Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 13, Episode 1 - Episode #13.1 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Did you know last year
had the most cops killed

in the line of duty
since 9/11?

Thanks for the
doom and gloom update.

2-9 Charlie, you have a 10-52

possible domestic at

555 Christopher Street.

That's right around the corner.

Central, show 2-9 Charlie

You got any more
good news?

Doesn't look like it.

You calling me a liar?!

Whoa, hey, whoa!
Hey! Police!

Get off of her!

Stop fighting me.

Son of a bitch!


Stop resisting!


- Keep her back.
- Screw you, jerk-off.

Calm down. Take a breath.

I didn't do anything!

- How about resisting arrest? Gun.
- I got a gun.

I'm sure you got a permit
for this, right?

Man, I ain't got
to say anything.

Okay. Get him out of here.

You okay?

Your Honor,
may we approach?


Your Honor, my witness, Marina
Parks, did not show up today.

She's not returning
any phone calls.

I'd like to suggest
an adjournment, so that...

My client is entitled
to a speedy trial. that I may
locate her.

We have reason to believe that
your client is the reason why

my witness
did not show today.

Yeah? And I have reason
to believe

- that your witness is a liar.
- Ladies,

do you have proof
of your accusations?

- No, Your Honor, but given...
- I'll give you

until this time Monday morning
to get Ms. Parks here.

- Your Honor...
- Step back.

The jurors are excused
for the day.

This court
will reconvene

9:00 a.m. Monday.

She's not answering
our calls or texts.

I'm gonna go over there
and check it out.

Call Danny,
have him meet you, okay?

- That's his precinct.
- Okay, I will.

Hi, Jack. Bye, Jack.


You've been hard
to get a hold of lately.

Ugh, I've been
so busy.

I called and texted.

Well, I'm in trial, Jack.

Uh, do you remember
that pinball game

that you used to
win at every night

at that dive bar
in college?

Uh, Striker Extreme?

They have one at this
little place on Third...

I have a million things
going on, Jack.

Okay, but, actually,

th-there is something that
I need to talk to you about.


It's about your run.

Um, so can I take you
to lunch or dinner?

I have no idea
what's on the schedule.

Can I text you when I get back
to the office?

- Cap.
- Oh, yeah.

You're welcome
to have a seat.

This have anything to do
with the DV arrest just now?



Look, I know

Espinoza had a certain way

of managing the house.

I have a different skill set,
different priorities.

He decided that he was willing
to look the other way

regarding certain things, and,
uh, I'm not willing to do that.

What're you getting at?

You're husband and wife.

You work at the same precinct.

- There's no official written guideline...
- No, but

it's not done, ever.
You know that.

Well, we don't ride together.

Yeah, but you often end up
responding to the same calls,

like you did this morning.

And which was handled
by the book.

And resulted in a gun collar.

Look, I don't want to be seen
as showing favoritism,

and letting you guys
both work

in the same house is just...
It's frowned upon,


I'm gonna need one of you
to transfer.

You've been captain, what,

like, five, six days?

Uh, two weeks.

And separating us
is your top priority?

Careful, Officer Janko.

Okay, um, what do you
want us to do?

By the end of tour today,

I would like to know which one
of you would like to transfer.

By the end of tour today...



People talk about
the lack of sleep,

or the hunt for good child care.

I'm-I'm not worried
about any of that.

I'm more focused on what's
gonna happen when she's older.

Well, don't rush it.

There's plenty of time
between now and then.

No, I-I mean,
I can't imagine

letting her go
anywhere without me.

I mean, how am I gonna
protect her from this world?

Especially knowing
what we know.

Well, by that time,
we'll have a 24-hour detail

to protect her,
and we'll put one of those chips

in her phone so we can keep
track of her 24 hours a day.

Is that what you did
with Jack and Sean?

Yeah, but they figured it out
and turned the thing off.

Smart boys.

- Hey, Danny, Maria.
- Hey. You, uh, have any luck

finding Erin's witness?

Not answering the phone
or the door.

All right, well, maybe we can
get the super to let us in.

Guess we can try.

Eh, why not?

What're you guys doing here?

Hey. We could say
the same thing about you.

I got a C.I. here.

She called, scared,
said she's nervous

that someone found out
she's working with us.

Is her name Marina Parks?
Yeah. How do you know that?

She was supposed to testify
this morning. Never showed up.

Okay, well, now we better get
the super to let us in.

