Drenaje Profundo (2010–…): Season 1, Episode 14 - Tiro de Gracia - full transcript

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Quickly. quickly!

That way!

-Move it!


-Move. move!


Come on!








How many?


All of them. peppered.
Some got the coup de gr�ce.

Is these all the people
who lived here?

At least
the ones that were here.

No children?

It seems like
they sent him away...

...they had a warning
for a violent eviction.

This means the neighbors
saw this coming?

They violence. yes...

...the executions.
I don't think so.

You have to listen to this...

...his name is Armando...

...he was hidden in the water tank
when it all happened.

Tell them what
you told me. Armando.

You can trust us. tell them.

They made them
come out of their houses...

-...all of them.
-Who made them?

-Did you see them?

They were like you.

Like us?

They had guns and uniforms...

...they were like you.

You have
to be prepared. Roman...

...Duchenne's disease
it's normally lethal...

...during the first 30 years.

We've done all we can
to delay the effects.

But the degradation
of the muscles is unsustainable.

And now the respiratory
insufficiency has me worried.

Tell me something else. okay?

If I could tell you
something else. I would...

-...but. Carolina...
-Tell me something else!

Carolina won't die
before me. got it?

that's not for us to decide.

Of course we do!

I do!

What you're telling me is you
can't do anything for her. right?

I can.

-Hello. honey.
-How's my mom doing?

She's stable.
don't worry about it.

It will all be alright.

What's the doctor saying. Dad?

The doctor says
everything's okay.

We'll do what we have to do...

...but your mother
is not going to die.

Excuse me.


This came from
the City's Police Department.

It's from a security camera
located five blocks from there.

What I don't
understand is why...

...if it was such
a problematic area...

...they didn't have
any security cameras.

They put one
a couple of times...

...but the neighbors
threw it down with stones.

Those landcrashers are tough.

-They're dangerous.
-They're people...

...with nothing to lose. Rola.



I have something for you.

Tell me about it.

Okay. I'll see you
in 15 minutes...

...at the Coffee Shop
in front of the CI.

We got your message.
honorable old man.

Sit down.
I have something to tell you.

I have nothing to say to you
if you have Renata.

Do you know
what could happen to her...

...if she doesn't get
Igor's serum?

Well. that's easy to fix...

...give me the serum
and I'll make sure she gets it.

-You're an asshole!
-Wait a second.

You know perfectly well that
Igor won't give you the serum.

Then. we've come
to some rocky area.

I think the one
in the rocky area is you.

You wouldn't
have looked for us...

...if you had been able
to synthesize the formula...

...through Renata.

Let her go. Milosz!

Or. will you sacrifice a girl
because of your ambition?

Do you think I won't?

Then. what did
I do to you. gorgeous?

My wife's sick.

I need the serum to stop
her degenerative process.

Are you asking us for a favor.
honorable old man?

You're so naive.

We want Renata back.

Can I talk to you. instead?

What do you want?

I want you to tell Igor I'm
willing to give him back Renata.

In exchange for the serum?

In exchange for him.

If he helps me treat Carolina.
I'll give him that brat back.

You're the only one
who can influence him.

You're crazy.

Don't think that.

Not so much.

If you give me back Renata...

...I'll give you back Igor.

And us?
What will we do without Igor?

Not everything
has to be like it was.

If he wants
to cooperate with me...

...you and I could
stop being enemies...

...and you wouldn't have
to live in the sewer anymore.

Think about it.

But don't think
about it for too long.

doesn't have much time...

...and neither does Renata.

They'll broadcast
the news this afternoon.

Why are you giving it to me?

So you can do
what you have to do.

Listen to it.

This person could be lynched.
if you don't act fast.

If he got lynched...

...wouldn't it be one
of those stories...

...you the reporters. love?

I'm a journalist. Ulises.
not a reporter...

...there's a difference.

Delegate, we only have
one more minute.

Thank you for the time
you spent with us at the studio...

...and finally, I don't know
if you'd like to add something.


...I'd like to thank these spaces
that allow us...

...to have a communication...

...that's closer
to the citizenship.

And I'd like to emphasize...

...that this government would like
to be known for the dialogue...

