Get Backers (2002–2003): Season 1, Episode 2 - Get Back the Rusted Bonds - full transcript

Ban and Ginji are out on the streets trying to raise money to pay off their tab at the Honky Tonk when a sickly old homeless man takes pity on them and shares his food.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Namida atsumete yozora e kaesou

Yuragu koto nai ai dake baramake stardust

Ikiteru ka dou ka wakannaku
natchatta yoru wa

Hoshi no mienai yozora ni
nomikomarete shimau

Kienaide hikari, mayoisou
na kokoro ga sakebu

Tada kimi ni aitai

Gensou, mousou, musou no naka
wo honki de shissou

Karadajuu no kiseki ga me wo samasu

Wasurenaide, hitori ja nai yo

Itsu datte, we are just a dreamer

Take love, get all love,
get back love in our hands

Yuragu koto nai ai dake baramake stardust

Donna ashita wo yume mite ikou ka konya

Thank you very much!

Mr. Ban and Mr. Ginji aren't coming
these days, are they.

Excellent, excellent. It proves
they're being industrious.

This is a business, too.

I can't keep on always being
soft on them, you know.

Well, if they earn a bundle this way,

and then if we could just get
them to pay their tab...

Then HOORAY! Right, Master?

But the fact that it doesn't happen is the
hallmark trait of their association...


I feel uneasy somehow.

Kabuki-chou, First City

Yes, yes, yes!

Precious articles, lost articles,

we're the recovery service that
gets back anything.

Our success rate is 100%!

If you apply now I'll even discount the fee!

Say, that girl there! Hey, miss!

What do you say? I'll consult with you
about anything you want!

Say, Mr. Company President!
Hey, Mr. President!

At least listen to what I'm saying!

Dammit, Ginji! Quit slacking off
and do some work, too!

You can say that, but I haven't had
anything but water for three days!

I'm done for...

Ooh, you're a disgrace!

The tow truck three days ago
hit hard, didn't it.

With that all the money we had
flew away, didn't it.

It's all Ban's fault, isn't it.

It's because he skimps on
parking fees, isn't it.

Shut up! Sheesh, you just go on about
things that are in the past!

And what about Paul?

Treating innocent youth who go
to him for help so coldly!

What does he mean, we eat
after we pay our tab?!

Well, fine!

Just you watch, we'll land a
huge job, and BAM!

We'll pay off that tab in full!

Don't get so worked up.

For right now let's just work some normal
temp job, and get something to eat!

Ginji! Don't you have any pride?

We're the recovery service that
gets back anything!

Recovery service professionals can't
work a thing like a temp job!

But Ban, pride won't fill my stomach!

Don't cry!

Ba... Ban?

Miss... Lady... bug...

Oh no, someone collapsed on
the side of the road!

And they're still so young, too...

Mama, what's that?

Shh, come on, let's go.
Mama, what's that?

Shh, come on, let's go.

Ban, do you think we'll die like this?

Please... do whatever you want...


Cod Roe

Cod Roe
Eat, boys.

Eat, boys.

All I did was get what the store was going to
throw out, so there's no need to hold back.

Hey! Ban, you sneak!
I saved that one aside!

Shut up! Something like that
belongs to whoever eats it!

That's mean!

H-H-Horrible! It's horrible!

Master, it's horrible!

What's wrong, Natsumi?

M-Mr. Ban and Mr. Ginji are
under the overpass

eating leftovers with a strange old man!

I knew it. My uneasiness was warranted.

Man, you sure saved us today!

Totally! Although for a while there
I feared the worst...

Thanks, Mister!

No, no, you'd do the same for me
if I were in trouble.

Even so, you startled me.

At first I thought you might really be dead.

How on earth did you end up
in a place like that?

Uh, well...

You see, various things...

I see. Various things.

Whoops, that's no good.

Just a minute.

I know there was a spare candle
somewhere around here.

Oh hey, Mister.
I know there was a spare candle
somewhere around here.

Oh hey, Mister.

Hold on a minute.

As my thanks for the food,
I'll show you something cool.

Here's one!

What... what is this?

He generates electricity inside his body...
that's his power.


Hey, what do you think? It's cool!
You know about electric eels, right?

Isn't it great?
When they sense danger, they generate
electricity and protect themselves.

When they sense danger, they generate
electricity and protect themselves.

Isn't it bright? An energy-saver, huh?
When they sense danger, they generate
electricity and protect themselves.

Isn't it bright? An energy-saver, huh?
Humans actually have those power
generation cells inside them, too.