- Oh, boy.
- You got that? I'm going up.

Yeah. Go.

On your back.

She's gone.

I think we found Erin's witness.


- Snitch.
- Yeah.


Season 13 Episode 01

Episode Title: "Keeping the Faith"
Aired on: October 07, 2022.


Without further ado.

What do you want first,
the bad news or the worse news?

Straight up.

Last quarter
set a record

for the highest attrition
in department history.

Guys cramming through the exits
in unprecedented numbers.

But, boss, these things
are cyclical.

What goes up, must come down.

But you said a record,
most in NYPD history?

Since they kept records,
anyway, yeah.

There's been a change
in the ceremony renaming

that Flatbush park
for the fallen firefighter.

The change being
you've been disinvited.

They give a reason?

Officially, it was reframed
as FDNY only.

So, the mayor's disinvited, too?

they felt that your presence

might politicize the event.

But the mayor,
who is actually a politician...

Don't look for logic.

And the worse news?

No, this is more
"sticks and stones,"

and I wouldn't even bring it up,

except the Post and the News
are gonna run it

- on tomorrow's...
- Let's have it.

A Hudson University/WNYR
poll shows that

elected and appointed New York
City officials are lagging

behind sports and media figures
in key areas,

including leadership
and transparency.

Including me.

It's the whole basket,
you're not singled out.


Who won?

Well... Tom Hanks.



we got here slowly, but...

then very fast.

Where leaders are assumed
to be liars

and institutions, by nature,

are corrupt.

And if anyone does reach out
across the aisle,

it's probably just
to punch you in the nose.


Excuse me?


What would Teddy Roosevelt do?

Oh, come on, give me a break.

I'd love to,
but I'm-I'm dead serious.

Marina Parks was dead on impact.

Anthony and Joe went up to
the roof as soon as it happened,

but they couldn't
find anyone.

Building was connected
to half a dozen other roofs.

He would've had no problem
making his getaway.

Do we have anything
on cameras?

Most of the cameras
didn't work.

Signs of a struggle
in the apartment.

Any witnesses?

No one's come forward yet,
but we're still canvassing.

Clearly, Mano Sangriento
is sending a message.

Without her,
I have no case.

Unless we could prove
that Munoz ordered the hit.

Can you do that by Monday?

I could try.

I don't want to leave the 2-9.

That's why I'm gonna ask
to be transferred.

No. I want to work
wherever you work.

Eddie, we can't work together
our whole career.

Why not?

You really need me
to answer that

based off our meeting
this morning?

I'm gonna
go in there

and ask to be transferred,
all right?


Sarge, Eddie.

We got another domestic
at the Castillo apartment.

Go. Everything's gonna be fine.

What made you
pick this place?

What, you don't like it?

It's a little
out of the way.

Exactly. It's private.

Since when do you care
about private dinners?


Got it.

Now that you're
gonna run for D.A.,

you don't want any speculation
about your dinner dates,

is that it?



Ever since I decided to run,

I'm hyper aware
that everything I do

will be under a microscope.

And that includes
your relationship with me.

I am sure I will be
asked questions

about my personal life.

And it's better if I'm
not in the picture?

I would think you
wouldn't want your life

under a microscope either.

So, I should fade
into the woodwork?

I didn't say that.

But I

assumed that's why
you wanted to speak.

To be...
to be told to back off?

You said it had to do
with my run,

so I just assumed that...

Yeah, and you assumed wrong.

God, you know,

sometimes I wonder about
how little you know me,

not 25-year-old me,

but me now.

I'm not the same person.

I didn't mean to insult you.

What I...

wanted to discuss was that

I have someone
I want you to meet.

Uh... Warren Bradford.

He is

someone who admires you
and your principles,

and he wants
to support your run.


With a $3 million contribution
to your campaign.

Which exceeds
the contribution limits.

Not if he creates a PAC
to help you get elected.

In exchange for what?

Frank and honest conversation.

Not everyone

has ulterior motives, Erin.

He is the real deal.

Jack, three million...
You know what?

Just tell me if you're
willing to meet him,

and I will make
the introduction,

and I'll disappear.

Last thing I want to be
is a liability.

Police. Open up!

She's not answering.

Dispatch said
she called from here.

Maybe the super
knows where she is.

- Help me! Help me!
- Get in the car!

Somebody help me!

2-9 Charlie,

we got shots fired at this
location. Possible female

abducted in a black
two-door coupe

with New York plates,
heading north on Broadway.

