Common Law (2012): Season 1, Episode 9 - Odd Couples - full transcript

Wes and Travis stake out the apartment of a novelist suspected of helping in a prison break.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Ah, we're early.


Could've slept
an extra 20 minutes, man.

Well, now we have plenty of time
to eat our breakfast.

Huh? What do you want,

you want the onion or do you
want the everything?

I know what you want,
you want that everything.

There you go. Eat that up.


Uh, there's no cream cheese.

Well, they must have forgotten it.
And you forgot to check

because you were
in such a rush to get here

so we could be early, right?

Well, being early is not
going to kill you, Travis.

You know what I'm going to do?
Take a nap.

Wait for everyone else
to get here.

You know, being early
is better than being late.

I don't want to be late.
I want to be on time.

If you don't leave
yourself a cushion

and something goes wrong,
then you are late.

Wes, something going wrong

is a perfectly valid
excuse to be late.

Good morning!

I love it when my
clients are eager

to get started.
Ah, yes.

Well, as far as I'm concerned,

if you're not early,
you're late.

Uh, maybe two to
three times a week.

Per week?!

Oh, to be young.

Just tell us, have you two
had sex yet today?


I respect everyone here,
but this conversation

doesn't apply to us.

We don't live together.

We have romantic relationships
outside of this room.

- We're not a couple.
- All right.

Not in the traditional sense,
but you're a partnership.

And you're having
partnership issues,

which is why you're here.

Look, you can play whatever
word games you want here.

We're not a real couple.

I mean, we don't have...

No. Yeah.

♪ ♪

Listen to this:

"Cooper was unique in major bank
robbers in that he

successfully pulled off
his theft alone."

Well, the robbery
was successful.

The escape left something
to be desired.

Cooper here's a genuine star.

All the inmates loved him.

Sounds like you
want an autograph, Opie.

Your ass is still mine, convict.
Whatever you say, Red

You really think the money's
hidden all the way out here?

My bet is this is
all just an excuse

to get a little fresh air.

No money, no deal.

It's a lot of money.
People missed it.

What deal did you give him?

He'll be out in five
with good behavior.

Good behavior...

See, that's always been
a problem for me.

Up on the right, boys.

Is that it?

Hah! Just like I told you.

Come see for yourself.

Here we are, boys.

Hello, beautiful.

Let's see it.

You got it.

Everybody back up.

Weapons down--
on the ground.

I am not kidding.


Rest of you guys,
guns on the ground.

Do it!


♪Common Law 1x09 ♪
Odd Couples
Original Air Date on July 20, 2012

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

Ten years ago,
Cooper Williams took

five million dollars in cash
from a bank in Century City.

Now, we caught him
a half an hour later.

But we never found the money.


Probably heard that he
escaped this weekend,

and our friends at the FBI
have asked for our help.

I don't have any friends
in the FBI.

Yeah, just once, I want to
dump a case on them.


Cooper shot a cop while
he was escaping.

Last person to see him was
the DA, who he kidnapped

and then kicked out
of the car at Lancaster.

On the slight chance
that this money

might still be in Los Angeles,

they figure he'll
come back for it.

Now, Kate and Amy,

I want you to look up some of
Cooper's old associates.

There's also a book
written about him.

Travis, Wes,
go to see the author

and see if she can give us
some insight, huh?

Let me see the picture.


Well, I took two off because
it's probably airbrushed.

Stop talking.
You're a pig.

You know you can report him
for sexual harassment.

Oh, thanks for your support.

You're welcome.
Get out.

Yes sir.

I've written about
a lot of crimes.

But I've never been
in the middle

of an active investigation.

Have you heard from him?
Me? Oh, gosh, no.

I wish.

Well, I mean, that would be
good publicity for the book.

But, um, why would he
contact me?

He doesn't know
anybody on the outside.

And you spent all that time
interviewing him.

Why would he risk getting caught
by coming back to Los Angeles?

Yeah, I'm sure you're
right, but we have to do this.

So, do you have any idea where
he'd go if he did get out?

Look, I hate to say this,
but I think you guys

are wasting your time.

This guy is a genius.

My partner thinks
he's a genius.

