Echoes (2022): Season 1, Episode 2 - Birthday - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

It's new.

It'll fade soon.

Happy birthday, Leni.

Happy birthday, Gina.

There's something you're not telling me.

There's nothing.

Another year.

Another year.

I knew something was wrong,
in Paris, the night we did the switch.

What is it, Gina? What have you done?

So good to see y'all.

So good to see y'all.




So good to see y'all.

So good to see y'all.

I get it, Gina. You're not lost.

You just don't want to be found.

And until I find you,
I have to play both parts.

Sis, truly, you need your rest as well.


Hey, bug.

Gina, you stay at the Riverside
and catch up on sleep.

I'll come fetch you
as soon as I drop Mattie at school.

All right. Ciao, ciao.

You don't say "Ciao, ciao."
Auntie Gina says that.

Well, talking with your Auntie Gina,

she's so Hollywood, it rubs off.

But she's staying away?
'Cause she's the one who needs rest?

The emotion of it all. Wore her out.
She may head home soon.

Here. Sit here.

Just a few more questions,
we'll be out of your hair.

- You've asked so many already.
- It's okay.

It looks funny.

Oh. It's still wet from the shower, honey.

- All right, you get ready for school.
- Come here, Mattie.

If I can make out
my chicken scratch,

you mentioned before
that there were three, maybe four thieves?


That's right. All in... ski masks.

And in summer. Huh.

But you don't remember exactly how many?

And you didn't actually see them
break the lock and release the horses?

No. Uh, I heard a noise
and when I went to see what was going on,

the horses were already loose.

Dear me.

Now, did it strike you as at all odd,

and I'm just thinking this through,

that if they were here to steal horses,

then why did they release
so many into the wild?

Who cares what they were thinking?
She did what any of us would.

- She tried to stop them.
- Did you try to stop them?

Or did you just give chase
after they were gone?

The horses were running wild

and one of them already
had the foal riding away fast.

I guess I just acted on impulse.

Pursuing criminals
into the deep woods

strikes me as... an unusual impulse.

Most people just hide, call the police.

Oh, well, maybe it was
the way I was raised.

We work hard for what we have.
We don't like when people take it.

Oh, yes. Yes.
So you were well into the woods?

Yes. And, uh, Prince got spooked.

Spooked on what?


Be specific, hon.

Well, I didn't see.

Uh... Probably a cottonmouth or a possum.
It happened so fast.

I came off, hit my head, passed out.

And when I woke up,
Prince was gone and I was lost.

You didn't hear the search party?

I heard a helicopter

and I tried to find a clearing
so I could signal to it,

but, you know... Hit my head
and I was dizzy.

We need some family time now, all right?
We... we need to get Mathilda to school...

Certainly. Paula and I will set about
hunting your masked bandits.

Shouldn't be too hard.
They do sound a bit... haphazard.

- Thank you for everything.
- Of course, Victor.

Happy to be of service. Always. Always.

Oh! Leni, I'm... I'm so sorry.

Just one more thing.

You said that your horse, Prince,

startled and you fell
and you were knocked unconscious.

Fell on which side now?

Well, on the... On the right.

That's... You know...
Had the cut on my head.

Sure, that makes sense.

Oh, except... Look, my spatial relations,
they are terrible,

but, um, when Prince reached us,

the blood was on his left shoulder.

Your right side, his left...

Now I'm not sure how that works.


But, um... You know what?
I'll keep thinking on it.

You... You take good care of yourself.
Now, you heal that head, you hear?

Okay. All right. Victor. Claudia.

Gina, what the fuck is going on?

The police know something.
Are you in trouble?

Why wouldn't you tell me?
I know I can help.

I'll always help.
It's always been us, Gina.

No one comes between. Not even Jack.

Yeah, all right.
I'm treating you so much better, boy.

You've been gone all summer.

- Yeah, we delivered some horses.
- Mmm-hmm.

I did a few junior rodeos.

You win anything?

Yeah, first in roping. In Denver.


