Chicago P.D. (2014–…): Season 7, Episode 9 - Absolution - full transcript

Halstead's secret ongoing relationship with a woman connected to another case puts him in jeopardy. Fall Finale.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Here we go.
Nice easy swing, okay?

Keep your eye on it
the whole time.

- Yeah.

- It's okay.
Don't get down on yourself.

All right, you just got
to be patient, okay?

Be patient.

Oh, so close, dude.

It's okay.
You just swing a little hard.

You ready?

There you go!

- Yeah.
- Great grip.

- Score!
- Yeah, come on!

There you go.

You killed it today, dude.
- Thanks.

- Yeah, man.
How are things at home?

- They're okay.
- All right, good.

- Hi, Mom.
- Hey, Angela.

- Hi!

- You know, you got yourself
a big leaguer here.

- Just like I told you, Jim.
- Yeah.

- You had fun?
- Yeah, I did.

- Yeah, he was
crushing it today.

- Why don't you go put
your things in the car?

- Okay.

- Thanks.
- Yeah, any time.

Hey, listen, uh,
for groceries, okay?

- Oh, no.
Put that away.

- What?
- I got it.

- That job come through?

- Something like that.

- All right, good.

All right,
see you tomorrow, buddy.

- Bobby's spending the week
in Detroit with his cousins.

- Oh, no.

Don't let them turn you
into a Tigers fan.

- I won't.
- All right, good.

All right,
I'll see you soon.

Be good, okay?
- Bye.

- See you guys.
- Bye.

- You following me?

- Well, that's what happens

when you keep lying
to your partner.

- I lied to you?
- Mm-hmm.

Last week, you said
she was an unwitting.

So I did my due diligence.

- Oh, you did.
- Mm-hmm.

I know who she is.

The question is,
does she know who you are?

- No, she doesn't,
but it's okay.

I know what I'm doing.
- Jay...

- Hailey, I really don't think
it's that big of a deal.

I'm just helping out
a family that got screwed.

- If she finds out who you are,
we're all screwed.

You've got to walk away
from this one.

- Okay.

- Hang on.


There's a body in Englewood.
He wants us on scene.

- All right.

- Hey.
- So the fun started in here?

- Yeah.
- Where's the DOA?

- In the back.

- Make an ID?
- Jose Santiago, corner boy.

- Why did we get invited
to the party?

- Oh, you'll see.

- Whoa.

- All right, Crawford wants
all hands on deck.

Obviously, whoever did this
was looking for answers.

Jay, help Kevin and Rojas
work the block.

You and Hailey hit the streets,
find security video.

Adam, find out
who this Jose is.

All right,
let's try and figure out

why someone would do this
to a kid like that.

All right, it's all yours.

- Hailey...

I've got to take off
for a few minutes.

- What do you mean?
We've got work to do.

- Yeah, it won't take long.
Let's not talk about it here.

- Okay, do what you got to do.

- Okay.

- Hey, Sarge,
no luck on the videos.

- Huh.
Where's Halstead going?

- Uh, he's just
got to take care

of something
that's personal.

- Something you wanna tell me?

- Jay's going through
a few things.

Um, he's working it out.

- Something you don't
wanna tell me?

- Yeah, but it's
not my place, so...

- Hailey, I respect what
you're trying to do here,

but if there's something
I need to know...

- There isn't.

Not yet anyway.

- Okay, I take you
at your word.

- Hello?

You here?

You okay?

- Oh, man,
I'm not communicating well.

I justI want you to know that

I know that you're working
through a lot,

and I want you to know that,
you know,

whatever you decide,
I'm okay with.

If you wanna talk about it,

if you don't wanna
talk about it.

Hey, just

I'm here for you.


Thank you, I do appreciate it.

It's justyou know.

- Yeah.
Sorry, I was...

- No, it's good.


- Yeah.

- Jay, third message.

I was annoyed
after the first two.

Now I'm getting worried.
Call me as soon as you can.

Hey, have you guys
heard from Jay?

- No.

- We were supposed
to get beers last night,

but he never texted me back.

- Hey, is Halstead
on a UC run?

- Not that I know about.

- State's Attorney
is all over me.

He's supposed to be
in court right now.

- Hailey, you know anything?

