Find Me in Paris (2018–2020): Season 1, Episode 13 - Gone - full transcript

It's the day of the mid-season gala and there is electricity in the air. Lena is backstage, getting ready. After gruelling auditions, numerous rehearsals and almost losing her role to Thea,...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Lena Grisky
and I go to the best
ballet school in the world.

I have a secret.

I'm a time traveler from 1905

and my boyfriend Henri
is doing everything he can
to get me home.

♪ I can feel my heart skipping
Go off the beat ♪

♪ Things are pacing too fast
out on the streets ♪

♪ And I try to stay on my feet
along the way ♪

♪ Another crazy day
Okay, okay ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up, wake up
into a new world ♪

♪ Watch out, watch out, watch
and hold on strong, girl ♪

♪ It's time to show myself
what I can be ♪

♪ Figure out my life
and still be me ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up, wake up
and welcome to my world ♪

(Lena) Previously...
Lena and Max as planned.
(Lena gasps)

I'm so excited to be paired with
Max for the mid-season show.

(Thea) Lena ruins everything.

This performance might be
the biggest moment of my life.

This has to be perfect.

I agree.

I miss Henri.
It's working.

We want
the timepiece and the girl.

But I still don't know
where he is or what he's doing.

"Dear Lena..." Jackpot.

(Lena squeals with excitement)

I can feel you staring.

(giggles) I can't help it.
I'm so excited for the show.

The ants have
occupied my pants.

(Ines chuckles)

Only you can take
a well-known phrase

and make it sound
like it's from the 1900s.

I've got a surprise.

Okay. What is it?

If I told you that would ruin
the wow factor.

I've sent you an invitation.

See you there!

(Jeff knocks at the window)

What is all this?

This is a formal breakfast.

Don't mind if I do... Hmm.

(Jeff humming)

(makes eating noises)


It's just that...

it's not customary
to shove food into your mouth
before everyone's sitting.

(with mouth full)
Oh my god, I'm so sorry.
Um... I'm good.

I've put a napkin there for you.

(Dash) Oh wow!

Did you make all this yourself?

Oh, it's no big thing.

You get extra points for that.

Well, some of us have manners.

(Lena laughs)

Surprise! (chuckles)

This is my ritual before
any big performance.

And I needed
something from home.

Well, I mean I'll have
to leave soon because
I've got a ritual to do.

But obviously after I've had
this delicious breakfast.

Oh look. Breakfast.
What a treat.

(Lena) I'm so glad you girls
could make it.
Please, help yourselves.

(Thea) No, thank you.
We're not hungry.

This is so nice.
The details. The napkins.

Right. I'm not hungry.

You're not? I'm famished.

Oh look, Lena made
beet and carrot smoothies.

(Bree) Thea's favorite.
How did she know?

I bet she did research.
I love research.
It's so calming.


(Bree) Maybe she watches
that cooking show.

Last week was crazy.
They blended...

I'm so nervous.
I can't stop talking
when I'm nervous.

I think it's my genetics.
(stomach rumbles)

Did your stomach just rumble?
No, that wasn't me.

(Thea snaps her fingers)

We should do this again.
(Kennedy) It's like a big family
breakfast. It's just so nice.

This is the best smoothie
I've ever tasted!

(Kennedy) Give me some
while she's not looking.

(Kennedy) What is her secret?

(Lena) Thanks for coming.

I am so excited.
I can't believe we're performing
on the Garnier stage tonight.

This breakfast is just something
that we did back home

on the morning
of a big performance.

And I'm really happy that
I can share it with you all.

(Jeff laughs, then whispers)
Who's gonna tell her?


Oh, L. This spread is fantastic.

Amazing. Lovely.
Really top-notch.

But it's Saturday
and the show isn't
until Sunday night.

(Lena) Oops! Well, enjoy it now
because there is no way
I'm doing all of this tomorrow.
(all laugh)

It is Sunday, right?
I haven't blacked out
or anything?

My stomach is in knots.



Lena! Lena!

Great. Now I've lost count
and I need to start again.

Um... what's happening here?

I'm packing, hello?


Lena! Lena!
I've got a system!

This is my game day ritual.

Hello, me.

Today is the day we get to dance
on the Garnier stage.

(Lena) And that is the fourth
time Ines has packed her bag.

Are you sure
you want to wear that?

Well, if Henri can't be here,
then yes.

I'm going to wear it.
For good luck.
Even if it is against the rules.

Okay, rebel.

Let's roll.

Today is a big day and
I've got stuff to do, remember?
I've got a system. Okay?

Sir, yes, sir! (chuckles)

What are you doing?

What do you mean?

No, I know when you answer a
question with a question that
means you're hiding something.

Really mature.

(giggles) What?

Why are you doing this?
I'm just warming up.

It looks like a lot more
than that to me.

Oh, does it?
It does. You've been in here
for like two hours now.

I woke up energized.
It's part of my ritual.

It's part of your ritual?

And I've never heard of this
ritual before because...?
Because you don't pay attention.

