Drenaje Profundo (2010–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - El sucidio de Verónica Rangel - full transcript

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-I heard a scream!
-Yes. yes.



Are you done, Mom ?

Yes. honey. I'll be right there.


-Do you know anything about Diego?

...I know he thinks
we're his enemies...

...and he doesn't want
to have anything to do with us.

The skin has all the fiber.

Igor. what's going on
with that guy. Ulises?

Is he going
to help us get Renata back?

I don't know...

...I guess we'll have
to wait some more time.

How much is ''more time''?

I don't know.
I'm worried about Diego.

That guy
can take care of himself.

He's not good.
he's not in his right mind.

No! The one
who's not good is Renata!

She depends on us.

Igor. I have a plan
for Renata's rescue.

We can go to Milosz's Lab...

Do you know what Milosz
will do to Renata...

...if he finds out
we're going to get her?!

He'll kill her!

How would he find out?

No one here
will go get Renata!

I'm not letting you
expose us because of this!

We have to let
Ulises do his part!

Who can assure us
Ulises will do his part?

Reporting from a hotel
at the Roma quarter...

... where a woman
threw herself out the window...

...and the bodies of two
other women were found in a room.

-One of them was still alive.

Who can assure us
he'll do his part?

Come on.
Why don't you talk to him again?

He's your son. right?

It's called ''restraint''. Yamel.

-Or ''acting sensibly.''

Do you know what they
are doing to Renata as we speak?

-She's a helpless girl...
-Calm down!

Do you want me
to talk to Ulises again?

I'll talk to Ulises again!
Are you happy now?

Veronica Rangel,
39 years old...

...she was a doctor...

she killed herself...

...by jumping out
of the hotel's 3rd story...

...where she had two
of her patients kept hostage...

...she had also injected them
with controlled substances.

One of them survived.
but is in delicate condition.

A kidnap case?

Adouble kidnap case.

If the kidnapped women
were recovered...

...even if one of them
was dead...

...what's the line
of investigation?

Dr. Rangel worked
for a retirement home...

...called ''La Isla''.

We received an anonymous claim
from that house a few days ago.

What does it say?

That we should investigate.
that gives us a guideline.

They didn't say anything else?

Yes. it's a very
ambiguous phone call.

The thing is Dr. Rangel
went missing...

...along with two
of her patients.

And today this happened.

What was a 20 year old woman
doing in a retirement home?

It's a mental institution.

The Commissioner called it
a ''Retirement Home.''

Well. the Commissioner
likes to use euphemisms sometimes.

Both of you...

...go to this retirement home...

...called ''La Isla''.
to investigate. now!

Yes. sir.

I hate mental institutions.

-Have you ever been in one?
-No. because I hate them.

You could use going to one.
you're so moody lately.

Ulises. please. I'm not
in the mood for jokes...

...really. I have
too many things in my head.

I can see that.

Mrs. Tellez. I'll tell you
for the last time...

...we have a lot of things
to tend to here...

...lawyers. people. families...

...I have someone right here.

I'll call you later.

Wait for us. please.
Thank you.

Good afternoon. Agent.

It's Elizalde
and I'm an Inspector.

I'm in charge of the investigation
about the plagiarism...

...that took place a few days ago
in this institution.

I have some questions for you?

And your partner?

She went to the bathroom.
she'll be right back.

Excuse me!

Excuse me!

-Do you need something?
-Yes. I need to go in.

This is a retirement area.

You're kidding. right?

You need a special permit.

Do you think
this one will do?

Or this one?

Dr. Ariosto talked
to the lawyers...

...and since this is
a retirement home...

...you need
a special permit to enter. lady.

Inspector Herrera.

And this is not
a retirement home...

-...it's a mental institution.
-More in my defense.

We received an anonymous claim
about this place. how's that?

I can't imagine why.

I don't like nurses.

I don't like cops either.

We need access to all the files
you have about Dr. Rangel...

...and the two kidnapped women.

-Ursula Hiniesta...
-...and Paola Lara.

The dead one. poor girls.

Why would the Doctor take them?
Do you have any idea?

I can't think like Dr. Rangel.

She was obviously
an unbalanced person.

I guess you're
the one who hires people...

...am I wrong?

-So you hired Dr. Rangel?
-Doctor Rangel...

...never showed any signs
of being capable...

...of doing the thing she did.

She was the stationary Doctor...

...she was in charge
of stabilizing patients...

...so they could be
calmed and okay.

She was in charge
of healing them?

No. not exactly.

Our patients' profile
is not those of people...

...under any healing treatment.

What do you mean?

The patients in this institution
are not here to heal...

