Fidelity (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Where are you coming from?

What did you do?

He was trespassing
on public property.

I was just taking a walk through the park.

And tried to evade an officer.

Look. I wasn't evading you. Okay?

You didn't have
any form of identification.

Here's his ID, officer.

This is what you need, isn't it?

Well, Mr. Pentecoste,
you can go.

- Thanks.
- The ticket'll be mailed to you.

- Yeah. I bet.
- Goodbye.

I'm sorry about this, Marghe.


Sorry for what? You were just walking.

I mean, it was late, you went out
to get some air, take a walk. It happens.

But you got picked up by the police.

All right. Look.

- I went to the park to...
- Carlo...

There's no need.

If I were you,
I wouldn't wanna be asked about it.

Wait. What are you saying?

What do you mean?

Hey. Come on.

I can't.

What do you mean?

I can't do this.

We really need to talk, Marghe.

- Huh?
- Come on, Carlo.

- Let's go home and talk about it.
- Can't.

What are we doing? I mean...

It's like we're the musicians
on the Titanic

who just kept on playing
while the ship went down.



...tell me you don't mean that.

You find them okay?

Yeah. I did.

I got the keys, and I'm in.

Well, stay as long as you want.

The gallery's set up
to house visiting artists

and you're an artist, aren't you?

Architect Verna.

It's beautiful. Wow.

A great place for being depressed.

I can join you.

No, no, no, no.

No. Actually,

I think I wanna be alone tonight.


Just sleep on it.

You've dealt with more than enough
for one day. You know?

- I love you.
- Thank you.

Good night.

What is it?

One of your students saw you last night.

Saw me doing what? What did I do?

They saw you leaving the symposium
accompanied by Ms. Sofia Casadei,

who called, by the way,
and dropped out of the course.

Is it safe to assume
these two events are linked,

or am I jumping to conclusions?

Are you seriously asking me that
or was that rhetorical?

Are you being funny?

I swear I have never been
more serious in my life.

It's clear you've drawn your conclusions

and now it seems
my career is on the line. Isn't it?

First, the "misunderstanding,"
as you called it,

and now this too.

You really think that I slept with Sofia?

That's another thing.
Now you call her Sofia.

Before it was "the girl,"
or "the student." No?

No. I didn't sleep with her.

Professor Pentecoste,

the code of ethics that you signed
doesn't just mention sex,

but inappropriate personal relations
between teachers and students.

Are you honestly saying
that there's nothing unprofessional

going on with you and Sofia Casadei?

And there goes the Titanic.

♪ I've been having... ♪

♪ Trip and fall in ♪

♪ I've been having dreams ♪

♪ Wait, if I'm on fire ♪

♪ How am I so deep in love ♪

♪ When I dream of dying ♪

♪ I never feel so loved ♪

♪ Wait, if I'm on fire ♪

♪ I never feel so... ♪

Hey. What are you doing here?

I've been trying to call you,
but you won't answer your phone.

And you thought it'd be best
to just ambush me here then?

What do you mean "ambush"?

I just want to understand
what happened at the university.

How do you know about that?

Oh. Of course.

The old geezers
of this city gossip. Don't they?

I see the dean
just couldn't wait to tell you about it.

He only called me as a consideration.
Nothing more.

And what did he tell you?

That I molested a student?

I know you're not the kind of person
who would do something like that.

So then why is it so hard
to believe I'm worried about you?

You're worried
about what'll happen to you.

How it affects you.

You really think I'm here just for me?

Prove that you're not.

Don't blame me
for the mess you've created.

It's not my fault that you got fired.

I think you better leave.

Call me if you want.


Hi, Sofia.

Hi, Sauro!


I came home.

Do you want something to eat?

No. I'm fine.

I thought I would buy you some flowers,
but I think they're too crowded in there.

No. It's not bad.

I found those down in the cellar.

They belonged to Mom, right?

Why are you here?
What's going on in Milan?

Tell me.

One minute.

What's this?

I wrote it.

How Things Are

The day my life changed forever

was the day my mother asked me
to take a drive with her.

She was like that.

Driven by spontaneous decisions.

When her mind went dark, she decided
she needed to get away from everyone.

