Echoes (2022): Season 1, Episode 1 - Episode #1.1 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Hey.
- Hey.

I missed you this morning.
You were up and gone before 6:00.

Did the mega loop
twice today. Yeah.

- Mmm.
- Mmm.

- Once this morning, again just now.
- Ten miles? You're driven.

You know who you married.


Leni, it's your sister calling.


I'm sure
I'm just being neurotic,

but can you please give me a call today?

Uh, in between mucking stalls or shoeing
horses, whatever it is that you do.

But today. Call me. Okay, please?

I am on my way
to that marketing meeting, you know,

where they all smile
like they were taught how.

They'll need me
to choose one of these covers

and I have no idea, per usual.

So, call me.

- Good morning.
- Morning.

- Everyone's gathered.
- Great. Thanks.

- Coffee.
- You.

Clearly not caffeinated enough.


Thank you.


Hello, everyone.

Good morning.

Thank you for these cover comps.

They are perfect.



But the book...

is not perfect.

And the woman at the center
is a fucking mess.

Let's make a fucking mess.

Shall we?

A glorious collage. Go.

You. You.

Together, right? Rip them up.
Let's put them together.

That's it. Give me that one.

Okay, Leni. I pulled it off
at the publisher's.


I dealt with the movie people,
though we were supposed to talk first.

But I'm starting to lose it a little.

It's been 36 hours.

So where are you, all right?
I really need to...


It's always unnerving
when there's more than one.

Her voicemail is full. It's never full.

Uh, is it possible that you filled it?

Charlie, I can't shake this feeling
something's happened.

- Darling.
- I've called Jack five times.

- He hasn't returned my calls.
- Jack never returns your calls

because he feels you bring
your LA drama to his quiet, Virginia life.

What the hell?

Did you leave
your office window open again?



- Charlie?
- Stay back.

What the...


It's like a raccoon house party.

They just moved the fuck in.

What are you doing
with all these maps of Lake Tahoe?


Uh, for the birthday trip. Hiking trails.

You hate hiking.

I just thought for Jack and Leni.

Well, these are all of the lake.


Gina, hey. Something's happened.

Leni's missing.

What do you mean "missing"?

There was a break in
at the stables.

The police are here.

They think she may have given chase or...

she may have been taken.

Leni, I am losing my mind.

Where are you?

What happened?

I knew something was wrong. I knew it.

But no call from you?
Nothing in the diary.

Jack's working
the colt today.

So I'm coming home.

Will I find you there?

Will we ever be us again?

I need you.

I have to find you. We have to be okay.

We have to.

There's no world for me without you.

Samida! Liss!

- Oh, Gina.
- Oh.

What the hell is happening?

Where's the search party?
Are Dad and Jack up in the hills?

- Yes. They're still out.
- Where's Meg?

- What?
- She's not here.

What do you mean she's not here?

But she's Leni's best friend.

If she's not here,
who's looking after Mattie? Huh?


Hello? It's Gina.



Who the hell are you?

Oh, Natasha.

And why are you here?

I'm Mattie's babysitter.

Mattie doesn't have a babysitter.

I work for Jack.

Since when?

A while. A few months.

I'm gonna go see Mattie.

Well, she's taking a nap.
You can come back later.



It's Auntie Gina, Mattie.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

But I'm here.

I'm here now, baby.
We're going to find your mom.

Hey, they're back!

Search party's back!

Maybe they found her.

Hey, sweetheart. Hey, how are you?

You doing okay?

Why don't you go inside with Natasha?

I'll be in soon. We'll have some dinner.

- Okay.
- Jack.

What is going on?

- Where the hell is Leni?
- Oh, God. I wish I knew, Gina.

- I told you. I'll keep you in the loop.
- I couldn't stay away.

- She's my everything. You know that.
- Okay, I get it.

Just please, none of your usual.


Look, she been talking to you?
Same as always?

- Yeah.
- Has she said anything?

What have y'all been talking about?

She told me about breaking the new horse.
Last weekend. Going riding the new colt.

Last week?


- That new colt was a month ago.
- No, she just posted it.

Daddy, are you coming?

- What? Jack.
- Not right now.

Gotta fix dinner.


Gina, hey there.

Louise Floss, it's sure been a while.

Yeah, I remember. Deputy.

Well, it's Sheriff Floss now.

Believe it or not.

It's been a few years, right?

We used to run into each other
quite a bit back in the day.