- No, I called him
a few times, but

- I did too.
No answer.

So I ran the GPS on his truck.

It's parked on a street
in Englewood.

- How long has it been there?
- All night.

I ran the in-service calls
to that block.

There were two calls
of suspicious persons

at a house on that street.

- Thanks, Trudy.
- Yeah.

- Check it out.

- Looks clear.
- Check the glove box.

- He left his badge and gun.

- So he went undercover.

- Adam.


Chicago PD!

Anyone inside?

- Jay, call out!

- Hold.


- Living room clear.

- Got blood!

- Stairs.

Cover me.


- Adam, opening up.
- Copy that.

- More blood.

- Jesus.


You recognize them?

- There's a shell casing.

- The whole house
is torn apart.

- They came here looking
for something or someone.

Jay must've got caught
in the middle of it.

- Found a .38 shell casing
on the kitchen floor.

- Do we have a name?

- Angela Nelson.
She lives here with her son.

She's got one prior
for possession.

- She on Jay's books as a CI?

- No.
- Hey.

A neighbor over there
saw two Latino men

casing the house last night.

Later on, he thought he heard
gunshots, but wasn't sure.

- All right, Jay is missing.

I want every agency on alert.
- Sarge, we can't do that.

- What the hell
are you talking about?

- The woman who lives
in that house, Angela Nelson,

she was married to Marcus West.

- Marcus West, the addict
who got killed at County?

- Yeah.

I think Jay still blames
himself for that.

He's been seeing her.
Not romantically.

He's been spending time
with her and her son Bobby

trying to help them out.

- So Jay went to see
Angela yesterday.

You know why he came here?
- No.

He's been playing everything
real close to the vest,

hasn't said a word.

But she did send him
a text message yesterday

before he took off saying,
"Jim, I need your help.

Please come over."

- All right,
I'll talk to the others.

Let 'em know what's going on.
I mean, you're right.

We've got to keep
this in-house, off book.

This whole thing kicked off

with the murder of those
two boys a few months back.

Jay liked Marcus West
for the crimes.

So he got a little aggressive,
booked him into County.

You know, make him nervous,
leverage a confession.

- It's not Jay's fault that
the facial rec was inaccurate.

I mean, the evidence pointed to
Marcus killing those two kids.

- Yeah, well, except he didn't,

and Marcus wound up dead.

Jay had a hard time
swallowing it, so...

you know,
he tried to make it right,

help out the family.

But this isn't about that

or about what happened
to Marcus in County.

It's about finding Jay.

For now, this stays in-house,
off book.

But I wanna know everything
there is to know

about Angela Nelson.

We find her, we find Jay.

- I'm gonna ask you again.

Where's the heroin you and
your girl stole from me, Jim?

- I told you, man.
I got no idea.

I got no idea.

- If I were you,
I'd come up with it.

- Stop it!

- Maybe she's right, man.

- Shut up!


Do you wanna die down here?
- No.

- Then tell me where
you got our stuff, huh?

Carlos has it, right?
Where is he hiding it?

- Please!
I swear!

- You're not gonna tell me
where he's hiding?

- I don't know.
I don't know where it is.

We didn't steal nothing.

- Stop, man.
She doesn't know!

She doesn't know!

- I swear, I'm gonna kick your
ass when I get out of here.

- Tough girl?

I like that.

Tougher the better.

- Ven conmigo.

- Angela...

I need to know what the hell
is going on.

Did you steal their drugs?

Did you steal
their drugs?

- Yeah...

- My friend Carlos told me

he'd give me ten grand
to drive.

So I did it.

Drove him to that house
over on Sutton,

but he never showed up
to pay me.

I tried calling him,
but he wasn't picking up.

So I didn't know if he
was ripping me off

or something happened to him.

- So you texted me.

- Yeah.

I was getting nervous.

- Whose drugs did you steal?

- I don't know.
I just drove.

I needed the money.

Since Marcus passed,
things have gotten bad.

I'm late on the rent.

Bobby's sickle-cell
is getting worse.

So I just agreed
I'd help Carlos.

He said it would be the easiest
ten grand I ever saw.

I'm sorry, Jim.

I didn't mean to drag you
into all of this.

- It's okay.
It's gonna be fine.

