breaking free.

Now, I gotta warn you both.

Things are about to get a
little bit wonky in here.

Anything with an electrical current,

you might want to turn it off.

Guys, we're going dark.

Good luck.

Give it a nudge, love.

Who are you? Where am I?

It's okay, all right? You're safe.

Now, you told John here that
you heard voices in your head.

Can you tell us what they were saying?


The six.

- Six.
- Six, the six.

The number of the Beast.
Now, step aside, Lance.

It's okay.

I summon the demon Mallus.

I order you to come forth.

Step into the light!

- Nora...
- No, no, no!

That's not Nora.

I've been expecting you, Sara Lance.

Soon you'll gaze upon my true face.

Soon you will inhabit my world.

Mallus, you tosspot. I see you.

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus,

omnis incursio infernalis!

No, John.

Your tricks won't work on me!

Bloody hell.

Any ideas?

Those were my ideas.

Gaesta úr nemdai im baafed úr sháel!

She's preparing an incantation.

Maybe we should stop her.

Gaesta úr nemdai im baafed úr sháel.


Emily, are you all right?

Th... They were trying to help me,

but now he has them.

So, where are we, exactly?

Well, I think the
question is "when".

January 16th, 1969.

She sent us back in time.

Wait, is that Nora's doctor?

Apparently her taste in
jewelry never changed.

But yeah, this is all a bit weird.

Can we get your, uh,
team to come pick us up?

We can't communicate across
time without special equipment.

You mean, we're stuck here?

Well, we wouldn't wanna
stand out, now would we?


Look, they still have the
same paintings on the walls.

That's how we send a message.

The picture of the blessed
virgin that fell off the wall

when Nora was possessed

would still be hanging now in 1969.

If we write the message on
the back of the painting,

then the Legends will find it in 2017.

Sure, as long as no one redecorates

for the next 50 years.

Fingers crossed.

Mick, have you heard from
Sara or the rest of the team?

They're not answering on comms.

Well, that explains the peace and quiet.

It's fine, she's my granddaughter.

Yeah, well, tell that to your arm.

You two, take it outside.

It's week 16 of the division titles.

You know we're on a time ship, right?

- Hey, Gideon, who won the...
- No!

I haven't watched a live game
of football in three years.

I do not wanna know the score.

Sara, it's Ray. Do you copy?

Z, would you please tell her

talking to Kuasa is a bad idea?

- No.
- Thank you.

I refuse to accept that

my granddaughter is pure evil.

Fine, she's 89% evil.

Guys, I think Sara is in trouble.


Haircut, take the new girl.

Find Blondie, Fake
Snart, and Trenchcoat.

Amaya, the Med-Bay. Pretty, the library.

Water Bitche, stays in the freezer.

You know, Mick, you're really

showing some management potential.

Get out.

You ready?

Bet you wish you'd finished programming

that gun we'd been working on.

If you don't shut up about that gun,

that demon's gonna be
the least of your...



We haven't found Sara
or the rest of the team,

but we did find a strange symbol.

What's it look like?

Well, it looks like a circle
with a line above the circle,

and then there's like a U-shape
coming off of the circle.

A duck?

Welcome back to the 21st
century, you Luddites.

Incoming message from Ms. Tomaz.

What's it mean?

It's an ancient runic
symbol used by practitioners

of the dark arts for
temporal manipulation.

Oh, no.

Guys, I think Sara and Co.
got sucked into the timeline.

Gideon and I are gonna do some research

to figure out where
they're gonna get spit out.

Or we can just ask her.

She is the one who cast the spell.

Hey, uh, don't touch the meatloaf.

You'll regret it. Trust me.

This isn't my first time
in a place like this.

You know, I had this
roommate once who, um,

who thought I was her pet cat.

She would hide tuna fish
in my bed every night.

Yeah, I don't know what
was worse: the smell,

or the fact that she insisted
on calling me "Slinky."

Friends of ours came
to see you last night.

They tried to help you.

- Where did you send them?
- I don't know.

It was the demon.

He took over.

And I won't be able to
stop him the next time.

Then they'll lock me up somewhere else.

Put me on their drugs.

No, no, they won't.

We're gonna get you out of here.

We can't take her out of here.