Oh, I'm sorry,
this here is Deputy Martinez.

You can call me Paula.

Why have you stopped searching?

Well, we're starting
to lose the light, aren't we?

Especially up on the trail.

Have electric lights
not come to Mount Echo?

Helicopters? The discovery of fire?

Yeah, we got all that. Sure. And more.

But this terrain,
it's rough and the vegetation's thick.

I would think that you'd remember that.

Gina had an adventure or two of her own
as a young person, as I recall.

What the hell happened to Leni?

Now that's the puzzle, isn't it?

We got the bolts cut on the stables,

the gates open, the horses released,

and the stables office has been ransacked.

Jesus Christ.

Jack wasn't able to identify
anything missing in the office.

But there is evidence
of at least one intruder on the premises.

- Footprints, size 13.
- What?

Do you think someone has her?

We try not to hypothesize.

Right, the detective
shouldn't have a theory of the crime,

especially if it might be a kidnapping.

Well, it can't be ruled out.

But her saddle and bridle are missing,
along with her horse.

Does that mean she took Prince out?

Seems that way.

Best case scenario,

the intruders released the horses
as a distraction

and she might have tried to round them up
and gotten lost or hurt.

Your best case scenario
she's lying in a ravine somewhere

and you're standing here
munching on apples?

Finished the apple now, haven't I?

- We keep doing everything we can, hon.
- Right, yeah.

Must be hard to be back here.

All that history.

How you left.

No, what's hard is my sister is missing.

And it's almost dark
and no one is looking for her.

Small town police work at its finest.

Thanks everybody. You all right?

Yeah. They just look identical, though.

You get used to it.
It's harder when it's a friend, though.

I don't think Leni would
call me a friend. She's been really nice.

Not clique-y like the rest.

That Gina though, she seems tougher.

Yeah. Well, she's the troubled one.

- Troubled one?
- Well, that's the story.

Of course, there's more than one story.


Good deal of sadness
around that family. Always has been.


I don't remember seeing him
at the search party. Do you?

Uh, no, but there were
a lot of people there I didn't see.

- You want to go back?
- Nah.

Let's just remember
that vehicle, shall we?

Hey, Meg. It's, uh, Gina.

Uh, long time.

Look, I'm in town for the search.
I thought I might see you there today.

You know, I know you two
are such good friends. It just...

It feels like there's something wrong.

I mean, clearly wrong.

I'll give you a call later.



Been too long.

But did you see anything out there
today that gave you hope?

We covered
all the open ground. She didn't...

They didn't. Whoever it was,
they must have moved off the main trail.

I'm so worried about her.

Then you join the search tomorrow?

Of course.

Then maybe you could take his place.

I told him not to go out today,
but he ignored me like he always does.

You think I'm not gonna search
for my own daughter?

But the doctor said that...

What did the doctor say?

- You know it's too stressful at your age.
- My age?

I can do twice
what most hands on this farm can do.

And I'll keep doing
until they put me in the ground.

What did the doctor say, Dad?

- What is going on here?
- Nothing. Nothing is going on.

Is Jack okay?

He was very strange with me.

- His wife is missing...
- He's been under some stress.

- What kind of stress?
- None of your business, is it?

Our sister is missing, Claudia.
Can we put aside our grievances?

Put aside our grievances?

I don't know, Gina. I suppose you can.

I'm sure you understand
why it's a bit harder for me.

At the moment,

I think we all want the same thing.


I mean, I'm blessed
to have you both with me. So, please...

I'm a little jet lagged, Dad.

Back in this house,

where I'm Bad Gina
and everything I do is wrong.

And missing you.

I like this game!

It's okay. I'm okay. Sorry.

Hey, y'all ready?

Ready for the surprise?

You remember the story
of the night you were born?

Leni the Lion first.

Leni the Lion first.

Followed by Gina the Dove.

As the moon and the night stars sang.

The beautiful moon?

That's right.

I want you girls to wear these, okay?

And I will always be with you.

You two girls, you have something.

You have something
no one else in the world has.

Just the two of you.

And you'll never lose it.

As long as you love each other
and you hold each other.

Always and forever.

Just the two of you, okay?

- Who did this?
- What?

Who tore my doll apart?

Was it you?

Why would I do that? And how?

Who else goes into that room?

Well, Jack goes in there,
you know, from time to time

to get little things for Mattie and...
and Leni.

I mean, it's her room.

