Dino Dana (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 13 - Dino Matchmaker - Lost and Sound - full transcript

After hearing how Dana's mom and dad fell in love, Dana helps a lonely Sinornithosaurus impress a female. Dana enlists a pack of Troodon to help Ms. Currie locate her grandson's lost pug.

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Dino Dana!

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

Dino Dana!


"Dino Match Maker."

What is this thing?

I've never seen anything
like it before.

Who made it?



did you make this?

You did!

But why?


[both dinos squawking]

Another Sinornithosaurus!

That one's bigger than you.
It must be a girl.

Just like birds, a lot of dino
girls were bigger than the boys.

Ooh, do you
like her?


You do...

Did you make this for her?

Is it a nest?



I guess she doesn't like it.

But why not?

I'll be right back, buddy.

[chirping and squawking]

Dad, guess what!

You two are gonna stay
out of the kitchen

while me and your Mom have
this romantic dinner I made?

What're we gonna eat?

I already ordered you pizza.

Dad, there's
a Sinornithosaurus outside.

Okay, now you're just
making these names up.

Sino-nither... what?


It's a theropod.

He built a nest because he
likes a girl Sinornithosaurus.

But she didn't like it,
so she left.

Well, you let him know there are
plenty of dinos in the sea.

But that's not true.

There are plenty of prehistoric
marine reptiles in the sea,

not dinos.

Out you go.

But Dad, we need
to help him.

He's in love!

[Sara] She didn't
like the nest, huh?

Hey, Dad, remember when

Mom came over to our place
on your first date?

It didn't go so well
for me either.

No, it did not.

Eva! Thanks for picking me up.
I don't have a car.

You look great.
Thanks, Aman.

You... look great too.

[Mom] I'm so glad we're
finally able to get together.

It's been so crazy with Dana,
and for you.

Oh, your place is...


Yeah, I just moved in,
so I don't own a lotta stuff.

Is Sara here?
She's at her Mom's house.

Do you want a tour?

This is, uh...

...all of it.

Why don't we get going?
Good idea.


That's it!

Just like Mom
didn't like your place,

the girl Sinornithosaurus
didn't like the boy's nest!

I wouldn't say Mom
didn't like my place.

It just wasn't the most...

That's when Dad
really got into crafting.

So the Sinornithosaurus

just needs to
decorate his nest

so the girl dino
will like it.

Dad, can I borrow some of
your craft supplies?

Sure, nugget.

Aren't you going to
change for your dinner?

What's wrong with this shirt?

Other than that stain...
Oof! ...and the smell.


Hey, Sinornithosaurus!

Guess what?

[chirping and squawking]


Looks like someone's already
started decorating!

Good idea,

You like blue,
so lemme see what I can find.


How about these
blue pom-poms?




Look, the girl's back!

[both dinos squawking]

Looks like she likes it.

[sad squeak]

She left again.

[sad squeak]

Don't give up.

My dad gave up, he and my mom
never would've gotten together.



I'll be right back, buddy.

[chirping and squawking]

[chirping and squawking]

How does this look?

It's terrible!

It's not terrible.

A little wrinkled,
maybe, but...

Not your shirt.

The girl Sinornithosaurus

liked how he decorated the nest,

but she left again.

[giggle] Sounds like
your second date, Dad.

That one was a bit better.

Eva, come in!

Thought you lost my number.

Sorry I took so long to call.

Things have been so crazy
with Dana, and...

The place is so different!

I really got into crafting.
Do you crochet?

Uh, no.

Oh, y'know what
else I got into?

I'll give you a hint.
It's a musical instrument.



[strums ukulele]

* Eva... *

You have a nice voice.

[strums ukulele]
* Thank yooooouuuuu... *

Should we go?

Yes, let's...

* lev-a! *

[awkward chuckle]
That's another good one.

I should write that down.

That's it!

Just like Dad sang to Mom,

the Sinornithosaurus needs to
sing to the girl dino!

Music is the language of love.

[strums ukulele]

* Sara... *

* I love you
and your seester *

* Danaaaaa *

Oh no...

Not the ukulele!

I mean, um,
not the ukulele

before I have a chance to
change out of my work clothes

for our special dinner!

How are you girls?

Can't talk, Mom.

Trying to help
a Sinornithosaurus fall in love.

Dad, can I borrow
your ukulele?


[Sinornithosaurus making
high-pitched squeaks]

Oh, sounds like someone's
already started singing!

