God's Quiz (2010–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - A Bomb in My Ears - full transcript

As new clues to Yeong-eun's death turn up, the team investigates the death of a disabled man who claimed that he had a bomb in his ear.

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Communities for the disabled have opposed

the government's decision
on welfare investment funds.

Especially since the government has
decreased activity funds for the disabled,

free childcare services,
and other funds for the general public...


There is a bomb in my ears!

Everyone! There is a bomb in my ears!

There is a bomb in my ears!
There is a bomb...

Questions about communities
for the disabled are being raised.

On to the next news.

There is a bomb in my ears.

I never know when it will explode.

You have to believe me.

-Go and sit down.

When will the social service people
come to get him?

They say that it will take about an hour.

-Look here!

-Hey! You can't do this to me!
-Please calm down!





We'll start the replacement
of RFID and DEMA Chip.

Wan-kyu Song, age 43,
third level mental disorder.

We think he died
around 2 a.m. two days ago,

and he was found in his factory's garage
with a screwdriver thrust in his left ear.

For now, the police see it as a suicide.

Hey. That... What was that?

That news... The man on the news...

This... What was it?

-"There's a bomb in my ears!"

That's him.

Yeah, the bomb guy!

But wasn't he taken in
right after the incident?

They say he ran away while waiting
for the social worker to pick him up.

What about his family?

His wife, Jung-soon Kim, age 40,
is also mentally disabled.

And his son, Han-chul Song, age 18.

He's normal.

A screwdriver was stuck in his ear,
damaging his brain, and caused his death.

Why send him to us then?

The main cause of death
is as you mentioned,

but major signs
of a stroke were found as well.

He also had cardiovascular
and kidney abnormalities.

They wanted to know the relationship
between his death and his disease.

Did they find any other fingerprints
on the screwdriver?

No, only his own fingerprints were found.

As mentioned before, the main cause

is the brain damage
caused by the injury in his head.

But his brain and heart
were also in critical condition.

Maybe it might not be
the cause of death...

but we can suspect
a complicated disease here.

There are obvious signs
of a congestive heart failure.

That's right.

And he has serious ventricular hypertrophy
and valvular heart diseases too.

Acute heart failure may have occurred
during his suicide.

Any relationship
between his rare disease and his death?

For now,
there are too many symptoms to be clear.

But most important
is the possibility of a murder.


Normally, a lot of physical strength
is required to kill a person

by stabbing a screwdriver into one's ear.

You can't really stab yourself like that.

It is also difficult to aim correctly.

But if we consider that it could be
an impulsive action

of a mentally disabled person,

we cannot ignore
the possibility of suicide.

So I think the possibility is 50-50.

Of course, we couldn't find
any other fingerprints

but that's not very hard to fabricate.


May I help you?



Wake up, honey.


My husband won't come back, will he?

He went far away, right?

No. Even though you can't live with him,
he will always be with you.

How can he be by my side
if we can't live together?

I bought canned peaches for him.

I bought a lot...

Was your husband ever sick?

My husband always said,

his head and chest hurt.

Also his ears, arms,

and even his toes...

So did he ever tell you
exactly where it hurt?

He said there was pain his head, chest,

and even his ears.

Then did he ever say
that he had a bomb in his ears?

Bomb? I don't know anything about that.

He only said he had pain in his head,

ears, and chest.

Didn't your son come with you?

I don't know
where my son Han-chul Song is.

He ran away and didn't come back.

He hates us, because we are stupid.

Because we hurt him.

Who says that you are stupid?
You two are not stupid.

I will find your son and bring him here.
I promise.

No, don't do that! My son Han-chul Song,

he hates me.


I'm helpless without my husband.

I can't even go to buy groceries,

nor can I go to the pharmacy.

I don't think the wife
knew about the bomb.

I think he didn't tell her
because she might worry.

Wan-kyu Song, he had a deep heart.

But where and how sick was he?