And when the light came back,

she ran after all of the emotions
that she had lost in the meantime.

That day she wanted to take me
to the church where she married my father.

He made her happy.

That day I witnessed
her last attempt at remembering him.

Remembering their happiness.

I never made it to the church.

That day my mother's last attempt failed.

The memory faded from her,

as did the salvation that it had brought..

I'm really late. I'm sorry. I know.

It's okay. Don't worry about it.

Listen, Margherita.

Some clients called.
They're interested in Concordia.

Wanted to know if they could see it.

- See it when?
- Now.

I could go, if that would be better.


Wait a minute, Eva.

I should go.

- These floors are incredible.
- Yes.

- Are they all the original tiles?
- From the 1800s.

This way.

And this is the real showstopper
in the house, the living room.

It's over 60 square meters,
plenty of natural light.

It's great. It's everything we wanted.

Here. Follow me.

- The windows are west facing?
- All of them.

The light in here is perfect.

Everything about this is perfect.

I can picture you here.

So can we!

The only problem now is,
how are we gonna decorate it?

He and I
have such different tastes on everything.

Actually, the truth is
we don't have any taste at all.

I could help. Only if you want, of course.

I have a few ideas for in here.

I know you always thought
that Mom was killed in an accident.

I knew that she killed herself,
and I never told you.

I didn't ever know how to tell you.

No skid marks
were found on the road, Sofia.

So, I kept it from you because I worried
it'd be too much to put on you.

What happened to your mom
wasn't her fault.

Her illness took her.

I'm glad you wrote that story.

It was good for both of us.

And it was perfect
because your story's beautiful.

Do you know that?

- You're saying that 'cause you have to.
- No.

I don't know much about literature,
but, I mean, I know this,

it took a lot of courage to write that.

You can feel that courage in every word.

Well, I couldn't have done it alone.
Someone helped me.


A man.

He was my teacher.

He helped you?

And is this teacher
the reason you came back?

Yeah. I suppose he is.


I suppose I can assume
the way that all ended. Right?

Well, you have my number,

so if you need anything else,
give me a call.

Go ahead.

- We wanna take it. Yes.
- Oh, great!

I'm happy to hear it!

What are the next steps for us?

I'll have the office call you,
and we'll set up an appointment.

- Okay. Perfect.
- Perfect.

- Can we drive you back to the office?
- No. Thanks. It's not far.

- You bet. Thanks for everything!
- Yes. Thank you.

- Goodbye, now.
- See you.


I should have left
as soon as his wife came to see me.

I know it's stupid,
but I was convinced for a while

that everything would go back
to how it was,

but I couldn't just
be his student after that.

Anyway, it's all over now.

Are you sure?

I am.

So who's that standing
in front of my house then?

How did you know where I lived?

You're great at describing places.

Well, not just places.

♪ Where the light shivers offshore ♪

I knew that you'd find your own voice.

Your story is one of the best things
I've ever read. I mean it.

And you're here
just to talk to me about my story?


You could've called me.

I know I could have.

But I wanted to see you.

You had your chance already.

You pushed me away. Remember?

♪ You only seem to care about you ♪

♪ Is there any chance
You could see me too? ♪

So what do you want?

♪ Is there anything I could do ♪

♪ Just to get some attention from you? ♪

♪ In the waves
I've lost every trace of you ♪

♪ Where are you? ♪

♪ Where are you? ♪

♪ After all I drifted ashore ♪

♪ Through the streams of oceans ♪

♪ Whispers wasted in the sand ♪

♪ As we were dancing in the blue ♪

♪ I was synchronized with you ♪

♪ But now the sound of love
Is out of tune ♪

♪ Whatever I feel for you ♪

♪ You only seem to care about you ♪

♪ Is there any chance
You could see me too? ♪

♪ 'Cause I love you ♪

♪ Is there anything I could do ♪

♪ Just to get some attention from you? ♪

♪ In the waves
I've lost every trace of you ♪

♪ Where are you? ♪

♪ Where are you? ♪

I have to ask
for your forgiveness.

What for?

For convincing everyone
that there was nothing between you and me.

