Inuyasha (2000–2004): Season 7, Episode 14 - The Lucky But Two-Timing Scoundrel - full transcript

Inuyasha tekks Kaede that Kikyo is still alive. Kagome is depressed that Inuyasha still has feelings for Kikyo. She goes back to the present day without telling Inuyasha. Inuyasha follows Kagome to her house, but Kagome destroys the bike that she had received from her mother.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It all started with the Sacred Tree.

Fighting and searching for our dreams...

and a strong bond is formed between us.

A new hope!

A bright future begins now!

It's a secret from Inuyasha.

I'm back in the modern era and
I'll be able to relax for a change.

At least, that's what I thought...

My classmates Eri, Yuka and
Ayumi start pestering me about

meeting Inuyasha and create a fine mess!

The final shard guides us!

On the other side of the well,

a new day awaits in the age of warring states!

A Feudal Fairytale!


The tears shed for another

Dareka no tame naga su namida

trace a path down your cheeck, as if they are a prayer.

iinori no you ni woha ni tsutau

Please don't hide them as if they're a weakness.

Sore wo yowaza to kakusa naiide

Please accept them as a kindness.

Yasashi za touke iirete

The sun will only shine

Kokyu sae mo wasure saseru

in the sky I find within your eyes,

hitomi no naka ni mitsuke tasora

which makes me forget to breathe.

taiiyou dakeka kagyaii te ru

What are you continuing to search for?

Nani wo sagashitsuzukeru?

On the day you looked into the mirror and made a vow,

Kakami wo mitsume chikaata ano hi

you must have already seen

anata ni wa kiito mieteta

that wings grow from your back.

jibun no sanaka ni mo tsuwasa ga aruto

You change; the world changes.

Anata ga kawari sekaii ga kawaru

Flames of love, reach my dream,

Yume ni todoke aii no honou

passing over the wavering mirage.

yura yura shinkiruo koete

Let there be light in the sky, water on the earth,

Sou ni wa hikari daichi ni mizu wo

and strength in your heart.

sono kokoro ni tsuyosa wo

The Angelus will reach the future

Miraii hetadori tsuku Angelus

with fragments of passion in its hands.

jounetsu no kakera wo teni shite

Well, I'm off.

Okay. Take your time over there.

We'll be doing some recuperating, too.

Those rats chewed them up pretty bad.

Use the medicine.
I'll bring more.




Never mind. We'll be seeing you.


She's gone.

I see...

Sister Kikyo, huh?

So my sister is still in this world...

You don't seem very surprised, Kaede.


A little while ago, two girls who seemed like shikigami appeared

and took dirt from my sister's shrine.

That dirt was probably used to heal wounds

which were inflicted on her by Naraku.

I don't know how you feel about it,

but I'm glad that Kikyo was saved.


the one who saved Kikyo from being eaten away by Naraku's miasma

was Kagome.

I see... Kagome?

It's been so long!

This feels so good...

Buyo, you're heavy.

I wonder how Inuyasha is doing...


I came back without telling him.

I hope it's okay.

Kikyo seemed to have regained her spiritual powers and looked well...

but she disappeared again.

Maybe Inuyasha really wanted to go after her.

Even on the way back to
Old Kaede's village,

it felt awkward speaking to him.

I guess I'm second fiddle to her.

Why? Why'd you let Kagome go back?

We don't have to ask you permission for everything, do we?

- Inuyasha...
- Huh?

Weren't you telling Kaede about Kikyo?

So what of it?

She couldn't interrupt you.

Kagome was being considerate of you.

I wasn't...

I wasn't telling her anything that I didn't want overheard!

And you blame me?!

Oh...! Be quiet!


Good try...

But I guess it only works when Kagome says it.

Hah! Of course, stupid!

For a second, I thought it would work.

Geez! At this rate, he'll never repent.

W-What's this?

A hand-me-down from our neighbor.

You said your bike was lost over there, didn't you?

It's a bit rusted, though.

No, I'm really grateful.
Thank you, Mom!

Sis, aren't you going to school?
You'll be late!

Just a bit longer.

It's gonna get dirty as soon as you take it back there.

Never mind.

It's not bad when Inuyasha carries me on his back,

but I can really use this.

There! Perfect!

It's sparkling!

Hey! Kagome!




Inu... yasha...

Did you come to play again?

I don't have time for that.

Hey Kagome, why'd you leave without asking for?

