Dracula (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 9 - Four Roses - full transcript

As Mina recovers from her attack, Harker joins The Order Of The Dragon and Grayson goes to war with them. Everything begins to unravel. Browning desperately searches for his children, Lady Jane prepares for the ultimate vampire hunt and Lucy confesses her betrayal to Mina, destroying their friendship and ultimately suffering the ultimate backlash. With all the surrounding chaos, Grayson decides to make a heart-felt confession to Mina.

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Previously on "Dracula"...

Your man, Hackett, he attacked Mina.

Who sent you here?
It was Grayson, wasn't it?

I belong to you,
and you belong to me.

I love you, Mina.

You need to leave.

Someone should teach her such pain.


The Order burned my wife
and children.

I will have my revenge.

The children!

Welcome, Mr. Harker,
to the Order of the Dragon.

Grayson's technology is a dead end.

- We need your help.
- You'd have me play Judas.

Ladies and gentlemen, this machine is
a threat to public safety. Shut it down.

There is another elder vampire
in London.

He's infested London with
creatures, answering his call.

- Who called you?
- Dracula.

If it's a war they want, then
it's a war they're gonna get.

These arrogant bastards
have sealed their own fate.

Now, they'll see the violence
I can reap.

Sir, you insist the Order
was behind the attack

on Miss Murray, when
not a fortnight ago, you concluded

that my abduction was the work
of a rogue element within their ranks.

- This is different.
- No, this is the same. The woman...

Janina Kleiberson,
a known contractor to the Order.

Repeatedly asked me
what it was you loved.

Then, the triptych...
A painting of your wife, yes,

but the very image
of Mina Murray was stolen

and then recovered
from Lord Davenport's study.

Recovered? When?

Tonight. Some agents of mine
will be delivering it this very evening,

and will you please let me finish?

- I thought you had.
- It was Davenport,

not the Order, who ordered my attack,

stole the triptych, and it was
his men who attacked miss Murray.

Your point?

This was a personal vendetta
against you,

completely unrelated to his position
in the Order of the Dragon.

No. This stinks of High Council.

Their cowardly tactic of attacking
the wives and children of their enemies.

- Sir, I know...
- To attack her with acid...

To obliterate her beauty,
to disfigure her...

This is not the act of one man seeking
vengeance for his son's death,

but a pack of vandals
I know all too well.

The time for stealth
and scheming has passed.

From this night and every night
until they yield...

Blood will flow.

Where have you been?
I've been looking for you.

You're needed
at Carfax Manor immediately.

I don't think you quite understand
the situation, Professor.

On the contrary, Mr. Renfield.
It is you who does not understand.

Put quite simply, your client
and I had a contract.

I would provide technical skills,
he would promote that technology.

And together, you and he
would destroy your common enemy.

Would have, had your client restrained
his passion to be human, but he did not,

and in the process, he lost
possession of the resonator.

And now, our plan has failed,
and the contract is broken.

Now, please, if you will excuse me...

He intends to take
direct action against the Order.

Professor, he's quite beside himself.

- You really must speak with him.
- Mr. Renfield.

What your client chooses to do
is no longer my concern.

They're arriving. Every huntsman of note
from every chapter house in Europe.

Oh, we're going to sweep
across London,

root out every one of the swine,
and butcher them in their lairs.

What's wrong?

My children have been abducted.

Clear the room.

Come along.

It's linked to all of this.

Our men recovered that while they
were sanitizing Davenport's house.

His son, Daniel, wrote it.
It's clearly a suicide note.

Daniel and Lord Laurent were lovers?

Alexander Grayson is not only
a cunning businessman,

he is a criminal mastermind,
prepared to cheat,

blackmail, or murder anyone
who stands in his way.

But why? Now, why would he
abduct your children?

How could that possibly
further his ends?

His ends are not what they seem.

This energy scheme of his is merely
a means to a very different end,

and that is the destruction
of this organization.

Since he arrived in London,
we have been under attack...

Individual members,
our financial security,

and now, my children.

But what motive does Grayson have?

Grayson has none, but Dracula,

that is a different matter entirely.

This infestation
is merely a distraction,

a feinting maneuver
that allows him to strike us

at will in the guise
of Alexander Grayson.

Surely you can't still believe
that Grayson is a vampire.

You've seen him in broad
daylight with your own eyes.

Perhaps he's found some way
to protect himself...

Some sorcery.

