Harrow (2018–…): Season 3, Episode 4 - Per Stirpes - full transcript

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- Previously on Harrow...
- I do like your car.

My father's. What was he like?


Where's your mother? She's dead.

I didn't know you existed.

She always said she didn't know
who my father was.

So, what do we have to do?
Divide our stuff, sign those.

- Did you know the dead boy?
- No.

I diverted the security cameras
at the shipyard to my phone.

It can prove that I had
nothing to do with his death.

Can you try to get the phone?
I can't get it.

It's gone to
the Police Cybercrime Unit.

Don't worry, Dad.

You stole these? I made them.

The pay's... really good.

Mila Zoric.
The dead young man is her son.

This will not be going away.


So, which of these do you want to
list as cause of death?

Well, cause of death is always
cessation of the heart

but in this case,

I'd say it was bad luck.

His hang-glider fell out of the sky.
How is that "bad luck"?

Well, because he gambled.

He bet that his youth,
strength and skills

were enough to defeat
the forces of nature.

They weren't -
and now he's lost 60 years.

But he tried.

He lost... but he tried.

Are you feeling old?

Do you need a sports car
or a tattoo?

I'm fine.

Haven't, uh, heard from Grace?

As a matter of fact,
we were on the phone last night.

She said that she was
thinking of going ash-blond

and I said, "No - try honey blond,"

and then she said
she'd think about it

and I said that she should

and she should also think about
getting a sheep-a-doodle puppy,

because they're so cute.

So... no.

You miss her? Call her.


Have you got a second?

Seconds are probably
all you have left.

Yes, I do. Edwina was about to
clean everything up.

I think you know what this is about.

Fine. I'll replace them.



Did you find my kuzumochi cakes?


It's about our trip.

For my... Big Bang with the Gang.

My gang bang.

My group camping trip tomorrow.
Oh! Yes.

So, all good?

I haven't cleared it with Warrington.

Oh. I have. Renae?

'Ms Warrington' is fine.

Everything OK for Harrow and I
to take tomorrow off?


5:30. A.M.?!

Don't forget - tent.

I thought we had quotas.

Dr Fairley's been working the hours
to make up for both of you.

Apparently, it means a lot to him.

All his good friends are going,

so your presence surprises me too.

Anyway, sounds like it's gonna be
good for building workplace rapport.

And I trust that any employee
under supervision

is supportive
of building team rapport.

# Didn't make a plan

# To break your heart

# But it was the sweetest thing

# I've ever done

# Didn't need a plan

# I just needed a body

# I put it all on the line

# And I won

# Didn't make a plan

# To break your heart

# But it was the sweetest thing

# I've ever done... #

What are you doing here?

Apparently, I'm in Fairley's 'gang'.

What are you doing here?


Why didn't you find an excuse?

Oh, my boss, Crowley,
got wind of it.

Apparently, she thinks
this'll be good for...

Building team rapport.

Well, where are all the others?


Aha! Morning, morning, morning!

Ready for our group plunge
into nature's verdant lushness?

What about the rest of your friends?

I told you - me and my BEST friends.

So, grab your gear and climb aboard.

You should have woken me.

You still need your sleep.

Leg ham, hollandaise, organic eggs,

Italian coffee, fish -

this is half a week's rent!

It's fine. It's a little treat.

I got a new cleaning job
and I start tonight.

Oh. That's good.

That's good.

Don't feel guilty.
You'll be working again soon.

We're feeding three now, though.

James will chip in.

Yah-huh. After he offloads
a few of them fake passports?

Cal, don't talk about...

Morning! Oh, are you
going somewhere?

Interviews with
some recruitment agencies.

Aha! Uh, did you want brekkie?

Uh, looks great
but, no, I'd better jet.

See ya.

No. No.

No! No, no. God, no! No.

You know, you could put
a Bluetooth player in.

That radio is period-authentic.

Yes, keep going, Bryan.

You might hear
the Declaration of Armistice soon.

Ah, shut up. Look. Here.

Fairley, what's all this about?

It's not your birthday.

What - I need an excuse to go
camping with my two best chums?


I just thought it would be nice.

And, Bryan, I know
how outdoorsy you are,

having seen your... whoot-whoo.

