Hidden (2018–…): Season 3, Episode 6 - Hidden - full transcript

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I know it's been difficult...

..but I'm going to fix things...

..for both of us.

I should've talked to you.
I screwed up.

If moving away is what you need,
I won't ask you to stay.

I wouldn't do that to you.

Father Richard McEwan
was found this morning.

The same person
killed Ifan Williams.

Where are we going, Sion?
On an adventure.

Glyn Thomas and his brother,
Sion Thomas.

Their last known address is local.

It might be out of date
but that's where we start.



Sorry to disturb you.
It's fine.

DS Vaughan wanted you to know that
he's on his way to the farm.

Send a patrol car to be stationed
there until we find Sion and Glyn.

Have the neighbours
given us anything?

PC Davies is with them now.

Road blocks have been set up on all
A-roads within a 30 mile radius.

A description of the car and
its PNC number have been circulated.






I'll need to speak to her. Now.

Text me the address.

Where are we?



I said come on!


And they'll stay
until they catch him?

Of course.

You're perfectly safe...

..though it would be best
to bring your mother-in-law here.

I promise. You're safe.


I can't believe it.

I don't understand why.

Siwan, come and sit down please.

I'm afraid we've uncovered
some information about Ifan's past.

Sion's mother, Branwen,
was killed in a house fire.

The fire was started deliberately...

..but because of a lack of
physical evidence...

..and an absence of any real motive,
no-one was ever charged.

I'm afraid to say...
Stop... please.

..it seems that Ifan
was behind the attack.

I'm sorry.



So this was revenge?

It's too early to say for sure
but it seems that way.

He always had
what I thought was confidence.

That's what I liked about him.

But, in time,
I saw it wasn't confidence.

It was a sense of entitlement.


I don't think anyone ever said 'no'
to him in his life.

I can't believe he was so cruel.

That poor family.


How come you're down here?

Can't sleep?

Come on. Back to bed.



Miss Lewis?

Yes. Come in.

Alys said you'd noticed a change
in Sion's behaviour...

..over the past few weeks?

Can you explain
what you meant by that?

I went to see him this afternoon...

..and there was something more...

Something different.

Why did you go and see him?


What is it?
What aren't you telling me?

He phoned me last night.

OK. What did he want?

I didn't pick up.
It was the middle of the night.

What time?


Then, this morning...

..I heard what had happened
on the estate.

He's been really agitated lately.

Do you think that he...?

We don't know.

What we've got to do now
is find him, OK?

This is important.

Can you think of anywhere he'd go?

I'm sorry... I can't believe it.

Glyn is definitely with him?

Oh my God!

What have I done?

This is not your fault.

I should've gone back there
last night.

I shouldn't have listened to him.


He told me
never to go back there again.

To never think about them again.

So I left.

And I saw Glyn...!

I should have taken him with me
and I don't know why I didn't.

Do you think Sion
could ever hurt Glyn?

Sion loves Glyn.

He loves his brother.

That's not what I'm asking.


Where are we?

What are we doing here?

Come on.

No sightings as of yet.
They can't have vanished.

I don't like this.
We've got to find them.

(OVER RADIO) This is Victor 276.

There's been no sightings of
the suspect on the A461 as of 23.45.

We continue to patrol the area.

Thanks. Over.


Where was he working?

Sion - where was he working last?

At the old hospital.
We interviewed him there.

That's where they are.

All patrol vehicles...

..report to co-ordinates 11 44 62.


Come on.

(VAUGHAN) There! It's their car.

Organise the checkpoint.
I'll go on ahead.

Be careful.


DS Vaughan to HQ.

All officers at Awel Fan,
report to me at the main entrance.

I used to wait here...

..for you, for Mam...

..after your appointments.

Do you remember?

I'm getting wet, Sion.
I wanna go home.

I used to wait here.

It was safe.

Hidden away.

No-one could see you.

It was like a den.

We were... we were so happy.
You must remember!

I don't know.

Maybe I do...

Don't do that! Don't lie to me.

I don't know what you want, Sion!
I want...! I want it back.

That's what I want, I want it back!
I want that feeling of being safe.

We are safe.

We are happy.

What are you talking about?

Nothing changed.

Of course things changed!

Everything changed!

Not for me.

Heading into the building.

I want every entrance
to this place covered.

Stand back until I give you
the command and no lights.

Repeat, no lights.

Glyn, come on!

You said you'd come with me.
You said we'd go home.

We will... just after this,
I promise.

You trust me, don't you?

Ty'd laen.

Vaughan, they're up on the roof.

I need backup... now!

Hey, it's alright.
Just don't look down.

I don't like it up here, Sion.
I wanna go back.

We're alright.

We're always gonna be alright.

What are you doing, Sion?

Let's go back.


Let's go together.

Ti a fi.
Sion, stop!

I'm scared.

We were happy, weren't we?

Sometimes, you've just got to
do things so that everything's fair.

Sion, no.

So that everyone's looked after.

I don't want to.

Come on!


Come... come and see!


No! Listen to me!

I said no!

I told you I wanted to go home.

I don't wanna do this.

Sion! What are you doing?

Come back.

Don't, Sion!

Don't, Sion!




I have to go home now.

Glyn, take my hand.

Glyn, come with me.
You're safe now, it's OK.

I'm sorry, Sion.

Glyn, come to me.




My name is Cadi.

I'm here to listen.

Your brother's OK.

You're OK.

I'm tired...

I'm so tired!


..I can see you've suffered.

I can feel it.

Tell him I'm sorry.




I'm going to miss this.

It's hard to find someone
you can be quiet with.

How's Glyn?