Listen to yourself.

This is insanity.

Or more importantly,
it is off the point.

We face a threat
of biblical proportions.

I'm aware of that, but Grayson...

Grayson will be dealt with
in due course,

but for now, I must demand your
full attention on this crisis.

- But my children...
- Must I quote the Primary Oath?


Mr. Harker...?


What have you done?

Season 1, Episode 9 "Four Roses"

Search the carriage house
and any outbuildings or sheds.

check the servants' quarters,

and send two men up
to check on the attic!

- Right you are, sir.
- Are you charge here?

Yes, I am, and who may you be?

R. M. Renfield, esquire.
I'm Mr. Grayson's attorney.

I presume you have a warrant.

Signed by a magistrate.
Everything's in order.


There's no mention of what it is
you're searching for.

Without it, this is invalid.

I demand you remove yourself and your
men from these premises immediately.

Or what?

Or I shall be forced to press
charges of criminal trespassing.


And vandalism.

Perhaps I should arrest you
for obstructing an investigation.

An investigation into what, exactly?

They're looking
for my children, Mr. Renfield.

Be that as it may, sir,
they shall have to desist

until they return with
a properly executed warrant.


I've already informed
inspector Salinger

that his men are free
to search this property,

if only to speed their investigation.

You'll find no children
at Carfax, Mr. Browning.

Although I've often longed
for their laughter...

And the pitter-patter of tiny feet.

I'm sorry to have wasted your
time, but I have my reasons.

No, no, nothing
to apologize for, sir.

As far as I'm concerned,
this is just a start.

Commissioner's got half the met
under my command on this.

We will find your children.

Thank you, Inspector.
My poor wife is beside herself.

Yes. Yes, I'm sure she is.
Best you look after her.

I'll contact you personally
if anything comes up.

- Be it good or bad.
- Yes, sir.

- Harker.
- Shush. Get in, quickly.

This is what happens
when you're vile.

You assume your enemies
would sink to similar tactics.


- You don't suppose Van Helsing...
- Abducted Browning's children?


The man's a martinet,
enslaved to his own scheme.

He'd rather self-immolate than stray
from that rut he calls a path.

I wouldn't be so sure
about that, sir.

He said himself he considered
your partnership over.

Did he?

And when did he tell you this?

I thought it prudent
to inform him of your plan

to directly engage the Order, sir.


Did you think it prudent, Renfield?

Am I now your charge,
and you my caretaker?

No, sir, I o...

You're quite right, sir.
I overstepped my bounds.

I assure you,
it will not happen again.

That was Alastair.

I told him
you've been feeling unwell.

He's worried about you.

Please, Lucy.

You must tell me what's going on.

I know I'm not as sophisticated
or modern as Jayne Wetherby, but...

I'm not a complete fool.


Please tell me.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- Tell you what?

That it's perfectly natural for a woman
to fall in love with another woman.

To what?

For me and Mina to...

What are you saying?

Oh, my God.

That's far enough.
Pull over here.

Whoa! Whoa.

I've decided to accept your offer...

Pending your answer to one question.

And that is?

Why did the Order attack Mina Murray?

Attack? Your fianc?e?
That's ridiculous.

We're trying to recruit you,
not make an enemy of you.

Davenport was behind it.

If he was, then I assure you,
it was unsanctioned.

Had we known about it,
he would've been...

You killed him.

You are full of surprises,
Mr. Harker.

- Will I be punished?
- By us? Good God, no.

Rogue actions are not tolerated
within the ranks,

especially when they run
counter to our objectives.

Besides, I never did much care
for Davenport.

I trust I've answered your
question to your satisfaction.

You have.

Then, welcome, Mr. Harker...

To the Order of the Dragon.

The first thing we need you
to do, Mr. Harker,

is bring us the blueprints
of Grayson's resonator.

Mr. Harker, I didn't know
you were still here.

I was just catching up
on some correspondence.

Will Alexander be needing
anything else tonight?

I doubt it.

He just left, and I suspect
he will be quite late.

Well, then, I suppose
I'll be off as well.

Mr. Harker?


If you could, please convey

my and Mr. Grayson's
warmest regards to Miss Murray.

I'll do that.

What are you doing here?

Renfield tells me
that you're under the impression

that our partnership
has come to an end.

I see no alternative.

Your inability to control yourself
has completely derailed our scheme.

Not if I regain possession
of the resonator.