...they're here to rest.

Any healing treatment
is not the priority.

-What's the priority then?

Our patients...

...are people
who no longer have...

...a relationship
with their families.

This woman won't
let me in the facilities.

-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.

I told her you need
a special permit...

-...just like you said.
-It's okay. Mildred.

It's okay. let her pass.

Are the patients alright?
Are they up for visits?

They're in the garden. dinner
will be served in half an hour.

Okay. okay.
Inspector. go. please.

Inspector... Elizalde. right?

I want to tell you
that we have an objective here...

...the patients have no idea
where they would go...

...if we didn't exist.

Do you have any idea
of what it's like to be...

...in a State's
mental institution?

Good afternoon. nurse.

Good afternoon.

They're on their leisure hour.
they just had breakfast.

Can we talk to them?

It depends. Officer.

It depends on what?

On them wanting to talk.

The thing is
they've been very nervous...

...because of the loss
of their friends.

We'll give it a try.

Go ahead.


-Are they good to you here?

-Did you know Dr. Rangel?

-Was the Doctor good to you?
-Yes. yes.

And Ursula?

-Do you remember Ursula?

What happened to Ursula?

Yes. yes.

Is your name Ramon?


Am I your mother?

Yes. yes.

I think
this is going to be hard?


Have they come to see me yet?

What are you reading?

It's upside down.

Let me see.

-Not you!
-Relax. relax.

No screaming...

...no punching.

-No screaming. no punching!
-Relax. relax.

-Nurse... please.

What do we do
to the ones who punch?

Be quiet. all of you!

I don't think
you should be here.

It's something
to think about. right?

The nurse?

What they have to do
to the women who punch. or spit...

...they come to drop them here
like it was a scrapyard.

What's that?


It's from Ursula Hiniesta.
the victim that survived.

What does it say?

I don't know.
I'll read it today.

You always
show up like a ghost.

Are they all
like that down there?

There's a little bit
of everything.

Have you heard
anything about Renata?

No. Yamel.

-I'm sorry I can't be devoted...
-I'm not pressuring you!

The only thing I want you to know
is that Renata needs the serum...

...she has been
too long with Milosz.

You know what happens
without the serum.

My life wasn't so messed up
until you guys came around.

I'm really sorry
about that. believe me.

-But you scratch my back...
-You'll scratch mine. I know.

You have easy access to Milosz.

-He's your father in law. right?

But he doesn't really like me.

Renata's clock is ticking.

Do you think
you could do something...

...so your father-in-law
liked you better?

I'm leaving.

Your dad says hi.

Do you want me
to tell him something?

Tell him I'll think of something.

-And about the greetings?
-Yamel. stop that.

You already know
where to find us.

My parents have not
visited me in four weeks...

...Doctor Veronica says
I should call her ''Vero''...

...and that my parents
are on a trip.

I really don't know
how they'll help me here.

I'm still thinking
about Christina...

...I miss her with all my heart.

No pills will take that
away from me, will they?

And if they do...

... will my parents
come pick me up?

Dr. Ariosto
brought me a gift today...

...because I did
what they asked me to.

He brought me balloons,
a lot of them...

...shaped like hearts.

Today, that made me happy.

That was the only reason.

I feel worse everyday...

...they won't
let me see Christina anymore...

...no one has come to see me...

...every day I need
more pills to feel alright.

Dr. Veronica says
they're good for me.

That they are
to make me forget I'm here.

But, how can I forget I'm here?

Vero says she helps me...

... Vero didn't know
about down there...

...I thought she did.

It's a secret.

I told her it's a secret
and I want to die.

She told me I was right...

...and she did too.


Good afternoon.

I'm really sorry about
your daughter's condition.


She's still delicate
but at least she's stable now.

I have something
to ask you.

Something very important.

Our family is
a well known family...

...we never cause scandals.

Our friends found out about this
because of all the media...

...it's really important you
carry out this investigation...

...as discreetly as you can.

We're willing
to pay for it. right. honey?

The important thing is that
your daughter's recovering. right?

Mr. Hiniesta...

...why did you put
your daughter in there?

Ursula was sick.

What kind
of sickness did she had?

She was mentally ill.

How long it's been since
you last visited your daughter?

It can't be legal to have
those women abandoned...

...at the mercy
of a guy like Ariosto...

...who thinks he can
charge people for discretion.

The hospital's
paperwork is in order.

-I don't think it's right that...
-We won't solve moral issues!

We will solve crimes!

What else?

Ursula Hiniesta
was a totally normal girl...

...her parents put her in there
because she liked women.

The reason she was
admitted is not important!

The important thing is
why they wanted to kill her!

