Dracula (2013–2014): Season 1, Episode 8 - Come to Die - full transcript

Grayson and Van Helsing have a falling out following the cancellation of their public demonstration. This leads Van Helsing to quickly seek revenge against Mr. Browning and his family. Harker discovers that Grayson has been playing him for a fool and forbids Mina from seeing him. With this new information, Mina focuses her attention on her schooling only to be attacked by Lord Davenport's men. Once Harker realizes it's Davenport who orchestrated the attack, he responds with murder. Meanwhile, Lady Jane learns that the legendary Dracula is back in London.

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Sir, may I ask a question?

If I told you "No," would it stop you?

Probably not.

How long do you intend to sit here?

- Sir?
- I allowed a question.

That does not mean I wish to answer it.

There is folly in this obsession.

Folly and threat.

If you want the girl, then take her.

- But if you cannot have her, then walk away...
- Enough!

Take her or walk away?

If only it was that easy.

The first would put Mina in mortal danger.

But the second...

That would be the end of me.

Father, what are you doing?

I've come to grab you away.

I don't work this late and
I actually am a physician.

I just... I have a few more things...

Hiding here, avoiding me,
avoiding Jonathan.

- I'm not avoiding anyone.
- Mina, let me speak.

What is the American to you?

I love Jonathan.

I have known him my entire life.

Well, he's like family to me.

He will be my husband and I will be his wife.

But? Tell me, Mina.

But Alexander...

He exerts a kind of magnetic force.

And no matter how hard I try, I can't...

I sound like a fool.

No, not at all.

I loved one woman in my life.

But my path to your mother
was hardly a straight line.

So I did the only possible thing
when it comes to happiness.

I followed my heart.


Bow, Islington and Chelsea.

Four tracked and exterminated
this last evening.

Good God.

We can only draw one,
inescapable conclusion.

How can you deny it?

The signs are clear.
There is another elder vampire in London.

But you'd said you'd killed the old one.

I did.

But the plague continues.

Where the old one goes,
the sons and daughters follow.

There is another one.

Then go.

Find it and destroy it.

- Lovely night, ain't it?
- It is now.

- First time, by the looks of you.
- How can you tell?

Not to worry!
Ladybird will take care of everything.

Bloody Hell!

So the rumours are true.

A proper huntsman.

And a woman, too.

It's time to die.

Too late, I'm already dead.

Who called you?

- Our master.
- Name!

- He has many.
- I'm not a fan of riddles.

- Name.
- He will destroy me.

- Name!
- Fell One!

- Lie.
- Vlad Tepes,

Vlad the Impaler, Dracula.

It cannot be.

We've sworn to do his bidding.

Together we will make an endless night.

Where's his nest?

Tell me!

I'll tell you everything.

I'm in trouble.

What kind of trouble?

Swear to me
this stays between us.

I swear I will tell no one.

The story about Shaw was
a complete fabrication.

What about the evidence?

His financial records?

Faked, every shred of it.

- Why would you do such a thing?
- I didn't!

I didn't. It was Grayson.
He engineered the whole thing.

So, retract it.

I can't.
Grayson's too clever to get his hands dirty.

There must be someone who can
corroborate your story.

- The bookkeeper?
- She's gone.

Just disappeared into thin air.
No one's seen her in days.

You think Grayson might have,

you know...

- What?
- Made her disappear?


Do you think you're in danger?

Yes, I do.

Then here.

Take this. You may need it.

You've outdone yourself.

I never thought you'd be stupid enough to

slaughter the Chief Inspector
of Scotland Yard.

I wanted the truth and I got it.

Yes, I'm certain you did.

He told me the entire plot.

They poisoned all those people.

It's the Order of the Dragon. It surprises you?

It proves our technology had
nothing to do with it.

It doesn't matter.

The Order made it look like
it was our resonator.

In the public's eye, it is unsafe, deadly.

That is all they know and
all they will remember.

Even if the technology is proven blameless.

It's finished. We are ruined.

And what do you suggest we do about it?
Give up?

After all our hard work.

No, I'm not giving up.

I will have my revenge.

You will have your revenge when I...


What were you saying?

You were saying we will prove
the technology is harmless

and continue as planned.

Oh, yes.


Dracula is a myth!