Come on!


He slashed our tires.

Damn it.

Andre Castillo
was released?

I have a million things
going on here, Jamie.

We arrested him.
I know.

On a domestic
violence charge.

And possession
of a gun.


Oh, because the guys
with unloaded guns

have no intention
of using them, right?

What do you want,

If you're here to complain
about bail reform, get in line.

Did you know that,
because you guys released him,

he went back out,
with a loaded gun,

and shot at two officers,
including Eddie...

Wait, what?
...and then

abducted his wife.
Is she okay?

They're fine.
Erin, but that's not the point.

The point is
he got released

without so much as a heads-up.

Jamie, I understand
why you're upset,

but I'm in the middle
of a trial right now,

and I just lost my only witness.

If you're gonna release
violent criminals,

maybe we could at least
give the victims a warning.

I didn't even handle this case,

not that that
should even matter.

Right, so that's-that's just
all there is to it, is that it?

New York bail laws

do not allow judges

to determine
if the defendant is dangerous,

and you are the last person I
should have to explain that to.

Why should I bother
arresting them anymore,

Erin, if they're just gonna go
right back out and do it again

because this building is
a revolving door for criminals.

You know what? I expect this
from Danny, not from you.

Because why? I'm the quiet one?
I'm the careful one?

The one that'll just
stand by and watch

as the whole justice system
falls apart?

Because what's the point
in getting upset

if there's just no one to blame?

Maybe I don't want to be
the quiet one anymore.



Are we allowed to talk
in such a public space,

or should I have brought
a disguise?

I made a lot
of assumptions, Jack,

and I'm sorry.

It's an occupational hazard.

I get that you want to

curate your public persona

for the D.A. run,

but what exactly
are you so afraid of?

That I have
some hidden

secrets that are gonna
make you look bad?

O-Or is it that
you don't want

to be publicly linked
to your ex-husband?

I don't, I don't know.
Maybe both.

I mean,
you and I

are in limbo, Jack.
We date, we fool around,

but we're not committed
to each other, and...

I asked you to move in.
You said no.

I-I've been
taking your lead.

You made it clear
that you had reservations

about taking
the next step.

That's on you,
not me.

I guess I'm just still
trying to figure out...

...what I want the narrative
of my personal life to be.

And those questions
will be asked

when the press
dive into the past,

and I'm just not ready
for that yet.


Okay. Um...

But you don't need
to decide that

right now, right?


So, we can have clandestine
meetings until you decide.

Might be kind of hot.

And as far as
Warren Bradford goes,

there are no strings attached.

I-I'm just happy
to make the introduction.

I got to go.

I have a deposition
in ten minutes.

All right?

I'll call you.

Your Eminence.


We are going out.

Since when?

Since I ask,
and you owe me a favor.

Now, go change your clothes.

I don't owe you a thing,
and-and change into what?

Regular clothes,
no cross, no collar,

just two guys out on the town
having a good time.

But I already have
my evening planned.

You have absolutely nothing
on your schedule

till a park dedication
in Flatbush

tomorrow morning.

What's this all about, Frank?

What's it all about?

It's about two leaders
who've lost their flocks.

I haven't lost my flock.

We both have.

But, I guess,

we both loom so large,

nobody's been able to get up
the guts to tell us that.

I don't need anybody
to tell me that.

Yeah, you do,

and so do I.

Let's go.

Go where?

To the precincts and churches,

the jails, the shelters.

Just the way Teddy Roosevelt
and Jacob Riis

used to do back in the day.



I need your company.

Your detail or mine?

No details, just you and me.

Well, I don't drive anymore,
and, quite frankly,

I'm not aware of your skills.

Well, we're gonna take
the subways,

just like our flocks.

Well, with all due respect
to your cops,

I'm not riding
the subway at night.

And, yes,
that is a deal breaker.

Okay, we'll hail cabs.

I have Uber on my phone.

Riis and Roosevelt
did not have cell phones,

so neither will we.

Well, what if something happens?

You bring the rosary,
I'll bring the gun.

What do I want you to do about it?

I want you to kill the bitch.

Consider it done.

Got this from
a jailhouse phone call

that Munoz made
from Rikers,

ordering the hit
on Erin's witness.

Any idea who
he was talking to?

Phone records indicate it was
Andre Castillo, his enforcer.

Let's see what
Castillo's been up to.

Here we go.

He was recently arrested

on a domestic violence charge.