What do you think you're doing?!

You broke it, stupid!

W-What're you talking about?



It's bent!

Sis, you polished it until it was so shiny, too.

Just do this and it'll go back...



I-I just have to fix it, right?

Do not touch it!


It's okay...

But you're upset!

It's okay...

It's not okay!


- Good morning!
- Good morning!

Geez, what's he doing here?!

And he seems upset about something.

No joke!


Oh, Kagome!

Yuka! Eri!

It's been a long time!

Huh? What's with the long face?

What? Did something happen with that boyfriend of yours?

How come they're always so sharp?


Are you serious?

That's tough.

So your delinquent boyfriend is two-timing you again?

Well, sort of...

There are circumstances that can't be helped.

So he's cheating on you

because he can't choose between you and the other woman?


Choose me or the other woman?

I know that Inuyasha has feelings for Kikyo.


I was the one who decided to stay by him.

I thought it was okay because I like Inuyasha.

It's okay if he can't make up his mind,

but it's the pits if he's decided who's first and who's second.

Huh? First and second?

You mean who he likes better?

I see...

His first love or Kagome.
Who does he like more?

Well, who is it?

First or second...

Well, I guess I'm probably second...

You know, Kagome...

being second isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Second stock is good for miso soup

as well as for stewed dishes.

But fine restaurants always use first stock.


But remember...

in baseball, the catcher is number two.

He's the control tower calling the pitches.

And there's the second actor in kabuki and he's always handsome!

You're right.



Maybe you'd be better off not seeing him, Kagome.


That's one way to deal with it.

But I can't help it,

if he follows me home.

Even today, from so early in the morning...


He's at your house?


I want to see!

I want to see him!

Kagome's delinquent boyfriend!

Here. Help yourself.

Can it be fixed?

I think so.

I heard that she got this from somewhere

to replace the one that got broken over there.

Yes, our neighbor gave it to her.

I'm sorry.


For breaking it.

But you're going to fix it, right?


Do your best.


Somethin' like this...

you just...


It collapsed!

Dammit! Why doesn't it work?!

What the...!

Leggo of me!

Leggo, I said!

Won't listen, huh?


Take this!

Iron-Reaver, Soul-Stealer!

No way can one or two rings...

defeat me!

I wonder what kind of boy he is... this selfish, two-timing ruffian boyfriend.

I can't wait!

I didn't think they'd really come along.

Just awhile earlier, they were telling me not to see him!

L-Look, we're all busy with exams.

This is no time for...

It's okay.

This is more important.


Besides, we have to scold him for hurting you.

Please don't! If you do that, he'll have a fit!

Have a fit?

He's sounding more and more unlikable!

We'd better put him in his place!

This is bad!

I can't let them meet Inuyasha!

He's a half-demon and

I can't let his identity be revealed.

This is all Inuyasha's fault!

Coming around uninvited!

Kagome seems troubled again.

Maybe you said too much, Eri.

Huh? It's my fault?!

Maybe we shouldn't.

You're right.

No matter what kind of person he is,
Kagome likes him.

And to root her on...

is what friends would do.



Don't worry.
We're on your side, Kagome!


No matter how violent he is...

No matter how two-timing he is...


I'm home!

Oh, Inuyasha!

Whaa...! What is this?!

An iron cart...


It looks worse than it did this morning!

What'll I do?!

If I don't fix it,
Kagome will...

Why don't you just pay her back?


Isn't this the Adamantite stone that you mentioned?

Yeah, that's it!

This is called a diamond.

With one of these, you can buy lots and lots of bicycles.

Then leave it to me!

I'll make oodles of 'em with my Tetsusaiga!


You can?

Just watch me!

Adamant Barrage!


Adamantite spears are supposed to come out.

Inuyasha, don't break anything more than you already have!

Geez! What a bother!

Then how's this?!


Stop! That's dangerous!

Lemme at it until they come out!

No way!



Inuyasha wants to work part-time.

He'll work really hard for breaking the bicycle.

Hah! I'm really expensive!

Oh boy, I'm home already.

What am I going to do?!

It's even more trouble to explain to Inuyasha

that he's not to come out.

Kagome's back has "anguish" written all over it.

When we meet her delinquent boyfriend, let's be nice to him.

Even if he has a gangster haircut?

And even if his pants are purple or pink!



W-What's that?!

An avant-garde sculpture?



- Is that her boyfriend's name?
- Hey, I know you're here!