- You guys have changed.
- No, we haven't.

You totally have.

You start high school next week, yeah?


I'll drive you.
Show you around. If you want.

Yeah, that'd be cool.

Get in there, Brett. Come on. Excuse me.

You can talk to him, you know?

He likes you, Leni. Not me.

As if. Can't tell the difference.

Leni? You all right?


I just need to rest for a minute.

You sure you're all right?


Of course not.

But I will be. I just, um...

I need some rest.

- Yeah.
- There's nothing else you want to tell me?


No. Why?

When we were up on the trail searching
for you, I saw the hoof prints.

It was Prince leading the foal,
not some horse thieves.

And it wasn't a chase, they were walking.

Look at me.

And if I saw that, then Floss saw it too.

No. It must have been
their horse leading the foal.

Only if it favors the right front foot.
Exactly like Prince.

- I need you to tell me the truth.
- I am telling the truth.

- Floss knows something. Listen to me!
- There's nothing for Floss to know!

This won't just go away.
They'll come looking for it.

What, do you think
I was trying to steal her?

Do you think I'm capable of that?

I don't know anymore.

Right now, I'm just trying
to figure this out

because none of it makes sense.

I'm not the kind of person
who steals a horse from their husband.

Now what do you think I was trying to do?

Run away.

- Run away?
- Yeah.

Jack, what would make you think
that I would run away?

You haven't been around.
I don't know where you go half the time.

You won't answer any of my questions
and then this happens?

- Is there somebody else?
- No.

- Did they put you up to this?
- No, of course not.

Why do I think you're lying?

I'm not. Look at me.

Jack, I swear to you.
I'm telling the truth.

There's something you're not telling me.

Is there something you're not telling me?

- No.
- 'Cause I just got off the phone with Gina

and she's at the Riverside

and she's not comfortable in this house
any more because of you.

You want to tell me what happened
while I was gone?

Gina always brings drama. You know that.


Whatever we find out,
we have to stick together.


All right? It's just you and me.

what's happening in my house?

You stole from Jack?

You ran away.

You left me accused of a crime I didn't do
and don't even understand.

And for what?

Or who?


Can I call you if I get scared?

Of course. Just ask Ms. Jellika
in the front office, okay?

Can I use the flipper phone?

The what?

The phone that opens and closes like this.
It's in the glove box.

Let's just see about that.


You know, I must have left that at home.

But you always have it in there.

I'm sorry, love.

Let's just get you inside, huh?

One, two, three.


Meggie. Hey, stop. Hey.

- Hey, can we talk?
- There's nothing to talk about.

- I'm glad you're safe. Now, I have to go.
- Look... Hey, uh...

After what happened to me,

I'm... I'm, you know,
getting a second chance

to reset and undo all the bad things
that happened this past year.

You've ruined his life for a second time

and now you want to make things right?

I'll fix this.

I swear.

I'll believe that when I see it.

See you later, Leni.

Why is Meg so angry?

Huh? Whose life did I ruin?
What the fuck, G?

Please, Gina. Call me. Okay?

And what's this flip phone
Mattie was talking about?

If I could keep the same number,
that would be great.

Of course.

- I... I saw y'all on TV.
- You did?

- Mmm-hmm.
- Well...

I hope I don't disappoint in person.

Oh, no. Uh... No. No, I remembered
selling you the phone.

I said to my mama, "This missing lady.
I sold her a phone."

- Huh!
- Uh-huh.

"And she must be out of range
because it's an excellent phone."

- Right.
- I remember what you said to me that day.

Well, I hope it was meaningful.

- Oh, it was pretty goddamn inspiring.
- Hmm.

You said, "Cal, don't wait."

"Live the life you want."

- Huh.
- A week later, I got a promotion. Uh-huh.

- Shift manager.
- Shift manager!

- Wow!
- Yeah. Thanks.

Hey, do you think
you'd be able to transfer the data?

Oh, of course.
I can move the contacts and stuff,

but not the messages
or anything like that you might've saved.

Shoot, um...