It's not lonely at all!
Humans actually have those power
generation cells inside them, too.

It's not lonely at all!
So the deal is, that power is
particularly strong in this guy.

Are you surprised? Huh?
So the deal is, that power is
particularly strong in this guy.

Hey, are you listening?
So the deal is, that power is
particularly strong in this guy.

Hey, are you listening?

Electric eels?

Then do you have some sort of
power like that, too?

Sort of.

Do you know what a Jagan is, Mister?

N-No I don't, but... you two...
just what are you?

I'm Ban Midou.

I'm Ginji Amano.

We get back things that have been taken,
things that have been lost.

Things that have been taken?

The recovery service whose motto is
"lf it was taken, get it back"...

Get Backers!

Ever heard of us, Mister?

Mister? Mister!


Hey, Mister, are you okay? Mister!

Ban! I'll get an ambulance!



Don't worry. It's one of my usual fits.

If I rest a little it'll get better.

Two years ago, I ran my company
into the ground, you see.

I'm living like this now,

but despite how I look, I once
had my own factory.

I came to Tokyo with nothing but
the shirt on my back,

and I worked my heart out.

I got married, and we were blessed
with one daughter.

When I think about it, that was
the happiest time of my life.

However, in the lingering recession
debts gave birth to debts...

I don't know if the place I borrowed
from was the problem, but

the company ran down...
and my daughter...

my daughter was carried off by the yakuza.

She was such a sweet daughter, you know?

She lost her mother early on, and she
went through all kinds of hardships...

and yet she never complained once.

That sweet girl... I couldn't protect her.

You said you were a recovery
service, didn't you.

My daughter's name is Rika Yamamura.

She's being held at the leader of
the Tatsukawa group's estate.

I know... I know it's asking the impossible,
but I'd like to request a favor.

My daughter... could you
get back my daughter?

This is all I have right now!
But I WlLL prepare the money!

I'll work... I'll work and I'll prepare it
no matter what.

So just one glimpse is fine!

My daughter, I'd like you to
let me see my daughter!

I want to see her and apologize!

I want to see her and say I'm sorry!

Um, Mister...

I'm sorry, Mister.

The money's not enough.
Please ask someone else.


No, it's okay.

I knew from the beginning
it was impossible.

Talking to myself, I was just
talking to myself.

Please forget it.

Say, Ban.

No. This isn't a charity.

We can't be doing jobs that
don't make a profit.

I know. I know, but...

The fact is, we don't have any money...

and even if it was leftovers, he gave us
those rice balls to eat...

Definitely it's not a job
that'll bring a profit,

and it won't help with the tab,
either, but...

but I think we're the only ones
who can do this job.

The only ones who can get
back his memories.

I'm sorry, Ban. But after all, l...

Honestly, you're an amazing sap.

You get yourself into such scrapes
I can't stand to sit by and watch.

Well, never mind the loose change for a fee.

You've got a point about the food.


Sheesh. Who was it who said pride
wouldn't fill his stomach?

Those two...

Ban Midou

Ginji Amano

Well, well, well. Pretty fancy place.

What's that?

Now then, how about you tell me?

Where's the girl named Rika Yamamura?

Who is it?

Don't make a fuss.

Don't worry, Miss Rika.

You're Miss Rika Yamamura, right?

Oh, good.

We're a recovery service.

We came to rescue you!

Your father asked us to.

F-Father... asked you?

But that's impossible!

There's just no way we could do a thing
like escape from this estate.

Why not?

"Why not"? This is a yakuza house,
you know.

The security system and
then the watchmen...

there's no way we could do it.

But we got in, didn't we? Here we are
in your room like this.

Don't you want to see your father?


Trust us.

We're definitely going to give
you a chance to meet.

Okay, Miss Rika?

Okay. I'll go get ready...
just a moment.

Hurry, okay?

A secret passage?


There are several passages prepared
just in case something happens.

From there we might be able
to get outside safely.

That sounds good! Let's go there.
Okay Ban?

It's here.

It definitely has that feel to it.

This was an easier job than we
though, huh Ban?

Okay, then. Let's get going, shall we?

One, two, three...

Wh-What's this?

Dammit, I thought so.

It's a shame, huh kids?

I'm sorry, while I was changing
I went and contacted him.

Mi... Miss Rika? Why?

You see, right now, I'm this man's woman...

the leader of the Tatsukawa group,
Toshizou Tatsukawa.

You were really stupid, weren't
you, Mr. Recoverer.

Did you really think I'd want
to see that garbage?


