Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 1, Episode 7 - The Legend of La Fée - full transcript

When tasked with performing a love triangle for a scene, Lena is picked to portray the fairy, who the character danced by Max falls in love with, while Thea plays the downtrodden wife. But tensions force Etienne to change the casting.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky

and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from

00:00:08,474 --> 00:00:11,144
and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

♪ I can feel my heart skipping
Go off the beat ♪

♪ Things are pacing too fast
out on the streets ♪

♪ And I try to stay on my feet
along the way ♪

♪ Another crazy day
Okay, okay ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up, wake up
into a new world ♪

♪ Watch out, watch out, watch
out and hold on strong, girl ♪

♪ It's time to show myself
what I can be ♪

♪ Figure out my life
and still be me ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up, wake up
and welcome to my world ♪

(Lena) Previously...

(Lena) You just want me to
-No, I don't.

Thea wants me to fail.

You'll never keep up.
I'm already ahead of you.

But I won't let her get to me.

Henri's father Victor
won't help him.
-Stay out of trouble.

And the Time Collectors
are still after him.

I'm going to erase you.

Luckily, he's managed
to escape them.

Let's get him!
-For now...

(Jeff) Oh, man! You're the star
of the scene study. As usual...

I can totally see you
as the "handsome farmer".
Oh, me, you ask?

Oh well, see, I've locked
down the role of a tree, so...

Actually, I should really
cross that out and write

Uh-oh. Thea is the wife!
She's not going to be happy.



I'm the Downtrodden Wife?


Are we supposed to answer?

Who's the Etherial Sprite, then?
Lena?! You have got to be
kidding me!

The Downtrodden Wife is
a way better part.

Just don't even.

It is. It's such
a stretch for you.
The Etherial Sprite is...

...what you radiate
on a daily basis.

(squeals) I'm the Sprite!

I'm the best dancer.
I should be the Sprite.

They're both great parts.

Think about it.
We could be trees...

(Dash) Hm?
-No offence.

Is she being serious?
Are you being serious?

As if I'd ever get stuck on
the back row as a tree. Please.
(snaps her fingers)


Question of the day.
How does a tree actually dance?
Like this...?

(all laugh)

It's a sunny day in grand
Paris, and you know
who likes the sun?

Our handsome farmer, Max here.

(sighs) Thea Raphael,
you've landed the coveted role
of the Downtrodden Wife.

Please, tell us how you prepare
for such a role.
-Get lost, Jeffrey.

(Dash laughs)
-(Jeff) Oh, oh look.
It's Sir Birch.

-I should have been
the Handsome Farmer.

You know it, I know it,
even Max knows it.

(scoffs) You're cute,
Dash, but
you're no "Handsome Farmer".

Yeah? But I'm the better dancer.

(chuckles) Jury's still out
on that one, bro.

(Jeff) Ines, how do you think
the Downtrodden Wife
is going to react

when the Etherial Sprite
steals him away?

Well, it's not going
to be good, Jeff.
That's all I've got to say.

(Etienne clears his

Gather round, everyone,
for some exciting news.

As you read from the cast list
outside, today we will be doing
a scene study

on one of the most
romantic ballets
in the history of ballet.

The one and only... "La Fée"
also known as "The Fairy".

Oh, I love "La Fée"!

You know "La Fée"?!

Oh, it's one of my favorites.
It's the story of a
simple farmer, named Hubert,

and his plain but loving wife,
Griselle, and the Fairy
who ruins them.

(Jeff chuckles)
-(Dash) Shhh!

What a surprise.
Mr Chase has an opinion.

(students chuckle)

(Jeff) Oh, well... A Fairy?
How much damage
could she possibly do?

Oh, a lot!
The fairy and Hubert
fall madly in love

and conspire to run away
to the only place they can be
together... Fairyland.

(Jeff bursts out in laughter)
Fairyland? Seriously?

Bite your tongue, young man.
Fairyland is the only place
they can be together.

(Jeff) OK...

(Etienne) Enough

Lena, let's see your sprite
steal Max's farmer away
from Thea's hag of a wife.

(Lena) I was so distracted
by Thea this morning, I didn't
realize that Max is the farmer.


It's just... there's this legend
about "La Fée".

Those that dance the roles,
they always fall for each other.

(scoffs) As if, Lena!

(horse hooves clattering)

(Oscar) No, no! I've already
told you I don't want you in
here. You're too much trouble.

But we're friends. And friends
wouldn't kick friends out when
they have nowhere else to go.

So you're in a bit of a pickle
then, aren't you?
-A little bit.

My Dad said he wants
to send me to my uncle's farm
in the middle of nowhere

but if that happens
then I'll never get to Lena,
who's trapped in a time bubble.

You have to help me. I
love her.