When was the complaint made?

Yesterday? Is he still in?

He was ROR'd.

Oh, great.

And the first thing he did

was abduct his wife.

Arresting officer,
Jamison Reagan.

Want to set out to Rikers
and have a chat with him?


Hey, Danny, what's up?

You're working a case
against an Andre Castillo?

Yeah. Why?

I like him for a homicide
that I'm working.

I'm coming from
his place right now.

I don't think
he's been back there,

but the super just told me
he keeps a boat

at the Queens Boat Basin.
I'm headed there now.

Okay, I'll meet you there
with Joe.

Now! Do what I say.

Stop arguing.

Get in the back!
Central 29 Sergeant,

upgrade that 85

to a forthwith,
and if you got any Harbor units

in the area,
have them come over.

Go under!

Do it or else!


Jamie! Jamie!

Let me see. Let me see.


Officer shot.
Queens Boat Basin.

We can't wait for a bus.

It's under the vest.
Come on, help me get him up.

Come on. Come on!

Jamie, you keep fighting,
you hear me?

We got it from here.
Look at me, Jamie.


Keep fighting.

Hey, you take care
of him, all right?

That's my brother,
you hear me?

I know.
Take care of him.

Wait right here.

Where is... Where's Jamie?

Where's Jamie?
Mrs. Reagan.

Yes, I'm his wife.
Don't worry.

Why don't you have a seat?
We're taking good care of him.

No, no. Where is he?
Where is he? It's okay.

This is my brother's stuff,
let me take that.

Okay. Okay?

It's okay, it's okay,
it's okay. Jamie!

Jamie! Jamie!
We're doing everything we can,

but you can't come in. You got
to fight, Jamie, you got to fight!

As soon as he's stabilized...

You can't leave me!
I got her.

You can't leave me alone, Jamie.
Don't you dare

leave me alone, okay?

Come on.

It's okay.

All right.
Thank you.

Still no word.

You get in touch
with Dad yet?

No. He's off the radar.

Baker doesn't even know
where he is.

And his cell phone just keeps
going to voice mail.


Roosevelt and Riis
walked down these streets alone

to see what was real,
and what was ass-covering.

And did they find
the real problems?

Yeah, and they actually
did something about 'em.

Boy, those were the days, huh?


Is that precinct closed
for vacation?

No such thing.

I'm sorry, Frank.
That's got to hurt.

Maybe we need
a new sheriff in town.

Now, come on, don't go
all wobbly on me.

What can I do for you,
young fella?

How about doing
your job, Sergeant?

There's a biker gang
right out front.

I know that.

But they're breaking
all kinds of laws.

Are you a resident
of this block?

Does that matter?

It does if you want to file
a noise complaint.

They're blocking traffic

and they're menacing

Any casualties out there?

That's not the point.
It kind of is.

See, they usually just stay
for a couple stoplight cycles

and move on.

They don't seem to be
going anywhere.

We don't want to risk
getting shot at,

or, God forbid,
fire our own weapons

on some idiots pulling wheelies.


it's a jungle out there,
and that's that.

That your own
personal battle plan,

or did it come from upstairs?

Commissioner Reagan.

Good guess, Sergeant.

It's... It's, um...

Free pass, I swear.

The honest answer.

It's kind of the way
of the world now, sir.

My friend and I are doing
a little recon.

Nowadays they call that
a "listening tour."

I was never here.

Copy that, sir.

Stay safe, Sergeant.

If that is not redundant.

Tell me he's okay.

He got hit below the vest.

Oh, my God.

Sorry to hear that.
Is he gonna be okay?

Don't know. Waiting on word
from the doc.

Andre Castillo shot
him. - Castillo?

He was ROR'd.

Jamie came in to
complain about it.

So if Castillo isn't released,
Jamie isn't shot.

Come on, you don't
know that.

He got shot trying
to protect us.

Ms. Reagan.

Just say it.

There's one bullet
lodged near his spine.

Can you remove it?

We're getting him ready
to operate right now.

But he's gonna be okay, right?

He's lost a lot of blood,

and the bullet is
very close to the spine.

Meaning what?

Meaning that even if
I can successfully remove it,

there's always a possibility
that he'll be paralyzed.


Do you want a priest
to see him?

What the hell are we
talking about here, Doc?

I'm only asking
if you want one.

What we want is for you
to fix him up... right.

I think the way it works is
you gotta put some money in

in order to get something out.

