Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016): Season 1, Episode 5 - Saturn Returns - full transcript

Vincent prevents a young man being shot during an armed shop robbery, but it has a security camera, so the tape must be dealt with. Vincent insists Cat must enjoy a birthday party thrown for her by friends, as part of the social life he misses dearly. Peeking from outside, Vince sees Evan steal a kiss. Meanwhile, Cat and Tess investigate the disappearance of a woman who may be in a witness relocation program and on the run from a killer, which Cat sees similarities between her growing relationship with Vincent. Cat invites Vincent to a home dinner and perhaps intimate night, but the image haunts him too badly.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Nine years ago,

I witnessed my mother's murder.

I would have been killed, too,
if it hadn't been for Vincent.

I was part of an experimental

special forces group.

Their goal was to create
the perfect super soldier.

They made us stronger,
faster, better.

But something went wrong.

They gave orders
to kill us all.

Somehow, I survived and have
been in hiding ever since.

Until a case
brought me back to him.

But also alerted the group
that experimented on him.

Now we're both in danger.

And our best chance at survival

is if we save each other.

My mind

Is in a state

'Cause all I seem to do
is tempt my fate

Well, I try

A bigger space

But all the while
I'm crashing at the gate...

What the hell's going on?

You're putting grooves
in the floor.

I need to get some air.

Open a window.

What's got you so amped up?

Oh, you must have
seen Cat.

That's why you came home
so late, isn't it?

You were with her.

For a little bit, yeah.

I know what you're
gonna say, man, but...

JT, she makes me
feel like... like

I have a life again.

Awfully dangerous
for a guy

who's supposed to be dead.

where are you going?

For a walk.

Stick to rooftops
where it's safe.

I'll be back soon.

If you're going out,
I'm coming with.

No, no,
that is a bad idea.

That makes us even.

So that's why you want to ask
that Sara girl out, right?

Delicate stomach?

That "girl" is a woman
who happens to be

the Associate Chair of
the Earth Sciences Department.

And I'm not asking her out
because I live in

an abandoned warehouse

with a complicated

You're afraid
she's gonna say no.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting

our eye contact
at department meetings.

I mean, I think
she's staring at me, but...

Please, please don't shoot me.

Nobody's a hero tonight.

Open up the register
and hit the floor.

I- I have a family.

Let's go!



Come on! Let's go!

Every day's a little better

Than the day before

Walking forward,
never looking back anymore

'Cause the future's
straight ahead

It's beautiful

Stay honest, never compromise
what's in your heart

Stand strong, you'll have
an easy time at the start

You'll never
have to ask for more

But sometimes you'll have
to go through the dark

Make mine a double.

How was your night?

Ex-porn star karaoke

sounds way more entertaining
than it actually is.

And where were you?

Because you were not in bed
when I came home.

Uh, yeah, I was on a case.

So why'd you leave
your badge here?

Does being my roommate also
involve tracking my every move?

No, but being your curious
little sister does.

I was hoping you had
a pre b-day hot date.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.


And we've been
through this, Heather.

But you love
your birthday.

I mean, who doesn't want
cake and Jell-O shots

and eligible bachelors
passing out in their bathtub?

Me. I told you, I don't feel
like having a party this year.

I do not get it.

I mean, what is so different
about this year?


I know what it is.

Saturn returns.

Saturn comes back into orbit
where it was when you were born,

and blah, blah, blah,
your life goes bass-ackwards

for the next seven years.


'Cause it has been so smooth
for the last seven.

It's a
beau-beau-beautiful day

A beau-beautiful day, yeah

What a beautiful day.

That slow, huh?

It's the third Thursday
of the month;

that's when criminals
have their staff meetings.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

You are not that sentimental.

Oh, no. You'll get a six-pack

and a drugstore card
that I'll get at lunch

and act like I
picked out days ago.

Mystery boyfriend?

'Cause that's the story

I've been running to explain

your mood swings
over the past few weeks.

No, it's from my dad

and the soon-to-be
step thingy.

Excuse me, Detectives?

The front desk
directed me to you.

I'm Michael Walters.

