Dirilis: Ertugrul (2014–2019): Season 2, Episode 13 - Ihanetin Bedeli - full transcript

The plan that Ertugrul made to reveal that the treacherous in the country is Kocabas, is distorted by Gökçe saying everything to Tugtekin.

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I heard what happened in the headquarters.

Do not worry.

It is always stormy in winter.

Bey, I...

...made a huge mistake.

What mistake, my gazelle?

I told my mother that
your hand is ruined...

...and you seek vengeance when
you cannot grab sword.

I affected her judgment
in the headquarters.

How can you do that?


I was scared that
I would never see you again.

I was scared that our baby would grow
without his father, Ertugrul.

If you are so scared that I would be a
martyr, you'd better never see me again.

And stop seein me as a man.


You are sick.

You infect everyone
with your corrupted heart.

You were only one who was against
headquarters' judgment, Wild Demir.

My thoughts do not matter, Bey.

What matters was what Ertugrul Bey said.

Ertugrul Bey said he would obey
headquarters' judgment.

You made a huge mistake by taking away
Ertugrul Bey's Alps and his position.

Can you take away the love of Ertugrul
in his Alps' hearts?

The duty of steel is to become sword.

Mares are trained to become horses.

And men are trained to become warriors.

If a man cannot grab a sword,
he cannot be an Alp, Wild Demir.

You wield a sword with your heart,

A horse is trained with love.

And an Alp is trained with conscience.

After all these years

you think that wielding a sword
and riding a horse makes you an Alp,

you are mistaken, Tugtekin.
Shame on you.

Wild Demir.

Wild Demir, know your place.

If you take me for a sword
you have forged...

...I will make you pay for it.

If you cannot control your anger,
you will be led astray from your path.

Sit down, Tugtekin.

Sit down.

What is Ertugrul going to do, Gundogdu?

-He is like a crazed stallion now.
-So, we tail him.

We don't want him to cause trouble
for our nomad tent in his state.

That crazed stallion will run with all his
might to find a way out...

...or he will perish on his journey.

Then we should tame the stallion.


You are brave but you do not know
the one you are dealing with.

What am I trying to say is,
all rivers fall into the sea.

We have more urgent matters
to handle than Ertugrul.

-What happened, nephew?
-Uncle, winter is coming.

We are running out of food.

We need to get more wheat immediately.

You are right.

We can buy wheat from Armenian villages.

We have not sold our cattle yet.

Women must ready the goods
in the weavery.

We need to get our tribe
out of this state of war.

Our tribesman must get back to
their lives.

People are on the edge.
Let them have some peace.

The mission is yours.
Do what is necessary.

Yes, Bey.

I have good news for Noyan.

Dear mother, my dear mother.

Your son has lost his heart.

I fell in love with a beautiful woman.

I cannot confide my feelings.

I am helpless.

Brave man of the battlefield
has become a mute now.

I knew I would find you here.

Why did you bother to come here,
Gokce Hatun?

I wanted to talk to you alone.

Do you always visit your mother?

I always come here since the day
we buried her.

At least your mother has a grave to visit.

My parents do not have even a grave.

What happened to your mother, Tugtekin?

She died in my arms while
she was having dinner.

-May her soul rest in peace.

Why are you here, Gokce Hatun?


Ertugrul Bey's requests
were denied in headquarters.

Yes, they were.

Tugtekin, you must help Ertugrul.

Help him so you can move forward together.

Ertugrul never lets down his people.

He does not but Tugtekin does, right?

I did not mean that. You misunderstood me.

I think they did not do Ertugrul justice.

That is why...
-Enough, Gokce Hatun!

Always Ertugrul.

I cannot put my nomad tent in danger
because of his ambition.

He should have taken care of
his nomad tent

instead of spending time with his wife.

He should have been a real Alp to see
the trap laid by his traitor men.

Don't talk to me about Ertugrul
ever again!



What happened, Hatun?

Nothing, Bey.

Tell me, what happened?

I am scared that we are going to
perish in this place

when we are running away
from Mongol invasion.

Do not beat around the bush, tell me.

You rely on your uncle and
Tugtekin too much, Gundogdu.

God, give me patience.

Selcan, I do not rely on anyone.