...that looked
for common grounds...

...that it's not the oppressive
authority from the past.

That's why we're here.

To serve people.

Here. the bastard
supposedly ask for a break.


...he left
the microphone opened...

...so the delegate
fell in his trap.

Really, delegate, with everything
that's been going on...

...in your area and these people,
you should act with a firm hand.

Well, yes...

But as a public representative,
I can't do that.

So, anyone can invade
a piece of land or a building...

...and declare immovable?


...if it were up to me...

...just between us two...

...I'd kick the living crap out
of all those scumbags.

The problem
would be solved overnight.

And we'd hardly spend
any public funds.

This is a politician who keeps
his campaign promises.

There's a big difference between
joking about Death Squads...

...and making those happen.

When is that going to
be broadcasted?

In the afternoon's news.

Go to the District's Office.

I'll talk to the local Police
so the back you up.


What's wrong with you?
You don't look good.

Go ahead. okay?

What happened to
''never leave your partner''?

Please. Ulises...

...I'll be right there.

I'll get through
the back door.

I'll meet you there.

You'll tell me later
what's wrong?

Inspector Elizalde?
Sub-delegate. Orozco.

Come this way. please.

Delegate Fernandez
is waiting for you.

One always say things
off the record. Inspectors.

And there are also the promises
that we know we won't keep.

And the ones
you will never do.

And recruiting a Death Squad
belongs to what category...


If I were you. I would be
careful when leaving the Office.


...I'll have to do
my own damage control.

But you can't blame me
for saying something stupid.

If that...

...were reason enough...

...no prisons would be enough.

That's true.

We'd have to build more prisons
for a lot of politicians.

Isn't that right?


-...the agents are leaving.
-No. don't worry.

We know the way out.

We should put him
under house arrest.

We don't have
any proof against him.

He can't go out without being
recognized. Don't worry.

What do you think?


...do you think I should go?

-I haven't said anything.
-And you. Yamel?

I think it's a trap.

Come on...

...are we really going
to believe in Milosz's word now?

Listen. I met Carolina
before her disease.

I'm sure Milosz
would give his own life for her.

You could even say...

...that Milosz's obsession
for the serum...

...has a lot to do with the
unfortunate fate of Carolina.

Now it turns out that
Milosz is an angel. right?

It's a trap. Igor.

And we have to avoid it.

Avoid it? How?

We have Ulises on our side.

You accept the deal...

...and Ulises has our back.


You're very Machiavellian.

And you're very naive.

Another gift from Celia Duarte.

If she keeps doing this. I'll
offer her your job. Inspector.

Are you sure this
is an original video?

Yes. sir.

I swear on my mother's health
that this is for real.

Listen. Rola...

...zoom into the wrist of the
guy that's getting the money.


Which group of hired assassins
uses tattoos on their wrists?

I don't follow you. Inspec.

First. we got a recording
outside the Delegate's office...

...in which he said he'd clean
the streets the hard way.

Now we have this video in which
he's paying for the cleaning.

Tell Davila to go get Fernandez.

I'll get the warrant
for his house arrest.

Yes. sir.

Let's see what Delegate Fernandez
thinks of this video.

Do you need anything?

No. thanks.

Where did your parents meet?


...at school or something.

I thought your dad
was from out of town.


And when he got here
he was still in school?

I don't really know
if they met at school.

Maybe it was at work.
at a lab... or something.

Before my mom had the stroke
she was a researcher.

I really don't know.

My dad never wants
to tell me about the past...

-...I already told you that.

-That's weird. right?
-I don't think that's weird.

Life didn't treat him so well.

It took from him what he loved
the most when he was young.


She's opening her eyes.
I think she's feeling better.

Poor thing.

I bet your dad
loved her very much.

My dad loves her very much.

My mom's still here.


I have to go.

Where to?

Back to work.

Let me know
if anything happens. okay?


Why does Milosz wants you?

to safe his wife.


Carolina Milosz.

I was just with her
and Lorena says she's stable.


-Her daughter.
-Oh. yeah. your girlfriend.


We won't give him Igor.
even if her situation is real.

We need Renata now.


-Yamel was thinking...
-Yes. I was thinking...

