Dino Dana (2017–…): Season 1, Episode 12 - Face Your Fearosaurus - Herd It Loud and Clear - full transcript

To help a young boy stuck on a park slide, Dana distracts and encourages him with a story about a brachiosaurus also afraid of heights. When Dana tries to figure out how a herd of ...

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Dino Dana!
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
Dino Dana!
Face Your Fearosaurus
[gentle music and grunting]
You're so big,
the view must be
great from up there!
You going to go or what?
Well, we're waiting right here.
I better go investigate.
Bye, Brachiosaurus.
[low growl]
We're never going to
get to slide down.
What's going on?
This kid won't move.
He's hogging the whole slide.
Hey, I'm Dana.
You okay?
Are you stuck?
Are you afraid
of being high up?
This is taking forever.
I've got an idea.
Why don't you
yell some more
and see if it goes
any faster?
Think, Dana, think.
[low growl]
You know,
you remind me of a dinosaur
I used to know.
He was afraid
of heights too
but I can't remember
his name.
Hey, what's your name?
That was the dinos name too.
He was Bradly the Brachiosaurus.
The only Brachiosaurus
who was afraid of heights.
Do you know what
a Brachiosaurus looks like?
This is a Brachiosaurus.
One of the most
humongous dinos
to ever walk the earth.
Want to hold him?
You see...
Brachiosaurus are herbivores
whose necks are super tall.
They are some of the biggest
dinosaurs of them all,
eating from
the tops of the trees
is what they do best
but there was one named Bradly
who wasn't like the rest.
No, that's not Bradly.
No way, don't you know.
If you're looking for him
you have to go low.
Now you know sometimes
the truth, it can hurt
and the truth is Bradly
liked to stay
close to the dirt.
Hi, I'm Bradly.
He never put his neck
all the way up in the sky,
too worried what would happen
if he put it up super high.
So, Bradly ate grass
for breakfast, lunch and dinner
but it definitely
didn't make him
feel like a winner.
The other Brachiosaurus
made fun of him
for eating near the ground
especially since tree tops
are where all the tastiest
leaves are found.
When they'd eaten
their fill of leaves,
his herd left in a rush
but Bradly didn't
see them leaving,
not under all that mush.
Hm? Guys?
After Bradly's herd went off,
quick, quick on the double,
poor Bradly was left alone,
helpless to predator trouble.
Then, out of nowhere
he felt a huge rumble
and it shook the ground so much
it made poor Bradly stumble.
Bradly knew that something
was coming and fast
but the trees were too thick.
He couldn't see past.
Something was coming alright.
The noise filled him with dread
but the only way
to find out what
was for Bradly to
lift up his head.
Oh no.
Then what happened to Bradly?
Look, he's going up,
Guess what you just did?
- You just took a step up.
- I did?
Want to take another one?
Waiting, waiting, waiting.
Not helping, not helping,
not helping!
Bradly did the same
thing you just did.
He took it one step at a time
and tried with all his might.
And wouldn't you know it,
he rose to a great new height.
He still couldn't see
what was coming
through the trees
but he did feel the knocking
in his very nervous knees.
Something was close
and his herd has no clue.
He couldn't see what it was.
He didn't know what to do.
He hoped maybe it was friendly
and just wanted to play.
Then he heard the roar
of a predator
and knew it wasn't his day.
Was it scary?
Just curious
'cause we're all
stuck here waiting.
Oh, it was scary.
But guess what's
not scary, Bradly?
You just took another step.
I did?
Yeah, good job,
Who wants to finish
the story now?
You did it while
you were distracted?
Hey, do you think
a distraction
will help get Bradly
the Brachiosaurus
higher up?
Let's see
what happens next.
Excuse me.
Uh, can you talk a bit louder?
We can't hear you down here.
Let's see
what happens next!
Something was coming fast
and Bradly was scared.
He needed to see it
but wasn't sure if he dared.
Then Bradly heard a sound
that sounded like a squawk.
He looked up and
received quite a shock.