How can we help, Michael?

Have a seat.

My fianc?e, Amy, she was
at the apartment and, uh...

she's missing.

Uh, um...

This is her.


How long has she
been gone for?

About three hours, I think.

I came home from
an all night ER rotation,

and I made her breakfast.

Then I went
to Caf? Vermeer to get

our favorite coffee,
and when I came back,

maybe 20 minutes later,
she was gone.

When you got
home, were there

any suspicious circumstances?

Door kicked in?


I just found her engagement ring
left on the table.

Was there anything else
out of the ordinary?

Maybe some stuff missing?

I don't know.

The bedroom closet
was open, but...

I hate to break it to you,

but I think
she left you.

You don't know her.

Look, we're about
to get married.

She would never leave me.

It's not possible.

Michael, we have
to wait 48 hours

to open an official

Oh, I see.

Look, um, maybe we can
swing by the apartment,

see if there's anything
that catches our attention.

We can?

Thank you so much.
I really...

Thank you,



That's you, isn't it?
That's your jacket.

No one could recognize me
from that jacket.

Who knows what else is on
that surveillance tape?

What were you

What was I supposed to do,
let the guy shoot the clerk?

You guys have to be
more careful.

Me, choir.

But seems that since he met you,
Vincent feels alive.

He thinks he can
have a normal life

and walk on
sidewalks and stuff.

You know
who can't do that?

Guys with death certificates.

You know what we should do.

Not we, me. It's the benefit

of having someone
on the inside.

I'll call the
local precinct

and make sure
there's nothing else

on that surveillance tape.

That would be great,

but I think
he's talking about Phase B.

You seriously have
something called "Phase B"?

What if she's right?

What if someone
catches on to that photo?

We've never taken
the precautions

we should around here.

And if you're gonna
go for walks,

we need better security,

in case someone
follows you home.

Great. As if my life
isn't walled up enough already.

I'll start the inventory of what
we need to steal from campus.

I didn't hear that.

I didn't say it.

Is it too late
for "happy birthday"?

How did you know?

I've been watching
over you, remember?

Your birthday
was just always

a good marker each year to
check in, make sure you're okay.


Thank you.

Having a party?

You always have a party.

Uh, yeah- no,
not this year.

I don't feel like it.

As I got older, I thought that
I understood more about life.

And now, it's like
I've crossed this line,

and the world doesn't
make sense to me anymore.

You know, my birthday
used to be so simple.

My mom- she'd make me
pancakes for dinner.

And she'd buy me

a new pair of flannel pajamas,

and... we'd just
watch old movies.

Like I say, I'm
not in the mood

to play truth or dare
with my friends,

when I spend most of my days
lying to them.

About where I've been,
who I've been with.

I should, uh...

I should probably go.

My-my partner's
waiting for me.

I told her I left
something at home.

Another lie.

Thank you.

Thanks for coming by.

Have you heard from
Amy's family or friends at all?

Oh, well, her parents died
in a car accident years ago.

She doesn't have any siblings
or close friends, really.

She was kind of shy
and quiet.

She left her
engagement ring on the table.

That seems kind of loud.

I wanted to surprise her with
breakfast and the announcement.

I sent it into the paper.

I thought
she'd find it romantic.

We planned a quiet wedding
in Rockland County,

just us and the justice.

How long did Amy live here?


she moved in with me
about a year ago.

No photos of you two?

She's a Virgo.

Liked to keep our place
super clean.

You have anything
with her name on it?


I'll take a look.

Do you think it's strange
that there's absolutely no sign

of a woman living here?

How could she pack up a year's
worth of life in 20 minutes?

Yeah, it took me
five weeks to pack up

my studio apartment
last time I moved.

This place makes it seem
like she never existed at all.

I'll check the bedroom.

Uh... sorry,
I couldn't

find anything
with her name on it.

I usually keep my bleach
by the laundry.

Oh, well, she must've
been cleaning in here.

She does that a lot,

but it didn't bother me.
Hey, Cat.

Phone for you.

Just give me a second,
okay, Michael?



Mind if I use
your bathroom?