Yes, garbage. That man, my father.

What does he mean, wanting to
see me after all this time?

Don't make me laugh.

You don't know what kinds of things
have happened to me

because of that man, do you?

You don't know what I felt, watching
the other kids my age

Iooking like they were
enjoying their lives.

In the end, he ran his company into
the ground and sold me off, too.

That man is the lowest.

Well, I'm a little grateful now, though.

See, look at this ring.

If I were with him I wouldn't be able
to get it in all my life.

It's not just the ring.

Bags, clothes, shoes...

If I'm here I can get anything.

Right now I'm happy.

I'm VERY happy.

I'd never return to a man like that.

You're wrong... Miss Rika, you're wrong.

Your father... he told us.

He told us you were a sweet person.

He told us he always got support from you.

He felt really sorry for not having been
able to protect you, Miss Rika.

He told us he wanted to apologize to you

and even got down on his hands and
knees on the floor to bow to us...

That's how much he wants to see you!

That's how much... that's how much he...

That doesn't concern me.

Not the person who abandoned me...

Miss Rika...

Playtime ends now.

You're in over your head, boy.

You can bear your grudge against
Yamamura in hell.

A bold thing for you to say.

It was a trap you concocted from
the very beginning, wasn't it?

So you could steal the factory, in league
with that ruthless loanshark.

What of it?

The property values in that
area were going up.

It's a waste for a guy like that
to have it, don't you think?

And also...

the daughter, too.

I planned on getting her from
the beginning, too.

That's why I drove him to more
suffering than I needed to...

so that he'd give up his daughter.

Everything went according to my plan.

Th-That... that can't be!

In that case, what am l?

Sorry, Tatsukawa.

The one going to hell is you!

H-Hey. Boy, what did you just do?

Quick! Take down those brats!

Idiot! You'll shoot one of us!

W-What's with this guy?!

The Snakebite... you'd better be careful.

Ban's grip has 200 kilograms
of force behind it!

Hey! What are you doing?!

Quick! Hurry up, will you?!


Cause me trouble, will you?

Who did you say was going to hell?


Wha... what?

W-What is this?!

What's going on?
What did they do?!

Oh, wait! Don't leave me here,
take me with you!

Gah, let go. I said let go!

No! No! Don't leave me here.

No... no...

Help me! Help me!

Help me, Father!

Just one minute.


Did you have a good dream?


What you all saw was an illusion.

My Jagan showed it to you.

From the instant your eyes met mine,
you were seeing an illusion.

A minute-long illusion.

An illusion? What I saw just now?

The truth is that you're lonely too,
aren't you, Miss Rika?

So you pretend to be a bad guy
and fool yourself.

But... but you know, there's no one
here who cares about you.

You won't find happiness by staying here.

Come on, let's go home, Miss Rika.

Your father is waiting.

Let's go, Ginji.

Mister! Mister!

Hey, what's this about? Is he
gonna make it, or what?!

It seems like it's been bad for awhile.

He's in very dangerous condition.

I can't say anything for certain,
but probably...

Mister! Please, wake up!
Mister! Mister!


Ban, he opened his eyes.

I'm sorry... Mister, we...

Miss Rika...


It's not... it's not that I've
forgiven you, all right?

Rika... Rika... I'm sorry...

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry...

The resort that's closest to heaven.

It's good that he got to see Miss Rika
at the end, isn't it Ban?



Ban... was that?

Ima wa mada himotokenai mune
no oku no garasuzaiku

Shinjiteru anata dake wo

Kanjiteru refrain

Arukinareta eki made no michinori mo

Kaerezu ni kaerezu ni motareta hanbaiki mo

Doko ni mo mitsukaranai

Kokoro wa sunao ni narenai

Sekaijuu doko ni anata wa iru no

Kurikaeshi sagashitsuzuketeru

Ima wa mada himotokenai mune
no oku no garasuzaiku

Shinjiteru anata dake wo

Kanjiteru refrain

Yay! A job, a job!

This assignment is huge!

Although the fact that it was on her
introduction sets me on edge.

That's right, the jobs that Miss Hevn
brings are usually dangerous...

speaking of which, what do you mean,
a transport service?!


Ban, do you know that girl?

Next time:
"Operation: Recover the Platinum!"

Next Get Backers:
Operation: Recover the Platinum!
Next time:
"Operation: Recover the Platinum!"

Next Get Backers:
Operation: Recover the Platinum!
I wouldn't have thought I'd meet you
in a place like this, Himiko.

Next Get Backers:
Operation: Recover the Platinum!