...that you could intercept
the car where the girl is...

...intercept Milosz...

...and you could
bring us the girl.

If you don't have a better idea.

Do you want me to steal Renata?

Let's say you'd be
giving us Renata back.

It's not a crime
to steal from a thief...

...you do know that. right?

you offered to help us.

You're asking me
to be a part of a kidnapping.

-That's really serious.
-I'm asking you...

...to be a part
of a rescue operation.

Now. if you don't want
to risk for Renata. we get that.

Just tell us
if you're in or out...

...so we don't lose our time...

...because with
or without you. we'll do it.

What do you say?




I'll go tell them.

She has always been like that.




...how's your relationship
with Milosz' daughter going?

Well. it's good. why?

-Lorena. right?
-Yes. Lorena.

And you...

Do you love Lorena?


Because the day
when you have to tell her...

...the truth about
her father is coming. right?

Listen. Ulises...

...I can help you
put Milosz away.

Put him away for good.

I have all
the evidence against him.

I have documents signed by him.

The records of the
kidnappings and the killings!

The invoices of the meds
used in the experiments.

And names. a lot of names
of very powerful people...

...who connivance
with him since the 70's.

Why didn't you tell me before?
It would've been easier!

If all of this information
sees the light...

...I'd have to go to jail too.

And believe me.
I don't care...

...being in a prison up here
or down there...

...is exactly the same...

...but I'm worried about them!
Because they're not guilty.

That's why I have
to find Renata...

...because if I can
synthesize the serum...

...I could free
Hector. Yamel. Diego.

And everyone else could
go and rebuild their lives.

And they wouldn't
need me anymore...

...and then...

...only then...

...I'll gladly accept
to go to prison.

I hope that you
can understand that.

Yes. I do.

That's why the priority
right now is to find Renata...

...without her. I have nothing.

When she was a little girl...

...she reacted very differently
when we gave her the serum.

Only through her
I can find the cure...

...and the freedom
for everyone else.

And when I finally get
the cure. Ulises...

...I'll give you
all the evidence you need...

...against Milosz...

...and then.
with your head held high...

...you'll be able to go
to your girlfriend and say...

...that you saved her
from a monster.

And she...

She will have to believe you.


Are you going to tell us
is not you on those tapes?

Yes. that's me...

-...of course that's me.
-Of course that's you!

Do you know who's
the recipient of that suitcase?

One of the city's
most wanted hit men.

Hit men?

Of course not.

That man has a wrist tattoo
we'd previously identified.

It's a very particular feature.


...pay close attention
to this. both of you.

You could call me
a horndog. if you like...

...but. a murderer?



...I paid for their silence
and the delivery of the tapes.

What tapes?

The tapes of me
and my secretary at a hotel.

Are you trying to make us
believe this is just a bribe?

That's what it is!

I have the tapes
and I can prove it.

You can't do this to me.

Here's what. I'll give you
the combination of my safe...

...and you...

...will go to my office
and find the tapes.

But. please...

...this can't go public. okay?

The last of your concerns
should be your wife's opinion...

-...don't you think?
-We'll check that.

And we'll begin to believe you...

...when your secretary
verifies the story.

I hope you're not
lying to us. Delegate.

There are no tapes.

This is just
a smoke screen.

This guy's wasting our time while
he puts together a good alibi.

Who else had access
to this safe's combination?

Only his secretary...


This guy doesn't know
what else to say to save his ass.

Really? Blaming it
on the secretary?

It doesn't make sense. Rita.

Why would this guy
risk his political career...

...just to get rid
of a bunch of landcrashers?

To score a political triumph?

There's a sector
who would applaud him for that.

If that was the case.
he would have them evicted...

...maybe violently...

...but not with
that many dead bodies.

I'm not buying it... at all.

Excuse me...

-...Miss Griselda Parra?
-She hasn't come.

-Since when?
-The day before yesterday.

She asked for a non paid
indefinite leave.

And the coincidences
keep appearing.

Can you show me her file?

Yes. sure.

I know you have
no reason to do it...

...but I need you
to tell me who your source is.

Even the secretary's
missing now.

I have no source.