But if Kayi tribe wants to live
and get out of this trouble

we have no choice but to live with them.

Aytolun manipulates your uncle
and Tugtekin but you cannot see it.

And this truth you cannot see
will be our end someday.

Where did that come from?


Aytolun wants to take her
under her control.

Like she did to your uncle and Tugtekin.


You are talking like this because
she is not with you anymore.

You are jealous because
she is close to Aytolun.

She is my dear, my sister. I raised her.

Selcan, you are talking like this
because she is an adult now.

What are you saying, Gundogdu?

You heard it, Hatun.

That is right, you raised Gokce.

But you did not just raise her,
you thought of her as your family.

You took her for your unborn child
and cared her that way.

What am I trying to say is

Gokce does not need you,
you need her.

-Is that wrong?


You are doing this because
she is with Aytolun now.

Give her a break.

She lives in your shadow instead of
getting married.

Save your concerns to yourself.
I have more important things to do.

Sins of my past will never leave me.


What happened, Kocabash?

My horse threw me off.

Do you need help?

I can handle it.

Are you sure you did not fall of it?

That horse doesn't look like
it has a temper.

They say you are not the commander of
Alps anymore.

Looks like being the son of Suleyman Shah
or defeating the Crusaders...

...was not enough to save you.

In the end you are no more than a
pathetic Turkmen.

Apparently, you know that
I have a lame hand.

And your tongue grew bold.
-Take my life then.

I will take it when the time is right,
do not worry.

From now on...

...do not try to ride a horse
you cannot control.

Bey is not an Alp anymore, right?

Neither a Bey in headquarters,
nor the commander of Alps.

Mother Hayme and Gundogdu Bey.
How could they do it?

Everyone is scared that they won't be
able to stop Ertugrul Bey against Mongols.

-You summoned me, Wild Demir.
-I got something to tell you.

What happened?

Judgments were given about you
in headquarters.



You are under the command of Ertugrul Bey.

Any mistake would get our Bey in trouble.
Act accordingly.

What about me?

Your situation is more complicated,


Take of your weapons
and give them to Alps.

-Do you hear yourself, Bogac?

You must take an Alp's life
before you get his arms.

I will do it without blinking an eye,
Dogan. Tread lightly.

-Then come and get it.

Hand over your arms.

What are you saying, Father?

Wild Demir, please.

It is headquarters' judgment.

You will stay in the prison tent

until we learn if you helped Mongols

by betraying Gundogdu Bey
and Tugtekin Bey.

My Bey ordered me not to give quarter
if you resist.

-I will gouge your eyes out!

Abdurrahman! Hand over your arms!

Hand them over!

What if his innocence cannot be proven?

Then he will die there.

Prison tent.

You have lost your mind.

My brother's innocence will
come to light sooner or later.

Then, you will pay for this!



Abdurrahman! Enough!

You will pay for this.


The real conflict starts now.


-Where are you going?
-Take care of my arms.

Where are you going?

To where I have to go.



So, you have cornered Ertugrul
with Mother Hayme.

Only now your conscience burdens you so,

We said that it was not easy
to be the wife of an Alp

and you laughed at us.

This is as far as a palace girl can go.


Haven't you had enough?

Look at this.

You hate me.

How long will this go on?

I do not care about you, Halime.

I don't care about you being here
or not. Not even a little.

I am talking about
what you did to Ertugrul.

If you have a drop of conscience,
think about what you did with my mother.

Let me go!

The arrow that strikes the eagle is made
from its own feather, Ak Tolgali.

My mother...

...my brother, my lover...

...have stopped me.

They told me not to overstep my bounds.

They told me to stay put against a tyrant.

"You cannot hold a sword, stop dreaming."
they said.

And what did I say?

I will never bow down to the
order of this mortal world...

...and let these tyrants do as they will.


Son of Suleyman Shah does not give up.

He never asks for mercy.

All these lands you see are ours, Hamza.

The men who stood with us
has bathed in glory.

You are with glorious people.

But Kayi Tribe is my tribe.

They will be spared, Noyan.

We do not care about the herd, Hamza.

Our problem is that herd's shepherd.

We want you to be the shepherd this herd.

Mongols will not remain in these lands.

