Blue Bloods (2010–…): Season 12, Episode 20 - Silver Linings - full transcript

Jamie and Joe search for an undocumented teenage girl who has been sex-trafficked; a woman in witness protection is murdered; Frank calls out the district attorney's office for instituting a new rule.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

He has a knife.

He's over there.
Aisle seven.

This is my stuff.

Back off, man,
or I'll cut you.

Out of my way.
I am recording you

right now, okay?
Shut that thing off

or I'll screw you up.
No, no, no,

I won't. I am
sick of this.

Every people look at me.
I don't care what
you're sick of.

No, no, no.
I'm telling you, stop.

Police! Don't take another step!

Take a step back, sir.

Put down the merchandise
now, sir.

Why? It's mine.
Did you pay for it?

No, he hasn't paid!
Sir! Step back.

Shut up.

I don't have to pay.

What's your name?

One step closer and
I'll cut you up!

Put the knife down now.
Drop the gun.

Put it down now!

I do not want
to have to shoot you.

I put it down,
you promise not to touch me?

You put that knife down,
I promise I won't touch you.



Get off me,
you son of a bitch!

Stop resisting!

Get off me!
Stop fighting!

Get off me!
Stop fighting.

Get off!

We have felony crimes

being downgraded
to misdemeanors.

We have dangerous criminals

being released
within hours of their arrests.

We have
a district attorney's office

that is failing this city.

And a D.A. whose most recent
charging guidelines

are a violation
of her oath of office.

have you spoken

to D.A. Crawford
about your concerns?

Honestly, Helen,
I wouldn't know where to begin.

So, no, not face-to-face.

What about the D.A's contention
that nonviolent

offenders need more programs
instead of more incarceration?

Well, you got
to define nonviolent.

To me, a perp who flashes
a knife isn't nonviolent

simply because
he hasn't stabbed me yet.

But Ms. Crawford

seems to think

that he's just-- I don't know--


So you want the D.A.

to scale back
on these policy changes?

What I want is
the people at the D.A.'s office

to follow the law.

Meaning the ADAs who work

under Crawford should disregard
her guidelines?

When they've contradicted
the penal law, absolutely.

It's common knowledge
your daughter Erin

is a bureau chief
under Crawford.

I didn't hear a question mark
there, Helen.

But, yes, ADAs,
elected officials, citizens--

we all need to speak out.

Thank you very much.

That's all for today. Thank you.

And that wraps up the
commissioner's press conference.

Commissioner Reagan
just essentially accused

District Attorney
Kimberly Crawford

of disregarding the law

in order to accommodate
her new charging guidelines.


Detective Reagan,
oh, my God, thank God.

It's me, Elena Marquez.

What's wrong?
There's someone breaking
into my house.

Did you call 911?
I did,

they're not here yet.
Where are you?

82 Gorslin Street.

82... W-Why aren't you
in witness protection?

I came back
to check on my mother.

They're gonna kill me.

Is there somewhere
you can hide in the house?

It's kind of hard to hide.

Try to find something
you can use

as a weapon
till the cops get there, okay?

Please, just come.

I'm on my way.

Oh, God.

I think he's inside.

Got to stop
meeting like this.

Yeah. How you doing?

Today was supposed
to be my day off.

Yeah. Well, it should be
pretty straightforward.

Famous last words.

All right, let's hit it.

Let's go! Move!

Hands in the air, now!
Go, go!

Move, move, move!

On the floor!
On the floor!

Hands behind your head!

Police! Don't move!

Get on the ground!


Drop it! Drop it!
Put the gun down.

Don't come near me.
No one's gonna hurt you.

I'm not a hooker.

Okay. Okay. What's your name?



I-I'm just trying
to find my daughter.

Your daughter is here?

I'm looking for her.

She was taken at the border.

That was the last
time I saw her.

Okay. Okay, so we'll file
a missing persons report...

No, I filed everything.
I begged the police.