Good plan,

Lemme see if
I can help you.

[strums ukulele]

She's here!
We have to start singing.

* Sinornithosaurus,
he really likes you *

* Now sing the chorus *

[high-pitched squawking]

It's working!
Let's keep singing.

* Sinornithosaurus,
she really likes you *

* Now sing the chorus... *

[dinos chirp]

Aw, goodbye,
you two little love-dinos.

[dinos chirping and cooing]

[dinos chirping and cooing]


Mom, Dad,
guess what?

The singing worked!

The Sinornithosaurus
built a cool nest,

decorated it,
and sang to attract a girl!

That reminds me
of something...

Our third date?

There's a bird...

That's it.

The bower bird.
Come, watch this, Dana.

Okay, so...

The bower bird
attracts females

by doing the same thing
your dino does.

See? That's the male decorating
the nest for the female.

That makes sense.

Since birds came
from dinosaurs,

they would've done
some of the same things.

That's fascinating.

Bye, Dana!

Hi, Sara.

You still didn't finish
telling the story

of how you two
finally got together.

Well, I was in the park...




Eva, hey!

Haven't heard
from you in a while.

Yeah, I've been busy.

This must be Dana.

Yeah! Um...
Hey, Dana!

[Mom laughs]
She's a little shy.

Uh, good to see you.

Daddy! Daddy!


Oh no! Sara-saurus!

Don't eat me!
I'm a Dad-atops.

[both growl and roar]



Do you wanna play
dinosaurs with us?

You can be this one.
It's a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Tyrannosaurs Rex.

[Dad growls and roars]

Oh no, look!
It's a Mama-saurus Rex!


...get outta here!

You wanna go?
Okay, alright, let's go.

We're comin'!

Your Dad was
so good with you two.

That's how I knew
he was the one.

That, girls, is what I like
to call "love at third sight."

Now leave us alone.

Toast to us?

To date night.

Next up, more Dino Dana...


Dino Dana!

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]

Dino Dana!


"Lost and Sound."


[chittering, hissing,
and squawking]

[chittering, hissing,
and squawking]

"Squawk squawk."

[chittering, hissing,
and squawking]

[chittering, hissing,
and squawking]

[chittering, hissing,
and squawking]


Nice attack,


This baby Diabloceratop
sure tastes good.


It's not real!
It's just beef jerky.

Dino experiment 606 complete.

Troodon work together
to attack their prey.

[woman] Dougie!
Dougie, where are you?

It's my neighbor
Ms. Currie.

I wonder what's wrong.

Bye, buddies!
Want the last bite, bud?




Dougie, where are you?


Ms. Currie!!

Dana you scared me
half to death...

H-Hey, why're you
dressed as a Troodon?

How did you know?

Well, I used to play dinosaurs
with my grandsons all the time.

But that was a long time ago.

They're off to school now,
and they've got their friends,

and grandma isn't so
hip and rad anymore.

I'll play dinosaurs
with you, Ms. Currie.

Oh, you're very sweet, honey,
but I gotta find Doug.

Who's Doug?
That's him.

He's not the smartest
dog in the world,

but the boys love him.

Anyway, I said
I would dog-sit him,

and I didn't know he was
a little escape artist,

and my grandson is gonna
be here in 15 minutes

looking for his dog,

and I'm gonna have to
tell him that I lost him!

We can help you find him.

I'm in a pack of
Troodon today.

But I don't know how
they track their prey.

Oh, that sounds like
a dino experiment to me!


It's a dino
experiment update!

Dino experiment
606 update:

Troodons work together
to attack their prey,

but how do
they find them?

You want dinosaurs
to hunt Doug?

I want them to TRACK Doug.

Tracking is when you follow
clues an animal left behind

that'll lead you to it.

Once we find Doug,

I'll bring him back to
you and your grandson.

Well, good luck, but remember
we only have 15 minutes!

Don't worry,
Ms. Currie.

Troodon are...
I know.

One of the smartest
of dinosaurs!

Oh, I miss all that dino play...

Although my daughter doesn't.

Oh, anyway,
here, take those.

Those are Dougie's
favorite dog treats.

If you see him,
those will lure him out.

Thanks, Ms. Currie.
I won't let you down!


Oh, I know you won't, Dana.

Dougie, you come back here,
you little Houdini!


Are you still hungry after
the fake Diabloceratop baby?