It's a long drive back
to the precinct.

Of course.


What are we looking at?
Murder? Missing persons?

We found a woman's hair.
We're checking to see

if its DNA gets a hit
on that Amy woman,

if the DNA matches the blood
found in the closet.

Why would he report her

if he's the one
that killed her?

Throw off suspicion with tears.

You know, she sees
the announcement,

realizes she's
making a mistake,

and then gives the ring back. He flips out,

kills her, cleans it
up and then realizes

someone's gonna
report her missing.

He could be a flight risk.

Okay, I'll put
undercovers on him.

You two, pull warrants
and start to dig quietly.

Let's see if we can
find a friend,

someone she complained
about Michael to.

Someone she told everything to.

Is that what friends
are for? I wouldn't know.

The flowers are from my dad.

There is no secret guy.

I swear.

Is she gone?

I don't know. Is she invisible
and I'm the only one

who can't see her?

So, keep her out until 9:00. Detective.

And could you pick up

the margarita machine
on the way over?

Uh-huh. And just
how do you expect me

to explain picking up
a margarita machine to Cat

on the way to her apartment
on her birthday,

which supposedly you promised
not to throw a party for?

Good point.

It's a match-
DNA of the hair and blood

from a woman mid-to-late 20s.

Sounds like Amy. What about
the prints from the newspaper?

Yeah, I ran the prints through
the system, but they're smudged.

I'll try and clean them up
and run them through again.

Okay, mind if I print this? No.


The most eligible
bachelor with his

I- can-bag-anyone-in-this-

accent has reverted
to online dating?

I didn't know you thought
my accent was sexy.

Okay, so who is
this buxomly bimbo

you've stooped to?

Claire Sinclair?

Is that her screen name?

Likes hiking

and reading. How original.


A masters in poli sci...

and a PhD in economics.

Climbed Mount Everest?

Well, maybe you should
open yourself up

to the possibilities
of the World Wide Web, Cat.

I'm not the one that's gone stag
to the Police Ball

three years running.




Now that everyone's met...

What are you doing here? I...

um, well, Tess said
you were down here.

I... locked

myself out.

Could I borrow your spare?
I need

to get you a set of keys
to wear as earrings.


Okay, come on.

Margarita machine.

Detective Chandler.
Here you go.

From Precinct 86?

No problem.

Good news. No frame
of that video footage

can clearly peg you.

Your identity is safe.

"Blocking analog"? Shuts down any wireless devices

in the perimeter.

Thank you, JT.

is starting to feel
like my escape these days.

You're not spending your
birthday on your own, are you?

You at least need a pizza

or a movie
or something.

Are you buying?

Theoretically? Yes.

No, that would be JT.

The one with the paycheck.

You're offering me
an entire night

where I don't have
to make up lies?

Yeah, I figured you could
use a break from it.

I'll see you at 8:00.
It's a date.

Not a...
not a...


What is it with guys?
You could put up

a picture or something.
It would make the place

feel less like a prison.

Why, is there something wrong?

No pictures.
Nothing personal.

It's part of
the To Go Plan.

We can get everything out
of here that links to us

in 14 minutes and be on our way
to the safe haven.

Right, because you're
on the run,

someone's after you.

Did you say "safe haven"?

Yeah, it's...

JT's name.
I think it's kind of goofy.

It's just a place we know
how to get around in, but...

where no one would ever think
to look for us.

What if no one was erasing Amy?

What if she was
erasing herself?

And she made herself disappear
in less than 20 minutes?

That might explain
what the system kicked up

when I reran the prints.

Her name's not Amy.

Amy's real name is

Lily Carter.
Besides this driver's license,

there's no other record
of Lily's existence

before the age of 18-
no birth certificate,

no Social Security number,

no school records.

You know, if we're keeping you
from your hot date...

Oh, it's not a problem.

She's waiting for me.

Chandler, Vargas.

JT Forbes!

Sara. Hey.

I, uh...


sure you're wondering what I'm doing. Yeah,

you've been staring at me
during staff meetings.

Uh... I-I...

I... wouldn't...
I wouldn't call it staring.