After we leave, you will shepherd
the herd on behalf of us.

You will be a Bey.

They cast Ertugrul out of headquarters
and took his status of Alp away.

Your tribe is on fire, Hamza.

We need to put it out.

I have put many fires out in the past.

But you will not touch the herd...

...after you take their shepherd away.

I swear on holy spirits.

The herd will be yours.

Hamza is in our hands.

But we have been here for so long,
why don't we hunt?

We do not hunt, because we want
our prey to grow fat.

So, they will be worth our while, Tangut.

Have patience.

-May it be easy, daughter.
-Thank you, mother.

Any words about Ertugrul?

No, mother.

He was like this when he was a kid.

He strived until he got what he wanted.

He would never give up.

Then, he would find a way to convince us.

Today, I saw his thirst for vengeance
against the Mongols in his eyes.

Nobody would endure that much agony,
yet he survived and came back to us.

If I had given permission to him

to fight with the Mongols

he would have perished along with his men.

I cannot endure this pain,
Halime, daughter.

I was scared, too, mother.

I was too scared to lose him
for the first time.

Every Bey in headquarters
fears the Mongols

yet none of them can say it out loud.

People are on the edge.

I hope Sultan Aleaddin will rush to
our aid with his army soon.

-If God permits.
-If God permits, mother.

If God permits.

Fortunately, Bamsi is not here

or we'd have to
deal with his craziness as well.

I wish we all could be like him.

All of this has happened because
we listened to the voice of reason.

I am tired of listening to the
voice of reason.

I have nothing to lose.

Tugtekin Bey called Alps
to the training yard.

Look at them.

How long do we put up with them, brother?

It is time to put you in your place.

Turgut and Dogan.

You are as stubborn as Ertugrul Bey.

You are reckless men
who do not know obedience.

Do not bother.

We have talked among ourselves...

...and decided that we are hopeless.

From now on, we are not Alps of
this nomad tent.

Since we are under
Ertugrul Bey's command

and he is relieved of his position,
we are not Alps as well.

Until he time he resumes command,
we will not take any order from you.

Who do you think you are to glower at me?

Alps, take them down!


-I cannot let you do this, Tugtekin!

Sheathe your swords!

This is no battlefield!

From now on, none of the Alps will
draw a sword against each other!

And you!

If you are no longer Alps anymore,
leave this place!

Let everyone know that!

Turgut! Dogan!

Do not think about crossing my path!

You, too.

We will not show mercy to you
or the dogs would you put our trail.


My uncle, Tugtekin, my brother

they all want to pass winter
by waiting for the Mongolian army.

They think Noyan will do the same.

But they are wrong.

How does a hand hold a sword?

How does a sword seek a hand?

You are alone, the sword is alone,
the nomad tent is alone.

The whole world is alone.

Less has conquered many in the past,

We know how to snap infidels' neck
without swords as well.

Tell me, who are these infidels?

Do they reside inside of you?

All right.

They are inside and outside.

You and Abdurrahman will be my
biggest aides in this.

You said Abdurrahman was taken prisoner.

It is in my favour.

They took Abraham and
cast Josseph in a well

they crucified Jesus

exiled Moses to a mountain

but God granted them
strenght and they were saved.

Well said.

We will send Abdurrahman
to Noyan as a spy.

He will be Noyan's man.

What do you want me to do?
And what do I ask of you in return?

I want you to escort Abdurrahman
to Noyan's place.

What you want sounds nice

but seems a little hard to do.

There is no such thing for you, Geyikli.

Look who's talking now.

The one who is untrappable.

Thank you.

You pillaged everywhere.

You can't go far with this cruelty, Noyan.

This is not cruelty, Hamza.

We are merely giving an honorable death
to the people whose time has come.

How long will your campaign last?

Until Genghis Khan's children
will rule the world.

Just like the God is the
only ruler in the sky.

The world will know peace
and happiness on that day, Hamza.

You have many Turks in your army.

My mother is a Turk, too.

We are brothers on my mother's side.

Why did you attack Kayi Tribe?

To capture Ertugrul.

We were going to make him
the ruler of Anatolia.

But we found you now.

Do not forget, Hamza.

Only the blood can purify humanity.

Translation: Losa Translation Services