One demonstration,

and the Order Draco will be
rendered bankrupt, as planned.

Yes, Renfield told me.

Another bloodbath.

Calling it a strategy does not
make it any less a compulsion.

Professor, you wouldn't
happen to know anything

about the disappearance
of Browning's two children?

- What is it to you?
- Nothing.

Only that it places undue scrutiny
on our activities by the authorities,

and if our plan should fail
as a result,

I'll hold you solely responsible.

And then, Abraham...

You're going to have
a very, very bad day.

Now, if you'll excuse me.
I'm dining with friends tonight.

Papa! Papa! Papa!

Papa! Papa!

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Ah, billiards.

Grayson, I had no idea
you were a member.

Rothcroft, isn't it?

I do hope you'll pardon
the interruption.

Relatives of mine from the continent.

I invited them to London with
the promise that the cuisine here is...


Aren't you American?

Bon app?tit, boys.


They're from you.


I thought...

- I thought Jonathan...
- No.

- You were there.
- Where?

- You stopped those men.
- Don't think about it, ever.

None of those men
will ever touch you again.

I know.

Whatever you think happened
didn't happen.

I wasn't there.

I was at Carfax.


No, you were there.

I have to go.

Please... please, will you stay
a little longer?

I can't.

You don't know
how much I want to, but...

I can't.


I'm sorry.

I believe they call this
a declaration of war.

It's astonishing.

No effort to conceal the bodies

Nor the cause.
It's bold, brazen, flamboyant.

I've never seen its like.

- And these men?
- Known associates from the Yard.

This evening's edition will
report how these five gentlemen

were part
of a tragic yachting mishap...

Lost at sea.

Only the Fell One would dare
to orchestrate a slaughter like this.

- Mr. Browning.
- Inspector?

Yes, sir.

It seems I've wasted your time.

I've just had word from my wife's
sister that my children are with her.

An errant telegram,
a terrible mix-up.

- They're safe then?
- Safe and sound.

- I can't tell you how embarrassed I am.
- No, no. Say no more, sir.

- Better to be safe than sorry.
- Yes.

Now, if you don't mind, I'd like
a quiet word with my colleagues.

Of course, sir.
All right, men.

Mr. Browning, this is Kaha Ruma.

He's descended from Maori warriors,
one of our leading huntsmen.

- Your reputation precedes you, sir.
- Pleasure.

- I've summoned the Sicilian.
- Loiza Scaverra?

You'll need a good seer.
He's the best.

Cardinal Valachi
from the Vatican chapter's

also agreed to lend us
the Sanguinem Sanctorum.

A most sacred relic.

Mr. Browning, your children, sir?

Still missing, but we can't
have the police bungling about,

and God help us
if the press get a hold of it.

You were right to question
my judgment about Grayson.

I was distraught.

- That said, he's still a threat to us.
- It's no doubt, sir.

Therefore, while you deal with
this infestation, I shall deal with him.

In the meantime,
if there's anything you need,

anything at all,
I am at your service.

Above all, this must be contained,

no matter what the personal cost
to any of us.


Oh, God.

What have they done to you?

- How could they?
- I don't know.

I'm still so confused.

Oh, Mina.

- Lucy.
- Yes?

- You're sitting on my hand.
- Oh, God, sorry.

I'm such an oaf.

They're beautiful.

I positively decimated the garden.

Mother will have a fit.

Mina, I'm so sorry.

It's just you're so smart and kind.

I can't imagine anybody would
ever want to hurt you.

Breaks my heart that there are
people in the world who would...

Who would what?


They're beautiful.


No, no. I-I haven't seen him since...

Has something happened to him?


No, I mean, not that I know of.

Lucy, tell me the truth.

You must forget about Jonathan.

- What?
- Please don't ask me any questions.

You just have to know he's not
the man you think he is.

You must call off the engagement.

But that's... that's insane.
I-I can't... I can't do that.

- You must.
- Why?

What has he done?


- I can't.
- Lucy...

Don't be ridiculous.
Just tell me.

You're going to hate me.

I'm so sorry, Mina.

- I'm so...
- Don't.

- No...
- Get out!

Get out, get out!

Romanian - "Within a closed circle,
a place without escape"

Romanian - "Within a closed circle,
a place without escape"

Romanian - "Within a closed circle,
a place without escape"

Jonathan Harker...

Are you prepared
to take the Primary Oath

of the Order of the Dragon before
your brethren and before your God?