My "whoot-whoo"?

Dating profile.

And, Harrow, you love nature.
You live on the river.

Yes, but this is the first time
you've invited me camping.

OK. Fine.

I've known you two professionally
longer than anyone.

I have... something
that I want to share with you.

Well, then tell us.

Not yet.


Peng Lao deum.

We're camping here?

Oh, no. Oh, thank God!

Our camp site

is four kilometres that way.

What? I know.

It's an embarrassingly short hike
for a man of your, uh... credentials

but what we lack in distance,
we can make up for in pace.

What does he want to tell us?

Maybe he's getting married.
To who?

Doesn't even have a girlfriend...
does he?

Uh... maybe he's coming out.

Fairley?! No, no, no.
He's left on read for Warrington.

Medical problem? Maybe.

Diabetes? Heart disease.


Right! Come, chaps.

As Emerson said...

.."It's not the length of life...

"..but the depth of it."

Oh, that's bad luck!
We'll have to head home.

Nonsense! Men like us cannot
be deterred by bureaucracy.

Besides, I know this track
like the back of my hand.

Forward, ho!

Oh! Flagellaria indica.

The whip vine, also commonly known
as the supplejack.

Yeah, funny story about that...
Oh, look - bush tucker.

Speaking of "supple JACK",

the passport found on Max Zoric.

The false name in it...
was Jack Sheppard.

Also the name of a notorious
young English highwayman.

Quite the escape artist.

Why are you telling me this?

Well, it just struck me that
whoever made that false passport

had a sense of humour.

Reminded me of you.

Or it's a coincidence. Maybe.

Highwayman joke in the front,
your name written in the back,

found with a letter from someone
claiming to be your son.

We've been over this.

What? You think I had something
to do with Max Zoric's death?

Not directly.

Yeah. Fairley found his death
was misadventure.

Why are you raking over the coals?

Well, I am curious
why you haven't asked

whether the UK police
have tracked down Tanya Reed.

Well, I figured if you'd heard
something, you'd let me know.

Well, then you should know this.

I've heard some scuttlebutt
about the 'misadventure' finding.

There's pressure
to investigate further,

particularly into
how Max Zoric died.

I don't think it's over.

Keep up, lads!

Can I help you?

I don't think I should be here.

I... don't think they've given me
enough information.

What is it that you're looking for?

Uh, I'm from Cybercrime, on 6.

Uh, there's a phone that was
supposed to be returned to its owner

but the owner says he never got it.

Our records say it's gone.

Well, they should have sent
the officer in charge.

Totally. Mm-hm.

Totally. Um...

Can I just see that it's here?

What have you got?

Um, I've got the date, the location,

um, the rego number of the car
it was found in.

OK. Let's have a look.


So, in the glove box, we have
mints, logbooks, first aid kit

and, yes, a mobile phone.

Great. Mm-hm.

Um... well, can I see it?

No. Sorry. It's been checked out.

CIB, a Senior Sergeant Bryan Nichols.

Makes sense.

Bye. See you.

Oh, he's full of shit.

Four kilometres, my arse!

I reckon we must have walked 10!

And there's no signal.

If you have something important
to tell us,

why not just take us to a bar?

Oh, I brought the bar!

Oh, thank Christ!
Not much for you, Bryan.

I've seen your profile -
"Occasional social drinker."

Working out well, then.
Oh, shut up!

Lyle, stop!

I need a whiz.

You need more than a whiz.

You need nitrate tablets
and a lower BMI.


Come and have a look at this.

Oh. What is it?

Why suffer under canvas
when there's dry floor and a roof?

Yeah. What?

Where's the challenge in that?

Especially for a storied outdoorsman
like Bryan.

Besides, I have the perfect
camp site in mind.

Excuse me, fellas?

How you going?

How's it look?

Well, it looks like
you're going camping.

You know this track's closed?

It'll be alright.
We don't need to use the track.

Your permit's in order?

Oh, I hope not. Here we go.

Oh, of course.

I didn't, uh, notice an exclusion
area when I paid for the permit.

Where are you thinking
of making camp?

Butterfly Creek,
up near Spirit Falls.

You know there's been
some land-slips up there?