I don't even want anything.

I just wanted
something to do

instead of sit around
and wait. You do realize

that the only person
responsible for this

is the shooter, right?

Says the guy who storms
into my office

every other week to complain
about the justice system.

Well, you're my sister.

Who else am I gonna
complain to?

You didn't see how angry
Jamie was

when he came in to see me.

I can imagine.

It's called letting off steam.

You should try it sometime.

What is that supposed to mean?

You remember family fun nights
when we were kids?

Yeah. Game nights
were my favorite. Why?

You remember because
you always won.

So much so that
I asked Mom

to remove game night
from the fun night rotation.

She said no.

She said it was important
for your sister, you,

living in a house
full of guys,

to win sometime.

But more importantly,

to be able to let off steam.

I didn't know that.


She was right, of course.

Even though she probably
was just trying to keep

all the high school boys from
chasing you around all the time.

Well, this one's
your nickel, so...

Following the mass on Sunday,

this church will be
completely closed down

after 123 years.

Sold off for parts.

The neighborhood changed.

The faithful got priced out,

and the newcomers
didn't join up.

I've ordered the doors
to be open 24/7

so that everybody
could gather

and pay their final respects.

Well, Kevin, Friday night's
not exactly prime time

for churchgoing, so...

If this was a bar,
we'd say...

"It's dead here.
Let's go someplace else."


The chalice is gone.

That chalice was smuggled
out of Warsaw

during a German invasion,
found its way here.

Solid gold, with emeralds
and diamonds.

Not to mention priceless.

The donation box
for the votive candles.

There was never more than
20 bucks in there.

But it's not
just the amount.

No, it isn't.

Kevin, I'm gonna
call it in.

Is there a phone
in the sacristy?


Please don't call it in, Frank.

Why not?

Because I asked.

You gotta make
a police report.

Look, you said that
we both lost our flocks.

Well, my flock is
based in faith.

And calling the police would be
an act of good citizenship,

yeah, but it would not be
an act of faith.

Then what is the act of faith?

To pray for the sinner.

Pray that a crisis of
conscience compels them

to bring the chalice back.

Or that somebody
close to him

brings it to bear.

Kevin, you think
some irate dad

is gonna haul his kid in
and make him fess up?

What world are you living in?

The same one I have
always lived in.

Well, I have seen too much

to believe in that world

Yeah, we both have
a lot of work to do.

He's out of surgery.

We were able to remove
the bullet, and he's stable.

Thank God.

What about his spine?

We won't know if there's
any spinal damage

until he wakes up.

For now, he's resting

When can I see him?

I'll send a nurse to get you
as soon as he's brought to ICU.

Thank you, Doctor.

I'll be back when he wakes up.

Don't even think about
telling me to back off.

Wouldn't dream of it, Nephew.

He docked the boat at the marina
in Flushing Meadows

and got into a Toyota Camry.

We think he's heading
to a printing factory

he used to work at.

It's at 600 Messerole.

Copy that. On our way.

You okay?


You sure you're okay?

Yeah. It's just earlier today,
in the waiting room.

Uh, I was thinking that
it must be...

eerie for you guys,
because of how my dad died.

Not eerie. Scary.

Look, how do you learn
to let go?

How do you all continue on
being cops and doing the job?

How do you move on
from that?

I just...

I do the job, but...
I do it with him.

He's... he's always there.

And here and here.

He's never not with us,
if that makes sense.


It does.

We got Castillo's car.

He left it here approximately
at 3:15 today.

How do you know it's his?

'Cause he left
another message for us.

Do we know where he is?

We got a location for him.

Danny's on his way
over there now.

Had a conference
with Judge Hall.

She's gonna allow Marina Parks'
grand jury testimony

in the Munoz trial.

That's great news.
And after that trial,

we're gonna get Munoz indicted
for Sofia's murder.

And with any luck we'll have
Andre Castillo in custody

for her murder by then, too.

Nice work, Anthony.

Oh, no.

I see those wheels turning.

What are you thinking about?

Family fun night.

Come again?

Long story.

You okay?

I will be.

Keep your hands
where I can see 'em.

Cuff him.

Come on.

Get him out of here.


is apprehended!

What are you doing?!
What are you doing?

We do it by the book, okay?

What do you mean why?


'Cause that's what
Jamie would do.

That's what your
old man would do.

So that's what we do.

Come on. Come on.

Hey, hi.


I, uh, I wanted to
come over

and stop by in person
and see how you're doing.