We're dealing with a D-E-M-O-N.

I'm not five. I know
how to spell "demon."

Places like this just
make people crazier,

more vulnerable.

Isn't it best we keep an eye on her?

We can't take her on the ship.

No, not the ship.

We need somewhere sunny and boring.

Oh, that's your jam, right?


that is my jam.

We need to give this girl a chance.

Who knows, maybe she
won't grow up to hate us.


Sara... Sara...

You're getting closer, Sara.

Are you all right, love?

I'm fine. Come on.

We're almost at room 237.

They can't reach you.

Only I can.



Help me, Sara.


- Is that you?
- Please.


Captain Lance! What is it?

- There's nothing there.
- It's Mallus.

Well, I told you
there'd be repercussions

for going to the dark side.

It leaves a trace.

Now that he's sniffed you out,

he'll wanna use you, too.

You can't let him break you.

We gotta get out of here.


The painting.

I'll put a message behind it.

I'll see to her then come and find you.

- All right.
- You gotta help me.

- He's coming for me.
- All right, come on.

What do you think you're doing?

Legends, we got dropped
through time from 2017

and are now trapped in the past.

The day is January 16th, 1969.

Come quick.

So you're a time traveler.

Would you believe I'm also
from an alternate Earth?

Of course you are.

Take him to the operating room.

Hey, hey, hey. Come here, come here.

Hey, where are you
going? Here, stay with me.

- Stay with me.
- What's happening?

It's Mallus' trickery.

Fear, anger, he's using
your darkest emotions

to prime you for possession.

He wants you to be afraid.

I need you to fight him, Sara.

Feels like the mother of
all hangovers, don't it?

A shot of pickle juice
and a gin and tonic

will sort that right out.

Oh, I thought this was all over.

The blood lust, the fight for my soul,

all the crap that I've had to endure.

Well, there's always
more crap to endure.

Take it from one who's

damned his own soul to Hell.

There was a...

a girl in Newcastle.


I failed her.

Some might say you
should forgive yourself.

Well, if I could, then
perhaps I wouldn't have

the need to save the likes of poor Nora.

What about you?

Have you forgiven
yourself for your sins?

I don't deserve forgiveness.

What is that?

It's a little reminder that, uh,

you're a survivor.

Strong enough to keep even the
most powerful demons at bay.

A laundry room in a
mental asylum in 1969

might not be the worst
place to be stuck.

Are we really this damaged?

I certainly hope so.

You must find the heir.

She needs your protection.

Are you okay?

What do you care, Nana Baa?

It's strange to be
called "grandmother."

If I've learned one thing,

it's that time travel can be maddening.

I can imagine.

If you have the power to change history

and you choose to do nothing...

I choose to protect people

from those who would prey upon them.

And what about your own people?

If you really cared about them,

you'd take this ship
back to Zambesi, 1992.

I can't interfere with our fate.

Then you are a coward.

Yet you were a wonderful grandmother.

I adored you, Nana Baa.

I wanted to be just like you.

Then one night, the men came.

Please, I can't know this.

I watched the men

murder you.

Then they burned our
village to the ground.

Mother ran with Mari.

She abandoned me.


She thought you were dead.

I was alone

in a country ravaged by war.

I'm sorry, Kuasa.

I learned to embrace the pain,

using it to strike bargains
with powerful beings.

Like Damien Darhk?

What has he promised you?

Something you've refused.

A chance to protect our village.

A chance to save your life.

A chance to go anywhere, and
she chooses a coffee shop?

She just wants to feel normal.

Hey, you okay?

Mmm, feels good to be in real clothes.

Yeah, tell me about it.

So, what are you gonna order?

Oh, um,

hot chocolate,

with whipped cream and caramel sauce.

Uh, we just got her off her meds.

Do you really wanna
get her hooked on sugar?

You know what? I think
I'll have a donut, too.

Nora, would you find us a seat, please?

Thank you.

We really gotta come up with a plan,

besides taking Mallus
to a coffee franchise.

Anything's better than
that insane asylum.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

No, no, no, you are
making a serious mistake.

I am not insane! I promise!

Miss, you don't know what you're doing.

I performed thousands of
transorbital lobotomies.

After we've finished,
your disease will be cured.

- Who are you?
- We're also from the future.

