Harrow (2018–…): Season 3, Episode 6 - Ne Puero Gladium - full transcript

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Previously, on Harrow...

So, you gonna move out?
I think you should too.

If you're here, then at least
I'll know you're OK.

What sort of shit
have you got me into?

I shouldn't have used you.

His sister's there. We'll come back.

- Did you get your...?
- Divorce papers signed?

Good as done.

How about telling your
long-lost sister the truth?

His name was Max.

I worked for his mother
at a pretty big software company.

He needed a passport.

If the cops find out, I'll do
15 years for a federal crime.

Have you heard from your son?

And these prints - definitely
not Max Zoric's?

These belong to someone else.

So, someone else was with Max Zoric
when he died.

You're second-guessing
my work too.

Bramson is paid to find fault.

I believe the injury
is a boxer's fracture.

He was fighting someone up there
when he fell.


What is it, boy?


What have you found?

Dr Bramson believes Max Zoric had
some sort of physical altercation

with another person,

moments before he fell to his death.

The injuries to Zoric's knuckles
support his theory.

Well, Dr Fairley determined
death by misadventure.

Dr Fairley may have got it wrong.

I want the case reopened.

As a homicide investigation.

It's a bit thin, Bryan.

Well, there's more.

We found prints on Max Zoric's car
from an unknown individual

that match the prints on the phone
found in the glove box

and on the note found at the
shipyard, written to Daniel Harrow.

I think Harrow's son's alive,
I think he's in town

and I think he was involved
in Max Zoric's death.

So, what do you want to do?

I want to tap Daniel Harrow's phone.

Fern? Fern, it's me. Open up.

Leave a message. No promises.

It's me again. Look, I need to
speak to your brother.

If he's with you, tell him
to give me a call, OK?

It's important.

Hi. I'm looking for a Fern Harrow?

Join the queue.

Any idea when she'll be back?

No. Sorry.

- Yoga meditation?
- Mm.

I started my first class
this morning.

Oh, Ben has signed up as well.

It really is wonderful
having him around again, Grace.

Just like the old days.

Perhaps you should sign up as well.
I'm sure Ben would like that.

And why would he like that?

Just a feeling I get.

What is that dreadful smell?

You know that dermatologists

showering at least once a day.

Ah, Harrow.

You do delight me
with your effervescent wit.

Did he cop a kendo stick
to the head again?

Uncle Lyle's
turning over a new leaf.

A tea leaf.

Yoga, meditation

and Zen relaxing tea -
specially imported -

are the order of the day.

Dare I ask why?


...a man has a few key moments
in life, Harrow -

some he is less proud of
than others.

And my reaction
to Bramson's scrutiny of my work

was... well, less than admirable.

I think you're being
very hard on yourself.

Oh, on the contrary, I was uptight,

and completely freaked-out.

So, you are looking at the new me.

Stress and anxiety
will be a thing of the past

as I seek to touch myself.


I can recommend a good proctologist.

No need. I have everything I need
right here.

Ah. Delicious.

Myles Finney.

19-year-old resident
from Wickham Apartments.

He was found just after dawn in
a swimming pool inside the complex.

By who?
Uh, one of his neighbours.

Paramedics were called
but they couldn't revive him.

We're still speaking
to the other residents

but so far, no-one saw
or heard anything.

Look, he seemed pretty well-liked.

Did odd jobs around the building
to help pay for his rent

and top up his disability allowance.

He's been diagnosed

with moderate intellectual
and physical disabilities.

Could he swim?
Yeah. Like a fish, apparently.

No idea how he ended up
drowned in the pool.

Next of kin?
He was a foster.

So, in and out of different homes
all his life.

Let's get him measured and weighed.

Is that your husband?

You don't want to talk to him?

I'm working.

You know, I'm beginning to think

he moved back to Brisbane
to try and get back together.

Didn't you just sign
your divorce papers?

Well... we didn't
have a witness, so...

So, you didn't sign them.


Is that because you want
to still be married to him?


'Cause he seems like
a really nice guy.

He is a really nice guy.

He's a very good surgeon.

He was a very good husband.

So, what was missing?

All prepped and ready to go.

Shall we?

Look at this.

A bus pass and some coins
but no ID or bank cards.

Who doesn't carry their bank cards
in their wallet?

A bag of sweets.

They were in the front pocket
of his jeans,

as well as these.

Ah! Amethyst, obsidian and...
rose quartz.


I used to have a rock collection
when I was a child.

Of course you did.

Maybe he did too.

What was his disability?
He had a mental age of 11.

Healthy musculature,

skin pallor consistent
on legs, arms and abdomen.