No one did anything.

I joined Mano Sangriento

so I could
find her myself.

You joined Mano Sangriento
to look for your daughter?

I don't even know
if she's still alive.

I ask everyone
I meet, I...

I show her picture.

All right,
hey, hey, hey, listen.

Just give us a chance here.

I can help you.
Can you find her for me?

Got to put the gun down first.

No. Not unless
you promise to find Soli.

You put the gun down,
I'll help you find Soli.


I promise.

What's going on?

We rang the bell.
No answer.

Checked the doors and windows.
No sign of tampering.

Did you call?

No answer
on her phone, either.

I'll give her a call.

Don't let anybody on the
street who's not a resident.

Detective Reagan.

Thank God you're here.

You okay?


Danny, you okay?

Get a medic.


Crawford's office called.

She's agreed to set
a meeting to discuss.

So it worked.

What worked?

That declaration of war

as a press conference.

Hey, they ask 'em, I answer 'em,

same as it ever was.

Don't kid a kidder.

Oh, and your daughter
just showed up.


What the hell were you thinking?

You want to sit down?

No, I don't.


It was time
to call out the D.A.

Time to call out my boss
and every D.A.

in my office,
including me?

I never brought you up,
nor mentioned you by name.

A distinction
without a difference.

It's not personal, Erin.
Oh, come on,

Dad. You can
do better that that.

Okay, I was asked
some questions by a reporter,

and it's my job to answer 'em.

But it is

not my job to shut up

about her disastrous policies
because you work there.

With no regard for respect?

I do respect you.
You know that.

I'm sorry you're caught
in the middle,

but I did not put you there.

Oh, the hell you didn't.

Any more than
you would put me there

in a legitimate beef
with this department.

That's the rules of our game.

But I do think your days

of sitting on the fence
are over.

What does that even mean?

You think I should
call out my own boss?

If you disagree
with her policies, yeah.
Oh, come on,

Dad. If Sid or Garrett

or Abigail did that,
they would be fired.

Unless they were right

and I was still smart enough
to see it.

Can she even listen
to another side?

I don't know.


maybe it's time
for her to go.

Oh, well,
I'm not much for mutiny.

Sorry if that disappoints.

Oh, cut it out. I didn't say
I wanted you to be D.A.

I said you would
make a good D.A.

Same thing.

No, it's not.

It's like I said to Jamie
a couple of weeks ago.

I would never
want one of my kids

to make an important decision
based on what I might think.

Same goes.

It's kind of hard
to ignore what you think, Dad.

What I really think?

I don't think
you're afraid of losing.

I think you're afraid
of winning, and...

all that goes with it.

Careful there.

I don't know.

Just sign the complaint
and we'll be done here.

Petty larceny? A misdemeanor?

This doesn't even say
that he had a knife.

He didn't use the knife, right?

That's not the point.
He threatened me

and he threatened
the shop owner.

He didn't physically
attack you, did he?

He didn't hurt anyone?

He resisted arrest.

That's not in here, either.
We're not prosecuting

resisting arrest anymore.

Why?! You can just hit a cop?

Let me ask you a question.

You or one of your colleagues
walks out of here today

and gets assaulted--
you just gonna let that go?

You don't sign,
I'll decline to prosecute.

He'll be released.
That's on you.

No, that's on you.
Thanks for nothing.

Okay, thanks.

So, apparently,
she was in WITSEC,

but went to her mom's
house to check on her.

She receive threats?

I don't know.
But guess who made bail.

I don't know.
Arturo Munoz.

Well, now we know
who planted the bomb.

Any word on Elena?
Nothing yet.

Detective Reagan.

She gonna be all right?

I'm very sorry.
We did everything we could.

But we were able
to save the baby.

A beautiful baby girl.


She's beautiful.

Yeah. Hell of a way
to come into the world.

You ever feel like everything
we do doesn't make a difference?