The school dean,



I wanted everyone
to think it was all a lie.

But the truth is...

I have always wanted this.

And now, wanting this doesn't seem
so wrong because this is real.

Is this your favorite Chinese place?

Isn't it good?

Don't cook much, do you?

What are you saying?

That wasn't an insult!

Tell me about you.

What do you like?

Someone that fixes bodies by day

and destroys them by night.

And why does it matter?

Shouldn't I know about it?

You've taken care of me.

No one has ever done that before.

That's what matters.



Hey. What's going on?

What do you mean
"what's going on?" I talked to Dad.

He told me you lost your job.
Are you okay?

Margherita's gone.


She left.

I'll come over. Okay?
We can talk about it more.

No, no, no, no.

Uh, I... I'm not at home.

Where are you?

In Rimini.

Why the hell are you in Rimini?

Are you with the student?

Right. Got it. Don't say it, it's better.

Just don't make things worse.

- Call me when you're back.
- Okay.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Mm. Breakfast?


One second!

I'm coming!

- Who is it?
- It's me.

Ah. Here you are.

Please. Yes. Come on in.

Who told you I was here?

Well, I also have your friends' numbers.
And seeing how you just disappeared...

Whose place is this?

It's Giulia's. It's for artists
when their work's in the gallery.

Listen. Why aren't you at the house? Huh?

You're done with Carlo. Is that it?

- I'm not talking about this.
- Oh. We're talking, all right.

Margherita? Why don't you
tell me anything?

What's going on? What tore you apart?

I slept with someone else.

- Who is he?
- What's it matter?

- When was this?
- Just leave it alone, Mom!


What were you thinking? What happened?

I don't know.


For once, I didn't think.
I just... I mean, I don't know.

I followed my instincts.

I did what I wanted.
All right? And it just happened.

I felt empowered.

Margherita, sweetie.

Look. I understand.

Look. Every marriage has its crisis.

But now it's important
you be careful with what you do.

- You have to call Carlo...
- 'Cause that's what you did?

What? Stay faithful to a marriage? I did.

No. Stay faithful to your husband
even if he's cheating on you.

Carlo is having an affair?

It's not about me and Carlo,
this is about you and Papa.

What are you saying?

- No. Nothing.
- No, no, no, no, no.

Tell me. What is it?

Mom, Dad had an affair.

It went on for years.


Honey, what are you saying?

Mom, I'm sorry.

I found these letters
he sent to a woman named Clara.


I'd like to see
the letters he sent to her.


After a lifetime
of pretending not to see it...

Hold on. You knew about it?

It was a different time, Margherita.

Things were different back then.

I couldn't just decide to leave him.

You have a decision.

But that's why you can't just say
that things happen to you, and that's it

because you have the power
to make them happen!

These donuts
are the best in Rimini.


- They don't skimp on the custard.
- I noticed.

Do you always wear that bracelet?


It was my mom's.

I actually thought I'd lost it.
I was a wreck.

Hey. But then it magically reappeared
in my bag one day.

"Magically", huh?

There's no explanation for it.

Got anything to tell me?

I have to go back to Milan.



I mean, honestly, teaching was just always
what made the most sense to me.

It kept me close to writing,
and I was able to pay my rent.

Now, I'll just have to do something else.

Another thing
that's fallen apart because of me.


It's all my fault.
I'm responsible for losing everything.

You didn't lose everything, you know.

You have your story.

Your new novel.

Are you almost done?

I'm stuck on the ending.




So you think the two laps we just did
will be considered enough?

Tradition says that you have to walk
around the lighthouse twice, but you know...

Well, if tradition says so...

Go find your ending, okay?

It's all right.

Safe travels.

Look. Maybe we should
just go out to eat instead.

I mean, it doesn't even look that good.

Don't worry about it.
You've already done enough.

Like what?

You helped me start over.


There's a "but", right?

It's been years...

I feel like I've forgotten who I am.

And now, suddenly, everything is changing
from one minute to the next.

And I can't do anything about it.

I have to just roll with what is.

Without me.

With you.


Look. If we were
to keep sleeping together, it would only

ruin what this could be.


What was that for?

You're so beautiful.

Thank you.