Fidelity (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


- Hi. A cappuccino.
- One-fifty.

- Have a good day.
- Thank you.

Good afternoon.
Can I get you something?

An Americano, please.

- Sure.
- Thank you.


- A coffee, please.
- One euro.

- Have a nice day.
- Thanks.

- Thank you.
- Of course.

- Good morning. I had black coffee.
- One euro, please, sir.

Thank you.


Oh, one sec!

I'll be right back.

Excuse me.

Sir, wait!

Hey, sir!



Who is this?

Hi. I'm, uh, the owner of this phone.


Nice ringtone.

Is this the girl from Bar Basso?

It is.



Well, that's two points for you, I guess.

Why am I getting points?

For one, you recognized Tchaikovsky
from just the first few notes,

and two, because you're not a thief.

So where can I meet you?

You'll never guess.


- Hey. Hi!
- Hello.

Uh, I'm out here, outside.
Where should I meet you?

Where are you?

Outside at the,
uh... the emergency entrance.

You see all those columns?

Uh, yeah.

- Walk straight ahead.
- Okay.

Have they told you anything?

Are you okay?

Well, it'll be a while
before I can run again,

but I'll survive.

Listen, uh... So I'm here,
but I don't know where I'm going.

Just keep walking.

Why don't you tell me what room it is?

Just keep going
straight ahead.

So I'm basically
at the end of the path here.

Can you see the flowers?

Yes. The flowers, they're right here.

Now what?
I'm at the flowers, where do I go?


Oh, red.

Great choice.

Come on. Where are you?

Look to your left.

It's pretty serious, huh?

You really hurt yourself.

It is. It was someone else's fault too.

Well then, I guess
I'll make it up to you. Okay?

How are you gonna do that?

Way too easy.

I lead you over here to the flowers.

All right.

Let's see what you can come up with.


Attraction is just a fleeting moment.

Everything is destined to end.

It's a bit of a strong message.

Is that what you think your book's about?

I guess. It is pretty depressing.



If that's what you wanna say, go ahead.

Just focus in more
on that concept. Okay? Hmm?

Bring me that new draft
next time you come. All right?

Thanks. I absolutely will. Thanks again.

- See you soon.
- You bet.



Look who I brought by to see you.



How are you?

How was your trip?

- Fine. I really miss Milan.
- Is your dad with you?

Yes. He went to see the Duomo.

- I'm glad.
- Yes. It's great. Wonderful.

- Aren't you forgetting something?
- Yes! Yes!

Look... look what I have.

The very first copy.
Fresh off the press for you.

- Oh my gosh. It's amazing!
- Soak it all in.

It won't be your only novel, though.
Well, I hope not.

Exactly right.

These copies are for you.

Excuse me for a minute.

Hi, Anna!

Yeah. We're still on for lunch.

Actually, you know what else?

I'm bringing you another book. A new one.

On sale, tomorrow.

How far are we?

Just under six kilometers.

And... stop!

We needed that.

Brush off all the tension.

Everything's ready
for tonight, right?

It is.

No need to worry, then.

I'll see you around 7:00,
unless, uh, you need more time?

No, eight. seven is too early.
I'll never be ready by then.

That's a friend of mine. I'm gonna say hi.

- Okay.
- See you tonight.


- Hi.
- Hey.


Are you okay? What's going on?

Ugh. I hurt my leg. I ran into the table.

It's terrible.

Imagine if Carlo hadn't been there.

I spoke to the surgeon.

The fracture's displaced,
but it's nothing serious.

He said the operation's really standard.

So they're operating?

I can't expect this to heal itself.

All right, ma'am. Are you ready?

All right. Excuse me.

Let's go, let's go. Huh.

- Bye, Anna.
- See you, Carlo.

Bye, sweetheart.

I'll be here, okay?

I'm not moving.

Carlo, thanks.

Well, of course.

How you doing?

I'm well.

And you?

I'm good.

If you don't mind,
I'd love to be here for the operation.




You're welcome.

So you were having lunch with my mother?


You know, we have lunch from time to time.

We don't talk about you.

Sorry. I had better respond
to this message.

Yeah. Go ahead.

Hi, Eva. I'm still in the hospital
waiting on Mom's operation.

It's nothing serious,
but I need to wait here.

Could you please just
let all of the guests on your list know

that the opening is being postponed,
but we'll let them know soon?

Thanks again.

Finally opening your own studio.