A lot of rain in the last
three months. Could be dangerous.

Well, maybe we could overnight there.
Afraid not.

The old hut's
riddled with white ants.

We will be fine.

I used to camp at Spirit Falls
all the time in my youth.

I know what to look out for.

Just be aware there's no mobile
coverage if you get into strife.

There'll be no strife.
Bryan here is an expert woodsman.

Fair enough.

Happy camping, guys.

And we're off!

This is your fault.

Look, if I tell him,
he'll tell everyone

and I don't want it getting round
that I'm...

Full of shit?

Why don't you
mind your own business?

You know, you've got enough troubles
of your own.

Ben! It's done!


Hi. Ben Patterson's phone.

Oh, hello.
Is Dr Patterson there?

Uh, not this second.

Can I take a message?
Are you a relative?

I'm... his wife.

Oh! Pleasure. This is Kirsty Lifton
from HR at St Catherine's, Brisbane.

It's about the job up here
we're offering your husband.

Ah! Here we are!

Thank God! Halfway.

What?! Yes... Look, I know.

But I promise another
rousing hike tomorrow.

We'll camp here tonight
and in the morning, the waterfall.

The waterfall? Why?

Because it's there.

There's a perfectly good whisky bar
400 metres from QIFM.

It's "there".

Life's not all about you.
You know that, Harrow?

I wanted some place special
to share my... information.

Well, you can just tell us now
and we can all go home.

We are not going anywhere!

Bryan? Mm?

Where will you set up the stove?

What? The stove.

The gas stove I asked you to bring.

You asked me to bring the heat.

I thought you meant,
like, you know, enthusiasm.

Oh, yes, you nailed that.

Shut up, Harrow. Oh! No, I see.

You deliberately
left the stove behind

so you could demonstrate
your bushcraft.

Oh, yes, please.
Demonstrate your bushcraft!

Hey, I can light a fire.
I can't wait to see!

Excellent. Alright, Harrow.
I'll help you set up our tent.

"OUR tent"?
I saw you brought the tent.

I brought A tent.

A one-man tent, for me.

I didn't know you meant THE tent,
for all of us!

Nice one, Harrow.
What did you think I meant?

Well, how should I know?
I didn't even know who was coming!

How could you not know?
I said my best friends!

You don't know who
my best friends are?!

Which best friend drags his mates
out to the land that time forgot

for a chat?

Bryan loves the outdoors!

YOU love the outdoors!
You have a boat!

I have a boat with a coffee machine
and a toilet with a door!

Now we have to sleep in a Dutch oven
with Bear Grylls there,

unless he can fashion us a hut
out of bark and pebbles -

after you've started that fire,
of course.

Oh, this is... this is ridiculous!

Yes, you're right. Bursaria incana
is not a good burning wood.


All this!

I can't start a fire, Lyle.

I'm not 'outdoorsy'

and I don't like camping.

I'm allergic to ants.

Trees make me nervous.

But... your profile!

It's all bullshit!

Took me a whole weekend
to find five photos of me outside.

I was just trying to make
an impression on someone

so I wouldn't end up dying alone,

but you've saved me the trouble.

I'm gonna die of exposure

'cause Dr Solipsism here was only
thinking of himself, as usual!

You can have the tent.
I'm gonna sleep in the car.

No, I'll go sleep in the car.
I said it first!

Well, I said it louder!

And which one of you knows
which direction the car is?


..seems like you're both
stuck with me, then.

Want a hand? I'm fine.

Here... I said I'm fine, Ben.

What's the matter?

Oh, you're moving to Brisbane?

OK. Uh, were you gonna tell me?

We're divorcing.

We've just emptied the house

and you don't even work
in the hospital system anymore.

Is it a problem?

I mean, if it is, I can...
No. No.

It's fine.

I mean, Head of Paediatric Surgery -
it's a really good step up for you.

If it's a big deal, I can cancel.
It's not.

Let's just get going
before I miss my flight.

Thank you, Fairley.

Thank you, Lyle.

Oh, hello!

My goodness. That's...

For tomorrow.

For the waterfall.

But this...

To a job well done.

You mean the fire or the tent?

I mean our job.


Surviving our professions.

Surviving the dead.