Love will make you do
the craziest things.

This is amazing.
There's stuff in here
that isn't even in your book.

You only skimmed my book.

But look, maybe
if I put it here or...
Even here...

That looks like something,
right? Maybe a clue, or a code?

OK. You win. Let me have

Whoa... I keep a small room
for travelers in transit.
Keep it clean.

You won't regret this.

(classical piano music plays)

Good. That's it, Thea.

(Thea) (sarcastic)
Great. I'm a natural hag.

(Jeff whispers) I've never been
so inspired by a human tree.

He's getting so into it!

Are you okay?
-I'm fine.

Should we go from the top?

(whispers) Look at me.

(Etienne) Extend, Lena.
Max, give her more support.
Don't lose the technique.


(Jeff) This is feeling tense.
Are you tense? I feel tense.

I'm gonna give my tree
a manly name.
Redwood? Maple?

How about a palm tree?

(Etienne) Now, Max, this is the
moment you fall head over heels
in love with this etherial

I think he just did!
(Ines giggles)

(Etienne) Once again, please.

(Lena sighs)

Lena. You're killing me.
I thought you respected Le Fée.

I'm sorry, I do...
No excuses. Take five.

Come back and make sure
you get yourself sorted.

What are you doing?
Are you OK?

Five. Minute. Break.

(Jeff) Whoa. We've got
a runaway fairy.

(Dash) And a tree!

I made such a fool of

It wasn't that bad.

I don't get it. I wanted
to get angry with him
when he took my hand but...

I felt so... I mean,
his eyes are really...

So this is about his eyes,

He's so direct.
All stare-y like that.

Oh no. Clearly it's the legend
and we've both fallen
under its spell.

Have you considered
the possibility that you might
just like each other?

(gasps) No! Of course
that's not possible!
I have a boyfriend.

Holding my hand
for everyone to see.
What about my reputation?

Dude, you connected
with him in a dance.
It's totally cool.

But everyone was watching!

Did you see her
just fold in half?

Totally folded.

Who does she think she is?
I'm a much better dancer
than her.

(Kennedy) Totally better.

Did you see the way
she was looking at him?

No. No. I didn't see anything.
Nothing to see really.
It's just a dance.

No biggie.
-(chuckles) Yeah...
Totally just a dance.

Yeah! A total dance of

Thea's going to destroy me.
Oh! Should I just tell her
it's the legend?

Yeah... no.

Why are cats scared of

-Because of their bark.

(all laugh)

(classical piano music plays)

(Max) Ah.
-(students gasp)

I'm really sorry.

(whispers) Once more? Come

(Jeff) Argh! Darn it!

Maybe I can show it to
her, sir?
I know the choreography.

As long as you don't
butcher it,
be my guest.

(all applaud)

Nailed it! Bravo. Switch parts.

If that's what
you think is best.

No, please, let me try again.

We don't have that kind of time.
Let's go. From the top.

(machine whirs)

This is so far out.

It's a portal
which allows you to travel
during non-portal times.

If this works the way
I think it does, it could
penetrate the bubble Lena's in.

Then how do I find one?

You don't.

Oscar, if this
helps me get to Lena,
I need to find one.

You'd have to build it,

Come on! We built a model,
we can definitively build
the real thing.

But you could
damage time... forever.

(Frank) Yes!
I can see the plans.

(Clive chuckles)

I know I kept making mistakes
but I was distracted
by the legend.

There is no way she's
stealing the Fairy from me.

As much as I'd like to agree
with you about this so-called

Okay, if I was talking
about analytical geometry,
you'd swoon.

But because
this is about L-O-V-E,
you get all weird and shifty.

No, I don't!
So what're you going to do?

I am not losing The Fairy.

(Ines chuckles)

(Dash) Yes! (laughs)
(makes winning noises)

(Ines) OK. Give me a
and winner gets to be
Tree number 1.

Is that even a thing?
-Yeah. Queen of the Forest.

(Dash) OK.

Give me the controller.
Game on!
-Dash Khan. Tree number one.

(Dash) Let's do this!

(music plays) (Ines and
Dash make playful noises)

And, 360!
-And 360 the other way.

Up and down!
And up and down!
Ah, ah!

Queen of the Forest!
Queen of the Forest!
Queen of the Forest!

Bam bam!
Here we go, here we go.

I'm gonna take you down!
Paw! Boom!

Okay, watch this.
Boom, tsh, down!

(all) Whoa!

(Ines) Ten. Ten.
Tough break. Tree number 2.

(Dash) Haa!

(classical piano music plays)

She's so good.
-(Kennedy) She's so pretty.

I love her knees!

Earth to Lena.
That's the wrong choreography.

The role of the Fairy
was given to the dancer
who can actually perform it

without falling flat
on her face. As in... moi.

