God's Quiz (2010–…): Season 2, Episode 8 - White - full transcript

The team tries to solve the mystery of why a young woman, with albinism, would kill her former teacher and then try to commit suicide.

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This is Young-eun Lee,
a researcher from the Babel Team.


This was sent by a mobile phone, but
the number of the phone is not registered.

A normal email would leave a trace
on the hosting server.

But these types leave a trace
in the communication agency server.

So I checked if this person changed
the number when sending the message,

but the number wasn't changed at all.

But still, I couldn't find the owner
since it's an unregistered number.

But is that possible?

Come on, what is impossible
in this digitalized era?

But, what is this mail anyways?


Someone sent me a prank mail
but I don't know who this jerk is!

Thank you!

Take care!

Young-woo Koh, age 48.

He is an elementary school teacher,

and he died of a knife wound in
his classroom yesterday around 5:30 p.m.

The used knife was found in the hallway,

and we found the fingerprint
of the killer on it.

The killer was on the security cameras
in the hallway and building entrance.

Who is the killer?

She was Young-woo Koh's student
17 years ago.

Name So-yoon Lee, age 27. She's a florist.

After the incident,
she jumped off the school roof

and is now in a vegetative state.

The student killed the teacher? Gosh...

I think she is an albinism patient.

That seems right.

But, what is this albinism exactly?

Albinism, it is often seen
in documentaries

and it is also known
as white skin syndrome.

Abnormalities in the synthesis
and distribution of melanin pigment

cause very little or no pigment
in the patient's eyes, skin or hair.

It is hereditary.

Normally, these patients
have very bad eyes.

They have really poor eyesight,
suffering myopia and astigmatism,

and are very weak to strong light.

It can cause nystagmus, or even blindness.

Same goes with the skin. They can have
skin cancer like epidermoid carcinoma.

And the motive is yet to be found?

Yes, all we know is
that they were teacher and student.

As expected, the cause of death

was excessive bleeding caused
by artery ruptures.

First, he got the critical strike
on his neck,

and the other strikes were done
after the victim fell down.

The strikes on his body
did miss vital points,

but the first stab
was just enough to do the job.

Looking at this,
it looks like a typical grudge murder.

Yes, even the readily prepared weapon
says it all.

Additionally, the victim was taken out
in full surprise.

So the victim didn't realize the situation

until the murderer got real close to him.

Did the murderer
have any mental disorders?

No, nothing on record.

If she wasn't crazy,
something must've driven her crazy.

So-yoon, it's been so long!
How have you been?


I went to
the same elementary school with her.

I haven't seen her
since she was transferred.

It was coincidence for me to find her
six months ago at a florist shop.

It was so nice to see her.

What then brought you here?

Were you two... in a special relationship?

For her, it wasn't.

But at least she was special for me,
ever since I was young.

-What is this, you alien?
-Stop it!

-You alien!
-Stop it!

-She's an alien.

Don't! Go away!

I am just very curious.

-But did you really like her?

I was dead serious! But every day,
she got a letter from someone.

It seemed like a love letter...

So I tried to move on,

and it wasn't so easy for me.

But I just can't understand
why she did such a thing?

The So-yoon I knew
would never do anything like that.

Looking at how she is,
it will be difficult for her to wake up.

But does she have no family or such?

She was an only child,
and her parents died before she was ten.

Ever since, her grandmother raised her.

But she also passed away five years ago.

She has no relatives,

so she is practically alone.


So you are a lawyer from Wintis!

This company gave us a hard time
several times.

By whose request are you taking the case?

I am not here as a lawyer,
but as a friend.

We were in the same class
in the third grade,

and our home room teacher
then was Young-woo Koh.

Were you two close?


She came to see me three days ago.

I guess she saw me on TV.

That was the first time seeing her
after graduation.

Why did she come to see you?

She came to ask for some advice.

What advice?

Seventeen years ago, Young-woo Koh...

raped So-yoon.

She was scouted by Wintis
right after she graduated

Judicial Research and Training Institute
as second best.

She takes care of business corruption
in the law firm.

All she does after all that hard work

is to cover for business corruption?

And currently
she is taking her father's case.

He is the chairman of the board
of the school where all this happened.

It's a big educational foundation

with a middle school,
high school, and university.

But what case is she taking care of?

The school is being investigated
for tax evasion,

and she is one of the school lawyers.

I saw the news several days ago,

and the father seemed to be
getting treatment for a heart disease.



Why are these people pushing us?

What is it?

It's Prosecutor Kim. He wants us
to finish So-yoon's case quickly,

since a witness was found.


How did he know that?

What Lawyer Park told us
was only between us.