What's the matter
with you two?!

Ursula's journal...

...everything that happened
is written here.

Every single woman in there
has been submitted...

...to a treatment
that leaves them defenseless.

They were abandoned
by their families...

...and left under the watch of
a guy who charged for discretion.

If that's the case...

...the parents can be guilty
of illegal deprivation of freedom.

That's right.

Why did the doctor took them?

Dr. Rangel had
a very good relationship...

...with Ursula and Paola.

Maybe she wanted
to protect or rescue them.

And murder them later?

I called the Attorney's Office.
and they said...

...that there was a charge
in Rangel's credit card...

...the same day
of the murder...

...three tickets for a bus
heading to Nogales.

Who's in Nogales?

No one.

Maybe she wanted
to take them to USA.

Veronica Rangel had no friends.

She had an ex husband.
she didn't see him.

She was a very lonely woman.

Just like her patients.

Why buying three bus tickets
if she wanted to kill them?

They sent this from
the Coroner's.

It was
in Veronica Rangel's pants.

-Right. left...

...it's the combination
for a safe.

Good job. Inspector.

Perform all the tests.

Thanks. Davila.

We have to check
Rangel's house. excuse me.


Yes. Commissioner?

What's wrong with you?

Who are you asking?
Herrera or Rita?

Which one is
the one that's angry?

I have no time to be angry. sir.
I have a lot of work to do.

Excuse me.

This is a bit weird. right?

It seems like Veronica Rangel
wanted us to come.




Do you have the battery charger?

Then how will I turn it on?

Get one.

That's what I get for asking
stupid questions. right?

Let's see
what you find. ''Rolita''.

I don't like
to be called that... ''Inspec''.

Great detectives...

...and they
can't even get a cable.

I have to solve everything
for them... everything...

...they're useless.

Okay. okay. let's see...

Look at that.

This girl was popular!

Okay. okay. what's this?

That's disgusting!

There are some
sick people in the world.

Pause it. right there.

It's Ursula Hiniesta
and Paola Lara.

I don't know
who the other girl is.

This can't be real.

What a great hospital and
what great methods they use.

What I don't understand...

...is why Veronica Rangel
killed herself...

...if she wanted
to protect them.

We have to go there
immediately. Commissioner.



What are you doing
with that at lunch time!

Sit down and eat!

Leave your gift for later.

It must be the Doctor.
if he forgot his keys. I go.





Search warrant. nurse.

The Doctor's not here!

I have to call him
so you can come in!

You can't come in. lady!

Move the cars away!

What kind of cop are you...

to frighten sick people?

You're under arrest for suspicion
of deprivation of freedom...

-...and white slave trade.


Don't even think about it!

This way.

You're not
in that video. Ariosto.

-No. of course not.
-Who are the people in that video?

I don't know...

...I don't know
anything about this.

I want you to tell me
where this video was shot.

I have nothing
to do with this. sir.

Don't you sleep here.
in the hospital?

Yes. sir...

...I have a room here...

...but I didn't know
anything about it.

Are you saying you sleep here.
at the hospital...

...and you had no idea
what was going on?

How many times
were those girls raped?

Who else has been victimized?

Sir. I had no idea
what was going on here...

...Doctor Ariosto...

...told me
when I had to be absent...




I had no idea
what they were doing!

-I swear...!
-Don't swear it!

Do you want to know what they did
to the women under you care?

The girl's being harmed.
doesn't even show resistance...

...that's the normal reaction...

...of a person who has
been raped systematically.

How many times did
you let these girls get raped?

-How long has this been going on?

...I'm not who
you're looking for...

...I'm only
in charge of the place.

Are you telling me you had
no idea this was going on...

-...but Veronica Rangel did?
-Veronica didn't know...

...I don't know
how she managed to record this.

Only they had access.

-Who's ''They''?

...the men.

What men?

Ariosto. I'm not
in the mood for riddles...

...you're getting
on my nerves.

I don't really know.
they were messengers...

...very powerful people...

...if they found out
they'd kill me.

Very powerful people who let
Veronica Rangel film them?


...must have hid herself
in order to film them.

I don't know how
she found out about this.

I was only the middle man...

...but I had no idea
what they did to them.

How much were you paid
for this type of discretion?

You're running out of options.

I want the names
of the people who did this.

No... I can't tell you that.

No names.

They'd want to kill me.

If the people responsible
for this. other than you...

...are as powerful as you say.
they'll go after your family...


Do you have kids?

They'll go after your kids.

Do you know what they do
to rapists when they get to jail?

I didn't rape anyone.

They won't know that in jail
if you don't cooperate with us.