Oh, that guy?

He talked rubbish about his limbs hurting,
and held them together.

He left making a big mess.

His limbs?

Then he didn't say
that his head or chest hurt?

You didn't ask him exactly where it hurt?

Oh, we just thought
that he was pretending to be sick.

Does that make any sense?
How can you just ignore a sick person?

That's what I'm saying!
Was it so hard to ask where he was sick?

Come on.

Brain stroke, cardiac failure.

It's the same as our autopsy results.

We heard he felt pain all over his body.

Were there any other
neurological disorders?

No, there weren't.
He tended to exaggerate his pains.

Did you run any other tests?

Of course we did.
There were no specific findings.

Mr. Shin, the CEO of the corporation,
takes good care of his people.

So we do our best.

Since when did you
help Wan-kyu Song's company?

About two years ago, I think?


There are no records of MRI, CT or biopsy.

You said that you did all that.

Oh, we lost all our data...

by a technical malfunction last week.

We are currently restoring that data.


Why was he here at that moment?

Maybe he had nowhere to go.
He would have been caught at home.

Could a mentally ill person
consider such details?

Look here. Even mentally disabled people
sense their own danger.

They're not much different from others.


But there must have been a security camera
installed in the warehouse.

It looks like it's been there.

Wan-kyu was a good little brother to me.

His wife was as well.

Did Jung-soon Kim work here too?


Wan-kyu Song did the packing,

and his wife worked in the assembly line.

Wan-kyu Song wasn't in a good condition.

Were you aware of that?


The hospital reported back to us
whenever they did an examination.

Then when did he start
talking about bombs?

After his headache got worse.

At first, I thought he would
eventually stop.

But his headache just got worse.

I was going to get him a surgery
when things got better here,

but all this happened.

Are the workers here
all handicapped people?

Yes, they are all mentally disabled.

I was wondering
what I could do for this world,

and decided to hire the disabled.

I see you were awarded
by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Oh yes, I didn't do much.
But they were too generous.

Oh, I see.

Oh right, there were no security cameras
in the garage where Song died.

Yes. It broke down a week ago.
We are having it repaired right now.

No need to come out.

It's okay. Anyway, I appreciate you
doing this for our Wan-kyu.

It's lunch time, everyone!

Let's go to eat!


Today's menu is beef stew!

I like beef stew.

Working on such a great project
with a world-class doctor...

I am truly honored.

From today, I will personally
supervise the DEMA Project.

Then from today,
I will take my hands off Objet 1.

Since you'll take care of it personally,

I won't be needed anymore...

A father can't abandon his son.

What do you mean by that?

You gave a new life to Objet 1.

You are like the father.

The CEO is very clean.
No criminal records.

And awarded
by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

I know.

But why do you think he's suspicious?

Because of the workers in the factory.

All of their clothes had the same folds,
as if they were brand new.

And the gloves were too clean
as if they were new as well.

So, you're saying that he made
everyone change into new clothes

since he knew we were coming?


So is the security camera.

As a warehouse, it's common sense
to get it replaced as soon as possible.

And that hospital, I don't like it either.

How can all the technical malfunctions
happen in the same week?

-That's true.
-Even if it is murder,

it will be hard for us
to connect that with the CEO.

We located Han-chul Song,
Wan-kyu Song's son.

You idiot! How many times is this?
We'll have to pay for that!

If this happens once more,
you're going to lose your job.

Got it?

Smoking at your age
will damage your bones, you little brat.

Are you Han-chul Song?


I didn't do anything wrong these days.

Do you know that your father passed away?

Did you see your father on the news?
He passed away that day.

That idiot.

How can you call your father an idiot?

Is he your father?

Why are you getting pissed off?

That attitude!

Tomorrow's his funeral, so pay a visit.
We came to tell you that.

I guess cops don't have much to do
these days.

Catching criminals isn't our only duty.