What are you talking about?

How long have we been
going after Mano Sangriento?

You know, we arrest Munoz,
and he's out on bail,

and we find out
he's behind this,

we arrest him again,
and-and then what?

There'll be someone
to replace him.

There always is.

So what difference
does it all make?
Yeah, well,

I just try to think about
how different it would be

if we weren't here
to do our jobs.

You know, we do

make things better
for a lot of people.

Yeah, but what about this baby?
What does she get?

What happens to her?

She gets to grow up knowing
that her mom was a hero,

that she did
everything in her power

to give her a better life
than she had.

Lot of people grow up
with a lot less than that.


I don't know.

What we do know is that
if we do our jobs

and we catch this son of a bitch
who killed her mom,

then she won't have
died in vain.


I'm not crazy.

It's protocol. You put
the gun to your head.

It's to get your attention.

You got it.
Date of birth?

July 18, 2008.

That's not your
date of birth.

No, it's Soli's birthday.

She's only 14 years old.

That's why you have
to help me get her back. Please.

Front zip pocket,
there's a photo.

She looks like you.

As soon as we got
over the border,

the coyote
who brought us there--

he said he was gonna say she was
his daughter so he could cross,

and that if we told the truth,
he would kill us all.

But when we got
to the other side,

he took her.

You know his name?

Carlos Sanchez.

I told the authorities,
but no one would listen.

You're sure she came all
the way up to New York City?

The last contact I had, Soli
called me from her cell phone.

She was whispering, said
she was in the back of a van

with 20 other girls, and she was
being taken to New York City.

How long you been here?

Three weeks.


Margo Ruiz?

Can you remove the cuffs?

I'm not crazy.

I'll just do anything
to get my daughter back.

Hey. How's Margo?

They're keeping her overnight.
That's good.

She's not crazy. She's just
willing to give herself up

to all kinds of violence
and degradation

to save her daughter.

You're gonna try to find
her daughter, aren't you?

I don't like to make promises
I can't keep, even to perps.

Exactly what I thought
you were gonna say.

Don't you need a detective
to help with the case?

You got somebody in mind?

You're looking at him.


I've got the security footage
from outside Elena's house.

They were wearing
ski masks, though,

so you can't
see their faces.


Any fingerprints?


Got any other angles?

There you go.
Zoom in on that.

Adam, one, seven,
Charlie, eight, eight.

2019 Mercedes

reported stolen two days ago.


Arturo Munoz.

Newiler was released.

He's back on the street.

I know what
"released" means.

Which means we spent more time
writing paperwork

on his arrest
than he spent locked up.

Is there a point to this?

Doesn't that make you mad?
'Cause it pisses me off.

That's the problem with you.

You make everything a big deal.

It is a big deal.

Our job is to
arrest criminals.

And other than testifying,
we have zero control

over what happens when the
D.A.'s office gets that case.

Well, that's the problem
with you.

You think our job ends
with the arrest, and it doesn't.

It does to me.

I have listened to you.

And I'm not gonna prosecute
nonviolent offenders,

no matter how disrespectful
you get at your podium,

and that is that.

And you can't stop my cops
from making legitimate arrests,

and thank God, that is that.

And I can respect you
without sharing your illusions

of being on the right side
of this.

If you can, you certainly
haven't shown that.

Well, this may not
be a home-cooked meal,

but maybe it's a start.

And maybe it's just a show.

Not to me.
If for nothing else

than to move my daughter out
of the crosshairs for a minute.

And move her into my office.


I do.

Without sharing your illusions
about what else this is.

Ms. Crawford, in my time here,

I have worked with four D.A.s.

"Worked with" being
kind of a loose term.

More like battled with.

It is the nature of our two
positions-- compatible on paper,

adversarial in practice.

So think about it.

Why on Earth would I want
my daughter in that role?

I will think about it.

And I do appreciate
you coming up.

We haven't moved
the other one an inch.