You have no other option...

...think about it.
Your clock is ticking.

-Inspector Elizalde.

...these women need help...

...look at them.

They have been treated
with Clozapine for years.

It's an anti-psychotic
regularly used.

Prescribed by the late
Dr. Rangel.

But we find something interesting
at the office. Inspector.

Paola Lara's autopsy.

Dr. Rangel's victim
who didn't make it.

The substance
she injected to both victims...

...to cause
a respiratory shock...

-...wasn't Clozapine.

What's that?

Fluphenazine it's
also an anti-psychotic...

...but way stronger.

It's not easy to notice it
during an autopsy.

And how did you
find that substance?

One of the consequences from
using it during long periods...

...or in inappropriate
dosage is this...

...the ''Rabbit Syndrome''.

It's not Parkinson.

These women have been treated with
Fluphenazine for a long time...

...that's why
they are like this...

...others have Akathisia
or Dyskinesia.

Where are you
going with this. Doctor?

Dr. Rangel never prescribed
Fluphenazine. Inspector.

We went through the files...

...the only thing
she prescribed was Clozapine.

You need a special permit...

...to administrate
more powerful drugs...

...and she never applied for it.

Where did she get the Fluphenazine
to kill Paola Lara?

Are we sure
Veronica Rangel killed herself?

Are we sure
Veronica Rangel killed that girl?


I'm still waiting for the results
from Criminalistics...

...to rule out murder.

Excuse me. Doctor.

-How did it go with Ariosto?
-I couldn't get any information.

Let's go to the headquarters.

-Davila. you're in charge.
-Roger that. sir.


Veronica Rangel
didn't kill herself.

Here are the results
from Criminalistics.

The substance injected in
Paola Lara and Ursula Hiniesta...

...wasn't the one she used...

...it was the one used
at the institution...

...to keep these women
permanently drugged...

...so they could do
as they pleased with them.

Here it says that the
trajectory of the body...

...is not correspondent
to a suicide...

forced her to jump out.

That video had
to be done at the hospital.


Look everywhere...

-...I need you to find something.
-Roger that.

You two. come with me.


Your sight.

We found evidence...

...but it's completely burnt.

I spoke to Davila...

...they found a lot.
but it's completely burnt.

How did they burn the lot?

Someone warned them
and they burned the evidence.

What was it?

A lot of porn material
filmed inside the institution.

We're talking about a
production and distribution net.

Pornography made
at the institution.

No. Elizalde.
that wasn't pornography...

...those were
rapes being filmed.

Ariosto was right by saying we're
facing really powerful people.

And very sick.

Are we going to do something
against the families of the girls?

Of course.

They have to answer why...

...did they let something like
that happen to their daughters.

The nurse has
no idea on how they acted...

...but I'm sure we can
get something out of Ariosto.

Sir. this is what Davila found.

We have to protect Ariosto.

It's very likely
they'll go after him.

Veronica Rangel was murdered.

Criminalistics say
it was very well planned...

...to make it look like a suicide.
They took her by the neck...

...and made her run
from the bathroom...

...so they could throw her
out the window.

She must have seen how they
gave Paola and Ursula the shots.

That's why they heard
a scream coming from her room...

...before she fell
out the window.

Acleaning lady heard it.

They're very professional...

...no one saw anybody
come in or out of there...

...they left no traceable prints.

They left a mark on those women's
lives who can't remember anything.

With all the meds they took...

-...they'll have permanent damage.
-This is all disgusting.

I'm tired. Ulises.

We just have to go see
if Ariosto has calmed down...

...and if he's
thinking straight now.

I'm not talking
about being physically tired.

Yes. I get it.

He's dead.

When I get out of here,
I'll buy a washing machine.

When I get out of here,
I'll get in the washing machine...

...and I'll turn it on...

...and I'll wash myself.

So, when I come out of it,
I'll be clean...

...clean inside and out.

And then I'll start over.

Forgiving everybody...

...because everyone
needs a second chance.


...even me...

... we all deserve
to start from scratch.

We just have the nurse
and Ariosto's bank accounts...

...to see where
the money came from.

What was in that video?

You better not know it.

It's too horrible to understand.

But we'll catch everyone
who needs to be caught for this.

How was your day?

My day?


They asked me to organize
another party for the lab.

For your dad?


He won't tell me
what's it about.

He says it's a surprise. I think
he's going to launch a new patent.

He's full of surprises.
your dad.

Yeah. full of surprises.

We could go have
dinner with him during the week.


My dad and you?

You're always saying I don't make
an effort to get along with him.

We could start over.

When I get out of here...

...I'll be really, really happy.

I'll be....