(Jeff) Trays down,

You cannot engage
in a competish without me.

What if my destiny is to become
King of the Trees? How dare you
deny me. I'm a really good tree!

You snooze, you lose.

(scoffs) There's no snoozing.
I don't lose.
Not gonna happen, buddy.

How about this. I
both of you to a Tree-off.

OK, I'm in. Even though
I'm already Queen of the Trees.

(Dash) You won a video game.
Hardly falls under
the tree category. I'm in.

OK. Who can hold
the tree pose the longest.

We have two minutes
until history.

No challenge is too great.

(Ines chuckles) Whoa!
-Easy! Oh!

(laughs) I'm the King
of the Tree... Whoa!

This is going to work.
This will create an intense
gravitational field.

Getting the balance will be
kind of tricky, though...

Is that long division?
(whispers) Cause I was never
any good at that.

No, Clive. It's a miracle.

Get them back here.

Boys. We're going to create
our very own time transporter.

(Jeff) Oh yes! Paper over

(Dash) Scissors cut paper.

This was dynamite.

-Sorry to interrupt...
whatever this is.
Can I borrow you?

OK. Timeout.

(Jeff) Whoa, whoa. Usually
you finish a match
once it's started...

We need to settle this.

OK. New game. First person
to say ballet is out.
Same with the second.

(Jeff) Wow, harsh
challenge. Not!

Dash? I was gonna say, I was
wondering if you wanted to grab
a bite to eat after class?

Yeah. Sure. OK.
Right after ballet tech, yeah?

(chuckles) She got you!
-Oh man.

That was deep-rooted sabotage.
Nice. You totally said ballet.

Oh. And so did you.
-(Jeff sighs)

And that makes me,
Queen of the Forest.
And Tree number 1 to you, boys.

She isn't Queen of the Forest...

It's still a date, yeah?

OK. Could you dance
Max's part with me?

I need to not be distracted
by, you know...
(whispers) The legend.

But Lena...
what if you fall
in love with me?

Ines. I'm serious!

Okay, sure. I can do it.

Check it, chica.
Watch and learn.
Relax so I can take the lead.

(chuckles) Not funny!
-Well, that is
how he talks, Lena.

OK. So don't freak out.
But the boy has to have his
hands tightly around your waist.

That's normal nowadays.
It helps you to balance.


Henri helped me with this.
He was always there for me
when I needed it.

Haven't you stopped
since I left?

I've got to get this.

Here. Hold on to me.

(laughs) No, Henri.
OK. Here. OK.

(Lena laughs)
OK, let's try again.


Henri! I'm doing it!
-Yes, you are!

Thank you!
-(both laugh)

Relax, chica.

Why is she dancing my part,
at my school, with my boyfriend?
With her eyes closed!

It's just a dance.

(Etienne) Stop. Do it

(Ines) Boys. I believe
I should be center stage.
Fetch me my fan, Tree number 2.

(scoffs) Last time I checked
I was Tree number 1!
-(Ines chuckles)

(all cheer and applaud)

Brava! Brava! Brava!

(whispers to herself)
It's just the legend...

That was awesome.

(beating heart, ticking clock)
(machine whirring)

I feel weird.
Something's wrong.

With Lena, I mean.
I can feel it.

That's love waves.

Is that in the travel

Page three thousand and six.
We need a mathematician
or a scientist or something.

Do you know anyone?
-Do I ever.

Einstein was here once.
Isaac Newton comes by
every now and then.

I can feel it again.
I need to go.
I'll be back later.

See you later.

Love waves...

I still can't get over
the look on Thea's face!

It was your part to begin

I'm just glad I got
through it
without succumbing
to the legend.

(sarcastic) Yeah...
that was something.

Thank you.

A handwritten letter.
Of course. Thank you.

Don't ever steal my part again.
Or you'll regret it.

I promise you Lena,
you will have regrets. Big ones.

What are you talking about?
I was the Fairy. You stole
my part. I just took it back.

That's not the point!

Should I be worried?

Maybe a little bit.

I noticed a Tae Kwon Dooh class
on the school announcement...

Tae Kwon Do class on the
school announcement board.

the defensive arts, right?

Yeah, you're learning.
And, it's not a bad idea.

Oh! Stop it! (chuckles)

(both laugh)

(Lena) And in the end,
I stood up for myself
and got the part back.

It was kind of a milestone day.
Oh... I need
to record that one!

(Lena into phone)
Dear Video Diary.
I totally did it.

And it was amazing! Henri...

I wish you were here.
I miss you.

Good night, Henri.

(whooshing, clock ticking)

(Henri) Things here
have been challenging.
But I've made some

I think we've found
a way to get to you.

It's not for sure,
but worth investigating. I miss
you so much.