- So she does tell you things.
- Well...

I actually knew about the project,

but not that today was the official start.

Well, I hear
that you've been making big improvements.

So I suppose she told you
a few things about me?

That's all she said.



How's your mom doing?

She's in surgery,
but luckily it's nothing serious.

- That's good.
- Yeah.

Marcello, this is Carlo.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Hi.


I better go.

- Thanks for everything, Carlo.
- Of course.

- Let me know how she's doing.
- Of course.


And you? How are you?

I'm fine, fine.

Uh, I'm a little bit nervous, but...

I hope it all goes well.

Of course. Do you need anything?
Can I do anything?

No. That's okay.
Thank you for coming.

How are you feeling, Mom?

Just perky.

I'm sorry that this ruined your event.


The important thing
is that you're doing better.

My party will wait.

Are you kidding? No.
You're going to have it tomorrow!

I want you to be there too.


don't wait for me.

In fact, it's important
your business opens, and don't argue.

You can go now, sweetheart.
I'm fine. Go on.

I need some rest.

- I'll see you tomorrow.
- Mm.

Hey. Will you bring that book by Buzzati?

Of course.

Carlo, hi!

Yes. The surgery went smoothly.
Everything's just fine.

Oh. What did I say?
Nothing to worry about. See?

Now, just a little physical therapy

and then you'll be back
on your feet before you know it.



Is she with you?

No. Poor thing. I made her go and rest.

She was beat.



Well then, Anna, get some rest.

Have a good night. Call you tomorrow.

Have a good night, Carlo.

Thank you.


What's going on in here?

I mean, where did all your clothes go?

Are you hungry? We could order something.

Hmm. I'm not hungry.

Honestly, I'm exhausted.

Of course. I know this has all been a lot.

But everything's okay now.

Yes. You're right.

Want me to stay with you tonight?

It's up to you.

I'll be passed out
any minute, though.

Well, it's your house,

so it's up to you.

Come on.

You're staying here.

I had a good time.

Me too.

You know,
you could sleep here if you want.

That's okay.

I'd rather be in my own bed.







How was it seeing her again?

How is she doing?

She's doing really well.

A little too well.

- Too well?
- Hmm.


I mean, she looked amazing.

Even more beautiful
than when she was with me.

To me, she's changed.

- How so?
- Well, um...

She seems stronger.

Her expression was different.

I mean, do you think
maybe at this exact moment

she's talking about
how good she that thought you looked?

How was he? Hmm?

- Normal.
- I knew it.

Same shirt and glasses, huh?

Yeah. Just normal. He seemed good.

So you were looking at him?

Of course I was. He was there.

Anyway, it was strange.

- What do you mean?
- It was strange. Don't know.

It's like that with exes.
Strange, you know?

- Yeah.
- Well, what did you say to each other?

Nothing really.

He was really kind. That was nice.

Oh. I mean, that's good. Right?

What was he supposed to do? Attack her?

He stayed with her at the hospital.
He didn't have to.

Hey. Wasn't Marcello there?

Oh. You were surrounded.

- And you loved it!
- Stop it!

You know what the fucked up part is?

I was with her
the night they first saw each other.

What night was that?

Uh, at the gallery's opening night.


It was a nice night.
I can remember it all now.

A very passionate evening.


By the way, for my personal taste,

I think his work is a little...

Look. I don't fucking understand it.

What the hell is it supposed to be?

Thank you. Thank you.

Anyway, what I'm saying is

that exes have this pain-in-the-ass way
of making you feel paranoid.

So, it's best
to avoid seeing them altogether.

Yes, but only if the past
has been fully resolved.

What do you mean?

Just that maybe there's
unfinished business with you and Carlo.

- You crazy? It's been a year.
- They never talked about what happened.

- Because that makes it worse!
- Stop it!

No. That's enough
from both of you. We're over.

Okay, but admit it.

Okay. Admit what?

That you haven't settled everything
with you and Carlo.



What is it?

Nothing. Just stupid comments
from some coworkers.

- Okay. I'm gonna go. Bye.
- Well...

- See you later.
- Okay. You bet.

Uh, Carlo?

Margherita's opening is this evening.

And I'm happy for her.

Bye, Marco.

Does that mean we can start, then?

- Absolutely. I'll leave you to it.
- Thanks.


So? How's it going?

A star on the rise, huh?

We should wait for the data
from the sales, probably.

You've gotten so pragmatic.