Making people like you more humane
is our duty too.

Let's go, Dr. Han.

Quit smoking.
Who will see you as an 18-year-old?

I was just about to use honorifics to you.

What the fuck do you guys know about me?

-Gosh, this little brat...
-No. Let's just leave.

University? Whatever.

What will I do there?

Our dear son Han-chul Song,

they say you need to go to university
to become a great person.

Great person? Whatever.

Raise me properly before you say that.

If I was brought up by normal parents,

I wouldn't be blind in one eye,

and I wouldn't have to go
through all this crap!

We're sorry.

We are very sorry, my son Han-chul Song.

Let me go.

And university, are they free?

If I say I want to go,
do they just let me in?

We are saving money for it.

We can send our son to university.

Get that out of my face!

You live with this money.

I'll live on my own.

Son! My son Han-chul Song!



He must have had a hard time.

Maybe I was too harsh on him.

No, you did the right thing!
He deserved that!

You seem to be angrier than him.

I am very annoyed, so I need to chill out.
Go ahead.

Where are you going?

I want to go to a sauna and sweat out...

Want to join me?

A sauna at this hour? I have a lot to do.


Then call me anytime.

I'll have a cold drink and boiled eggs
on a plate waiting for you.

See you later.

-Dr. Han.

I'm sure you know,

but the stone-grilled eggs are the best.

Stone-grill my ass.

He's gotten strange recently.

I think it is a temporary side effect,
related to the neurological system.

Did you have headache or other pains?

No, only my sights
have become a bit blurry.

We will reexamine the vaccine
and call you back.

Could I know the composition
of that vaccine?

It's confidential information
and classified.

I'm sorry.



There is a bomb in my ears, people!

People! There is a bomb in my ears!

Is this Mr. Suk-min Woo from the News 9 ?


He kept repeating the same thing
until the cops came.

"There is a bomb in my ears.
If you don't listen, it'll explode."

That kind of thing, he said.

Did he say anything about
who was going to explode the bomb?

No, he didn't say anything about that.

Why are we going back to the factory?

If we go now, the atmosphere
will be very different from last time.

Do you have an appointment with the CEO?

-Then please leave.

Without his permission...

Are you interfering with
a public officer's duty?

Something in the air seems different
from last time.

Is this really the same place?

I'll ask some questions.
You can be honest with me.

Hold on, Detective Kang.

Excuse me.
I would like to do a simple test.



What are you doing?

Put them on!

-Put your clothes back on!

What do you think you're doing?

Good thing that you came.

Explain to me
why they are acting like this.

Why should I explain?
You did this to them!

You think that makes sense?
What did you do to these people?

If you want to investigate,
bring a warrant.

Don't accuse an innocent man like this.

This guy is really good
at turning things over.


A reflex?

Yes, reflexes from repeated orders.

To them, I think the order was "test."

For people with lower intelligence,

reflexes induced
by repetition present more often.

Just like Pavlov's dog.

It means they take off all their clothes
when they take a test.

Men and women all in one place.

I think they forced some test on them.

In the old days,

they did a lot of body
searches to find thieves stealing stuff.

But what were you trying to test?


At first, I didn't know
since they were all wearing gloves.

When I took a closer look,
all of them didn't have any fingerprints.

I think it was
because of their repetitive task.

What's the problem in that?

Only Song's fingerprints were found
on the screwdriver that killed Song.

And his fingerprints were on it
since he was responsible for stacking.

Aside from the fingerprints,
I just can't trust the CEO.

Now I agree.

I don't know
if he is directly related to the crime,

but he smells really fishy.

Detective Park, have they held the funeral
for Wan-kyu Song?

Yes, I heard they were
planning a woodland burial today.



It's exhausting, right?

I'll make you feel better.

Ms. Jung-soon Kim?

Go ahead and eat.
You should get back on your feet.

If you stay weak like this,
your husband will be upset in heaven.