And spoiler alert, you don't age well.

They found the note.

And we need to find
another way out of here.

Okay, the symbol that Nora drew

was a time travel spell, right?

So why don't we just cast

the same spell and get out of here?

She was channeling the power of Mallus

when she cast that spell.

Not even I have that kind of juice.

I do.

You said that Mallus can use
me the way that he does Nora.

So you summon Mallus
into me, I draw the rune,

same as her, and we get to go home.

And what about when the
demon is inside you, eh?

You said I was strong
enough to hold my own self.

Yeah, well, I was...
Trying to seduce you.

Oh, please. I was seducing you.

I hope no one was
trying to seduce anyone

while I was about to be lobotomized.

You know, this is why
I like to work alone.

- Okay.
- Oh, okay.

It's a... it's a musical.

- Oh, this is an easy one.
- Oh, no, no, no.

Not this again. Ray, please don't sing.

Please, please don't sing.

♪ Oh what a beautiful morning ♪

♪ Oh what a beautiful day ♪

♪ I've got a beautiful feeling ♪

♪ Everything's going my way ♪

That's... I... I can't.

You guys know this is
a state, too, right?

Yeah. Come on, my turn.

We're live on News 52 with
the latest in the ongoing...

What, what is it?

Our city's beleaguered
mayor, Oliver Queen.

Mayor Queen is facing
trial for multiple murders

including that of Damien
Darhk two years ago,

following an attempt to destroy...

- We should go.
- Yeah.

Hey, let's get out of here, all right?

There's no place you can take me.

No place he won't find me.

- Hey.
- Nora.

Nora, we... We know
you're still in there.

Hey, Nora, listen to us.

The girl is empty.

Long before you arrived, she was mine!

You have to fight him, Nora.

She feels nothing.

She is nothing.

Okay, that's enough.

Everyone, get out!

Let her go.

Your fight's not with her. It's with us.

There will be no fight.

We need backup.

Nora's possessed.

Come on.

Push back.

We're trying, but we need help.

Where's the defense?

That's what we're asking you for.

Oh, tie game.

Third and goal.

- Here.
- Thanks.

Have you seen Amaya?

She's talking to her

Wait, what?

You let her go in there?

It's fourth and goal!

Damn it, Mick!

What do you mean, you spoke
to one of our ancestors?

She came to me in a vision

and told me to protect
the new totem bearer.

I assumed she was talking about Zari,

but now I think she meant you.

You want to help me?

You're family.

Get away from her.

Put the gun down, Nathaniel.

And once you're under,
don't let the demon

coax you in any further.

You must outwill Mallus
and draw the temporal rune.

Are you sure you wanna do this, love?

You wanna stay here forever?

The ash of a slain
phoenix will hold Mallus

within his parameter.

And we'll, uh, hasten his wake up call

by combining extract of hawk weed

with the saliva of a damned man.

Which, sorry to say, love,
you'll have to ingest.

Let's summon this demon already.

All right.

All right.

Let him go.

Ab intra, resurgemus daemonium!

It's working.

Somebody out there?

What's going on? Why did she stop?

Come on, Sara. Finish it.


He's possessing you, too.

I don't like what I'm doing out there.

I don't wanna hurt them.

Hurt who?

Listen to me.

You are not Mallus.

You are not a demon.

You are Nora Darhk.

You think you can fool me?

You're one of the six.

I'm what?


Look at me. It's not your fault.

But now you get to make a choice.

You don't have to
give into the darkness.

You can fight it.

Nora, I know, because
I fight it every day.

Can you do that, Nora?

Can you help me fight?

Hey, it's okay.

It's okay. Hey, it's over.

Anytime today would be good, love.

- Come on!
- We leaving?

- We leaving now?
- Grab an arm!

Are we back?

She bloody did it.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no, don't do this to me.

Sara, come on, Sara. Come back to me.

Prove me wrong.

Oh, no.


You should really see
your face right now.

Get up.

Kuasa, don't.

If you're gonna kill
me, pull the trigger.

At least you'll have done
something to change my fate.

He can help me save you.

So that I can go home.

Let him go.

You need him, too.

Don't disappoint me, Nana Baa.

I... I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to...

Nora, look. We know that wasn't you.