Hang on. I managed
to get us a big first-run

and two translations
in Spain and in France. Yeah?

I closed the deal today.
Ding, ding, ding, ding.

- Wow. That's great news, huh?
- For you, in particular.

For me?

Yes. You did a great job,
and it's gotten you a great opportunity.

What opportunity?

It's the office in Paris.
They want someone like you out there.

Someone like me?

They want you out there
keeping eyes on the French market,

finding other rare talent like Sofia.

New entries that can be translated then be
launched throughout the European market.

This could be big for you.

And if I'm not mistaken,
you speak French.

- No? Oui? Oui.
- Oui.

Oui. Très bien!

So then, will you accept it or not?

A job in Paris?
I mean, uh, Luca, I... I don't know.

I... I don't know. I need to...

I need to think
about it and get organized.

Uh, my home is Milan.

My friend,

you're up to your neck in quicksand here.

Work is going well, no doubting that,

but your relationship with any girl
just never lasts.

You still live
where you lived with Marghe.

Trust me.

Get on that plane.

I'll give you the week to decide.

- Hi!
- Hey.



How are you doing?

Uh, it's hurting a bit today.

I tossed and turned all night last night.


Oh. Thank you.

You look a little tired yourself.

Yeah. I guess
I couldn't really sleep either.

- Mm.
- A million thoughts in my head.


Would you like to share
any of them with me?

With everything
that's changed this year, I...

uh, I'm not sure where to begin.

I know. It's been
a really intense year for you.

No need to go over it again.


And today's a new beginning.

Wish me luck. Okay?

It'll be wonderful.

I know that it will.

I knew you could do it.

Thank you.

But tell me that more often.

♪ I hate you, I hate you, I hate you
But I was just kidding myself ♪

♪ Our every moment, I start to replace ♪

♪ 'Cause now that they're gone
All I hear are the words I needed to say ♪

♪ When you hurt under the surface ♪

♪ Like troubled water running cold ♪

♪ Well, time can heal, but this won't ♪

♪ So, before you go ♪

♪ Was there something I... ♪




♪ Before you go ♪

♪ Was there something I could've said
To make it all stop hurting? ♪

♪ It kills me how your mind
Can make you feel so worthless ♪

♪ So, before you go... ♪

Hi, nice to meet you.
I'm Silvia, his sister.

Nice to meet you. Sofia.

I've heard a lot about you.


Now I have to admit
I've already finished reading the book.

Yeah, but I thought it was great. Really.

Thank you.

♪ I start to replay ♪

♪ But all I can think about
Is seeing that look on your face ♪

♪ When you hurt under the surface ♪

♪ Like troubled water... ♪

I'm so glad
you were able to make it.

This is really incredible.

Yes, yes, yes.
I think it's all so incredible.

- Anyway, thanks for coming.
- No worries.

- So where's the author?
- This way.

Sofia, Paolo, my father,
and my mother, Loretta.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

♪ Was there something I could've said
To make your heart beat better? ♪

♪ If only I'd have known
You had a storm to weather ♪

How are you doing?

- I'm okay.
- You ready for this?

I'm terrified!

It's all right. Let's just jump right in.

♪ Was there something I could've said
To make it all stop hurting? ♪

♪ It kills me how your mind
Can make you feel so worthless ♪

♪ So... ♪

Thank you all for coming.

Let's get started.

My name is Carlo Pentecoste.



My novel recounts a true story.

Well, as much as a novel can.

I like to think that it's about

how we're often so close
to the solution that we're looking for,

but the solution scares us,

and so we choose to avoid it
and look elsewhere.

For years, I too avoided the truth
of a painful memory from my childhood.

I couldn't admit it to myself
or to anyone else.

I was avoiding the solution.

I was avoiding reality.

Thank you.

After all,
who here has never been faced

with, uh,
an uncomfortable and painful truth?

Uh, you talk in great length
about this broken link

that can, uh,
leave behind a dark space in us,

an empty space even,
filled with answerless questions.

But still you've managed
to fill this space with words of empathy.

And for those of us
who deal with writing or literature,

that is our most delicate
and powerful tool.

It's the only way we can look back
at where we've been

and look at what happened
when we got lost,

who we were being, who we've become,

and, above all,
how we can change our path for the future.



Hey. It's about time!
Look who's here.


Is everything okay?
We thought you weren't coming.

Yes. Sorry.
I changed my dress at the last minute.