Oh, there we go!
A snappy comment
from Ms Raphael.

And all is alright in the world.

(Jeff) Oh, I feel weird.
Does anyone else feel weird?

I shouldn't have had eggs
this morning.

We all had eggs.
It's not the eggs.

This is totally random,
but ankle socks
might be the best invention.

I must remember
to take some home.

She watched TV this morning.
After spending two hours
in the studio.

Oh no, she did not!
Is the world ending?

Be prepared
for literally anything.

Come on, girls.
We don't want to be late
for the big day.

Let's do this!
(Lena exhales)

(ticking clock,
magical tinkling noises)

(Henri groans)

Tie him to the chair.

No! No! (groans)


Now you're gonna watch us
get through that portal,
leaving you here.

And you're never gonna get
to see Lena again.

(Henri) Please! No!

(Frank) Nice work, Clive.
Uh, Frank?

Not now.
I'm working on the plan.

Okay, boys.

Tonight we're gonna take
the port-a-portal to the Garnier
for a surprise visit.

How many times do I have
to tell you: you don't need
to raise your hand?

Probably a few more.
I have a question.
I know.

I get the whole timepiece thing.
I mean, that's all
you can talk about.

But who's the girl again?

(Frank and Pinky) Lena!
Ah, yeah.

As I was saying, tonight's
the night, as long as we can
get this bad boy working.

Let's test it.
On it!

Hey, not fair! I was the one
who brought back that magical
device from the future.

I should be the one
who gets to do the test run.

Do you think you can handle it?
I'm not an idiot.

I'm going to jump through
that portal and go get that
princess girl all by myself.

No, you're not.

I'll tell you what, though.
I'm going to put you
in charge of Henri.

That's a really important job.
Yeah, hear that?

(portal whirring)

(electric noises)
(Pinky) It works.
You're a genius.


(Jeff) Uh oh. Drama alert.

Thea could explode
at any second.

Dude, it's all about
being an understudy.
You should know that.

Oh, I feel sick again.

It's gotta be those eggs.
Not the eggs, Jeff.

Hey, T. How's it going?

Oh, I'm excellent, Jeffrey.
Thanks for asking.

(dresser) Okay, girls,
costumes fitting's over.
Get changed.

♪ I can feel my heart skipping
Go off the beat ♪

♪ Things are pacing too fast
out on the streets ♪

♪ And I try to stay on my feet
along the way ♪

♪ Another crazy day
Okay, okay ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up, wake up
into a new world ♪

(Jeff retches)
Oh, dude. I'm telling you,
I think this is serious.

♪ Figure out my life
and still be me ♪

♪ Wake up, wake up, wake up
and welcome to my world ♪

(Dash) You're the understudy,
Jeff. Get over it.

What does that have to do
with anything?

It's not the eggs. It's nerves.
It happens to all of us.

(Jeff) I don't get nervous.
You know that.

It means you care, Jeff.
And that's okay.

Come on, soak it all in.
This is what it's all about.

(Jeff) I still think
it's the eggs.

(all together)
It's not the eggs!

(all laugh)

Wait for it.

What if he's gone forever?
Nobody asked you.

Five, four, three, two, one...

(portal starts whirring,
electric noises)

(Clive) Pinky!

Good news and bad news, lads.
The bad news?

These hats
are all the rage in 2038.

The good news?
The port-a-portal works.

(classical music plays)

Oh, come on.
Get over it already!

I don't know what
you're talking about, Jeffrey.

(copies Thea) "This is my role.
He's my boyfriend
and this is an outrage!

I should alert
the entire world!"

Everything's fine, Jeffrey.

Oh yeah.
I forgot about your whole
good luck ritual thing.

Remind me, again?

I do a hundred jumping jacks,
a hundred push-ups,
and a hundred sit-ups.

And every single time,
I deliver a sick performance.

Dash, it's a whole thing.

(laughs) Well,
I'm gonna warm up with you.

If you've never had a bad
performance, this must work.

Dash, this isn't a joke.
Now I need to start again.
Thanks a lot.

(Thea) Break a leg tonight,
Lena. I mean that sincerely.

Thank you, Thea.
You as well.

Hey, you're quiet today.
What's up?

I'm just thinking about Henri.

I wish he was here
to see us perform tonight.

Oh yeah, I guess Russia's a
long way to go for a show, huh?

I don't know why I can't stop
thinking about him today.

You miss your guy, L.
That's cool.

Hm, too bad he can't dance.

Yeah, he's a total disaster.

And not cute.
Like, at all.

(announcer) One hour to curtain.

Max looks okay, right?
Like okay to go on?

Not sick, from those eggs?

He's fine.

I don't wanna... No!
Come on.

(Lena laughs)

(people chattering)

(Bree) And she's wearing a
different shade of lipstick.
(Kennedy) So...?

It's called "Red Scandal".

(gasps) It is not.

Uh oh. That's a bad sign.
And it's super weird
that she's not even here.

Super weird.
I just said that.

Me too.

