Dirilis: Ertugrul (2014–2019): Season 2, Episode 12 - Milletim Için - full transcript

As Ertugrul had pointed out, Noyan started to work to destroy the village from inside by placing the mate casualties.

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Tell me Eymish Baci,
is Ertugrul Bey alright?


What is wrong with our brave heart?

It was unpleasant for you to bring this
matter to the headquarters, nephew.

You disregarded me and your mother.

I handled this matter without
disregarding you and my mother.

I know that headquarters will give
the right judgement.

Headquarters' judgment will put neither me

nor you in an inconvenient position.

You show your cunning
as well as your strenght.

If your late father was alive,
he would be proud of you.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

Mother Aytolun was right.
He will cause trouble, father.

He will give us a headache.

He wants the mission, his father gave him.

But there is nothing to worry about.

He will obey the headquarters' judgment.

What if their judgment is against us?

What if Kayi Beys kick up a fuss?
Even our Beys.

So, do not stop, son. Do your best.

What do you want from me, Noyan?

Why don't you kill me?

I need brave and strong warriors like you.

You want me to betray
my nomad tent, don't you?

No. I offer you an opportunity
to become a great commander of the Kayis.

How will this happen?

If Kayis serve to Ogeday, not Aleaddin

I will not have to kill your kind.

I promise you fame, glory
and gold in Ogeday's army.

Most beautiful women, fastest of horses

and the sharpest swords can be yours.

I offer you a chance to become a commander
in the largest army you've seen

which will conquer the world.

None of them wants to see
the danger Noyan possess.

What do Mother Hayme
and Gundogdu Bey think?

I will convince my mother and brother.

But we must take all the votes
in the headquarters.

What are we going to do, Bey?

Talk the Beys of every headquarters.

Tell everyone why I want to be
the commander of Alps.

Tell them I am not after position.

If we attack before Noyan attacks us,
victory can be ours.

Otherwise, Noyan will pillage our lands,
and kill everyone.

Talk with everyone.

-Yes, Bey.
-As you wish, Bey.

Abdurrahman, your mission is...

...to be my spy in Noyan's army.

We will ask Geyikli's help for this.

But we need to handle the business
in the headquarters.

Or all our plans will be in vain.

We must give hell to Noyan.

What if I do not accept?

Your horse is ready for you
with your weapons.

You are free to leave anytime you want.

You are useless to me when you are dead.

On the contrary, I would be sorry
if you would die.

You are smart enough to understand
the importance of my offer.

We both know you have nowhere else to go.

Moreover, your need for vengeance
consumes you.

You hate your Bey, whom you wasted
your life for.

I offer you opportunity of getting
revenge from Gundogdu.

Decision is yours.
You can be my guest tonight if you like.

Think. We will talk in the morning,
in the cold light of the day.

Canfeda, come here!

Yes, Bey.

Hamza Alp is my guest.

You will serve him until he leaves.


Turali! Wait, son!


He is a brave boy.

Just like you.

When Ertugrul Bey brought you to me,
you were like him.

As wild and brave as he is.

And a handful I must say.

Tugtekin and Gundogdu are talking to Beys.

Is it strange that
they are not talking to you?

We know what are they saying.

They know I will not change my side.

Now, two of them together
will cause trouble for our Bey.

In the name of God.

Gokce is a skillful girl.

They suit you well.

I did not imagine that
she would be this good.

Tugtekin, you have feelings for Gokce.

I can talk to your father if you like.

Not now, mother.

We will talk after I handle Ertugrul.


What did you do?

Did you talk to Beys?
What is their reaction?

Kayis are reluctant.

Alps want Ertugrul Bey.
Mother Hayme does not know what to do.

-Wild Demir is as usual.
-What about our Beys?

I have my doubts about Artuk Bey.

He does not breathe a word about it.

What about Horseless and Ayhan?

They think that it could cost us dearly
to waste Ertugrul Bey.

Ertugrul does not want to give up
being the commander of Alps.

Beys do not want to waste him.

So, there is only one thing to do.


If we rob him of his position as an Alp...

...we solve our problem.

He will not stop until
he kills Noyan, mother.


...there is something worse.


His hand, mother.

It is impossible for him to grab a sword
with his hand.

What happened to his hand?

Bastard Noyan drove nails to his hand.

Good God!

Good God!

Good God!

What can a man do without his sword?

Oh, God.

Where did he go?

I do not know, mother.

He went to Artuk Bey to show his hand,
then he will see someone else.

He did not tell me where he was going.

Mother. I beg you, talk to him.

It does not make a difference, daughter.

Beys on the headquarters
will make their judgment.

But what about your judgment?

What are you doing, Gokce?

I was about to call Mother Hayme.

-Are they inside?


You gave me life with your return.

May God give you strength.

Amen, Gokce.



Halime Sultan.

-Peace be with you.
-And peace be with you.

In the name of God.

With the 99 names of God Almighty,

creator of all existence,
For he filles our hearts with faith.


Brave men.

Saints of our nomad tent.

Welcome to the headquarters.

We are here to talk about
the situation of exiled Alps

and the position of Ertugrul Bey,
as the commander of Alps.

With the permission of Korkut Bey,
I open this session.

No matter what the headquarters decides,

there will not be any peace
in our nomad tent, Halime.