The clues I've gotten
have been anonymous.

Someone left them in my
building. with the doorman...

...or at the Network's lobby.


...someone's deliberately using us
to pin this on Delegate Fernandez.

Do you still believe
he's innocent?

I still think it doesn't
make sense him being guilty.

Why would they incriminate him?

To kill his political career.

-And if there's something else?
-What else could it be?

I don't know.

For example.
maybe they want money.

At the end
of the day. Ulises...

...money makes
the world go around.

Do you realize
what we're getting into?

If we make a big case out of this
and it turns out to be false...

...you can kiss
your career goodbye.

I've already told you.
I have no source.

Everything we've discussed
points out in one direction.

-Who got the news first?
-Which one?

It all started when you told me
they had news again...

...on the microphone incident
with Delegate Fernandez.

Yes. of course.

I broke the news.

That was five years ago!

One single incident
from when he was on campaign.


...this is not the type
of news you usually do.

Who told you?

Who made you think it'd be
a breakthrough story for you?

I was having dinner
with Nestor Alatriste.

Nestor Alatriste...

...master of
sensationalist news.

Okay. yeah. but I have dinner
with him all the time.

I see him
at the Journalist's Club.

That's weird. right?

That he didn't want
to give the news himself.

It's what he does for a living.

And he gave it to you.

Excuse me...

...Nestor Alatriste?

He went to the bathroom. sir.


We need to talk.



Are you okay?!


Take care of it.

Hi. are you tired?

-Did you have an intense day?

...I'm not
in the mood for jokes.

I should be relaxing
at home by now.

Calm down.
don't take it personal.


Aren't you going to answer?

I'm going after her.

-This can all go wrong.
-I don't think so.

That asshole. Milosz. thinks
he has everything under control.

When he gets here. Ulises
will have Renata with him.

And if that's
why Milosz decides...

...to take me with him
against my will. then what?

Look at what I got
for that idiot.

What's going on?

I'm going after Milosz.

What's going on. Angela?


We have to wait for someone.


What's wrong now?
Is she feeling sick?

Open the back door.

No! I'll go.

What are you doing here?

-Where's the girl?
-Where she has to be.

-Seems Renata isn't here.

Both cars stopped
and she's in neither.

We're on our way.

What the hell
are you doing. Jacobo?

I don't have time
for your little games.

Now I'm not only protecting
your interests. Roman...

...I'm also protecting those
of Milosz Laboratories.

They seem to have
little common ground.

Do you remember
the deal with Michael Hudson?

We need the girl
to synthesize the serum...

...and you want to give
her back to those people!

Since when do you.
sissy boy...

...ask me for explanations?

Since you asked for help
to rebuild you're company!

And since
Michael Hudson pays me...

...to take care
of the company's interests.

Renata doesn't belong to you...

...she's ours.

If you want...

...I can put Michael Hudson
on the phone...

...so he can
corroborate it for you.

We're giving her back
for Igor Alvarez. you idiot.

Do you know what that means?

That we'll have him
at our service.

Last I heard. he doesn't have
the serum in his veins.

He never injected it
in himself.

He can give us the formula.

He created it.

That's a supposition. Roman.

We won't sacrifice a million
dollar investment...

...for your whim to save
what can't be saved.

We know about your wife.

But. how...?

Who do you think you are?

I learned from the best.

And if Dr. Igor Alvarez
cooperates with us...

...we have to be up to date
with our arrangements...

...to know how we're
going to push this.

We have to be sure.


...you can't give Renata back
just like that. end of story.

The orders came from upstairs.

Sorry. sir. but he wouldn't
let me take her out.

How the hell did he find out
what I was going to do?

Now everybody is
one step ahead of us.

I pay you
so that won't happen.

What's going on?

Igor's waiting.

The deal is off.
Tell your people.

The deal's off.

-I hate repeating it. honey.


Igor Alvarez...

...you came.

Of course I came.

Where's the girl?

At the lab.

You were betrayed.

You get what you give.

I have a proposition.

I'm willing
to help you with Carolina...

...I only ask to treat Renata.

That's not going to happen.
son of a bitch!

Hector. what are you doing?!