I am.

I swear on my life and the lives of all
those I love from this day forward,

I will never place my own needs
above those of this sacred Order,

so help me God.

We slaughtered over half
the London Council in a single night.

More blood drawn than in
15 years of cowardly scheming.

It is but one chapter.

There are hundreds more.

Perhaps, yes, but I have
this one in utter panic.

Could you imagine their terror if
I decided to attack in broad daylight?

Sir, that would be inadvisable.

One of the few advantages
we still have over the enemy

is that they do not suspect Dracula and
Alexander Grayson are one in the same.

And if you were to attack by day,
we would lose that advantage.

Where have you been?

Preparing to leave
the country, as should we all.

That's right.

Run, little rabbit, run.

I'm sure your wife and children
would be very proud.

Alexander, I have great news.

The board of Health
ruled in our favor.

They've removed the quarantine.

- Unbelievable.
- Is it, Abraham?

Is it really so surprising that decades
of soft living have neutered our enemies?

It's clear; they no longer have
the stomach for direct confrontation.

- Is everything in order?
- Indeed it appears so.

And so we shall have
our grand demonstration.

I hope you'll attend, Abraham,
if not to assist,

at least to witness our first
decisive victory over the...



Of course.

Why is he so glum?

You know, Mr. Kowalski,
there are some men in this world

that would rather lose everything
they have than be proven wrong.

Good job.

I've just received word
that the Board of Health...

Has allowed the demonstration
to move forward?

Yes, of course.
How fortuitous for Mr. Grayson.

- You arranged it.
- Not me, Mr. Harker. God.

We are all merely His servants.

Besides, if there is no demonstration,
there can be no failure.

You should know,
Alexander Grayson is a pit bull.

If he fails, he'll simply regroup
and keep trying until he succeeds.


Thank you, Mr. Harker.

Dear Lord, this is quite remarkable.

That's all well and good,
but our objective

is to make certain
no one ever attempts this again.

We must engineer a debacle
so thorough

that no one will ever consider
geomagnetism as a viable source of energy.

Well, like any machine, there are
a number of ways to cause it to fail.

I am not interested in failure, sir!

I want a catastrophe!


What are you doing here?

How did you get in?

You gave me a key,
or don't you remember?

Where have you been?


For the last two days,
where have you been?

I... look, I've... I've, um...
I've been meaning to...

Meaning to what?

Stop by?
Visit me in hospital?

I wanted to wait
until you were stronger.

By all means.

Because I'm such
a delicate little thing.

- How very thoughtful of you.
- That's not what I'm saying.

Why, Jonathan?


what did she tell you?

Everything that I needed to know.

Well, I don't suppose she mentioned

that she's been throwing herself
at me for the past two weeks.

You pig.

Don't touch me!

I'm sorry.

Just... just...

Just... just go.
Just go.

You won't hear from me again.


- Jonathan, why?
- You know why.


I don't.

Because you love Grayson.

Oy! Mind where you're going.

Watch where you're going.

Dear, oh, dear.

Out of my way.

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, steady!


Yes, me.

You keep coming back.

I can't help myself.

I brought you another.

It's beautiful.
Thank you.

What happened?

Uh, I got lost.

The doctor says
you may have a concussion.


- Did you wander outside?
- No, I didn't.

I left.

I hate hospitals.

You know, that's gonna be a problem
when you become a doctor.

Don't make me laugh.
That hurts.

- I apologize.
- Oh.


- What's happening between us?
- I don't know.

All I can say is...


Please go on.

You remind me of somebody
I used to love.

Her name was Ilona.

I know her.

I have dreamed about her
since I was a little girl.

She looks like me.

I saw her tonight.

I saw her
in a reflection in a puddle,

and she reached out to me,
as if she was going to...

I'm here.

I'm right here.

Do you love me?

- Don't ask me that.
- Tell me.

I can't.

I have something
that I have to finish,

and until I do,
I cannot move forward.

The resonator.

Yes, but that's only
the smallest part.

I owe that someone that
I used to love a terrible debt,

and until it's paid in full...

I can't.


You love Harker.

No, that's finished.

Never again.



Well, he...
he and Lucy...


How could she?

- Mina.
- No, don't. Don't.

Can you please go?
I-I need to be alone right now.

Hello, Lucy.

If you insist
on behaving like a monster,

then I'm going to make you one.