It's not weird
that Thea's not here, Lena.
Just so you know.

Yeah, thanks for the update,

There is no way
Bree's related to Einstein.

It's just an expression.

Everybody looks lovely.

Enjoy every moment of tonight.
You've earned it.

Go out there and make me proud.

(bell rings)
(Lena and Ines giggle)

Just think, gents.

In a few short hours,
we are going
to control time travel

which means
we will control time itself.


(portal whirs, electric noises)

See you, Henri.


Clive really doesn't know
how to tie a knot.


What the boys did looked easy
so I just set it to the bridge.

We should be good to go.

(classical music plays)

(Ines exhales)

What are you doing?

What's this?

You better get reading.

Henri's here! Right now.

Oh no.
He's not at the Garnier.

He wants to meet
at the Alexandre III bridge
at eight o'clock.

Oh no.
It's eight o'clock right now.

Where did you get this?

That's a lot of questions
for someone who needs
to be in two places at once.

What are you going to do, Lena?

How could you do this?

You can meet your boyfriend
or you can dance.

If you want my opinion,
that letter seems pretty urgent.
But, it's up to you.

(exhales nervously)

Ten seconds.

This isn't over.

Lena, what's going on?
Why is Thea dancing your part?

Henri's here but he's not here.
He wants to meet me
at a bridge. Now.

Wait. What?

The Time Collectors
are on their way
and they're after me.

There's another portal
at the Alexandre III bridge
and we're taking it tonight.

But how did Thea..
I don't know.

But I'm not going to be here
to make her pay
for ruining everything.

Don't worry.
I've got your back, okay?

(whooshing sound,
electric noises)

We made it, lads.
Okay, try to blend in,
and let's get to work.

Ooh! Great games.

(girl) Ines' solo was so good!

(girl) I know, but why is Thea
dancing Lena's part?
No, no, no, no!

Pay atten... Pay attention.
And stick to the plan.

There have just been
so many plans.
Which one's this one again?

Get the girl.
Get the timepiece.
Meet back at the portal.

And by girl you mean...
(Frank and Pinky) Lena!


(Lena and Ines talking)

(Frank) There she is. Go.

Thank you for being
the best friend a girl
could ever ask for.

(both laugh)

You can do this.

(Lena) Who's your best friend?

A ballerina called Lena.
Who's yours?

A wild child named Ines.
(Ines chuckles)

Thank you for everything.
(the audience applauds)

(Lena) The Time Collectors.

Distract them with this.
This is what they want.
I have to get Henri.

Okay. Run! I've got this.

(classical music plays)

(Lena) Max...

(the audience gasp)

(the audience laugh)

(the audience clamor)

Looking for this?

My whole life...
There must be something
wrong with my eyes,

because I can't
take them off of you.

What is your name?

Ines... but don't even...

If beauty were time,
you'd be eternity.

Where's Lena?
As if I'd tell you.

I don't care how cute you are.

(Frank) We've been spotted.
We've got to go, now.

I can't lose her, mate.
She's the love of my life.

Ha! I've never seen a
prettier girl in my entire life.
She's perfection.

You see a pretty girl
every thirty seconds.

Not like her.
She's different.

Where's Clive?
We've got to go.

(Frank and Pinky) Clive!
Oh, hey, gents.

Look at this. You get points
every time the big crane
picks up the fruity bits. Aw...

Come on, Ines.
Where are you, Ines?

Stop this.

(reads as he texts) "Do you
believe in love at first sight?

Or should I walk by again?"

(phone beeps)

"Do you believe
in love at first sight,
or should I walk by again?"

Eew. It's totally
from that guy, Dirk.

So we've got the timepiece,
what about the girl, hm?

(Clive) They're all over
the place, Frank.
Can you not see them?

Oh no... Am I the only one
who can see them?

I cannot believe you two.
How could you just
lose her like that?

I was busy meeting the love of
my life.

Too late, now, Pinky. Because
They're after us.

(Frank) We've got to go, now.
(Pinky whistles)

Guys? I think it's closed.

Do you, Clive?

Yeah, it seems
closed to me, Frank.

Which one of you messed
with the portal before we left?

And by which one of you,
I mean you, Clive.

Why do I always get blamed?

All I said to Henri before
we left was "Don't worry mate,
I didn't tie you too tight."

Oh... (laughs)

Go! Go! Go!

Guys, wait!

Where is she?

(Thea) I'm afraid Lena
had a terrible case
of stage fright, Ms Carré.

She begged for me
to go on for her.

I can't explain what happened
on the stage other than...

the pressure
must have got to her.

Poor thing.

Yeah... She feels horrible
and is hiding in our room
just now.

Would it be okay
if she spoke to you tomorrow?


She better have an excellent
explanation for this.

I heard she had a meltdown and
is on her way back to Russia.

I heard she was
abducted by aliens.

(phone rings)


(sobbing) Ines?
I don't know what happened.




(Lena sobbing)
He was here one minute,
and then... he was gone.

I don't know what to do...