-If you go. what's left for us?
-Drop the gun.

Hector. calm down!

Renata will have
better odds...

...if I'm with her than alone.
don't you get it?

The deal was Renata for you.

I did my part.
I was going to bring the girl.

-But she's not here. asshole.
-I have a clear shot. Doctor.

If you leave...

...I'll take the sewer...

...make the bombs explode...

...and it'll be chaos.

And you?

How will it affect your PR
if everything goes public?

Let's go.

-There's nothing left to do.

I injected Carolina the serum
that idiot Diego was selling.

But it had
the opposite effect...

...it's making her death
come sooner. what can I do?

I'd have to see her. Roman.

I can't do anything from here.

It isn't for everybody.

The serum...

...is not for old people.

What happened?

-What do you mean?
-You didn't spend the night.

I stayed with my mom.

-You could've told me.
-I tried...

...but you wouldn't
answer the phone.

Did you hear what happened?

They killed Nestor Alatriste...

...in front of me.

Yes. I heard it on the news...

...but I would've rather
heard it from you.

I'm sorry. but...

...all of this is messing
with my head.

I guess so. since I didn't
spend the night here...

...and you didn't care!

I called you
and you didn't answer...

...you never called me back.

If something had happened
to me you wouldn't have known.

I always sleep here!

I guessed you stayed
with your mom!

-How's she doing?

She's doing really badly.

My dad says
she doesn't have much time.

Your dad?

Yes. my dad.
He's devastated.

You should be careful
with your dad.

Is that all you have to say?

Mom's dying. dad's devastated
and all you can say is...

...''you should be careful
with your dad''?

-Your dad...
-What did he do to you?!

Why are you always
bullying him?

Do you love Lorena?

The day you have
to tell her the truth...

...about her father is coming.

I don't have it in
for your dad.


Because he's my father...

...he's my family.
he's all I have!

-You have me.

No. Ulises.

I lost you a long time ago.


Inspector, I have
the address you asked...

...forthe missing
secretary's mother.

Excuse me...

...I'm looking
for Griselda Parra.

She doesn't live here.

Aren't you her mother?

I came to give her a message.

I don't know her.

Are you sure?

It's not a good idea
to lie to the police.

I already told you. sir...

...you got the wrong person.


There's nothing worse
than losing a daughter.



I just need you
to verify this.

Was Nestor Alatriste
the first one...

...who wanted to bribe you
with those tapes?

Hi. Caro.


Lorena will be fine.
don't worry about it.

Bye. my love.

I'll get them...

...you'll see.

I'll get them.



...someone from the Fernandez
case came to depose.

She says
she's Griselda Parra...

...Fernandez's secretary.

Do you know where Ulises is?

Yes. I slept with him.

I proposed the hotel.

The hotel and the room.

And someone told you
which room...

...because everything
was ready to film you.

Inspector. I'm not a whore.

Between him and I...

There was something between us.

Yeah. sure.

They offered a lot of money.

-My mom's sick.
-And then they bribed him.

The bribe was because
of that piece of land.

-But he wouldn't have it.
-Piece if land?

Where the murders happened.

They wanted the District
to sell it to them...

...so they could change
the Use of Land Permit.

It's in a very popular area.

I think they want to build
a big shopping mall there.

It'd cost a lot of money.

The Delegate
didn't take the bribe?


But when the tapes came out...

...he paid for them
not to go public.

He had a wife and a career.

Then they wanted to use
the tape where he paid them...

...to incriminate him
in the killings?

Who else is in on this.

Who do you think.

Who would take on
his job if he left?

How do I know
you're telling the truth?

The police was
really clear with my mother.

I have to fear for my life.

If they killed a journalist...

...that means my life
is much less valuable.

I'm telling you the truth.



Griselda Parra
just turned herself in.

Are you on your way?

I'm sorry. sir.

I was calling to ask
for the day off.

What happened?

Lorena's mother passed away.

Okay. I'll tell your partner.

Keep in touch.


That's right. yeah.

-Sub-delegate Orozco.

You're under arrest
for conspiracy...

...and first degree murder.

-Everything you say...

-...can be used against you.
-What are you talking about?

This way, sir.