Bia (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 38 - Episode #1.38 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
-Manuel told me...

That you're no longer together.

Do you know the girl who sent Bia
that recording?


She was a friend of Bia's sister.

I'd like to meet her.

I really want to tell them the truth,

but after everything
with the sign, (SIGHS)

I don't want to cause more pain.

I should talk to Vera.

Maybe she can help me.
I don't know what else to do.

Maybe she has amnesia.

Maybe the music and my drawings
can help her remember.

BIA: Can we meet?

HELENA: I'd love to, but I left town.

BIA: That's too bad,
I really wanted to meet you.

HELENA: Me too.

I was thinking...

What did you want to tell me
about my sister?

♪ This is who I am ♪

♪ This is what I am ♪

♪ I have watercolors in my heart ♪

♪ This is who I am ♪

♪ I create along the way ♪

♪ Let the sun shine colors on you ♪

♪ You feel it, you hear it
This love is so strong ♪

♪ You can feel the beat of your heart ♪

♪ Boom, be you and live your life ♪

What did you want to tell me about Helena?

HELENA: I'm worried you're getting
your hopes up about the scarf.

Why do you say that?
Do you know something?

I saw lots of girls with gold scarves
at Moondust concerts.

They copied Helena's style.

Thanks for telling me.

But I think it is Helena's scarf.

It has round edges like the one she had.

I have a feeling that she's close.

They never found her after the accident.

Anything's possible.
I won't stop looking for her.

But the accident was a long time ago.

Maybe it's time to leave the past behind
and look forward to the future.

Don't worry, seriously.

Thanks for the advice,
but I promise it'll be fine.

Okay, talk later.

Are you okay?

I miss you so much, sis!

Me too! So much. (CHUCKLES)

Even though everyone's telling me
to give up,

I know I'll see you again.

Of course! Don't ever stop believing.

What do I always tell you?

-Hope is...
-The last thing you lose.


Trust your intuition.

It will lead you to the truth.

-We'll always be connected.


What did you want to tell me?

I've been wanting to tell you
for a long time,

but I just didn't know how to tell you.



I know what you want to say.

-You do?

You want me to move
back in with your family.

But, everything has been so hard lately.

-I don't know.

I want you to move back in.

Since you left, everything got worse.
Mom found out I wasn't going to physio.

Imagine her reaction.

Alex is Alex. I've got nothing to add.

They're both driving me crazy.

I have no one to talk to.

No one to listen to music with at night.

To laugh with, or give advice to.

I miss you too.

Everything is difficult right now.

-I don't know if I can come back.
-I understand.

That's why I didn't want to ask.
Let's pretend I didn't, okay?

-Hey, what's up?
-Hi, Thiago, what are you doing here?

-(CHUCKLES) I'm here to see Victor.
-You're an hour early!

I must have misunderstood.
I'll come back later, then.

No, don't worry. I'll go.

-See you later.

Um, is Manuel okay?

Yes, why?

You both looked sad.

I asked him to move back in.

You miss him a lot?

Manuel is more than a cousin,
he's like a brother to me.

Look at all the hateful comments
towards Pixie.

They all have the hashtag "IsaBoy."

What does it mean?
What does it have to do with Pixie?

They mean she looks like a boy.

They commented on her look, her clothes...
They say she looks like a boy.

What's the issue with people
dressing the way they want?

Actually, she likes neutral tones...

But you should be able
to dress the way you want.

Yes. I don't want to read any more.

Poor Pixie, the cyberbullying
must be upsetting her.

I get why she closed her channel.

And why she got upset about the video.
It must have been difficult.


-What should we do?
-I don't know.

I doubt she'll forget about it,
even after all this time.

(SIGHS) It's hard to get over
something so painful.

We need to help her, whatever it takes.

Of course.

No, it can't be this hard.

Why is it not working?

No, no, (SCREAMS) no!

Hey. Everything okay?

Yes, perfect. (CHUCKLES)

Are you sure?
You just broke your keyboard.

(LAUGHS) I was just about to finish
editing my video, and the screen froze.

I can tell you miss Mara.

Why would you say that?

You were so close.
And she used to edit your videos.

Yes, I've always just been
the one in front of the camera.

And now she's not here.

You can tell me what really happened.

I don't want to talk about it.

But in the video The Cobra posted...

Ah, if you're going criticize
me for that, you can leave.

No, I'm not criticizing you,
we're friends,

and I'm here to help you
and understand what happened.

-Thank you.

You're the only one who cares.

(SIGHS) It's all really affected me.

But is it the comments on social media
or losing Mara that's affecting you?

It's hard to see the people leave
who were always by your side.

Sure, but numbers don't matter. At the end
of the day, you don't know these people.

A friend isn't just a like or a comment.
A friend is always there for you.

You need to focus
on the people who actually know you.