I'm farsighted, so...

yeah, well, uh,
I've asked around

and apparently
you don't have a girlfriend

or any kind of life.

Supposedly you show up

to faculty functions alone.

I'm so glad everyone's noticed.

well, I kept waiting, but...

Do you want to go out
for coffee sometime?

I, uh...

I, um...


I got to go.

Well, what was
I supposed to say?

Uh, how about "yes"?

Wake up, Vincent.

Uh, finger.

Coffee leads to lunch,
lunch leads to dinner,

dinner leads to drinks, and...

we all know where that leads.

Exactly. And you could do

with some of that.
And what am I

supposed to say
after three months of dodging?

She can't come see my house

I don't know. Because...
you live with your parents.

Oh, that's studly.
That'll get me laid. Thanks.


what if she was trustworthy?

Okay, if she was...

someone special that knew
about us and understood.

I did that. Remember?

I was that trustworthy friend.

Lasted about a year.

I had roommates and

a girlfriend.

They start asking questions
and you get caught

lying to people
you love about where you've been

and what you've been doing.

It's not a choice.
You can never

leave this secret behind.

It's a lot easier
to leave your life.

I'm not trying
to make you feel bad.


bringing someone else in
like Sara...

She might understand.

First she'll tell
the little lies,

then she'll...

start brushing off a friend
here and there.

It's impossible
to avoid. You know that.

If we actually

care about someone,
we can't let them

give up their world to live
like this in ours.

Witness Protection.

Amy witnessed the murder
of her parents.

The man who killed them got away
but his accomplice was caught.

She testified and helped
put him behind bars.

Then she was assigned

That's why she
didn't leave any

trace of herself
at that apartment.

Marshal Gibson
here set up

Amy's identity.
He's been her handler

for the past three years.

I'm taking those undercovers

off Michael.
She saw

the engagement photo
in the paper and ran,

afraid her identity
had been compromised.

That's when she called us.
Is she safe?

Is she with you?

I'm not at
liberty to say.

But we will have to
touch base with anyone

you contacted.
Any person who...

gets onto her identity
could put her in danger.

Thanks for your help.

Walk you out.

Well, it's 8:00.

We're off the case.

How about a
birthday beer, bud?


Grade school pageants
could act rings around you.

Please don't tell me
it's a surprise party.

Heather promised
that she wouldn't.

Fine. What time?

9:00. Act surprised.

You're early.

I'm barely in the door.

Uh, Phillips head?


Thing is, um,
I'm going to be late.

Heather, against my wishes,

is throwing me
this surprise party, so

I thought I could stop by after,
if that's okay.

Yeah, um, but you
don't have to.

No, I, I know I don't have to,

but I thought when the party was
over, we could still hang out.

There's no reason
why I can't have

one foot in both worlds.

You know, that's what
JT said nine years ago.

Um, look,

Keeping a secret like this-

it really takes
a toll on a life.

I mean, we didn't know what we
were getting into back then,

but, um, we really do now.

I didn't save you
all those years ago

for you to hide out
in a dusty warehouse.

You know, JT and I
haven't celebrated

a birthday
in ten years.

I mean, who would
we invite anyway?

Go to your party.

You're lucky to have one.

Vincent, I just wish
you could be there.

You have a life.

Go on, go live it.


Happy birthday,
big sis.

pissed, or both?

Ah, totally surprised.

You look surprised.

You shouldn't have done this.

It's your Saturn returns.

Okay, what else
would you have done-

sat around and wished
you had a party?

Hey, happy
birthday, Chandler.

Thanks, boss.

Hey, Cat.

This is Claire.
Yes, I know.

Nice to see you.

Oh, have we met?

No, but, um, I
feel like we have

'cause Evan's been
talking about you a lot.

That makes me sound
like a stalker.

I've been appropriately
conversant about you.


Mm-hmm, sure.

So, uh,

is it true that you climbed Everest? Yeah, twice,

but I had to stop
a lot to pee.

In fact, I need to use
the girls' room now.

Is it...?

Oh, it's that way.

Do you need a Sherpa?