Don't forget the side dishes.
There you go.


I somewhat feel close to you,
so I'll just call you by name.

Oh right! I feel just the same!
I'll do that too!


We found amlodipine besylate
for blood pressure,

and acetaminophen as a painkiller.

He must have had the prescription
for the blood pressure,

but he shouldn't have taken
the painkillers.

Why not?


it could cause serious side effects on
those with a weak heart, liver, or kidney.

I think he personally
bought these painkillers.

With such symptoms, he must've had
lots of pain in his chest and head.

Hypertrophy in the left ventricle,

heart valve dysfunction,
coronary artery disorder,

and cardiac failure.

Stroke caused by thrombosis,

and pantalgia.


Or muscular?


Yes, Dr. Cha, do a thorough analysis
on Wan-kyu Song's DNA.


Yes, quickly.

As you can see,
we have found a DNA mutation here,

causing a lower ability
for creating enzyme.

Then he had a hereditary disease?

Yes, Wan-kyu Song has a Fabry disease.

About Fabry disease,

in a cell, there is a storage organelle
called lysosome.

But it causes problems,
as the hereditary disease

makes it difficult to create enzymes
needed for metabolism.

Then all of his symptoms
are related to this disease?

Yes. Stroke caused
by cerebrovascular disorder,

cardiac failure caused
by cardiovascular disorder,

and pantalgia caused
by metabolic dysfunction.

They are all terminal symptoms
of Fabry disease.

Plus, there was the pain and weird senses
in the head and ears,

and that made him think
that there is a bomb in his ears.

The patients of this disease
suffer from unimaginable pain.

Well, from my personal perspective,

as mentioned before,
the main cause of death is head injury.

And other symptoms were caused
by the disease,

which worsened with the injury
on the day Wan-kyu Song died.

Although the cause of death is clear,

we still don't know
if it was suicide or murder.

I investigated thoroughly and found
not just dust but a bag full of garbage.

Ik-beom, please.

First, about fixing the security camera,
that was a lie.

I checked the camera company,
and found there was no record.

Just as I expected.

Oh, that hospital's technical malfunction,
that was a lie too.

They had no problems sending medical data
to the National Health Insurance Service.

This means that they had no problems
with the system.

I smell that something was going on
between those two.

How can a doctor like you lie?

We checked into your wife's bank account

and we noticed that a large sum
has been deposited every month.

And those who sent the money

were all related to the corporation
you work with, and CEO Shin was included.

I guess you've been paid your doctor bills
through your wife's account now.

Doctor. No...

Dude, you got the money for writing
false clean bills of their health, right?

You made sick workers seem healthy.

The money...

was just a customary thing.

You think you can talk out of this?

Then, is false certification
also a customary thing?

The police will re-examine the workers
through Hankook university.

Go ahead and tell us.
What was Wan-kyu Song's diagnosis?

For the first two years,
we really didn't know.

But since last month,
I found Fabry disease.

-So you knew everything...
-Mr. Choi.

Your career as a doctor ends today.


Excuse me, dear honest CEO.

-What is it again?
-Go on a drive together to the station.

It's nicely air-conditioned in there.

You knew about the disease,
but why didn't you do anything?

Dr. Choi wasn't sure of it.
He said that we should just look closer.

Then explain the money for fake diagnosis.

That is a misunderstanding!

The hospital asked for the money first!

They asked for a reward,
saying they'll take better care!

Then what about the security camera?

Why did you lie about that?


was to protect our workers.

I can't stand it anymore.
I want to take out the bomb.

No, how can you take that out?

If I stay like this, it will explode!

Then I will die!

You do it for me! I can't do it.

No, I can't do it.

You are good with machines
and assembling stuff!

Please, I beg you!

You had the tape,
but why didn't you tell us?

I'm sorry.

I just couldn't erase it.
If I erased this,

his death will remain a mystery.

Why not tell the truth in the first place?
Why did you hide all this?