There's some light bruising on his
right upper arm. Looks recent.

Hmm. Could be a pressure contusion,
from a thumb, maybe?

Or from a fall? Perhaps he struck
the pool ladder when he fell in.

It could be either of those

or it might have happened
hours before he died.

There's no way to be sure.

Yeah, his eyes are bloodshot.

And there's some swelling
on his eyelids.

He was immersed in chlorinated water
for several hours.

Pass me the endocam.

That looks like a chemical burn.

Yeah. Certainly not
from the pool water.

Let's open him up for a closer look.

His respiratory tract
is badly ulcerated

and the burns continue into
his lungs and bronchial tree.

Well, there's fluid present as well.

Yes, but not as much
as one would think for a drowning.

What do you mean?

Well, he certainly asphyxiated
but not in water.

I think he inhaled some sort of
corrosive gas moments before he died.

Could pool chemicals
have caused the burns?

You know, if they were somehow
inhaled before he fell in.

Chlorine or ammonia, perhaps?


I mean, chlorine gas has been
known to form over pools

when chemicals are mixed incorrectly

and these burns
certainly fit that theory.

How can we be sure?

See, when chlorine gas reacts

to the moisture in our eyes,
mouth and lungs,

it forms hydrochloric acid.

It's what happened to the soldiers
in World War I

who inhaled chlorine gas
in the trenches.

They drowned in acid?


Do you have the litmus strip?

Hmm. I remember these
from chemistry in school.

Then you'll remember what colour
the strip will change to

once dipped in acid.

I didn't actually listen
in those classes.

It'll turn red.

My chemistry teacher was really hot.


It's an acid.

He inhaled chlorine gas?

But look at the severity
of these burns.

The gas he inhaled must have been
extremely concentrated.

How did that happen?

You're the manager.

Yes, but Myles
took care of the pool.

Has been for the last six months.

Did he mix the chemicals?

Cleaned the filters,
kept the water topped up,

scooped out the leaves.

And you'd pay him for it?

It was one of his odd jobs
around the place.

He never made a mistake
with the chlorine?

Not once. He might not have been the
full quid but the boy wasn't stupid.

Once you showed him
how to do something,

he'd never do any differently.

He was a hard little worker.

I'll miss him.


PH levels are fine.

Can we take a look at the shed,
Mr Penn?

Well, there's certainly
enough chemicals in here

to produce chlorine gas.

But I don't see any sign of a spill
or any kind of accident.

Maybe he cleaned up afterwards.

After Myles inhaled the gas,
he would have been in terrible pain,

coughing, choking,
frothing at the mouth.

Cleaning up would have been
the last thing on his mind.

Is this the only place
he would mix the chemicals?

See, I don't understand.

If Myles had been mixing these
chemicals for the last six months,

why would he suddenly
mix them incorrectly?

Like I said, he never
made a mistake.

Do you mind if we, uh,
take a look inside his flat?

There's some detergent here,
window cleaner

but nothing to make chlorine gas.

Quite the collection.

Yeah, he was mad on them,

He even had his own YouTube channel.

He'd review each rock and some such
and, uh...

Only had 12 followers.
Mostly residents from the building.

What I don't understand -

Myles died from
exposure to chlorine gas.

How did he end up in the pool?

Well, you said the gas
stings the eyes and throat,

so maybe he was trying to
wash his face with the water -

he fell in.

But we know that Myles
didn't drown in the pool.

He died before he went in.

What are you saying?
Someone put him there?

We did find a fresh bruise
on his arm.

Excuse me, senior.


One of the residents
would like to have a word.

Thanks, Chris.

Myles came to me a few days ago.

Asked how I can get his cards back.

Bank cards?

From whom?

Terry. The manager.

He had Myles give him
all his bank cards when he moved in.

PIN numbers too.

Said he'd take the rent out

and make sure that he got paid
for all the odd jobs.

So, Mr Penn had access
to his accounts.

And Terry took more
than just the rent.

He kept his disability allowance.

I told Myles to go to the police
but he went to Terry first.

Said if he didn't give him his
cards back, he'd call the cops.

You can imagine how that went over.

Blew up into a huge argument.

And, uh, when was this?

Yesterday afternoon.

Out by the pool.

Mr Penn?

Detective Nichols.
We'd like another word.

Can you open the door, please?

Open the door!

Don't just stand there!
Get after him!

Well, I reckon we've found our man.

Just have to catch him now.

May I help you?

Do you like the view?

Nice aspect of the street.

You'll be able to see the hordes
of disgruntled investors

as they wheel
the guillotine this way.

I just think it's a nice view.

Sometimes things are simply
as they appear to be.

Unlike your son.

