Devs (2020): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Lily enlists ex-boyfriend Jamie's help to investigate Sergei's disappearance. She begins to question what she really knew about Sergei.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

The congregation

Takes the other side...

The implication

Is its own device...

In the middle

Of a salient fight...



Can't be satisfied...

Can't be bothered

With the ways and whys...

Generations like

Their ways and times.

The moment my daughter

was taken from me...

It was as if
I was instantly placed

into two concurrent states.

In one,

I had a full understanding...

that Amaya was gone.

There was no doubt.

No... hope.

No holding onto anything.

N... No going back.

Just the certainty of her death.

In the other,

I had no comprehension
of her death.

It was an impossible thing.

An implausible thing.




It wasn't just that
they were contradictory states.

They were absolute states.

Each was complete in itself,
leaving no room for the other.


...I held them both.

And still do.

There was nothing
anyone could say to me.

There's nothing
I can say to you.

What I can offer
is my duty of care.

You can talk to me at any time.

You can call me at any time.

You have no professional
obligations that you need to fulfill.

Your job and your income
are secure,

and it'll stay that way
for as long as you need it to.

Thank you.

Can I go...

can I go home?

Yeah, of course.


I spoke to his mother.

I think they're gonna come out.

No, Mom. I...

I really don't want
to come to Hong Kong.

Yes, obviously.

It's awful.


Of course I have friends.

Mom, I haven't even spoken
to those guys

since high school.

Please don't start...

I have friends.

And they're taking care of me.

In fact,
I'm with them right now.

Staying with me.






I died.

What the fuck?

Let me in.

Now, Jamie.

You need to not talk for
a moment and just listen to me.

I'm sorry we broke up.

I'm sorry it hurt you.

It hurt me too.

And one day,
we can talk it through.

But right now... right now...

I need you to move past it.

Earlier today...

...I watched Sergei
burn himself to death.


He walks off the Amaya campus
two days ago...

and disappears.

Totally vanishes.

24 hours later,
he walks back on the campus,

covers himself in gasoline,

and sets himself on fire.

He killed himself.


And it makes no fucking sense.

On this phone
there is a sudoku game.

Except, I think
it's not a sudoku game.

And it's password protected.

It is the one thing I have
that might be able

to give me an explanation
about what happened.

And I have one try left
to break it...

...or it wipes.


Okay, you're right.

About what?

It's not a sudoku game.

It's a messaging app.

And it's Russian.

And it's state.

- In origin, anyway.
- How do you know?

Because it's talking to a server
in Kazakhstan

and I recognize
sections of the code.

There are a few different
versions out there,

but this one is...
is pretty old.

But old is good.

Shitload easier
for me to open up.

This is...

I don't know, three
or four years out of date.

Which is weird,

'cause Sergei
was a top-level coder,

but... well, I guess it's like

heart surgeons who smoke
or something.

I don't understand.

Uh... he didn't update.
Or his handlers didn't update.

And you've always got to update.

His handlers?

Lily, come on, if...

if this is Russian state,
your guy was, like...

Like what?

A spy... or something.

Industrial espionage.

Can you open it?

I think so.

But there is a risk.

If it's more modern
than I think,

there might be some
embedded security

that I can't see,

which I might trigger

and then lose everything.

Do it.

Are you sure?


Just do it.

Okay, it worked.
We're in.



I need to read it alone.

Yeah, I understand.

I reset the password so you can
get back in with this.

Thank you.

You can leave by the front door,
if you like.

Really ought to quit.

I wouldn't bother.

It'll make no difference.



coroner's report'll
take a while, but...

the police are convinced
that the kid was a suicide.

Uh, they've got a body,

they've got documentary evidence
of the act.

This is over.

Except for the girl.

It's not over for her.

Emotionally, you mean.



But that will pass.

It just takes time.

Hasn't for you.

Sir, you've got
more money than God.

You think I care about money?

Did, once.


But now I don't.

I was gonna say you got
more money than God

and you live in dust.


So I should buy a bigger house?

Well, I'm not saying that,

baby steps.

Do something.

Buy a new car.

That thing's a piece of shit.

