Devs (2020): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

Lily returns to work at Amaya and explains her suspicions to Jen and Anya. Forest is visited by Laine, a powerful senator asking questions about the Devs project.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
What are you doing?

Working on sound‐wave data.

I mean what are you watching?


is Arthur Miller
and Marilyn Monroe having sex.


It's the celebrity sex tape
to end all celebrity sex tapes.

Why do male techs
always feel the need

to caricature themselves?

Step one:
Create a new technology

that reinvents the nature
of human existence.

Step two: Use it for porn.

To thine own self be true.

We have two fucking rules, guys.

One: We don't look forwards,
we only look back.

Two: We don't invade privacy.

They're having sex, Katie.

And that would be the invasion
of privacy.

Hardly a person exists
that didn't come into being

because two other people
had sex.

As far as human behavior goes,

that puts it on a par
with breathing.

Your hang‐ups
are not my hang‐ups.

Got it, Stewart.

So, you'd be cool
if we brought everyone in

to watch you having sex.

Not sure the system's
powerful enough

to predict
that far back in time.

Turn it off.
Scratch some other geek itch.

Do the grassy knoll.

Been there, done that.

It was Oswald.


Find something else.

And don't break
the fucking rules.

"Don't break the rules"?

Coming from her...


Forest. Good to see you.

We've got an hour and a half.
I have a lunch back in town.

And how are tricks
in quantum computing?



My senate subcommittee
on tech oversight

has scheduled its hearing.

I'm going to call you in,


Your company didn't just
take the lead

in the quantum computer race.

You demolished your competitors.

They have nothing.

You have... everything.

And I have questions.

Is that your leverage?


You don't think that's leverage?

What are you working on
in the section of your company

known as Devs?

Devs means development.

Every tech company
has a development division.


But what specifically
are you developing?

Uh, we're exploring
the potential

of our quantum computer system.

That's a little vague.

Vague sounds like
you don't like attention.

Why is that?

It distracts us from our work.

The distractions are trivial
in comparison to your work.


Isn't that the perfect argument
as to why your company

needs government oversight?

But you don't want oversight,

You want control.

You want my systems for the NSA.

We want your systems

for America.

Unless you think
America's trivial too.

Do you see how this works?

Do you know how easily
I would crucify you

in a public hearing?

People have become scared
of the tech companies, Forest.

Really scared.

AI is gonna create
sixty percent unemployment.

Instagram makes people feel
like shit about their lives.

Twitter makes them feel reviled.

Facebook destroyed democracy.

They use you.

They need you.

But they don't like you anymore.

Now there are
other lines of questioning.

Your company is an American
success story,

showing again how we lead
the world in tech.

While we understand and respect
the competitive nature

of your industry,

and the requirement
for trade secrets,

could you shed a little light
on what you're working on

in Devs?

We're using our quantum system
to develop

a prediction algorithm.

Predict what?
Stock markets? Market trends?


The weather?

And that kind of thing.

So, you're working on
a prediction algorithm

for the weather.

There's no reason why
it should be hard for us

to work together.

So, is it going to
rain tomorrow?

Doesn't look like it.

you start with the question:

Is N the product of P times Q.

Then imagine two sine waves,

where one is length P,
and one Q.

Just figure out the phase
of each wave at any given point

on the number line.

So, if we look at point N,
the phase of P and Q

must be zero
if they're factors of N.

I get it.
Or else there would be...

- ‐a remainder...
- Uh, hang on, guys...

Hi, Lily.

Sorry I'm late.

None of us thought
you were coming.

Or we would have waited.

It's okay.

It's better for me to be here.
It's hard at home.


Of course.

We were
just going over Shor.


Circling back.
Um... Shor is testing

whether the phase of P
equals the phase of Q

equals zero,
and that's as far as we got.




Did you ask me something?

Guys, will you give us a minute?

- Sure.
- Thanks.


Hey. I'm sorry.

No, don't say that.

Come on. Talk to me, Lils.

I do really need
to talk to someone.

I'm right here.

Can I talk to you?

‐Of course.
‐I mean safely.


I can trust you?

Lily, will you please stop
doing that to your hands.

I can trust you.

Yes, you can.


Can we talk outside?


everyone believes Sergei
committed suicide,

but I think
it might not be true.

What do you mean?
What isn't true?

I saw the film of what happened.

But I think it was fake.
A cover story.

I'm sorry. I'm‐‐

I just need to understand
exactly what you mean.