I'm gonna get us out of here.


- So we got details back
on Angela's movements

two days ago.

Pings on her phone put her
at Sutton Street and 150th

at 6:00 p.m.

- Which is the same time that
we got a shots fired call

over the 8th District zone.

So I went down there,
found a doorbell cam

that's across the street
from a stash house.

That's Angela's car, and that's
her behind the wheel.

And that guy looks like he's
carrying a bag full of bricks.

- Patrol found a dead John Doe

and an empty drug trap
on the floor.

The John Doe is a Latino
in his '20s,

GSW to the head.
No ID found on him.

Area South is doing the case.

- Which means they may know
what we know

and are already out
in front of this.

- Which is obviously not good.

- We got anything
on the stick-up man?

- Yeah,
facial rec picked him up.

His name is Carlos Diaz.

He's got three priors
for possession

and an armed robbery kicker.

And get this,
his last known is the apartment

where Jose Santiago
was tortured.

- He and Carlos
are roommates.

- So...

Whoever's drugs got ripped
went looking for Carlos,

found Jose instead.

All right, what else do
we know about this Carlos?

- Well, we know
he can't be too smart.

I've been pinging his phone
all day.

Dummy never shut it off.

Right now, he's hiding out
in a flophouse in Gage Park.

- All right,
let's scoop him up.

Nice and quiet.
You two.

- Ready?
- Yep.

- Carlos Diaz,
Chicago PD!

Put your hands
where we can see them!

He's cold.

Been here for a while.

Let's call it in.

- All right,
tell me what happened.

- Carlos Diaz, overdose.

M.E. says he's been dead
for at least half a day.

- Ah, bingo.
Got it.

- That's the bag we saw get
tossed into Angela's car.

- All right,
so Carlos stole the drugs,

started using,
wound up dead?

- Probably not used
to this good of quality.

- All right, run those bricks
for latent prints

and test that gun.

See if the markings
match the bullets

that popped our John Doe
at the stash house.

Listen, we keep digging
into Carlos.

The fact he's dead
changes nothing.

'Cause whoever Carlos
and Angela ripped off,

that's who has Jay.

- It ain't working.

How you doing?
How bad is it?

- I can handle it.

Maybe I should tell them
the truth.

About what we did,
about Carlos.

- No.

The only reason
we're still alive

is because they think
we know where the drugs are.


Stick to the story,
stay strong.

- That's what Marcus
used to say.

He gets laid off,
stay strong.

When we ain't got no money
for groceries,

stay strong.

Joke is...

Marcus was the one
who was weak.

Couldn't stay off those drugs.

Maybe if I was stronger,

we could've gotten
him straight.

Then none of this
would've happened.

- No, don't do that.

Marcus dying is not on you.
You didn't kill him.

We can't think about Marcus
or the past right now.

You've gottayou've gotta
just stay focused.


Not if we want to survive.

- Okay.

- Techs just found
a second set of prints

on the bricks of heroin.

Pedro Silva.

Been popped
three times for distro

along with
a couple weapon charges.

- All right,
what flag does he fly?

- He's more of a lone wolf,
works with family.

His wife was killed
five years ago in a drive-by,

left Silva raising
his three sons on his own.

Two of them work
for the old man.

- This is Hector Silva.

Did four years in Stateville,
drug distribution.

He spent most of his time in
the hole.

Got in a few jams.

I mean, he almost beat a guy
to death with a barbell.

- This is the middle brother,

Pinched twice for possession,
no history of violence.

- And the other one?
- That's Emilio.

Still in high school,
honor student, no priors.

- The two older brothers match
the eyewitness description

that the neighbor gave us.

- All right, we got
an address on Pedro Silva?

- Uh, yeah.

Uh, LKA is a house
on Hegewisch.

- All right, Kev,
you and Rojas,

get a bead on those
two brothers.

The rest of you,
with me.

- Mm-hmm.
Good to go.

- Yeah.

- All right, let me know
when you're in position.

- Copy.

- Chicago PD,
get your hands up!

- You Emilio?

- Yes, ma'am.
What's going on?

- Emilio, anybody inside?

- No.
- You sure?

- I swear.
- Come downstairs.

Keep your hands up.

- Where's your dad, Emilio?
We're looking for him.