As I told you,

I wanted to protect my workers.

Wan-kyu was already dead,
but Jong-do was left in trouble.

I had to protect him.

He also has a wife and a daughter.

The incident resulted in murder,

but that wasn't his intention.

My decision.

I know that I am guilty for that
and I will take the punishment.

But please don't punish Jong-do.

I beg you.

Is it true you did it, Mr. Jong-do Koh?


Did Wan-kyu Song ask you to do that?


Did he say who installed the bomb
in his ears?

I don't know. I don't know!
I really don't know!

He seems to be in fear.

I feel the same.

Of course he killed him,
but he is hiding something else.

Even if the CEO did lie about the bomb,
we can't punish him.

But then what should we do?
Shouldn't he be punished?

But it won't be a big crime.

But, trying to hide everything...

I think it was all part of a plan.

-A plan?

If it had been all hidden
and concluded as suicide, then that's it.

But if we catch him,

he becomes a good CEO
who tried to protect his workers.

If that's true,
he must really be an evil genius.

I think he's trying to use his workers
as a scapegoat, and he is trying to hide.

If we want to know the truth,

we should use a psychological approach
to get the employees to talk.

Dr. Min!

Along their trained obedience,
comes an occlusive attitude.

They won't talk easily.

Then, let's give them presents
to persuade...

They will be even more cautious.

You cut off my words again!

Won't we be able to communicate with them
if we approach more personally?

No, they'll try to avoid talking.
In my mind, the best way is...

through only one person.

One person?

Yes, just one person's disobedience
can cause chaos.

But it will be difficult
to get that one person to do so.

Any ideas?

Look, our hope approaches.

You can't just fool around.
Be a friend and act out, okay?


You are already acting
as your new character.

Hello, I am your counselor, Ji-eul Min.

Here, we have a lot of people
from different corporations.

For now, it might be awkward.

But as you talk, you will be able to
get closer to each other.

Now, one by one, please speak freely.

As you were working,
did you experience any discomfort,

any harassment,

or any payments not paid on time?

You can tell me.


Tell us.

The CEO...

You won't tell him, right?

Of course, it's our little secret.

Then, I will just trust your words.


The CEO won't give me my salary.

He even takes off my clothes
to check if I steal anything.


the food is always nothing
but pickled radish.

If I eat too much, he hits me.

I have something to say, too!

Me too.

-Me too!
-Me too!

-Let me talk first!
-I will talk first.

Please give me my payment.

I have your bank account, so don't worry!

No, my son Han-chul Song,
he needs to go to university.

Hey! Your son's tuition fee is supported
by the government!

I asked the government
but they said that now they don't do that.

Then my son Han-chul Song
can't go to university.

-So I want you to give me...
-Why should I? I won't give you!

Please! You promised!

You promised that you will give us
our payment!

My son Han-chul Song...

I told you to wait!

Look at everyone else.
They don't whine like you!

My son Han-chul Song
has to go to university.

If you don't give me my salary,
I will call the police.

You ungrateful bastard!
You don't know what I've done for you?

Huh? How ungrateful!

Listen carefully.

Do you know why you've been sick recently?

That is because we put a bomb
in your head!

You know that he is really good
with machines, right?

For him, making a bomb is a piece of cake.
If you act out of line again,

I will make it explode. Got that?

Then, you'll die!



The CEO put the bomb in him.

So is that why you tried to take the bomb
out that night?


You never got paid?


He said he will give it to us all at once,
and he took our bankbooks.

He gave us 50,000 won per month
as allowance.

Why didn't you tell this to anyone?

He said that he will fire us if we tell!

He said we'll all starve to death then!

Shin, that piece of shit.

You lied that you put a bomb in him!

Is that a big problem?
They are intellectually disabled!

It is hard for me to love them,
if I don't control them.

Chul-seung Shin!
I will sew your lips together!

Everyone has their own way.