No, thanks, I keep
a spare in my bag.



a mountain climber,
yet funny and down-to-earth.

Obviously put on Earth to make

all other women feel inferior.

And those pumps-
I'd kill for those pumps.

Am I allowed
to shoot her?

It is my birthday
after all.

Can we get drunk now?

Yes, that's the spirit.

You know,
Tess did help decorate.

You did?

There's Saturn.

Yes, I kind of figured.

And do you know
what that one is?

Um, Uranus hasn't been
funny since fifth grade.

It's a star... for Mom.

I figured she should be here
for your big party, too.

Thanks, sis.
You're welcome.

And thank you, Tess, for
completely ignoring my wishes.

It's what we're here for.

Where's Claire?

Tightrope walking
across rooftops?

Here we go
- lime, strawberry, and shots. Ooh, yay.

All right.

To Catherine.

Happy birthday.



Oh, it is on.

Oh, my God...
look, look, look.

Photo booth.

Tell me whatcha doin'

In this place

Tell me who you're with...

Gang signs.

Where we goin'?

I need to know

If you are showin'...


Joe, n-n-n-no, come on,
come on. No, no, no, no.

Come on, in you go.
I hate pictures.

No, no.

Smile, Joe. No, no, wait, my right side is my good side.

No! Switch with me, switch...

Switch with me, switch... No.

Tonight we're gonna
rock, rock...

Since Saturn is returning,
it's time to see stars.



Live on the edge.
Down the hatch.

Right here's the place to be

Up in the VIP,
everything's all right...

Hey, photo
booth is free.

Excellent, right,
I'd better get my mascara on.

Put your hands up in the air,
now put 'em 'round me

Since we don't care...

Catherine seems nice.

Yeah, yeah,
she's a good detective.

It's only 3:30
in the morning.

Happy birthday!

Raise 'em up,
get 'em up high

Live it up, raise it up...

Make a wish.

What do you want
for your birthday?

Just raise
your glasses high...

Whoo, happy birthday,

big sis.

Heart is on a mission

Oh, oh...

Oh, bye, thank you.
Thank you for having me.



Hi. I'm gonna have to get going, sweetheart.

But we haven't even taken
our picture yet.

No, come on.

Things can't stay
this way forever

Things can't stay this way

It's bound to get better...

Claire will be waiting.

This will just
take a second.


Too late.

It doesn't give you
enough time.

You have to be ready.

Oh, my...

I missed it again.
Okay, I'm drunk.

Okay, there's only one more.

Let's just do
something different.

Think fast.

Oh, whoa, oh, whoa-oh

Oh, whoa,
oh, whoa-oh

Heart is on a mission

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh...

I- I can't...

You don't have to.

I've had a little
too much to drink...

and you obviously

Just for the record,
you didn't push me away.

Cat, champagne!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Heart is on a mission

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Heart is on a mission.

Where have you been,
or should I even ask?

I stopped by Catherine's
to give her a gift.

Your ability to leave me
speechless is unparalleled.

No one saw me, JT.

Did she like it- her present?

I don't know,
she never got to open it.

She was kissing some guy.



I can't blame her, though.

I mean, I told her
to go live her life,

and that is what she did.

But I... I don't really want to talk about it.


Vincent, you all right?

Vincent, you all right?

I'm okay. Yeah, I'm okay.

It's nothing, I'm just tired.

It's been a long night.

Michael Walters?

Marshal Chuck Gibson.

It's about Amy.

May I come in?

I believe I'll be able
to answer all your questions.

Please do.

Hey, I got your call.

What happened here?

Signs of a violent struggle,
originates in the living room.

Is this Michael's blood?

It could be,
they're testing it.

Looks like Michael put up
quite a struggle.

Let's just hope he's alive
when we find him.

Okay, so, when I touched base
with WITSEC last night,

I wasn't actually talking

My phone was wirelessly
hijacked for 20 minutes,

so when I called WITSEC
to check Gibson's credentials,

I was actually talking
to somebody in Jersey.

If you were rerouted,
then where's

the real Marshal Gibson?