Your father didn't.

He saw his share of it in the war.

It was too much for him.
But you survived.

And, Bryan...

..you have to go to
all the roadsides

and the lounge rooms,

the bedrooms
and the blood-covered kitchens

and see the worst
of what we can do to each other

but you survived.

Well, if you call it surviving.

Two failed marriages,
one estranged daughter,

a dishwasher I never use,
'cause it's only plates for one.

Four mates who have exited
themselves off by drink or...

..other ways.

Cold sweats and vomiting when the
phone rings after 9:00 at night.

So, why use dating photos
that aren't the real you?

Oh, I don't know, Lyle.

God, who wants a washed-up
53-year-old copper

with insomnia and a dicky knee?

And anyway, I thought
I had someone special.

But she wasn't
what she seemed, so...

No-one is as they seem, Bryan.

You're no better.

Your ex just moved to Toowoomba
to escape you.

You've got an old boat, old car.

Children that hardly talk to you.

One child who does.


What about you, Lyle?
How come you never got married?

Or... are you gonna get married?

There was a woman.

A dancer.


We were going to elope.

I waited all day
at the registry office

before I realised she wasn't coming.

Later, I found a note.

"You smell like formaldehyde."

But she'd spelt it with two F's.

Mmm! Anyway, over that.

These bloody jobs, eh?

But what do we get that others don't?

Free gloves.



We get the authority
to go where others don't.

We're allowed to ask questions
of the living and the dead.

Questions that no-one else
is allowed to ask.

"Where were you?"
"Who were you with?"


If, after all these years,

we're still smart enough
to ask the right questions,

maybe we make the world
a slightly less awful place.

I have regrets.

But I don't regret that.

Not that.

Not that.

Well, I forgot
the stupid bloody gas stove

but I remembered this.

# As I walked out
in the streets of Laredo

# As I walked out in Laredo one day

# I spied a young cowboy

# Wrapped all in white linen

# Wrapped in white linen

# As cold as the clay

# So beat the drum slowly

# And play the fife lowly

# Sing the death march
as you carry me along

# Take me to the valley

# And lay the sod o'er me

# I'm a young cowboy

# And I know I've done wrong

# "I can see by your outfit
that you are a cowboy"

# Those words he did say
as I walked boldly by... #


# "Come sit down beside me

# "And hear my sad story

# "Got shot in the breast... #

# And I know

# I must die... #


Love the song.

Who wants to hear how I died?




..it'll do me no good,

being dead.



Not in the chest, like your song.

But shot in the back.


Who shot you?

THEY shot me.


Like I said, in the back.

No, I mean... where, geographically?


I haven't found my body yet.

Doomed to wander?

Doomed to wander.

Name's Branch.


Nichols, Fairley.

I... I won't remember.

Why did whoever shot you
shoot you?

You were a prospector?

Botanist. A dangerous profession.

When did this happen?

Oh, a long time ago.


Look, two of us are doctors.

Why don't you let us check you over,
Mr Branch?

They're still after me, you know?

Mr Branch, it's probably best
if you stay with us.

Spirit Falls.

I should have known.

It's all in the name.

Mr Branch?

What the bloody hell was that?

Spirit... Falls.

You don't really believe that was
the ghost of a botanist named Branch?

Is it too late to go home?

Hey, James.

Did you find a job?

I connected with some people.

What did you do? I worked.

Have you ever had your IQ tested?

Cleaning doesn't make me stupid.


But it's hard work for small bucks.

Dad? On a work day?

Hey, uh... I'm not here.

Hi. Delivery for James Reed.

Must be a mistake.
No-one called that here.

You sure? Yes, I'm sure.

Lived here my whole life.
No James Reed.

OK. No probs. Have a good day.

His sister's there.

Couldn't tell if he is.

We'll come back.

Next time I'll last longer.


Good morning!
Well, it's morning.

Did you sleep well?

I slept like a baby.
Fresh air, under the stars.

No nocturnal visitors?

I know you're sceptical
but the soul does go somewhere.

We are not 'souls' - we are
electrochemical reactions.

He looked very much alive.
Except he disappeared!

Lucky bastard.

Oh! Christ, it's real.