That new girl was playing
with Mattie in there last week.

Natasha was in my room?
What else has she done around here?

I thought Leni told you everything.
I thought you spoke every day.

We do.

Clearly she doesn't tell you everything.

- I'm gonna go stay at the Riverside.
- No, no, no. Gina, we're family.

No. Daddy, I think it's...

It's better for everyone.

Something's wrong here.

Someone tore up the doll
like it was a message.

Old dolls fall apart?

Might've been the nanny.

There's a nanny
with a belly piercing who Jack hired.

- That's not great.
- Right.

And then Leni moved Mattie's bedroom
down the hall.

And Meg's not speaking to Leni
and it's her best friend.

She didn't tell me anything
about any of it.

- None of it.
- She should have told you. You're angry.

But is anger maybe easier
than fear right now?

Are you seeing things
through a lens of anxiety?

No, I'm seeing things
through a lens of "shit is fucked up."

I can hear your voice.

Please do not be my therapist right now.

This is your husband telling you
to get some sleep because I love you,

not as a prescription. Okay?

- Gina?
- Yeah.

I love you too.

All right.


Who do I turn to now? It's always you.


I can't stop thinking

about you out there in the cold and dark.

Are you in a ditch somewhere, bleeding?

Jesus, Leni.
Come back safe.

And maybe you'll hear this someday

and we'll laugh
about how I went off the deep end.

But I am going off the deep end.

If you get this, if you can somehow,

I'm in room 11 at the Riverside Inn.

I'm getting lost
in memory lately.

Maybe it's the time of year,
the apple trees budding.

You know, reminds me of better days.

I cannot wait to give you
your birthday present,

but for now back to work. 12-hour days.

We got a lot to get ready for. Okay?

I love you. Bye. 12-hour days.

We got a lot to get ready for. Okay?

I love you. Bye.

I love you. Bye.

Now we are headed
into treacherous terrain today.

Jack and Victor know this area
better than anyone,

so we are gonna follow their lead.

We're gonna move quickly

so that we can cover
as much area as possible... as little time as possible.

Excuse me.

Prince. Prince. Whoa, whoa.

What are you thinking there, Jack?

There's blood. Some cuts.

Human blood?

We got a horse, bloody. No rider.
We need to move.

We have a potential victim
in need of urgent medical attention.

Do you think it was her blood?

I don't know.

But what do you think?

I think I don't want to think about it
until I know something.

Was something wrong between you two?

What would be wrong, Gina?

The last message she posted to the diary,
it was sentimental.

Like she knew something was wrong.

What do you mean? What did she say to you?

No, it wasn't the words
as much as the tone.

But, why? What words would matter, Jack?

Hey! They found something!

- Over here!
- Come on.

- Excuse me, Jay.
- Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Holy shit.

Oh, my God.

What does it mean?

I don't know.

Jack, you know horses.

Maybe you can come down here,
give us a consult.



Damn shame. This one belong to you?

She's not one of ours, but we board her.

Hmm. Poor thing. Looks like
someone shot her in the head.


My thoughts exactly. "Huh."

I guess she fell and then, you know...

- Whoever found her just...
- Yeah, indeed, "whoever."

You know what?
I checked to see if she was chipped,

because a microchip might
lead us to the "whoever,"

or at least point us to the owner.

But it's the strangest thing.
It was cut out.

And not recently, either.

Now, look, I am just... I am just
not a horse person, you know that.

But doesn't that seem odd to you?

I mean we board all kinds at the farm.

- Uh-huh.
- I...

I can't check every single one.

Yeah, but you must keep records,
I imagine.

Receipt with the name
of the owner on it, at least?

Yeah, back at the office.
I can have someone look for it.

I would think that would be a good idea.

Yeah. Yeah, let's do that. Right away.

All right.

Dad, what is going on?

Not here.

Paula, I need you to come up here

and tape off a crime scene, please.


Hey, Gina.

We never got a chance
to catch up last night.

How about we do that now?

Yeah. Let's go for a walk.

I don't pretend to know
everything about everybody,

but I've lived in Mount Echo a long time.

And Jack,
he's a good man from a good family.

He's not likely to get involved
in criminal activity.

But if he was, then...

Well, your sister being who she is,
she would know about it.

Being who she is, she wouldn't let him
get involved in the first place.

Well, hell.

If I had a sister, I sure hope
she'd say the same thing about me.

All I know is that my sister is missing
and possibly dead.

