Get Backers (2002–2003): Season 1, Episode 1 - Get Backers - full transcript

Ginji and Ban take on a new case-rescue a toy kitten from a crooked policeman! The client is Natsumi Mizuki, and the kitten is her last remaining scrap of her mother.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Let's gather up the tears and give them
back to the night sky

Scatter only love that never wavers, stardust

On nights when I've stopped knowing
whether or not I'm alive

I get swallowed up by the starless night sky

"Don't disappear, light!"
my uncertain heart cries out

I just want to see you!

Sprinting with all my might through
illusions, delusions, daydreams

A miracle wakes all throughout my body

Don't forget, you're not alone

We're always just a dreamer

Take love, get all love,
get back love in our hands

Scatter only love that never wavers, stardust

What kind of tomorrow shall
I dream about tonight?

Mobile Office Hurry
We're right over there!
Open 24 Hours
**If we're asleep, wake us up!

GB Recovery Service Persons with business,
THIS is the office. talk to us!

Oh, no, I shouldn't have gone
movie hopping!

I wonder if Dad is angry?

I'm sorry.

I'll take a shortcut!

That startled me!

How cute!

Hold on a second, kitty.

Stay just like that and don't move, all right?

I'm going to take a picture now... Okay!

Now to add it to my collection.

Who is it?! Who's there?!

Why is a policeman...

Ouch! Let me go!

What did you see just now?!

What did you take a picture of?!

Please don't assault me!

I... I was seen!

This is just what I heard,
What's wrong, Natsumi?
You seem kind of down.

but they say those people will
get back anything for you.
What's wrong, Natsumi?
You seem kind of down.

but they say those people will
get back anything for you.
That's because... It looks like I've
lost something important.

That something-or-other service is real, then?
That's because... It looks like I've
lost something important.

That's "recovery service."
It's called Get Backers.
That's because... It looks like I've
lost something important.

That's "recovery service."
It's called Get Backers.
Your student lD or something?
Did you report it to the police?

Word is there's nothing they can't get back.
Your student lD or something?
Did you report it to the police?

Their success rate is supposed to be
one hundred percent!
Well, that's...

Their success rate is supposed to be
one hundred percent!

Tell me.


These people, where are they?

If it was taken,
get it back!!
Sale prices now!
Recovery Service

If it was taken,
get it back!!
Sale prices now!
Recovery Service


I can't take my eyes off those guys
for a second, can l?

Excuse me, will I be able to meet
those people if I'm here?

One Honky Tonk specialty pizza,
on the house.

Help yourself if you'd like to.

Thank you very much.

It looks delicious. I'll be glad to.


Well, what kind of people are the
recovery service people?

Hmm... Well, they're a strange pair.

It's two people who do it?

Yeah, two people who are a big pain.

They run up a tab and they hang flyers.

Their business doesn't seem to be
bringing in much, does it?

That's the truth.

They sure don't seem to be on the
money god's good side.


Oh, pizza!

That's just like you, Master, you understand!

This is good!

Ban, that salami is mine!

Shut up, the fastest man wins.
You drink water or something!

That's going too far!

Ban, that's MEAN!

Wait! Calm down, Gin!

Stop it! You damn electric eel!

You want to electrocute a guy
over a slice of pizza?!

Hey, hey, you're in front of a client.
You want to electrocute a guy
over a slice of pizza?!

Hey, hey, you're in front of a client.

How about minding your manners a little?


A client?!

Nice to meet you...

So you two are the recovery service people.

Yup, you bet!

If it was taken, get it back.

The recovery service with a near
hundred percent success rate,

the Get Backers.

I'm Ban Midou. This guy is...

Ginji Amano, nice to meet you.

My name is Natsumi Mizuki.

Natsumi? What a cute name.

I came because I heard that you two
will get back anything for someone.

That's right.

There's nothing we can't get back.

In that case, please get back my kitty.


A cat mascot doll?

Yes, the only thing I can think is that
I must've dropped it then.

I'm sure that policeman took it with him.

But why would a policeman
be with yakuza members?

Probably selling information on an
investigation or something.

It happens all the time.

Something like a doll's probably
been thrown out already.

Ban, you don't have to put it that way!

Anyway, an assignment like
this we'll pass on.

In the first place, we're expensive.