So, like, the incoming and outgoing calls...

'Cause there's phone numbers in there
I don't have saved to my address book. So...

Well, I can go into billing and print out
a hard copy of this month's.

Great. You are a lifesaver.

Um, just out of curiosity,
has anyone been using the phone?

You know, let's check.

No. No calls for three days.


- Deputy.
- Oh, funny.

- Yeah, you know it's Paula to you, Len.
- I missed you.

I missed you, too.

Yeah, we should, uh, talk later.

Yeah, we need to talk about Floss.

She's been down in cold cases.

Yeah. The same boxes
I showed you a ways back.

That, uh... That church fire.

Church fire? From years ago?

Yeah, that one you were looking at.

I just...

I don't know. I guess she thinks
that they're connected somehow,

but I don't... I don't get it. I...


Anyway, it really is good to see you well.

I talked with Paula, Gina.

She seems very fond of you.

And she brought up the fire. The church.

That you were looking into it.

What are you doing, Gina?

Yo, so can you do, like, 30?

Who is this?

You want to trade names now?
Do you want to do business or be friends?

- Business.
- So can you do 30?

Thirty? Uh, 30 what?

Ket! Obviously. You...
You running some other shit now?

Maybe I am.

Well, I ain't some smackhead,
so ket's just fine.

Meet me at the usual place.

No, I need you to meet me
at Wachtell Park. In an hour.

Wachtell Park?
Like, in Mount Echo?

Why the fuck would you want us
to come over there?

You tell me. Somewhere new.
We can't get lazy.

Okay. Spy game.
Bayner Park. Men's bathroom.

Bayner Park in Plattsville.

Duh. The fuck is up with you?

Bring cash. Don't be late. One hour.



What are you doing in here?

Oh, Daphne Villers,
the, uh, vet over in Riverton...

Yeah, she needs me
to take some, uh, ketamine to her.

Something went wrong with a delivery

and she needs to perform
an emergency arthroscopic.


Is everything okay?

Yeah, feeling much better, thank you.

Are you unhappy with us? With life here?

Dad, I don't know why you'd...


Jack and I, yeah,
we're having some money issues,

but nothing we can't sort out.

I know you've been trying.
This is a difficult time.

Yeah, thanks, Dad.

I'm going to take off.
'Cause Daphne said it's urgent, so...

Leni, Daphne Villers
closed her vet practice six months ago.


I guess it's an emergency case.

You're just like your mother.

Strong, proud, private.

But she was never dishonest.

And it breaks my heart to see this.
Whatever... Whatever this is.

Leni, you have to be
very careful right now.

Your marriage, your family, Mattie...

Those are the most precious things
you have.

I know that.
That's why I'm doing what I'm doing.

Is it? Or is it for him?

Dad, I don't know
what you're talking about.

- I don't know what you think you've seen.
- I know my own daughter's heart.

I know you've been gone from us
long before you went missing.

Okay, that's, um...

It's over and I'm fixing it. Everything.

Thank you for telling me the truth.

We'll talk about this later.

I want you and your sister
to come to dinner tonight.

It's your birthday tomorrow.

Normally, you two are off someplace...


Paris or Fiji.

I'm never a part of that.

But this year
brought the two of you right here.

- And I don't want to miss my chance.
- I'd be happy to.

But Gina's a little complicated.

If... If anyone can get her here, you can.

I'll do my best.


It's important to me.


What are you getting me into now?

I don't know how much longer
I can keep this act going.

Well, you got the shit or what?

Yeah, I got it.

All right.

I need to ask you something.


You remember who first hooked us up?

I lost track of my contacts.

Uh... I don't know.

Really? You don't know?

You don't remember?

Does this ring a fucking bell? Huh?

Like... My brother's girlfriend
knows that one guy.

Why the fuck you asking so many questions
you should know the answer to?

- The guy who usually comes with me?
- Yeah. The guy in the red truck.

- Right.
- Are you gonna give us the K or what?

Are you gonna give me the cash or what?