What do you want from me?

You're here because
I lost my only child

and I think you might
know something about it.

We both know James was
in the shipyard when my son died.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I know you want to protect your son

but he's not the person
you think he is.

Did James tell you he stole
$22 million from my company?

Do you know how I paid
for all of this?



I understand that
everybody wants something.

From the poorest fool
to the richest one.

When you know what a person wants

and you dangle that for a price...

...they'll pay it.

They'll pay for the hope.

I'd hoped...

...that if Max worked for me,
I'd be able to...

...rein in his extravagant behaviour.

Instead, he's dead.

I failed to understand my own son.

So, we have that much in common.

But I've looked into you.

I think I understand you.

You're like me.

The single parent wanting
to reconnect with a lost boy.

If you understand me that well,

you know that I would never
put my child in danger.

I don't want to hurt your son.

It's not gonna bring mine back.

But I need to understand.

I need to know what happened.

I need to know why.

And the money you claim
he stole from you?

I just want the truth...

...and then we can both move on.

It's me.
Leave a message. No promises.


Listen - I really need to
speak to your brother.

If you see him, get him to call me.

He'll never give up his boy.

He might...

...if he has to choose between
James and his daughter.

Who's that?

Your dad. Again.

Must be pretty urgent.

No, you can't talk to him!

'Cause he'll find out where we are

and if he comes here,
he might be followed.

By the guys that are
after your brother?

Fish, what sort of trouble
is he really in?

'Cause I don't want you in danger
for something that he's done.

We won't be in danger
if no-one knows we're here.

That's why we can't tell anyone
about this place.

Even Dad.

And you're sure about... all of this?

I mean, I know he's your brother
but we hardly know the guy.

You don't have to trust him.

You just have to trust me.


...this is why it's taking so long
to unpack.

That and the fact that our
new roomie is a total slacker!


...this should make up for that.

Are you kidding me? That stuff's,
like, 200 bucks a bottle!

I just wanted to do something nice
to say thanks.

Come on. You want to do the honours?

Oh, shit.

I applied for a credit card but I
forgot to give them our new address.

It's been dropped off
at your mum's house.

Shit. I'm gonna
have to go pick it up.

Thought it wasn't safe.

Someone might be watching the house.

I'll go.

They're not looking for me.

They're looking for him.

Thank you.

But you've gotta have a drink first.

Don't have to ask twice.

Cal, can you get some glasses
with me?

You took your time.

Your text said 9 o'clock.


...what did you want to
talk to me about?

I wanted to ask you...



Fern, what's wrong?

I've been thinking a lot about what
Dad said to you on the 'The Bettie',

about me having a half-brother.

Wanted to hear it
from someone I trust.

Is it true?

Did your father tell you that?

What else did he have to tell you?

He said that they found a body
in the shipyard...

Do you still think
that my half-brother

may be out there somewhere,
trying to contact Dad?

Look, Fern,

I know the past couple of years
haven't been easy for you

and then to suddenly find out you've
got a long-lost half-brother...

But if he is in Brisbane
and he contacts you,

please call me.

Why are you so interested in him?

What's he done?

Just tell me.

Take care, Fern.

I didn't think you'd still be up.

Why did you use my phone
to text Bryan Nichols?

Wh-what do you mean?

You knew I was going to Mum's.

When I got there, Nichols
was there waiting for me.

I'm not stupid.

What's going on?

I needed to make sure
that Nichols wasn't at his office.


So I could go to police headquarters
and try and get my phone back.

How'd that work out for you?

It didn't.

I had to do something!

Going to police headquarters!
Are you serious?!

Well, I needed to get my phone back!
You used me again!

After you promised you wouldn't!

I want to help you but I can't
if you keep lying to me.

Everything OK?


I'm worried about you.

And him.


He doesn't have anyone, Cal.

I was lucky. I had you.

You're cutting him
way too much slack.

I thought I recognised the smell.

Invigorating, isn't it?

Not the adjective I would use.

What's this?

I'm spreading the word.

That you've finally lost it?

That life can be transformed with
a daily dose of yoga meditation

and Zen relaxing tea.

Sounds addictive.

So, what about it, Harrow?

You ready to get on all fours
and loosen up with Lyle?

As inviting as that sounds,
I, uh, really should be getting this.

Well, I will take that
as a tentative yes.



I spoke to Fern last night.

She had some questions
about her brother.

Haven't we all?

Any new leads?

I'm digging.

So, uh, what's going on here?

Leonard Thompson. Schoolteacher.

Dead for approximately
24 to 36 hours.

History teacher?

Recently suspended
from the local high school

after a... physical altercation
with a male student.