So much so that you could buy dozens
of new dolls with the money.

If it's about the money, no matter how
expensive it is I'll manage something.

When I think that policeman
might have taken it,

I'm so afraid I can't even go to
the lost and found.



Another one won't do.

That doll is the only one like it
in this world.

My mother made it for me.
It's the only one.


My mother died the spring
I entered high school.

So it's something from that
last, precious memory.


It's okay! Leave it to us.
We'll find it for sure, and...

But we'll need money.


Advance payment. Come back again
after you get the money ready.

You guys have already gotten something
in place of an advance.

That pizza, that was something I gave to her.

Wolfed it right down, didn't you?

She was waiting for half a day, you know.

A job like this would be
child's play for you two.

True. In this town, there isn't a
single thing we don't know.

A recovery service gets back the
assignment no matter what it is,

wasn't that what you said?

I get it, I get it!

Guess I've got no choice!

That's my Ban! Okay, then...

Get Backers Recovery Service!

This assignment...

Has been taken on for sure.

Thank you so much.

You too, Mr. Ban...

Thank you for doing this for me.


If a cop is involved, it'll be a
teeny bit troublesome.

Nonsense, with your intelligence network,
Mr. Jack-of-All-Trades,

it should be a cinch.

I'm going to borrow the space
upstairs for awhile.

Shinjuku Station

Shinjuku Station
I'll email you the progress reports, all right?

Shinjuku Station
Take care getting home.

Shinjuku Station

Shinjuku Station

Because electromagnetic waves are strictly
prohibited around a large number of
precision instruments within,
electric eel people

Central Park

Is something the matter, Mr. Ginji?

If you keep making such a gloomy face,

it sets a bad example for the people
down the totem pole.

You're the VOLTS leader, after all.

There's no need to worry.
You have us.

And you're the emperor of this
Limitless Fortress, Mr. Ginji.

You're an invincible being, right?

We're always with you.


Were you remembering again?

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.

No reason to force yourself to forget.

That's a precious memory too.

I got our lead.

Want to go?


Someone saw this tape?!

Who is it?

Someone's got me under surveillance.

Looks like the cop did take that mascot.

On the surveillance camera's tapes,
that idiotic face is crystal clear.

What do we do, Ban?

Obviously there's no way but to go to
the police station and get it.

So this is what you meant?
You're so smart!

Quit gabbing and start looking for him.

There! There he is!

Nothing to do but go in. Go, Ginji!


That is... Window locks usually don't
open from the outside, do they?

Next plan.

Thank you for your business! I'm here
with the pizza you ordered!

Huh? Who is that?
Thank you for your business! I'm here
with the pizza you ordered!

Huh? Who is that?

Oh, he's not here anymore.


When that guy eats that pizza with the
super-strength laxative in it,

he'll come running in here.

We catch him then, and use the Jagan to
make him spill the whereabouts of the doll.

It's perfect.

Yeah! But is there any point to us hiding?

No, there isn't.

Here he comes.

All right!

Move it, you're in my way!

Don't push! Wait!
Move it, you're in my way!

Don't push! Wait!
Who can wait?!

Who can wait?!

So the police are gluttons too?

You underestimated, didn't you?

Sorry, Natsumi.

But we'll definitely get it back
for you tomorrow.

Thank you, but...

I don't want to cause you two any more
trouble on my account, so I'm giving up on...

We're professionals.

Once we've taken on a job, we
carry it out no matter what.

All the client needs to do is believe and wait.

Ban is right. Believe in us.

See you later!

I believe, and I'll wait.


We can't use the same strategy.

It's not my style, but we'll stake the place
out and wait until he shows up.

It's a battle of patience, huh?





A towing fee on top of the traffic ticket...

I don't have that kind of money!

It might be only natural.

I mean, we are in front of
the police station.

Oh, how cute!

Did your girlfriend give it to you?

No, it's not like that.
It's a lost item.

I'm just about to take it to
the lost and found.

Oh! In that case, I'll take it for you.

You will? Thanks.

Oh, hey, the person who lost this is a
student at Seishou Girls' Academy.

One of their uniform cufflinks
is standing in for the bell.

They're famous designer goods,
so the city girls all want them.

Traffic Department Desk
And I haven't got any money,
and I haven't got any money,

Traffic Department Desk

Traffic Department Desk
I haven't got any money!