Look, I've interviewed
hundreds of criminals,

And he is the
smartest one by far.

He his five million dollars
in half an hour

in one of the most
populated cities

- and no one's ever found it.
- Yeah...

Well, you may think it'd be a
great idea for your book

if he did contact you,
but remember,

this is a dangerous
armed felon.

If you hear from him,
you let us know, okay?

Promise. But I don't think
I'm going to hear from him.

A genius. Got it.

Something about this
writer that bothers me.

Just because a woman doesn't
respond to your advances,

doesn't mean there's
something wrong with her.

The way she talked
about him, it wasn't

author-subject, you know?
He's a genius, all that crap.

I think there's more.

back at the evidence...

I went full-out, Wes--
I gave her the smile,

the eye contact,
the empathetic nods...

Far be it for me to discredit
the forensic value

of the empathetic nod.

I'm telling you, if there
was anything in there,

they would have found
the cash 10 years ago.

Oh, yeah? So, you're saying
your not smarter

than any other cop
that's worked this case?

I'm smarter than at least one.

Okay, robber here, caught here.

Which means Cooper
couldn't have gone

outside this area
to hide his money.

You're already wrong.

The money had to be
at least 50 pounds. Thank you.

A man can't run much farther
than that with that much weight.

Five million dollars
weighs 110 pounds exactly.

Just... let me finish.
How do you...

So he couldn't have gone
any further that that.

But after he dumped it,
he still had to

make it to
where he was caught.

And that's a row
of office buildings.

What'd he do, hide it in
a plant for ten years?

Yeah, I don't know.
But I just

turned your big-ass circle
into one square block.

Here's the money.

Yeah, if it's anywhere.

That's a lot of office buildings.
Yeah, but what isn't there?

The Spencer building, that big
hideous glass building.

Oh, right, okay.

It says here, construction
started in November of '01.

Okay, that's three months
before the robbery.


So if Cooper's back in town,
that's where he's going.

Glad I solved it.
No wait-wait-wait-wait-wait...

You gave up like
three minutes ago.

And then I solved it. Yeah.

I'm a wizard.

I am videotaping
our next conversation.

Keep it out front.
We're LAPD.

You just going to go
knocking on walls?

Well, we'll take
a look downstairs,

find out if anyone's
seen him.

Yeah, it's a long shot.

No, it's the only
shot we got.

How you doing today?

I'd rather be outside.

But other than that,
I'm all right.

Mm! I hear that.

Oh, the empathetic
head nod.

Good God.

We're detectives
with the LAPD

and we'd like
to see your basement.

Yeah, knock yourself out.

The other detective,
he's already down there.

I can't believe
I was right.

Say it again,
I'm going to shoot you.

If I were dead, you'd finally
be a better cop than me.

You all right?!


Go! Go!

- Fire alarm...
- LAPD! Move! Move!


Where is it?!
Where is it?!

Nice work, gentlemen.

Did they valet your car?

Please tell me they
valeted your car.

Okay, a little respect here.

We solved a 10-year-old
case in five minutes.

"From the moment
Cooper strode into the room,

"you could tell
he was different.

"He had the breezy insouciance

of a movie star who
just won his third Oscar."

Wow, that is bad writing.

W-W-Wait, this is why I got
nothing from her, man.

She's in love with him.

A woman turning you down
isn't evidence of anything.

But taste.

A guy's in prison for years,

this ten walks in and fawns all over...
Thought she was a seven.

It's a prison ten.

It makes sense.

She's his only connection
on the outside.

And she's clearly crazy for him.
Says you.

Hey, Captain, we, uh, wanted to...

On your case...

I found the car.

It was dumped
by a Metro station

about two miles from
where you lost them.

- No sign of Cooper.
- We were close.

Almost good work, boys.

Thanks, Cap.
Amazing you got what you did.

We were...
Almost caught him, I know.

Any ideas how we can
catch him for reals?


solid... no.

Except for the author--
Lisa Clark.

We, uh, we think there's
a relationship there.

We think he may try to make
contact; try to use her.

It's possible.
Thanks for the support.

I said it's possible.

No, no, no,
I'm not appreciated.

- Give me a break. It's your support.
- Thank you, so supportive.

- Nah, well, I try...
- You were right once.