Oh, he's just getting
some tests.

We're holding up okay.

Yeah? Good.
Good news, good news.

You doing...
You doing some reading?

I've read every magazine
in this place twice.

So I-I...
Now I officially know

the haircut that I'm not
allowed to get after 40.

Apparently, women over 40,

they can't wear miniskirts,
or fishnet stockings either.

I should start now,
while I still can.

They never write those articles
for men over 40.

I guess they get to wear
whatever they want, huh?


Anyways, uh, I'm really
glad to know

that the surgery went well.

The whole house is
rooting for him.


If-if you need anything,
you just let me know.

Actually, there is something
you can do for me.

Yeah, anything.

You can keep Jamie
and I together at the 2-9,

because that's where
we belong.

Eddie, that was not a
personal decision, it was...

It's personal to me.

I need to be in the same house
as my husband,

because I need to be
the first person to know

if something bad
happens to him,

like it did this week.

I need to be the first person
by his side.

I don't want to hear about
rules and regulations,

because there aren't any.

It's at your discretion.

So, yeah, that's something
you can do for me.

How's he doing?

Well, we all took turns

going in to see him

before we got kicked out.

He's gonna be okay.

Good to hear.


I was surprised
when I got your call.

Well, you know me.
I can never let

a challenge pass me by.

Nothing fancy, just a
burger/beer kind of place.

Well, I could use a burger
and a beer. Thank you.

You do realize I'm not
gonna let you win.

Since when have you ever
let me win at anything?

The first time we met.
The intramural basketball game.

Uh, no, I creamed you
fair and square.

Yeah, but I didn't care
about the game,

I just wanted a date.

You twisted your ankle
that night.

Yeah. And that was
just a ploy.

Is that what's happening
right now?


Is it working?

You got any quarters?



Game on.

Oh, the ankle.

Still hurts so bad.

Remember how to...? Even
after all these years. Uh-huh.

All right, what are we
playing for?


Look at you go.

Look at that.

He's already milking it
for all it's worth.

You better believe it.

How long you gonna
make Eddie do all the work?

Oh, as long as possible.

We're parked out back.

You guys ready to go?

Yeah. You guys didn't
tell anyone

outside the family
I'm being discharged, right?

That's what you
asked for. Yeah. Thanks.

I just want to slide
under the radar.

So now you want to go back
to being the quiet one.

Is that what that is? Okay.

Let's go.

You know, if you really want
to be the quiet one,

you should probably stop,
I don't know,

jumping in front
of bullets maybe.

I think I liked you guys better

when you weren't sure
if I was gonna make it.

All right.

And, God bless him,
the archbishop goes

all Bing Crosby
in Going My Way,

and wants to wait for the perp
to turn himself in.

Well, this one's answer
to everything is,

"Quick, call the cops."

Well, good on you.

Yeah, I'm with you, too.

The world needs more of that.

Not the world I live in.

Me neither, sorry to say.

Stuck in the middle?

In a perfect world,
I'm with you, but

lying on the pavement with
a bullet in me, I'm with them.

So did he turn himself in?

Not as of yet,
but the pastor of the church

wisely switched out
the gold chalice

for a cheap tin one,
so the loss is still spiritual,

but it's not financial.

Your Eminence, it's a great
honor to have you here today.

Well, thank you, Henry.

Your son is a little loose
with the guff, though.

That's how he breaks in
the rookies.

And how am I a rookie?

First time at the table.

It's true.
They bust chops.

Even when you're lying
in a hospital bed

with a bullet wound.

That's true, except

I'm gonna
go easy on you today

because I'm hoping to
get myself into heaven.

I wish you good luck
with that. Thank you.

The line forms behind me.

But it's an honor
to have you.

And it's a great joy
to have you.


Hear, hear.

Second that.



Okay, so can we eat?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Who's saying grace?

I thought you were all
hot to get to heaven.

I am. It'd just be more official
if you said it, though.

Oh, yeah. If you said grace
it'd be awesome.

It'd be like going to
a Stones tribute concert,

and then in the middle
of the show,

Keith and Mick just
walk out on stage.

It'd be amazing.

He's kind of the black sheep.

What about the rest of them?

We're lambs.

They're the lambs.

In the name of the Father,

and the Son,
and the Holy Spirit.

Bless us, O Lord,
and these thy gifts,

which we are about
to receive from thy bounty,

through Christ our Lord, amen.

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