Boy claimed Thompson
rough-handled him during class.

Did he?
Oh, it's still under investigation.

But there is this.

Resignation letter.

He was gonna quit.
So it seems.

This way.

Familiar symptoms.

How did this happen?

An artillery shell?

World War I gas shell.

How did he get it?


Bomb squad found
other items as well -

grenades, mines, other shells.

I mean, most of them had
their detonators removed

but there's a couple there
that are still pretty bloody dodgy.

Including this one.

You see, the green cross
means, uh, pulmonary agent.



Bomb squad think Thompson
was handling the shell.

He drops it, the brittle casing
cracks open,

releasing some residual liquid
that was still inside...

Which, on contact with air,

turned to chlorine gas.

So, this is the lung tissue
we took from Myles Finney

and this is the lung tissue
from Leonard Thompson.

Ooh, the damage
is almost identical.

They both inhaled chlorine gas.

On the same night,
in the same suburb.

Hardly a coincidence.

Did they live near each other?

About half a kilometre away.

But Myles was nowhere near
Thompson's house when he died.

Hmm. Doesn't mean
they didn't cross paths.

You said Thompson was a teacher.

Perhaps he knew Myles from school.

No. Myles never attended our school.

Was there any other way that
Mr Thompson could have known him?

Sports coaching, private tutoring?

Not that I'm aware of.

But he would have told me if he had.

How long have you known each other?

30 years.

You don't think that
he did this to himself, do you?

What makes you say that?

He was drinking more, um...

...and after the suspension...

It never affected his work,

um, but after the suspension,

I know his drinking
was getting worse.

Tell me about the student
who made the complaint.

That boy has always been difficult.

He was expelled from his previous
school for violent behaviour

but his mother...

In her eyes,
the boy could do no wrong.

She seemed determined
to have Leonard sacked.

Do you have the boy's name?

His address?

The police have it.

I don't.

Oh, hello. Does Alex Bryant
live here?

Uh, Mum?

Cooper, go to your room.

Are you a cop? Because we've
already given statements.

I'm not the police.
I'm with the Coroner's Office.

Who are you?

I'm Daniel Harrow, a pathologist.

Is it true? Did, um...
did Thompson kill himself?

We haven't figured that out yet.
Wouldn't surprise me if he did.

Guilt does funny things to a person.

I'm not here about Mr Thompson.

Then what do you want?

Alex, were you friends
with Myles Finney?

Uh, I... I don't hang out
with mentals.

But you did know him.
He lived in this complex too.

Mm. Everyone around here knew him.

What - you think I had something
to do with his death?

Did you?

Like I told the cops,
I was at kickboxing till late

and then I spent the night
at my girlfriend's.

I was nowhere near this place.

Try again, Doc.

I think it's time you left.

This one is obsidian.

It's real-life lava
from a real-life volcano!

It's really cool.

But not when it's lava,
because lava's really hot - get it?

This one is rose quartz.

It's my favourite
because if you rub it,

they reckon you can see your future.

Looks pretty rosy!

Rosy! Get it?

Because it's rose quartz!

I'm proud of you, Harrow.

All of life's miseries

derive from one's inability
to sit quietly in a room alone,

yet here you are.

Yes. Yes, here I am.

Where are you?
Where I need to be.

Right here.

What is that?

It's my special tea.

You're eating it now.

Mm, it does nothing for your breath.

But it does open the mind.
Here. Try some.


It's like little forest lollies.


Those were his favourites.

If I didn't have the right ones
in each bag, he'd get into a sulk.

But he was
a sweet kid, really.

Such a shame.

When was he last here?

Two days ago.

Bought a bag of lollies and left.

Is that working?

Tight squeeze.

Uh, I noticed.

Ooh, there. That's Myles.

That's it.

No, no, no, wait. Wait.

Who's that?

Oh, that's his friend,
Cooper Bryant.

Mrs Bryant?


Myles was your friend, wasn't he?

You were with him the night he died.

You went to the teacher's house

Was it to get back at him

for what he'd done to Alex?

Or were you just trying
to impress your older brother?

Were you going to hurt Mr Thompson?

No. I just wanted
to trash his house.

So... you broke in...

...you convinced Myles
to go with you...

...but you got distracted
by his weapons collection.

Was it Myles
that picked up the gas shell?

Cooper, come
and have a look at this.

And that's when Thompson caught you.

You didn't know that he was there.

Myles freaked out.

He dropped the bomb...

And it cracked open.

What are you doing? Put that back!

Put that back!

And Myles, what did he do?

He picked it up.

Come on! Myles, come on!

Did Thompson try to help him?

He tried to save his life.



