Hidden (2018–…): Season 3, Episode 5 - Episode #3.5 - full transcript

DCI John is informed that a body has been found at a remote petrol station outside Ffestiniog. Suspecting the worst, Cadi issues a warrant for Mia's arrest, but all efforts to trace her fail.

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This is a family home,
my family home.

I'm afraid it isn't any longer.

I'm sorry things
went the way they did,

but you could also think of it
as a new beginning.

I really screwed
things up with Rachel

and I don't know how to fix it.

Maybe I'm not the best person
to give advice

but don't give up on her, Cadi.

Hello? Sion?

Is that you?

I've found an address
for John Lloyd.

You were friends with Ifan Williams.

Can you think of a reason anyone
would have to hurt him?

Sorry, isn't that your job?

Truth is justice.

Tell me who knew.

I cannot and will not.







Caught red-handed.

Don't mind if I join, do you?

You still not sleeping?No.

You and Rhyds are OK?Yeah.


Just getting back into a
routine of Rhyds, Lois and Twm.

I don't know, it's like I lost
my place when I left

and I'm just trying to find
it again.

And how are things with Lois?


We never got to this stage
with Mum, did we?

Winging it is an understatement.

No, you're doing great.

I keep thinking about Dad.
Three girls of this age.

I mean, I feel out of my depth.

I know now why he spent
so much time at work.


..are you going to tell me
how things are with Rachel?

Not great.

I think I've messed up a bit.

I really miss her.

I didn't mean to hurt her.

I didn't realise how much...

..it would hurt me.

You know, Rhydian and I,
we've always argued,

always wanted different things.

I remember going to see Dad
once after a row,

and he said that he and Mum used to
fight, like, really often.

I know.

But he also said the only thing
you can do is get up again

in the morning and choose
each other again every day.

If you do that,
then everything will turn out OK.

We're just on different paths.

Well, maybe that's just an excuse,
and saying things like that

to yourself just allows you to keep
on doing what you're doing.

It allows Rachel to be a dream,
something that you could have had

if you'd reached out
or done this or done that.

The trouble is, Cads,

dreams can be cold.

They lead to empty beds and regrets.

Isn't it better to know?

Even if it doesn't work out.

I'd better go back up.

Love you.


Morning.Morning. I've just made
a pot of coffee if you want some.


Whoa! Hoy!

See you all later. Bye.

Hey, I'll pass it to you.

Thank you.




You shouldn't be in here, Sion.
You disturb the birds.

What are you doing?

The hawk, I told you about it.

I must get rid of it.

Hannah said that this is what her
dad used to do.

She said it was kinder this way.

I can't get the birds out
until he's gone.

I don't know if I can do this, Sion.

Hey, it's OK.

Sometimes we have to do things
we don't want to do.

But it's for the best.

And there's no-one to blame
for that.

It's just the way
it works out sometimes.

Why did you sleep in the shed?

I was home late.

I didn't want to disturb you.
Where were you last night?

Does it matter?

You're big enough to look
after yourself, aren't you? Course.

Are you going into the woods now?
Once I've done this.

You smell. Go and have a shower.

I'll see you later, yeah?

Cadi. A word?

I wanted to give you this in person.

Your formal transfer notice,
it arrived this morning.

Aren't you going to open it?
Oh, I'll open it later.

I wanted to ask how you'd feel
about being on the interview panel

to find your replacement.

Your insight would be invaluable
and I know you'd want to make sure

that we find the right partner
for Vaughan.

Yeah, no. Yeah, of course,
if you think it'll help.Thanks.

Have you started to think
where you might live over there?

No. No, not yet.

Thank you.





It's Lea.



I'm sorry about yesterday, I just...

Just panicked.

No joy?

Don't know.

I was here last night trying
to find something, anything.

Keep trying to put
the pieces together

and hoping something new
will come up.

Isn't that the definition
of madness?

Doing the same thing
over and over again

and hoping for a different result.

Better be nice to me.

Lynn's just asked me to help
find your new partner.

Well, whoever it is can't be much
worse than the last one.

Sorry to interrupt.
Someone just called in.

A body's been found on the estate.

It looks like an assault.
Got an address?

I've already dispatched
a unit to the scene. Thanks.

Let's go.


I'll join you in a minute.

Ma'am. Thank you.

Any sign of forced entry?Nothing.

Weapon?Not obvious.

Do you think there's a link
to the Ifan Williams case?

Ma'am. Path's here.

I'll leave you to it.


What time was it called in?

Less than an hour ago.

I'll need you to
clear the scene for me.

Of course.

It's all yours.

Lea Pryce?Remember her? Yeah.
She's the one that called it in.

She is still at the same address.

Small world.

OK, I'll head over there now.

See if you can get a list
of his parishioners.

I think we should start there.

He came over last night.

Didn't even let him in.

Just... Just left him standing
on the doorstep.

Do you remember what time that was?

Like ten-ish?

And that was the last time
you saw him? Heard from him?

I woke up this morning to this,
this mess.

I don't know, it's...

Something just clicked.

I couldn't do it any more.

I just wanted to see him.

Promise him that I wouldn't keep...

..tripping myself up.

Can you think of anybody that would
have a reason to do this to him?



He was a good man.

He was trying to help me,

they're trying to take
this house away from me.

I was so angry - but not with him.

Lea, there was no way you could have
known that this was going to happen.

I keep saying it's just me now.

It's like they're trying
to force me away.

From Mali and Dad.

But they're the things
I'm holding on to.

Sometimes I think that we confuse
places with people.

Those memories you've got,
they can't take those away from you.

That's what Father McEwan said.

He was right.