We were never gonna.

Then this was a show.

No, it's just what we do.

We bang our heads
against a wall and hope

that something
besides a headache happens.

Baker's got aspirin,
if you want it.

Good day, Commissioner.

And to you.

I got a question for you.

My mom said she didn't
tell my dad she was pregnant

'cause he would have insisted
on getting married.

Is that true?

Without a doubt.

Well, I sometimes wonder
what it would've been like

if he knew, you know?

If I knew him.

Sometimes I wonder
if he knew,

would he have handled himself
differently on the job.

What do you mean?
Like, would he be more careful

if he knew he had a son?

Would he still be alive?

Guess we'll never know.

That's him?

Carlos Sanchez?

I think so, yeah.

That's him.

So, what now?

We don't really have a reason
to pull him over.

Yet. Run his plate.


Oh. That comes back as stolen.

Well, there's a reason.
All right.


What the hell?
What is that?

Hands where I can see 'em!

I didn't do nothing.
Shut up. Keep your hands

where I can see 'em.
Out of the car right now.

Turn around, hands
against the roof.


Hell are you doing here?

About to ask you
the same thing.

Carlos Sanchez?

You know you're driving
a stolen vehicle here?

- Nah, it's a mistake.
- Yeah, sure.

Maybe your boss let
you borrow it, huh?

Look like blood to you?

Yeah. Sure does.

Hey, Danny, we got
something back here.

Pop the trunk.

Hey, we got a body back here.

Sit on him.
What do we got?

Crime Scene's an hour out.
I just checked.

All right, we got it
from here.

We're gonna take Sanchez back
to the 2-9.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

I got a vic nine months pregnant
just got blown up,

and that's the car
that was used.

He's not going anywhere
except to our squad.

Danny, this is our collar.
It's not about a collar.

It's about stopping another girl
from getting killed.

Okay? Why the hell didn't you
put this in Safety Net?

Because it wasn't
a long-term investigation.

We got a tip we acted on.
Okay, you stay out of this.

Little late for that.

The girl you're looking for--
what's her name?

Soli Ruiz.

Doesn't look like
it's her in the trunk.

According to her ID,
her name is Isabella Martinez.

She was reported missing

November 16, 2021.

She's 14 years old.

Which means Soli
is still out there.

All right,
let's work this together.


He thinks he knows me
better than I know myself.

He has literally known you
since the day you were born.

Yeah, but it doesn't give him
the right to push, to demand.

It's-it's why
I'm in this situation

with Crawford
in the first place.

And he feels--

I swear-- that somehow,

this is all good for me.

You know how

incredibly frustrating that is?

You have any idea?

Not really.

You have anything
you want to say?

Yeah, I do.

I say, lucky you.

What is that supposed to mean?

Well, you complain that your dad
is too much in your life?

That he cares too much?

Yeah, exactly.

My dad left when I was five.

Never came back,

forced my mother into
being a single mom.

And did I ever tell
that you she worked two jobs

just to support me?


And family dinner?

My family dinner
was a table for two,

if my mother wasn't working,
which was almost never.

So, yeah, lucky you.

We'll start with you driving
around with a dead girl

in your trunk.

I literally don't even know
who she is.

Isabella Martinez,
14 years old.

How did you kill her?

I didn't, I swear.

Right. She just

crawled into the trunk
of your stolen car

and died on her own, right?

What are you talking about?

Munoz sent you off
to do his dirty work

in his car and then reported it
stolen with you in it.

Maybe I need a lawyer.

You definitely need a lawyer.

Just let us know
if you want one.

I suggest one that specializes
in homicide defense, because

after the ME and Crime Scene
comes back with anything

that links you to this,
we're charging you with murder.

I told you
I didn't kill no girl!

Say her name.
Come on, man!

I was just supposed
to dump the body.

Whose body?
Why can't you say her name?

Isabella Martinez, okay?