So, you ran home,
as fast as you could.

To the pool.

Myles couldn't see or breathe.

He was so scared.

Come on. Come on.
Come... come on, Myles.

You're right.

Come on. This'll cool you down.

He stopped breathing.

I didn't know what to do.

Come on. Come on, man.

Myles, come on.


So, you pushed him into the pool.

I'm sorry, man.

I'm so sorry.

Myles didn't even want to
go to Thompson's house.

I made him.

What do I do?

You have to tell the police.

I've thought about this.
I don't want to go to jail.

Oh, Cooper. This isn't your fault!

Yes, it is! They're both dead
because of me!

What happened
was a terrible accident.

Just give me the grenade.

Myles wouldn't want this to happen.

And I don't think you do either.

Cooper, please.

Please give me the grenade.


Be careful.

Now get behind the tree.

The detonator must have been removed.

Found Terry Penn holed up
in a caravan park in Nambour.

He's looking at two counts
of embezzlement

and one of resisting arrest.

And Cooper?

Well, he's likely to be charged with
B&E and interfering with a corpse

but we're hoping the children's
court will go easy on him.

Thanks, Bryan.

You combed his hair.

You do know he's being cremated
by the state.

Doesn't mean we shouldn't care.


You're a hard one to catch.

Been trying to call you all day.
Sorry. I've been, um... flat out.

Ben, there's something I've been
meaning to ask you

about your move to... to Brisbane.

Can it wait? We really need
to get these papers signed.

Now? But... OK.

Don't we need a solicitor
to witness?

I brought one along.

Oh. Wow. OK.

Hi, Grace. I'm Sage.

Alright. You were lucky to find
a solicitor this late in the day.

Sage isn't just a solicitor.

She's my fiancee.

A gift?

Oh, uh... you really shouldn't have.


Nonsense. Six cups a day
will change your life.

And your wardrobe!


Well, you can make your jokes,

but there is no denying
its effect on the mind.

You will feel lighter
and more serene,

like you're floating on clouds.

And I think I know why.

"Psilocybe cubensis."

You do know what that is?

Yes, it's a rare mushroom
only found in the colder climates.

It's also a very potent psychedelic,

not dissimilar to LSD.


Oh, my God.

I've been eating magic mushrooms?

And importing class A drugs
into the country.

Oh, I... It...

Oh... hmm. But I've given a box
to everyone in the office.

Edwina and Grace
and Trish from Accounts

and... I...

Oh... Oh, my God.



Harrow, what the hell?

Are you following me?
I'm sorry.

But I really need to speak to James.
Is he here?

I'll leave you to it.

Nice place.

Rent must be a killer.

What do you want, Dad?

You made it pretty clear last time

you weren't interested
in helping me.

I made it clear that I couldn't break
into a police evidence bay for you.

I told you what I need.
It will prove that I...

But you lied about why.

I spoke to Mila Zoric.


Jesus! What if she's
had you followed?

Because she's after you?

Because of her son?

Not because of the $22 million
you stole from her?

So, you did know Max.

You lied to me, James.

You know...

...all those years...

...I hoped my father, the mystery man
I put a thousand faces to...

...I hoped he'd be smart.

She's playing you.

So, you... didn't steal her money?

I didn't steal a cent.

She seemed very convincing.

Because she's a criminal, Dad!
Just like her son!

It wasn't me who stole her money.

It was Max.


Why do you think he needed
that false passport?

He took his mother's money.

He was gonna skip the country
and then he fell.

And now she's blaming me
for everything!

And it looks like you are too.

Mila requested a second autopsy
on her son's body.

The pathologist found evidence

that Max may have been in a fight
moments before he fell to his death.

When I found him...

...he was already dead.

And the footage on your phone
will prove this?

Which is why I need to get it back.

And how are you gonna get it?
Is Fern part of this plan?

I would never put her in danger!
You already have!

No, I've already told her

And unlike you,
she still wants to help me.

She cares.

Let yourself out.



- What the f...
- Bryan?

Have you got a moment?

Come on in.

What's up?

A call was intercepted

from Daniel Harrow's phone
yesterday afternoon.

It's me. Leave a message.
No promises.

Listen, I really need to
speak to your brother.

If you see him, get him to call me.

Next on Harrow...

You don't give a shit about Fern.
You're just using her.

I'm not my father.
No. You're not.

Crims always think they're
smarter than everyone else

but in the end, they all get caught.

It's just a matter of time.

Did he tell you that he stole money
from that dead boy's mother?

What would you like?

Something with 22 million
answers in it.

A raspberry.

Her husband said she wasn't allergic.

We need to trace
Gabriella's movements.