At least you and my mother
do not go against Ertugrul Bey.

I told him bad things, Selcan.

I hurt him deeply.

My baby prevented me
from seeing the truth.

But it is too late now.

Why are saying this, Halime?

Mother Hayme...

...will never let her son
challenge death in his condition.

His condition, Halime?

What are you talking about?


May it be easy.

Thank you.

Ertugrul Bey is prudent enough
to do everything for his nomad tent.

I know and believe it by heart.

But after all, he is a human being.

After headquarters' judgment,
take care of your man, Halime Sultan.

Do not let him be obsessed and
drag us into trouble.

You are trying to waste him
in his most difficult day.

What are you going to do
when you are in trouble?

Pray, Ertugrul Bey will be there for you.

It is a known fact that
a Mongol soldier...

...can go to a village and...

...behead all men, women and children...

...in a village all by himself.

People are scared.

First, we need to conquer this fear.

Waiting for war all winter long

is not different than
waiting to die in your own grave.

Tell us what you are thinking.

We must conquer the fear of people,
who are paying tribute to bastard Noyan.

We must be their hope...

...so those bastards dare not
ask for anything.

We must cut the flow of gold of merchants

who are supplying food to the Mongol army.

This way they will know,

we will cut their hands
if they accept their gold.

From now on, we do not have time to
be on the defensive.

We will attack that bastard Noyan
and give him hell...

...so that he will understand his army
cannot stay here.

And then?

That is why...

...I want my position back, which was
given me by my father Suleyman Shah...

...to attack that bastard Noyan
and give hell.

How much longer this headquarters last?
It drags on.

Our Bey must have opened their eyes.

Among us...

...Ertugrul Bey is the one who
knows Mongols best.

Because he went into their den.

Sooner or later the headquarters
will understand this.

Then Ertugrul Bey will be
the commander of Alps again.

Do not worry.

Ertugrul Bey's words are true
without a doubt.

But I do not know how would we do it?

Preventing merchants who feed
Noyan's army,

supporting nearby villages

and tracking spies is not an easy task.

But it is not impossible.

Ertugrul Bey's word impressed me,
he speaks the truth.

What if Bastard Noyan attacks us
again in a weak moment

and slaughter our women, children, Alps

and animals?

What are we going to do then?

We are at war, brother.
We must take necessary precautions.

What precautions are you
talking about, Ertugrul Bey?

An Alps life is his sword hand.

You already lost your hand to Noyan.

So your life belongs to him.

How could an Alp who cannot even grab a
sword, take command of all the Alps?

What are you talking about, Tugtekin?

Do you hear yourself?

Ask it Artuk Bey, not me, my Bey.

Artuk, is he right?

He is right, Bey.

They damaged his hand
when they drove nails in it.

I do not know if it will heal or not.

But it is certain that it will not heal

before the the war in spring.


-Will he fit in this, Selcan?
-Of course, he will.

When will headquarters end?

They cannot take away his right,
unless they play a trick on him.

I do not know which is better, Selcan.

We listened everyone.

Now, we must hear Beys' judgment,
Hayme Sister.

The time is up, Bey.

So, to prevent a conflict
among our Alps...

...until our nomad tents split up again...

...I put to vote that Tugtekin be the
commander of Alps...

...and take away Ertugrul
Bey's position of Alp...

...until he heals.


It is hereby declare that...

...Dogan and Turgut
Alps will live in nomad tent...

...under the command of Ertugrul Bey
until the winter is over.

Also, Abdurrahman Alp will be jailed in a
cage until we determine...

whether he helped setting an ambush to

Tugtekin and Gundogdu Beys or not.

May the God Almighty save us from
making mistakes.



May he give us strength to perform
headquarters' judgments.


Do you have any words, Ertugrul Bey?

Son of Suleyman Shah, Ertugrul...

...will obey headquarters' judgments.

God may save us from paying
the price of your judgments.


Yet I want you to know this...

...a brave man's stare
is sharper than a craven's sword.

When will headquarters end?

Why didn't you attend to headquarters?

We barely returned to nomad tent,
thanks to Ertugrul Bey.

How could I attend to headquarters?


I think judgments of headquarters
will not be good for us, brother.

Heaven forbid, Brother Turgut!


Ertugrul Bey?

What happened, Bey?

They hurt us like no other.

Ertugrul Bey?

The headquarters is over.

Apparently, he is like a boy
whose toys were taken away.

You knew headquarters' judgment
would be good.

Apparently, Beys will not let Ertugrul to
get our nomad tent into trouble.

You have a poisonous tongue.

You are shameless beyond words.

I do not know what you are after
or what is your intention but

if you continue doing this,
I will make you pay for it, Aytolun.

-Gokce, stay out of it.

Your words hurt me, Selcan Hatun.

Future of our nomad tents is my concern.

Do you think that I don't know
you are a two-faced snake?

Look, I am silent for the sake of
this beautiful girl.

But do not push my limits.

What are you after?

What am I after?
She wants to poison us.

You, me, Halime.

She wants to plant her flag
in our marquee.

You... You are sick.

You are so sick that
you make everyone sick.

From now on, keep your words to yourself
in this nomad tent.

So that we can have peace.

Translation: Losa Translation Services