How was your day, boys?


Is that all?


How interesting!

I'm not interested in talking to you.
That's the difference.

What? Are you sad your cousin left you?

You all kicked him out.

-He deserved it.

Stop fighting over Manuel.

He doesn't live here anymore.
He's no longer our problem.

-How was your day, Alex?

My latest painting challenge
has gone viral.

-BOTH: Mmm-hmm.
-How interesting.


Manuel, what a surprise!

Why are you here?

What are you doing here?

I'm staying. I want to move back in.

-Of course you can move back in.

No. This is something we need
to discuss, don't you think?

We'll talk later, in private.

I can go back to the Kunst Residence
if it's an issue.

No, it's no problem.
Sit down, I'll get you some food.

Sit down.


I don't want to cause any issues.

Then stay away from the Urquizas.
Don't speak about them in this house.

Paula, please don't start.

Sit. I'll bring the food.


Welcome. I hope you're ready,
it won't be so easy for you this time.

I'm so happy that you're here.

Your mom and Alex aren't, though.

Don't worry about what they think.

This will always be your home.

-What? He left?
-He's gone back to his aunt and uncle's.

I don't understand.

Manuel is worried about Victor.

And so am I. He seems sad at the moment.

And even more so since Manuel left.

(SIGHS) Poor Victor.

Hopefully, he'll feel better now
with Manuel.

Yes, I'm sure he will.

Even though I love having Manuel here,

there's a positive side.


Now, you don't have to leave.

Manuel isn't here.
There's no chance of running into Victor.

(SIGHS) Yes! And I can keep
giving classes.

-So, you're staying?

Yes, until new winds take me elsewhere.

Kunst Residence is my home.


Daisy, can you cut the carrots?

Yes, Chef.


Any ideas?

I don't know how to help Pixie.

It's especially difficult
because it happened so long ago.


Like I showed you. It's easier.

-Like this?

-Yes, very good.

I don't know Pixie well, but I think
she needs to take the first step.

but I don't like that she's suffering.

I want to help her somehow. Talk to her.

Maybe she's not ready. Give her some time.

Like pasta.

You have to take it out
at exactly the right time.


Like pasta? (LAUGHS)
I've never thought about it like that.

-I know what I'm talking about.


Yes, I have the meeting at LAIX tomorrow.


You're talking to the newest talent
at the best network.

-It's great, right?

It's great, I suppose, right?

Yes, but it all depends how you take it.

What do you mean?

Change can be an opportunity.

And joining LAIX
could be a great step in your life.

I just hope you don't lose your spirit.

My spirit?

It's what makes you who you are.

Like pasta! If you add too much sauce,
you lose the spirit of the dish.

Too much of one ingredient ruins the dish.

The important thing is, I don't want
you to change or stop being my prince.

That's impossible.

Your prince will always love you.


Have you finished the vegetables?

I would like to finish this dinner today.

Okay. But, we have
to wait for Manuel, anyway.

Manuel has moved
back to his aunt and uncle's.

Really? He didn't say bye to me.

He meant to,
but you and Ana weren't there.

He said he'll visit soon.

What a shame. I'm going to miss him.

(SIGHS) Me too.


-They look great!

You like nail art?

I'm a superfan! Don't believe me? Look.


Do you like them?
It's called "invisible design."

-Ah. Interesting. Innovative.

-Mmm-hmm. Thanks, but yours are better.

-Thanks, it's a new design I'm trying.

Your Cookies will love it.

I have something even better for them!
It's a secret.

I'm not surprised you're doing so well.
You had a great teacher.

Who now has no students.

There are lots of Carmincuties,
and they're loyal.

Yes, that's true.

Uh, I wanted to ask about the sign.
Did you find anything out?

Yes, I called,
but they couldn't tell me anything.

I left my number, but it won't help.

-Hmm. What will you do?
-Keep investigating.

The Urquiza building must have cameras.
I'll try to get the footage from that day.

-But it won't be easy.

-I can help if you want.


I have to go to LAIX.
I have a meeting. See you later.

Alex doesn't suspect a thing.

And Manuel and I are becoming closer.

(SQUEALS) My plan is going perfectly.

-They called her IsaBoy?
-I can't believe it.

-She must be so upset.

They are so cruel to laugh at her.

We can all dress how we want!

-That's why she didn't want to be filmed.

How can we help her?

-I don't know.
-Hey, girls!

What's the gossip?

Uh, we want your advice.
We want to do a painting video,

-and we thought you might say no.

Why would I say no?

Just protect the equipment
and don't make a mess.


Don't worry about that, Pixie.

Talk about it later.

-ALL: Bye.

-(SIGHS IN RELIEF) That was a close one.
-We should have told her.

No, we need to bring it up carefully.

It's a sensitive subject.

Should I ask my mom? She could help.

-She's a psychologist.