I guess they share information,
since they're old friends.

But why are they rushing things so much?

Maybe they don't want too much attention
on their family's foundation.

They were in enough trouble.

This is where that happened 17 years ago.

This place is for loving children,
not committing crimes.

That dirty creep.


What was she thinking
when she came up here after the murder?

I'm not sure.

What was she thinking?


she wanted to forget everything
through death.

Would she really have thought that
she could forget everything through death?

If she went through all this,
isn't that possible?

Maybe you and I both don't understand
So-yoon Lee at all.

You know, within our common sense.

I never thought this would happen.

So-yoon was a really good person.

Was there anything different
about her recently?


She was usually quiet,
but she was always very hard working.

She wasn't normal.

Was she able to deal with customers?

More than able. More and
more customers came because of her.

Even the guys.

They all came to see the girl
pretty like a doll.

You think that is a compliment?

It could have hurt her feelings.

If people came with such a purpose,

you should've stopped them
from saying such things.

I think she said it
without any hard feelings.


Sorry about that.

The wallpapers are very fancy.

It must be because of her disease.

She must've had strong longing for colors.

That is probably why she worked
in a florist shop as well.

She has a lot of lamps.

They must have been really bad
for her eyes.

Maybe she didn't like the dark.

Why are the pictures
all hung up like this?

That is because of her poor sight.
She must have severe nystagmus,

making it hard for her
to get them hanging straight.

It seems like all her pain is
in this room.


The biggest pain in the world
is not being able to tell others.

But what is more painful for me,

is the pain of not being able
to get close to people.

The world where I reach into...

is full of sharp blades.

If I get too close, I might cut myself.

And the blood from such wounds

seems to stain me all day.

All over my white face.

A sunny day's sunlight
hurts and burns my skin,

but it is the only happiness I am allowed.

But that happiness...

is so insignificant.

Since it is a happiness that everything,

even the grass and trees can feel.

There was no place for me
to feel happiness

as a human and as a woman.

It will stay the same in the future too.

I have nothing to wish for anymore.

I am not living,
but only drifting around...

like dust upon water.

Today, the wishes
that won't come true pass by me,

like a wind over my white hair.

Congratulations, So-yoon Lee,

for staying alive for 27 years.

But what life is worth living

if I am to stay alone?

Today, for at least just one day,

I wish I had someone
who will just stay beside me,

looking into my white eyes.

I want to kill...

I want to kill myself.

But will that make my pain disappear?

Wouldn't there be another pain
that I am not aware of?

Yes, okay.

Even the chief has called.
He wants us to end the case quickly.

Now I see the picture.

Park went back
and kissed that person's butt.

If there isn't anything new,
it'll be hard to continue on.

Where were you?

I was opening canned peaches,
but cut my fingers.

So I've been to the medical office.

Are you a kid? Did you really want
to eat that so much during work?


We missed something!

We need to see this
from a child's perspective.

A child's perspective?

A child was raped.

What kind of pain would that child be in?

Then, where would you first go?

The place she visited the most
when she was sick at school!

Here it is. Nurse Kim.

She worked
from March 1987 to October 1994.

If it was 1994...

You are right!

It was when that happened.

Usually, one quits
when a semester is over.

But why did she quit during the semester?

I just made a call with lawyer Park.

The incident happened
in September, 17 years ago.

It fits with that period.

Yes, did you find Sun-hee Kim?


Is she dead?


She had uterine cancer
and fought with it for two years,

and she died all of a sudden two days ago.

How long were you two married?

This year is our 22nd year.

Then, do you remember when she worked

at Pyeongok Elementary School
17 years ago?

I heard that she stopped working
as a nurse ever since then.

Till then, my business wasn't going well,
so she had to work.

After my business started
to pay for itself, I made her stay home.

She only did social services sometimes.

What kind of social service?

She read books and recorded
her voice for the blind.

My wife...

wanted to be a voice actor
since she was young.

You said that she suddenly passed away.
Then was she okay before?

She had a six-month period to live,

but she had no problems moving around.

Yet five days ago, she asked me
to find someone. So I found her,

but she seemed very stressed
after seeing that person.

I think that is what made her get worse.

Can I ask who that is?

That student was from the school
my wife used to work at.

Isn't that student... a woman,

with white skin and hair?

How did you know?

Did she not tell you
what they talked about?


I wanted to ask,

but I just waited thinking
that she will tell me some day.

But then all this...

The time line fits.

So-yoon Lee heard something
really shocking,

and then committed the crime
the day after,

and the nurse died one day
after the incident.

She must have heard about what happened,

so it must have been shocking news to her.