A tale told to frighten children.

- Have you taken leave of your senses?
- Be quiet, both of you.

You believe me, don't you?

He was a man.

His name was Vlad Tepes. Vlad the Impaler.

He was a Medieval warrior prince
renowned for his savagery and ruthlessness.

He was master huntsman in his native land.

He served on the High Council of
this very organisation.

- This is absurd.
- It's ridiculous.

She's right. There was such a man.

The texts concerning him
are forbidden to all

but the Dragon's Heads
and their chief huntsman.

He defied the Ordo Dracul,

was excommunicated by the church
and found guilty of heresy.

So grievous was his sin

that a sentence of death
was considered inadequate.

So they employed a cult of rituals

and transformed him into the living demon
that we now know as the Fell One,

Nosferatu, primo master vampire, Dracula.

Created, not sired, by us.

What proof do you have that he's in London?

He swatted off my Seers like flies.

He's easily bested Kruger,

one of the most formidable huntsmen
I've ever had under my command.

He's avoided detection.

He's infested London with creatures
answering his call.

And finally, last night,

one of them explicitly named him.

And I presume it would do the same
before the council?

Well, she would, had she not taken my
weapon and blown her own head off.

How very convenient.

He's right, of course.

Your suspicions may be true, but we cannot
rely on the word of one of those creatures.

Bring us proof.

Compelling proof.

It's the only way such a claim can be believed.

If Dracula's in London, sir, I will find him.
I will end him once and for all.


You agree that there should be no secrets
between us?


It's Grayson.

What about him?

He lied to my face

in order to

destroy the reputation of General Shaw.

- But, Jonathan, you said...
- Please, Mina. Just, please, listen to me.

Grayson blackmailed Lord Laurent.

And now Laurent's dead, as is
young Davenport, and by his own hand.

- But that's not what the papers said.
- He will do anything

in the pursuit of his grand project,
blackmail, slander,

- and, for all I know, murder.
- Murder?

He's the closest thing to evil I've ever seen.

- Jonathan.
- Mina...

If this is true,

then why do you continue in his employ?

I have my reasons. Good ones.

- Secrets?
- Please,

just give me time and
I will explain everything to you.

But until then...

Until then, you stay away from
Alexander Grayson.

I want to see her, Jenkins.
Let me in.

- Lady Jayne is travelling, sir.
- I know she's here!

Let me in.

Jenkins, let him in, please.

Alexander, how lovely of you to drop by.

Thank you, Jenkins. That will be all.

- If you need me, just call.
- I will.

Excuse me.

I don't remember inviting you in.

We've never stood on formality, have we?

Why are you here, Alexander?

You know why.

Yes. Yes, I do.

You win.

I don't understand.

It's over, Alexander.

I'll admit it. I have met my match.
Is that what you want to hear?

You have bested me.

Now, please, just go.

I'm far too busy
to continue playing this game.

- Game?
- Please, just stop.

I risked my life to protect yours.

Yes, you did.
And for the life of me, I can't work out why.

Your heart clearly belongs to another.

When did you know?

When you danced with her

at her engagement party.

- Was it that obvious?
- To me?

Glaringly so.

Mr Grayson.

It was always Mina, wasn't it,

when you were with me?


You're lying.

So, what do you have to tell me?

I've found some men.


These men, are they reliable?

Mmm-hmm, very much so, yes.

- For a price.
- Good.

Now all you need to do is introduce them

to the lady in question.

And how soon will I start
making these introductions?

The sooner, the better.

Who do I have to kill?

May I suggest no one, sir?

Perhaps, just this once?

If the truth won't set the resonator free,

perhaps someone's excised heart will.

I have the name of a bureaucrat
in the Board of Health

who I'm sure will be most accommodating
for a very modest fee.

Fine, bribe the worm.

A king's ransom, if you must.

But if it doesn't succeed,

then we do it my way.


Sorry, erm, the butler let me in.

Miss Murray,
what a pleasant surprise.


What's wrong?

I've spoken with Jonathan.

He seemed

quite terrified.

- By what?
- By you.

- That's preposterous.
- Is it?

Of course!

You know me as long as Jonathan has.

- Do I terrify you?
- No.

But I don't know you as well.

On the contrary, Miss Murray.