All right, so you got it.

We'll set up surveillance
and split the shifts

with Kate and Amy.

Captain, we feel good about
this, don't we, partner?

All right, fellas, look,

this is a textbook example

of a challenging task.

What do you say?

We close our eyes,
and we visualize

a positive outcome together.

Come on.

Hey, sweetheart.

How's your day going?

Good, good.

Hey, listen,
I been thinking, uh,

after I was meditating,
and I had an epiphany.

How about you and I
have a date night?

It's our best executive unit.

Everything is top of the line.

Oh, there is one thing:

The sauna's being retiled.


- So?
- It's just, um...

Male tenants living together
tend to enjoy the sauna.



We're not...
Sauna people, no.

Girl, he gets a heat rash, oh.

Don't you?

My little sensitive man.

I'll let you boys settle in.

Why are you pretending
we're gay? Will you stop it?

It's our cover.

Now, no one knows we're cops.


All right, the home phone
and the cell phone

are already tapped.

Our tech overheard
her saying she's got

a doctor's appointment

this afternoon, so we can
get on in there

and plant a bug then.

Yes, I did get a warrant.

Even though, no, you don't care.

All right.

So, I've got our friend
at her computer.

And, uh...

Ooh, it's yoga time!

While she's writing?

No, it's her neighbor.

Travis, now what
you're doing is illegal.

Ooh, Ooh...

This should be illegal
what she is doing to me-- uh!

Man, if I bent like that,
I'd snap in half.

Bird of Paradise pose.

She needs to drop her hip
and point her toes.

You can take the joy
out of anything.

Thank you.

Man, you cook this well and
still can't get a woman?

You know how to
bury a compliment.

And I've cooked for you before.
With Alex, but...

I always thought
she did the cooking

and you took all the credit.

Lisa's on the move.

Carter, this is Mitchell.

Target is leaving her apartment.

We'll pick her up when she
clears the building.

All right, copy that.

All right, that should
buy us at least a half an hour.

She's leaving early.
I knew I didn't like her.

Okay, now listen to me.
You listening?


This is not a toy;
this is a delicate tool.

Do not scrunch, twist,
crinkle, bend...

I've planted a bug before.

Can you at least
wash your hands first?

Yeah, all right.
That's delicate.

Yeah... all right.

I'll be back.

Just, uh...

Just leave
that anywhere, Travis.

No, I'll get it later.

Okay... now we're going
to plant this bug,

and we're going to
get out of there...

Right, Travis?


Travis, can you hear me?


Put in your earpiece!

Okay, can you hear me?

Yeah, I can hear you.

Please don't say testing, one, two...
One, two, three...

Where you going?

Why are you going
into the kitchen?

See if she's got
some of these cookies.

Travis, you can't go in for
cookies right now.

We're on a stakeout.
You're planting a bug.

We're on a schedule.
You got to do this thing.


When you're finished
with your cookies,

remember to put this thing
someplace high up.

Preferably not near
a wire in the wall.


Letters from Cooper.

All right.
Anything interesting?

Well, they were all
read by the prison,

so there wouldn't be.

But the fact that she kept them
proves my point.

Mitchell. Mitchell.
You there?

Target just turned
around and is heading home.

All right, copy that.

Hey, Travis, you got to
get out of there.

She's on her way back
to the apartment.

You got to hurry hurry, okay?

Come on, get it,
get it, get it going.

You got it up there?


Travis, I'm not getting anything
out of your microphone.

You want to check your mic?

Check your mic!
I don't know what you're saying!

Tra... something's wrong
with your microphone.

Check your mic.

What is in that?!

Why are you holding that?!

Put it down!
Get out of the apartment.

I don't know why you're
shaking the box around.

What does that mean? I can't...

I heard that. Are you...?

Are you moving
your lips right now?

You're not saying anything?

Good work, Detective.
Good work.

Okay, all right,
where's the remote?

You know, this thing
goes in a cradle.

Can I just tell you,
you've outdone yourself.

I mean, you should have
your own show,

The Anal Chef.

Don't miss.

Are you expecting anyone?

Kate and Amy aren't supposed
to be here till 10:00.

Mr. T!

Let's get this party started.