Sometimes I just feel like death
and these things, they just...

..they just follow me around
like I attract them or something.

No, that's not true.

What happened to Mali and your dad
had nothing to do with you,

and this has nothing to do with you.

Father McEwan saw your worth.

He wants you to do well.

Didn't deserve it.

Sounds like he believed you did.

What you've got to remember
is that you, you went there today,

you made that decision.

He'd be devastated
if this derailed you.

I'd say it's even more
of a reason to carry on.

Maybe that's all that matters,
whether you stay here or move on.

And if Father McEwan helped
you see that, then...

..he really was a good man.



Sorry, I had to leave.That's OK.

I was hoping we could talk.

It's actually about the case.

It's just everything so far
points to a strangulation.

Bruising around the front
of the neck, broken cartilage.

It's, I have to say, it's very
similar to the injuries found

on Ifan Williams,
except in this case,

there are no immediately apparent
defensive wounds.

So he didn't fight back.
It seems not.

And it's unusual not to see
a victim offer any resistance.

I'd expect it if the attack
came from behind

and the victim got caught off guard.
But that's not the case here?

The lesions are on the larynx.

The attacker was standing right
in front of him, eye to eye.

Does that help?

Er, I don't know.

I suppose it does.

Have to wait and see.

Anyway, I thought you should know.


OK. I'd better go. Rach...

Will you think about it?

Us talking.


Get in.

Where are we going?
As far as I can tell,

there's only one person that
connects the two victims.

Let's see if he'll talk.

Sion, it's me.

Look, I know you're probably
at the site,

but I really need to speak to you.
Call me back, please.

Glyn, it's Hannah.

Just calling to say hi,
see how you are.

Can you call back when you get this?




Sion, I know you're in there.

And I've still got my key.

What do you want?


What are you doing?

Sion? You need to tell me what's
going on. Nothing's going on.

Don't bullshit me. You told me
to stay out of your life.

Now you have to stay out of mine.

Are you in trouble? You have to go.

This isn't like you.

OK, what's happened?
Nothing's fucking happened.

You're the one who's turned
up in my house shouting.

OK, Sion, you just need...
Just shut up!

Where's Glyn?

He's out.

OK, then why was the door locked
and you're just sat in the dark?

Will you just fucking go!
No, I won't just fucking go.

Get off me!

I'm sorry.

You can't help me, Han.

You just can't.

I can.

We can talk about this. OK?

Whatever it is,
we can talk about it.

What the fuck do you want from me?



I need to ask you something,
and I really don't want to,

but I need to know.

Was it you...?

Was it you who killed that man?

Do you think it was me?

I don't know.

I don't know, I need you to tell me.

You've changed so much.

Have I?

Or have I always been like this
but you refused to see it?

If it was you, Glyn...

You'd be leaving him,
and he's already lost his mother.

How could you do that to him?


And just so we're clear,

whatever we had, whatever it was,
is gone.

I need you to go.


And you've got to promise
to never think about us again.



I did it.

It's all right, Glyn.

It had to be done, didn't it?

I saw Hannah.

What did she want?

She was worried about you.

About me.

And she was right.

We need to stick together, don't we?

It was for the best, Glyn.

The hawk was a threat, wasn't it?

You fixed the problem.

That's what you do when you have to
look after things.

Are you OK, Sion?

I know it's been difficult.

But I'm going to fix things.

For both of us.


Cadi. Hi.They said
you were on your way back.

I won't keep you.
DNA profiling from earlier.

They owed me a rush order.

Could have picked up the phone.

I wanted to give this
one to you in person.

What's the top line?

Secondary DNA from the
priest matches DNA

from the Ifan Williams case.

Confirming the same assailant?
Yeah, safe to say.


I should have talked to you.

I screwed up.

Listen, if moving away
is what you need,

I'm not going to beg you to stay,
I wouldn't do that to you.

So, I've really got to go.
Go on, go.

Where are we going, Sion?

On an adventure.

OK, so this is what we know.

Ifan Williams - murdered,
death by asphyxiation.

Farmer, heavily in debt.

He's in the system.
Petty stuff going way back.

Teenage troublemaker.
Nothing exceptional.

We know that around this time
there's a terrible tragedy.

A house fire - arson.

Branwen Thomas, an auxiliary
nurse, died in the blaze.

Red diesel accelerant,
impossible to trace.

No clear motivation.
No previous threat to life.

The case is never solved.

Nothing at the time that would point
towards Ifan Williams.

20 years later, it's a different
story, there was a connection

and caught in the middle of it all,

Father Richard McEwan,

found dead this morning
and just confirmed

the same assailant
as Yvonne Williams.

Where does this take us now?
Back to our dead nurse,

and to her two sons who survived.

They were placed into foster care,
but they were approaching adulthood,

so they were put
on the housing list.

They will be in their 30s by now.

One brother...

..Glyn Thomas, also seen here
in this photo...

..in the same school,
same class as Ifan Williams.

Glyn Thomas and his brother.

Sion Thomas.

Last known address is local,
could be out of date,

but that's where we're going
to start. Thank you.

Boss, we were called
out to these two the other day.

Aggro with one of the neighbours.

Alice, dispatch to the nearest
unit to the house now.

We'll meet them there.

Police! Open the door.

Police! Stand back to the door.

No sightings as of yet.
They can't have just disappeared.

Roadblocks have been set up on all
A roads within a 30 mile radius.

Are you sure Glyn's with him?

What have I done?

All patrol vehicles report
to coordinates 11, 44.

I'll go on ahead.Be careful.

I want every entrance
of this place covered.

Got a bad feeling
about this one, Vaughan.