Get an electric.

Think of the environment.

But I don't
think of the environment.

I understand
what you're saying, Kenton.

But I am not
holding on to the past.

I'm actually letting go of it.

Your tram lines.



Good night, sir.

Good night, Kenton.

Come on, baby.

Don't do that.

What'd he do?

Called it "baby".

Oh, well, he can't help it.

He's the era that doesn't know.

Say what?

You're the era
that doesn't know.

The one that says stupid shit
and gets stuff wrong.

You're the fucking era
that doesn't know.

Your era doesn't know shit.

All so fucking political.

All so woke.

But you don't know shit
about history,

you don't know shit about art,
you don't know shit about music.

So you don't know shit
about politics.

So you aren't woke.

You're comatose.

I don't know shit about music?


Listen to a lot of Bach,
a lot of Coltrane?

Then shut the fuck up.


Just don't call it baby.


It's happening.

Yeah, baby.

My name is Anton.

Sergei worked for you.

Since he was an undergraduate
in Moscow.

And you work
for Russian intelligence.


You are frightened and confused.

But, at least, where I am concerned,
you should fear nothing.

I have no interest
in hurting you.

In fact, my reason for meeting

is to protect you.

I don't believe you.

At all.

Even your name.

And his.

I understand.

You now doubt Sergei.
Everything about him.

But... he loved you.

And you loved him.
You knew him.

The point here
is that I didn't know him.

Don't be ridiculous.
Of course you knew him.

Maybe not every single thing,
every secret.

But you knew him.

I'm married.

I have a wife
and three children.

They know nothing about my work.

Does this mean
I love them any less?


I want you
to consider something.

I want you to consider

that Sergei had a good reason
for doing what he did.

It might be a good reason
for you too.

What does that mean?

Why are we standing here now?

Because you hacked
Sergei's phone

and contacted me.

Do you think anyone would do that?
I don't.

You're very resourceful.
Very brave.

I'm not gonna work for you.

I just want to understand
why Sergei killed himself.


Then understand this.

In my profession,

when a colleague
commits suicide,

the first thing I say to myself

is they did not commit suicide.

I saw CCTV footage.

He covered himself in fuel.

- Then lit it.
- That's what you saw.

But hold on to what you know.

Did Sergei feel as if
he was going to commit suicide?

Was your life together
happy or sad?

Hold on to the fact
that he loved you

and you loved him.

You're telling me
he was murdered.

I have no doubt.

The CCTV film...

Is fake.

You contacted me
because you wanted an answer.

Here is an answer.

Sergei's job
was to infiltrate Devs.

He did it.
Something happened.

He was killed.

If that answer is sufficient, walk away.
Continue with your life.

If that is not enough,

you're going
to have to work with me.

Sergei's phone is wiped.

If you want to contact me again,

put a sign
in your bedroom window.

The chair you have there.
Where you put clothes.

Don't feel invaded.
Nobody has a private life anymore.

If you move the chair
away from the window,

I will contact you.

You should.

That's just fucking great.

I don't fucking believe this.

Aren't we all missing the point?

The fact is that our variances
are now so small

that we can make a 2,000-year
backward projection.

No one's missing the point.

Yeah, Stewart is.

Jesus. Again: we made
a 2,000-year projection.

Where the happy smiles?
Where's the champagne?

We should be bathing in it.

It was a fuzzy projection.
It's unreliable.

Holy shit.
Listen to yourself.

It was a fucking miracle.

No, Stewart.

You want to talk about the point?
That's the point.

It's not a miracle.

And it needs to be.

We're not chasing
a Nobel Prize here.

The irony is that
despite our quantum computing,

our problem is binary.

It either succeeds totally
or it doesn't.

Anything outside total
is not total.

Well, then the problem
is not binary.

It's reality.

If... if you want
total accuracy...

zero variance...
then a heuristic approach

is never going to work.

You're literally gonna need a computer
the size of the universe.

One qubit per particle.

Good fucking luck with that.

That may actually be true.

No. It isn't true.


Because I know
we're going to do better.

Would that be "I know
we're gonna do better"

or "I know we're gonna do better"?