What could she have told her?

This is a simple guess.

I'm sure the sudden retirement
of the school nurse

and the secret we don't know now,
are somehow related.

There are two possibilities here.

She may have felt guilty
because she couldn't keep a secret.


she may have received something big
in return by retiring.


But the most important thing here...

is the content of that secret.

Since it's hard to find out
what that secret is,

I'll give you the honors of finding it.

You always make me do
all the difficult work...

Hold on a second.

Yes, Dr. Cha.

This is an emergency.

What is it?

We found someone else's blood
on So-yoon Lee's clothes,

other than the blood of Mr. Koh.

By the way, it's a man's blood.

Oh. Okay, thanks.

They found another person's blood
on the murderer's clothes.


Till then, my business wasn't going well,
so she had to work.

After my business started
to pay for itself, I made her stay home.



She read books
and recorded her voice for the blind.

My wife...

wanted to be a voice actor
since she was young.

Yes, hello?

Yes, Doctor. Hello, this is Jin-woo Han.


Listen. I have a favor to ask.

Three hundred million won?


It was paid by the school foundation.

Hey, do nurses these days
get 300 million won for retirement?

It is not normal retirement payment.

This is not a pension,
but a lottery jackpot.

Why did the foundation
give so much pension money to Ms. Kim?

I'm just here to testify for my friend.

Don't treat me like a suspect.


May I ask you just one thing?

I will be really grateful
if you just told us

why you gave Sun-hee Kim
such a great amount of money.

I heard that my father helped her

since her family
was going through a hard time.

That amount of money
to a retiring employee?

My father treated all employees
like his very own family.

I will ask you one more question.

Why are you rushing
to close So-yoon Lee's case?

I never did so.

Please don't talk like that.

Aren't you in a hurry perhaps
to hide the tax evasion case from public?

I heard that the head of the board
suddenly went to the hospital

because of a sudden heart disease.

You know, old people are really odd.

They collapse just in time
when big things happen.

Please watch your words.

Didn't you learn the rule,
innocent until proven guilty?

We do learn that.

But to presume guilt is also our duty.

Today is the last day
of my voluntary testimony.

If you have anything else to ask,
please follow the official procedures.

If not, I will

sue all of you.

I feel like I pushed her buttons
for nothing.

Don't feel like that.

Now we need to turn over the situation.

You want to do that Kyung-hee,
Jin-woo cross thing again?




Do you have a warrant?

No, but I need to see him.

You can't without a warrant.
Please go back.

Get out of my way,
I have something to investigate.

Let go of me!

You can't do this.

Let's go in.

You don't look like our doctor.

Our doctor went to a scholarly meeting,
so I had to come instead.

I need to check the QT interval,
urinary interval,

and everything! I don't have time...

Let go of me! If you keep stopping me,
I will arrest you all!

-Let go of me!
-Look at her.


Why are you making such a fuss
in a hospital?

You idiots!


How many times did I tell you
to keep the journalists quiet?


call them and get things done!

Who are you?

I come to check on things.


Doctor Kim, that man,

how can he send
such a rookie intern over here?

I am not an intern.

You leave now and call Doctor Kim to come!

Okay, I will leave.


I will be going, but...

your mouth is quite dirty.

I suppose your mouth is a dustbin?

-Not good.
-What? What did you say, you runt?


That little piece of...

How can you go without permission?

What if something happens?

Come on. You don't need to worry.

You think we came back empty handed?

I guess you got something this time.

The man first came to the hospital

and was hospitalized four days ago,
at July 20th, 1:30 p.m.

And the same day around 4 p.m.,
So-yoon Lee killed Koh.

A heart disease and a murdered body.
How are they related?

It seems as if they aren't.

But the prescription on the chart
was the problem.

If it was the heart,
he must get blood pressure medication,

but all he had was anti-inflammatory
and painkiller pills.

What this indicates,
is that he was wounded.

The blood sample result is here.

Aha! Thank you very much.

Okay, got it.


The blood of the head of the board

and the blood
from So-yoon Lee's clothes match.

They are from the same person!

Then that means that she first stabbed
the head of the board,

and then killed the teacher?

Yes, and the head of the board
was trying to hide all that.

Then it means
that she had grudges on two people.

But head of the board is alive.

I think So-yoon Lee thought
that the head of the board was dead

if he had fainted.

Isn't that too far-fetched?
There's just no reason for all this.

There's a reason.
Without reason, we won't just dig in.

What you will hear
from now on is a conversation...

between So-yoon Lee and Sun-hee Kim.

How did you get that?

Did someone monitor them?

Not monitored, but it was by reading.

You mean reading lips?