Okay, everything is in order.

Please pay your fine at the post office
or the bank within one week.

Sure, sure.


What are you doing?

Here it is! Here it is, here it is!

What is?

The kitty!

What?! For real?


That's the one!

What was all of yesterday's suffering for?!

We found it, so that's okay, isn't it?

I'm glad it worked out.

Bye, see you tomorrow.


Natsumi will be happy, won't she?

The telephone number you dialed
is either out of range or...

What? What bad timing.
The telephone number you dialed
is either out of range or...

Okay, I'll send an email.
"The kitty has been found..."

What are all these pictures?

Have you already erased the
one from that time?

Dammit, there's nothing but cats!

I know someone has you
keeping tabs on me.

Don't play dumb!

Who is it?!

Who's watching me?!

Kitty get-back
Contact us.

Just like I thought,
you have accomplices.

Hey, it's a reply from Natsumi.

Huh? The delivery is at Warehouse 3
on Kaigan Pier?

Why do you think that is? It sounds like
a really out-of-the-way place.

Natsumi M.
Why do you think that is? It sounds like
a really out-of-the-way place.

Natsumi M.

It looks like we screwed up.

Now the people who were using this brat
to spy on me are coming here.

I want to get rid of all of them.
Please, lend me your help.

Two? That's all?

Who are you?

We get back things that have been taken.

We're the Get Backers Recovery Service.

We came to have you return our client to us.

Natsumi, are you okay?

Get Backers? I've never even heard
of such an organization.

Your bull won't fool me! Who were
you spying on me for?!

Don't get the wrong idea.

We're not interested in sloppy cops who
sell information to gangsters.

We just want to have that girl returned
and to give her the assigned item.

That I won't allow. Not until
you spill the truth!

They just don't get it.

What? Is he concealing a
stun gun or something?

You've heard of electric eels, haven't you?

See, this guy can generate electricity
in his own body too.

So I can do things like this too!

By the way, my grip has a
200 kilogram-force.


Ban! Get down! Natsumi, hold your breath!

Ban, are you okay?



Don't move!

If you take even one step, I'll shoot!

Don't look! Don't look at me!

Don't look at me. Don't look!

Don't look, don't look, don't look!


It's your fault for looking at me.

Wait! I'm a police officer.

It's true! Please believe me! Don't shoot!

Please don't shoot.

Wait! Stop! Stop!

Just one minute.

Did you have a dream?

Do you know what a Jagan is?

I can show people visions for one full minute.

From the time your eyes met mine,
you were dreaming.

Realistic, wasn't it?
Just like the real thing.

We did a lot of dancing around for one cat.

Thank you...


It looks like we were able to
get back her memory.

You used the Jagan.

Only the beginning of the dream.
He put her in danger after all.

It's what you'd call a little
after-sale service.

Now the assignment is safely completed.

Thanks for the business.

Goodnight, Natsumi.



Huh? Natsumi, what are you
doing dressed like that?

I'm going to be working a part-time job here.


Please continue to be so kind to me.

Yeah, you too.

Although you'll be wasted on such
a gloomy restaurant.

If you give me lip, you won't get
any grub out of me.

But, Master!

It's okay.

From now on, I'll never let you go hungry.

Wow! Really, Natsumi?!

But before that...

I'll have you work off the tab you've built up.

Right, Master?

That's how it is. Here you go.

NO thanks for this business!

Natsumi, you're just like him already!


I can't yet crack open the glasswork
deep in my heart

I believe only in you

I feel the refrain

The well-trod distance to the train station

And the vending machine I leaned on,
unable to go home

You're nowhere to be found

My heart can't be honest

Where in the world are you?

I keep searching for you over and over

I can't yet crack open the glasswork
deep in my heart

I believe only in you

I feel the refrain

Why do people's feelings just
miss each other?

Don't go brooding over other
people's problems too.


Everyone has memories they can't forget,

even if they think they've forgotten.

Yeah, that's true.

Next time: "Get Back the Rusted Bonds!"

Next Get Backers:
Get Back the Rusted Bonds!
Next time: "Get Back the Rusted Bonds!"

Next Get Backers:
Get Back the Rusted Bonds!
I want you to remember.

Next Get Backers:
Get Back the Rusted Bonds!