Morning! Come have
some lovely miso shiro.

With yakizakana.

Oh! Atractocarpus hirta -
the hairy gardenia.

- 'Hirta' being Latin for the...
- 'Hairy'. Yeah. I get it.

Speaking of, have you got
any hair-of-the-dog in there?

No. No, no. No! Come on!

No! This is for after our swim
at the waterfall.

What do you mean, swim?

I didn't pack any togs!

Nor did I.

Nor did I. Why do three
strapping lads need togs

when we can celebrate our
potent form in nature's pure beauty?

Oh! The bumpy satinash.

Where did this knowledge of plants
come from?

Oh, my father. He dabbled.

He had the keen interest.

He left you and your mother
and brother, didn't he?

When I was 12, yes.

My brother and I and he used to come
here every summer, before he left.


..what's wrong?

Are you ill?

I'll tell you at the waterfall.

Ooh! Phone signal.

No! No, no. No, not that here.

The search.


"Branch Goddard, botanist,

"went missing three years ago."

It seems Customs was after him

on suspicion of bringing in
illegal plants.

"He went missing along with..."

Oh! Lost the signal again.

Oh, my goodness. He WAS a ghost!

No, he was not a ghost!

This place is very special.

Oh, well, it's not
very special to me.

My head is as crook as Rookwood.

I'm going back for a kip.
Oh, no, no. Come on.

Let's just get this done for Fairley.

Oh, what - mountain hikes,
ghost botanists,

you two, naked?

No, thanks.
Oh, Bryan, you... you... you can't...

It'll be fine. You and I
will head on to the falls.

Bryan will go back to base camp
and rest his weary head...

Hey, look - he's stopped.

What is that?

It's not native.

Well, what do you think it is?

I'm getting vague recollections
from my time with the Drug Squad.

Yep. Coca.

Oh... That's insane!

Erythroxylaceae is native
to South America.

It wouldn't grow here.

Unless one was a botanist

and one found a particularly
robust variety

and one brought it back.

Where'd your missing botanist
return from?


Look at the height of the humus
around it.

Harrow, what are you doing?

We have to press on to the falls.

Oh, shit.

What is it?

Is that a... Human pelvis.

Hmm. How old do you make him?

Oh, I'd say adult, 30 to 50.

Bone marrow's all been consumed.

Same clothes and boots
as our bloke last night.

So, he's been here a few years,

which he would have to be because...

Because the tree has grown
through his pelvic bone.

Meaning what?

Well, meaning that he either had a
coca plant seed in his front pocket,

which would be unlikely
to germinate, or...


..or he'd ingested one and it passed
through his digestive system

and was almost out when he died.

The bowel material would have made
excellent starting fertiliser.

Wait a minute.

Look at this.

There's a chip in the T7.

And there's an exit break
in his fifth vertebrosternal rib.

Shot in the back. Clear through.


What are we thinking?

That our botanist
went to South America

and brought back at least
one coca plant seed in his gut

and was shot to death around here.

Find cover!

They're coming from that way.

What do we do?

No signal.
We've gotta get back to the car!

Right. It's this way.

OK. Lyle, we're pinned down here.

You know your way around.

You've gotta get back
to the 4-wheel drive.

What about you two?
Just go. Get help!



One shooter. Yeah.

He's coming this way. OK.

You stay here.
What? No, wait! Wait! Bryan!

Shit, shit, shit!


Drop it.




I suspected your ability to pick up
twigs would come in handy.

- Who are ya?
- Hey. What's going on, fellas?

Thank God.

This guy...

Is with me.

I did try to warn you
not to come up this way.

Impersonating a state wildlife
officer is a serious offence.

And so is growing
a rather large crop of cocaine.

You look like a cop.

You look like 15 to life.

Hey, Vince... Don't use names.

Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Sorry.

Um... what are we gonna do?

'Cause... we've got a cop and a...


..well, a useless guy.

And, uh... and they... they found
one of the dudes that we shot.

One of the guys?

You mean the botanist who brought in
your coca plants - he wasn't alone?

No. They were brothers. Hey!

Stop talking. Yeah, yep. Sure.

V-Vince, what do we do?

We kill 'em too.

But first, where's your friend?