Hey, Wes, my man.

Ah, you guys ate already.

Eh, that's all right.

I bet I can finish this
chicken all on my own.

Is there really a winner
in a bet like that, Cap?

Any progress?

Not really, no.

Uh, kind of a dead end.

Drink up, me hearties.

Probably shouldn't on duty.

Near beer.

Come on, what kind of
a captain do you think I am?

Everything okay at home, sir?

You kiddin' me?
Couldn't be better.

This therapy saved our lives.

I don't have to tell
you guys that.

No, no, you don't, uh,
'cause you forced us to go.

- "Forced" is a strong word.
- It is a strong word.

It is.
It's what happened, though.

When is he going to leave?
I don't think he ever is.

If you're wrong
about this and Cooper

never tries to contact Lisa,

we're stuck
with him, forever.

No, no, no, don't even say that.
Don't even put

that thought out there
in the universe.

Hey, boys, we're going
to need some more beer.

I'll go!
No, I'll go get that for ya.

Don't you dare
go get that....

What, the hell you will,
shoot for it.


Wes, my man.

Park it.

So, you were telling me
about your parents.

Was I?

Kind of doubt it.

Probably wouldn't surprise
you to find out

that my old man was
a heavy drinker, huh?

I mean, I told him
I loved him once.

I actually said the words,

"I love you," to which he
responded, "I love food, too."

He never let me in.

Never once.

- Hey, Cap, was that a call?
- Pizza's on his way up, ma'am.

Nah, it's just the doorman
letting the pizza guy up.

Did she call for a pizza?

Travis, you better get in there.

Guy just delivered pizza.

It could be Cooper.


Don't move. Don't move.

I've got like
three bucks.

Take it.

All right, just relax.

I'm a cop.

Yeah, 'cause police
never shoot anyone.


Who put the note
in the box?

Some guy was waiting for me
outside the shop.

He gave me 100 bucks
to put it in here.


You told me you only had
three dollars, you little liar.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. Now, here's
what you're going to do.

You're going to take this box,
you're going to

deliver it
to the person who ordered it,

and you're not going to tell her
anything about us.

You understand?

Put the microphone pen
on him so he doesn't talk.

Microphone pen?

We only have
one microphone pen.

You sure you want to waste it?
They're expensive.

Put it on him. He's a liar.
Hey, all right. Relax.


We're listening.

Cooper sent a note.

What'd it say?

It said, "Meet me
in MacArthur Park

at 6:00 p.m.


Travis, you were right--
she's in on it.

Was I?

I guess I was.

Listen, I'm not going to gloat
about it, guys, all right?

Thank you.

So I'll just simply
say, uh, you know...


Are you done?


I'm done now.

Uh, before we get started,

I did want to check in
on a couple of things.

Clyde, how is our new
strategy going?

It's not bad.

Uh, every time I get a,
uh, frustrated thought,

I count to ten
before I say it.

Oh, no, no, no, we're still
having the same fights.

They're just lasting longer now.

Clyde, would you say
that was fair?

Oh. He's counting.

Still a little work to do.

I, uh...
I've got something.

Wes and I
have moved in together.

Hey! Congrats.

Well, we're working on
a stakeout together.

Not really
living together.

Either way,

I see it as an opportunity
to work

on some of the roadblocks
the two of you have.

- How is it going?
- It's been...

it's been great.
It's been great.

Let's... you know what,
let's start with his cooking.

Ladies, don't let Wes
cook for your husbands,

or you'll lose them.

And, I mean, I'm...
I'm that guy

who's always lived alone,

but there's something great
about being able

to flip on the game
and having someone there

to argue about it with.

You done?

I don't want,
uh, anyone in the room

to think I'm
exaggerating here

when I say that Travis...

Travis here is, uh,
the worst roommate

anyone has ever had.

He never
offered to help

with the cooking
or the shopping.

I guess he figures there's
some magical kitchen elf

that just makes food appear.

That's not...

When the meal is done,

he just, uh, drops the plate
wherever he's standing.

I guess he wants me
to clean that up.

The only time he's seen
the inside of the kitchen

is, uh, when he hid in
there when we had a guest.

Okay, you hid
in there, too, man.