- Get the fuck out of here.
- Let's go.

Fuck. Fuck, are you all right?

Yes. I'm sorry.
I called as soon as I could.

You went home.

I had to go home. I got hurt. I got lost.

You sound strange.

I have to be careful.

Where, uh...

Where should we meet?

Come to the cabin.

Can we meet up first? I...

i, uh...

I don't wanna drive too far.
I hit my head.

Where do you want to meet?

Behind the Echo Echo.

In a half hour.

Okay, but...

Okay, I'll see you there.
Back parking lot.

So, it's Dylan James.

You've let him into your life again
after all these years.

You chose him.

I thought I'd hear from you sooner.

Lost my phone.

You know, no phone booths in the woods.

Had to go home and, you know...

I thought you changed your mind.

About everything.



Our young customers, in Plattsville,
send their best wishes.


Not here.

- Still amateur.
- Come on.


- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I found this shitty bar on, uh, Route 16.

They'll serve you there.

Uh, they haven't changed the jukebox
since 1958.

- It's boss.
- Boss.

Please, Gina, no one says "boss."

I'm sorry.

- For what?
- For being out of touch.

- You couldn't help it.
- No, that's true.

But we're okay now, right?


No, we're not okay.

- What the fuck happened? We had a plan.
- No, I know.

Prince got away from me, you know.
And I hit my head.

But you're all...

You're all right?


Everything's fine?

Yeah. Fine.

You think they suspect?

And what...
What does Jack think is happening?

He's suspicious.

Floss is too.

And your sister's in town.

She's fine. She doesn't know anything.

She still pretending to be Gina?


Leni doesn't know about us.

- What a fucking mess.
- Yeah.

We should just go. Now. Today.


Why not?

- Just live off the money in my purse?
- I've lived off a lot less.

I... I can't leave right now.

Why not?


- Floss, Mattie...
- You said you dealt with that.

I did, but now everybody knows
about the foal.

And Floss has her eye on me.
It's too dangerous.

That's all the more reason to go now.

Oh, Jesus.

I missed you so much.

I was so worried.

I missed you, too. Yeah.

I'll ask my grandmother.
She's gonna help us.

Because she loves you like I love you.

She loves you. Like I do.

What the fuck?

You thought I wouldn't know?

I'm sorry.
I'm trying to find her.

- She never came back.
- Who never came back?


Gina never came back.

All right.

And you? Where have you been?

I've been in Los Angeles.

Living Gina's life.
But you know this, don't you?

She told you everything. Didn't she?

Yeah, she did.

You think she's doing it for you?

You can't find her either
and you're scared like me.

You are desperate to find her.

- I'm gonna find her.
- That's what I'm trying to do.

It's what you're trying to do?
By fucking me up?

How do I know you're not the one
who hurt her?


I love her. I'd never hurt her.

I know you think you do.

She's not well, Dylan.

She's been sick for some time.

She says that you're the sick one.

That you are the one
who's making her keep this whole thing up.

I'm sure she does.

Look, I know we've got a history,
you and me...

- Oh, yeah, you bet.
- But you haven't been around.

And you don't know.

She tell you about her breakdown?

- No.
- In college she had a psychotic break.

She tell you about the miscarriage?


Everything I've...
I've done, trading lives, it is for her.

Dylan, you gotta believe it. I love her.

I'm trying to find her
because she might be hurt.

She may be running away from both of us.

Oh, she ain't running away from me.

Are you so sure?

I'm damn sure.

We had a plan.

We have a plan.

What if she changed the plan?

Get up. I'm gonna bring you back.

Come on.


Fuck, forgot my purse.

- Come on!
- Coming!

Do you not remember
what he did to us?

He almost ruined our lives, Gina,
and he would have if I hadn't stopped him.

And what? Now, he's back
to finish what he started?

I won't let him.

I won't let him ruin you... Us.

It's not happening again.

I'm going to find you, Gina,
and I'm gonna fucking fix this.

I will find you.

Hello there!

I got the coffee you ordered.