- Maybe that's his gang name.
- Come out!

- He's a delinquent, right?
- Inuyasha!

Awright! This one goes here.

And, next is this one!

Part-timer, that box goes over there.



Oh, I think Kagome is calling you.

You probably imagined it.


Oh, bring that jar over here.

Huh? This one?

Don't you dare break it!

That jar has a storied history.

Be very careful...


Aghh! The jar!

Wasn't me!


He's in the shed.

What's wrong?


Grandpa, where's Inuyasha?

He... ran away.


He breaks everything!


I-I think he already left.

Huh? Boring!

We were looking forward to it!

But he comes around quite often, right?

W-Well, not really.

Oh well, I think it worked out.

After all, he's so weird.

Kagome, come and get the tea.

All right.

Make yourself comfortable.

Too bad.
I wanted to see him.

I'll say!

We came all the way here.

Hey Kagome.

You've been upset since this morn-

You wouldn't happen to be...?


Could he...

You guys...

The Pekopon who ran amok at the school play!

Huh?! The one who had a run-in with Hojo during the cultural festival?

That was Kagome's boyfriend?!

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Did Kagome ask you to do that back then?

Err... yeah.


Why is Inuyasha...?

They're going to find out that he's a half-demon!

When did you start seeing Kagome?

It's been a while.

That kimono... Do you work at the shrine?

Your eyes are an unusual color.

Do you bleach your hair?

I was born with it.

It's such an unusual color.

Think so?

Can I touch it?

Yeah, but you're weird.

- They're carrying on a conversation.
- It's so soft!

Say, is he half?


Well, Kagome?

Umm... well...

I guess.

He's a half-demon, after all.

Oh... he's so cool!

So divine!

I'm jealous, Kagome!

So cool!


- You lived overseas?
- When'd you come here?

Thank you very much!

I'll be seeing you.

Kagome, he's not as bad as you made him out to be.

Yeah, I thought he'd look and dress like a street gang member.

Umm... well...

He is a bit different, though.

He's not at all like I had imagined.

See you!

You two get along!

Now the problem is Hojo.

Yeah, he doesn't know about the boyfriend.

Were they praising Inuyasha?

All right! They think he's cool!

Oh, Kagome...

You don't need it, do you?
That thing.


What thing?

That iron cart!

I'll carry you, right?



I told you, Grandpa,

Inuyasha said he can create diamonds with Tetsusaiga.

Why don't you make him repay you?

One, two...

I'm missing the third.

You don't believe me, Grandpa?

It's missing...

It's okay.

I'll apologize to Mom.

Huh? You're not angry?

It just... doesn't matter to me.

Brand-new world Atarashii yume no hajimari

A brand-new world, the beginning of a new dream.

Gooru mezasu tabi wa tsuzuiteyuku itsu datte

The journey will always continue to take us to our goal.

Brand-new mind jyounetsu o daite tsugi no DOA made

A brand-new mind we've embraced the passion,
we have yet to see the world past the next door.

Mada minu sekai e saa, hashire

So come on, and run!

Mijin mo nai nozomi no hoshi ni mo

There is no trace of the hope from the stars,

kono te nobashi muriyari tsukan dari

I've reached out to grab with my hand.

yamikumo na bokura wa doko ni itai?

Where do those as reckless as we want to be?

Ari no mama Let's go and try

As it is, Let's go and try.

susume yo shimei wa One way

One way to go and take on our mission.

Aru ga mama Do it! Ready?

Honestly, we'll Do it! Ready?

Saigo wa negai ni todoku n da

We can reach the dream in the end.

Brand-new world Atarashii yume no hajimari

A brand-new world, the beginning of a new dream.

Gooru mezasu tabi wa tsuzuiteyuku itsu datte

The journey will always continue to take us to our goal.

Brand-new mind jyuunutsu o daite tsugi no DOA made

A brand-new mind we've embraced the passion,
we have yet to see the world past the next door.

Mada minu sekai e saa, hashire

So come on, and run!

A young girl who is chosen to be the bride of a demon

makes a shocking confession!

I'm telling you that I was betrothed to Miroku!

I'll forgive you!

I'll forgive the past,

so come and live with me at the bottom of the lake.

Sango! I can explain!

Don't come near me!

I guess this wasn't meant to be.

Next on Inuyasha:
"Miroku's Past Mistake"

Sango, can't you trust me at all?