And I swear I had nothing
to do with her dying.

Okay. How about her?
You recognize her?

She's another one of them.

Who's them?

Girls taken across the border.

All underage, all illegal,
so they won't go to the cops.

They keep 'em hooked on
fentanyl so they won't run.

Who keeps them
hooked on fentanyl?

Not without a deal.

There is no deal

until you confirm that Munoz

and Mano Sangriento are
trafficking these young girls.

I can talk

to the ADA about a deal for you.

But in the meantime,
tell me where I can find Soli.

First, I talk to the D.A.

Tell my brother
where he can find Soli!

That's the only way
you're getting a deal.

They pull some of the girls

to sort the drugs
when a shipment comes in.

There's one coming
tomorrow night.

She'll be there.

Start writing.

Police Commissioner Reagan
is simply behind the times.

He's a broken windows guy.

And this city can no longer
adhere to that way of policing,

because, as we've learned,
it only results

in mass incarceration,

overcrowded prisons
and recidivism.

The Reagan name is synonymous
with law enforcement,

but maybe we need
to take a hard look

at alternatives
to that old order.

Turn it off.

She's talking
out of her ass, boss.

Return fire.


Why? Because people
are gonna take sides.

Good. They should.

Then let's give 'em your side.

I already did.

So you're just gonna let her
say that stuff about you?

She's right.
I am a broken windows guy.

And most New Yorkers

would gladly take that
over not being able

to safely ride on the subway.

Just keep saying it
out loud, boss.

Hear, hear.

Hey, Commissioner.

Abigail, Garrett, Sid.

Can you give us the room?


Sit down.


So, what brings you
up here, Pop?

Just inserting myself
into your work life

without being invited.

This is between me and Erin.

No, it's between you
and Erin and her boss,

and now, anyone who's
not living under a rock.

Well, what was I supposed to do,
ignore the new mandates?

It's a little late for that,
don't you think?

I have to speak out
if there is an issue

that puts the public at risk.

And poking your daughter

into running for D.A.
is an added bonus?

She talked to you.

Ah, when you get to my age, you
become everybody's confidante.

I guess they seem to think
that with age comes wisdom,

but we both know that's a crock.

Look, um, I do think
she'd be great at that job,

but there's absolutely no way
I would push her.

You remember
when I stepped back,

when the police commissioner's
job came up?

I came to you, and said I
thought you should consider it.

I said I thought
you'd make an excellent

police commissioner,
and more importantly,

it's what the city needed.

Remember that?

No, I don't.




I saw your statement.

Yeah, look, Erin, this thing
between your father and I,

it's not personal.

It's funny how everyone
keeps saying that to me.

I never liked that the line
between our office and One PP

is muddied by the fact that
the commissioner's daughter

works in my office.

I have never brought
that relationship to bear

on my cases.

That's true.

But when the news
and the talk shows

cover the story,
you think they're gonna

ignore you in all of this?

I have no control over that.

But when I am here, I am not
the commissioner's daughter.

I am a bureau chief...

Who breaks bread
with the upper reaches

of the NYPD,
and you want to tell me

that has zero effect
on your opinions?

Yes. Because I follow
the rule of law.

But for the record,
I do think that

some of your mandates
will result

in tragic consequences.

I rest my case.

Give me the damn bag!
That's my stuff!

It's not your bag, lady!
My stuff!

You're not stealing my stuff!
It's not your stuff!

Police! Hey!

Drop the knife!
Step away from him.

It's not your stuff!
Drop the knife!


2-9 David.

We need a bus at this location.

He said the drugs would be
dropped off 30 minutes ago.

There's been no activity.
Makes me wonder.

Me, too.

Who's that?

What the hell is
going on?

That's Soli.

It's a setup.

Maybe. Stay here.


Don't come closer.

It's okay.
I'm gonna help you.


I can help you.

Hang back.

It's a bomb.

Don't come closer.
Stay back!