His body washed up
on shore yesterday.

So, who the hell

was in your office?

James Mason.

Wanted for the murder
of Amy's-

aka Lily Carter's- parents.

Amy is the only one
who can I.D. Mason

as the killer
and put him away for life.

So, why take Michael?
Well, he assumes

Michael is so close to her,
he knows all her secrets,

like where she'd go.

Mason will probably
keep Michael alive

until he finds Amy.

Question is, where
is Amy's safe haven?

Safe haven? Yeah, she lives her life on the run.

There must be some
familiar place

for her to fall back on
when she gets scared.

Didn't Michael say
they were going

on a honeymoon
in Rockland County?

Um, according
to Amy's real file,

she went to camp there
in grade school.

Rockland County?

What do you have?

When we tapped

Michael's cell,
there is a message

from his credit card company

saying some woman alerted them
to a fraudulent charge.

It was made from
a Rockland County gas station.

Amy was sending
him a message.

When you can't call
someone directly,

you have to find another
way to get to them.

Amy was trying to tell Michael
where to find her.

Okay, Rockland's 30 away,
we can't lose any more time.

Let's get a full list of
those hotels and split 'em up.

All right. Okay. Okay.

Tess, I'm at the Belmont Hotel.
I think I have a possible match.

Unknown young woman in room six,
so, get here fast.


My name's
Catherine Chandler, NYPD.

I know you're scared,
and I know about James Mason.

Please open the door.

I want to help you
and Michael.

I think he's in trouble.

Maybe this is
hard to understand,

but for years, I was living
with a secret identity,

holed up in my
apartment, just terrified

that someone would
come into my life.

And when Michael
did, I got scared,

and I tried pushing him away.

Does that sound silly?

I knew I shouldn't
get involved with him,

but I couldn't
help myself.

I was drawn to him.

And then I moved in,
and we got engaged,

and I wanted that
life so badly...

...that I forgot I'll
always be on the run.

When I saw our
photo in the paper,

I knew that I
had to leave.

Leave him.

Maybe this time,
Michael will run with you.

He could never be himself again.

Not a doctor.

It's just too
easy to track.

I could never ask someone
to make that sacrifice for me.

You can't assume
what's right for him.

Get back in!

So what will
happen to them?

They get
to come out of hiding.

They're lucky.

I'm sorry
I didn't tell you.

It wouldn't
have been fair for you.

Well, that should
have been my choice.

I'd go anywhere
with you.

Thank you for the gift.

I found it on
the fire escape,

but I wanted to wait
and open it with you.

How was your birthday?

Actually, it was horrible.

I was standing there
with my sister

and all of my friends

and all of these people
who supposedly know me,

and they don't... know me.

They don't...
really know me anymore.

Your life isn't here, Catherine.

Half of it isn't.

And I know,
because in the other half,

I have to lie to everyone.

Act like
I'm doing things I'm not,

watch every word I say.

Put up walls and then remember
where I've put them.


I realized that what I wanted
for my birthday was

to sit across from someone that
I don't have to pretend with.

That's you.

No, I can't ask...
You are not.

Vincent, I want to have you over
for dinner.

Pull down the blinds, just
sit down, have a glass of wine,

not have to...
watch my every move.

Just... be.

The only reason

you have to watch your
every move is because of me.

I'm not the guy for that.

You need the, uh, normal guy

that can show up
to the birthday party.

What makes you think
I want a normal life?

What I do- it isn't up to you.

It's my choice, not yours.

My sister's going out.

I'll have dinner ready by 8:00.

And unless there's...

something else holding you back,

I hope to see you there.

I want you to know

The best part me

I want you to feel my heart

Life's harmony

Even I know sometimes

It's hard to see

That I'm nothing
without you

And I can't breathe
without you

And you're the one

You really knew me

I said it was wrong

It still felt right to me

I was afraid

That you would one day leave

'Cause I'm nothing
without you

And I can't breathe
without you

I want you to know

The light's on outside

And when I'm alone

You're still on my mind

Knowing myself

I can no longer hide

'Cause I'm nothing
without you

And I can't breathe
without you.