I was feeling a little nervous.

- You look incredible.
- Thank you.

Wait. What's going on over here?

Can you come with me for a second, please?

I wanted to show you
some fabric that I love

and that I wanted to use
in the living room.

- Right now?
- Oh, yeah.

So what's this dress thing about?

What? Nothing.

You chose that dress two weeks ago. Hmm?

I took a little bit of a detour.

A little detour?

This yellow would be just perfect
for your living room.

That's violet.

Even better, then.
I'm gonna take off my coat.

Don't go anywhere.

- Oh, there she is. You're gorgeous.
- You look spectacular.

I'll be right back.

- Oh, here she is. Our child prodigy!
- Hey.

I'm gonna go get a refill. I'm empty.

- See you in a bit, Ada.
- See you later.

- She's very important.
- Oh, really?

Oh yes!

Today is just the best day of my life.

By far.

Well, good.

You deserve it all.

You'll have to be my editor forever.

Why not? Although, it might be hard
to meet with me in person.


- There's a chance I'm leaving.
- To where?



There's an office in Paris,
and I guess they want me there.

To new beginnings!

Yes, Luca, she's here.
He's looking for you.

Excuse me. Sofia, let me introduce you
to someone very important.

- Sure.
- Come on.

Listen. Why don't you tell them
that story you told me earlier?

Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.

Attention please.

Yes. Because our girl,
Margherita, has a little speech to make.

- No! No!
- Yes.

Over to you. Come on.

Fine! Okay.

So, um,

I'd like to say
that I feel really confident

and I'm not even the least bit scared.

But I don't wanna lie!

I am very scared.

I'm terrified, really.


for me, this studio represents a dream.

A dream that has been locked
in a drawer for far too long.

Actually, in a box.

No. I mean it because...

Well, 'cause one day I opened a box
filled with these old things of mine,

uh, they'd been forgotten.

Like my diploma,

notebooks from university
filled with ideas.

And that was the moment
I knew I was keeping the box open.

I knew that it had to bring me here today

with all of you, to... celebrate a new start.

Because this is a new start for me.

Thank you.

I hope you all need to redecorate
your homes in the near future!

And if you do, I hope
that you will think of me.

- Cheers!
- Cheers!



- Great party.
- Yeah. It is.

Every single person who matters is here.

Sorry. I'm hiding with you
because I don't know anyone here.

Well, I only know a quarter of the guests.

That's not counting the ones
I only know through email.

You know, I wanted
to read Sofia's book, actually.

- Wait. Really?
- Yes!

You want a free copy, don't you?

Oh. Come on!

No, I'll buy it. I'll buy it. I swear.

Yeah. You'd better. That goes
towards author and publishing rights.

Excuse me?
Can I get two jagers with lemon, please?

And they're on this guy over here.

No, no! Sorry. No, no, no, no. Just one.

Great. Marcello, this is Flavio.

- Hey. Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.

He's a big fan of yours.

I love your work very much.

And now I know
that you're a lucky man as well.


I'm sure you have a lot to talk about.

Just give me a minute.



I just wanted to say hi

and, um... and tell you
I'm sorry I'm not there.


I'm sorry too.

I can hear music.

What did you choose?

Don't you recognize it?


Of course.

It goes well with your studio.

You haven't seen it.

Well, I...

Uh, I'm trying to imagine it.

Let's see.
You've chosen bold colors for the walls,

an excellent selection of lamps.

So it's well lit.

That's true.

Ground floor,

big windows, so it gets
a lot of natural light during the day.


Uh, yeah.

That all was pretty predictable, though.

You're not wearing
a pant-suit. No jacket.

It's classy. Very elegant, I'd say.

Long, green dress.

Am I close?

You're good at imagining.

Concordia was the right address.

Even though we didn't know why.

Who lives there now?

A wonderful couple.
They always agree on everything.

Dangerous situation.

Hey. What if I never mentioned it to you?

- What's that?
- Back at the college.

The misunderstanding.

Have you ever wondered?

I do, often.

But even still,

it was never going to work with us.


I've been thinking
about you a lot, you know?

I really try not to.

Just can't help it.

Being together was important,
especially when we were apart.

The changes I've gone through
since we broke it off,

you've inspired them.

That is the most beautiful thing
you could say.

You need to go back in.

- It's your party.
- Yes. Hmm.

I know you're gonna do great.


So what now?

I don't know.

Let's see what you come up with.