- I don't know.
I just got home from school.

- What about your brothers?
Where are they?

- Working, I guess.
I don't see them much.

- Okay, take a deep breath.
It's okay.

- I don't think he's involved.
- Yeah, well, let's find out.

You two go inside with him,
clear the house,

then bring him in.

We'll dump his phone,

see if he's been in contact
with the old man.

Get up.
Come on.

- It's okay.

- Listen, I talked to Kev.

- Anything on the two
older brothers?

- Yeah, they're in the wind.

I checked their place
in Little Village,

a girlfriend's place
in Pilsen.

Looks like they went dark

as soon as those drugs
went missing.

- That means they're involved.

Tell them to keep looking.

- Well, it might be easier
to talk to Darius Walker.

Turns out the old man,
Pedro, he got popped

for a weapons charge
a year ago.

Darius was the one
who bailed him out.

- I'll meet you back
at the District.

- Copy that, Boss.


- Why are you interested
in Pedro Silva?

- You know where to find him?

- I got his number.
- You in business with him?

- Not the type you think.

Uh, Pedro's got his hooks

into some property I'm after
in Little Village.

- Look, all I need is an intro.
That's it.

- He keeps a low profile.

- You tell him he better raise
his profile

if he wants to get
his drugs back.

- Look, I got long-term plans
with this man.

It took time to build
something real.

I can't risk that.
- Darius...

I need this now.

Call him.

- Why do I get the feeling

that you're not telling me
everything about this?

- Because I'm not.

- I figured.

So where were you locked up?

- You don't got
to test me, bro,

I'm obviously good at this.

- Pedro's solid, so...

- Let's not talk about
how solid he is.

He got one of mine.

- I should've said something

the second I knew Jay was
hanging out with Angela.

- He was trying to help
a mom and her kid

down on their luck.

There's nothing wrong
with that.

The only problem is being
decent and being a good cop.

It's not always
a perfect marriage.

- Yeah.

Sometimes you've got to swallow
all your pain and guilt,

move on.

- Silva just arrived.

He's outside
of the parking lot,

black Lexus.

Unknown driver
in the vehicle.

- Copy.

Should we put a tracker on it?

- Not with Silva sitting
in the car.

- Sarge, if this goes south,
that's our only hope.

- Hailey,
I said it's too dangerous.

- Here's your boy.

- Pedro, thanks for coming.

- Yeah.

- Keyshawn.

- Pedro, I appreciate you.
Let's get right to it.

My boy Jimmy and Angela

He got involved with some stuff

he had no business
getting involved in.

I just wanna
make peace with you.

- It's going to take
a lot to make peace.

My cousin got killed
in that house.

- I hate to hear that,
and I'm sorry.

That's exactly why I'm here
to make it right.

- How are you gonna do that,

- First thing I'm gonna do

is give you back everything
that's yours.

Jim and Angela had no idea
what they were doing,

who they were doing it to.

They got played by a punk-ass
wannabe gangster, Carlos.

- Yeah, I know.

I'm looking for him.

- I know.

I already took care
of him for you.

He in the ground.

- How do you know that?

- 'Cause that's
where I put him.

That looks like your product,

Not a gram is missing.

Allow me to give it back
to you.

I'll throw in an extra 50k.

That's out of respect
for your loss.

All I need you to do is hand
over Jim and Angela.

- I'll think about it.

- Hey, come on now.
You can't just leave like that.

- Excuse me?

- I need you to tell me
that my people are good.

- You don't tell me what to do.

- If you don't give me proof
that they're good,

then there's no deal.

- Okay, let's take it down.

Let's take it down.


listen, the man's got a point.

He just wants to make sure
his people are good.

- Put him on the phone.

- Talk.

- You got Jim.

- Jim, what the hell
did I tell you

about grabbing
what's not yours?

- I messed up, man.

I'm sorry.
- Damn right you did.

But we're gonna
get the drugs back,

then we're gonna get you back.

You hang tight.
- Okay, good?

- Yeah.
Yeah, we're good.

- Let's meet at 4:00 p.m.
I'll text you a place.

- That looks like
it's getting worse.

- It is.
She needs a hospital.

- You want a doctor?