I would venture that you know me
better than anyone else.

Forgive me.

I sometimes give away some things
that are better left unsaid.

No need to apologise,
it's what I like most about you...


Your honesty.

I will never lie to you.

You have my word.

Why was Jonathan so upset?

Mina, there are powerful men
who wish to stop me.

But on occasion, I have to match
their ruthlessness or the future will be lost.

Make no mistake, Mina,
Harker has proven to be as ruthless as I am.

- On occasion, more so.
- No, you're wrong.

Am I?

Jonathan was right.

You infect people.

You call it "charm" but it's all
for your own self-interest.

Jonathan and I will not be used up by you.

A proper English gentleman must have a
proper English waistcoat on his wedding day.

But first we must select
the appropriate fabric.

I have swatches.

Lucy, I'm sure the swatches
are very important,

but I really can't be late for work, so...

I don't care a damn about the swatches.

Then why are you here,

if not for the swatches?

You'll think me a fool.


I came here because
I can't get you out of my mind.

I keep my feelings close, I always have.

So much so that you seem
entirely unaware of them.

How long have you, erm...
When did...

I neither planned nor expected this,
and yet...

Here we are.

You and me.


Whatever this is, it will pass.

It must, if only for Mina's sake.
Mina, whom we both love.

You're right, of course.

I only wish I had your strength of character.

Let's not speak of this again.

For Mina's sake.

Yes, that is the only course of action,
I completely agree.

On one condition.

Of course.

A kiss to help me after.

No, no, no, that's... That's impossible.

Do not deny me this consolation!

A small crumb to ease the pain
of all that I shall never have.

One kiss.

A kiss between friends.

You're kind. You're generous.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

I cannot break my promise to Mina.


How happy you both must be.

Always together.

Even when you're working at Carfax Manor,
she's always visiting you.

What are you talking about?

I saw her there yesterday
and last week as well.

She does make a habit of it.

It was you she was visiting, wasn't it?

Mina Murray judges me!

She scorns me! She will not forgive me!

I want some blood.


I can't let you leave Carfax Manor!

Not like this.

- Who will stop me?
- I will!

I want blood, Renfield!

For your own sake.

Mina Murray's taken root in you.

Her existence only makes
your true nature harder to disguise.

She makes you hate the one thing you are,


Without Dracula, you can never
defeat the Ordo Dracul.

What am I supposed to do?

Forget her or take her.

I told you to stay away from him.

Yes, I know, but I was only
trying to uncover the truth.

- I told you the truth.
- Yes, of course,

- but I wanted to...
- You take Grayson's word over mine?


This whole time I tried not to see
and it was right in front of me.

- See what?
- You and Grayson.

How dare you!
I went there to protect you.

- And you assume the worst.
- And the time before?

There was a phonograph
for the dance at the hospital.

- There's always a reason, isn't there?
- Yes, a very good reason.

Or do you just invent them so you have
an excuse to see him, to flirt with him?

- No, I would never...
- I don't believe you!

I don't.

For the last time, why must you make
this so difficult for yourselves?

Where is he?

It's holy water.

Are you thirsty?

If you'll ask, I'll answer.

Where is Dracula?

I don't know.

No one sees him.

They say he lives in the light.

- That's impossible.
- It's what I hear.

He has no need for the blanket of night.

For him, the sun is just another star.

Close, but far away.

It makes no difference.

- He has bested God.
- How?

What does it matter how?

It is!

You will fear his wrath by day, by night.

And you will never see him coming.

Fifteen years of meticulous planning,

a fortune developing a technology
to undermine their petroleum interests,


- We still have options.
- Options!

Professor, you really should take a seat
and try to calm yourself.

Tell me you've made some progress
with these bureaucrats.

Every contact we've had has ignored
our advances.

It's as if we have been frozen out
from the top down.

This man Browning...

- Browning?
- Yes.

He seems to exert an iron grip
over London's political machine.

He's on Mr Grayson's shortlist.

Definitely High Council.

He may even be the Dragon's Head.


Do you know of him?

No, I've never heard of this man.

When I grow rich

Say the bells of Shoreditch

When will that be?
Say the bells of Stepney

I do not know
say the great bells of Bow

Here comes a candle
to light you to bed

And here comes a chopper
to chop off your head


What do you want?