We've kept him
in the soft interview room.

We'll just run him through
the events as they happened.

See what he says.


You going to get that?

I'll call back later.



It's 10.30am
on Sunday the 14th of February.

Present are DCI Cadi John and...

..please state your names
for the tape.

William Hewitt.
(CRACKED VOICE) Sion Thomas.

Sion Thomas, you've been arrested
for the murders of Ifan Williams...

..and Father Richard McEwan.

Do you understand that?


Ifan Williams was killed
on his way home...

Where's Glyn?

He's being questioned.

Is there someone with him?

He has to have
an appropriate adult with him.

Yes. We're aware of that.

All procedures are being followed.

He'll be treated well.
Of course he will...!


..I don't need any more evidence.

I have matching DNA profiles
at both murder scenes...

..and I suspect that, when the
sample you gave us comes back...

In theory, we could all go home.

On paper, everything's sewn up.

The thing is...

..life tends to be
more complicated than that.

I want you to look at these.

I want you to tell me why.

Why a hard-working young man...

..a carer...

..decided to murder two men?

Two men you'd known for years.

How could you
squeeze the life out of them...

..until you crushed the bones
in their necks?

Help me to help you.


The thing is...

..I have a duty.

A duty to these men's families.

To Ifan's wife... his child.

He had a son... a little boy.

Five or six years old?

I have to somehow
make sense of this for them.

It must have been difficult for you,
growing up.

Your father left...

..then you lost your mother and,
overnight, you became Glyn's carer.

Glyn isn't a problem... a burden.

He's my brother.

I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be

Weren't you?

You sit there...


Looking in.

You think you understand.

My mother died young too.

Car accident.

I was with her.

I watched her die.

I could do nothing about it.

There was something about
that feeling.

That helplessness.

It leaves a mark.

You never want to
feel like that again.

You want to control things
so you are the one making decisions.

You are the one who has the power...

..the ability to change things.

To do things.

I think that's what
you're doing now.

Trying to control things.

You think so?

I did it.

I'm sorry?

I did it.

I killed them both.

Mr Thomas...!

I don't need your help.

We both know how this goes.

Charge me.

Jail me.


..what I'm doing here
is giving you the opportunity...

..to set the record straight.

What does it matter?

The truth matters.

I told you...

..I did it.

That's the truth.

(VAUGHAN) I have to record
the conversation, if that's OK?

I know this must be difficult.


I need you to walk me through
what's been happening at home.

Can you tell me what things
have been like with Sion...

..over the last few weeks?

About a week ago,
Sion came home late one night.

He was washing his hands. I saw him.

There was blood on his clothes.

I thought maybe he'd cut himself
or something.

Has he done something really bad?

I'm afraid so.

What will happen to Sion?
Sion is being interviewed.

Eventually, he'll go to court...

..and, if he's found guilty
of one or both murders...

..he'll be sent to prison
for a long time.

How does that make you feel?


I know he did the wrong thing...

..but he's family.

I'm so sorry.

Will I be able to see him?

I don't think so.

Listen, I'll...

I'll see what I can do.
Thank you.

Do you have a family?

Yes, a partner.

We have a little girl.

I'd like to have children.
I think you'd make a great dad.

Me too.

How's it going?

Full admission.

Isn't that good?
For who?

It's like he's given up.

There's no fight in him anymore.

He doesn't trust me.
Doesn't trust any of this.

If he won't talk,
how can I help him?

You'll get there.

It only takes a few words sometimes
and everything changes.


What did he say to you?

You were drinking at the bar
and you both left at the same time.

Tell me, Sion, please...

You go to the toilet
and he follows you.

He comes back
but your drink is left on the bar.

He said something...

..and you left because
you couldn't process what you heard.

What was it? A few little words.

He leant in...

..and he said...?

He said...?

He said...?

I lit the match.

He said, "I lit the match."

He laughed.

He killed her for a laugh.

For a joke.

And this place, this world,
let him do it!

What did you do?

Everything changed in that moment.

I left. I waited.

I followed him.

I asked him.

He just laughed.

He laughed.

I picked up that rock.

I wasn't going to.

I just wanted him to see...

And Father McEwan?

He came over a few days later...

..and I knew he knew something.

My mother trusted him.

She asked him to look after us...

..but he knew.

He knew that fire
wasn't an accident.

So you confronted him?

I wanted to know if it was true.

He wouldn't admit
he'd done anything wrong.

He had his vows... his duties.

To who?

He was a liar.

He betrayed us.
He betrayed my mother.

And do you know
what the worst thing is?

I betrayed her too.

She taught us to keep quiet.

She taught us
to turn the other cheek...

..but I couldn't.

I just couldn't do it anymore.

Because you're human.

What happened to your mother
was unforgivable.

What happened to Ifan and to
Father McEwan was also unforgivable.

That's the problem with hate.

It grows. It spreads.

No-one would have expected you
to understand...

..what happened to your mother...

..but we would have helped.

Your mother wouldn't have judged you
as harshly as you judge yourself.

She loved us so much.

The way she was
is such a rare thing.

I'm so sorry...


So am I.


I don't feel anything.

I thought there'd be... something.

Relief... anger.

I just feel empty.

It's the shock.

It took me years, after Dai,
to even cry properly.

It'll come.

The feelings will come.

The trick is to let them in...

..because, by then...

..you'll be coping.

(GUTO) Mam! Come here!

And you won't be alone.


It's going to be alright.

Things will be alright.

I'm going home.

Well, I guess
I won't see you tomorrow.

That's quite enough of that.

I never liked you anyway...!


I'll be alright you know.

I know.

I'm home now.