Now I know
you're in there. I heard you talking.

Leni, I didn't expect to see you here.

Wait, it is Leni, isn't it?

Are you allowed to do that?
Impersonate room service?

Come on now,
I didn't say I was room service.

I said I had the coffee you ordered.

Bert's super busy
with that quilters convention,

so I offered to bring it up. Gina here?

Uh, she is about to hop in the shower.

- Hmm.
- I'll tell her that you dropped by.

Perhaps you could tell her,
now that I'm here.

And I'll wait. I... I've been trying
to call her all morning.


Hey. Sorry to interrupt...


Yeah, so...

Turns out that she put on
one of those seaweed wraps.

- She's so La-La Land.
- Oh.

But I will tell her to, uh,
call you later.

Hmm, I'd really love to see her

If I could. The human process
of it all, you know.

Yeah, she's on the plane home tonight...

Perfect. She can stop by the station
on the way.

Or I could just wait now.

- Do you need to get that?
- No. I am all good.

Here... No. I'm gonna help her
with that seaweed wrap.

Okay, you tell Gina
that I look forward to seeing her.

- Great.
- Once she's all dressed and all.

- Thanks for that coffee.
- Mmm-hmm.

Hey, sweetheart, um...

So sorry, I just got back
from meeting Leni.

How is she?

She doesn't seem to be so good.

Actually, something feels weird.

I think maybe she and Jack
are having problems.

- What kind of problems?
- I don't know.

I think, uh, maybe she might need me
to stay here a little longer

to support her.

Are those new earrings?


Yeah. Yeah, I borrowed them from Leni.

Oh, hmm. Not really your style.

Jesus, are we talking about earrings here?

No. No, not at all. I... I just...

No, it's all right. I'm... I'm sorry.

- I'm just, um, feeling a little...
- Of course you are.

And the birthday trip to Tahoe,
I'm... I'm guessing that's off?

I'm afraid so.

I... I think she's just
really been through something.

Of course.

Just look after yourself,
first and foremost, Gina. Okay?

Don't get caught up in Leni's life.
You're your own person.

Yeah, I'll be okay. Love you.


Okay. Los Angeles,

California, 90068.

That wouldn't mean that you live
in the Hollywood Hills?

It would.

Not too shabby. I've been there once.

Yeah... Yeah, I took one of them
double-decker tours,

passed the stars, their houses.

Oh! Beautiful weather. Exquisite houses.
You couldn't pay me to live there though.

Is that all you needed?
My husband's name and our address?

Just a... Just a few more questions.

And, uh, this one's a little bit touchy,

for some families,
at least, to talk money...

But did you and your sister?

- Uh, did we what?
- Talk money.

More... More specifically,
did Jack or Leni ask you for money?

No. Uh...

They're too proud.

Yeah. Jack, especially.
Yeah, they don't take our money.

But, uh... And again, pardon me for asking,

but, uh, not so proud
that they didn't let you pay

for lavish birthday vacations every year?

Where was it going to be this year?
Lake Tahoe?

That's my... my birthday present to Leni.


Yeah. Why is this, uh, relevant?

How often do you and your sister talk?

Or did you talk before?

Every day.

And she never mentioned
any financial stress?

Nothing out of the ordinary
for a horse vet in a dying southern town.

Uh, did you perhaps, uh, I don't know
the Hollywood term for this...

Uh, brainstorm solutions? Pitch ideas?

- Oh. What sorts of ideas?
- You tell me.

Did you give her money?

They wouldn't take our money.
Jack's too proud.

Proud wasn't going
to pay the bank though, was it?

People get pushed into corners,
they can surprise you.

Yes, I am aware of that, yeah.
Are we done here, now?


When you and Leni talk about the past,
what do you talk about?

- Uh, what?
- You have so much incident in your lives.

Uh, so much tragedy.
Do you ever talk about it?

No. No, we try not to. Yeah.

- But I do have a plane to catch. So...
- I really wish you'd stick around.

We like having you around here again.
Keeps things interesting.