I practically live in there!

Glasses sweating

all over every tabletop.

Used tissues
littering the room.

He is like
this selfish,

destructive... monster

just leaving a trail
of carnage in his wake.

And the worst
part about it is,

I've seen his apartment,
and it's spotless.

He knows how to clean--
or maybe he makes

the parade of women he has
over there clean up for him.


Well, I think it's fair to say

that you both
had different experiences.

And you've been
silently harboring all of this,

just waiting

to vomit it all
out in therapy.

No wonder you and Alex
didn't work out.

Nobody has any idea
what you're thinking!

Should I start talking
about how it went

putting on my listening
ears this week?

Hey, guys.

Totally quiet.

We'll set up

in the park about 5:30.

FBI is set up in the hotel
across the street.

They've got agents
as homeless guys.

Whole nine yards.


Everything all right
with you two?



Have fun locked up
here together all day.

I'll be in the kitchen.

Let me know if you need
any help finding it.

With the Marcelini team

taking a nice lead as a group,

two-three coming off
a downward trend there.

They had a great
climbing day yesterday.

Really worked as a team
really well

and got Marcelini
right in front.

If you're waiting
for me to clean up,

you can keep waiting.

That's great.

I love it like this.

...that long, uphill stretch.

What'd you do to the TV?

Did you do something
to the remote?


Oh, you took
the batteries out.


That's fine.

Um, I like bike...

the Tour de Whatever.

You hate it.

Which makes me love it more.

Don't you touch it.

Hey, Ice King, not everybody

wants to see their breath

It's a perfect 72 degrees
in here right now.

Not anymore.

Travis, if you're cold,

you can put
another layer on.

If I'm hot,
I got to suffer.

You what?

I suffer.

We can do it all day.

I'll do it
all day, man.


What is that?

Chicken parm.

Isn't that, uh...
isn't that your favorite?

I suppose you
didn't make me any.

Good work, Detective.

She's going.

Early again.

You must love her.

Good God.

Needs salt.

FBI in position.

LAPD in position.

Amy, you got eyes on her?

We got her.


So, she was a little squirrelly
on the ride over here.

Something might be off.

We definitely
shouldn't move in

till we know it's, uh,
Cooper, all right?


Good talk.

You both really
blend in here nicely.

Hey, I got a jogger.

All agents, this is Valtini.

Get ready
to move in on my...

Can we just make sure?

Is it him? Is it Cooper?

I can't get a clear view.

I see him.

It's not him.
Repeat, not Cooper.

Pick him up.
Make sure.

She's heading back to her car.

We'll stay with her.

Thanks for wasting
our time.

You see what's
going on here?

She's playing us, man.

She's testing to see if
she's being followed.

What happened in here?

Do you slobs expect us
to clean up after you?

I'm teaching Travis a lesson.

I'm driving Wes crazy

while he's trying
to teach Travis a lesson.

It's like a million degrees
in here.


Hey. You weren't here.

You don't know what he's like.

So, what was all that
in the park?

I think it was a test.

We know this
Cooper's careful.

He wanted to make sure
Lisa wasn't being followed,

so he set this whole thing up.

- Did someone buzz up?
- No, no calls.

It's him.
Cooper's in the apartment.

What just happened?

She shot him.


You murdered him
in cold blood.

I was watching.

You two warned me.

This was a dangerous felon.

Now, I keep a registered gun,

and when he showed up

and lunged at me,
I defended myself.

He opened his
arms to hug you.

And he looked

and you shot him.

Maybe that's
what it looked like,

but it's not what happened.

What about the
note in the pizza

and the meet in the park?

I'm a crime writer.

You wouldn't believe
the kooky ways

people try to get
in contact with me.

You saved the note.

Well, I save
all the letters I get.

You never know
what will come in handy.

Here's what I think.

I think you two fell in love.

He breaks out-- hell, maybe
you help him break out.

Maybe you planted
that gun.

And when he busts out and gets
the money and he comes to you

and says "Let's run away
together," you think,

"What kind of life
is living on the run?

If I shoot him,
I get all the money."

I know how this all must look,

but I'm as surprised as you are
that he showed up.


You have any
questions, partner?

No, I'm good.