What? Ways?

You think you've been rightful?

You used your workers' accounts

to make loans and buy expensive cars
for your own leisure!

Explain that.

You get money from the government
by employing the disabled,

take away their salary,

degrade them by strip-searching them,

and you even threaten them!

This is an obvious crime.

To him, it's not a crime,
but just a daily routine.

To a devil, bad deeds
are only a part of his daily life.

You can count on us.

We will make you suffer
as much as your workers did.

Darn it!

Your temper.

What again!

Fix your way of talking.

You're rude.

I won't!

I grew up without a father and a mother,
so this is what you get.

Yes, you don't have parents,

since they gave up on you long ago.

We have a lot.

He'll live but because of his high fever,
his left optic nerve is damaged.

He might not be able to see
with his left eye as he grows up.

There, there.

You're sleepy!


They should have just left me to die.
Why did they raise me?

There was no need.

Do you think things would have been
better for you if you had died then?

You think people are born
knowing that they'll be happy?

Do you think they know
what kind of family they'll have?

The saddest thing in the world...

is not being loved
and not being able to love.

Those who saved you from that fate
is your current parents.

I thought there were no angels
in this disastrous world.

But I learned a lot from your parents.

That in this world,
angels really do exist.

That kid, he was rude until the end.

Oh, wasn't that something
you used to hear a lot?

That was because people were jealous
of my great abilities.

No. People were dead serious,
saying they just can't stand you.

You don't trust me again!
To hell for unbelievers!

She knows me too well now.

Just look at this place.
It seems to fall apart.

Our son, Han-chul Song!

Why did you bury father
somewhere like that?

He'll be washed away when it rains!


I'm sorry, our son Han-chul Song.

You don't have to visit if you hate me.

If I don't visit,
how are you going to live?

How are you going to shop,
or get your medicines when you're sick?

And when you take a bath...

who will help you wash your back?


Sorry, my son Han-chul Song.

Stop saying sorry!

What wrong did you do, mom?



My son Han-chul Song
just called me mother!

Yes, mom.

-So 4 times 1,000 is 4,000.

-And 4 times 100 is 400.

-And 3 times 10 is 30.

So, it is 4,430 in total.

Wow, my son is very brilliant!

I am good math, but Dad is strong!

Since my son Han-chul Song's father
is really strong,

I will always protect you, my dear son,
Han-chul Song.

Then I will always count money for you
by your side.

There, there. You're sleepy!

Why are you asking that to us?

Do you have any proof
that we hacked your system?

No, we only traced it
to the main server in Hankook university.

So we are just investigating around.

It's suspicious since it happened
on the day I've been here.

Government agent shouldn't suspect people
without evidence.

From now on, we will keep an eye
on this entire university.

So you'd better watch out
what's you're doing.

Hey, black suit.

The body you took last time...

I can't tell you anything about that body.

I just wanted to ask one thing.

Did you give a proper funeral
for that body?

Following our protocols,
we proceeded with cremation.


Humans are not objects...

And the remains?

Since there were
no related family members,

they were re-cremated,
as our protocol indicates.

Look here, black suit.

A bag that holds a secret
is very big and thick.

But that bag always bursts one day...

with a loud noise.

Is he still unconscious?

He seems to be in a temporary coma.

Further stimulation may damage the brain.

Save me...

Please save me.


Save me. Please, save me!


This is Young-eun Lee,
a researcher from the Babel Team.

Do you agree to participate
in the DEMA Project

as a researcher as well as a subject?


From today, we will give you
an RFID and DEMA Chip.

Age 27, a florist.

Right after the crime,
she jumped off the roof of her school,

and is now in a vegetative state.

It looks very much like a murder
out of grudge.

The student killed the teacher?

If she wasn't mental before,

there must have been something
that made her go crazy.

After all the effort we've put in...

Then do you know what you've done
to a woman?

Subtitle translation by Chan Moon