What are you doing here?

Hello, Miss Murray.

Quite a lovely night, isn't it?

I like a girl with spirit.

But only to a point.

Now, I'm assuming that you've

never seen what sulphuric acid
does to a body's face.

It eats right through the skin.

Just like...


Through paper.

Lips and lids

burn right off.

Turns the nose into nothing
but a couple of holes!

Watch and learn, gents.

Watch and learn.

Vlad Tepes, Vlad the Impaler.


Her injuries are largely superficial.

She will be fine, Jonathan.

Who could have done this?

I don't know.

Will she recover?

She will survive.




Who did this?


It's important, you must tell us everything.

There were three men.

They attacked me and held me on a table.

It was so fast, I can't...
I can't remember.

Who? Who did this?

He had a bottle.

- A bottle of acid.
- Oh, my God.

And the birthmark...

A port-wine stain on his face.

Oh, my God!

What is it?

The police.


They must be informed immediately.


- Harker!
- What do you want?

I want the same thing you do!

- Justice.
- I don't need your help.

No, you don't.

The man with the birthmark.

His name is Hackett.

Hackett is Davenport's man.

I must alert the proper authorities.

- Alert them?
- Yes!


You're going to tell them Lord Davenport

sent his man to attack your fianc?e with acid?


He is a well-respected man
of wealth and reputation.

Police tend to treat men like that lightly.

- But they must know the truth.
- The truth?

It's your word, an ex-journalist,
against a peer of the realm.

Come on!

Who do you think they're going to believe?

Well, then I'll ask him myself.

Davenport won't lie to me.

I don't care how much money he has.

I'll make him answer.

Ah, Mr Harker.

Tell me the truth.

I'm sorry, I haven't an earthly idea
of what you're talking about.

Your man Hackett...

He attacked Mina.

This was retaliation for General Shaw.
How dare he go after an innocent woman.

Listen, dear boy,
I don't know anything about this.

Miss Murray, is she all right?

Who sent you here?

- No one.
- No...

It was Grayson, wasn't it?

He put the ideas into your head,

goaded you into confronting me.

You're pointing the gun at the wrong man.

Can't you see what he's up to?

Either way, he wins.

You see, whether you kill me and go to jail

or I get a gun and kill you as an intruder,
he still wins.

Wins? Wins what?
What are you talking about?

Think. Who will be left behind
to look after Miss Murray?

See, deep down you know that's true.

You've seen them together.

You've seen the way they look at one another.
He adores her!

- And she...
- That's a damn lie!

I can prove it to you!

Let me show you.
Careful! That revolver, it could go off.

Then tell me the truth.

They've betrayed you.

See, recently, I discovered that Grayson has
been searching for one particular painting.

For ten years, he's been looking,

in every auction,
in every gallery across Europe.

- Stop.
- And then he found it.

- I know this because I stole it from him.
- Don't move!

You'll see for yourself.

His obsession goes far beyond
mere paint and canvas.

He hires you so that he can get closer to her.

He even hosts your engagement party
at his own house.

- Shut up!
- Please, now. It's true, listen.

Let me show you.

And then you'll see.

And then you'll understand everything.

Oh, God, no!

Davenport? Davenport?

You there.

Do you need help?

Best be on your way now.

I don't want a roller to find you
and take advantage.

Cheerio, then.


what in the world are you...


Darling, you must be exhausted.

I hope you haven't eaten.
Cook's kept dinner warm for you.

Thank you, my dear. How was your day?

You won't believe it.

But I have it on good authority that...

What in God's name, Mrs Donovan?

The children! The children!

They're gone! They're gone!

Oh, my God! They were there
and then suddenly...


Ma'am, I tucked them in!



You asked me to tell you the truth.

Made me promise.

Well, I'll tell it to you now.

Nothing has been the same
since first I saw you.

You're a magic beyond my understanding.

I know it's impossible,

but you are Ilona,

come back to me.

But you are more than that.

You are Mina too.

Now, I've tried to keep my feelings close.

But I cannot.

You make me want more than
I could possibly have.

You make me want to walk in the sun.

I belong to you.

And you belong to me.

Lord Davenport is dead.

Mr Harker worked out just as you planned.