-Great idea.


Any news about Mara?

That's why you're interrupting
my second breakfast? Mara can wait.

We need to think
of ideas for Jhon's launch.


Are you in sleep mode? We need ideas.

What about a painting challenge?

Wait, Alex already did that.

A collaboration with Carmín?

Perfect! Working with a failing
influencer is just what he needs.

-Maybe you should reset.

You're overheating.

I have the perfect solution. Ha!

This idea is going to break the Internet.

But Jhon's just started?

But he'll have great company.

This will help him conquer
social media. (CHUCKLES)

Marcos, I was looking for you.

I was just about to call you.
We're so connected.

What do you think of collaborating
with Jhon and Alex?

Wow. I'd love to.

What do you have in mind?


♪ I discovered the harmony to be happy ♪

♪ My whole body's asking me to go out ♪

♪ Further away
I go for it ♪


Look. What do you think?

-How lovely.
-Draw with me.

We just came to talk to you about that.

Hmm. You don't seem excited.

No, your idea is great, but...

We can't draw like you!

I see.

What would you prefer, to write or draw?


Let's write.
Grab a color and follow my instructions.

This one.

Write a capital "A" sideways.


-Very good.

Now a sideways "X" from these two points.

Let's see.

-(CHUCKLES) Very good! Now...

Draw a "C" to connect these points.


-It's a fish!

-Look! It's a fish.

I can't believe you
just did a live tutorial!

Now, just a few details.

Draw small "C"s to make the scales.


Exactly. And two "O"s for the eyes.

(EXCLAIMS) How cute!

Anyone can draw.
You just need to practice.

-Very good.

-The final detail.

How cute! (LAUGHS)


So cute!

I need to take this. Keep practicing.


-Hi, Victor, how are you?
-Hi, Bia, great, you?

With the girls,
practicing for our next video.

Sorry for interrupting.

(LAUGHS) Don't worry.

I hated being interrupted
when I was with the band.

There's nothing worse
when you're in the zone.

(EXCLAIMS) Helena used to say that!

(LAUGHS) And where do you think
she got it from?

She heard it so often, it stuck!

That's actually why I'm calling,
about your sister.

-Yes, I want to meet Vera.

The girl who sent you
the recording of Helena singing.

Could you send me her number,
or tell me how I can find her?

I need to ask her first.

But I'm sure she'd love to.

-She used to love Moondust.

-No problem.

I'll let you know.

One more thing.
When will the song be ready?

The record company is rushing me.

There's still a few things to finish.
And with Manuel... (SIGHS)

Yes, I know things are a bit complicated.

I was asking because
I want to send it in on time.

If not, the song won't be on the CD.

That won't happen. It will be finished.

Thanks, Bia, lots of love.

-Why were you talking to Bia?
-I asked for Vera's number.

(EXCLAIMS) And to ask
when the song will be finished.

The record company wants to finish the CD.

Don't worry. I'll talk to Bia,
and we will get it finished.

(CHUCKLES) I knew I could trust you.



BIA: Hi, Manuel, how are you?
I can call you if you want.

Or we could meet up to chat.
Are you up for that?

♪ And in a second
We'll go around the world ♪

I need absolute silence to concentrate.


-I'll study somewhere else.

No, look! I found an article
about Ana Da Silvo.

PIETRO: What does it say?

A covert action
against chemical farming yesterday

in Berlin, led by Ana Da Silvo.

That's impossible.
She can't be in two places at once.

Either she has a clone...

No, it says she wasn't
there when it happened.

-She organized it from a distance.

-So it's the same Ana.

Hey, guys.

-DAISY: Hey.

How are you? We're great. Just relaxing.

Just chilling. Very normal.

-PIETRO: Are you okay?
-I'm shattered.

-Me too!

Had a hard morning?

No, we just went for a walk in the city.

We walked so much, but it was worth it.

I prefer Berlin.

How about you? Did you like Berlin?

Berlin? I love Berlin.

How did you know I've been?


You seem to be well-travelled.

You look like you've travelled the world.


Are you two feeling okay?


Ah, I'm going to make a salad today.

A Waldorf salad with celery,
green apple...

All organic of course!

With no herbicides.

What do you think, Ana?

Me? That's great.

I don't really like the use
of toxic chemicals in agriculture.

I have another question for Ana.


What's with the questions?

We want to get to know Ana.
What's wrong with that?


Are we going to continue rehearsing?

-I just need to send a message.

Victor wants to meet Vera.
I need to ask if it's okay first.

-Shall we go?

How are the channel's best artists?

-Trying to become better.

Practicing for our video.

It will be great!
The last video was a success.

You three make a great team.

Let me know if you want help editing it.

I edit all my own videos.
And I edited all of Carmín's too.

I didn't know! They're great.

They had a perfect pace. Good job.