Okay. Have a good one.


How are you?

Weird, but I'm here.

Jack said you've been out
all day with Gina?

I thought you'd be here resting
like the doctor said.

She needed me.

She needed you?

After what you just been through? Typical.

- Always making it about herself.
- Claud, come on.

I know. But you're
the only one I can talk to

and things have developed.

What things?

I know the timing is not great,
but I've been waiting to do it.

And now that you're back,

I'm thinking of bringing him
to dinner tonight.

But Dad said he wanted to talk
and they haven't met yet either.

- Of course.
- Of course.

But maybe after.

Are... You are coming tonight?

I mean, if we have to deal
with just Gina, again...

I'm gonna try to be there.
I promise, all right? I just...

- I really need to get some rest.
- Of course.

Fucking Gina.


Where you going?

I was, uh... I'm going to try and talk Gina
into coming to Dad's dinner tonight.

And you couldn't have that conversation
on the phone?

Shouldn't you spend
some time with your family?


I'll be home soon. Okay?

I promise.

Hey, we gotta get you cleaned up.

You're leaving tomorrow? On your birthday?

I mean, did something happen?


No, Dad, I'm just

headed back to LA
now that I know that Leni's fine.

Are you rushing off
because you feel unwelcome here?

Because Claudia and I have talked.

And we want you always
to feel welcome here, don't we Claudia?

Have you thought about Leni?

She'll understand.

She'd been through a trauma.

It's more than that, though, isn't it?


has she gone through this year?

'Cause she's not talking to me.

It's okay for her
to have boundaries, Gina.

We don't have boundaries, Claudia.
We share everything.

Nobody shares everything.

You're never here and you have no idea
what she's going through.

And you don't care
about anybody else's pain but your own.

- Claudia, please.
- It's not true.

It is true. And I know
because I fucking live it.

Every day!

- Sorry if I've been distant.
- You're not sorry at all.

You come and go from here
like you own the place,

but you have no idea what's going on here.

And if things don't match up
exactly the way that you think it should,

you only care about you and Leni.

Well, there are
other people here too, Gina.

There are other people hurting.

Open your goddamn eyes.


It's the reason I wanted you both here.

I'm sick, G.

They say I have, uh,
congestive heart failure. Late stage C or...

Does, um...

Does Leni know?


No, they've been having financial issues
and I didn't want to burden her with this.

Besides, like Claudia says,
nobody shares everything.

But you're here now
and I really wanted to...

To tell you both,

but I got some results
from earlier this week.

Before I go...

I want us to unite.

As a family.


Gina, stay.

While we still have time.

I'd like that.

Of course.



I can do that.

Sit down.

Where were you?

I called down to the cottage.
They said you didn't show for dinner.

I was at the inn.

I, uh, fell asleep.

Gina left me there
and had dinner with my dad.

Did Gina tell you what happened?


So are you gonna?

Something happened with her
when you were gone.

I was a bit drunk. I...

I thought she was you at first.

But then I didn't.

It was a mistake.

I am so sorry.

It's Gina, Jack.


No, I knew it wasn't you and I kept going.

It's just...

Something's broken.


You stopped loving me.


Maybe me too.

This past year. It's like you pulled away.

I've never loved you more.

- Is there someone else?
- No.

Then what?

Where are you going?

Back to the Riverside.

Clearly there's a few things
I need to work out with Gina

before her birthday in a half hour.

You're running from me. Again.

More secrets.

You really want me to stay?

I need to figure this out with Gina
and get her back to LA.

So you and I can fix what's broken.

You think we can?

I think we need to.

You ever wonder
if you married the wrong sister?


Another diary entry, Gina.

I don't know what else to do,
so I'll just keep trying here.

God damn it, Gina.

You've destroyed everything.

All that we built for years and years.

Is it really that easy?

Just to walk away
from everything that matters?

How can you be back with Dylan James?

He's nothing.
And you're nothing without me.

We've done enough damage.

Come home, Gina.

Let's make it right.

Happy birthday.

I love you.