Coming towards him
and it was a sight,
a Quetzalcoatlus
was coming close
there in midflight.
Bradly had no choice.
He had to make a quick decision
so he dodged his head
to avoid a collision.
Bradly was so distracted
he didn't even know
that as he was dodging
up high did he go.
And then from up high,
his vision no longer deterred,
he saw the Giganotosaurus pack
approaching his herd.
[tense music]
[tense music]
Bradly knew he had to warn
all his Brachiosaurus friends
but that meant going higher
or soon met their ends.
Does Bradly do it?
Yeah, does he?
I don't know
but you just did.
I did?
I did it!
I'm at the top!
Good job, Bradly.
Ready to slide down?
Well, maybe end of
the story will help him?
Story, story, story.
Okay, okay!
Bradly had no choice
but to face his fear.
He had to let his herd know
that danger was near
so Bradly stood his ground
and faced his fear.
For the first time ever
he became a brave fellow.
He took a big, deep breath
and let out a mighty bellow!
And the other Brachiosaurus
got a total surprise.
Bradly was keeping his head up
in front of their eyes
but that wasn't all.
He was also letting them know-
The Giganotosaurus are coming.
Go, go, go!
Bradly's Brachiosaurus pals
scattered as quick as they could
and they left poor Bradly alone,
exactly where he last stood.
The Giganotosaurus
were almost on Bradly.
He was a nervous wreck.
Then, he got his
brightest idea yet.
He could use his neck.
Even though Bradly was shaking
and filled with dread,
as quick as he could
he lowered his head.
Tripping the lead predator
and making him fall,
one predator down
wasn't the end of them all.
None of the other Giganotosaurus
were flat on their back.
In fact, they were
getting excited
for their afternoon snack.
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum,
yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
They got closer to Bradly,
all hungry and ready to eat.
They could almost smell
the tasty Brachiosaurs meat.
But that's not the end.
There's still more to this show.
At the last minute
Bradly was saved,
don't ya know.
Bradly's herd joined in
and followed his lead.
They stopped so Giganotosaurus,
oh yes indeed.
They called Bradly the
Brachiosaurus a hero,
a real number one pick.
He raised his head,
protected his herd
and even taught
them a new trick.
Go Bradly!
You ready to be
brave like Bradly was
when he put his head down?
Then see you
at the bottom.
You can do it.
- You did it!
- Thanks, Dana.
You know what?
You keep it.
Then you'll always remember
how you were brave
like a Brachiosaurus.
Hey, wait.
Before you go.
Do you have any dino
stories about someone
who's afraid of swinging
too high on the swing?
Not for me,
for my friend.
Of course.
Have you ever heard of
Kent the Kentrosaurus
who was scared to
swing his tail?
[majestic music,
dino roars]
Next up - more Dino Dana!
Dino Dana!
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
[theme music,
various dinosaurs roaring]
Dino Dana!
Herd It Loud And Clear
[Dana making loud 'moo' noises]
[noises continue throughout]
[Dana] Moo!
- Hi, Cai.
- Hi.
What are you doing up
this early?
I'm in the middle of
dino experiment 521.
How did the Edmontosaurus
defend themselves?
The Ed-monto what?
This one.
Sounds great but-
It is.
To solve it, what
do you think I need?
Dana, I actually
just finished
a really big test
for university.
Right, okay.
What do I have here?
A very loud horn.
To make sure my moo sounds
are loud enough to attract...
It's the thing I said before.
Oh. Dinosaurs.
Yes, you win.
Okay then.
Have fun.
Now, what do you
not see on me?
Uh, Dana I'm actually having
a little trouble focusing.
I think I'm only wearing
one contact lens.
Oh, let me help you.
Hang on.
Take this.
- And this.
- Oh.
I'm coming in the window!
Dana, I don't know if
that's such a good idea.
I think it's a great idea!
Oh, I guess
you're coming in.
Here you go.
Alright, you're in.
Look closely.
See any horns?
Trick question.
Hard shell?
It's the same answer as before.
Exactly, because unlike
most other dinos,
the Edmontosaurus didn't have
any defenses on their bodies.