Is that what you want,

How about I give you a kiss?
That'll make you feel better.

- Just leave her alone.

- Shut up, bitch!

- Yeah?

Hold on.
I can't talk.

I'm gonna be back,
tough girl.

It's gonna be fun too.

- What was that call about?

- My friend has their drugs.

He's gonna bring them up
to them

and they're gonna let us go.

- Okay, what?

How did your people know
where to find the dope

or Carlos?
- Don't worry about it.

The point is just to get
the hell out of here, okay?

Focus on that.
Nothing else, okay?

We're getting out of here.

- It's 4:12.
Silva's late.

- Just stay patient,

and keep your head on
a swivel.

- Sarge, what's this?

Just a small construction crew.

- Let it play.

- 10-4.
Maintaining a solid eye on Kev.

- Over there.

Silva is the passenger.

- All right, heads up.

Got a cargo van
heading your way.

- About damn time.

Where the hell is
Jim and Angela?

- They're in the van,
they're nice and comfy,

and they're gonna stay there
until I see my product.

- Let me take a look at
how comfortable they are

to make sure that
you're all good.

- You will see them
after I see my product.

- You stay right there,
home boy.

This is it.

It's all there.

It's all you, man.


Now it's your turn.

- We're good.

- Gun!

- Silva, freeze!

- Got one offender down.
Silva's fleeing on foot.

He's headed right for you,

- Step out!

Step out before
I light your ass up!

Turn around.

- No, no, no, no, no, no.

Jay and Angela
are not in the car.

Repeat, we do not have Jay.

- Where is he?
Get your hands up.

Hands up!
Where is he?

- Go to hell!

- He's a cop.
He's one of us.

Anything happens to him,
that's capital murder.

Now where is he?

- Sarge.

- Hailey, not here.

- You better pray to God
he's still alive.

Put your hands
behind your back.

- Come on, this deal
was supposed to happen by now.

- I know.
We just gotta be patient, okay?

Just gotta be patient.

- I draw the young one close.

Kick him, bite him,

maybe his knife falls out,
you grab it.

- No, that's a bad idea.

- I don't wanna die
in this basement.

- I'm not gonna let
that happen, okay?

- Maybe I deserved this.

- What are you saying?

- I knew Marcus
was having problems,

but I just kept hoping
and praying that he'd change.

But he just got worse,

killed two little boys.

I've had nightmares
about those boys,

their mothers.

I don't care if I live, Jim.

Live, die.
What difference does it make?

- Hey.

You've got a son.
He needs you.

- Does he?

Everybody knows that his daddy
killed those two little boys.

His mom is a mess.

Maybe he's better off
living down in North Carolina

with his uncle.

- Angela, Marcus didn't kill
those two kids.

- What?

What are you saying?

- I'm a cop.

- The hell are you
talking about?

- I'm a cop.
That's how I met Marcus.

I arrested him.


- Uh, you done?

- Are you talking?

- Only to my lawyer.
- Yeah?

- He's on standby.

He's gonna be making calls,
gonna want to see his client.

- Well, maybe his client
resisted arrest.

Maybe his client reached
for my gun,

so I had to shoot him
in the face.

You are gonna tell me
what I need to know

or you're gonna die.

Do you understand?

- Kiss my brown ass.

- Sarge, take a break.

- We need leverage, right?

Let's use the one thing
this guy cares about.

- Which is?
- The youngest son.

- The honor student?
- Yeah.

He's the only thing we got.

- Do what you got to do.

- I'm the person
who put him in lockup.

But we were wrong.

He didn't kill those boys;
somebody else did.

- I knew in my heart that
Marcus didn't kill those kids.

- Why did you do that to him?

- All the evidence...

said Marcus killed
two little kids,

so I just treated him like...

I treated him like someone
who killed two innocent boys.

- When I met you
at Marcus' grave,

I thought...

here's a decent man.

And all this time, you
were lying to me and Bobby.

Lying right to our faces.

- Yeah.

I just wanted to help you.
I'm sorry.

- You've got no right
to say that you're sorry.

You've got no right
to help me or Bobby.

I don't need your pity
or your money.

You can't just hand out
a few hundred dollars

and pretend that
this didn't happen.

That you're cleansed
of your sins.