The one who knows
about Spirit Falls?

Gone. He left yesterday.

I went to your camp.

Three people slept there last night,
so where is he?

You're too late, Vince.

Lyle Fairley is an expert bushman.

He has the fitness of an Olympian
and the stealth of a ninja.

He knows this rainforest
like the back of his hand.

He can navigate without a compass

and would have jumped behind
the wheel of his 4-wheel drive,

radioed ahead and even as we speak,

he's probably briefing
a response group to storm in here

and... and rescue us and...

..and... and... you should
probably give up.

Your car has no CB radio
and I flattened the tyres on it.

So if that's where he's heading,
he's in for a surprise.

So, Vince, what... what do we do?

We shoot 'em. We... shoot 'em.

This is all your fault!

Ooh! Jesus! What the...

You and your stupid profile!

What? Stop moving!

What - fishing, climbing,

There was no photos with horses!
Hey, cut it out!

If you had only been honest,
we would never have ended up here!

Arrgh! Ooh!

Well, what about you and your stupid
boat that never leaves the dock?

You know, it doesn't make you
look cool, Harrow.

Makes you look financially

Yes! But at least
I know how to sail it!

Stop moving!


Some ranger!

I... I am sorry it required
the use of firearms, though.

That was not my plan.

You did well, mate.
I think we all did well.

So, coca plants.

Mm. Hundreds of them.

And when I saw them, I realised
that those two had a lot to lose.

And so did I.

And the body?

Oh, yeah, well, apparently
our botanist, Branch Goddard,

was wanted for interview by Customs
after that trip to Peru

but he and his younger brother,

went missing three years ago, so...

Excuse I.

Oh! Commersonia bartramia.

Mr Goddard?

Mr Goddard.

We got the men who killed
your brother, Whitman.

They're the ones

that you and your brother
smuggled in those coca seeds for.

It was my fault.

He loved me.

He'd do whatever I wanted.

And I said if we bring the seeds in,
that we'd be set for life.

But when they thought they had
all the seeds, they betrayed you.

Get out of here, Whit! Run!

They shot your brother.


Whit! Whit!

Seeing your brother murdered

must have been
the worst moment of your life.

You tried to run.


But you didn't die.

I didn't?


..this is real?


You crawled away
and you survived out here!

I thought I was dead.

You weren't.

But I'm afraid your brother is.

We found him.

And we will take care of him.


..it's time to look after you.


Hi, guys.

This is Mr Branch Goddard.

He's been out here
for the last three years.

Cotard's delusion? Yes.

It's the false belief that you've
lost parts of your body

or even that you're dead.

It can be brought on
by severe trauma.

There. It's good to go.

We never made it out to the falls.

Yeah, and I didn't see
you two naked.

So, not all bad.

We did it.




We did.

But that whisky cost $2,000.



..what was it you wanted to tell us?

Do you have cancer?

Uh, cancer?


I've, uh...

..I've decided to retire.

Morning. Morning.

Look, uh, about your decision.

I think we should have a...
Good morning.


Hi. Hi.

How was the trip?

How... how was your trip?

Oh, gunplay and cocaine.
Pretty standard weekend.

Did you get your...?

Divorce papers signed?
Good as done.

Ah, good. You're all here.

Is that Max Zoric?


Wow. Lyle, Daniel.

How lovely to see you.

What are you doing here?

And you must be Dr Molyneux.

I've heard you've settled in here
very well.

So, uh... And who are you?

This is Dr Bramson.
He used to work here.

Before he took
his 30 pieces of silver.

Don't tell me you haven't
thought about life after QIFM, Lyle.

Dr Fairley, Dr Molyneux.

I'd better be getting back.

Renae. What is going on?

Would you two
please come to my office?

Dr Harrow?

How was the team-building exercise?

Surprisingly effective. Good.

Next, on Harrow...

We thought he was your son.

I fear I... I might have
missed something.

I believe the injury
is a boxer's fracture.

I'm not sure I believe
anything James says.

How about telling your
long-lost sister the truth?

Motor vehicle accident at an
end-of-year school beach party.

Kaara wasn't drinking.

Whole school knew she was a drunk!

She was a good kid.

What do you think?
I still think it's fishy.