They just want to kill
as many cops as possible.

If I let go,
it's going to explode.

Well, you make sure
you don't let go

so we don't explode.
All right?

Leave me, please.

I'm not leaving you.

Get bomb squad.

Not on your radio!

We need bomb squad forthwith!

Hey, now, I want you
to look at me, okay?

We gotta stay calm.

We're gonna figure this out
together, me and you.

If I let go,
it's going to explode.I know.

I can't hold on.

We got you. Okay?

I told your mom I was gonna
bring you home safe.

My mom?
For her, you gotta be strong

so we can get through this.
You got it?

Do you remember anything
they said to you

while they were putting it on;
anything you can remember?

No. I don't-I don't know.

I heard them say 6:00,

but I don't know
if that means anything.

I got 5:55, Danny.

I'm scared.

I am, too. It's okay.

Where's bomb squad?!

Bomb squad's 15 minutes out.

We can't wait that long.
Get 'em on the phone.

They're gonna have to
talk me through it.

That's not a good idea, Danny.

It's the only idea
we got, partner.

Get 'em on the phone.All right.

Detective Hill and Baez again.

He wants you to
talk hm through it.

All right, he wants video.
He wants to see the device.

Help is on the way, okay?

All right, here you go,

- You see it?
- Danny Reagan?

You got Detective Giorgio here.

We're 12 minutes out.

You gotta clear out. That thing
can blow any second.

We can't do that.
We got a 14-year-old girl here

with a timed device on her.

It's got three C-4s
and a trigger button.

You've seen this before?
More times than I'd like.

Okay, fine. Get everybody else
out of there.

The less people there,
the less injured. Now.

Fall back.
Baez, fall back.

I'm not leaving.
You gotta fall back.

Come on. Hey, put the phone down
and fall back.

Okay, you got two Reagans here.
Talk us through it.

Uh, you got three Reagans.

Someone's gotta hold the phone.

What, you want to film
and defuse at the same time?

Okay, you got three Reagans.
Don't screw this up.

Gotcha. Show me the device.

I got her thumb held down
on a heat holding button.

Okay, keep that tight.

I need you to follow the wires.

Just one blasting cap?

One blasting cap.

Can you remember what happened
last in there?

Soli, the guy who
put the bomb on you,

what's the last thing they did?

He put something on my back.

Your back. Hit her back.

Be careful, Danny.

There's a battery connected
on her back.

Okay, that nine-volt goes
to the blasting cap.

First thing we gotta do
is pull that blasting cap

away from the C-4.

Okay, blasting cap away
from the C-4.

I'm gonna pull this away
from the C-4, okay?

I gotta ground myself first.
Hold on.


Okay, we're gonna
give this a try.

Okay, I'm gonna give this a try
right now, okay?

Just stay relaxed.

I'm gonna separate this.

Okay. Okay, I think we're good.

Good job. Now we're gonna
disconnect the battery.

Okay, and when we do that,
we're all set?

If there's no booby traps.

Oh, my God.

It's okay. Hey, look at me.
Look at me.

It's almost over. Okay?

Disconnecting the battery now.

Okay. Okay, I think we're good.

I think we're good.

I'm gonna let go
of your hand now, okay?

Trust me. I'm gonna
take it from you, okay?

I got it.

I got it. It's okay.

I got it.

Okay, Detective, we're gonna
peel off the explosives, okay?

You got it. Great job, guys.
We're rolling in now.

You got it? Careful, careful.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I got it, yep. All right?

- I got it. You take that.
- Get rid of that over there.

- That's it? That's everything?
- Yeah.

It's okay. It's okay.

We're gonna go get you
checked out over here, okay?

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

Good thing I didn't
let you get blown up.

Dad would have killed me.



You know I'm the only person
at our family dinner,

aside from Sean,
that's not a cop.

And every week I listen
to every one of you

unload on the D.A.'s office.