Wonder what our boys here
would think

if they knew you were a cop?

- Angela...
- Yeah.

If I tell them
who you really are,

I bet they'll let me go.

- No, they will kill us both.

They will kill you.

Angela, be smart.

Be smart.

- You deserve to die.

- You don't.

So keep your mouth shut,
for you.

For Bobby.

- My Bobby.

- You must be thirsty.

- She needs more than water.

Look at how much blood
she lost.

You've got to get her
to a hospital.

- No one's going anywhere.

- I thought the deal
was going down.

- Well, it didn't go down
the way we hoped.

- What does that mean?

- You should know something.

- Angela.

- My son is really sick,

and he needs help
with his medication.

He's just 12.

I have to be there, please.

- It ain't up to me, lady.

- Yo, get up here now!

- He was supposed to be here
half an hour ago.



- You all right?

- Yeah.

- What's going on?

- The lockup keepers
are taking a long time

bringing up that Silva kid.
- The honor student?

- Yeah, we're gonna use him as
leverage against the old man.

- That's a good idea.

- I've got to do something.

- Hey.

- We're gonna find him.
You know that, right?

We're gonna find him.

- Hey,
Emilio Silva just landed.

- You know this isn't
exactly by the book.

- Ah, books are overrated.
- No, listen.

You don't have
to walk through that door.

- No, I'm good.

Is this how you normally roll?

- This isn't a normal case.
They got my partner.

Hey, Emilio.

- Can I go?
- No, you can't go.

We found a problem
with your car.

- It was reportedly used in
an armed robbery last night.

We're pressing charges.

- A robbery?
But I didn't

- If I were you,
I'd keep my mouth shut.

Put your hands
behind your back.

- But I didn't do anything!

- Yeah,
we haven't heard that before.

- Can I call my dad?

He told me if I ever got
in trouble, I should call him.

- Yeah.
He a lawyer or something?

- No, he owns
a construction company.

- Hey.

Wake up!

How's the eye?
- I can see fine.

- Yeah?

Take a look at that.

- Emilio!

- Dad?

Dad, are you okay?

Dad, I didn't do anything!

- Emilio, it's okay, mijo.

It's okay, mijo!
It's okay!

- We found a brick
of your heroin in his car.

- Let Emilio go.
He's a good boy.

He's not part of this.

- Is my man alive?
- I don't know.

- You don't know?
Is he?

- I told them
to wait for my call,

to wait until my product
was returned.

- Give me something.

- He's at 3900 West Union.

It's an old
manufacturing plant.

You son of a bitch!

- Nice work.

Kick one of those pipes
over to me.

Do it.



Angela, kick me
one of those pipes.

Angela, come on.

We've got to work together
if we want to get out of here.

You've got to kick one over.
Come on.

Please, it's the only way.
Come on.

- The front
has surveillance cameras.

So, Kim, you and Rojas
hold the perimeter.

Kev, you and Hailey take
the south side of the building.

- Damn near like Fort Knox.

There's no windows or doors.

- They got in,
we're getting in.

Sarge, no entry point
on the south side.

- Just keep looking.

- Damn.

- All right, there you go.

- Can I have some water?

Please, man.

- Look at that.
- That could be a way in.

- Not for me,
but I can help you up.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Upton's inside, Sarge.

- Alone?

- We had to, Sarge.
It's the only way.

- All right.
You did good, okay?

You did real good.

- All right, Hailey,
you got your ears on?


All right, we got entry
on the west side.

We are moving in.
Do you copy, Hailey?

- I think she shut down, Sarge.
On my way.

- Okay.
All right.

Stay here.
Stay here.

Take this.
I'm going after the other one.


- I still haven't
even heard from him!

something ain't right.

Stop talking!

you call me the second
you hear anything.

Exactly, I tried
to call him three times.

He still hasn't hit me back.
I don't care what you gotta do.

You hit the streets.
You understand me?

You hit the First,
you hit the Fifth.

I don't care...

- Jay!

Jay, are you okay?


Hey, are you okay?

I've got to go help Angela.
She's downstairs.

Stay there.

- 5021 Henry,
we've got an offender down

and an officer injured.

Roll two ambulances to 3900...

- Angela.
Angela, it's okay.

You're safe.

It's over.