Hey, I saw her murder him.

If I tried
to indict her,

I'd get laughed out
of the grand jury.

You have a cop
as an eyewitness!

I've got an escaped
con carrying a gun

breaking into
her apartment.

Okay, what about the money?

That's the FBI's problem.

Missing money's
still missing money.

Captain, I'm telling you,
there is more to this

You got to believe me.

I'm sorry, guys.

You got Cooper.

And your instincts
were right.



What are we gonna do?

You could try having my back.

I just witnessed a murder.

You're not gonna get
a conviction,

and the DA just said
he doesn't care.

You know what, man?

You haven't had
my back this entire case.

If you have a theory,

I'd run it into the ground
with you.

I might argue with you,
yeah, but I'd have your back.

As a your partner,
you gotta let this thing go.

All we have to do is stay on her

and see if she's goes
for the cash.

You better hurry,
because she just left.

Where you going?

To stake out the pizza place.

I don't care what she says,
Wes, all right?

I know Cooper sent that note.
And if I were him,

and I wanted to hide a message
in a pizza box, I would order it

from the nearest place
to where I'm hiding.

I'm betting anything the money
is still around there somewhere.

It's just a "feeling," but I'm
pretty sure I'm right about it.

All right, let's go.
No, no.

Do not do me
any favors.

How we doing
over here, Mike?

Any word
from your wife yet?

She'll be here. Traffic.
A few minutes, huh?

It's been over an hour,

and we're getting
pretty backed up.

Is there any chance I can
get you to wait at the bar?

I'll get you another order
of gnocchi on the house.

Look, just give her
a few more minutes, huh?

Just, just hold on. Oop!

Ah, here she is. Hey!

Yeah, I figured
traffic. What?


Hey, look, I got a bottle
of wine chilling here.


I'll see you
when you get home.

She, uh...

Caught in traffic.


Look, I'll take that
gnocchi to go, huh?

Of course.

Is this a bad time?

That, that's not gonna end well.

Hands up.

You know the drill.

Hands up. You know the drill.

One-hand cuffing, huh?
You police?

Prison guard.

I see.

Oh, I see, okay.

The author comes to prison

to interview the inmate
for her new book.

You get to know
the prison guard

who's there for all
the interviews.

The prisoner has a bunch of
money hidden somewhere,

and you two get to thinking,

"Hmm, maybe we could get
our hands on it."

You almost solved the crime.

I've been getting a lot
of that lately.

Dude, she used you
to help Cooper escape.

She didn't use me.
It was my idea.

Oh, she let you think that,
too, huh?

Put him in the car.
We can't shoot him here.

Let's go.

All right, let me see
those hands.

Get 'em up!

Get her! Get her!

Hey, guys, we found your money.
It's right here.

Yeah, no need
to thank us.

We're happy
to help out.

I hate the FBI.

Look, uh,
you were right.

You would have had
my back.

I'm just happy
that I was right.

About everything.

Well, let's not forget
about who got the money,

who saved your ass.
Yeah, you cut it

a little close though, didn't ya?
Well, I saw her

pull that gun on you,
I figured I'd give you

a little distraction.
Worked out nicely.

Yeah, but if you'd been
there a few minutes earlier,

I might not have had
a gun on me at all.

Well, my partner taught me that
being late's as good as being early.

Oh, that is absolutely not
what I said.

That's not what you said?
That's not what I said.

I thought... What did you say?
No, what I said was that...

See? You don't even know
what you said.

Hey, I have something
to say to you.


You are a horrible

and a terrible cook, but

you really pushed
this case along

and you got
good instincts.

I'm gonna do what I can to
support that in the future.

No, you're not.


you know how you said

that my place is spotless
in therapy?

Yeah. Look, I'm sorry
about that. I was...


my home is permanent.

It's mine, man.

I know it can never
be taken away from me,

so I take care of it.

Growing up in foster homes...

I always knew it was
just a temporary stop

on my way to the next one.

And I guess I figured
that if I cared about it...

I'd get real messed up
when I had to leave.

Yeah, I get that.

All right.

Crap, you know what?
I forgot my keys.

I'll see you
down there, okay?

All right, cool.

== sync, corrected by elderman ==