He's saying have a little faith,

In ourselves.

That's all.


Hey, can you guys
give me a moment?

You're right,
you did great work.

And yes, you earned a bath
in champagne, if that's what you want.

You tell accounting I okayed it.

But... yeah,
I need a moment alone.

Of course.

Let's go.

Hey, man.
You got a smoke?

Um, no.


You waiting for someone?


- Is it Lily?
- Jesus Christ.

Is it?


You're wasting your time, man.

She's already got a guy.


Yeah, thanks.

I-I don't blame you
for trying, though, man.

- She is cute.
- I'm not trying, man.



I guess I'm gonna stretch
my legs a little, you know?

- An evening constitutional.
- Sure.

You got to stay fit man,
you got to stay healthy.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Can we just talk?
For a couple of minutes?

You want to come in?

Place has changed a bit.


It's nice.

You want to sit?

I'm gonna get a drink.

- Can I get you anything?
- No, I'm good, thanks.

Was it that you wanted to know
what was on the messaging app?

Oh, no. I don't.

Really. That's something
between you and him.

Obviously, I hope it was
what you wanted to see.

It wasn't.


So what was it
you wanted to talk about?


I had this crazy thought.

And it got me worried.

And then I couldn't
stop thinking about it.

It's just...

I know you.

You do stuff.

The stuff other people
only think about,

you go right ahead and do it.

And I suddenly realized

Lily won't just
read the messages on the app.

She might actually use the app.

To contact
whoever's on the other end.

Like I said, I know you.

You know me.

So I wanted to talk you out of it.

I don't think
that would be a good idea.

I agree.

It wouldn't be a good idea.



So don't worry about it.


I mean, I knew
I was probably overthinking.

But that, uh...
that's good.

You okay, Lils?

Under the circumstances?


Under the circumstances.

All right.

Well, that was it, I guess.

Maybe I'll see you
in another couple years.

But, so it's said, uh,

if you need to...
if you want help of any sort...

you can contact me.

I'm not expecting
anything back. I just...

It's just an offer to help.

Thank you, Jamie.

Nah, it's cool.

No. Jamie, I mean it.

And I mean cool.

See you.


Aw, man.

You look glum, brother.

You struck out, huh?
Tried to warn you.

Okay, if I give you ten bucks,

will you never
speak to me again?


- I just have a 20. Here.
- Oh, man.

Thank you, brother.

This is like the best deal...


I already broke the terms
of our arrangement, man.

Exactly that kind
of unprofessionalism

led me to a life on the streets.

My lips are sealed, man.


Okay? Silencio.

Hey, Ivan.

- Anton.
- Ah. Okay.

I just wanted to have a...

no-bullshit conversation
with you, if that's okay.

Yes, that's okay.


So, I don't exactly know
who you are,

but I know what you are.

I know that you tried
to get your boy to pull off

some industrial espionage.

It was a long game,
but it didn't work.

I shut it down.

And now you're gonna try again.

On the short game,
with the girl.

But it's not gonna work
with her, either.

I'll shut her down, too.

You know I will.

And she's just a kid.
Just a bright kid.

Wrong place, wrong time,
wrong boyfriend.

An innocent.

You remember
what they are, right?

-I remember.

So, how about it?

I'm saying,
one professional to another...

...can you let this go?


This is a no-bullshit

Have I bullshitted up to now?

Yes, you have.

You said I should
back off my investigation

for the life
of an innocent girl.

-You don't care about the girl.

You're just using her
as leverage.

And then your strange
private tech company

can continue its strange
private project,

totally unobserved.

Standard American double-speak.

You people so love
to sound straightforward.


Because it gives you
the cover of virtue...

...while you lie.

How's that for no bullshit, Joe?


I know.


The congregation

Takes the other side...

An inquisition

Of familiar lies...

A grave distraction

From a quiet rite...


The congregation

Can't make up its mind...


Creeps up

From behind...

The implication

Is its own device...

In the middle

Of a salient fight...


The congregation

Can't be satisfied...

Can't be bothered

With the ways and whys...

Generations like

Their ways and times.