You have to know that,

and you have to believe that, too.

Hey, we're gonna find you a home.

Somewhere where people understand you.

Look no further.

I heard you guys were in
town, so I just had to stop by.

Da... Daddy?

Hi, honey.

Nora, don't.

You're alive.

I... I missed you so much, Daddy.

Everyone's been so mean,

and every place I've
gone has been terrible,

but they... they kept me safe.

Your friends lied to you.

They're afraid of what you are.

You see, Mallus is no demon.

He's your savior.

Do you remember how he made you feel?

The power?

One day you'll use that
power to bring me back to you.

You just have to accept him.

Nora, look, I know it's hard,

but don't listen to him.

Look, you still have a chance...

Come to me.

That's right, my darling.

Come to Daddy.

Now, we're gonna have to
part for a little while.

But I know someone who's
gonna give you a home.

A place where they
understand your power.


The Order and I will
help you work with Mallus

so that you can bring
your father back for good.

Come on.

I know.

Family reunions can really suck.


How many times do I have
to tell you I'm fine?

Well, somehow you
managed to channel a demon

of the highest order,
and you didn't succumb.

Sara's strong.

She's the strongest person I know.


Hey, when Nora was possessed by Mallus,

he seemed scared of my totem.

He said that I was "one of the six."

And that bastard doesn't fear much.

If your totem gave him the frights,

maybe these trinkets are
the keys to stopping him.

So much for our anti-magic nanite gun.

I only know about five totems.

There's my Spirit,
your Air, Kuasa's Water.

And then there's
Earth, and there's Fire.

But could there be more?

I'll do some digging.

I have, uh, numerous
contacts I can draw on.

Well, this has been, uh, weird.

Even for me.

Well, I'll be on my way, then.

Hey, before you go, I, uh...

I just wanted to say thank you.

For helping me with Mallus, that is.

Oh, of course.

Uh, helping you with Mallus
was, uh, good for me, too.

If you ever need me to
help you with Mallus again,

just give us a call.

I'll be right there.

Although, there are
lots of people out there

with very weird demons,

and they all need my help.

Mmm, I understand.

- Good.
- And thanks for the shag, too.

That was great.


Oh, Ray. Big man.

Do us a favor, uh...

give us a hand with the
cargo door, will you?

It's actually a pretty
intuitive design mechanism.

Uh, basic open-close functionality.

I know how to open the damn door, mate.

Now, what's this about
an anti-magic gun?

Oh, uh, I was gonna put it in storage.

Well, don't.

You keep it near by.

You said so yourself,

the key to stopping
Mallus are the totems.

It could be.

But in the meantime, you may need a more

accessible solution for
a more familiar target.

Sara may not know it, but

the demon's power, it
lives inside of her.

If... or more like
when she succumbs to it,

you're gonna need that gun.

As always, this is a
non-smoking aircraft.

Uh, don't worry, Gideon, sweetheart.

I'll see you around, Squire.

That guy's cool.

Of the highlights so far,

there was the interception by...

Hello, friend.

Would you mind, uh, turning
that off for a second?


Okay, um,

just wanted to say I'm grateful.

Grateful I was allowed to tag
along with you and the Legends.

It was...

it was an experience, and, uh...

- an education.
- Likewise.

I'm proud to know you, and...

This is hard.

This is me saying goodbye.

Take care of yourself, Mick.

You too.

You know he's still watching TV, right?

I wasn't watching T...

Just a little bit.

On that note, Captain Lance.

I'm going home.

I'm gonna ask Ray to marry me.

- Ray?
- My Ray, not your Ray.

Wow. That is a bold move.

It is.

It just feels like it's
time to sign up for a...

Different kind of adventure?

A different kind of adventure, exactly.

Snart... I mean, Leo.

See you around.

I'll see you around.

Gideon, can you get me
a line on Ava, please?

Yes, Captain.

Would you like some privacy as well?

Cheeky bot.

Captain Lance, I was
just about to call you.

Really? I mean, cool.

'Cause, uh, I just
wanted to compare notes,

and I thought that maybe if you'd like

to come to the ship...

There's no time.

I finally got through
the bureau's red tape,

and it seems Director
Hunter has escaped.


Well, where is he?

We have no idea.