Yes, there was a security camera
right in front of them,

so we could get a clear picture
of their lips.

Then I asked a specialist to read this.

Let's listen to this.


I have something to tell you.

It is something you must hear.

What is it?

I have done you wrong.

No, we did.

I beg...

for your forgiveness, So-yoon.

Even if it costs me my life.

Detective Park.

Where is Detective Kang?

I don't know.

Is she not in the office?

No. She won't get my calls.
I can't reach her all of a sudden.

Where did she go?

Did you see her?

I don't know...

Oh no...

What is this?

What is this?

Detective Kang!

-What are you doing?
-That's enough!

-Who the heck are you guys?

We are the police.

Do you know what you've done?

Then do you know what you did to a girl?

What are you talking about?

Detective Kang!



just pretend like you don't know.

People like you will never regret
and feel sorry.

Hey, Detective Kang!

Don't listen with your ears,
but with your conscience. Okay?

I beg...

for your forgiveness.

Even if it costs me my life.

So-yoon, I'm really sorry.


What happened?


I will catch whoever it is!
I will call the police...

Wait, will we really...

be able to catch him?

Why can't we? We have the body fluid
of the culprit on her clothes.

Nurse, don't rush into this,

but let's think over this slowly.

Think over what slowly?
What's there to think over?


I'm going to make an offer
you can't refuse.

What do you mean by that?

I heard that your house is seized,

since your husband's business went bust.

Let's let this go without loose ends.
Without any regrets.


the police say...

that the suspect is probably a town hobo.


since they are not sure where they are,

it's really hard to catch them.


What happens to my So-yoon?

What happens to my So-yoon?

You need to be strong...

and raise her well.

I'll try my best to make her scars heal

as fast as possible.

What should I do with So-yoon now?

What I did was really terrible.

I am really sorry.

I ask for forgiveness,
even if it costs me my life.

I'm really sorry.

He will live, right?

Fortunately, his vital organs were
not damaged at all.

Do not reveal this to the world.

Just say
that I collapsed of heart disease.

-Yes, sir.

Father, what happened?


Seventeen years ago, her homeroom teacher
did something bad to her.

I did hear about it,

but I didn't want to make things worse.
So I made them settle.

But I think...

she wasn't over it.

Before things get complicated,

you need to take care of this nicely.

Okay? Will you, my daughter?

This isn't true, right?
People are lying to me, right?

I am asking if this is true!

It is all in the past anyways.

There is no proof.

Even if they did have proof,

the statute of limitations has passed.

You just keep your eyes
on the foundation, okay?

So-yoon is my friend.

She's like your own daughter!

Shut up! If...

If you want my inheritance,

don't talk back to me.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that I couldn't solve things...

the way you wanted me to.

But now we all know.

We know how much you suffered,

and how much you were in pain.

But what I am sorrier about,

is that I don't fully understand.

I want to share your pain,

but I just can't.

Now rest in peace.

I will take care of the rest.

You have to live...

in a good place forever, okay?

Now, she has faith in us...

To So-yoon Lee

What are these?

These are the letters you delivered
to So-yoon Lee.

Why are you giving these to me?

These letters,

they were for you.

I guess So-yoon
wanted to see you more often.

She sent herself a letter
without anything written on it.

And she made you deliver them to her.

She wanted to get closer to you
but she couldn't.

She couldn't express it well,

but that was her way of showing.

So-yoon's heart...

was white,

not her face.

And she kept you...

in her white heart.

Just like how she left her heart
in the white letter.

This is the director of SDC.

I heard a lot about you.

I heard that you helped
with project Objet 1 as well.

I sincerely thank you.


you are the real head of our project.

Now we, the SDC, will support you
the best we can.

I think I am done
with all that I can here.

Medically, yes.

But your national duty isn't over yet.

What if...

I reject?

If the project is alive,
you are still a part of us.

You did one hell of a job this time.

Nothing has changed, though.

What do you mean, nothing changed?

She gave up her foundation!

Will the world change with this?

The world is changing already.

The 3D version of Transformers is
finally out!

That is a very sexual movie!

What do you mean?

I am wondering why they aren't featuring
a 4D version of that.

Why didn't they just leave him to die?

Maybe they had no intention
of killing him.

Maybe they just wanted to scare him
and leave him with a fatal injury.

Maybe they wanted him to suffer more.

The cause of death is excessive bleeding.

And without a single wound.

They made him bleed every drop
he had in his veins.

He died without knowing that he was dying.

Wow, the size
is getting bigger and bigger...

What would you have done in my shoes?

Don't disappoint me.

Please save me. Please.

Subtitle translation by Chan Moon