From where I sit,
you give as good as you get.

But your department
isn't perfect either.

Far from it.

And I don't air in public,
out of respect for you.

I called out Crawford, not you.

But you made it impossible
for me

to talk about the issue
with Crawford

without her seeing me as
the commissioner's daughter.

So going forward,
if you have a need

to call out my boss...

I will give you a heads up.

Thank you.

And the reason why I'm not
running for D.A.

is not because
I'm afraid of winning.


What's the reason?

It's because I'm afraid
of losing.

And that's your fault.

For raising me
with three brothers.


How are you doing?

Waiting for Force Investigation
to rake me over the coals.

It was a good shoot.

Witnesses even said
you had no choice.

How's the store owner?

She's gonna make it.

Newiler is stable, too.

I've always been a collar guy.

I keep my head down
and make arrests.

But you were right

to make a big deal
about releasing Newiler.


Did you just admit that
I was right about something?

Because I think that
was the first time.

Officer Badillo.

We're ready for you.

I didn't say you weren't
a pain in the ass.

Just that this time
you were right.


Give 'em hell, collar guy.

I-I got your message.

Is there any news on Soli?

Yeah. We can talk in here.



Oh, my God.
Thank God you're okay.

I love you.
I love you so much.

I'll never be able
to thank you.

You just did.

Hey, you ready to leave?

Just about.

How was your day?

That's not what I heard.
How about yours?


That's not what I heard.

Well, you tell me about yours,
I'll tell you about mine.

How about you show me yours,
I'll show you mine?

You know how much
I love show-and-tell.

What are you doing here?

Just came for a little
closure, I guess.

I heard the charges
are gonna be federal.

Munoz will never get out again.

You doing okay?

Doing okay.

The reason you called
for a medic instead of a bus

when Elena was killed
'cause it reminded you

of something that happened?

Private Patricia Murphy.

23, single mom from Boston.

Lived for pepperoni pizza
and the Red Sox.

Similar to what happened
to Elena?

Very similar.

I'm so sorry.

I heard that nobody
from Elena's family

came forward to adopt
that beautiful little baby.


I also heard that one of
the heroic detectives

who caught the guy
who killed her mommy

did come forward to adopt
that beautiful baby.


Well, she's very lucky,

'cause you're gonna make
one hell of a mom.

I hope so.

I never thought that
I wanted kids,

but yeah, after seeing her,
I just...

I couldn't stop
thinking about her.

If you need anything ever,

I'm here for you.

I know that.


We got a full house tonight,

Anthony brought enough food
for three family dinners.

I figured an Irish family
trying to cook Italian

might need a little help.

I was wondering why we have
two sets of meatballs.

That is no way to talk
about Anthony and Joe.


Very funny!

Anyway, thanks for coming today.

And thanks for having me.
And me. Thank you.

There are some rules
for the table. Anybody?

No eating before
we say grace?

No electronics at the table.

No language that would make
Sister Margaret Mary blush.

And no subject taboo.

I thought you never speak
about politics or religion.

No. Nothing's off limits.

We just try to keep it civil.
All right.

A good point, considering
the news coverage this week.

Which I want to address
before we all eat.

Anthony, I didn't
invite you here for dinner

just because we're friends.

I invited you also
because I wanted you here

when I told my family

I'm throwing my hat in the ring
for D.A.

All right!


No better person for the job.

Great news.

Why, uh, why'd you decide
to run?

Um, well, I guess I realized

that one of the reasons
why I wasn't running

was I may be afraid of losing.

But I think that if I have
your love and support,

I'll be unbeatable.

Spoken like a true Reagan.

You're gonna kick some ass.
Yeah, she is.

And we'll all chip in.

Amen to that.

So, who wants to say grace?

I do.

I've got a lot
to be thankful for,

starting with everybody
at this table.

Bless us, O Lord...

...and these, thy gifts,

which we are about to receive
from thy bounty,

through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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