Are you saying that Sergei
might still be alive?

I don't know. Maybe that.

Maybe something else.

‐But they found a body, Lils.
‐It was burned to shit.

Who knows if it was him?
Could be anyone.

Sorry to be graphic, okay?

But I think they can still
identify burned bodies.

DNA, dental, that kind of thing.

But who's doing
the identifying?

The CIA?

No, not the CIA.
The police.

The coroner.

And what if they're
a part of it?

Part of what?

I spoke to someone yesterday.

Whatever's going on, it...


Oh, hey, Jen.

What are you guys doing?

Lils and I were just talking.

‐You mind Jen joining us?

No. She's cool.

So, Lils was talking
about Sergei.

‐And she has some thoughts.
‐More than thoughts.

Right. That there might be
something weird

about what happened.

So, what were you going to say?
About who you spoke to.

I can't tell you too much.

But it's international, okay?

It involves
international forces.

It's fucked up.

Okay. I'm not making
any judgment

about anything you're saying.

I'm not saying
any of it is wrong.

It's not fucking wrong.


But even if everything
you're worried about is true,

you're still someone who has
suffered a terrible shock.

A terrible loss.

And I think you need to talk
to someone

who can help you with that.


I do.


I'll speak to Kenton.

The head of security?

I think that's a good idea,

This is the kind of thing
you should be telling Kenton.

It's above our pay‐grade, right?


He'll know what to do.

Jen, mind if I talk to you
a moment?

What the fuck are you doing?

Can't you see she's not well?

Of course I can see.

Then what are you doing
going along with this shit?

‐International forces?
‐Okay, look.

I didn't want to get into this.

But me and Lils go back.

This isn't the first time, okay?

She's had...


‐Stuff like this before.
‐Stuff like what?


Oh, shit.

If we make the wrong move now,
anything could happen.

She could flip. She could run.
She could vanish.

And then no one can help her.

So, what we do is get her
into the system

without her realizing.

We make it look like
we're doing what she wants.

Okay, I get it.
I'll make the call.

I get a good suit.

The pay is better
than I'm used to.

And I don't have to go
two weeks without a shower.

But the truth is...

all day, every day,

I am bored out
of my fucking mind.

What I wouldn't give
for some little jerk

to pull a gun or a knife,
and try and take her out.

But... never happens.


Don't you miss it?

The uniform?

The fucking adrenaline.

Honestly, can't say I do.

Excuse me.


Lily Chan?

I don't think
that's a good idea.

Her super?
What exactly did she say?

I'll be there in ten minutes.


Can you hold the fort?

Think I'll just about manage.

So, I got a message
from your supervisor

that you wanted
to talk to me personally.

Do you want to talk in private?

No. I want her to stay.



I'm here. Go ahead.

It's about Sergei.

There's... stuff.

Stuff about him you don't know.

Like what?

Like he wasn't what he said
he was.

He was working for someone.

And I met a man yesterday
who knew all about it.

Who was that?

A spy.

An operative.

‐An "operative".
‐Yes. Russian.

And I don't think
Sergei committed suicide.

I think he was murdered.

Murdered by who?

I think it was them.

‐The operatives. The Russians.

They were trying to trick me.

They were trying to recruit me,

But I saw through it.

Because I've been through all
this before.

In Brooklyn.

In‐‐ In Brooklyn?

A few years ago,
I was working with a start‐up.

I was on the encryption team,
and I started to see

a whole bunch of things
that made no sense.

Like, I'd look at strings
that should have been RNG's,

but they obviously
weren't RNG's.

There were Fibonacci
sequences everywhere,

I mean, fucking everywhere.

‐That's‐‐ What's a...
‐She was seeing a pattern

in what should have been
random numbers.

And you get the same pattern
in nature.

Like numbers of petals
on a flower.

Number of segments
in a shell.

And at that time,
I had a boyfriend

who had a dragon flower tattoo
over his arm and back.

And I counted the petals, okay?

And it was five and eight.

And the dragon
had twenty‐one scales.

And that's the same
fucking thing.

‐Same as what?
‐Same as Sergei.

I'm not following.

Are you telling me this
is all a coincidence?


Just answer the question.

Can this be a coincidence?

Jen, you remember
what happened in Brooklyn.

‐And now Sergei. Right?



I mean do not
fucking do this, Jen.

‐You were there, back then.
‐Lily, please. Yes, I was there.

Then don't look at me
like you think I'm crazy.