Wouldn't we have found a body by now?

This terrain's tricky.

Or somebody might have her.

Or she's just run away.

Run away from what?

That'd be the question.

You know, it occurs to me
that there are things,

private things,

that are only shared inside of a family.

So, if any of those things
should come up while you're here...

I should come to you.

Because your sister's life
might depend on it.

She's asking for paperwork.
I can't just date something like that.

I'll call you back, all right?

- You following me?
- No.

What, Gina?


It's me.


It hurts for me too,
you know.

I just want us to be here for each other.

Always here for you guys,
always on your side,

whatever is going on.

It's hard to look at you.

You asked me
what we had been talking about.

- What exactly...
- Just anything.

Where her head was at, maybe.

- Didn't you know?
- Come on, Gina.

Does anyone really know
with either of you?

She said she was tired

because you guys
have been working 12-hour days.

She said that?

Yes, what?

She hadn't been working 12-hour days.
She's barely around.

In and out, at all hours.

Doing what?

I was hoping you could tell me.

- So you hired Natasha.
- I needed the help.

In the office.

With our daughter.

- So you have been busy.
- I have.

Yeah. I'm trying
to make ends meet around here.

But business is booming.
You're boarding horses.

Yeah. Yeah, business is fine, Gina.
Everything's fine.

We done?

Do you mind if I go lay down in the house?

I'm just so jet lagged.

- Go on then.
- Okay.

I've been thinking
of the day of the funeral.

When we ran away together.

Promised to take care
of each other always.

Just me and you until the end.

Momma, I've come back...

Hey, sweetheart.

Hey, Auntie Gina.

You, uh...

got a new room since I was here last.

More room for your new dollhouse?

Your mom didn't tell me.

She's been missing.

I know, honey. But before that?

She's been missing before.

But not for this long.

She goes away and misses dinner sometimes.

Natasha has dinner with Daddy and me.

What's going on there?

The mom is dead.


I think she just had too much to drink
and now she's having a nap.

That's called drunk.

How do you know about that?

The priest in town sleeps on a bench
behind the church sometimes,

and when I asked Mommy about it,
that's what she said.

That's one thing I love about your mom.

Calls it like she sees it.

But Mommy's
dead now, right?

No, she's not, honey.

How do you know?


Because we're connected.

Connected in a way
that other people are not.

We're special that way. Do you understand?


I know when things happen to her.

And she knows my heart
like no one else in the world.

I wish I had a twin.

Mom will be home soon.

What are all these secrets you're keeping?

What have you gotten us into?

Hey, love.

Hi. Any news?

It's not good.

Her horse came back from the hills
covered in blood.


Jesus, and she's been out there...

Are they moving fast enough?

Do they have enough people
in the search party?

Yeah, no and no.

- I don't know what else to do, Charlie.
- Okay. What else have you found out?


Jack's not talking.
My dad knows something he's not saying.

What do the police think?

They think she's into something.

- All right, I'm on a plane.
- No, Charlie.

There is clearly a situation unfolding.
I don't want you to be alone.

No. I need another day.

Or two. To sort it out, okay?

I need to be able to handle this.

Gina, we ask for help.

I will.

I promise. But no one's talking.

They already think
I'm Bad Gina from Hollywood.

You know how this town is.

I don't, really.

- Look, just keep me posted. Okay?
- I will.

- I love you.
- Love you.

She thought it was you, Gina!

But it was you, Leni!

Gina. Leni.

Leni the Lion first.

Followed by Gina the dove.



It's Gina, Jack.

It's... It's me. I'm sorry.

Did you hear me?


I'm sorry.

You shouldn't be here.



It's fine. It's going to be fine.

Do you trust me?

What the fuck?

Here. Switch with me.

Switch dresses.

Gina, you have to switch with me.

You have to switch with me now!

Enjoy your year in Los Angeles, Gina.

Have fun in Mount Echo, Leni.

Until we switch again next year in Tahoe?

It's a date.


Gina, how the hell can I choose?

I don't understand.
Why are you doing this?

I've made it home.

Hypothermic and dehydrated.

Broken nails. Bruises on my right temple.

Oh, it's convincing.

Even though
I haven't played this part in a year.




Baby! Oh, God.

I'm home, baby. I'm back.

So, okay, Gina.

I'll go back to being Leni.

To being me.

Everything's going to be okay.

So I can find out
what you've done here.

To both of us.