Do you wanna track
some new prey?

We're looking for
a pug named Doug.

And he looks
kinda like this...


That was fast.





Why did you stop?
What do you see?


Paw prints!
They must belong to Doug.

But there's only
one way to find out.

We have to...

I was just about
to say that.

...follow them!




Paw prints end here.

Now how're we going to
track Doug?

[Ms. Currie]

Stay right here,


Ms. Currie!

Ms. Currie,
you won't believe it!

You found Doug?

No, but I discovered that

Troodons follow paw prints
to track their prey.

Well, that's great, dear.

It was great,

until Doug's paw prints
ended in some grass.


Hey, maybe your
dino friends

will find a way
to sniff him out.

That's it.
Ms. Currie, you're a genius!

I am?
You are!

Your theory is
that Troodons

might use their noses
to track their prey.

Well, that's not
what I was saying,

but as long as
it's helpful, dear.

Okay, so we have like
maybe ten minutes

before my grandson shows up,

and he's gonna be
really sad!

Don't worry, Ms. Currie.

We'll track down Doug.

Troodon snout promise!

Just tap your nose here.

Oh, okay, good.


Okay... Dougie!

Dougie, where are you,
you cute little ugly monster?

Doug the Pug!!

[Troodons sniffing ground]




What do you smell, Troodon?
What is it?


Dog's droppings?


Why're you smelling the air?

Oh... now that you know
what Doug smells like,

can you follow the smell?

You can!

Wait up,

I should pick this up
before I go...

[Dougie panting]

[dogs barking]

[Troodons sniffing]



[Troodons squawking]

You lost the smell.
Now how're we gonna track Doug?

[Ms. Currie]

I'll be right back, Troodon.

[Troodons squawking]




Ms. Currie!

Oh, Dana,
there's no hope.

Yes, there is!

Is that what I think it is?

Yes-- evidence
that the troodon

used their sense of smell
to track their prey.

Your theory was right!

That's great, Dana.

Well, it WAS great,

until we lost Doug's smell
'cause we ran into another dog.

Oh well, we tried.

[sigh] I guess I'm just
not gonna be seeing

very much of my
grandson anymore.

Don't give up,
Ms. Currie.

What else did your grandson
tell you about Troodon?

Um... well,

that they're smart,
and they hunt in packs,

and they talk to each other.

That's it!
Ms. Currie, you're a genius.

I am?
You are!

Your theory is that since
troodon talk to each other,

they might use their ears
to track down their prey.

think that Troodon had

a better sense of hearing
than most dinosaurs.

Alright, well here, good luck.

And remember that we
only have five minutes

before Grandma only gets
visitors on holidays.

Don't worry, Ms. Currie.
We'll listen for Doug!

Oh, you're
a sweetheart...

Yeah, I'm never
gonna find him.

[Dougie panting]

[Troodons squawking]

[Troodons squawking]

Did you hear something,

You did...
[gasp] You found Doug!

Great job,

Oh no.

Now that you've tracked Doug,
you're going to attack!

Think, Dana, think,

or Doug will be
a tasty dino treat.

Wait, that's it--

Hey, Troodon...


Go get 'em!


They're distracted.
I know what I have to do.

[Troodons chittering
and squawking]

Hey, where did that
little doggy go?

I dunno, 'cause it's just us
Troodon here in the park.

You two better go find
something else to eat.


Hi, Doug.
I'm Dana.

You're save now.

Let's get you back
to Ms. Currie.

Hey, Grandma,
where's Dougie?

Oh, bud,
I got some bad news.

Right here!



Wait, you two
know each other?

Yeah, I gave Dana my
old dino field guide.

Wait, YOU'RE
Trek's Grandma?


You're part of some of his
most famous dino experiments!

You helped Trek figure out
if pterosaurs fly in a flock,

why the Psittacosaurus
swallows rocks,

and how the Spinosaurus
learns to fish!

That was a good one.

Oh, I do miss
those, Trekkie.

Me too.


I haven't fully completed
dino experiment 606.

I know how Troodon attack,
and how they track,

but I don't know how
they chose their packs.

Sounds like a fun
dino experiment to me!

Yes, it does.

C'mon, guys, let's go
find ourselves some Troodons!

[Dana] Squawk!

And we're squawking!
[laugh] "Squawk squawk!"

* [continuous theme music] *

* [music continues] *

* [music continues] *

[music ends]