Thanks for
that dino lesson.
I should really
get back to sleep.
Oh, did you know
the Edmontosaurus
is an herbivore that
walked on all fours
and had lots of
teeth, 1000 of them.
Oh, and they're known as
the cows of the dinosaur world
because there were
so many of them!
That is so much
And did you know they
used to travel in herds,
just like--
Cows, okay.
Well, have fun
playing outside.
I wouldn't call dino
research playing
but have a good sleep.
I'll just climb
my own way out.
Great, great.
[loud bleating]
I did it!
I attracted a whole
family of Edmontosaurus.
[triumphant music]
This is amazing.
[quiet dino chirp]
Now I'll get to do
dino experiment 521,
how did the Edmontosaurus
defend themselves?
Oh, hi baby.
Oh! [chuckles]
You baby, are so cute.
You don't understand me, do you?
Hold on.
[loud crack]
Why'd you do that?
Is that one of your defenses?
You won't believe
what just happened.
You attracted the Edmonta--
And yes, a whole herd of them.
I'm happy for you Dana.
And look.
They chewed up my horn.
Dana, maybe they were
trying to be quiet
so that they don't
wake anyone up.
You mean like wake
up a predator?
Is your theory that that's
one of their defenses?
Uh huh.
You're so smart!
And you look really tired
so why don't you
go back to sleep
and I'll test out your theory.
Thank you?
No, thank you, Cai
for helping me
with my dino experiment.
[gentle mooing]
Hey, if I don't get to moo,
why do you get to moo?
One of the biggest
carnivores ever.
What defense do I have
against that predator?
I hope it's not just mooing.
[gentle mooing]
Wait... are you making
noise to warn each other
that there's a carnivore around?
[gentle mooing]
And now we're being quiet
so that he doesn't hear you.
[tense music]
[quiet roar]
That was close.
Nice defense, Edmontosaurus.
Cai's never going to
believe what just happened.
Cai, Cai, Cai, Cai!
- Guess what?
- What? What?
I finished my dino experiment.
Oh, that, that's great, Dana.
And you were right.
I was?
The Edmontosaurus
wanted me to be quiet
because there was
a predator around,
a Giganotosaurus
but don't worry, they
all warned each other
and we went super quiet
and squished down to hide
so it wouldn't find us.
Oh, that is a relief.
I know!
But what if the
Giganotosaurus saw them?
Then what would
their defenses be?
Great question.
Dino experiment 521 reopened,
how would the Edmontosaurus
defend themselves
if a Giganotosaurus
saw them?
Don't fall back asleep,
I'll be right back
with an update.
You don't have...
Guess what, Edmontosaurus!
Dino experiment 521 is reopened.
Giganotosaurus is back.
[loud roar]
Oh no.
It sees us.
What's your defense when
a predator finds you?
[loud mooing]
Are you trying to scare it?
[loud roar]
Now what?
They're getting up on
their back two legs?
What's that going to do?
They're running
away on two legs.
Did you know they could do that?
Guess not.
Bye, Edmontosaurus.
I mean, moo.
Bye moo.
- Dana?
- Cai, you're up.
I just needed some fresh air.
You won't believe
what just happened.
The Giganotosaurus
found the Edmontosaurus
but don't worry,
they had another defense.
They got up on two
legs and ran away.
Isn't that crazy?
I didn't even know
they could do that.
I guess they're faster on two
legs than they are on four.
And now, dino experiment
521 is solved.
You know, those Edmontosaurus
sound kind of cool.
They are.
And now you can go back to
sleep because they're gone.
Well, I'm already up so...
So you want to do another
dino experiment with me?
Great idea.
I have so much we can do.
Do you like herbivores,
carnivores or omnivores?
Actually, back up.
Do you want to do one on
dinosaurs, pterosaurs,
pre-historic marine reptiles
or prehistoric mammals?
Pre-historic mammals.
[Dana] What pre-historic mammal
do you want to be?
Hmm, some type of hippopotamus.
[conversation continues]
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