Thank you.
So what will your next video be?

We're going to sing and draw.

-The three of you are drawing?

Mmm. That's a great idea.

You're a great artist
with so much imagination.


I always look at your posts.
I love your style.

Thanks, Mara, I'm happy to hear that.

-It's a bit harder for me.
-What do you mean? (CHUCKLES)

I want something new for my channel.

Something special. But I have no ideas.

Maybe something...

We could collaborate together!
It would be amazing.

Would you like to? Please, Bia, say yes!

You don't have to if you don't want.

You can say no.

I think it's a great idea.
There's no one better than Bia at drawing.


So, what do you think?

-Okay, count me in. (LAUGHS)

When you have time,
we can do some brainstorming.

-Of course. Brainstorm...


-Hi, Bia.
-Hi, Manuel.

Um, I'm calling about the song.

Yes, Victor told me
the record company is in a hurry.

Yes, that's why I'd like us
to meet later. Uh...

-But it's fine if you don't want to.


Okay, fine.

I'll finish it on my own.

No, I meant I do want
to meet and finish the song.

We need to do it for Victor and Helena.

Good. Shall we meet later?

This afternoon in the park?

Okay, see you later.


So, here you are in my house again.

-Is that a problem?
-Not at all.

I love having the family together.

But be careful,
it won't last long this time.

-What? Is that a threat?
-No, of course not.

Just friendly advice.
You heard what my mom said.

Forget about Bia Urquiza,
or you'll be back on the street for good.

Keep your advice to yourself
and leave me alone. Don't mess with me.

As long as you keep
Bia Urquiza out of our lives...

Enough. Stop that, Alex.

I won't play your game.
I won't let you hurt Bia or her family.

(EXCLAIMS) You should be ashamed.

You accused me of something I didn't do.
But you'll pay sooner or later.


♪ I want you to know
I don't breathe anymore ♪

♪ I feel like a raving madman
If you're not around ♪

♪ If you are not coming back ♪

♪ I want you to know
I don't breathe anymore ♪

♪ Life sent you away from me
And now you are not coming back ♪

♪ I will never forget
the moments we shared ♪


You've come far with the lyrics.

I'm still working on it.

You're on the right track.

What's up?

You seem happier than usual today.


Maybe it has something to do
with your decision to stay.


What? What are you thinking about?

About the interrogation
from Daisy and Pietro.


Do they know about my past?

I'm sure they don't.

So, why all those questions?

How did they know about Berlin?

Don't worry. Those two are
even weirder than usual at the moment.



Are you okay?

It's Bia.

She says Victor wants to meet Vera.

What am I going to do?

You finally show up!
I sent you a message centuries ago.

-Sorry, I've been busy.

Recently, you're always busy
when it comes to me.

-That's not true. Mmm-hmm.

We never spend time together.

You're no longer interested in helping me.

You're not interested in collaborating.
Not even a selfie with me.

Don't exaggerate! We're fine.

I'm just busy at the moment.

Ah, you're not too busy to do
a challenge with another web star.

(SCOFFS) I think you just don't want to.

I'm getting tired of your complaints.

I'm tired of being ignored and avoided.
Don't you think I notice?

Look, Alex, I won't tolerate
this situation any longer.

You're my boyfriend.
You're supposed to support me.

So, decide. Decide what you really want.

You can relax, Manuel is home.
Everything is fine.

LUCÍA: Are you sure? I spoke to him.

He only spoke
about his disagreement with Paula.

Don't worry, it was nothing.

As long as he's okay.

He will be. Paula doesn't have
a problem with him being here.

Okay, I'm glad it's all worked out.

We're all so happy he's here.
Especially Victor.

Yes, he told me they're close.

I was the same at his age. The same
gestures and expressions. (LAUGHS)

And the same personality.

It's clear whose son he is.

Dad. Who are you talking to?


-Been waiting long?

Only a few minutes.
I started drawing to get ideas.

Thank you for coming.
It's important we finish this. Together.

Don't thank me. I want to do this.

For Helena and Victor.


-Shall we start?

-Can I help you?




♪ I never thought love would find me ♪

♪ And I finally met you ♪

♪ My night changed colors ♪

♪ And in an instant ♪

♪ I fell in love with you ♪

♪ And how could I know ♪

♪ That a simple dream could ♪

♪ Take me above the clouds
Just by chance ♪

♪ I dreamt about you, my first love
I looked for you and I found you ♪

♪ I will be with you in every song ♪

♪ Promise me, my first love ♪

♪ That we will unite our dreams
With each song ♪

She gave me the go-ahead to write to Vera.


Where do you know Helena from?

We could stream a video
of us singing together.

-Singing together?
-Yes. Would you like that?

I thought it would take your mind off Bia.

I can't stop thinking about him.
It's like my head's gonna blow up.

But I think he finds it easy to move on.