I'm telling you, I met
the fucking Russian operative

right by Golden Gate Bridge.

In‐‐ In broad daylight.

Jesus fucking Christ, Jen,

I swear to God, if you're not
going to believe me...

I didn't say
I didn't believe you...


I need air.

Nobody expects
technological progress

to be reversed.
It never is.

I think the equivalent
is the Industrial Revolution,

which makes my job
to stop the Luddites

from smashing the looms.

Good to know, Senator.

So, you'd continue
to protect my tech company

even if I stopped raising money
for your campaign?

‐Don't be cute.

My campus is not...

You're telling me she's actually
been hospitalized before.

For like a month.
Maybe more.

I don't know much,
her family took care of it.

‐Hold on.

‐Lily Chan is on the ledge

‐outside your office.

Get her
down safely. Right fucking now.


Okay, Lily.

Mind telling me
what we're doing out here?

Just needed fresh air.

Air's not fresh enough
on the ground?

Needed to get out.

Well, we're out.

I guess the air
is fresh up here. So...

let's not make
any sudden movements

in the ground direction.

Lily, I've got to tell you

Everything you told me about
the Russian operatives,

and Sergei,

you probably feel that people
won't believe you.

Maybe they'll think
you're crazy.

But actually, I do believe you.

I think it all may be true.

Man, it's a crazy world.

The shit that happens is weirder

than anyone ever expects,
ever imagines.

True, right?

Well, that's‐‐ that's what
people like you and me know.

That nothing is stranger
than reality.



In the meantime,
you see those people down there?

They're worried
you're gonna jump.

I'm not, because I think
we understand each other.

But they have their hearts
in their mouths.

They're frightened.

I think the right thing to do
is for us to

just walk back down this ledge.

Crawl back onto that walkway.

And you tell me whatever else
it is you need me to know.



Come on.

Quite the day.

‐I'll be in touch.

You lucky son of a bitch.

It's all go in tech.


That was very close, Kenton.
It nearly fucked the universe.

There's an upside, sir.

We have an ace‐card
with Lily Chan.

What ace card?

She's schizophrenic.

Or something.
According to her pal,

she's had at least two
previous episodes,

one of which required

‐And we didn't know?
‐Well, she hid it.

Undeclared on her medical forms,

in case she couldn't
get the job.

But it's cool.

We can play that card any time.

Anything she says about us
is dismissible.

Anything that happens to her
is explainable.

But nothing is going to happen
to her, Kenton.

I know.

So, where is she now?

Her buddy took her home.

Seems to know how to handle her.

And tomorrow, we set her up
with a shrink. One of ours.

That keeps her both
at arm's length,

and under observation.

It's all okay, sir.

We're still on your tram lines.

Holy mother‐fucking shit!

That was Oscar‐level, Lils.

Like, Jesus. The crying?

Fucking incredible.

I didn't have to reach far
to find that.

But still.

And that Fibonacci stuff.

The tattoo.

You told them
I had a psychiatric history?

Yep, and they bought it.
Hundred percent.

I mean, I fucking bought it.

Do you think they can check?

I think they can try,
but where do they look?

You could have been in Canada
or Mexico for all they know.


It's got exactly
what you wanted.

Thank you so much.


He was my friend too.

So, this is
your new thing, then?

Appearing outside windows.

It kind of is.


I do need your help again.


Sergei was missing
twenty‐four hours

after leaving Amaya.

In that time,
he didn't use his phone.

He didn't use a credit card.

The only information anyone has

is the film
of him walking back into Amaya,

and setting himself on fire.

I have all the security footage
from that night right here.

But I can't watch it alone.

You want us to watch the man
you left me for

burn himself to death...


That's transcendently weird,

I know.

Okay. Wi‐Fi's ultra‐dead.

We're unseeable.

Jesus Christ.

Are you sure about this?

I can watch it alone.
You don't have to see it again.

I'm okay, Jamie.

Just play it.



‐There's nothing there.
‐No. No. Wait a second.

‐I'm not sure. Just let me...


What is it?


right here,

right here.

The flames...

they're the same.

Every frame...

the same flame.

‐Do you see it?
‐I see it.

It's VFX.

One hundred percent,
they're not real.

You said there was a body,


But a physical body.
You actually saw it.

I saw it.

The police were there.


If you saw a physical body,

and it's a digital fire effect,

that allows for a possibility.

The body is real,

the suicide is fake.

They murdered him.